The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, December 07, 1877, Image 1

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    4 a. .
Mrii J. Until, BaMer aa ftiprtri
rriCK-CoB rauartraartoTBBBT
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' fr....
Tires saneta,.,
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ADVgBTUEMgrrslBasrt4 aa Rssaueafcle
TIM Hal iM aeirea sf rsesslew. . "
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vvaun ev "jvmth iih," ."tun mi,
.'"Oil WO1 SFBKX1
1,.' "umi noaiaoa,M .
. - arc., btc., arc.
(Katfed.aoiUlnxtAetef the
7r 177. by aha, A. 4. Dealway, la tbe omoe a
las Uaeerlaa efCoacrsssal Washington Cllr.)
Tbe secret of Tbomaa Joaee' present
desire te visit hla wife " an . terms of
friendship lay la Ilia Isct, at that tin
kuowa only to himself and. .Belle Mea
aoa, tbat Ibe twain bail reeeutly bad
levers' quarrel by letter, la which aba
bad aaora thaa hinted lba tbelr former
Intimate relations must Cease,
Tba honorable law-giver wea deter-
as load ta keep oncaTWng to bla bow,
and, ay way of kseplng himself oa tbt
sldsjf comfort,, thought It, prudent to
protect bla possibly to-be -desired
ebancee of future aHlano with bla
wronged and dlaeardad wife, forwboae
favor ba did Dot eara a jot eo long ba
u under tba faaelaatluoa of tba siren.
' Tba first Mt of dissimulation far,
Martha's I nasi truthfulness asserted
Itaalf, a ad bar conversation baeama m
oooatraload and formal aa one mlgbl
baa tow apoa tba nultr of oeramoDlaa
..t the in q uiall 1 ua w bare be w a to be
broken upoa tba wheal. . -
Ha returned tba greeting with a am I la
tbat bad an air of shame or abseplsb
Mat about It, notwithstanding tba lof
pudeel assurane It required to bring
blaa tber at all.
"Ar yoa bow on yonr return ta
Washington, Mr. Jones?" aaked tha
Wlfa, wltb anforoad calmness. ."!
"Y,". timidly. "I go by to-morrow's
; ataaoiar, and 1 thought It best to call
and tea If I could do anything for yon
I tba abiUraa WWa leaving.".
Martba knaw Instinct! vsly that eome-
tblog was' JfjyJjbJba X?JSLloBatanil3itli
pad tired or her, or tbey bad quarreled.
She waa certain of tbat. '
'Have you planty of money, Mrs.
Jones 7" baaabad, wltb a sneaking look.
"What, air. Is tbat to you 7" waa tba
bitter reply. "Tbemat Jonea, you bave
robbed aaa, under tba law, of my In
allanabla rlgbtaV- You bave wraatad from
' my own earnings. , Yoa bava buntll
latad naa bayoud axprtaaloa by eompelt.
. log n)a to aooapt pauuniary aid from tha
' only man for wbom I avar para!, truly,
and ansaluahly anlartalnad ooapa'rk of
oonjugal'affaotlon. Apd now, attar
bavlag tLua robbad and bnftalllatad
your wlfa, you bava (ba Impudanoa to
oma bara. In tba botiftVpf tha man yon
nava aiao wrongaq, ano aan naa it i nfi
aaonay I Sir, aan yon aappbrt and ad
eat your obltdraa.-wllboat eaaavy f
Who, but yoaraalf, la raaponalbla for
rtbalrrrtfUberBTr,'bul Tor tba flotioo"of
a oaa-aldad law and eoilont tbat gaa
you unwarrantablf Juriatllotlon ovor
a, you would ba la. tba BtaU Pa nltan
tiary for naaialsaa outragaa, and you
know It. Lratama. Laava tbls bouaa.
Oo back to tba wonaaa, not aaora gnlHy
tbaa yooraalf, for wbaaaaaka .yoa baa
robbad yaur family of eopport. But
Daaar data to anma to mo again, to ra
aaUa or baa tow a faaor, laat I balay yon
with a rolling-pin or waab-board, tba
nly available paeunlary raaoureaa
wblab tba laws of man, -In tba tiaoda of
, Bnprloelplxt hnabanda, aannot iaka
away from a defenseless woman." .
Like all ly rants, Tbemaa Jones was a
award. He-bad- expect d temper, re
Bsooatraaoa, and tears. He bad fonnd
dignity, upbraiding and defiance, and
be waa frightened.-
"Very wall,' aald ha, trembling with
timidity, la wbleb anger bad no present
part; "1 thought I'd do my duty, and
me, It'a all right,"
--"1 bava not aald that your ehlldrea
did not . need support, Mr Jonea. You
know as well as I that they do need It
I have a debt of aevee thousand dollara
: apoa wy eeoeclenoe, upoa which I must
pay the eonsuatly acerulog Interest.
Yea bava left mewltb aay bands fufl,
and fled. ' And new, If It suits yooreon
sslsnoe and your puree and. purpose to
threw the responsibility of your chil
dren's bringing up entirely upon me, I
have aa redreee; at leaat I shall seek
one, for the moment I should attempt
tw oolleet from yoa for their support,
your laws would take tbera from me."
Martba bad apekea Unwisely la tba
heal af bet Indignation,, aad glvaa
Tbomaa Joaea tba sua to a new Idea.
"By George! I've scented game !" ba
- aald, ta himself, aa be departed from the
Oa his way tw bla betel be srchlen-
- tally encountered Kingston Greene
borough, aad bla old Jeeloaey fired blm
wUb aa aneonlroliable deal re for re
venge. Jaatfrhat grievance ba bad
that ealled for vengeance apoa the man
be bad wronged he eeuld not for bis Ufa
have elated; for ' be knew, In hie Inner
"cobeslooeneee, tbat Martha, aa bla wife.
respected berestf toe highly In dishonor
bst ewa womanhood, but be Judged ber
by blmaalf, and, thus Judging, covered
. ber fair eame wltb eecfel accusal leas sf
Qreensborough scorned to look at blm,
aa was natural. la bla soul be cow
Umptmt Ibe ma a who bad legally
robbed blm of bis aQauced VtT and bis
rightful pmparty. Bat ba knaw tbat
any aort of forelbla raalatanea wsa woraa
than full la, a'n4 badno lotaotUa of
atlamptlnc It. Ha bad triad tba law
a Dd failed. Morahadldnotpropoaatodo.
Thomas Jonra loat both tempar and
raaaon at Iba safeia Inataot. Advancing
dlrVctff In front of tha aaererarvTdao!a-
tcctlva, and, being Ulndd by Jealoua
raga, n4 knowing wbat ha did, ba
anatad htm with a volley of opprobrious
apeuaatlona. rn which .tba nama of bla
wlfa was freely Sod Infamously aasallad,
Klngstoo Orwan thorough ahould bava
refuwrd srsn then lo nolioa or rapl r la
aaV war to tba niaa wlioas It would
bava baen baaa ilattarylo bava sailed a
dog. But bla owa tamper waa bnmap,
and ba Uet control of It. 4 Ctenchlug bfa
pnolera Oat, ba felled tha fellow ky a
single blow, which laid blm stiff and
osotloaleeS at hla faC
MIauppuaa I'va killed 1ba dog 5" ba
muttered; "but It aervee blm right I
a man shall taka naa name In vain, I
wblle I am-praaeut 9 rvseot IIP
he walked rapidly on toward Martha's
rasldsnfir, not delguluf 9 nMlve wbalbar
bla antagonlet would recover or not.
Thomas Janes picked himself up with
. staggering effort. lie bad bean
atuaned by tha blow, but not materially
Injured, and bla dealra for revenge Upon
both Klug and Martba waa doubly en
hanced. . " '
la bla dilemma aa lo future proceed-;
logs, ha sought tba offloa of Captain
Johnson, wboaa blrsuta faeo was shin
log-through tha window-panes of a.
broker's offloa, wbere ba did a thriving
trads In many dlreotlona. .
Tha two bald private counsel together
for a few minutes, not noticing that a
llstsncr was near.
Tba Honorable Augustus Marblehead
bad entered tha offloa durtug the ab
eeuce 01 Ibe proprietor at lunch, and
bad taken a seat lu tba Inner oonferaoce
room, lutandlog to consult blot upon
some Important buslneaa ImmadiatelyjbFrasbi wu fairly IhruaUuglberat upon
upon bis return. 'But be pad become
abowbod loW"ne-y-i
he waa suddenly aroused by tba voiceeof
"Tbara are two ways you can. bead
them off," said Johnson. ' "You can
borrow, any fire tbouaau'r o' me; and
I'll take your note, sud a lien upon your
third Interest In tbat bouaa o bars. Of
eouree aba won't alga -tba lien; but no
matter. I'll only loan you a tbouaan',
though we'll call It five. Twill be due
la alx months, and than we'll foreclose
and oust her." .
But It's a game two can play el.
Cap; ' She may borrow money on mort
gagee hsrself, sod checkmate me, you
a now.". - - . .
"Which shows tbat you know very
llttls about law," waa the laughing re-
ply"A married wo.usu cau't legally
giTa a amw or airn a monsaget eacrpL
wltb ber husband'a signature and coo-
aeut as an accompaniment. Wltb a
man It's different, for be Is the head I of.
tCe famKyTaud can Jo aa ba pleases."
Thsre's another thing that bothers
me, Cap, As sure as you live, that fae
cal that knocked me down Juat now will
marry tba woman 'as soon as she gets
free. They're plotting for It wow, and
I'm nut and Injured." " 1 : 'c;
", em marry. It's none o
our buslneaa,"
'But the children, Cap.' Not that I
are so much fur the young enea, but
Ae doe. , I'll gat tbsja away from ber
by law, and then I'll have the satlsfae
tloa of aeelag ber writhe end equina.
FutAbe Iqiss lbs brststa diet reel ton; 1
though why aba should, seeing aba's al
ways protested against their ax latence,
and bored me half to death wltb grum
bling 'eauee they would come, I'm sure
I can't Imagine." .
Thst's neither here nor there In this
ease, Jonea. The children are yours la
law and el h lea, and you aaa replevy
them and lake them on to Washington
She will find yens note falling due In
alx months, yaw udbw, and tht will
contribute to Ibe further trimming of
ber ealle, for the boaee will be aold, and
once the money's In the bands of your
attorneys, tbey can band it over to you,
and yoa can do as yoa please with It;
for a man can't be eoavleted of say ml
demeanor for using funds belonging to
hla wife, yoa know."
Que .Marblehead gritted bla teeth la
Indignation. -
"Is It possible," be thought, "that la
so-called free America, where the chief
executive Is swora lo guarantee to
every eillsea the equal protection of the
laws, such lafsmy should be practiced
sgalaat the women who are entirely
without their paler .
Another thought concerned blm. How
waa be to escape unobserved, and put
Martha oa her guard f And wbat good
would putllog ber en ber guard do, any
how, saalog she couldn't help herself?
Juat then be copied a side door, before
anBotloed, half bidden by Ibe bachelor's
bed eurtarns. This discovery relieved
blm of eoedllemma, and a conference
wltb bis wife at Ibe betel Showed him
Ibe way out of the other.
I IL was but AtUUe-wMhr-tHtMx-tht
Marbiebsad nee Broava was la secret
eoasplracy with Martba Janes nee Mar
blehead. A subjugated laas la always a plot
ting one. Nature ever aecke ta make
atonement for every outrage apoa ber
rights. . Maa rules aad woman schemes,
and whenever woman stoops ta aa
serupaloua scheming, she Is more tbaa
I0 1 cTXA.Pf D ( OREOON, F1HDAY, IilCCKMIJKIl r, ,'lT,f'.
In tha fact that unscrupulous sehsnildg
Is delatarlous to tba honor and honealy
of tbnea eiif aged lo It, however ueeea-
sary It may ba for tbetu to am ploy It aa
1 a meana of eelf-defeoee.
Tha two man la tha broker's offlos
eootlnued thalr coufarenea for an hour
auer us ocpanuraor tjurouai Aiaroia-
bead; ad the reeult was tbat Kingston
Greeusborougb waa a r reeled for aasault
at "too late an bour to procure ball, and,
as the evening waa Saturday, waa com
pelled to remain lo the city jail till
Monday, where he gnaabed, hla Uelb In
tboUtlruse of 8tifer-h si" Was-cer
tainly eicusable under the clream
stances. , , V .
Morning came, and with It another
vlall from Tboatae Jonea to tha residence
of Ibe dlacarded wife. 4
' Martba mat blm with a euille; but It
waa a alekly tflart, for aha waa not only
unused to diaalmulallon, but bar heart
was agonised, aa only a mother's can
be, at tbe thought of being deprived of
the children of her humiliation, Buffer
ing, and toll, , ' l - '
lam glad to sea yuu once morej- M r.
Jones," shs said, calmly. "Hluce your
visit yeatarday, I harva bean thinking
eve'rylhlng-earefully over, and I find
that I could live easily enough now, If
you would only take Ibe children of
my bauds. I bava a ball-dosen regular,
genteel gentleman boarders, who pay
me good round prices forenterlatu meui;
but the care of the children la too great
an additional harden. Won't you take
them to .my -father-a-oU" your mother
They are more responsible for their ax
latence than I, for tbey compelled me to
marry you and become tbslr motbsr;
and It's nothing more tban right tbat
you and they should relieve me of the
reaponeib'llity of their support."
Tba Honorable Tbomaa Jonas ' was
checkmated for once. He did not wsot
the children at all, unices by taking
them ba eoutd annoy the another. And
blm to please herself.
ready. I'll ba along after them by one
cluck VVkllU IH tuTu"pTfyerlbo
bouse, while Martha sat as nne stupefied.
He waa not fairly gone before ber
slater In-law entered, laughing heartily.
"The ruse baau't worked," aald Mar
tha, bar limp bauda falling nerveless by
her sides, and beT Hps quivering In
agony. - . - '. "
"But It-baa worked, an J-wlH work,"
continued ber friend. "You needn't
trouble yourself to csll the children
from the nureery, for I'd wager my
head tbat be won't come after them.
He tbloka you're altogether too willing
to give them up, and be only propoaed
to take them to annoy you,- But you're
an artful dlaaemblerslatar mine. . I
bATC doo, t M Wt!r myself.1
at leaat a little respite from bis peraecu-
She did not know till the loardera
came to lunch that King waa In tba
city prison. Then, ber Impulse was to
send him a note of condolence, offering
any aealetance that might be necessary
to freS blm from reetraloU But sober
prudence prevailed. . Her motives would
be misconstrued.
"Msnrmade the laws, and they may
enjoy tbam, for all nf ms," she''' aald,
though aba atole away to pray for King.
And I doubt not kut a good angel
wafted her petition to bis ell; for,
white men around blm were aleeplng
off tbelr deep patetlene, be
lag of sunshine and bapplneaa, and the
atteoUons of a nlnlsterlng spirit who
bad once been Martba Marble head.
To a eontlaaed. '.'
. lUi.K-sor tri Ashtabula Hob roil
It wtir Interact all who loat frieoda In
the Aahtabula railroad horror laat win
ter lo know that during the aprlng and!"tl.t'1?jl:.r!!?.-hT!
been found, mmtare In tn com tier's Bars
atthsteity. It will loteraat tnwm more.
and ahould I ate real every one, to know
that, though soma of tbem have been In
tbe haodeof Jhe county officials bnt two
or three mAVihs, they propnee to. aell
Ibeae re Ho at public suetlea In January
neat, Tbey will aell them because ous
year will tban have elapsed since tbe
accident, and tbat la tbe length of time
the law obligee them to hold eucb artl
clea. Toya and little baby wrapa,
burned trlnketa and gar men la of all
klnda are not of much money value, but
would be prloeiesa to mourning frlenda,
many of whom have aa yet absolutely
no relic of the loat ones. It Is hoped
that this ward will circulate all over the
country, tbat survivors msy write for a
delay of procsodlnga, or stall Aeblabula
before tbe sals.- Cktcagv Inter- Ocean.
A Hai htxd Cr fx. About a quarter
Is II e'elock r. M., turnkey, l'erdon,
while making bla rooude past tba eel la
of tbe old Treme Station, discovered
that a place of telne waa tied from tbe
Inaideof call el 1 teen, better known by
Iba police In that precinct aa-the
"haunted Cell." Ha Immediately opened
tba door, and found a young Italian,
named Armaud Ursa, who bad been
locked up fur having been found at tba
corner of Iumaioe and Rampart streets
under auapleloue etreumetancee, la tba
art of placing the twine around hie neck.
Tbe turnkey naked blm wbat be was
UyUtff la4t ea-d beanswrel thai bs
wanted ta bang blmaalf. He aald that
from tbe tlase be enured the cell be felt
strange tblngs creeping over blm, and
beard anase ooe calling him. Ha waa
handcuffed aad taken down-etaire for
aafe keeping. Strange to say tbat la
the peat three or four years no leaa thaa
asveuleen persona have attempted to
iVetroy themselves la this eell. JVesr
OWaa Vxryuna. -
Advice to Ohte: No North, no South,
no Ilaet, and especially no Weet, T
rasa Hraara, faaa Paaaa, rasa raorta.
The Senate baa passed both tba army
and navy appropriation bills, tba latter
without amendment. As the :amsno
msuts to the army bill do not radloally
change It, we.eipect Ibe House to eon-
csr directly, or tbrougb -a .eonferenca
comAJiltea, wunin.a rew uaya. mere
la rreat need of Improvement lu our
mode of eaecUug laws. We not only
alioald bsvs a voU of "ayes" and "nay a"
upon every measure which Involvss ap
propriation of mooey! but should confloa
appropriation 'acta exeleslvely to that
ournoae. In tale army bill. Senator
Thurmsu very property condemned iba
addition . thereto, by amendment, of
matters purely, legislative, and wbleb
should be Drat matured la Ibe commit
tee to which audi matter belonged. For
Instance, tba Llll'makea appropriation
for support of certsln-reglments of csv
airy, and lhen directs Jbe dUpoaalAf
the troops Inj a manner which, Mr.
ITburmsn claimed,-was In gross usurpa
tion of .the, Hgnts of Ibe military eom-
mtttrwboeoduty was tmnatorrindl
report all aueb mess urea. The demone
tisation of silver waa first rendered poa-
sibls by this boarding aasppropriatlon
bill wltb a legislative burden belonging
alooe 10 Ibe committee an finance 10
determine, and the eoooer we abandon
tbla moat peroicleus practice, the bet
ur for the loUrcaU of the enuntry. Ap
proprlatiou billa are dlscusae.1 and
emended often whan not nearly a quorum
ftf ataaibere tsprsisoL No ouala lntajvl
rated enough to demand a call of Ibe
House by which the lack of quorum
would ba showo, hsnce tba facility with
which dangerous provisions creep into
our laws msy be appreciated, when the
people reflect tbat, a naker'a aosen 01
men can determine, sua oiten ao, ins
nature of these laws.- But were, appro-'
prlalioo bills restricted closely to pro
viding mesne for tha executive officers
lo disburse, and the directory needs
thereof left to the proper committees,
I "get thmifamf were tho-"ayes'read "uun'l eom
we fesr the trade of pa bile filch rs by
means of vicious laws would be nar
rowed down to a email point, so small
that the baby would nearly lose Its
power for 111. Whether Congreae will
adjourn as soon aa the army and navy
spproprlatloa bills are flnslly disposed
of Is still undetermined. Tbe pressure
for an Immediate adjournment comes
nearly from those whose homes are
wltbla a day's ride of the Capitol, while
those; more removed, who would" bate
little time to spend at borne prior to
December td, the beginning of tbe regu
lar session, are wore Inclined to work
tbaa' to remain bere doing nothing, Tj
hence we look for a recess of a faw days
nly. Mr.'Blsnd's sllvsr bill will be
sadly puuleued la 4be Senate, for there
Senators lo give It a black eys, Nsw
York and Pbiladslphla ssot large dele
gations of kanksrs and eapltallats to
protest against Its passage, and it asams
aettled that a material modification
will be secured. Its. free coinage clause
Is doomed, as the Senate will not re
ssl nd-theH ns nceo m mil leeTs act loa
wbleb. struck It out,.and It Is vsry prob
able tbaUhe full remouelisatlon feature
will be essentially changed, hence we
opine that Mn Bland will hardly recog
nize bla measure when It Is returned
blm by the Senate, aa! that body asems
disposed to limit sliver as a legal ten
der, as wall as to barjree colnsge. The
fau of the sull-resuoiPtlon bill will be
simitar to tbat of Mr. Bland, for there
la not the same desire la tbe Senste to
ehsngs the policy of tbe government In
regard to finances tbst lbs House baa
evinced recently. Amendmenla will be
made, and of auch nature aa to moat
materially alter tha present Intent of
the act; hence, we can not pow Indicate
fur our redt,r -h,t
eeeded la filing upoa aome definite
financial policy, but the eh a noes are
that by the next letter we can see pre
lesly bow great Is the divergence of
views between tha two Housee. There'
Is undoubtedly a radical dlffersoee at
present, and ws do not perceive bow II
eaa be reconciled, anlese lbs House of
Repress nt all vrs recedes materially from
lu position.
A most brutal outrage was recently
committed by a negro named Jones
apon the person of B" young whit girl
who was passing aloug ous of the thinly
settled streets near the boundary of tbe
city. Tha elllsene of tbst locality and
friends of ths girl were so highly In
censed that violent threat war made
of rescue of the maa from tbe police
wltb a vew to lynching blm. Prompt
measures to prevent were taken by tbe
police, and now the courts will not be
Interfered with. ' So frequent are these
outrages becoming, that our people are
bcglnnfug td feel that more decided pre
ventive meaauree must be taken with"
the class whose 1 net I nets seem eo lew
aad vicious. " . FiLit
Waablngton. It r-Neer4nVW;JTlo carry n glsssef Jelly lo his mouth.
When a canvasser called at tbe bouse
of aa aa stare Retland widow the other
day and Inquired If there was a man oa
the premises, the lady replied, loftily,
"None; but I bava a very large dog
which takes the place of a man, aod re
flect credit apoa the bowse." The sen
vaaeer look the bint and departed. . . -
.Rowland Hill aald of aome ef the
speakers of bla day I "Tbey bava a
Hear of word, with euly a ap saafut of
The Maa Whs Ta Bon Tired.
In the bills, about a mile and a half
ahovs tha little vlllars of Lsxtneton la
this county, reeldes- and haa reetded for
Ibe laat twenty yeara, a" strange euarae
ter. wlioea we will name, for the pur
poses of this article, Billy Ilumaey or,
aa hla k.lrhlmn mnn etntlettlV Fsll
blm.Uld Billy KameeyeowueVBarteouraaco out of youth, aear-
naiure Intruded for a beautltul moun
tain farm, it la aompoaed of bill .and
labia land In annul equal propomona,
abundantly wooded, aud watered wltb
pure mountain aires at and springsc-
Hltuated sbove tbslmat line, tbe eilmate
Is simply perfect, and the soli as fertile
a-ttiat of the richest of our valleya
Fruits of all kinds. Including the orauge
aud tbe lemon, and the rareel grapea u
tha Ironies, will crow there tn potJecllou.
The table landa will produee grain and
hay In abundance. In fact, tbe entire
farm, with ordinary tnduatre aud care,
could be made to produce for Its owner
all the com forte, and even tbe luxuries,
of a besiitiful borne. But not for Old
Billy. The little tumble-down of a
house, palntleas, shutter leaa, and cheer
less, looks, si It bss tut nearly a, quarter
or a century, f.seepttng a few stately
oaks, which Old Blllv haa been too laiv
to. despoil, not avreer nower, vlue or
ahrub adda Ita ami Is lo the Mask lea
ogy for fences presents no obstacle to tbe
iepredationa of his own or bis neigh
bors' stock, but Ibey roam at will over
hla grounds aud crop tbe herbage tbat
grows oy bis floor.
a As desolate as lbs pli lurs Is without.
It is even wore sq within. The bare
walla, wretched appliances for comfort.
and above all, the scanty supply of food,
bespeak a poverty which but few people
can Imagine. Year lu aud year out the
wife and children seldom know wbat
atiafled hunger meana and all from
Old Billy's Isslnees. Hs won't worM
( will let bis cows ruu dry rather tban
milk them bis hay and grain spoil in
Hthk flsld rather lhau put forth tba effort
to save It. Aud vet we doubt ir n more
contented men one belter pleased with
tbe world, and especially aim Himself,
can be found In all tba land. 1 1 la socia
bility la proverbial. Ha will talk all
day with, or rather at, whomsoever will
listen to blm. To teat lite metal in tbls
respect, neighbors riding b on rainy
days, tbetu selves protected from tbe
rain, nave been known to call blm nut
en some pretext aud keen him stanuiug
in tbe rain lor hours wblle tbey listened
lo bis Inexhauatible gabble. It IS aald
OUTBIliy vial ted
IWinglisrty's liimlwr niillga few mllss
dletaul, arriving about noon of a wlTan-f
day. The "boy a," knewing hie weak
naas, put up a Job on blm lu this wia:
Some four .or five "of them agreed to
change shifts 00 ths old man, and see
how long be wonld talk. They com
menced on Mm at about 2 p. M., one en
gaging him for a couple of hours and
men. aiving wsy to another. At
O'clock the next day Billy showed no
signs or weakening, and the boys"
gave up the Job In despair.
When fond baa become' unusually
scarce, Billy Rumaey haa been kaowu lo
capture a hare, or perhaps a few ground
squirrels, lo appease the appetites nf bis
hungry family. - liui ibose were rare 00
eaaloua. Although. the mountaina af
ford an abundance of game, It la too
much like work for him, to hunt for I v
.The neighbors relate that on a certain
occasion when Mrs. Bomsry lay III, and
the family Were more tbaa
dowu at Ibe beel," two kl odly disposed
liberal supply of eskea. Jellies, and
otbergnodles enough for a feast, coupl
ing hla Sublime Lsslness out. They
carefully dealt out to the half doaen half
starved children such a treat aa they
had seldom. If ever before, enjoyed.
Old Billy, whom they wholly Ignored In
the waller, looked on In blank astonish
ment, and when the laat goody disap
peared down rhe lnfautlle throats, tbey
relate that Old Billy'a diacomflture waa
complete, and the' ladles retired chuck
ling over tbe auoeees of thslr plot.
We have sees many Isiy men In our
experience, but never a case to match
tbiar If Billy ever maatars euierprlae
enough to die, and lan't too Intermina
bly Issy lo draw bla laat breath, we aug
geat aa a euitanle motto for tbe redwood
slaw tbst shall mark hla laat reeling-
place TBowf Tib eij."
'"Sam Jot Afercurjf.
A Sfbstitttb. Mr.- Pllkfneob. a
farmer lo Fenuay Ivanla, waa drafted for
tbe service of hie couutry. His wife,
though sbs Possessed but a small slock
of general Information, la one of tbe
best conjugal partners; and she was
much troubled at tbe thought of parting
wltb her husband. . As sbs waa engaged
la scrubbing off tb door-step, a cuugh-
-llnnklne al ranger, aama np and thas ad
are aaa a ner 1 - . Tr" . -
"I bear, madam, that your husband
has been drafted."
"Yea, air, be has," answered Mrs. Pll
klnaon; "though dear knows there's few
couldn't better be spared from their
families." - . .
'. "Well, madam, I bave come to offer
myaalf aa a aubatliate for blm."
"A wbat T" . asked Mrs. Pllkluson,
With some sseitemeoL
"I am willing I Uks bis place," said
lbs stranger,' '
"Yoa tsks the place of my boaband,
yoo wretch.' I'll teach you lo tneulta
dlaireaaed woman la that way, yoa vag
abond I" cried Mrs. Pilklnson, aa aba
discharged tbe dirty snap soda in tha
face of tbe diacomffted and eetoniebed
substitute, who took to bis heels lust la
II ms to save his bead from being broken
by the bucket.
' Ooe of Pope's moral essays closes with
a well-known compliment to Lord Orb
ham, lb whom It was dedicated. Tbe
poet, pursuing tbe Idea tbat every char
acter has a ruling passion, wrote s
A at yoa, beavs OnbSss. lo lbs lalert aesalh
Miall lest jrsrrallR( sttvne la Mav
; Hsab la tlKwe mom-sltf, la all las asst.
V. waes aay eoenury, beseea P Shall Ss She
.Tli poet ws no prophet. It Is re-
Mora, HialXonl Lxtfeaie ivetrrg TS77.
got lute nuob a passion that Be Bang
the Jelly, glaaa and all, late tha fan of
blk niece, and died of the exertion.
Aa editor aaysbat whea be waa la
prison for libeling a Justice of tbe peace,
be waa reqaeeted
by tbe Jailer to "give
the priaoa a puff."
' They are beginning le say, pew, that
tbe farmer is lbs but wark of this eve nlry.
- Tbe Nsw York theater bave not done
a goad bwaiaeae tba far
NUMBKll 10,4.
"Tksy AU Ds It,"
There are few books that can boast of
as mush Immorality within a space nf
four hundred years as I implied la tbls
little pbraae, which baa been placarded
00 the blll-boarda, and ealled Into tbe
eara of the public for tbe peat faw weeke.
it la in, one sentence w 11 ten is see tne
lug lis onnseience aa wltb a red-not Iron,
and perm I II lug despair to carry It wrf
ootiiiy into tne depths or enme. -
"Ob, tbey all do It; why should not
youT' tbat la tbe auggeaUoa.1 "Tbat
man Ilea and cheats, sud will pom nU
any crtsns which the law dase ant make
dangerous. Ho It le wltb all or tbem
There la no aaa la trying lo be different
from olber people." Tbat le tbe way
tbe temptation comes to tbe young
tneu, thrown 00 tbe world with little
knowledge of Ita wave, and perhaps
eblelded only by the indulgent training
of nn over-fond another. "People are
grossly immoral, tveu temperance ad'
voeatee get drunk In private: cburob
deacons swindle savings banks; all you
01 morality la nut a eurraee anew.
Iteueath, I heists noneesled wlokedneee.
Yvu will find you must follow the mul
titude." And tbe youth, with the pleas
ure of the world held aa before his
glowing Imagination, and-full of. bodllv
iieailh plunges forthwith. Into what toe
believes lo be "the world."
If tbe devil had concentrated all his
cunning during tbe centuries which
have elapsed since bis election from
Paradise, be could not have produced a
more powerful argument with which to
conquer tbe soul of man than this,
Tbey all do II."
wul, young man. listen. That sen
tence is a lis aa baae and foul a He aa
ever was conceived in the mind of man
or devil. Tbey don't "all do It." .There
are thousauila upon thousands of, goud,
pure men end women In tbla world, bad
aa It may seem, wbo Are leading uptight
Uvea. They believe in a Deity, and In
the commands of virtue, and are golnc
along with the bappieet results to them
selves and their neighbors. Thsre sre
men wbo tblnk that they were put Into
tbla world," not to gratify tbelr own
baae appetites, but lo be true aud noble
and bigb-mluded. There are men who
would disdain to tall a lie. There are
man who would dlsdslo lo tsks an ad
vantage In trails, or do any eelAsb or
action. Tbere are men who trv
to be just alwaya, aud kindly, both In
worda and feelings, to all. There are
lives, aud wbo, .wltbout making It
known to the world, are doins- a vaat
amount of good among their fellow-men
AuU s.tjrjtuge.j javlhe(
very happy livea, aud, aa a rule, aueceee-
ruionet. Wblle ibe unprincipled maa
way enjoy temporary success, sooner er
later be will suffer for his lack of boo
ty. There are a thousand ways In
wbleb virtue avehgee herself upoa bim.
In one way or another be gets bis de
serts. You bave youth, you are blessed
with health of mind and body. Tbere
are plenty of criminals around you, It is
true. But they are to b pitied, not Im
itated. Never believe that what aome
do, all do, but be in vour nwn person a
standing example of the falsity of the
cry, "T bey all do. It." Altoona
Evening Mirror.
A CVBIOUB WOUND. Manitobah Lake.
wbleb Ilea northwest of Fort Osrry, and
has given a lltlo Ihe provloos formed.
UVofTBe ReJTOver rex-Ton. derives Us
name from a small Island, from which. I
n tbBlinneea of night, issues a "mys-T
terloua voice." - Obj aa aasouBt will then
the OJibwaya approach or laud upoa
this Island, supposing It to be the home
of the Manitobah "ibeSpeaklug God."
The eauee of tbia curious sound is the
beating of tbe waves on Ibe "shingle."
or large pebbles liulog lbs shores. Along
ibe norm west coast or Ibe Island tbere
Is a long low ell II of fine- grained, compact
llmeatone, which, under tbe stroke ef
the hammer, eliake like steel. - Tbe
wavaa beating on tbe shore at tbe foot
of tbe cliff cause tbe fallen fragments lo
rub seal net seen elber. aad to slve out
a aound resembling the chimes of dis
tant church bells. This phenomenon
occurs wben the galee blow from the
north, and then, a Ibe wluda subside,
low, wailing sounds, like whispering
Voices, are heard In tba air. Traealera
I that the eliwt Is very I ni preset vs.
and tbey bave been awakened at night
under tbe Impression I list they were
lietenlng to sliurch belts.
TRB CHlLDBEM'a Pt,A V.r-What kind
of beuae will we play ?'' aaksd one lit
tle girl of another. "Ob I play calling,"
replied the other. '"Mary, here, aba can
be? Mre. Brown, and ail on tba step, ami
meaud Julia will call 1111 ber aud aak
aud if Ibe baby 'a got over Ibe measlee.
aad tell ber bow nice efae looks la bsr
rapper, and bope it won't hurt
her much wben aha baa that lootb filled.
And then We'll aay Oood-bye, Mrs.
Brown; aome and see ua aome time or
other, aod bring the children and your
aewlng; and you're sucAe stranger, we
don't see ball enough of yoa;' And
then me "and Julia will courtesy and
walk off a piece, and I'll aay to Julia:
'Did yoa over see aueb a horrid old
fright aa aha looks In that wrapper T
Aud then Julia abe'll aayt The idear
oC anybody having falaa teeth filled r
And then I'll aayi 'Yea, aud what a
homely lot of dirty little brat them of
ber'n is.' Lei's play It. What do yuu
aay r
UxivBBarrr Scholarships. Frty.
flee scholarships lu the Territorial Uni
versity, we believe, were established by
act of the recent legislature, and aa ap
propriatioa, made of 1 1. 61 10 annually to
pay for the same. This will, with other
aid given thla Institution, put our unl.
varsity In a better financial and work
ing eonditioa tbaa It baa ever been be
fore, not only Juatifying tbe Increase of
tbe faculty, but making II la maay re
spects the first school la the Territory.
We trust ibalthoee who bave the giv
ing or these scholarships win atjince
" ' l 7.7! . .
tbat tbe beginning of the Beat aeheol
term will witness tbe advance of forty
or more yoetha from the various aee
Itoea f the Territory to tb benefits to
be derived from tbe luetreetloa of Prear
dent Anlersoa aad corps la the aeiver
slty at tbls place. SeatUe Trib ane.
. "My wife," remarks one Benedick te
another, "haa Juat the loveliest bead of
batr yea ever saw. Wbea see lets II
down, It reaches la a mass of rlnglela
eelew ber waist." "That's nothing,"
replies tha ether; "wbea my wife let
hers dowa. It faiia te tbe floor." .
A Joaraal far ths rseple,
Ueveted le tbe IatarsaUef B amaalty.
laAeasadsBl la Fell Use aad Belujloa. . .
Alive le all Live Issasal aad Taoreaf hi
kadtoal la Oppoala sad Ex Boalag Ibe Wroaas
el tbe Maaass.
OerreaaoadsBU wrlUag avsr aaaaawd alaaa
tares mast mass ass a-a tbelr aaaaea le tbe
Editor, or ao aueatlaa will be ftvea la tbelr
eoai ai a aleat lo as.
Good Bsadars,
All enjoy bearing a good reader. Yet
It la not regarded aa an aceomplubment.
Our eons pry among Oreek raota and
the Intricacleeof watiiematlea for years;
our daughtera thump tbe plana uatii
life baeumea almost a burden, and but
ssii uina gise ibsngbtt wr wake aa
tempt, to perfect tbemaelvee la aontrui
of the human voice la articulation.
moilulatlon. and the art of raadlue. Tba
subject la one greatly neglected la the
com moo schools. We Vsry much doubt
Whether our modern schools, which
etatm auch improvement ovsr lite old -
melbods. produce as rood readers or
spelters. If we criticise the reading la
tbe Schools, wbat aball we aav of the
ppvniM speakers and mlnlatersTo bave .
aome beautiful byma. full of noetic fire
and Inciting to love and woshlp, man
gled and twro to, pieces by tbe 1 1 lie aad
tongue and leelb of the minister is Just
what yoa eaa hear la more tbaa ooe-
half af the pulpits In Chicago aod other
plecee. HlUlng anxious aud expectant
In the audience-room of one of Chlcago'a
muss emlweet divines, not more than
one-half tbe distance back from tbe
atage, we saw tbe Bible rend, we soar
lbs lips move la the eneulne nraver.
Tbe auueuueementa for the week were
reed, and not a tingle tentenee waa
heard or nnderstood. We bave no Idea
tbe miniater waa aware of the fact tbat
ha did not opan his wouth. Hs might
bave read tba words. "He that hath
eara to hear, let him hear" but bow '
could one hear whan the miniater waa
but wh leper! ug the blessed word to a
few on the front seels T As Ibe same
minister wsrmsd to his work, bs onsusd
bis mouth, and bis eloquent words and
sentences reached every part of tbe
great audience. We believe tbe devil
ikes the Bible to be read In that wav.
We -have reverence tor Tla truths,' and
we think tbere are but few ministers
wbo would willfully or k 00 windy give
clear expression to tbslr own thoughts
lo tne sermon wbilstbey msngled and
mumblsd tbe rssdlng of lbs Scriptures.
To come back to our text, we tblnk our
educators should see to It that more at
tention la paid to the beautiful aeoem
pllsbmentof reading, Tba scholars la
tha common school, q ths academy
and college, should bsvs a drill dally lu
thla exercise, even If Latin and loga
rithms and muaie are In n measure aae
rifioed. Dancing and rnuaio. faucv work
and acholarehtp, in the sciences are all
right vnougb. but-let-ue -eecsrsfnt -tor-"
thla much-needed aecom
pliab incut. Chioago Jnler-Oonan.
laUoaal Prix Problcma.
Time aod destiny bsve proposed to us
many prlxe problems, aud our history
furnishes ibe sna were:
How can a wlldernae be transformed
into a garden t 1
By gathering up the waste eansol nf
tb old eouulrlss, and vitalising It with -
How can races thst have failed to pay
rent nn veal eatatea be dispossessed t
By giving them either Justice nr your
How can royalty be made harmless t
By spreading It over tb whole Ba
Wbat Is the distinction between a alt-
A ballot.
Wbat Is nationality 7
Th ability to say no to a search-war.
Wbat Is better than blus blood?
What kind of blood make a man?
Hamaa blood. .
Wbat ceo nreveot nne party from ah
sorblug all the power and stealing all
ths money nf the nstlon T
, Another party.
Where can a standing army be moat
economically and aafely kept 7
iinmeiarm. , .
What can be substituted for tbe die-"
clpllne of the regular army f
Discipline lu the eommoa achoola.
Wbat ingredient In gunpowder make .
a bullet moat fatal lo despots 7
How many cent mak a dollar 7 - -
" One hundred, must be tbe answer nf
Congress, nr ws shall not get tbe prise.
A Doo Krri'B.iisu Oood pob Evil
A atrauge aosoe occurrwl th other dsy J.
alSlerek on thoMoaalle. H err Schmidt
had a dog which be wished to a-et rid
-ww au ww . ww u wa.w.v in IU. , , www.
be faatened a atone round tbe dog's bead
and threw blm Into the water. The an
imal sank atooee; but during bis strug
glss the rope slipped off tbe clone, and
be again rose to the surface and tried to
get back Into the boat. Hla. master,
however, continued to puah him back,
but as the dog persevered, b lost bla
D...lna IhI. 1.1.IU Af h 4 -
oar, loot bla footing and foil Into tba wa
ter himself. Hs' ws unabl to wim,
but tb dog, aelslng blm by bla Mat,
succeeded la bringing bim to tbe lead,
after bavlug been, repeatedly .washed
away by tbe current. Tbe dog's life was .
pared, are happy te aay.
An editor, going away, left bis paper
In charge of a minister. During lb
minister's slay In tbe as net am, ibe fol
lowing letter cam from a moan la I a
subscriber: "You know very well I paid
my subscription to your paper the last
time I waa In Lexington, If I get any
more such letters as 1 received from yea
last week, I will at once corn down lo
Lsslugton and maul b II out of you I"
Tbe minister answered : "I bave been
trying to maul tbat thjng out of th ed
itor fur lea year peat, aad If yoa will
really enme deem ana maul ,11 out af
him, then, my dear air, I have tweaty ;
member belonging le my church Twill
also get yoa ta repeat the operatioa aa."
Ci-aiora ErrejcTu or Tobacco. A
Jeweler la Harrisberg, Pennsylvania,
BTtvae ins lot lowing curious root larerar-
eoce to tbe aaa of loteoCn: Ho does not
aa tha weed, Bel I her draai ana ef hla
workmen. One of the employee af hie
store usee tobacco almost le si cess. Ths
former I we cao handle any poll sited tool
la tbe shop and lay It aside agela, w I log
out wiping It off, and no injury will fol
low, while, aa tb other band, rf tbe eas
ploya who ladalge la tobaaae forget t ,
wipe off" any of th tool af a fine pollah,
rust pitta will I a variably appear la a
very abort time. . . .
At a printers' festival lately tb foe-'
lowing leaat waa offered I "VJeeriae
aecoad to the press la the dieeemlualioa
f news."
"A woman worked slg months la a
Boston shipyard before aay ewe kaew
aeresx, Yeaee,ahssokd aad drank.