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About The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1871)
Vor iyi 1 MKS. 1. J. Iil.Mff.IV, Editor aai rreprlflor. Ol'FIt'I. t'r. Third anil Wtw1ilncon M. TKKMS, IX ADVANCE: On vfir Six menths. Three menUi. .$3 00 1 7 . i ro ADVHimSBMKXTSInRertedon Reasonable Term". (For the New Xorthwekt. The Broken Vow. BY JESSIE TCLSOX. (The follewlBg line werecompoedon fceelng a notice of the terrlWe aceklent herein de sertbed.J "OureiMHiJMle. have met, lo-e, . TliB hall bow In ItBht, Ami xy ' throng, love, Orinmates to-night. "Ota, Hat to tle music! Tn aoeh llirlHInc strains The IHe-enrrent dashes A kmc tloe young vein ! "I lonK Ht be villi them; Oomw with we, sweet wife; A brlKht hour of pleasure Will r jwursMH life. "WVH terd the nnsh:river. AMI senile Ami tiw " ' The td now Ktand ready For baby and you." " Tte not tlm reuijh river, Mylms!)iHl,irirJ .' No nend lies eoiieealed there In waters m eknr. Iie iikmon doth dwell In The sfirklig wine Oh! shun the fair tempter, Iar husband of irtlne !" "Come, ttien.liltieguardbtu, Ami make your hnart light; I vow I will yield not To Baeehtta to-nleht." Gay wiw tlte festival, bt the young wife Gaze hopetoiKly, tearfully now Into the future. All dark seem her life. And cruel between love and duty the strife. For her huland has broken his vow! (lone Is hin manliness, gone his pride; Dimmed Is the souMlght of his dark eye; Vainly he strives his dark error to hide; Mt!entty,homewardbound, now they both ride, And the dark, roaring river is nigh. "Give me the babe, wife, I cannot tnit you," Cries the husband, still fearless and gay; And what though her cheeks wear the pale lily hue. And she pleads through hot tears In her soft eyes of blue. Yet he hears Iter lored burden away. ihtt a few moments ixxw ere the home shore Is gained. And tlte bale seems In danger no more Bat 'lie fond mother asks for her darling in vain! Alas, she has Ijjllen, with but one cry of pain. And her Joys and her sorrows are o'er. Twas but the babe's wrapping the father had pressed As he passed the last wild, surging wave; Vet no semblance of fear pierced his wine be numbed breast As the little one slipped lrom his strong arm to rest From life's Ills In a watery grave. JUDITH EEED: 1 Fkce Speech, Fuee Pkess, Kkf.e People. T? O-RTJL. AJSTD, OREGON, rRIDAY, ISTOArE3IBER ir, lTTL. JSTT3XT3EXI JSt. A Plain Story of a Plain "Woman. (Entered, according to the Act of Congress, In the year 1871, by Jlrs. A. J. Dunlway, In the Offlee of the librarian of Congress at Washing ton City. CHAPTER XXVII. The county records showed the mar riage and divorce. ' Nothing further remained but an im perative necessity upon my part to rent' state myself in the favor of Mrs. Lewis and prove to her that her suspicions were baseless as a dream. For the idle clam or of the outside world I did not care a "What is the world to mo, that Ishould court its fulsome adulation?" said I to my boys. "The world is something to us, moth er," was the children's sensible reply. "It is your duty, for our sakes, to prove that j-ou are not what the people accuse you of being." "But, my dears, if I should undergo the dreadfjil and disgusting ordeal of at tempting; to prove my character irre proachable and should succeed (which of course I should do), T could not stop the tongue of slander. The only way to treat such stories, is to let them die a natural death. But with Mrs. Lewis the case is different. She was my friend in my aflliction and I must cling to her now in hers." But this was easier said than done. Her pride and affections had been sorely wounded. Of the fact that her mother's betrayer was her father's boh, she was happily ignorant. Toothing was in tb way of our speedy reunion but this nn fortunate estrangement, and I was firm in my resolve to overcome this one im pediment to my future happiness before the nuptials should proceed. William was haughty and determined. He had never spoken with the man who had blighted his childhood by the deep wrong inflicted upon his elder sister He did not know until he learned the truth from my lips that Dr. Armstrong had caused his release from prison as soon as he found that the real offender was liia own unfortunate son. This knowledge seemed to soften his dislike, and I prevailed upon him to accompany me to the Doctor's handsome home. There was a look of loneliness and des olation around the place which I had never seen before. Mrs. Lewis, the sen sible and charming widow, was nowhere to be seen. I lie Doctor was sitting in one of the parlors in an untidy blouse; Ins snaggy lace was livid and his hag gard eyes were bloodshot. iianu m nanu we stood before him, my betrothed anu t. "Dr. Armstrong," said I, solemnly, "we have come to crave your blessinir to forgive the past, to tender life-long Inenasnip anu to Dcg mat you will heal the estrangement between your daugh- , 1 r 1 1 - ier anu myse... xou unuw mat j. am guiltless. "Will you make my troubled friend believe it?" The Doctor tremblingly arose and, taking the hand of each of us in his own, he asked forgiveness, if through inadvertence he had wronged us in the past, and ended with a benediction that, to me, was grandly appropriate, because my cup of peace was full. Then he left us alone while he sought his daughter, with whom, we, for si sea son, heard him plead. They returned together, hand in hand, as we had come to him, and in the hazy glory of that summer day full explanations were ex changed, and we were friends once more. The magnetic influence of Dr. Gordon was discussed at length. Dr. Armstrong confessed to us that he possessed the same power in a remarkable degree; and, but that from its bad results he had in early life reaped a bitter lesson, which had proved sufficient wanting to cause hint to be chary of his power, much ruin would have resulted from its indulgence, which happily had not been visited upon the world. His unfortunate fcon pos sessed the power without principle or will to control himself, He did not blame his poor, weak wife. She was much younger than himself. They had never had tastes and sympathies in common, and when repentance should come to her, as come it surely must in time, he promised to shield, protect and provide for her. "There remains a revelation for me to make," said L "That man's magnetic power was so strong over me at one time that I fancied myself in love with him. He resembles you very much, William. His voice and manner arc much like yours, and his power over me was for a season so great that, had it not been for my life-long determination to be true to you, he could have led we, strong as my will is, whithersoever he would. This is why I urge you, Doctor, to deal leniently with your ioor, weak wife." "Did I indeed come so near losing you?" said William Snyder. "Dr. Gordon came very near making a tool of me; 1 will admit mat," I re plied, humbly and penitently. "Then no wonder my poor mother fell," said Mrs. Lewis. It was decided that my lodgings were to be broken up. We were all to return to Dr. Armstrong's house, where a quiet wedding should take place, and then a visit to the home of William Snyder's mother would be followed by a return to our Pacific home. AVe were married under the pure shimmer of the evening stars. The same minister now a feeble and obscure man of full four score who had officiated at pur first nuptials under a wintry sky, when I, a fugitive from home, had plight long-gone years and live them over as experience would bring most of them to though I were indeed the morbid child their senses." of yore. "Then, why is it that so many of them We drove up and halted in front of are ready to try the experiment over - . . . nm II?" the old ruin which had once been a school-house, and alighting there, spent an hour in living over the memories of old. AVe were too busy with our re flections to care for conversation, but as the time wore on our tongues were loosed. "Judith, do you remember Ortonvillo aud 'Auld Lang Syne ?' " "William, do you remember the wheezy mclodcou, the untamed, fiery girl who fainted when she would have sung, and the dear singiugmaster for whom she would have died V" "Ah, Judith ! you gave promise then of a glorious and noble womanhood. All you needed was freedom, care and culture. I loved you then, Hot for what you were, but for what I knew you would become. And had not the Fates and Furies been against us, you might again" 'It is simply because they have noth ing else to do. AA'hilo society makes no demand upon man, never saying he must or must not marry, it says patron izingly to all women,. ' lou must marry! Marriage is your normal sphere;' and woman, finding nothing else to do, blindly and ignorantly takes charge of a man, who thinks he is going to 'support her!' and ho doc generally over the wash-tub and cook stove, from which narrow sphere she must not budge, or all the Grundy's of both sexes will cry out 'for shame.' " (To be cuntauod.j EDITOBIAL C0BBESP0NDEK0E. Pout Gamble, AV. T., Nov. 7th, 1S71. j Taking passage on board the steamer have reigned in all these years the queen North Pacific on the afternoon of the of good society, and the honored wife of 27th tilt., we bade good-bye to A'ictoria an honorable man"!" in Her Majesty's Dominions, with "Now, AVilliam, don't preach any more about what might have been. Is it not Carlisle who says, 'AVhy sit gion of saloons, its multitude of "shops" as English people style what we call slow leaving its wainscotted, dark ho- and grieve over what might have tel, its McAdamlzed streets, Its colored been, when all eternity is yet to be?' population, its awkward barouches and Had teacc and happiness, ease and owe-necked horses; casting farewell prosperity followed us all the days of glances of admiration at its well-kept our life we never should have awakened gardens, substantial Improvements and to a knowledge of our capabilities. AVe elegant Government buildings ; bidding need not rejoice that great trials have come to us, but we may be thankful that we have overcome our difllculties, good-bye to cheerful friends and gladly setting our faces homeward, we steamed out from the docks and up the beautiful and that we to-day stand firmly on the inlet, heading for Port Townscnd, where, rock of right." on the evening of the 2Stli, we were fa The reader need not think we failed to vored with a good audience of intelli indulge in the thousand little expres- gent and kindly-disposed people, to sions of endearment that arc always .so whom Miss Anthony delineated the real and important to the parties most Power of the Ballot. Then, on Sunday, deeply interested. AVe were as foolish the 20th, she addressed an audience at and romantic as though we had but Coupcvillc, a milling point across the just budded into man aud womanhood, Bay, on AVhidby's Island, whore the but as such private demonstrations are people, having already been prepared by no part of the reader's business, I leave the Rev. Mr. Greer to accept the new- son on the 4th and 5th, and joined us yesterday at Port Gamble, where she lectured in the evening. Port Gamble is one of the many lumbering establish ments on the Sound, of which the reader may get a very accurate idea front the description given by Captain Crandall in the Orcnonian some time since; only the Captain didn't tell that man's idea that he must support woman is practic ally and not theoretically considered here. The wives of the mill men live in houses by themselves and the men take their meals at the company's cook house, leaving the women nothing to do but keep their homes. Yet these women are strong suffragists, who witli one ac cord agree with the slave Tom, that they "would like to have a little wiorc that is their own and a little let that is master's." To-night Ave join the King county del egates to the AVoman Suffrage Conven tion, and will proceed to Olympia to fin ish the work inaugurated there some two weeks since. A Young Girl's Influence. BY JENNIE E. A Journal for Ihe People. levoted to the Interests or Humanity. Independent in Politic and Religion'" Mive to all IJve Issues, and Thoroughly Radical In Opposing and Exposing the Wrong?' ' ot the Masses. Correspondents writing over assumed signa tures must make known their names to the Editor, or no attention will be given to their communications. him to imagine them as best may suit him, while I talk of what the prosy fogies of the world call "sense." September had swung wide her gates, gospel of reformation, were particularly harmonious and wide awake. Again, on the evening of the 30th, we held a meeting in Port Townscnd, which was and we stood unon the threshold of the as well or better attended than the first hn..iiw.iia o,.f..n, ! -,.,.1 i ...1! Port Towiisoiui is situatcii on a nign. from the tree-tons' droiminjr nut-shells rolling plateau, overlooking the fine wa from their deft and daintv naws. and tcrsof thcBayandconnnandln chattering the wild romances of the forest to their graceful mates ; crows were cawing in the stately com chickens sought the mellow sunlight and made rural melody with their fa ed vows of constancy, again performed miliar notes; a fiock of sheep lay in the the marriage ceremony. Scandal was so bliade of a great maple, chewing the cud busv with mine and Dr. Armstrong's of sweet content, and half-grown lamb- - - .... names that nobody attended the wed- kins frolicked on a prostrate, uarK ding except those most deeply interest- shorn elm, while far away, through ed. The sublime and quiet joy or my what Had been in uy-goneyearsasiaieiy .ir M.siiW.. mm tn mi. n livinir foun- walnut forest. lav the stumi-bcstudded V v " Z I ' - 111 11 .,!., r bi.lno T mo llm world was lawn, throucli which, in the snow and joiw, ami, as wo 1001, henceforth nothing, for I had found storm and darkness, I had hurried sky overhead, the soul attunes Itself to Ws full fruition, and to my weary among the trees on that long-gone harmony, and wc Inwardly exclaim that ram ..oaec and rest ami Joy. evening, after my ignominious expul- the whole earth Is full of greatness, . r i i. ,..1 v i.ii.ior s mi tram tne sinziu? scnooi uaia "J .. I " .... ... ... , ,, , T look us to my husband's mother's home, "William, what did you tliinK 01 me uou .or i c .. u.mxon ii attaint old rambling mansion in an that nignt.'" l asKeu, norupuy eastern city, where peace and plenty it per fect amphitheater of fuow-covered mountain's whose grandeur is unspeak able. Standing in the dooryard of Mr. Burns, whose conlial hospitality will long be remembered, and looking out and over the Bay and from thence to the bristling array of mountain peaks that seem to wall the waters, wc can can count, perhaps, dozens of snow peaks, and as the sunlight quivers on their sides, creating glows of glories that give us a foretaste of the Grand Bc- from them to the . .M , 1. , , reignctl. llic near out moiuer weieumuu us with a quiet hospitttlity that won my heart. A party was made in honor of our visit, and I formed new literary ac quaintances, among whom were pub- Our next appointment was at Seattle, considered one of the most favored land-locked bay is a most excellent har- i . ... j. . I thought vou were an untamed oor, aim, neing near uie great, w . . 1 J .1 ! .. 11. . 1 I mitsb:in!f. I did not then dream that icrs inducements ior me raiiroau ier- your allections were so deep, but I felt minus, which arc so satisfactory to its tlmr.vr.ii would some dav become fa- land Holding innauiiauusiiiaiineyciaim mous. Do vou remember the day when high prices for real estate, which are m.t. l.v iirovions annointmcnt in suihcicnt to retard tho growth of any -wi - .. . , . . it .i i. m. 1.1 In Tirrimsr. m v vonr Fairv Hower ?" enioryo city oi aiinoal any species ot as . i .... f i, ... t t,n,i h.- "Itpmeiiiher it! Oh. AVilliam! do vou piration. This real estate fever rages L sin.nnsn T ..vr-r ,-oi.ld fortt? I made a H "long the Sound, and Portland is not lore ro. . . .1.. . . . i 4i. t ..,:L.,i- r Mvhusbandwas not wealthy.-Indeed, complete fool of myself that day nnd aionu iu .....umg u B M. . .......!. . , . f i iimtritifr mir rwii n.r:iTf mivf.ra wiin nrc I had not given one single tiiougnt to nave oecn asnameu ot mj-wmiuui eiw ........... . " , 7, ,..,.m4,. r s. t i-..ii.Li.u.. ot large capitalists. Port Townscnd .i. tr.,l in him and such con- "You simply 'answered a fool accord- Svo us a mug nsi ot st.usur.ut.ra tu uu.- r..i s.. ,,. ,.,. nl.lltfv in nmviil.. illC to Ills fol v' then. I am Certain that I -llv. imjiiiuhwi, ,s. ,n.h ninrr-nnnrv I talked nonsense ouitc as much as you left the busy little town with an agreea- ,i,ipmonH altogether unnecessary, did." Wo opinion of the intelligence of iUpeo- TUni Iia wna n.irn and honest I was well "AVell, it's no wonder my heart was pie. assured. I had no care for other nualili- lull 01 nonsense, i. nau no companions ..!,... but rav few ill-chosen books. .Had I wi.u..-. - ... . , ,,. . t- i -i.,! .wi. t. opii a mail tliore would Have been some Places ior me terminus. c were nere rui x suicuii v iinuviLii v i i- ,i.H,Pni,i -Mnu.i ,nti,pr. nml then, lil.l- avenue of usefulness open to mo by elegantly entertained by .Mrs. iggin, ding her a final adieu, we hastened back which I could nave grown out oi sucn a wnoit. x onu.iu. rea..-ra ... to tho oitv of . where our dear chil- state of morbid sensibility, but J. was a as a spiritual prcaeuer u. mum uuiui3 droit, Dr. Armstrong and his daughter weak, nervous, miserable woman, whose The carpcra who assailed her character Wl'lnnlllf! l.u mill ..-ft wnrn l.f. n ii.n knni irm fn.Minir nnd eliafinc in a nent-1 in Portland by saying that she was dav. unsnhcre: therefore, In the one direc- "running away from her husband" "But one desire remains unratified, tion in which my mind found vent, I ought to look into her cosy home and mv dear." said I when wo n-nn. lmm,. rnehoil tn mi pxtreme. and tliat extreme meet ner excellent consort, vte nac again. was a love for vou which amounted to a never seen a more harmonious couple. "What is your pleasure? Name it. ort of frenzv. Women would never be- Our visit will long be remembered as a and it shall be granted, even to the half come such fools as they so often do If bright phase in our busy life, of my kingdom," said my husband, fa- thev had other things to think of." As the fccattie imciUfjcnccr gives a cetiously. "That's a doubtful compliment, Ju- very good account of Miss Anthony's I want to spend a day with you in I dith mine." 1 lectures, and as Beriah Brown gives a thchauntsaroundmychildhood'.shomc. "I'm "not thinking of compliments, characteristic account of the same, we AVill you accompany me?" my would-be-flattered knight. I know choose to print their lucubrations rather "I was just about ready to make the that your regard for me was but an in- than our own. same request, dear Judith. Shall we go cident, while to myself our love was AVe had the honor of addressing the to-day?" life, ambition, everything." citizens of Seattle on the subject of Tern "Yes ; now, or any time-" "But, Judith, I assure it was all this pcrancc, bv invitation of Itev. Mr. Bag- So we ordered a carnage and drove to me." lev, on Sunday evening, November 5th. out on the wagon road in the direction "No doubt you thought so, after hav- The fact is, that our view of the Tcm of my early home, which was now ing been shut up in solitude where you I perance work was a novel one to the known as Gibbon's -Mill, w e drove for could think or imic cisc, nut 1 wen most of the audience, yet the interest ... -i . . i . several miles along the river bank, know that, had you never experienced manifested on the occasion showed that where busy steamers ploughed their such a trial, you could easily have for- they were quite ready to accept the new way many of their smoke-stacks sur- gotten me. AVomen will always be gospel of woman's moral and pecuniary mounted bv the wire muzzies wnicn my making loois oi tiiemst;it.-3 upuu uw respousiuuuy aim nuiueucc. childish incenuity had conceived, and subject of matrimony while they have Itev. J. F. Damon, of the Congrega which invention had resulted to me, as nothiug else to tninu about." tionai unurcn, aiso aiued himself to the the reader knows, in a sound whipping "Then what would you have them to cause of woman's enfranchisement, and and ala.stin!?dls2ust for "patent rights." do?" Ic and Rev. Mr. Bagley, of the Metho- I related my inventive experience "Let them have the same opportune dist Church, make a strong clerical forco .... a 1 1 .. i I if. . ... i, , . 1 t nml .u 1 In 41. a fnt tf nrnrrnuetnn in a way that deeply amusct. uuu iui- in me worm in nun. , ... ...... r.0.i.un. cited mv husband. But the recital men. Let them feel and know that the The A omaii Suffragists of Seattle or brought up ho vividly the hard, suffer- holy estate of matrimony is one of the ganlzed a county society during our Inc life of mv dear, anxlous-vlsagcd incidents instead ot tne only aim oi me. stay, anu a nuniocr ot delegates are co- mother and my own warped, narrow 1 1 am annoyed to desperation over the ing up to tho Territorial Convention at and imblttered existence at home, that the silly twaddle of husband-hunting Olympia, on the Sth Inst. I seemed to reach out and erasn the I eirls. A few years of my .Mrs. bmiiu ansa Antnony lectured at Port Madi- WOMEH SHOULD BEST. Dear Jr. J)iinheay: The 2si:w NoimnvEST of Sept. 15th has just ar rived, and its genial face enlivens my otherwise lonely cabin; therefore it is always sure of a warm welcome from me. I sat down on the door step to find what it had to tell me of the news of the outside world how the Portlanders were prospering and more especially to learn of Miss Anthony's success in "converting the people from the errors of their ways." AVhen, in looking over the column of answers to correspondents, I saw your answer aud advice to a "Nervous Suf ferer," my eyes filled witli tears as I read, and I thought: How true! If women could get such sensible advice more often they might possibly in time learn wisdom and save their valuable lives for the benefit of their families. There is more "saving truth" conveyed in those few lines, I dare affirm, than was preached during that week from all the pulpits in the city. "Thousands of women go down to their graves every year, leaving oheir families of children to orphanage, becttute Ihcy do not rest." AVomen of Oregon, do you hear that? Then I hope that those of you who are mothers will take warning and rent. AVhen you are weary nnd exhausted by hard labor, aud there seems to be no end to things Unit are to be done, and despair clutches at your heart strings, leave everything and take time to rest! If possible take a warm bath, sleep if you can, shut your eyes at any rate and pretend you are dead, which you soon will be If you outrage nature much longer. Many a time, years ago, i have worked until I was utterly exhausted, trying to get ahead or even with my work (and with a baby six months old who really needed the est re of n rested mother) have I left everything to take care of itself, re tired to my cool room aud, tossing baby on the bed with something toamusehim sulf with, bathed my weary head and tried to sleep and forget for a while that there was such a thing as work and weary women in this world. Then, af ter an hour of blessed rest, return to the kitchen, where the dishps were yet un washed aud the lloor uuswept; but the demon had departed, aud in a short time everything was in a placid state, leav ing me to wonder why I could ever have felt discouraged ! Powerful medicines are not needed and should not be resort ed to when nature only wants a chance to recuperate herself. I verily believe that there Is not another as much over worked and misused female in this round world as a married woman. Thi is partly her fault, but, as she has no knowledge of nature's requirements, she sins through Ignorance. Neither does "the male" know that he ought to "love, cherish and protect;" or if he mows he does not care. Perhaps he thinks with ICIntr Henry A'HI. of England, "AVivcs can be had for the asking" AW must all learn to take care of our oirn health, and by doing tills and avoiding all unnecessary work we may keep our tempers unmiiit-u aim r.iii l.oallli nil Imnaired. live to a trood old age, and our children aud ourchil drens' children will rise up and call us I.Wsrtl. Mns. r. I. Speaking of the sin of intemperance one evening, an old gentleman with silver hair remarked that many a one had been saved through the gentle iu fiuence of a woman, and requested leave to tell the following story to illustrate the fact: , The little village of Brier Dell lay basking in the sunlight of a bright win ter afternoon. In spite of its romantic nanip. it was a bustling, active little town, thomrh not very large. Brier Dell had always been a strictly temper ate town, a Good Templars' lodge being one of its principal features. Many a one had appeared on the spot requesting land enough to build a saloon upon, but al ways beingscnt away as quickly as pos sible, as if his very presence tainted the pure air. But one ill-fated day two dark, evil looking individuals appeared in town, bought a Jot and comiciiccd the erec tion of a building. In answer to the in quiries of the inhabitants, they replied that they were building a drugstore. Said inhabitants expressed their appro bation, aud wondered why no one had thought of putting one up before. But, ah, how little they knew what a curse it would prove ! AVell, the building was finally finished, aud the proprietors placed drugs on the shelves and whisky under the counters. The good people of Brier Dell looked sol emnly at one another and shook their heatls, but, for a wonder, took no meas ures to put a stop to such shameful pro ceedings. In the suburbs of the town several good buildings had been erected, and on the particular afternoon of which I speak, a young man emerged from one nf tlion nnd s.umtprpd slowlv UD the street. Glancing at his face, you womti have set him down at once as genial, l.mipuf nml pvpn-tpivmered. A frank, i) f..f.imprrv I ill ii pvps. broad, high , ' , ... I. Loll, nltfv- toreiieuit ami aji gether quite a Handsome young teuuw, and a great favorite with, every one. AVhile he wis sauntering up street, a young girl was saying to ner mother: "Now, mamma dear, you must lie still and rest, and I will run up town and get your medicine." Her voice was low and sweet, and her dark brown eves seemed full of love and tenderness. "I was standing by the door of the store as she came in, while on tho other side a party of wild, reckless young fel lows were trying to persuade the afore said young man to take a "social glass" with them. He refused for some time, savins he had never tasted liquor, and, what was more, he never intended to. But thev kent urcintr him. and tellin him that one gluts would do him no harm. He hesitated, looked at tho glass, and hesitated airain. but. finally taking it in his hand, said : "I will drink this, but not another dron as Ions as I live. The others looked at one another and winked. The young girl who had just conic in took it all in at a glance. Her face grew nale and her beautiful eyes lilled with sad reproach, but, stepping firmly up to the young man, she laid her hand on his arm" and said in a low but firm tone: "AVillis, for the love of God and your mother's sake, don't touch it."' For a moment he looked angry, but the next an expression oi sadness aud shame came into his eyes, aud, setting down the glass, he turned toward her aud said: "You have saved me from shame and humiliation, anil I thank you more than I can tell." "I knew him well," continued the old gentleman, as he finished his narrative, "and from that day until the day of his death lie never touched a drop of liquor, aud all through the gentle infiueiice of that young girl." Queen ATictora's Hallucination. AVhatever may be the truth in regard to tho report that Queen Alctoria in tends to abdicate the throne of England, it is known that she has been laboring for some years past under at least one phase of mental infirmity. She has a firm conviction that Prince Albott In always present with her, and that she can hold communion with him. Her private rooms arc arranged as they were when he was alive. His chair is placed opposite to her own in the library, and the books which lie delighted to read to her are arranged lovingly, in order, upon tho table. In some of her moods she will converse with him for an hour to- pther. eonduetintr her own suaro of tho conversation aloud, and with the vigor and interest of old times. He had taught her by his example, the success of his business enterprises especially by his management of the uueny oi in uiinnrititpiid as much as possible of her private affairs herself; to reduce all unnecessary expenditures, and to forbid extravagances. Hence, the greatest simplicity is observed at the tiuecu's table, ana sneniinsmes man jib husband looks on well pleased. At riniiM. when she is more than ordinary depressed with a sense of his presence, the poor, fond woman, will order a knife and fork to be placed on the dinner-table for him, and cause tne aiieuuuiiw to place every course berore tho empty chair as if the master still occupied it. Every morning a pair of boots are cleaned and set down against the door of the chamber which he once occupied, and at breakfast, when in Scotland, she will often sit a long time m suence, waiting for the Prince. The Queen's strong ueuei in tne com munion of the living with the spirits of the dead, she received from Prince Al bert himself, who was a sort of theoso phist a something between" Jacob Beh men, the mystic, and J. G. Fitche, the philosopher of transcendentalism. AVhatever may be thought of it as a theory of philosophical or religious be lief by sober, common-sense people, it is to Victoria a source ot great consolation, and she often talks with the Prince con cerning the state of the soul after death. She has been gradually withdrawing from public life for some years past, ami lives in a world of her own. Her harp and her easel arc both neglected, and she neither sings, plays, nor paints, ex cept at rare intervals, when she will sweep her harp strings ior a lev. mu ments in memory of some sweet German air that her husband loved to sing or hear sung. Men anil 'Women Advocates. ITnLlfl- fJllKKI.I.Y'S JiIllllltAMTY. In ponvimr the follow' Ills I.I..V I- !.-..... -VrL- ing generous wonis .nun mi.- --i--" Tribune of Oct. 11th; this is the true rl! . .1. 7..:.. nfllii IMC AVCr since ie J ' " burnt out. in 1SJ5, wc have kept always on hand duplicates oi every unng neeuei. for the publication of the paper, forming in fact a complete duplicate olhce. Mr. Thomas N. Booker, our foreman, yes terday telegraphed, on behalf of the As sociation, to Mr. Sidiiey Howanl Gay, Alanaging Editor of the Chicago IVibunc, placing this oince at n " ":"'" the Chicago Tribune, or any other Chicago newspaper. At r nnr nwn irreat calamity, twenty-six neighbors was so euiuiv.i..j that we did not miss tho publication a siii'de regular issue; nor have we missed nn.f linn?. AVe have needed, in :v quar ter of a century, to call, just once, on a neighbor, for press-worK; m.t always remembered the aid of lSlo and held ourselves ready to give he p wher ever it was needed. Many others, no doubt, are ready to do the same to the extent of their ability; aud from all we invoke the speediest assistance for stricken Chicago. Girls and women constitute one-half of the depositors or the uosion saving banks. Now-a-days it is the fashion to praise the brave and good men who conic for ward to the support of woman suilrage above the women who stand with them shoulder to shoulder. AVe hear it said that men have apprehended the situa tion better, and even that tney nave shown more tact and delicacy. John Stuart Mill, Bobcrt Collyer, George AVilliam Curtis, Litboulaye, ia-ncst Gouve, Salvatoro Morelli, and many others, certainly deserve all the compli- 41..., I ... ytnlil tln,. I.llf it tc tllUlltO llltlli Irilll UU 1.1.111. 11,1,..., AV easy to see why they occupy a position of greater dignity than some of the women who arc working towards the sami. pud. It takes a person of the no- l.lpst instincts and broadest sense of justice to advocate the cause of an op pressed class to which he or she does not belong. Men who have espoused the rights of women occupy an elevated, outside position from whence they can survey the whole Held, iney sit in tne iiullcial seat while women make the idea. The women, destitute of imple ments, are trying to set themselves free from tiie inside. The men, with imple ments furnished them by freedom, are endeavoring to help their sisters from the outside. AVomen learn the wrongs of theirscx more through the heart than the head; men apprehend them alone through tho intellect, and bring a cooler anil more logical temper to the appre hension. Most of the speeches made by women in their own behalf are weighted with feeling. They are in too great haste and stress of eagerness togettheirrights to be exact and nice in the choice of ar guments. They tell what they, them- a nli-no linf'n frA t new! e 1 1 f! . TTU I nn) .v; t -- 7 44v vi nun i-iiiivn-'ij furnish, however incompletely, the ele ments or vital heat, while tno men au vocates sunnlv litrht. Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton in this country, and Frances Power Cobbe in England, are the only women who. bv reason of the highest logical faculty, have as yet shown themselves capable of givin statements of the whole question as elose and convincing as those furnished by John Stuart Mill and Laboulaye. Our feeling towards tho men who have come to our aid is not a cold and feeble emotion, but the verv enthusiasm of gratitude. AVe feci that they arc for us because, by their very mental and moral constitution, thev cannot be against us. MM . I . . 1 ,.!! I .. l inuj ere won i to tne iKii.tuiiis.iip, unu such insignia of nature's nobility is be yond praise. Although the wnnipii advocates are working for themselves, and at tho first uiusii seem to stand lower than these men, who from pure love of truth and justice have come to thr front; still, ill a broader sense, there is no conflict or ..:..:. . c . . -. . . . u.v.siuii ot interest. .Men ana women together in this cause are doing a work ior numanity, ono and indivisible, and it is always well to keep this tact prom inently before the mind of the world. t A Comical Incident. Rev. F. C. Morris relates the following: A parrot, belonging to some friends of mine, was generally taken out of the room when the family assembled for prayers, for fear he might take it into his head to join irreverently in the responses. One evening, however, his presence hap pened to be unnoticed, and he was en tirely forgotten. For some time ho maintained a decorous silence, but at length, instead of "Amen," out lie came with "Cheer, boj-s, cheer." On this, the butler was directed to remove him, and had got as far as the door with him, when the bird, perhaps thinking that he had committed himself, and luul hotter apologise, called out, "Sorry I spoke." The ovcrpoweriug effect on the company may be more easily imagined than des cribed. National Baptist. Ocean Diuft. A bottle wits recently picked up on tho south beach of the Island of KeyAVcst, with a. memoran dum enclosed, showing that it had been thrown overboard from a Norweigan brig at a ioiiit six hundred miles to the eastward of the Island of Martinique. From an examination of tho chart it appears that this bottle, driven by the currents known as the driftof Northeast trade winds, must have passed into and through tho Carribean Sea around the Island of Cuba and into the Gulf of Mexico to the beach at Key AVest. This long course covers a distance of nearly three thousand miles, aud from tho date on the memorandum the rate of progress of the bottle must have been over thir teen miles a day, it having been driven along by tho currents for two hundred and eighteen days. Grace Greenwood writes to the Chi cago Jirpublican, declaring that there is neither truth noriun in its "personal," that she had boxed the ears of a carrier of that journal for bringing the paper late. She saucily adds that she has always found newspaper carriers trust worthy and obliging, and that if she were in the boxing line she would not direct her stinging blows against the carrier's ears; but against those of the local editor, "preferring a good, large mark." The Jiejmbliean humbly pro poses, by way of amend, to send Its fiery untamed local up to Grace to be killed, and offers to pay the funeral expenses. Cincinnati paper savs that In that city dressmakers and seamstresses, who comprise the greater number of work women, tlo not average more mail ati. lnllara a wpek for forty weeks in a year. The remainder of the time they are out of work. At the large cioan, tiressmaK- in" and ladies' suits establishments tnoy work by the piece. At these, for work for which customers pay from five to seventy-five dollars, the sewing woman who does tne woriv guts .rum uuc uuim in ton. And inotherbusinesstheshares of the workwomen are no larger. Tn Hip oflioe of the New York Evenina 7Va Mr. Brvant has (it is said) hung up a catalogue of words that no editor or reporter is allowed to use. Among these interdicted worus are uogus, uutuuiess., poetess, collided, debut, donate, dona- . . . . i Lt I : .... tion, loaier, locateti, ovation, prwiteunr, progressing, pants, rowdies, roughs, secesh, oculate (for kiss), indorse (for approve), lady (for wife), jubilant (for rejoicingj. nagging iior i""i loaned (for lent), posted (for informed, realized (tor obtained;. Miss Sarah E. Homer of Geotgetowi , Mass., has been elected 1 to .a PfS1.' in i ntrnrciiv in riuiiui III. HIV tn."...; - - tXYPlliy hassec. Miss Horner uas ppuiar years been an efficient and pop teacher in the public schools ot u teacner in u.u V"""f "y"t0ii as i town,andrecerUlyhasactias her or the &cnooii ; was entrusted A shrewd uc rwhofed the boy tothocarc ofliis uucie; , nedto I pect he lives wltu u f