The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, June 02, 1871, Image 3

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. Libb riro WH.-TIt who read
the huJiUmltrtk't And correspondence
la this week's Issue will find their Idea
s.t aJ:MLA LA aoCJ OTZiGi
srls carpet and ladlee tana. Three
llttM AT the fcahloa article, by at ta
rt j lira UU miaa,got anidwiobad fcntong
th esrfmtfeaea. Hew the article
Ikmim mixed In tbU way W eaaaot ;
telL Every employe la the office haa
been mtochlaed, ee - ,. ,
light aa. - W raalarlil of aa aa;
.oOuU. oa all-- day mm fun
loving young ladle, whom mother kept
a boarding- hense waay Bilk ftm,
Portland, ptosi lappa tlv table a tempt
ing array lev. The aaaaaal variety
produced Bom surprise among the
boarder, who expsrted a great, treat
Tba plav Wwvrvr, proved. U oa fill!
with a mix tar af Med wool aad
Iiimih "What do roe call this F aaked
oit TDm boarder, vainly trying to
tueatloat the mUtara. "I haven't
named it yet," laugblagly replied oaa af
the grbv . 'Well, I call It a eW of a
mesa,", replied tba bailed epicure.
AW re not la the lutUt of using aacb ex
preaalona, but-that'e Just what w
thought of when we mw the Wander oa
our lint pair. It won't oecur again.
We wteuded the parafraph la tba arti
cle oa Jaaliiona to read aa fellow!
-"Ho of the maalMdTarletlea of passem
enterie, Mairea, buttons, 'ar&aJaeota,
cords, ope (Imps and what not, that
are exhibited and sold by merchant
rrerywhr.W-ara (tad that thee
tiling ar worn, though we by no mean
approve of unnecessary axtraTagaae
in their na by persons not able to afford
- thee, Ladle Un.l9z9VVJ
sklll and time of a Urge portion of th
Inhabitant of many localities. - We are
glad that ladle ue them. The mm
nmy'b said of parasobi, embrolderie,
laces. T ribbon and ' cheap' Jewelry.
And th answer to "Economy"- thnil
"'Economy- wants to know whether
ah shall parchaat a . Bntspet or a
UiMa.tdv nrmi Cor her llvlna? room.
Him tJ mnmtm m.rm nan Ambit than I
llruseela. They possess tha advah(age
of being ready to tarn after on aldeXls I
aliooat worn out. Th dlfll renpe fit 1
x a
Mice U alovNit nothln;"
-i? i ir
i n t
J Tvaca Nmw ' Books. Mrs.- Rosa
l(artln, tn her heroic endeavor to earn
TV livelihood, will comment canvass
"'to-day,-upon her' two crutch, - for
'Polar aad Tropical Wartda,wan film
t rated deacrlptlon of man and nature la
the polaf and equatorial region of th
globe. Twa , volumes' la "one. By Dr.
- U. : Ilarturg, of Tleldelbarg, Prussia.
-.Edited, with large additions, by Alfred
1L Guernsey.. -will .contain
nearly .eight hundred , royal octavo
pages, and will tw Illustrated by about
two hindrad engraving. Th cost of thaw
Illustration before a single copy has
7, been printed U mkl to ba fully ten
' thousand dollars. Extra English eloth
iing, $5 00 1 leather blndlngjoply
$5 AO, The book, which 1 a remarka
bly beautiful One, come highly recom
mend by tha, Iftetara pram, W Mrs.
- Martin -1 also canvassing for Mrs.
Pho?ba A Hanaford' ' popular work,
.'From Bhora "try ghora, anaV Other
Poama," Thla 1 a poetical work of no
common order. The wonderful talent
and par heart of the author,' whose
nam at a household ward in Amarirn,
is" vividly visible . apoa every page.
Mrsl MarUn la aanvaasiiig for stlU anH
other bonk, one in wblvh Mark TwabV
ready and mercUeaa wit baa broken
forth afresh In aa "Autlblography."
Those who want a good, antl-dyapepUo
, laugh should buy It i thoa who want a
handsomely mustratod . book- 'should
buy It; but let not one of them Imagine
that the nameroae ill uetratloaa, with
exception of hi "Family Tree, reUU
at all to th author1 pedigree, Th
"Romance" Is excruciating. We be
for Mrs. Martin k longrunof or-
ders iMCLlhee popular works. Parson
deairing th two-Jaltor named work
.'who may not1 aea Mrs. Martin In th
canvas can get them Immediately by
calUng at her Reside noe, 10V Front ftt.,
np-atalrs, at seven o'clock Imth eve-
CnaimAJ PaociaKaa. This remark
abto book, by Rev. WavioUy, hi
lakl apoa ear table. We have rarely
met with a work, combining each evt-
t falrneaVwt th sack a eomprel
rang of Meaa,' and alilUUag Vh evl-
dene of aaremltUag appUoatioa U th
'eTucldatlon and proper understanding of
:th Bible, a m embodied ta the work
, before a.-' : Explicit withoat being
tedious, logical, withoat aflVctlon, the
peeallar doctrinca of v the "Work are
-barked by'tnexhaaaUbl Biblieal referr
enoe. . iTh. ssnguag of tha, work. 1
. cheat, easy and flnaai, without any an
v deavor to attain the little embelllab
1- meat with which a teacher of appar
ently new doctrine 1 apt to attempt
burnishing hi work to aUlka th
popular faney. Of th peculiar view of
th writer w will tool now apeak. They
are rWartvmonalia hi book.
we hop everybody will buy It aad In-
veallgalejor themselT, Clergymen,
eapeclally, ar Invited to carefully ex
amine the work. " Meohaaleally tt 1 a
.neat specimen of typngmphlcal art.
Addrem Iter, Wra. . Jolly, HUUboro,
Oregon. Price, II SOC '.' ' I
-. : -v.
An Old Iji)bak tkt.ta. The old
aia rHrvet House Tit Orrron IMr.
built la J84t by 8, WvMoss, baabeea
lorn uown. ' n wa one of theold Uiwl
mark Of that plare, and Indeed of Ore
gon. There are Crw aM Ofegonlane wh
. do not remember it, and who have not.
- sl one iime or anotner been enter
talned beneath ' Its ' roof. Its orlrinal
cost was 141,00(1,' Tli ua one by em th
early evidence tf )rern rlvlllsalU
ar passing away before the Indomitable
sput of imacavomei
"Paxrcoe Obacjji
Frank Habar has praasatsd aa with a
copy of a newspaper of the above title
bearing date rbruary Kth, 1851, aad
hailing from IJprS All- Vw
Wrt counties, Obio." Wa eUpthaM
lowing "carious eeoeu aotW" from
It page aad whloh ar aradltad ta the
Lane eouutr average about seven to
ach family, aad strange to tell tbar la
at found tasnlly eon
taln!nk twelve children, hearty and well
to do, the product of eighteen years, and
another containing nine children la
clerMfeafa. vbJted a number of
lamlUea, the mothers of which were bat
fourteen 'yeara old, aod 'MVcrel the
nothara of which war only, thirteen
yearn a!." If the publia want to know
where the alarming Increase of divorce,
so prevalent la Oregon aa to become a
standlag melancholy joke, first got 1U
fearful Impwtae, let them ponder well
the above. Mother in childhood may
be tiatoaiis far aadartsw erllahoad -at
malMrity with a very bad grao. ,
RaiLnoAD BatDoa. Tha Butteti
saysi hfc ILThlalaaa,Ooneral8aaarin
tetMlont of tha Oregon and California
Railroad, ha show a aa plant of tha
bridge to U eootruetl aeroas tha Wll
lametta river, near Ilarriaburg, on the
Une of the Oregon and OdifltraJa Rail
road, between Halaey and Eugene City.
From high shore to high shore the
brldg U thro mile In length two
miles of which are genuine bridge work.
It win b on of th finest, most sub
stantial and expensive structures of tha
class In thPaolnoasC It Is a draw
bridge of th tress pattern. Thedraw 1
t wo hundred and thlrtyHfeet, Urthe
center ltb trB PI f n cn W
two hundred feet." It far Id U'masWaf
iron and timber. The draft of the turn
tabla and a portion only, of Lb mala
brldg Is yet completed. A this brldg
ome In the section of twenty-four
nille Just contracted to be built, tt must
be finished by tba time the road is ready
to operate on tha vast aide of tba
lamett to Eugena City.
LAttyoar-'aKIl BHnrr :racrom.i-
Thoa women Who U at hom In DOT'
rty W eomparitlv idlenem slioult
vnut Uu. snirt mnory oi atrs, . twtee.,
. . m
whom oard w i mini to-aay. , woman
-r. .. . . . i
irrequeauy prove incmwive oanuwe a
anromplishlng busineat transaction
of I making money under pi rcum
ataneVa1 wldch men cannot ria abova.
Mrs.. IAwlem hag leas4 A,4iUikUtd
building hn Front street and fitted it ap
as a laandrv and shirt factory, having
no capital except perseverance and. 4
Ick husband. We are happy to my
that aha 1 aaosssrtlng admirably; and
that her husband, reviving under her
prosperity, will soon b able, to set, up In
business for himself. We bop gentle
men will extensively paisonlu this new
and laudable enterprise. ''Men ax fast
losing their long boasted but seldom ex
ercised right "to support women. And
women ar rapidly demonstrating their
right and ability to support themselves.
A rr ecti XQLf-Th Democrat, otrM-
baay, telle ti fottowUgAruljr aCWting
Incident: "A rw month si or a young
couple were married at Boseburg, but
the mother of the bride was down on'
the hnaband, and persuaded th wife to
so for a divorce la the drcult Court
Jbr IkMelaa ctx-ritalv h did; hot
before Court came on, the couple made
It up and moved to Portland, leaving the
the meddlesome old woman behind.
A few days ago the couple were astound
ed by receiving a aatk from Boseburg
that the Court had Just divorced tbem.
A license wsa procured,, a 'squire waa
ddled In," and they were spliced again
In lea time than you could my 'Jack
Bebfaaan.'1 ' aJ f vl-fJlX
Ist'rnovBVKirra ' AT - Halxx. Th
Statumam my the new United Presby
terian church, on High street, is nearly
ready to be enclosed. Th Urge Meiho-
dlt M gtaW and fumh
streets, will be commenced a aoon as
the plan and spednoatioos ar received
from the hands of the architect, The
CumberUnd Preabyteriaa ftoelety hav
already aubacribed upward of $1,000
toward their contemplated edlnoa. The
psalteotlary to being rapidly puahea
forward. Twa new store oa Btate street
are to be erected by Mr. O. W. Gray
daring th summer, and a larg aumber
af private dwelling ar already either
under contract or aoon will be.
k DaconATtoit J9atj- ceremonto
af DeceeaiionDajr weraobserved ft tbo
first tim la Oregon ,by the member of
Baker Post K. t, Grand Army af the
Republic, at their hall, comer of First
The .avanilsm consisted af staging,
prayer, decoration ceremonies, and ad-
dream by Frot Roger; Ooa. Box tort,
Rev. Mm tEUot aisi Oen. HamJitan,
Gen. ftaxton and the Rev. Mr. El lot
worn bothy defender of our country la
th late ctvU war, while Gen. JlamH
ton to a veteran of the war of lM7with
Mejcin,-Jha exsretsm were well can
all who participated. - . .
Beat O W..C T, rforma n that the
Orand Ledge of the Independeat Order
of Good Templar will eonven at
Balem n'fJsf lMh) int.-Tb delegate
win meet on Tuesdayrxnd continue la
esaloa four day, wnttl Friday evening.
The Btate Temperance Convention will
convene oir tbo Itth and remain in e.
slou through the day. The Order of
Good TampUrsla ten jrerypioapeisiu
ceavdlUonT-Thi Geoet TtrntAar ha
now a circulation af aver 1,400 coplee.
W ar much gratified at the sue re of
the Order, and treat that their annual
meeting wltl be largely attended.
CiTT Eicno!. The Portland city
ekcUon occur on the flat Inst. i
Fhtbica- Ura or Womak. W
have given this work a careful reading 1
as the many demand upon oar time
will admit, and v pronounce It a most
valuable medical,, work for rsa. We
do think, however, that it 1 the duty of
smea to sell each, a book among their
awa sea. w ar kU that tn boo, nas
been punhaad xUnoively by the aa
loon keeperi t4Lro-if of fiti city, and
af eoune lie around where the ribald
Jest and obaoene alang of paastoo-
Inflamed Imbiber af ardent spirits may
gloat over It common ta upon the Inner
chamber of the Holy ofHollee wherein
tney derived Ueir being. "Mow long, u
Lard, how long V . '
4" "' 1,1. . ' ' ' ff
ExCTClorxDlA. Mr. Hunt la en
gaged la canvassing the city for "Zeii's
Popular Encyclopla and Universal Die
tloisary." The arark.l a. raagalflsent
one, and will Ojououom prov uannu.
Mr. Uuut has also a pros pectus for
"Plain Home Talk," embracing med
iae! comasoe mas a applied toeanses,
preventions aad cures of ehronle dis
ease; (be nataral relation of men aad
women to eaoh other aooiety love)
parentage, etc. By Edward, Foote,
M.D. .
't t- . . . -i '
Oaujiv Rack. We see by the pa
pers that; Ml. If, H. Gale, of the Rose
burg Emrign, la endeavoring to lutro
duee In thla city and elsewhere a new
typographical Invention a . "galley
rack."- It la well spoken of, bat aa w
have had no chauoe to test It w can only
form an opinion of It merits from hear
say. The advantage or the Invention
eonalsU In. the fact that by it galley of
type may be corrected without putting
them on the
V atmatioj nr SofTHaaM duMMST.
The Merchant and Farmer Naviga
tion Company of Umpqua held a meet
ing a abort time since and elected new
officers. The company have purchased
th Bwaa, and both of It boat are now
engaged In the trade from "Gardner to
ooottsburg. vribould the contemplated
river improvement be made this sum
mer the company will be prepared "16
accommodate theutrad of Rosebnrg
next winter.-)-v-'" j'''''' "
"Railboad OKOAjrixATiox. At a late
meeting of the Oregon Central Railroad
Company, held In. Portland, the follow
ing gentlemen weWelected Directors t
Ben Holladay, W. L. Halaey, Geo. W.
Weldler, J. IL Mitchell, T. R.oroe
llus, M CrwforuV H-W. ftoettv At a
meeting of th Director th following
officer were chosen i President, - Ben
Il9lady4-YltmJdent, WU I Hat
sey HecreUry, R. II. Towler."" ' t.
CtoirTnACT lT.-The Oregon and
California railroad hav let a contract
to Mr. J. Lr Hatlctt,lete Assistant Su
perintendent, for the construction of
twenty-two mile of railroad," the eame
being the enUr dlstano from th prea
ent termlnua to Eugene City. Mr, Hal-
Ictt will not, however, hav charge of
the con struct lop jf the hrldg at'HArris-
burg- Work to to be pushed vigorously
by the
WsATHcn RacoaD roa Mat. Mr.
Henry A. Oxer, ;iibraiian, mrnlahea the
following weather. Items for May t
HIghaat tamfsjiaiure, tO degrees, oi the
M.-rtiKn'l tows'tomperatare, 43
degree; oa the- 12th, at 7 o'clock A. M.;
mean temperature. M degree. Total
rainfall a. IS rachea. ; There wer slight
hall-storms on the 11th and 23d. Then
wa a great deal of showery weather In
the mouth. , . -, ,.
Tub Woman' Jouumal. This ex
cellent Journal la published monthly at
San Francisco; 10 quarto pages ; book
paper t stitched and neatly trimmed
sent -by mall to any addrem for tl 60
per annum, ' Every woman altould sub
scribe tor It. E very-family needs It. It
speak for ttaelt
AmikirrAiXT Kiixxo. A on of
Albert Savage, residing In Washington
crjwaajqiteizity tha awldcntal
discharge of waa a abort time since.
Pa waa air laaa year af age.' Scarcely
a week passu by but what we read the
account of aome poor boy being killed
or maimed for life by the care lees ua af
fire-arms. ."
EUX WATX3L -The IfiJlamett at
thla polat iMWoUenwllei grmtr-vol
am of backwater from, the Columbia
than ewe. The rtae eaases many Incon
venient removals from basement along
the river frouiThe WlHamett at
AoarcTLTTaAi. Implbmbict Braj
tX.A building Is to be erected at
Salem for manufacturing agricultural
tmplsmesrti. 4ttota be built of brick.
win be by 100 feet la alio, three atorlea
high; and will cost from $7S,OO0ta tlOO,
000. It to th Intention to makJt fire-
- ; r .
Moore, Land .Commissioner for (be
Oregon and OdiJbrnla R. R. Co.; I
at hav beea received for 12,500 acre
of the land ln.t in MuUr1""1.
Park am a and Waahlagtoa eountiea, .
.TiOB Lawdc The Otympla TViosme
my the SwInomUh tide fiat on the
Boand naac being ; rapidly ' Improved,
Eight thousand bushel of wheat Will
he raisod there tbl year from reclaimed
lead,: t'; , ; r T.r f,, '
AarkDAirr ' HAkvxaT. The ' new
from, all part of th Bute'n present
that th prospect fnr an abundant
cereal yield are a good, and In many
localiUca better, than ever befora known.
Tail ' Aimi - Btbwabt. Tbjl fin
steamer to now plying between this
point and Astoria. Bh ha been refit
ted and repaired throng, and to la
dead a fine, large, stately leoklag boat.
A Good M ova. The . moohault of
Balem am eadeavartag to
organlxatloB to promote ta
ture and. axle of Oregon made good
aa plows, wagon and furniture.
Thla k Indeed a good mov and met! to
Jfo! MABrr.-Tbe WJUr Walla
tWoa mya the, Imasediate prospect be-
fom the farmam of that valley la net
very sUrtertag. - There wiU a great
crop, but no market for Utem. ;;
a CtocirW BJtAl, ErtATst The
aamber of real aetata salsa In lame
county la Increasing, and property I
ruling at advanced price, owing to the
approach of the railroad. ,
LAra-CHCol The O. 8. K. Co new
steamer, which haa been building at
this point for some time, was launched
Wednesday. Bhe
to a model of
symmetry and power.
AoaicuLTraAL - AaeociATioK. A
agricultural association haa been
formed InvJackeon county, and that
county will hereafter have aa annual
agricultural fair.
CoscxaT, Th Pbilharmonle Boclety
of Portland give a concert to-night at
On Fin Theater, under th direction f
Prof. WyAC' It promhw to he very
entertaining. r....j :;.. r .
Btbkbt InraovKM kxt. Albany a
making eonMiderebl street improve
ments. Tt street already compare fa
vorably with those of other corporation
in the Mate. "i
Coar or Railboad. It to
that the coat of the proposed railroad
from Wellula to Walla Walla, thirty-
one miles, Will be 9673,208, or $32Jo
per mile. "-- " -' - : -: .-
Jbffbbbox Flocbikq Mill. These
mills are to have their capacity en
Urfred, and Will hereafter run three act
of bur and other machinery in propor
tion, a, - .
Tbb Obiflammb. Thla aleamer ar
rived from San Francisco on Tuesday
last with a large passenger list. She
mil again to-morrow1. ' '. 1
Poetioau Beveral original poem
were sent IB" this week too tote for lar
sertlon ln thi issue. They will eppear
next week.-'.-r ' '
Bailkd. The steamers AJaxand Con-
staatia sailed for San Francisco last
Saturday each with a modemte
gerlba. ryz. , . - .
Bttu. A bbiviko. -large number of
emigrant from Califorala continue to
arrive la Southern Oregon.
Wool at Eromra. Wool to selling at
Eugene jCIty at tblrty-oa cent per
pound.' . .-..'-' " - . :
iht or rrucsmrsfa th rn kibim-
cictj. le s aM la th sttjr f 1-wUaa
i Una of th IMfna maw tfAfwvii
rtnij saa
M lk if.larf knmWf moJ tut
mUmmmrctlr I t - 1st
for ta s luar vartsM aurweUr
rtattastmmrtl nmmri. .... IB
goe tto a t luar vartls scmssUr M
ri the awt saw varMr eorrHlTl
rorie seal new
W th steelM aamliar wl va-
I. rttt Minlly aaam .
rr im M nw Tsnoues ureur
ac taajwsl awe vartety arraetlr
asm .
& "l
ImI fcxrr vartea
Bsstea varfcUr-
rtettas tnmrtly mnH WW- t tt
for las best ooa vartet; teoftartlr .
- aaMa...;....... , " 1
Far Um hsat tn mdllM.-..
- All utbslM ta Uila Mmmm shall ss xhiblta aa
eooisMM htvakfaM pUHrm, aa4, ! la caw
of tin an new sredUnsa, st tava saw rial
shall as showa. - -
faliain as. r Car. A. P. Avaairr,
j . - sssaUiaaaU.
for the haatsshlbnaf aaraaa vaga
fW th M eiialatt'areaFota?
ftrtriTt IT-Mttl af sarlf
loea (on TrH'i v I
fyw irts aeataininitar .
K taa h-sA eKhlbM at nailaaM.
For IK i-iii artt a rhatwO
rtotr a rbalMUO I St
For iaa mm at
aiwr af -- m
i.a.1 "7....-:-. I I
tor lha beat Mlaea (ifieM saael- ,'
i - . cuum m-jfxowBsv -:
a a.4 .rr....,, it tt
B blMI of vaiiaU aa aal
MM of larhlaa 4. t tt 1 1
BMtashlDM af VmMIm aad ' T
-f-awaaof xmtklj imuc....--!M. . t 1 1
BM mwi oa www aaa tTi- - -
t4 yrmslim. , t SS 1
. - -
aaeaaof nliaa 1 1 " , j
Rmi ,ihlMI M uwN kakHl . .. la I tt
Beat exhibit of vartatia aa narl - -
of IwlloUiieauu t M
i mhlbli
I of wMM aaa art-
f ' I
i t ' i
bat aihlbtt of rarlatles aad apart.
1 P- h"t"
Lady Waahlaatoa aaglaav.
satMM trranlnai, ,
HmA aalMM f tin
fat rnae avraalnia..
Ba doal-Ta wblka
tVat dnahla rad hirbi
pMt aWJfc aaamlhlr
aat red BMminir
haai rellr aaonlhl ruaa-
rmai sonata (vnaraaa.-
Baa rmiUif sraasnalal kimet!
alaata u.rtiT7. . ff ts
fi apartsav .aratmeatat 'Has --r
alaal .U. I m
SMt KhloH of HUMS- -.-
i4 kawartafrm s
lat baoav aT mlaad aVnrrei I (S
aat boaoaa. a aallvs uravn
waav ,1 ,i 1 1 1 , - 1 i a Oa
tatnail fraa. , Faawr
I sa
All aaaHaa hs aaada iiBira tha
alnaa of the SnU da of toa alhlbntoa.
-Trtnaas win ba tM at the AB3TOBT
IAIJ. lathiaalir.
- RahkattM vlll bVoee to the aablte
twa days aad thra ereala,
' HSli mm -''
ri4sas tawsssHa.r, . -am
- aaaa aai i '
n tha mi in mMt mi ra-
i i- I V
x t-
ft fr.
j r-
7-i i i
...rt...i,v "
; 1 t r,M
... , . I
. - . ; ik i i.;
'-I ' i'- - f t -' -f -r r' V
1 ' w
A ewrKBAi.
sWitbi Ttm mrrmi ir iHtvurrr,
WW h Isssaw aa Friday af Trr waa,
staasistwIU May kh, M7L ' ' "
Oar latraarly lateieaUac Rerlal Msry, -i
WIU th next laaaa, Ms Klh, and b
aan4taad) darta the eanwal year. Copyrltht
Aitaagassaatt have aaea
ooMPtrrtaT coup op wbitkrs
apoa aaf aad all aaljerta gf publl laiarat. -
It Is ear alas la asaha awr aaasr snn o
wv mmwm aionaa on HI ym aiTcl'awa.
Wa lataod ts Isim It, aad we kouw tt Iss4-
Wkawmt teada la th amrllnrwlloa of tha
wuraiaa rwoala. ha thaa Mao or " aooll
......aviiiMi f MimiKHit
tUsbla. bat a Humu KI(Ula orgaa.dwotd
laa an aj
aa waaaaaor puinT may so ai paiiiniry an aaeur
to tha fMIMl a am oaa It
aatfwa aa ays. aa am rnion, aa vany.
au auior, a araad. I la hmadaUoa la fcrtaaad
apoa lira, for of Ktrraol IJlwrty, Unlvaraal
ajoaoripaw aaa uatraataa
ariuai of
oaaonaiaillty tin
laea as do oar doty, wa fie
wa4J p9fl9we tVV
wah a taaorlaala-
MM rwMka.
As a tadaastaeat lua oar tHaada to ataka
sartioaa Ut avear Urn r In ha for tha Nsar
Nowrvwairr, waadheuia foituwla Ustef val-
mw wvaiiani I
ror iwwaly aukaxHbera. st St Maaah.
Banled by lha aaah. wa will W Ui HoMR
Ma, baaatirally araaaaaalad, PrW. t-VA
IW mirlT-ara aaaaerihora, hT tl M aarh, ae
lomoanlawT by tha aaae. we will ftr a HOMR
1 1 it v a
salad by th aaah. wa wll I fla a HUM k NM I IT-
styla, with JUaoX Walaat tab aad
me. at - -
to aaor waa las afaeaiaaa, whh-a ara war-
id arat-rlaaa fa avary aartbralar, aaa be
at th aaaei ad Qa. VvTrar. 11 a' root
straot, Pnrtlsod. .
I Fw arty kiMliirs. ai as aarh. mt
faalad by th aaah, w Will ft a UAtUM A
HAMUaf ruMTAHI.a O Hi I AN, Aaae aatava,
atnal road, with blark amlaat eaaa, aatoaaaua
anitaas aii.Tww atow allal. IMipruvad
T .OOTn .a nu raa. aM. niaa. ua
For a otv-a saaoarlarta. at SS aeh. Be.
aoanaaalod by th aaah, a doul4 reed M AMON
A HAMIJM OHKAM I raonaahlaa th Brat ea-
avt that M has alaa a Im aaaav, 11 1-, y7A,
Far saatr-ea aakai nliia. at S ss aH
aesorapaaled by th aaah aad Iwoaty-a
dollar addlllAnal. w will lira a MAMOM A
HAMLIN UHttAff, af rtva arrAvaa, ans
srae, aat-r-a m MftM - aaa a vaLvsa. iw
raovaa iuuii, taaachAav abb ..Mm
swau. ma, saw. - -
Far a haadrad sahariliavs, at tl M eaeh,
ily diillars addlttoaol, w will 1a a
m sasmii uwitn, nri
rtvsms,ywaaaTaor araaatwaa vwaor
aw, taraaiysa aautacAraa aair-aiwrwnaa
ap inriMiwiua. vrnj, NArAau
itiTlUCMUIh-T-aMra.efesr" .
Thnm who olr t work Sar lb araaarasaa
aaa aoad tha aaaaa and aiiiaay aa Saal sa ta
eld. Ta aabavrlbars will ba ylaead to thr
raait, aaa a raaaya aawtea ara aa ran
darta tha ya to aw tha orraUajn
trad thay aaa rw aaa laojaeoreailaaa, they
will b atlllad to ata tweaiy- r raai
ta aaah af IhaaAaaaat emitted ha- thatr lahaav
. tVro daatna aalbriiahlyaaa a yar-
tteaiar nam win oiaaaa anuiy
a antify aa, that w
i aa4 lh alairkahay
may aaaiaia iwt
lateo to aaa aaa.
ArH aaoa.ala BW ah fTaatlftraa
atiUedtAtwantyvao nt,, (ai b de
hr thWiva Irola their aabo tiutltia I
w want la alar th Ml NiMrraw
Th Stat af mrf yaarlv aabarelher wlft 1
rat ta tha saoortmura af Woadhall A rials
Waakl. wh wl!l arad that valoahla,atrrln(
aaa aia aaas atw iaayif aayoa iraa a
thrM -oataa,or aattf yua gat raady o aaa-
Wa ara oa lh era af groat aad wiiwdilful
anlrilaal haa, aad tha whtrh.Jaar
Iraaly Ir.oji taaas tbaagai ar th say ara
' Caao3 titH CTaraal PFCJ
Ta Baa Fiaailaea flsatre aad !BW Baam
W ray wi 1 1 b ar nt aa yror far tt IB
Th Brvolatloa aad t MaarrBWtwr Will
a aaat r rraa ' . w
Or th Itoarar. Malataa aad 11 a W Boat
art will ba aral oa yrar Inr ts Ml
Wa hop oar frtaadarrrrywhrr WIU arall
W.'Tnt ear aa-
thonird asvnt Mr tkal Inralily.
A. K. Arwold la aManrlrW ba atlaod la all
arrlrd WUh lit hsW VBrUWa
. r ; t - Via.
1 4 X-- "ii .r i . , . x.- , .
-I f t
corn Ra rrwmt AMawARHiKOiatt trr,,
rBTLABa. aa:
'.:,.y '
V V ' i -
I li anally dalrlaa in aaah SAKE aa.l UK,
w haa hrava at tha tlaaa tnrail yoar
aai.atlaa ta Jkta iMalrahla Ttaet, whloh ha
baoa aaodlvharo) lata BliirBa aaa liuta. saa M
aow tat ba saaffBst. ta b said la AJbSPaats tads
aad Mtarka . .
Wa an ha vawiad mm aay ar haa awt
what will aay that to I lha Baoal aJlalUa a
Hubarbaa Itualdi an af aay oarrad la IBM
aiarkat. lh land haylaa a f raaaal aaae troat
rtwarbark la Maralraia Hk.larr brtaf
ly aay laura MUiniitnMhatwhMa
Fair View of th t'Hr af Fwrtlaad aad lha U-
laateti nr aa a aaa.
vaatas this srapirty will hav
tie rraldi aea i Ka harh watr will rrr aflbot
lha dralaa of thaaHy.
tbb a fx a. a. ram mw raatr boat
la now BiaBta rwaiaranea liuaa iar rant at
A iu M Wiah taa A A.I 1 taaaa.
as ta mi at
Ho4leiy- AsMmipaV . rr --
AaAda-rraea aisaatl iMpaavaataala auw la
otMBlatloa br ta Mallroait towaaay. ta
lha iMHtwIM of Wbarroa, Warphouaas and
M arhlna Hhooa, aaae a a am oar a inimni will
MMaM stoatin tiaa niiHUMi aaa i
dor aoauoat, by vradla ad a4oakla Hoi laday
A no lu an I Ira anib., to auanart with toa
Handy mod. Wa aaa aay that at laat Half a
Milium iMMiatasrui aaftaaaa layaraiaat
linurovVBMUta a this AdUUua th preaaal
" .. - Tawa T Bals't . ' ' '.
Vnrta aer - rant, saaa dnara i di Band aav-
SMata, ala aad twalva atoatha. with m tar at at
th rat ut V p eaat. peraaaaav. -, -.
OBihr al a larr ai
rartio wtahlna lo pamhaa farm or laads
will bacoarrrrd iothrat snd shown thaam
Bra of ehatw and at all IIbm lo salt lit
oavralaar uf oar aatrwaa.
A lora aaaawat at rtMor rASMIRii LAXia
r aala aimalad la Muttaoawb. Waahlnt'm.
Vaatalll, ria, swut, uaaa, Marion, ux-f
ma, and ntltrr wMmtira ot tula atata. tor
FUiCK lAfl al at ear
rishty AerId to.adolnlnHnna!ar'a
Aoaiuua aa in at. aryny to mttaei a
K1r aad Tea Aea taite tie aal,adJolala
Fat Pfartlaad.oa naaiiaablaf rat. Atvly ta
H4lllrl l'H.m.
- rl aaa TWraxy Aw ixxa aar aai oa in
llA.IjnlaaJ mod Ihrr aillr aatith of Ilia
ruy UtaHa Ayply to MtMart a rptoa.
rABaa ra bkbtt.
W have a nanbrr of TaroTd Farm, aft a-
sled ta a'sihlnfa eouaty, boat fuartvra to
lwaty Btllasef .liM-iaaa.
-i. f
At thla afflra. taamdlally. frass Twa la
There Heaatrra jiwaiuiui imu,
rurlliUM tat AMI runmniL """"L"
aaiwaiiy. o oM.'o v w.
- - rm rmu rrBur. ,
Moartal A a nut in tirraua auu a a.ninauxi
1'nnir r. tr-'" b a duBMatitaaad aa
lh Uat uf Marvh, 1X71. tbl I loslt a Butt that
I hav thla day nuautalad J. ti. Marv aad
W A I'uiaa. of , HtlaaJ. ttrrcoa. Hoerlal
As-mt Sa- Ihl htat aad Tnnitnrk ailjnlauut.
Makl Ma rr A I pta ar alhortaa aad will
attrnd tu arl laurair btlna enanretad
m dwa hr th Myomal aaewM. Ihaha.A tia..
wlHwa ouaiaoar-haa aa uiij ana unar
hirlly artt.-d. . M. f. MoKME.
Uanrral A(ai aad Attorney ft Ataa Lia
Inuraae Cunjipany of llarttim. tnan.
anea tn th rompany aiialkrd In orhrl.l by
rlllarna af tarrauej or Waahlartoa TWrluiry
will oa a. Mil, ibniuab Mraara. Mrarrva A L'B-
N. BL All payatais on rami inrwr.
e tn th rompuay aiialkrd In or hrl.l by
UmHpurlaljAr-liI at SUaUl-y-
an. saATTUt-a.
BamATTt-rk V KII
Urrir . r. ..".. r ...... w. "
-WaahTnrhMi atrrrV bet w it Frtail and
t:dU CSTITm.
lpTIatte-owMl T Dally
aw au a a - a.
TWO. MMt.M6 '"PUP.1
i. J ,ri,.
'.. '. BTrBKBXaJraU.-
. (utiMMi raABctarw,!
nitf ABU WAH
BfiUaa In Maa FraarUm, I frrl rnBiiirtrat
h rtf CUmt War as all lMalat (roara-
MMtafhrttoa swaraataid.
aaroaa Utkia aUmlnUMcrod.
i t' -
Bar. Wat.
fa, anhorta, Jada ft Jf . rVnay, Dr.
, Mraar Oat m by sad Orklo, aal th Mm huarrawaar. . al
Mr, lajalway,
i . aVnCMITBCTS. r
.auaaBAxa tiimibb.
;f,lint'ABO TO TVUXVm
.. iw Ma mrmKAJWU '.
las had. 9wlilag ' Ba
ta: every rtptkav An
Bill af MAeraH rarthe WNB total Ud
trwmg at all, rtaaiat Jmjluiaa. , .
amrtvni wti. Bididiaa.nys it ta
Or I laa th tar. . , . ' al
t a
rowiLAsa. Otnuu. April B 1 " ' ' sUraaiiiaa, at. - . . .... l
.jy' in p I o p..
. ' m rj amsst,
POgllaAaTiV' i' in ' OfTBtyTipt
r- TTBJia of trinoxi
M" it r-nt st rattan Qua "
. rirourm, aor Wa,
,.ia '
Mnalas, KkwuUua asrfTaTbAsmkwT
For yar............
Fur aiaall ahlldraa. y y
la Vote Cl'ar ai aiaclna
Kaeh bra Is bra woaha ra Iraalbl tha
Ajrty workai two luai yr rl.
at ad rat aatrlti by tbealnst Iraana will V
ax porta la Bay ar aar traaua hum yiv
Wtadaal lrtn( by th trr a will h
aeetod t ray fur th trra ta aaVraae. -rHaaaala
tanrlna by lha yaar wUI b
yrtat to fajr air tb yrax i aataasa. , .
CffjutflKB iw F.ion"nfy. VocaL urate
A a t a Liimtts tew, . .
Tdet as Hillawst ,Jt .
Yami Mnl t'laaa A Muadara and Thara.
aayaoa. St. ..
luM straw via tv-TWaasaya aaa siiaay a,
Omni s la : r. a.
Voaaa Maataia flaaa A Moadars Bad
Tharaalaya, nun lo Taa r. u.
Vuaac MaaMra's t'laaa jt-Tassdsrs aad TrU
dayafruatShiTdSp. tt. T
I in' nis w aay. at i:mi a. svi a -
ardaya,sl II a, M.
mt I -JM a. M.
('blldraa's naas (aar litua total Taasoays aad
Frtaaya, at I a. a.
asiATuaJO aaasiastmi
Wailsiiilay rralsa, fra I totJh ylal
Th Wtpinat Qasrtsy of LMiiat la
bum naaai with lha aw at writ. lltBinta'
anal yUaaar laaeaaowladr th taaaa
Uxl aourt of larw a aamber of Balruaa.
w taa yno ta aanjutaiBC ta bjuowihs
oaa taa aai i ttnra lur ta
of Normal Trhrra wllh whoua wa had tha
tnaothar with that of th aur rorui
raal hoaor ta laaort 1 -
arAva a Minsvrt, Wiboba, 1 I
rtaaTOTATS NoasALHrMool-
, ASrtl M, hffL r- .a J
H aMawa ss trtat ! la bear tall at nay
la th htajh prranaal aad yrnraaalnnal qoallttr
of I Tul qic J. a MoUlbeay, who Bar two year
or ItloS Wll a Blir arortnaara over tn
partmaat af Veral aad Fhyalral faltar la
Ihl InaUtatloB, Ta a toon Mm b kaowloilM af
lh I'hiloaopliy of CalwIlMiiIra and nral
TralBlns f n mi by but hrw, h yi radii aa
latf all hat sin lua, aaa aa
Iruluotry roaa ard by ana. With aa mpo
rlrnra of raora Miaa a manor of a arnlnry la
thla who enararaof ataily Vorot
Mart a oi , a prorainaai ynimm, t as
ad hrallol to y that I hav aavor met wllh
th Boar of haw UatMaaay as aa lalrar
lor la thla
I eniaaarad hlra aad hM sralleal Wlfrr who
BaMtaa. to th euaibirar of all w hu aaa sp
ina vaia oi a trae aaa rational atoua
of rallara fur the ohlldrrn aad ymiih of i
oaatry. , WM. V.
I heartily soaisttathaahora.
C i f 1 RTlHft, -
Frlala laaanai ta Elnroihio --- f t C ' i
UmM ta hhisallna rr ra, t at r
Tha anlrrMrn4 TmrheH In th 1rt Rtai
MHrraal Mrhrad af Mlnoranta. eonear la tha
Barnaul u tmllaxmlal uf lruf-Mr I'brlua,
MABY V. I.KK, ' " ' -
" fcrt.KNlA A, WHIKI.FH, V
.: - :. ,' CH RJHTK KK H. UUXKTa r .,
at .v- -A A. J. FAKliKH.
Jvkt -RrrrRTfun "riMA?r. rw tif
etaea with a lara aad hoteadld Mtnrk af
aOI. JfattTO WW, HtJUDHIta,-
. aiao..
i tar(e aitiTBoauUruf AJMorUuent of
- flag Laeea, Etev,7,;
Or very variety sail ilerlylliin. '
It raw Buds, rarBtah) gad Illilim-
Ofllilaataality. ' - '
gawsuiT. raarr aa
m. ETC,
Oa band aad atad ts ards. '
tllllliri Alini'ilTI' ILITIU
.. j,',".'-, ' Of all dMrtUSBB. ' ;' ; '
GmmI Smii fA f Ttatesl ; 1
T FlratatrMt, Ponlaad.
sayMoTAWTt,T Baialila Star Sbanajia. -
" ----- Al-
I2$lqf I IX
'i t M .XBOT BTOECT,--.
II V n i-l ale i
I1 ed-.i.-
... r" -
This L-CUy -arul Ett PdtiUnA
Farms Throughout tha ttfttw
2ifr.."L.'. f -X -vf-; -l''.i'
WASHrnQTOsl TUaUTOsir". -
i a -
t.. . V HAST A irWAW.,:
: : rt. -
. i
a! I. amir.
' . ! :
ij.' t." . '-... :-";t - - .'' ,'-,,
Bare jaat rSMHlyad a -j, , r-r, , '- J
; mil ar lavnoa varan ana rumiM, j
W. lit Tronl atrrrt )aiisU Met)amlrhs
aooa rMurvhltaniaad. K-
7 i