Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1904)
WEEKLY EDITION Unswayed by fear, uninflu- enced by favor, the East Ore- gonian will tell the truth, the whole truth, about county, state and national affairs, is fair, absolutely fair, .Jose differ from views, friends WEEKLY EDITION • • • • • i a • e e e e e VOL. XXIX. PENDLETON, OREGON FRIDAY. DECEMBER 23. 1904 Has Gone to Intercept the Baltic Fleet—Polish Women in Open Revolt Against Conscription. Subject«*! by Cossacks Knued With Whip* Japanese Gain Important Ground Near Port Arthur. But May Have IxNt SOS .Meter HUI—Ru mored Offers of Mediation—Th«' t sar Is Utterly Intolerant Tonarti the Liberal Element In Russia Singapore. Dec. 22.—Two Japanese battleships, four cruisers and 12 de stroyers have passed here, steaming westward. It looks as if a concen- trated attack on the Baltic fleet is planned. tione l«» M««et Tlx-m Half Way. Singapore. Dec. 22.—Two Japan vse warships, apparently converted cruisers, have been seen off Singa- pore. Jayaaeze Driven Out. St. Petersburg. Dec. 22.—Kuroj*at- kin reports that during a series of recognisance yesterday the Japan ese were driven out of their entrench ments in the woods near the railway bridge across the Shakhe river, and their entrenchments were destroyed. Commission Organized. Paris. Dec. 22.—The North Sea in quiry commission met in the office 10 this of the foreign minister at morning. Admiral Kasanakoff. dean of the commission, presided, Admi- ral Fourinier was elected president. Admiral Spaun. of Austria. was chosen the fifth member. The com mission adjourned until January 9. in the town of Dembria. Poland, wives of reservists. They gathered in the town hall, demanding relief from their destitute conditions, charged the police, put them to flight, then storm ed the town hall, and captured the mayor, who was later released by Cossacks. who drove the women off with knouts. Ru»*ia'* King «,«s>rgv 111. St. Petersburg. Dec. 22.—According to an official messenger, the czar ap- pended the following note to the tel egram from the president of the zem stvo, requesting reforms In state mil- ters: "I consider the action of the prem- dent presumptous anil tactless Que^ tions of state administration are of no consequence to the zmstvoa. whose functions and rights are clearly de fined by law.” Sevastopol Con-Jdered l'-*lew. Tokio. Dec. 22.—The following was received from Port Arthur the mom- ing of December 1»; The Sevastopol, torpedoed by the Japanese fleet, immediately listed 10 degrees to the right, remaining fast on the shallow shore at the foot of Liatre mountain. The vessel is con sidered absolutely useless for further AAitne*.»*» Arriving. offensive operations. The bombard Bordeaux. France. Dec. 22.—The ment of Russian gunboats and tor steamer Paraguay arrived this morn pedo craft in the harbor continue« ing with four officers from the Rus sian Baltic fleet whom Admiral Ro- Hires- lle-tr-urr- Left. French jestvensky put ashore i at Tokio. Dec. 22.—Only three Rus Congo in order that they might re- sian torpedo destroyers ât Port Ar- turn to testify before the ■ North Sea thur are In a seaworthy condition. commission They bring a detailed report from Rojestvenskv. and other Jap- 4'apturv New Ibedtlon*. important papers. Tokio. Dec. 22.—A Port Arthur dis- l>atch states: •1a|»> Gain Important Position«. 'Th* right column of the army at London. Dec. 22.—The Tokio cor 5 this morning drove the enemy from respondent of Reuter's, wires that the the eminence north of Housanyentao Japanese have captured some import on Pigeon Bay. W* then occupied ant positions on Pigeon Bay. tn the the position, and at 7 dislodged the west of Port Arthur. enemy from the height on the penin sula. which we re-occupied, taking Rumor» of MediaUon. one gun. The enemy made a counter London. Dec. 22.—The St. Peters- attack, but were repul.*ed. At près- burg correspondent of the Central ent our occupation of the positions News wires that a persistent rumor is is practically secure .current in the Russian capital that Kngland and France will shortly at R«**apiure of 203 Meter Ilill. tempt to mediate in the Far Eastern St. Petersburg. Dec. 22.—Kuropat Official confirmation is lack- kin wires he has received a report war ing. from Chinese sources that the Rus sians recaptured 203 Meter Hill out Polish Women Rebel. side of Port Arthur and seized the St. Petersburg. Dec. 22.—An anti- guns mounted by the Japanese in the war riot was started today by women fort. FIRE ALARM AROUSED THE TRAINED HORSES. They Followed the I*roce«»«i<iii to the lire Drawing the Lmprovised Hearse Containing tlie Body of a Fireman—Were Shipped With Dif ficulty and tire Ob-a-qule* Proceeded After tire Unexpected and Shocking Interruption. La Crosse, Wis.. Dec. 22.—The clang of the fire alarm. jarring; dis cordantly with the muffled bell, yes terday turned the funeral of Thomas Proff. the oldest fireman of La Crosse, into a rout, The coffin, laid and draped on a hose cart, drawn by two of the finest horses In the service, waa opposite the central station when Behind It was the alarm sounded. the large aerial truck. With a swing i it was guided out of the procession and started to the fire. Scarcely had it cleared the procession when the hose cart carrying the coffin swung into line, the horses struggling madly to follow their mates, but were check ed aft*r running some distance. When the aerial truck whirled from the cortege the firemen acting as pallbearers, »prana to the apparatus and were carried to the scene of the fire. The funeral was postponed un- til the blaze was extlngulshed. when the services were resumed MORE SENTENCES Democrat« Being Funixhed for Con tempt of Court. Denver. Col.. Dec. 22.—City Detec tive W. H. Green. John Desaye, Frank McMahon and Robert Goodman were sentenced today to the supreme court to six months in jail and $100 fine, for contempt of court in connection with election frauds In precinct 3, ward 4. Liar! I.tar! Liar! New York. Dec. 22.—Cornelius Bliss. tr< usurer of the republican na tional committee, said today that Lawson's 85.OOO.OOO campaign fund story in the coming January number of Everybody’s is absolutely false. Chicago Grain. Chicago. Dec. 2.—May wheat open- ed 2112NK. closed 2L11U- Corn opened 4b K. closed 45%. Oats open- ed 31%. closed the same. NO. 8 I F. P. MAYS INDItTED Portland laivvyer Involved in l-M nd Fraixl Svaixlaln. Pol l land, Dec 22 The first sen« niilioiuil Indictnients which it had been expected would result from the grand jury were returned today, present investigations by the federal grand jury were returned today. Franklin Pierce Mays was accused of having conspired to defraud I the United States government of public lands situate«l In tow nshlp . I range I east The township is located in Call pooia mountains. between Lane and Douglas counties, Mays Is a promi- nent young lawyer of this city, and a member of one of the prominent pioneer families of the state. The Indictments also Include Mc Kinley. Puter. Emma Watson, alrea ly convicted of conspiracy against the government. Marie Ware, the defer. 1- ant In the first land frauds case. »ho was acquitted. Robert W. Simps *n, The John Doe and Richard Roe last three, like Mays, have not hith- erto been connected with th* ca«es so far as known. The Indictment alleges that th*'»* persons conspired to defraud the gov ernment December 23. l»01. by the use of false and forged applications, affidavits and proofs of homestead entry »n<l settlement. Part of the applicants, the Indict ment says, »ere fictitious. bat the others were secured by Puter and McKinley. The East Oregonian of P*t>- • diet on, Oregon, la published In the heart of the wonderful In • land Empire You will find • that It la readable, reliable • and progressive, and will give • yon the news reliably, accu • rately and fu,ly * • ! Ì Has Been Threatened and Will Believed Thai the Land Frauds Act on the Defensive With Were Instigated and Abet out Further Notice ted From Washington. LUtvO.V WILL MIT BE IVÌiltTEIt IN NEW YORK. IMPORTANT '»Nil» TO lit Missili. Amalgamai«-,! anti Others Fail Two state Senator» \A III He I ruler Fire ami a I tilled stales Senat,»' Any F»i«ht»«v Against and a CongTv«*nian Ire < «mil ng the Autlx.r of Irritai«*! Finance” Hon»* on tlw Run—lmc«*tlgatl<>n —H. If. Roger*. One of the Mist I« Be4ng Dlrvct«-d b, a Special En IJbeied Men In tlx- Bunch. Will voy of tin* lnlerl«>r ISqaartmcnt — "Allow tlx- Allargo» to Go I nchal- I xhla-iMv Agaln-l Hevtnailil said to leng»*l—IhxxJiu,' Herrn« NoUn* Ho Be Damaging Will Fight With His IN mi ll>c to l-r«»lu<v Boston. Dec. 21.—Thomas law son In an open letter to H H Rogers, this afternoon says. "In the light of recent happening» and Innumerable threats against me. I wish to notify you. and through you Is \ HEPPNER MAN and all thugs seeking me. that I will In self-defense shoot at sight the first < onfe*e*cd to Gambling H«>u*w 11. J>- man who calls upon me. or In any bery at Tacxxna. way conies Into my preaenc* without Tacoma. Wash.. Dec 22.—Charles giving me notte«." Howe, one of the men arrested on • charge of robbing the Pullman gam- Will Not Indict Iztumm. bling house last night, has confessed New York Dec 21 —District Attor to Chief of Police Maloney. Howe deciares the other prisoners are Inno ney Jerome totay Informed Charle* cent and says he did the work alone M Beattie, counsel for Henry Wel The money was recovered Howe is lington. »ho ha* been trying to get him In Indicting a professional gambler. He says his Jerome to assist Thoma* W. Lawson, that the matter home is in Heppner. Or. Ho»e entered the Pullman gambl Is dropped so far as the district at ing rooms, which are located on Pa torney 1» concerned, owing to Insuf- evldence. cific avenue, and covered the three hcient He employe* present with a gun. tall off tlw Dog* compelled one to empty the money on the table in a sack, and fled by New York. Dec 21.—The Evening the back door. He secured IKS Globe this afternoon says that H H- Rogers and others mentioned In the recent stories of election corruption and bribery have decided to call off the fight on son and allow his charge« to go unchallenged • • • • • • ••••••••• TÍ hi I mt TtÜrtC’» < «»rifcww. Portland, or.. !>*« 30—Ma- rle Ware and Emma Watson. members of th, Oregon timber gang, were before the grand jury to«la> It Is author! tatlve- ly announced that both. as weil as l*uter and M< Kinley, made full confessions, implicating those high In authority Secret service men are l«w>ktng for the leak through which certain per sons have been Inform*«! of the ■ ontewton« and are taking every precaution to Insure se crecy. and are shadowing the jurymen The fir»: ea«* «vtnstiered by the jury will be that of Stale Senator Pierce Mays, who is «aid to have obtained fraudu lent certificate« of land from Puter conveying the •am* through th* name of hl» clerk Potter, to a Seattle attorney named Peter« P«*tter haa cer- tlfi* l h* only acted as ag*nt for Mays •••••••• • • • • • • • • yet the search for them had been un- successful. Interest naturally centers In the «lUestlon whether Senator Mitchell and Congressman Hermann will be Implicate«! by the evidence to I m * sub milted to the grand Jury, Rot it offl- rials wete Interviewed last evenlng and both expressed themselves as con fident of estab'lshing their Innocence They refer to the Investigation as "malicious persecution” on the part of Hecretary Hitchcock Senator Mitchell and Congressman Hermann will arrive in Portland Fri day evening and will undoubtedly be given an early op|>ortunity to appear before the grand jury. Against Her- manti th* government has some very strong evidence Much of It relates to facta which were published last spring during his campaign for ro election to congress. He »rill be obliged to explain why he ordered patent* to issue upon the fraudulent homestead entries of Puter and his confederate*, and that too. at a time when he »a* In possession of evi dence of their fraudulent character H* must explain also why these appli cations were railroaded through to patent, sometimes within three days after their receipt at Washington, while legitimate settlers had to «ait from one to three year* Rut the explanations which Her- mann has given In the past »ill not no» suffice, tor th* government is In t-ossession of some most damaging tact*, which *eem to establish hi» Conner lion with the frauds OHIO HANKS LAIL < <>nfl<lcn<v In Tl««-tn Fall«*! Since <1ia«lwick Expose. U h - Conneaut. O.. Dec. 20.—Tl.e First National Bank here and the Marine Bank at Conneaut Harbor. have closed their door*. Since the expos ure of the Chadwl« k matter depcwl- t««r* have been withdrawing their money from the two banks, finally «■omp«-!ling them to close down <»f- ficial» say they don t hold any chad- Wi« k p»|*er The capitalization nt the t ba* k« i* $75 000 IU«ught Aalualklc I^cea. Brutrelx Dec. ÎY—It has transpir *4 that Mr* «'hadwlck ar hen lart here. purchase-! lace from the De Coster campan) amounting to 11000. Th. bill is not yet paid, according to the company. siici it mt it tu n Referee Claims He Was En Miss Patterson is in Fine titled to it as Being the Spirits at the Opening of the Closing Day. Most Skillful Boxer. I III 1 K.irr < IXisED WITH THE TWENTIETH ROUND. HER <<>I NKEL DEZI-MiEb THE OTATE HAN NO CAflK. Hie Total R«««dpt« Were ass.t $3.1.000— N'ctona Put l'p a <>am<- and skill ful Fight and Not All Arr Sau»flnd U 1th the Referee* Judgment. Though it Wa* l*rohabl) Impartial arni Judlctou«—Neither Man Ww* srrlouoly Damazceal—Nelwen Wa* l.nlur Ioan start to Finlxh. San Francisco, Dee 21.—Jimmy Britt secured th* decision over "Bat tling Nelson last night after 20 rounds of fierce fighting Both men fought until almost exhausted and i the decision was given on points. Nelson fought with the fierceness •>f a tig* .nd did not appoar In any ■ r«* f«,itn rhaa his plucky antagon- >»t when th* gong sounded on the st -ound but Britt showed the rr.ort science and ring generalship In th* closing round the California boy was punrhlng the Chicago boy all over th* ring but his blows lack ed sufficient for*» to put a quietus on his opponent. At several stag*» of the fight Nel son was b dly punished, but he al- »avs kept gamely coming up to the firing tin* Only one* did h* have th* i«*cal b«*,)* In distr*«» and then Britt's excellent generalship and the alv * *•! his sec- ids saved him from going too close to the danger point. I*-(«■«Ini Man a U olrr N*l»or. Is unquestionably a wonder I- the pugilistic world Time after tim* after taking blows heavy enough to put out an ordinary fighter, be would come up apparently in easier form and bring the fighting into Britt’s territory Referee Roche announced that he gave th* fight to Rritt on cleaner hit ting and a greater number of points — ored A retrospect of the fight l«*ars ><ut the junn«« of the decision, although Nelson did most of the lead ing Britt displayed greater abl ity , . » blows were cleuii- er an 1 more forceful, while Nelson »as sadly deficient in long arm blow* and most of his attempt* to reach hi* opponent while both men were free, were ineffectual New York. Dec 21.—When court opened this morning Nan Patterson appeared tn fine spirits and convers ed tn a lively manner with her father, »horn she kissed on entering. Prosecutor Rand withdrew bis mo- ti<>n to strike out certain bit* of tes timony which »a* made yesterday, the defense declining to concur. Attorney L'nger made the usual motion to dismiss the defendant on ground* of non-proof. which wa* de nied. Counael Ley then »ummod up the ca»e for the defense tn a long, exhaustive speech. Pnerv-ution ConfUcta. Mr. L*«ry pointed out the weak- r.«— » of the proeecutlon-» *a»e and •poke of the conflicting testimony th* cabman and th* boy »ho Jumped or tbe cab step. "Either Young killed himaeif or he Too »as killed by the defendant, must either acquit this gin or give her full punishment of the law." Levy spoke of the life of the de- fendant—of her scarlet sins, and dra- rr.stl«-a!ly declared, "Were she the vile« strumpet of the street and her soul black as the gat*» of helL she is entitled to as square and fair a trial a* th* sw*etert. pur*st woman " Th* defrndant*» counsel told of the lif* of Young and his complex dis- p-wution Said Young was a man who could naturally love two women. He had great sympathy tor the Vidos in her bereavement, but the verdict of the jury whatever it waa eoafd not bring her husband back Levy de clared no evidence was brought out to show that Young tried to get rid of the defendant »prong a sevMadoa Levy caused a ser.sation by declar ing that Luce purchased the revo l ver with which Young was ktlled "He »wore here that he had been in Stein a pawnshop, but not June 2. Why was he there, then' Luce was the last man who saw Young that morning Pvrhape he may have given it to him that be might carry me<ns of protection while abroad " When Levy cloeed. a rfrees was taken V|im«-ub*u« E**-a|«c <*f tlx* Mi |N».|4r Ab««*-«! -The Portland Dec grand ft has met to lury ha« reconven, — at:.* 1* < 20—A Virginia rtieel- Investigate the f I he ar this morning ran aaay down the aga net goxemment It«» of the steep hill and was demolished The sensational character are rife Ilves of the six people aboard were I Ft.lTIM ATE LIMITS Behind the closed doors i of the f*d- miraculously saved Five were *e- eral grsnd jury room I began thl* riously injured Motorman Inman S. Ol A VERDICT DEFINED morning the Inquisition which Is ex- R Wagers. E M Scott. Mr» F F — 'ed to r*«ult in the Indictment of ptone and an unknown man The the grester criminals In the huge car iashe<1 acrc-a* the sidewalk and PneweutMHi KHlerwle» Ttwory Thai conspiracy to defraud the govern knocked the corner off a saloon and Young Couhl Not Have fired the ment of It» public lands Fear has c rashed into a telephone pole. shot Which Killesi Hint—Judge seised the conspirator» and eonfes- Gate la-ngthy Exposition of Wlial Receipt* Were KAS.aaO. sinns have been made Implicating < on«titute* a K<-u-sHiahk- Doubt— men high In public lif* and tn the af San Francisco Dec 21.—Britt and fairs of the state < ourt Inrludeal < erlaln 1«-~tini«Hi> Nelson are none the woree this morn Senator John H Mitchell and Con ing for last night’s battle of Aalu< t«> I*I**<**1U«H1—I rail«-*- gressman Binger Hermann are hurry- Britt shows a slight cut on the ■ion- of Protract«*! Se**4on. ,ng horn* fr< m Washington to face forehead as a result, but Nelson has MICH MARRIED MORMONS the grand jury and make an effort to a cut over the left eye and a swollen clear themselves of complicity tn the left ear They are otherwiae in nt Thoma» < hamberialn the Father New York. Dec. 22.—Justice Davis fraud*. <<M»d »hai» lift) Children. stated during the recess he would not S B Ormsby and C E. Loomis, the It was almo«t daylight when they Washington. Dec. 21.—Charles I M former employes of the land depart charge the jury until tomorrow, and retired to sleep late. Nelson still feels the referee's de Prosecutor Rand begin the summing Owen, of Stall Lake. testified that ment who made false reports upon RE< » IVED aooo VOLTS WOMAN FHJ DEAD Apostle John W. Taylor Is generally the fraudulent homestead entries of FROM LIVE WIRE IN ISO« cision was wrong. for 11.» prosecution when court open reputed to have five wives, and has the Puter-McKinley ring, must face The receipts in round number* was Sirx-ire on th* street* Before Her ed alter 2. He agreed with the de taken two within three or four yegfs a rigid examination before the grand 135 0*0 of which the fighter» get 55 fense that either Young killed him past. litr-dMUvd's Eye*. Jury and It is confidently expected by W hile About 111« Work in Portland per cent. Britt s share is 211 25# and self. or the defendant ktlled him. He Apostle Cowley has three wives and those familiar with the facts that Portland Dec. 21.—With her hus Nelson's 27700 He laid Hold <4 a Heavily sharg- d<«iared It physically lmp«,«»lbl* for possibly four. they will both he Indicted. State band approaching and only a few «I Mire, Believing it to Be "Dead" Young to Dre the shot which cause«! Aportle Merrill has nine wives, two Senator Franklin Pierce May* must feet distant. Mrs Mary Ellen Worth CANADIAN NAVY. his death. —I*»*« a Portion of Hie Hand and of whom he married since the mani- explain his dealings with th» conspir ington of Milwaukie fell dead at noon ators and another state senator Is al ferto. H»«i a leg Reodered Vs-k-s for DozninkHi tlovernroent Will Build today on the corner of Fourth and Men of J. R. Tannar. superintendent of so to undergo inquisition Charging the Jury. Alder streets. Three < rul'd»*. Life—Tlw <Juc«Uon I* One of Re- has four prominence In this city and In the The stricken woman had been to New York. Dec. 22.—Judge Davis Mormon Sunday« schools New York. Dec 21. — The action of «pon sibilìi). the office of Dr W L. Wood but a commenced his charge to the jury in wives. One of the four he married state are deeply Involved, and the the home government, »ay* a Tribune army of witnesses subpoenaed by the the Patterson case at 10 58 this morn two years ago. SUCH IS THE DECISION special from Montreal, tn withdraw moment before for treatment for her Thomas Chamberlain has seven government plainly show* that no ing. The court room was crowded Portland. Dec. 21.—George A. ing the Atlantic and Pacific Geet* eyes and was walking dovrà Alder OÇ STATE FAIR BOARD. Sir Charles wives, and had his 50th child In hl» guilty man will be spared. and many turned away Stinson, who picked up a live wire from Canadian water*, will In the street to Fourth, where she was to They reach After Men of Natlcmal Fame. Wyndham, the English actor, Is an 50th year, 'aaserted the wltnesa. on November 2, 1*02, and received near future result in the construction meet Mr. Worthington He told of a number of arreat* and Never In the history of the country the force of <00v volts of electricity, of three cruisers by the Dominion ed the appointed place on time, when Exact Date W ill Be Deterrai ned al interested spectator of the proceed- conviction* for polygamy In no ha* the government made more ex Inga. is suing the Portland General Electric government as a start In the naval Mrs Wortington sank to the sidewalk tlw January Se-edon of the Board— the case, hos'ever. did the conviction re traordinary effort* to sift Before beginning the charge a crime company for 810.15v as compensa program which Sir Wilfried Laurier before the eyes of her husband. Mrs Worthington had suffered Believed die Rate of Att«‘n«laiMV judge asked the counsel If they had sult in changing the habits o life of and to bring the criminals to justice tion for the injuries. has In mind. Can Be Kept Up in IMS to the any requests to make. Lawyer Un- the guilty persons The conduct of the Investigation ha* Stinson was employed by the Gen For a long time the premier and from heart trouble, but was not tak been taken wholly out of the hands eral Electric company as a lineman, his colleague» have felt, the corres- ing treatment for this ailment Fhe A v erag c Thought That to Mie, ger. for the defense, submitted a long TURNED OVint TO PINE. Justice typewritten document, and of the district attorney's office and »nd was engaged in running a wire londeni asserts, that Canada should was 42 years of age. the mother of Holding the Fair Next Year Wouki Davis gave a lengthy exposition of is directed solely by Francis J Hen- Into tlie old |»«jwer house in north undertake the construction of a navy eight or nine children and was be Weaken Public InterewL Bankruptcy Court Trying to Find ey. the questions of reasonable doubt. The keenest detective* of the Portland. He alleges that he was which In time would afford to the loved by a targe circle of friends. After considering the question of secret service have been detailed on told by a workman. Sladen. that a coast line an adequate defense. The Package of Valuables. STII.I. A MYSTERY. motive, the justice explained the dif Cleveland. Dec. 21.—Mrs. Mary' th* cases and they are now assem «ertain wlie was "dead", that he laid training of naval reserves, which is Mayor W. F. Matlock returned this ference in degree of murder and man Londervllle. for 12 years Imusekeep- bled In this city, Among them are hol«l of the wire and fell senseles. now In progress tn AVert Indian water* morning from Salem, where he at- slaughter. and said the jury Is not ed for Dr. Chadwick, was n witness men of national reputation, whose and that he was "laid out” by by- Is part of the policy in view, and it Is No Clue to hfc-ntlty of Either Mur tended the annual meeting of the bound by any statement of counsel In the Chadwick bankruptcy heating skill in the detection of crl me has slanders in the belief that life was . xpecte«! that an announcement in this derer or Vk-tlm extinct. connection will be made at the rem- state fair board, of which he is a that he would accept only an ac- before Referee Remington today She made them famous. Colorado Springs. Dec. 21.—The qulttal or a verdict of murder tn th* told of taking a mysterious portman Every man who Is » suspected of Policeman Howling swore that be Ing session of parliament. Cutler mountain murder mystery is member, It was decided at the meet first degree He told them to pas* teau supposed to contain securities, complicity In the land I frauds is under assisted in handling w liât people as deep today a* yesterday. The po ing to hold the fair next fall, and the upon the testimony of the defendant to a conference of lawyers at the the closest scrutiny ’ The utmost pre thought to be the dead body of Stin lice declare the dead woman is not I'rwnctil*«* Extended board will convene in Portland next as upon that of any other witness. Rollenden Hotel They said It would cautions have been taken to prevent son. but that by vigorous work they Mrs. Sadie Durant, of Los Angeles Wall» Walla. Dec. 21 — Edwin S. The court excluded all testimony be turned over to a man named Pine, the e»cnpe of any of the guilty per succeeded in resuscitating him. month for the purpose of settling the The authorities have come to the con regarding the disappearance of J. who la a relative of the Chadwicks. sons The extraordinary precaution* dates. Stinson's lawyers. John I-ogan and Isaacs, who for the paset three years clusion the woman and the man who Isaacs, who for the past three years "The board members.” said Mr. i Morgan Smith. An effort will be made to secure Pine that are being taken Indicate the gov Charles lx>rd. allege that he is tn part killed her were b«'th strangers here ernment’s determined purpose to get Incapacitated from further labor. hav- an<l maintenance of an electric car Matlock, "decided that it would be Gone to five Jury. for a witness line in the streets of Walla Walla, to the bottom of th«' great con»p ra-y better to hold the fair next fall the Ing lost portions of his hand and hav- The jury retired at 12:25. CLUB GUTTED BY FIRE. and to punish those concerned In it. same as usual, rather than allow It to ing Injure«! his leg *o as to render It last night secured from the council Control* ill ad wick Property. Justice Davis left the court room an extension of time. He will give a S. A. D. Puter was called before useless for life. go by for a year and thus destroy in at 4:45. with Instructions that he Cleveland. Dec. 21.—Referee Rem N arrow Escape for Many ResMemt was bond of >2000 to construct the line terest In the event. There Is every would be accessible by telephone at ington by decision today gave Nathan the grand jury at 2 o'clock thl* after The point in controversy Members. by April SO. 190$. or forfeit that reason to believe the attendance in home up till 11 tonight. If no ver- Losaer. receiver of the estate of Mrs noon. and It is expected that his tes whether Sladen. who was working Washington. Dec. 21.—The Metro timony will at last make known the with Stinson, had authority to direct amount. 1905 will be equally as good as it was diet is reached by that time the court Chadwick, absolute control of the politan Club, the most exclusive ao identity of the persons in AA'ashlng- his movements and thus Involve the last fall.” will stand adjourne«! until 10:30 to Chadwick property. Two Were KillrtL rtal institution of the capital, was ton whose power and Influence were corporation. The case was tiled be The annual election of officers was morrow. Dr. Wall, the government phvslc- Richmond. Va.. Dec. 21.—The gutted by fire early this morning. great enough to prostitute the land fore Judge Fraser without a jury. held at the Salem meeting, all the old Ian. today gave the opinion that Mrs. Great Crowd of Police. Washington-Chattanooga limited on Several members of the club who live department to the ends of the con- ones being retained In office. Chadwick Is physically able to appear The crowd of curious persons about the Southern railway, was wrecke«! in the house, were rescued with dif spiralors. It is believe«! that the gov- Trouble AAltli Bl x-kailc Runner*. Mrs. Chadwick tlie criminal court building Is so and give testimony. near Charlottsville this morning ficulty. ernnient has secured a full confesalon CH ADW K KS INDICTED. Tokio. Dec. 20.—The Japanese great this afternoon that additional will appear as witness In the bank from Puter and from Emma AA’ateon. Young McArthur, of Baltimore, was The building on the north, used as hav«- seise«! the British steamer Nl- kllle«! and a child, name unknown, details of police supported by mount ruptcy proceedings the offices of the club, was also de and that the knowledge thus gained Mr». < hmlwick's Hii*b«ui<l Not Held gretia. bound for A'ladlvostok. with ed police are required to keep them burned to death and seven were In stroyed. A library of 1$.000 volumes, has lai«l bare all the secrets of the BOTH HOUSES ADJOURN contraband, and she was sent t* Sas- jured. Guilthxw. back All the entrances are guarded. the finest of the club's collections conspiracy. Marie Ware is also said elxi for trial in the prise court. The Cleveland. Dec. 22.—Dr. Chadwick At 3:30 Nan Patterson was in the was ruined lavas. 2100.000 to have made complete confession, Mat Not I' m - IVnxZon Buihiing for Biitirh steamer King Arthur, captui- and Mrs. Chadwick were indicted this court house awaiting the verdict. Trying to Arbitrate. hut her knowledge was limited to oc «• I while attempting to leave Port Ar Inaugural Ball. afternoon by the Cuyahoga county While showing some signs of nerv Memorial Chapel Burned. currences here In Oregon. Fall River. Mass. Dec. 21.—The thur yesterday, was taken to Sasebo, grand jury on two counts, charging ousness. she seemed perfectly confi Washington. Dec. 21.—The house unions this afternoon voted to textile 1 Simsbury. Conn.. Dec. 21.—The me WIlnetMC* Mlsxlng. to It is understood she to«»k supplies forgery and uttering a $5.000.000 note dent of acquittal. failed to reach an agreement regard submit all differences to arbitration. morial chapel erected at Wert Min Subpoenas were Issue«! several days Port Arthur. signed Andrew Carnegie. for ing the use of the pension building but the • mill men will probably Ignore ster school by Secretary of State Hay. ago for C. E. Loomis and S. B. Orms CROWN PRINCESS BANISHED. the inaugural ball, an«! adjourned un- thia In memory of his son. Adelburt. a by. but a* yet neither of them ha* R«'oeive« the Coinmi«*ion. Mysterious Portmanteau Found. til January 4. Yale student, killed in 1S01. was burn been found, by t'nlted States deputy Pari». Dec. 20.—President Loubet The senate adjourned for the Cleveland. Dec. 22.—The mysteri Her Only Fault Her Ixmglng to See Chicago Grain. ed at noon Nothing but the brick marshal*. Loomis was in Portland today received at the Elysse palace Christmas holidays today after a ous portmanteau belonging to Mrs. Her Children. Chicago. Dec. 21.— May wheat walls remain. last week and stayed at the Imperial the member* of the International opened $1.08%. closed $1.11%. Corn < ’hadwlck. and supposed to contain Crown four-minute session. Berlin, Dec. 22.—Former hotel. Saturday evening he paid his commission of inquiry Into the North opened 45%. closed 45%. Oats open valuator papers and securities which Princess Louise, the divorced wife of labi Down Her Ufe. bill and left without saying where he Sea Incident. Owing to the non-arrl- ed 31%. closed 31%. Carriers Removed. were taken from the Chadwick home the king of Saxony, today made a Bangor. Me.. Dec. 21—Mra HatUe was going. val of the American member, ltear- Washington. Dec. 21.—Postmaster the night prior to the woman's de desperate effort to see her children, Johnson and three children were Ixtomls went to Eugene and a tele parture for New York. has been but was repulsed by the sentries. The General Wynne to«lay rismlsaed rurel gram from that town says he In still Admlral Davis, the Deggerbank hear burned to death by fire which de Shrl Her Hr* Ml nd. ing is postponed until tomorrow. traced to the woman's attorney, Jay police served notice of her expulsion, carriers R. E. Nevin, of Berthoud, there. Cripple Creek. Cel., Dec. 21.—Mrs. stroyed their home ttila afternoon P. Dawley. He admits he has the and she will be sent from the fron Col., and J W Whitehead, of Medina. man loat her life In a deeper- Dela Gladden, a bride of six weeks, The Ormsby's home in Salem la locked, Still Countiiig Out IhviuM-mt*. contents, but says they are of no tier under police surveillance tino O„ for pernicious activity during the says a message from that place to- ot to save her children shot and instantly killed her husband ate < Denver, Dee. 21.—The ballot box William Gladden, this value in any court. late campaign. morning, to afternoon. day, and neighbors nay that Mr. and Feed Amex l*ankxwd. Louise wrote a letter to the king Mrs. Ormsby went to Portland last from precinct 2. ward 4. waa opened prevent being beaten. in th« supreme court this morning. Killed in Coal Mine. Two Killed In Wreck. M...neapoil*. Dec. 21.—Fred Amea Imploring his permission to see her Wednesday. 21.— I Menominee. Mich.. Dec. Admiral Omnuuiney Drawl. Johnaton, Pa., Dec. 22.—Twenty- children. The police insisted on her former police chief, received a full It is considered strange that he Out of 355 ballots. 140 democratic Portsmouth. Dec. 21.—Admiral Sir pardon and left the penitentiary to five men are reported killed by an departure from Dresden, which oc- Spreading rails caused a wreck of the should not have been found at once. were declared bogus. One hundred I This concludes the Ames graft explosion In a mine at Bolivar. 1$ curred at 4 this afternoon. The peo- St. Paul passenger train at Lena. The marshal’s office refuses to give and nineteen were written by the Erasmus Omnianney, the "father of day the British navy," died today, He on scandals, all Indictments against May miles west. Seven bodies have been pie made demonstrations In favor of near here, last night, killing Engineer any Information as to either Ormsby same person. Gavin and Fireman Miller. tered the navy In 1825. or Ames having been nolled. taken out. or Loomis, but it Is known that as the princess at her departure. i IZonoiiiM- Dkin't *a> II. New York. De* 21.—Dennis Dono hue. the financial writer »ho was re ported to have sent Lawson a mes- *age warning him not to print an ad he vertisement attacking him. or would take the midnight train to Bo»- ton to <!o thing* to Lawson, thia morning denied having made the statement ««crlbed to him. or of send ing a telegram He said: "I am a man of peace I am not fighting the man but I am prepared to defend myself If attacked by Law- *oc My weapon 1* my pen and I propose to tell the people what I knou of condition*, fairly, accurately and fearlessly " FOR S1Ö,150