Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1904)
WEEKLY EDITION AS I'nswayed by fear umnflu etice-l by favor, the East Ore gonian will tell the truth, the whole truth, about county, state and national affairs is fair, absolutely fair .aose w who differ from views, friends Tb« Bast Orognnlan of diaton, Oragoa, la putllshad fb tha haart of tha wandarful In Land Empire You will End that It la readatda, raUabla aad prvgraaslva. and will gtve you tha new« rellably, aeca- rat al y and fully • • • a • PENDLETON. OREGON. FRIDAY GOOD WHEAT PROSPECTS. GENERAL STRIKE LIKELY. I I the 1903 assessment, and all the rea FOR KILLING QUAIL. sons which you had for sustaining Observant Milter Says Demand is Go The Striking Employes of the Packing that assessment, remain unchanged ” Three Walla Walla Sportsmen Arrest , ing to Be Strong. Houses m a Hopeless Muddle. ed for Violation of Law. TEMPLARS IN DRILL. New York. Sept 8 Senator W I> Chicago. Sept. S - The plan to call Walla Walla, Sept 7—A warrant Washburn, of Minnesota, the famous a "general strike" and declare all was sworn out in Justice Huffman’s From Showing Made in Parade. Chi flour mill owner, who returned from meat "unfair." is under i-onsideration • ourt this morning by Game Inspe» tor Europe last night, has studied the by the allied trades conference board cago Will Win. Frank Morse tor Cleat Masterson, F crop situation on th«- continent and ami stockyards strikers today. •San Francium. Sept 7.—The day is B Morri* and A M M Ilian fur shoot says th«» summer past was the warm With tl«‘ failure of the efforts to luteuM-iy hot and the Knight Tem mg and having in their possession est and driest ever known, and as a call off the strike by a vote of the plar drillers suffered greatly. The two quail. result the grain crops and gardeu iinious. a general project Is contest started soon after 10 o'clock, On August 26, a week ago Saturday Contends That 0. R. à Mukden Rumor Says Gallant stuffs are badly injured, and the said to follow unless s strike Referendum Vote to Continue N another attempt but It was announced las' night that about 6 o’clock in the evening. Mr Milton and Freewater Pre wheat crop most of all to secure n conf« rem e with the pack drill would n<>: tie finished untfl Mor»«- was «ailed up on the telephone Property is Valued at Its the the Strike is Nearly lluani- Commander of Japanese is “I estimate the world's shortage in ers is successful. late this a/'ernixtn by a man who would not give his cincts Ask for a Vote on wheat will amount to 200.'Mk).000 bush It is consitiered unlikely, however, On the showing made In the parade name and told that there were aotne Earning Capacity. els. of which this country will suffer unless the packeni grant a request, Killed. mous. Si lli-rnard of t'hiiagu. was picked persons out shooting quail two and a (he Liquor Question 9 one-half " He said. "This means If a general strike order is issued, by a majority <>t the spectators to half miles south of town higher prices for foodstuffs and prob hundreds of retail butchers will be win. H- Immediately *'art«-d out and ably $1 20 or higher for wheat Higher affected. mee a hack on the lower Milton road SHOULD NOT BE COMPARED NON COMBATANTS ORDERED ALLIED TRADES HOLD PETITION FILED WITH ICO titices are inevitable and the foreign Chicago Wil Get Conclave. between Yellow Hawk and Garrisoo Butchers Will Go to Work. FROM VLADIVOSTOK. demand will probably be heavier than TO W. 4 C. R VALUES OFF FOR ARBITRATION «reeks. Sat. Francisco, Sept. 7. i -■ —All th* NAMES THIS MORNINO. It is reported the stockyards ntrike we can supply." The three men named were in the íompeUtor». save Chicago, for the will be officially called off today. The 1907 com-lave, are practically out of ha«k and will have to answer for v'.o- action of the butchers in voting to go FIRES UNABATED. Immediate Attack by Land and Sea back is iielng followed by other Vote at Kansas City is 1551 to 120 Tax Agent J. W Morrow Holds That, the rat >- The Illinois delegation has laxion of the law Quail are booming plentiful in 'he First Movement of Local Option assurance-s of enough votes to gtve unions. Upon Eastern Seaport Is Anticipat One Man Reported Dead and Two Against Peace—Vote in Detail at the Value of the Road Should Be Chi, ago ih«- prize on the first balloL H ud son bay and state line districts Forces Toward Testxg Public Sen It is itateil that if the leaders won't and are a great temptation to hunt- ed— Russia in Sore Need. With- riously Burned. Measured by the Business Origmat Chicago Will Be About 4800 to 2800 declare ;he s rike off the men will go timent m Umatilla County—Law era. FIRE STOPS STREET CARS Sama Cruz. Sept. 8—Forest fin's back as individuals. A meeting of all draws 12 000.000 Pounds Sterling ing m the County—Says the O R for Continuance of the Strike—No Requires Petition« to Contain 10 are still iinal«at,-il. Two tuen were the trades is being held It is lieliev- From English Banks — Exhausted seriously burnevl in the destruction of ed they will take action declaring SHAM BATTLE IN PROGRESS A N Pays More Than Its Propor Power From Santa Cruz Is Cut Oft Provision in Peace Terms tor Un- Per Cent of Vet« of Any County or by Burning of Flume. Soldiers of the Russian Army Re a mill near Boulder creek, It is re- the strike at an end. tion of School Tax—Stra,n Make* skilled Workmen Is the Cause of Sub-d i vision — Freewater Contains ported that another man was burned Santa Cruz Sept 7 —Two immense Th-rd Battle of Bull Run Being Fought fuse to Retreat Further—Japanese to death. The mill loss will be $25 - Comparison of the Earnings of th« Continue War — Result Is a KNIGHTS GOING HOME in Virginia Today. Two Saloons—Milton Dry (ore«t fire» are raging here one on Shell the Retreating Forces 000. The summer home of John Fos Hen Iomond mountain, where valu to All. Roads. Gainesville. Va . Sept 6.—The third Years ter. valued at $10.000. is destroyed. Will Elect Officers and Choose Newt able timber is being destroyed, and list tie of Bull Run began at midnight From All Sides—Japs Attack Port Other smaller structures are also th«- other on Big Creek Half a mile with 'Lf placing of outposts by Gen Meeting Place Today. t wiped out. The fire is sweeping over Arthur Defenses. San Francisco. Sept 8 - The most In his argument before the county of the Big Creek flume i* gone anl eral Bells army of browns at Thor Chicago. Sept 7.— a referendum line eight miles long. Th«- liquor issue will be voted Santa Cruz is without electric railway oughfare and the throwing out of an important session of the grand en- vote of the striking but-hers favors court tixlay in the ma: ter «>f the fx-U- service* and power on ’ha; account advance guard by General Grant's on in Milton and Freewater at the campment of the Knights Templar be assessment Ppsquel Sonocini poetmaster at army of blue» stationed at Manasse rotting regular rieetjon Russia Needs Funds. began this mnrnirg. th«- first order of h continuance of the struggle accord tl<$n for r«*<lii< tion < a petltloa Swanton, who was fighting the fire The hours between midnight anJ Manchest. •• Sept 8—A dispatch business lieing the selection of the >ng to the best information obtainable of O H 4 N com bearing the ram« of l€»j of '.he C14 was ovi-riome and burned to death da«n were occupied by Grant in plac today states that Russia has just next conclave city This ' »ill be fol prior to the official annoim-si-m of Agent J W. Morn * of he Mukden. Sept. 8.—A rumor His inniy •»- found in a flume where ing artillery in advantageous positions registered voters, of the preelacte given notice of the withdrawal from lowed by the selectioti selection »>( of officers. current here that General the vol, <!•■« tuUl ili' ad w gnu At roon. at the grounds he went t , alleviate his suffering for an attack on 'be browns Firing embraced wit bit the two towns, wae several banks on the' continent of 12.- Many knights art are 1 already leaving Kuroki is kill«., and two Jar Io |»ay an tir.fair j*-r< * but 2*' per cent of the etrlkers had from the big gun» »a* begun at iong filed with the county clerk thia morn iMiu.OiHi pounds sterling which has the city. Some are leaving to escai»- anes«. generals made prison tax an«! that a been deposited for three years The the intensc >■ hem and others are carry voted, It is believed Ikmnelly will •< ROOSEVELTS PROMISED HUNT. range shortly after daylight, follow ing But 10 per cent of the total num ers. Where or when, the ru ed by :nfantry skirmishes, then rea ber of reg‘.«'erec vo»ers Is required tn money will be sent to St. Petersburg ing out scheduled programs to take call for another rule Humtri-ds fail ¡•■iMinal pro|M-r m 11 mor fails to state. Pre* dents of United States and Mex eraj righting all atong the line in interesting places in the state as ed to vole on account of lack of facil- miss«-«! in inaki cal! such at election A sev-rion of Chinese Perish in Fire. a par' of the h«>mewan! journey. the law road* co Will Take Outing Together. "The value i it lee. Démocratie Nomination. '■ Whenever a petition 'herefore Bakersfield, Cal , Sept. 8 —The Galveaten. Tex: - Sept 6—Preei said Mr M ottos Count of Vote Not Complete, New Haveo Conn . Sept 7.—Judge W.gned by dot less 'han 10 per cent Saratoga Springs Selected. bodies of two Chinamen were found !• R. «evelt -uime '¡me ago. prom F ghting Off Port Arthur. by the amoun: A. Henton. of Robbertsoa City, was of the r»<i*tered voters of any coun At neon the muni in the ruins of last night's fire. I' is San Francisco. Sept S — Saratoga not ready to ised Colonel Cecil Lyon*, chairman of Wei Hal Wei. Sept. 8.—Firing was believed other bodies will lie found Springs Is selected as the next meet be given < out. Two Lours m<«r«- w ill within the coil nominated for governor by the dem ty in the stale, or sub-division of any In hi.« writtet ion asking a re- the state republican executive con- heard at sea last night. Boats outside All the injured will recover. ra': n'a'e convention today oo the county or precinct of a county, shall As estimated duitk'n trom I ing place of the conclave The date probably 1 he required a mile to $55><0 mittm that he would come here for fir»' ballot the harbor report seeing the flashes be filed with -he county clerk of such of the next meeting will bo the second by those in a position to he acquaint a mi.« Mr Mm untt-nds that the a week's bunting trip m the Indian distinctly. county, the county conn shall order eel with the detail« ot the vole, it will difference beta Wednesday in July. J9*>7. he O. R. « X Terri.i > tt .n November. ar. rieetkat to be heid ar the rime George Moulton, of Chicago, WL« go about 48011 to 28*K i in favor of con- asA-ssment and President Diaz of Mexico, will visit of the W 4 mentktued in such petition, and In Japs Capture Valuable Stores. elected grand eminent commander tinuing the strike. KI 1‘axo to attend the National Irri R is t«x> great •be wttire district metttoced !n such The absence of any provision for Henry Rugg of Rhode Island, deputy I^in.lon. Sept 8 —The Rome corres gation Congress, at the same time In hl« reply to the tax agent I petition, to determine whether the the unskilled workmen In the terms grand. William Melish. of Ohio. pondent of the Exchange-Telegraph He will lie invited to participate in »or c P Strain »an! ■sir of intoxicating liquors shall be agreed to between Donnelly and the eralis«imo. wires that the Japanese made import "The it «-«intention that the W 4 r she hunt with Roosevelt It is under- prohibited ia such county or sabdiria packers, is said to be the chief bar ant <-aptures of guns and ammunition will accept of st R is worth a« much for purp« ton of such county or in such ?re rier to a settlement. Over 200 strik LOCKING FOR THUGS. during the retreat of the Russians axws-men' and taxation a» the • O R clnct ” ers applied for work at the various from Liao Yang It is reporteel they 4 N line» in the county 1» a w elf ■ rri- JOHN SHIELDS DEAD. Petitions are to be circulated sbor»- Bloodhounds on the Trail of Two plan's today. captured 132 wagons of provisions, den* untruth. ly throughout the county. The refta- Fiends Who Threw Acid in Girl's and 38 wagons of ammunition at Pan- Peace Propos,to,n Lost. "Proparty ts worth what It will ar Owner of Oakland Racing Stables Is tered electors of Umatilla county at Face. kiaupeu. 97 field guns, most of them PARKER MAKES FELICIT “The peace proposition has le^-n tualh pay mo-nest on; it ■“•metIme» REV ROBERT WARNER V.ctim of Heart Disease the last regular eiecclon numbered unspiked, and several thousand small Chicago. Sept. 8. — A thousand cit- OUS SHORT ADDRESS lost by a good majority," said Don command« mor<- and *om«*tlm<w les.« To bring the matter of local Ch • ag< Sept 7 Jobr. Shields of RETURNS TO PENDLETON. 4376 arms at Chang Kaipusho. izens are scouring Evanston and nelly "The strike wiil continue No than this u in the market owing to option to a vote throughout the coun neighborhood tor a trace of two men unions will go back to work until a speculative >n>»nt* which enter into Oa« Ind. Ca, owner of a racing sta ty 438 iignwrs of the petitions ar» re Compares Expenses Under Republi- who Invaded the Crawford reslderce tinal cour»«- of action is mapped out It We e an ee with our ey. >« that the ble and well known in »porting cir St. Petersburg Hears the News. cle» died suddenly of heart disease Cocm ttee Appointed to Consider the quired and threw carbolic acid in Miss Mac by the international officers and con now doe* a vastly greater N can Administration With Those O. R 4 St. Petersburg. Sept. 8.—It Is re early this morning at Hotel Warner The Mtkon-Freewater pegitton was pherson's face So far the search Is ference board Establishment of an Academy at If the proposition is buaiMM mile fut mile, than the W- Under Cleveland—Answers Asser unavailing ported that a fight is now progressing filed this morning by G. W Rigby of Mr Crawford has sent rot resubmltte«! the fight will con 4 C R Statistic sbow us that this Shl-ld* an mu - »• 4 o'clock to g«4 his Some Ppi nt m tne Conference Dis this rtty Freewater baa 'wo saJoona south of Mukden. The Russian losses m«-di« ine and as his room mate wks tion That Republicans Are Espec for a bra< e of English bloodhounds tinue to the end ~ «am- tondltton has i ever existed Th«- prejiaring It, be dropped dead trict—Beautiful Tribute to Retiring at the present time, but Milton has thus far are said to exceed 1#00 killed ially Cut Out to Rule—Roosevelt The girl was prominent !n Evanston topography of the «Kintry and the Vote to Continue Strike. and wounded. It is said in the retreat Presiding Elder Brown — More been a "dry" town for 17 years The Found Millions of Surplus in the and Chicago society. At 3.30 the Allied Trades Council poslttons which the two road« occu from Liao Yang, the Russians aban Rcbbed Fellow Passengers. Help for Age« Ministers and Fami O R. 4 N. company s tracks is the py point to incre*««>d earnings for the Treasury and Now i Has a Deficit of issued the following vote of the or boundary line between the two riuea. doned about 80 cannon. California Forest Fires. New York. SepL 7 — Dtgwnaro a lies. 6 R 4 N $40.000.000—Says 1 the People Will Watsonville. Cal.. Sept 8— Forest gamzations on the strike, taken on pass-ng-r on the Hohenrollern. of the now earning al- The ORAN 1» RIVER STEAMER ACCEPTED Call a Halt Now if Truthfully Ad fires are now raging in Santa Cruz the proposition to declare the strike most four limo as much. mile for North German IJoyd line which ar Nicholas at Cronstadt. mountains and have already swept off: Out of 28,000 on strike. 2405 mile, as the XV 4 C R . with every rived today, was arrested The Dalles Sept. 6—The confer- In his vised of the Situation. St. Petersburg. Sept. 8.—Emperor voted to return, while 25.597 voted to over 2500 atre». The loss will be •rank box wa* found a large amount ettee of the M E church was brought "Mountain Gem" Now Ready for Snake Nicholas left for Crvnstadt today to continue the strike until a fair prop prosper! for a future train What ta of silver and jewelry stolen from ’he to a close at 13:30 yesterday large. River Traffic. The il! as to pay as ves'or th«-E. is so dt inspect the Baltic fleet. oaition, embracing arbitration, can sessKins sere crowded with intereat. Esopus, Sept. 8.—A delegation of ship's passengers on the voyage the W ic C. R as for the much for Lewiston Sept 6.—The United tie secured Negro Murderer Hanged. On Saturday morning a remarkable States inspectors of hulls and bo:lew 350 democratic editors arrived on the O R 4 N • As a matter of fart, th» Exhausted Soldiers Refuse to Go. Mobi’e. Ala . Sept. 8—E-l Hudson tribute was offered to Dr Henry Lav« accepted the Mountain Gem Inrane Mm Murder» Family earnings «if the former justify only steamer St. John at 11:20 this morn colored, convicted of the murder of Vote to Continue Strike. Rome. Sept. 8.—The Agenda Libera about one-third the price of the latter 7 — Brown, the retiring presiding elder steamboat, just completed for the run Sept South Dayton. N Y Kansas City, Sept 7.—The striken Any arbitrary c'.a««:!lratlon < f rail .Michx**ly Mirhzek asserts that several Russian detach ing. They took a special train from Minerva Williams, also colored, was and ot the Spokane district. In a presen between Lewiston snd Eureka, on toe shot his wife ments of troops have refused to con New York, and were transferred to hanged here today. He went to the voted 1551 to 120 to continue the roads whi, h plar,-«* two properties of two children and then him»e)f He tation speech of rare felicity. Dr H. upper Snake river. gallows smoking a cigar. strike They are awaiting orders unequal value into a common class, wax insane tinue the march to the north, beyond the boat at Hyde Park. Mtchzek’» children Will D Kimball, after emphasizing the The sturdy little flyer falls heir to from Donnelly, There are few deser- and taxes them equally, is an unwar die. but Mukden, as they are completely over They marched from the landing to his wife will probably re fearlessness and unselfishness of Dr. the dangerous duties ot the ill-fated Brown, placed m his h&ads a beautb Imnaha wnKh went on the rocks of 'ions from the ranks come by fatigue. ranted fraud cover Rosemont, where they were heartily ful gold watch "The contention that th!» r-otn Wild Goose rapids last winter while greeted by Parker. Editor Charles Bishop Spellmeyer addressed the trying to alleviate the need* of the Will Not Obey Donnelly. p!alnar,t pays a heavy school tax in Russians Concentrating. ciass for admission, laying special Knapp, of the St. Louis Republic, ad certain districts is a mere incident Imnaha copper district. fin« inua'i. Sept 7.—A maws meet London. Sept. 8.—The St. Peters minister.- stress upon the word dressed the candidate on behalf of A company was organised to build ing of the butchers and workmen of of our method of assessment which burg correspondent of Reuter's re- Whether it is to console, to teach, the Mountain Gem. the mining men of Ctn- innati and Covington and New can have no txissible 1 ral !«earing in ports that the Russian army Is now the editors. He predicted the elec- 10 preach, to live, be is to minister; Imnaha and busine».* interests ot It frequer.'ly happens In port. Ky. will be held this evening this case con« -m'rated around Mukden He al loin of Parker. all phases of s preacher » career are Lewiston contributing to this end to consider the Chicago strike situa this Western country hat railroad« so reports that Japanese cruisers In response Parker expressed pleas em braced in the term minister.’ A Sixty m.les lays between the inland tion. and decide whether to ebey constitute nearly the sole wealth of lximbarded Kursakovsk. on the island ure in welcoming the body of re|»re- preacher should go to school every metropolis and the new copper sec many districts: but this fact doe« not Donnelly ’ s general strike order, It is of Saghalien. day ot his life." legally exempt them from any share tion improbable they will obey the call sentatives of the press. "The press MAY NOT ACCEPT LAND CON- A commission ot five was appoint of their part of the general state arid A portion of the route down the is one of the mighty forces in up ed to take under advisement the es TAINING PORTAGE TRACKS. county tax To Attack Vladivostok. CALIFORNIA TIDAL WAVE. river is through a gorge of excessive building and strengthening the stur tablishment ot a school of academic "Taken by itself. It might afford CHICAGO DOCTOR CHARGED ruggedness, along which railway or I.ondon. Sept, 8.—The Tien Tsin grad- within the bounds ot the con- wagon roads could be constructed Billows 40 Feet High Reported From excuse for appeal to equity but when correspondent of the Star wires that dy American citizenship,” he said THEM IN AUTOMOBILE. ference No particular location is yet only at great expense we consider that city taxation Is so the commandant of the Russian for- "There are questions of great import Major Langfitt Applied to Secretary Points on Southern Coast. In mind largely bourne by license« and fines Ta« Mountain Gem boat has been Taft for the State Portage Commis tress of Vladivostok, has ordered all to be passed upon by the people in Ixm Angeles. Sept. 7.—Reports of Sucday was filled with services non-combatants to depart as a Japan November. It was its duty to present sion, to Know if the Government damage by great billows, which are and ’hat federal taxation 1» levied Despite the Three Gun» Pointed at from rs ly morning until late at built especially for this ma. drawing chiefly upon imported goods and little more than 2» nebs*, aad her ese attack by land and sea is report- them honestly and so clearly that the Would Permit the Construction of sometimes 40 feet high, which are spirituous liquors and tobaccos, this Hi» Head. Dr. Fitzpatrick Ran Down night Following the conference ¡ore burden being hut 469 toss. To pro people would undertsand." rolling in from the sea. are coming feast Bishop Spellmeyer preached at the Portage on Canal Right of Way and Crippled Three Midnight Rob plea falls flu* pel this light craft, a steam plant tar Answer Republican Challenge. in from many points along the south "The city of Pendleton has about 22 —Answer of Taft Is Evasive and bers in Hit Agile Machine—Robbers 11 o'clock trom the words. Tn Christ i »tronger than the average has been He took up the challenge contained ern coast. Kuropatkin's Forces Scattered. Stead " saloons, paying an ar.nual tax of $4'"' put aboard The boiler is 22% feet Leaves Commission in the Dark— so Suddenly Surprised They Lost The waves are occasioned by some each, but the city of Pendleton con Three ni<*n were ordained deacons long by 61 inches in diameter and St. Petersburg. Sept. 8.—A brief dis- in the republican platform in which it is asserted the republican party has May Not Accept Rignt of Way En Their Heads and Ran peculiar phenomena, probably vol stitutes one-quarter of the entire pop and three were ordained elders An there are two engines of 11-inch di patch was today received from Kuro an<l canic disturbances far out in the ulation of the county and furnishes cumbered With Portage Tracks. other young woman was consecrated ameter and six-foot stroke. Navi patkin dated at 6:30 yesterday eve displayed high capacity for rule government. ocear.. to the deaconess work ning. He states that Kuroki is about perhaps one-quarter of the company’s gators ot the upper river believe that Chicago Sept 7.— Attacked early He made comparisons between the Word cymes that the wharf at local paaeenger traffic; Some of the Umatilla appointments this equipment will dnve the Moun 25 miles east of the railway, while In other expenses under republican ail minis this morning by three armed footpad* lien me is doomed to destruction. H According to a special from Wash are Pendleton Robert Warner; tain gem against the strongest Snake Oku is about 20 miles west of the words the city of Pendleton alone line. The general staff here expects tration and that ot Cleveland. He ington to the Oregon Dally Journal, probably furnished thia company a Dr Giltiert Fitzpatrick charged them Athena Ed Baker; Milton. J. J. Mc user curvent. when bearing a good said: "During Cleveland's first term with his automobile in which he was Wreck Kills Three Secretary Taft, of the war department, Allister; Echo. Rev Bobbell. Dr. G. cargo. to receive battle. The Kuropatkin business worth 5300.000 and Is requir Changren Falls. O. Sept 7.—A ed tn pay the city 7 mill» upon $«!.- returning home from a midnight call, M Booth will continue to be presiding dispatch confirms the belief that the the average annual expenditure was says the government desires a deed about $269,0*10.000. For the past three One after another be ran them to the canal right of way. before mak freight train on the Wheeling 4 Lake 872. Its city aaaeaement In 1903; this elder at Pendleton Russian rear guard is still distant REPUBLICAN BOLTERS. down wounding each in turn, despite Strong efforts were made to adopt from Mukden. He says this portion years it has been about SSI 8,000.000 ing any statement as to the feasibil Erie tsruck a wagon near here and yields a tax of only $423 79 the revolvers pointed at hi» bead plans for of his force extends 17 miles south of The inevitable result of such extrav- ity of the portage road being built up was ditched. James McKay. Henry an increased support of the “We ask them to j>ay us for state, Surprised at the unexpected maneu worn out preacher», their widow» and Thirty Thousand Gentiles Form an Mukden. Fighting, he says, continues. agance is that a deficit instead of a on the canal right of way. Porter and R. A. Gregor were killed, county, school and city the sum of surplus, exists Instead of the mil Until the government is formally Two brakemen are In the wreck. »11 p- $50.000. should they be required to vers of the auto, the injured robbers orphans, but nothing definite was Anti-Mormon Party in Utah. lions which the present executive presented with the right of way for posed to be dead. done. Russians Hold Japs in Check. pay as others pay, they would have turned and ran Salt Ixke. Sept. 6.—Promlaet Gen found on assuming control, now a de the canal, the secretary will decline One of the robbers was run over Bishop Spellmeyer leaves today for tiles, principally bolters from the re to dig up 40 per cent of $50.000. or Chee Foo, Sept. 8.—Chinese who ficit of $40,000,000 exist 8. twice in trying to get away from the Montesano, where the Puget Sound publican state ticket, today to discuss the features of the portage Mrs. John Minto Dead. $20.ono for Uncle Sam But since decid ed left Port Arthur on September 5. ar “Extravagance is running riot in at all. agile machine, which darted here and Conference is to be held. to organise an anti-Mormon party Salem. Sept. 7.—Mrs. Mary Ann their supplies iron. tie», fuel, cars and rived today, report fighting at Port federal, state and municipal govern This statement from Secretary Taft Minto, wife of John Minto, one of Or locomotives arc practically all of there after the thugs with surprising along the lines of the old liberal Arthur September 3. The Russians ments, in spite of the well directed rapidity. CONFERENCE ASSIGNMENTS. party. Thirty thousand subscribed to allowed the Japanese to approach efforts of some excellent officials is a result of correspondence with .Ma egon's most widely known pioneers American manufacture, they pass Dr Fitzpatrick is one of the most the movement headed by the Kearns close to the east and west flank and Ere long the people will demand a re jor Langfitt, of the port of Portland, died at her home in this city yester through no revenue offices and there- • x|s"t automolilists in Chicago and who has made known the wishes of Methodist Miniscters in Many New faction. day evening, aged 73. She had been fore pay no taxee. then opened a heavy fire, compelling form in administrative expenses, and the state portage commission, to the “hi conclusion I assert that all of his machine is a very small affair Field« of Work. them to retine. they will do it now if they are made government. Major Langfitt, at the III but a few days with pneumonia. with high power engine, giving it Four Killed In a Wreck. the reasons which I had for making A regiment of Russian ca"alry had to appreciate the whole truth. She was a pioneer of 1845. The M. E Conference, which ad- wonderful speed and agility and the request of the commission, asked the Slater. Mo. Sept. 6.—Fbur are re a fierce encounter with Japanese cav- "The coming election is not to be war department if there would be attack on the thugs was so sudden jourtted at The Dalles yesterday, ported killed and many Injured tn a airy and drove them back. The Ch'.- determined by the September vote in and furious that they lost their heads made the following assignments of head-on collision 25 miles nese report the Russians to be buy- hoptiessly republican states, where any objection to the portage road be ministers for the conference district, caual and stumbled over each other in ing up all the unused Chinese shells local issues grieveously handicapped ing built partly on the shU> in addition to those already mention here dodging the sputtering machine. right of way, and Taft made the reply obtainable, at 50 cents each. It indi the situation, but the result in Ver that the government had nothing to It is the forst record of an auto ed: cates that their ammunition is run ELGIN WOOL TRADE. Rev W. P Jennette has been trans mont yesterday admonishes us that say until formally presented with the being used as a defense against foot ning low. f erred from Echo to Prineville. the harmonious cooperation of all right of way. pads. Rev. W E Armfield will preach at Over 2.000.000 Pounds Handled in the and the elimination of personal, fac So this reply from the war depart John R. Franklin, who was taken ing on the cause of Franklin's death Chinese Steamer Searched. Year 1904. tional and unimportant differences, ment leaves the state portage com from Baker A Garrison’s saloon yes The Inquest was held before Justice MOODY ENLIGHTENS ROOSEVELT Daytou the ensuing conference year Marseilles, Sept. 8.—The Chinese involving no surrender ot principle, mission in the dark, as to the proba Rev. Eakin will not be tn the active That Elgin is one of the import of the Peace Thomas . itz Gerald. mail steamer Oceanlca arrived today are essential to success.” Franklin died at 9:30 o'clock last Calls to Tell the President That New ministry the ensuing year, but has ant wool shipping points in this part ble action of the government with terday afternoon suffering from mor been selected as temperance evan of the state is proven by the follow and reports that the Japanese squad reference to the portage. If the com phine poisoning, is dead. The coro night at Hattie Harston's resort, Ha England Plurality Will Be 25.000. gelist for Eastern Washington. ron stopped and searched her. after ing figures, which the Reporter ob mission proceeds with the ixirtage on ner's Jury this afternoon brought In a was 52 years of age and leaves two Chicago Wheat. Oyster Bay Sept. 6— Chairman Rev, Beightol has been returned to tained through Charles Proebatri. she left Yokohama. A report of the well the right of way now being secured sons and two daughters. He was verdict to the effect that the drug Chicago, Sept. 8. — Old September Cortelyou. of 'he republican national Heppner. occurrence will be forwarded to Min bookkeeper for the Elgin Forwarding opened at $1.07%, closed at $1."''1«. for the ship canal, it may prevent was administered by a person or per known In Pendleton, where he had committee, left quietly this morning Dr. Whitfield leaves Walla Walla Company. ister Delcasse. new September opened at >1.04, clos the government from accepting the sons unknown. No light has been resided for a number of years, Ke Attorney General Moody called at and will preach fo rthe ensuing year The wool season began this year on ed at $1.05%. Corn, 53%, oats, 31%. canal right of way, encumbered with thrown on the poisoning of Franklin. was a frequent offender before the Sagamore Hill today at Colfax. Banks Must Furnish Reports. the sixth of June, on which date the the portage tracks. He is known to have been a heavy police court, and had been out of ' jail lie came to give the president bls Dr. Brown, the retiring presiding first load arrived from Wallowa coun Washington, Sept. 8.—The comp Until the entire right of way for drinker, but it is not thought the man but a few days. The arrangements Impressions of the outlook in New 30,000 Sacks Sold. elder of the Spokane district, has ty. and continued until the 10th of troller of currency has issued a call the ship canal is secured and pre committed suicide. The theory is for the funeral have not yet been England. Thirty thousand sacks of wheal sented to the government, and a been »signed to the pastorate of the the present month tor a report on the condition of na tor- that Franklin was not feeling well made. He thinks the republican plurality first church at Walla Walla, and Rev tional banks at the close of business changed hands In Pendleton neighbor mal reply is received from the war and someone recommended morphine During this period there was baled The Jurymen who inquired Into the will go above the 35,000 margin. hood today Club is quoted at 69 department, as to allowing the port U. F Hawk, former pastor of Colfax, on Tuesday, September 6. cause of his death are: John Arm- An Italian tramp arrested at Saga succeeds l>r Brown as presiding el and shipped 2.375.164 pounds of wool cents and bluestem at 74 cents. The age on this right of way, the people of as a remedy. Engaged in handling this wool were Dr. R K. Ringo and Dr. W G. Cole, strong. 1.. C. Rothrock, , Joseph Dunn. more Hill, yesterday was released sales today are the first of any im Pioneer G. A. R. Man Dead. on an average 14 men whose wages Jacobs and by Squire Franklin, a local justice der. Oregon do not know whether the gov who attended the dying man. both J N Gulllgord, M. E portance to be recorded in over a ernment. will permit the construction Dr. Gibson will succeed himself as ranged from $2 per day for truckers, La Grande. Sept. 8.—J. R. Kellogg, stated that from half a grain to a Charles Horseman. The tramp seemed harmless. week. presiding elder of the Walla Walla to $4 50 per day for graders and baler of the portage where the state com grain of the drug is sufficient to pro A dramatic scene was < enacted when one of the pioneer mem tiers of the G. district, but as the tKiundarie» of the foremen mission intends to build it. A. R. of this county and a noted army duce death. No autopsy was consld Father Trivelli was called to absolve Congressman Weisse Renamed. district have been radically changed, Attempts to Swim Channel. A glance at these figures indicates While the right of way is amply ered necessary by the physicians, the dying man. On«> of the women in fifer, died last evening aged 74. He Foil du late. Wis. Sept. 7.—The it is the equivalent Of being presiding that Elgin is one of the principal wool Dover, England, Sept. 8.—Burgess, sufficient to accommodate both the both declaring that the case was one the house when she caught sight of has been prominent In Union county elder of an entirely new dlstrlcL shipping centers of the eastern por the crucifix in the hands of the priest, democratic congressional convention for 40 years. His fife and drum the French champion, made another portage and the canal, the govern- of morphine. The only other witnesses before the droped on her knees and began to for the Sixth district met here today though his residence will remain at tion of the state, and that the work corps at all pioneer and G. A. R. unsuccessful attempt to swim the ment may not accept a right of way of handling it is quite an important . ......... Otis Franklin, son of i whisper a prayer, but the thoughts of and renominated Congressman Chas Walla Walla meetings has been one of the most English channel today. He was at for the canal, if the iiortage is built Inquest were M H Marvin will be pastor at Item in the business industries of the prominent features of such occasions tacked by cramps and quit the water there before the government accepts the deceased, and Charles Stickler. ; her lost faith were too much and with H. Weisse of Sheboygan Falls. There Waitsburg during the coming year. town. IL Their testimony had no direct bear-ja scream she swooned on the floor. was no opposition. two miles from the French shore. tor the past 25 years. LOCAL OPTION PETITION FILED OFFERS OF PEACE • ••••••••••••• PARKER GREETS CONFERENCE BÏ DEPARTMENT ____