Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1904)
WEEKLY EDITION. Unswayed by fear, uninflu enced by favor, the East Ore- gonian will tell the truth, the whole truth, about county, state and national affairs, It is fair, absolutely fair, to ..lose who differ from its views, as well as to its friends. WEEKLY EDITION XX^QXYVdW. Tbs East OregojUai, uf Pet dlaion, Oregon. la pubilsbed In the heart of ths wonderful In land Empire. You will And < hat It la readable, reliable and pr .great! ve and will fire you tbe news reüably accu rately and fully Or‘‘«o0 • •04 • • • • • • • Q • • • • ••••••• • •••••• VOL. XXVili. PENDLETON, OK EGON, FKÌDAY. JULY 22. 1<MM NO. message states that the commander ST. LOUIS NOT ADVERTISED WORK ON THE ALBANY. CHAFFEE IN SPOKANE. of a Russian torjiedo lx>at reports that he accidentally torpedoes a British Criticism of the Fair Management in Six to Eight Months Yet Before Put Commander of the United States Ar steamer in Spiel! Gulf The vessel is Many Quarters. in Commission. my Visits the Coast believed to have been the Hinshang New York. July 21 Those who Bremerton, July 20.—Definite esti Hpokane, July 19 —Adna it Chaff«^-. predicted that then would be a mark Russia Tries to Crawfish. mates on the work to be done on the Ii«-ut«-nani ge»>-ral anu chief of staff ed decrease in the ocean travel to ■ armoured cruiser Albany, now under ot ihe United States army, arrived iu St. Petersburg. July 21—It is re- Europe this summer and a large in going repairs at Pier No. 1. in the Bpokane last night at 10:55 o'clock I iiorted here that the government or- crease in the arrivals from Europe on I United States navyyard here, have over the Northern 1’*'lfi< iu a speciai I dered the release of the Malacca after account of the St. lands exposition, I been given out. The repaint official ■ ar Gen Chaffee, who ia making a I the search of her cargo and holds hate evidently made a serious mis ■ ly authorized will amount to Sl&7,0<>0 tour of inspection all over the United showed no contraband of war on take In their calculations and the work will lake at least six States, of the army, is acrompsuied Ly War Party in England Sees board. The tail is that the numlier of months longer. possibly eight muntbi* the «luarfermaster genera! of the Supreme Court Affirms De American tourists going to Euro|>e Seizure and Searching of the English Vessel Malacca ■ The Inner bottom and officers' quar United S’a’es army Charles F Hum Packlmg Not Seized. All Kinds of Trouble Ahead this year is exceptionally large, while ters of the big cruiser are to be pra> phrey; Mrs Chaffee and her son, who cision in Harrington-De- London. July 21.—Much relief is felt the steamers from Europe by no i ticaliy rebuilt New battery mounts 1» a cadet at tbe military academy at Was Unwarranted. this afternoon by a correction from means carry as many visitors bound of the Nation. I tor tbe guns will be pul in. and the West Point, and now on furlough maris Irrigation Case. the Lloyd’s stating that their corres , tor St Louis as aas expected. Con i military masts are to be replaced General Chaffee remained in his spe- ¡■undent at Periiu had cabled that the sidering the fact that the St. Louis < ial <-ar last night, and will be taken steamer Packlmg has passed that port exiKssition is very little talked of in CANNOT IMITATE LABEL CONSERVATIVES SAY RUS to Fort Wright tnls morning at 9 MOTION FOR REHEAR apparently all right It is believed ; the East and not much more In other Russia Hints That She Will Disavow the Act of the Officer Who Seized o'clock where he will inspect tbe she was merely stopped by the Rus parts of the country makes it appear SIAN ACTS WERE JUSTIFIED. San Francisco Judge Protects Trade troops sial ionol at the fort He will ING WILL BE FILED. sians to have her papers examined I less surprising that the Euro|>eM English Vessel if England Does Not Make a Public Fuss About It b«? at the fort during the morning and Mark of the Printers. and then proceeded, no contraband coun ries show so little enthusiasm being found French Marine* Are Recalled From Shore Leave and French Squadron : San Francis«*) July 2u.—The first part of the afternoon ovi’r the St I.ot:is fair At 4 o'clock he will be entertained Russian Commander Had a Tip That aw won against the Citizens Alli Many reasons have been given for Ma> Gc to the Orient—Stocks Decline and Everything Points to a War ance Employers organization is a de by the < hamber ot commerce and will Css« Involves Water Rights on Bnvalt FOLK NAMED ON FIRST this lack of interest and the prim i the Malacca Carried a Steam Crane Creek Flowing Into Little Walls cision tevdsy by Judge Sloss who be given a dinner at Davenport *, and BALLOT WITHOUT EFFORT pal one seems to be that the manage- Feeling win remain in its «-ompany until 11 for a Japanese Port—Uneasiness granted a temporary injunction tmtlt of the exposition made the grea . Walla Foor Miles From Milton— against the Alliances use ot s label o'clock, when be will take the North Felt on Pacific Coast on Account Vote Stood Folk 549. Hawes 114. Reed mistake of not advertising ’he fair in Action Began in 1901, and Supremo ern Pacific train for Seattle patterned after that of the Typo 46— Reed Was Boodle Candidate the proper wav. Paris, July 2"—It is learned from of the Threatened Raid of the Vlad Court Heard Case at May Term in Th«- management seemed to be tin a high diplomatic source that Russia the newspapers argue that tha Ma graphical Union and Was Deserted by All Except FOLK'S PLATFORM. "The label of the union is its reg ivostok Fleet — English Vessels der the impression that an undertak is prepared to at leasi. in part, disa la. < a never will reach a Russian port Thia City — Involve* important The German attitude is a puzzle to istered trade mark and cannot be In the Chief Boodlers—Nomination of ing like a world's fair did not require Mobilizing Near Suez Canal—Rus vow tliv action» of the Red Sea fleet, British statesmen M'sscuri Democrats Declare Bitterly The stock mar fringed.” said Judge Sloss Folk Is Celebrated by Republicans advertising, but could depend upon Imgaticn Pcirt* — Decision G'vee because it Is claimed its «’«•mmamier Let ¡s hovering about the storm mark Against Bribery. sia Has Quit Searching English Ves That was a serious mis niisuiuierstiMl and Democrats Alike—Is a Triumph its merits P a ntiff (TOO Damages his orders. again today take and it is quite probable that YOUTHFUL MURDERER. J--ffer*on City. Mo. July 20—The for Good Government in Missouri. sels. Therefore the «car’s government is The slump of yesterday in high somebody will have to pay for that disposed to give some »at is tad Ion third sesa^on of tbe dem«KTStic state class issues was further accentuated Jefferson City. Mo.. July 21.-—Last mistake of judgment. to ‘vith Germany and Great Britain, today when Turkish bonds slumped Alameds Bey Kill* and Robs Gusts <on vent ion this morn;ng adopted a eight's session of the democratic ‘ The )u,:rtf «xuirt nas render«*! a platform and took a recess until this ms I an Exile. provided representations are made to 94 Both Japanese and Russian London. July 21.—A Lloyds dis state convention will be a historical | afternoon Tbe platform announces «>n »ustaining Judge Eliia deci»- JEROME IS -PHELD, discreetly, through diplomatic < han bonds fell off a quarter Marysvilie. Cal, July 20.—Claude patch slates that tbe British steam milestone in politics. hat there Is oo room in tbe party . n m the i ase brought by S F Har ■ nets Hankins, a lt jear-old buy, accused Two thousand people jammed the ■ ship Packling. Captain Lewis, which New York's District Attorney Will of murdering and robbing George tor >xx!l«rii. repudla’trs their support, ring' in again»* A. L Demaru to pro- Malacca Is Held. sailed from Middleshoro on June IS. hall, and several women fainted. At Now Reach the Big Gamblers. Mouse here last night, was arrested advucates a law punishing more se- »• : ’ the latter obstructing and inter Seized Vessels at Port Said. 12:3u this morning permanent organ Loudou. July 20 — Lloyd's corres-1 for Yokohama with a general cargo vereiy bribe soliciting, and favors the New York July 21 -District At j ization was effected and at 3:40 the Port Said, July 2»—The ¡»-ninsulsr pondent says the Malacca is retained I while asleep at bis hotel here this recovery ot franchises received by fering wi’h the aa'.ral course of the and several passengers, has been cap- morning He gave up money taken ured by the Russians. The Packling first ballot was taken with the follow torney Jerome has scored another and Oriental steamer Malacca, seised by tbe authorities, pending tbe arriv-l Emphatic action against •at»-! fjowiag down what is known as from the murdered man. but claims bribery sailed from Gibraltar on July 7. and ing result: Folk, 549; Hawes. 114; point in his persistent fight against > in the Red Sea, arrived here today si of instructions from England bribery is declared to be the issue in that twu strangers committed tbe tbe »pring t.ranch ot the Walla Folk's nomination was the gamblers, and it will not be bis with many indignant passengers is supposed to have been taken in the Reed. 46. crim* The boy's home is in Alame Missouri Rusa.ans Pas* Up a Jap Coaster. Walia river, some four miles eart Red Sea near the point where tjie made unanimous Folk's ovation was fault if he does not, finally, succeed aboard, and the crew held as prison from Milton Tokio. July 20.—Russian ve**els to-1 da He Is a cigarette fiend Mosse Malacca was held up. It is an ex xtraordinarv Adjournment was then ! in bringing the dangerous clique to I ers under armed guard “Stand Patters" Win. justice.- The passengers were transferred to day contented themselves with a was an exile from Guatemala Th«- inception of th« suit was m tbe tremely valuable prize. The news has taken until 1» o'clock today. Des Moines. J> ly iu — When ths spring of 1>>I, testimony was tauten The complete annihilation of the The appellate division of the su the Marmoma of the same line and hasty •■lamination of a Japanese res-1 created a ser.sation here. War risks Elka in Parade. r'-pub:ican state Convention assembl tn h. tall of 1962. it was beard and today are quoted at Lloyds a; 10 Reed forces destroys the hope of the preme court has given a decision will proceed to their destinations sei end permitted her to continue un I boodle gang as Reed was their chosen which sustains the action of Justice The Russian prize crew consists ot molested She was a »null coaster I Cincinnati. July 30 —The w.-ather ed thia afternoon the cut and dried i- :ded by ’be .oca. circuit court ia guineas representative and was backed by; McMahon in the court of general ses 'our officers and 45 men. After sal 11 eg through the straits the I was Ideal and when the Elks' parade a< ton of the stand patter* crowd :t fa . ot 19"3 and the preeent de- started a cool breeze »a» sions, in sen'encing Jesse M Lewis none of the rank and tile. .-.-•n was rendered following the Jingoism is Rampant. Russians set their course in a south Seventy-five lodges were in line The *a» carried out without opposition Tbe to kei is headed by W 11. Martin, bearing on an appeal ax the las*. May It is a day of rejoicing throughout sohn. the «xipper magnate to 10 days' . French Fleet to Orient erly direction and disappeared Jap London. July 21.—Jingoism is ram grand lodge will reassemble St 2 th* present tncumbenv *-rm of the supreme court Cherbourg. July 2o —Orders were anese torpedo craft sailed from sev pant throughout Great Britain today Missouri and tbe Folk people are imprisonment for contempt of court, o'clock when a grand secretary will The defendsn:-appellant will file a and the Balfour ministry faces a sit holding demonstrations everywhere in refusing to answer questions rela issued today to all subalterns and eral harbors this morning to look for be elected and other Important bus: to Richard Canfield’s gambling sailors attached to the vessels of the the enemy Hill Will Fignt Hamman Case m n for a rehearing, by hla attor uation which require the exercising of The majority for Folk is greater than tive news will be transacted. place. New York. July 19—The directors ney* Bean. Halley a Lowe!!. The French channel squadron here now the most careful diplomacy if the na was candidly expected, as it was This decision upholds the bill pass-' on leave to report forthwith to take xf the Non hern Securities at a meet a'toraey tor tbe plain tiff-res pondent England Presents Protest. tion is not plunged into a war involv though* Reed's forces would make Must Leave England. some show of strength The dwindl ed by the last legislature making tes part in a general inspection called is J H Raley. ing all the European nations. St. Petersburg. July 30 — The Brit Ixmdor. July 20.—It ha* Just been ng t«>day authorized J J Hill to pro- The plaintiff avers that the defead- An enormous demand for drastic ing of their force to 4C votes from the timony in gambling cases compulsory. for tomorrow by Admiral Fournier ish ambassador called on the foreign learned that Mrs Maybrick is not -eed with the defense of the company It is stated, however, that I-ewisohn's This unexplainable measure has minister today and presented Eng free but is out on ticket of leave, the ,n tbe Harriman suit auu to appeal aat by menu of a dam built ia the action over the Russians’ seizing of boasted strength of at least 200 votes, British ships in the Red sea is made fell like a wet blanket on the faction. lawyers will carry the case to the created great excitement in Cher land's protest against the stoppage of ci>ndlt)<>ns of which will be withdrawn from a recent order of Judge Brad- tall ot 1900, diverted the natural Republicans and democrats alike court of appeals, to test tbe consitu bourg. A report is circulated that the Malacca, which carried tons I in consideration ot her promise to go ford granting a preliminary Injunction water flow from, the plalaufs land by the press and the people A ma of the bill. the fl<-et will be ordered to tbe Orient of war munitions for Hong Kong, all to America and stay there She w|t| against the distribution ot the com Bnefiy. the defendant claimed tha*. jority of the people want the steamer are rejoicing, as tbe strung indorse tonality This means another delay in the I immediately .ve ground contiguous to tbe natural Malacca taken by force from the ment of Folk means the triumph of bearing the government stamp »ail for New York afier m«-eting her pany** assets. source ot the water was swamp land, Russian prize crew, if she is not in good government and the repudiation proceedings, and perhaps the upset-1 mother in France □f bribery, boodling and kindred ting of Mr Jerome's plans, as some sad that there had never been any British Forced From Tneir Vessel. stantly released. Chif Clerk Resigns. Pacific Captains Warned. na’ural « otherwise actual flow of On the other hand continental cir crimes that have cast a stigma on able attorneys are of the opinion that Ijondon July 2° —Uoyd's Port Said Victoria. B. C. July 30—A dispatch Brewers' Strike Off. Washingon. D C July 20.—Blain water to be diverted from the plaia- the bill is not constitutional. cles appear to believe that Russia is state politics for sever*. years correspondent states that tbe British from ijea-V« today aotifled Canadian San Francisco July 30 —The brew W. Taylor ot West Virginia, chief entirely within her rights in the tak crew of th* Malar* ha* been landed Pactfli railway officers to give warn er»' strike was ended today by tbe clerk <*f the pustoffice department, re ff • land, and that tbe claim that Other State Nominations. Davis Favors Gorman. ing of the Malacca to a Russian port and non« but Russians now remain ings to captains of the Empress strikers agreeing to reduce the de signed his position today, the resigns there was any water diverted, or tor -bat matter that <»uld by any meaaa Jefferson City, Mo., July 21.—Thoa. New York. July 21—Davis left to-1 aboard tbe steamer for trial by a prize court. A promi finer» running between Victoria and mands 50 per cent. A two-year agree tl«>n to take effect one month hence be diverted at any time or in any nent French diplomat is authority for Rubey was nominated for lieutenant day for Bedford Springs. Pa. where t the Orient, and also other vessels to ment was signed on this basis and Mr Taylor will be succeeded by Mer manner, is pre-sumptx>n pure and sim England on the Warpath, the statement that Russia became pos governor. Judge James Cowgill treas he will pass the next few days pre- i keep on tbe qul vlve for the Vladivo the men immediately returned to ritt O Chance of Illinois, now chief of ple. but neither tbe circuit coart nor sessed of information that the Malac urer. Elliott W. Major attorney gen paring his letter of acceptance. He I London July 30.—That England stok squadron They are warned that work the division of puvtoffice supplies. the supreme cotjrt sustained tbe ce- eral. and A O. Allen auditor. thinks Gorman should have the na will make imperative demands in re th. Malacca incident may be repeat ca had aboard, besides ammunition, fendant's claims tn this respecL tional committee chairmanship an immense steam crane, intended gard to the Russian right to search ed. Revenue Cutter Asfiore. Diamond Thief Disappears. The plaintiff made the claim tn his Chicago Grain. for the Japanese naval dock at ,.ioji. is today considered beyond discusaion. Public opinion says a London dis San Fran<-tsco. July ? —The reve case that for over 35 yean he and Stockton. Cal. July 20.— Martha Sa Chicago. July 21—Old July wh*a* Orders issued to the M«‘dlterran«*an patch. Is greatly excited over the bin. a Chicago diamond thief, jumped nue cutter Manning wen’ ashore in Mr*. Maybrick in France. hts gran:or had used tbe waters of the opened 94. closed 96*»; new July Busmess Shaky at 'Frisco. Havre. July 21.—Mn. Maybrick ar fleet are still carefully guarded, but situation. a fog at Pigeon Point this morning stream which he claims flows from her bail this morning She left |t. opened 93%, closed 95% July com San Francisco, July 21.—War risks rived here this morning and proceed Tug* and lite saving crews, have gone worth of diamonds and jewelry. It is tbe defendant s land upon hla own, on merchant vessels of all nations opened 49%. closed th esame. FOR IRRIGATION AND POWER. ed to Rouen teen placed by God to govern tbe believed by some she has suicided. to tbe rescue thus establishing a priority hard to bound for Japanese ports advanced < hurvh. controvert or supersede. ail along the line this morning, as a Will Develop 4000 Horse Pcwer and The pope will also point out tbe Tbe defendant claimed that the re-ult of repons that the Vladivostok m* «salty for laymen, who are chiefs Cover 300.000 Acre*. pia:ntiff could not have been damaged squadron had started on another raid. ot Catholic societies or leaders tn as he alleged, for the following rea Mabton. Wash., July 20.—Charles Catholic work, to be consistent in Local agencies, while admitting a son* in substance: Wand*, surveyor for the Klickitat De decided advance refuse to give fig their private life, a* examples of The drainage ot the Walla Walla velopment Company, was In Mabton good living Christian*. ures. river and natural causes, such as the this week and outlined the plans of insurance men and agents and shifting of the bed of the Walla the company about as follows: owners of vessels operating between RELIEVED OF COMMAND. Walla river, have caused the decrease They have secured the right for 2.- I this port and Japanese pons, while tn the water supply upon the plain MHi cubic feet of water from the Colonel of Militia Who Got Left is affecting an optimistic air. are plain tiffs lands, and that such decrease Klickitat river and will have tbe in- ' Now Mmu* a Job in the Organiza ly ill at ease They claim even if cannot be justly attributed to any ac take at a point about 70 mile* west their vessels are captured they can BOTH SIDES AGREE TO LAND OFFICES RECEIVE UN NORTHERN PACIFIC WILL DURKEE AND HUNTINGTON tion taken by the defendant tn re tion. not be held as no contraband of war of Bickleton. It wtll be necessary to OUTSIDE ARBITRATION. straining the waters of the “sprtaff EXPECTED INSTRUCTIONS. NOT BUILD DOWN COLUMBIA. Boise. July 30 — Col. McClellan of PRECINCTS WILL VOTE. is carried. flume for about five miles at the com branch" in Rebel Canyon, as it is call mencemeht. and no difficulty will be * th< Second Idaho infantry, state mi ed. litia. has been relieved of his com Russians Offer Less Interference. Pending the Report of the Arbitration Widow* and Orphan* of Old Soldiers experienced in securing ample water Tbe defendant further claims that Pendleton mand. because of negligence and dis President Tufts of Anti-Saloon League President Elliott Dodges fur the purpose on the ground. Aden, July 21.—A Russian volun the plaintiff has not availed himself Board. All Business Will Resume. orderly conduct, it is alleged, in get Must Make Actual Residence on and Visits Portland — Says it May The canal will run «-as ’ .. passing Now m Eastern Oregon Investigat teer fleet continues to patrol here of the means within his reach to keep Old Employes Will Return to Work Homestead in Order to Complete Methow about three miles from Bick ting left by his train at Pendleton, as Be 50 Years Before Anotner Road abouts. The Peninsular and Oriental ing Conditions—Durkee Has Four the channel open so the water could his company passed through there — Conference Last Night Was At- , leton and following on through the steamer Palawan, passed this morning Title—If They Fail to Comply the is Built Down the Columbia River flow over his land from the water Saloons With a Population of 100— Tuesday- morning Grade and Horse Heaven country It tended by All Leaders—Packing without interference. French liners Entry Is Cancelled—Applies to All to Oppose the O. R. w N.—Hudson course above him. but on the other Huntington Has Ten Saloon* With is proposed also to run a lateral passing were not interfered with. House Employes Rush Back to Who Filed Under the Old Law — northerly from a point near Bickleton River Railroads Cited as a Similar band has allowed sediment and debris 1200 Inhabitants—Baker City Dis To the Idaho Penitentiary. to accumulate and cause the trouble Their Old Places—Result Is Hailed Will Effect Many in Oregon and to a gulch about three miles below Instance. Moscow. Idaho, July 30.—Traveling turbed Over Prospects of a Vote in Russians Lose a Battle. h he bolds the defendant respon With Joy by All. Mabton, through which It will be Guard Oliver Robbins arrived from Washington. at Least One Precinct. St. Petersburg. July 21.—It is ru sible for. brought and continued along the side Boise yesterday and left this morning mored here that a Russian reconnois- 1 e decision, which was rendered hills to the south of Mabton, which with Payne Sly for the Idaho state President Howard Elliot, of the by C J Moore affirm* the lower sance in force in the direction of Chicago. July 21.—The strike of the will bring the whole ot tbe flat be Northern Pacific system, who with a Walla Walla. Jul* 19.— The local prison, to which Sly was sentenced for Rev. G. L. Tufts, of Portland, prvsi Matourinski has been disastrously de packing house employes is at an end tween Mabton and Prosser under irri the remainder of his natural life far dent of the Anti-Saloon ljeague ot Or party of officials was scheduled for a court in all iu findings, which in- feated by Japs. The Russian losses and all the houses resumed work to land office is in receipt of a most im gallon. i luc.s |7(K‘ damages tor the plaintiff. portant ruling of the general land of the murder of Marshal John H Haya egon. Is now in Baker county investi visit to this city, over the W £ C R- It further operates as an injunction are reported to be very heavy. day. The head of water obtained in com- ' of Troy. Idaho, on the 27th of last gating the conditions, with a view to a part of bis great system has gone fice. Widows and orphans of soldiers (though it is not an injunction per se) The settlement was brought about must now complete their title to log down tbe gulch above referred to January. calling for a vote in several precincts :<> Portland, and will not visit Pen against tbe defendant manipulating Depression in London. by a conference of the leaders on both homestead entries by the same actual will be sufficient, it is estimated, tu ' dieion nor tour the W. a - C. R on this on the liquor question, st the coming the water as complaineu of by the London, July 21.—There is a seri sides at which it was agreed to end trip to tbe Northwest ax the soldier or sailor him develop about 4000 horse power, which fall election. Five Thousand Locked Out. pls.:.tiff in his original action. ous feeling of depression on the Stock the strike, resume operations, put the residence will be available for electric lighting self. In s|x*aklng of the possibility of New York, July 20.—Five thousand At this time, both Durkee and Hunt Exchange today owing to the admit old employes to work and then submit and power purposes. Tbe total area Heretofore the widow or orphan Wasco County Crops. carpenters were locked out today by ington have expressed a desire to vote building a road down the north bank ted nervousness over the Malacca in the entire case to an arbitration child of a soldier or sailor might prove to be benefited by the canal is about ot Ihe Columbia from Wallula to Port cident. Consols showed a further de board. Th«’ harvest is pretty well advanced, Both sides unequivocally upon a homestead claim wiihont a< 300,000 acres, of which at least 50.0w ihi* Master Carpenters' Association on the question, and petitions will be land. be said to a Portland )>aper: The trouble Is due to the alleged viola prepared asking for a submission of cline ranging from % to 5-16. The agreed to abide by the decision of thlB tually living on the same at all. acres will be tributary to Mabton "It may be that at some time in the ami the crops are turning out well. . ,.e question. cabinet met this afternoon to consider board More than the usual amount of grain The main canal Is to be 90 feet wide tion of tbe arbitration agreement. Now they will have to live the full future another railroad will foliow the Malacca incident. President Tufts is not agitating 'he down th«' course of the Columbia was threshed this year, and the out- All old employes are to be taken five years only deducting from that at the top and 60 feet at the bottom Fire From Fumigating. matter further than to ascertain the river, with its track along the north «xime will be far above the average — back and no r-omplaint 1 b to be made time the amount of time the soldier and the average depth of water will British Fleet Mobilized. against non-union help until the board relation actually served. be eight fe«'t. The survey which Is , San Francisco, July 20.—A fire desire of he voters and if tbe field bank, but looking at it now it seems The Dalles Chronicle. Alexandria, July 21.—The British of arbitration makes its award. The only exception to this is in the now in progress will be completed this started by the board of health fumi- is favorable to a vole, he assists in x long ways off. Willow Creek Crops. «misers Furious and Venus have ar Labor leaders and packers are sat case of a soldier who <->ed in service. fall and active construction will be gators in a model lodging houae thia getting the mstter before the proper There is already one transcontinen Charles Stout was over from Wil rived here. isfied with the result and thousands Then the whole time of his enlistment gin early in the spring, and it is esti morning, resulted in death by suffo suthorities to insure an election. tal line down the Columbia, the O. R low Cr»*k Wednesday He says they of jubilant employes are rushing to counts for ihe benefit of wife or child mated that about 14 months will see cation of Thomas I jester, a lodger, and Baker City is somewhat disturbed a N but it s probable that at some its completion. The total cost will a property loss ot 115,000. British Vessels Active. their old headquarters to tie given ren. over the prospect of the prohibition time another will be built, just as a have just begun harvesting the best • element taking steps to ck>se st lesst M’eond railroad found a survey for its crop they have had in -at section for Malta. July 21.—The British cruis back their places. ThiR law will go into effect imme be in the neighborhood of |2,000,000 several years.—Long Creek light. on«- precinct in thst city. There is a trai k along the Hudson ers Leander and l^ncaster and three diately, and notice will be sent to all It was So ALASKA WANTS MEETING. district filled with dives and joints years from the time the first railroad Srikers Rejoicing. torpedo boat destroyers, have sailed SEATTLE BOYCOTT. those who have filed under the old Grant County Pioneer Dead to join the Mediterranean fleet at Al Juneau Bids for Next Session of the which have caused numerous com o]H'raied along the Hudson before the Chicago, July 21.—There is much section that if they fail to comply John A. Cattanach. one of Grant plaints in the past and public senti exandria withoin GO days with the new provis Such a Measure May Be Drawn on the second came, and a great many years joy today in the stockyards district American Mining Congress. ment is said to be in favor of mak may claps«' before another road runs county's pioneers, died Monday ot over the settlement of the strike. ion the entry will be vacated. Frye-Bruhn Co. pneumonia, aged 79 years A bid for the 1905 session of the ing that precinct dry in order to get British Boat Torpedoed. Provision is made that any one who trains along the Columbia." Many men applied for work in ad Seattle, July 20.—The members of American Mining Congress to be held Tien Tsin, July 21.—A New Chwang vance of the time set for a general re has filed and Is unable to live up to the local butchers' union are await in Alaska has been made by the Ju rid of th«>s«‘ objectionable* plac«*s Even the respectable saloons are wil SALEM'S CANNERY. turn Donnelly received replies from tbe new requirements can relinquish ing the arrival of an organizer of the neau Record Miner, in the following ling to assist in abolishing th«*se a majority of the members of the ex without losing their homestead right. International Butchers' Union, now editorial: Mrs. Maybrick. Released. • joints in order to protect the better A ?aymg Enterprise at the Capital e This decision is far reaching and ecutive board indicating endorsement » ---- • "The Record-Miner wants to know class of places from public censure said to be on his way to Seattle, will affect many families of old sol City. of his action. A special meeting of Democratic Candidates Meet. • Truro. Cornwall, July 20.— • preparatory to instituting another why the region of the greatest gold In Durkee, a small country village the packing trades council has been diers in Washington and Oregon. The Salem cannery, after a very • Mrs Florence Maybrick left • boycott campaign against the Frye production In the world has never with perhaps 10G population, there are called for tonight, to ratify the agree Esopus, July 20.—Henry Bruhn Packing Company. An effort had recognition from the mining con four saloons, all depending on the prosjierous canning season, as regards a here today (or France, a free • Mrs. Leslie Carter Owes Hack Bill. ment. Grassaway Davis arrived from small fruits and berries, closed down « woman. Fifteen years ago to- • was made at a meeting of the Western gress? Is It because the capitalists New York at noon, accompan Portland. July 19.—Because he con Central i^tbor Union a few weeks interested in mining in Alaska have country trade for sv’: .istence Hunt yesterday and will rest idle until the • day her famous trial began in • ington, being a railroad town, con Strike Ends at Kansas City. sidered it exorbitant and unjust, ago, to p<- the central body to formal not the enterprse to reach out for the ied by his secretary and Na corn crop comes in. says the Salem • Ix'ndon. and since that time • tains more or less transients and tional Committeeman Mack, Kansas City, July 21.—Hundreds of Mrs. Leslie Carter's manager refused ly declare i boycott against this firm prize, nor the foresight to see the supports 10 saloons, while the popu Statesman This will be in about six • an unceasing effort to secure • who came along primarily be strikers have returned to work this to pay a hack driver's bill, at Sacra which is n iw what is known as an benefits to be derived by showing our lation is not mor«* than 1200. These weeks from the present time. • her release has been kept up e cause Davis had never met The corn crop promises to be of e King Edward, then Prince of • morning and are working side by side mento, while the actress was there "open shop' employing men at Its varld mineral resources and the many places ar<> to be the storm centers in Parker and Mack effected an with the non-unionists without trou last week, and the bill has been sent pleasure without discriminating be advantages wo |tossess for cheap min Baker county at the coming election. very gooil quality, for canning, and e Wales, was her personal • introduction. The party was to this city for collection. The mana tween union aid nonunion men. also very abundant, one grower being e friend and used his influence • ble. ing and transportation facilities? met by Secretary McCausland ger offered to j>ay a reasonable bill. reported yesterday as saying that it • to secure her pardon She was • "Juneau Is admirably situated for The reason .or the failure at that CAREY ACT EXPIRES and the judge’s son-in-law, was never so full of prospect in this e accused of poisoning her hus- • Boy Held for Murder. time of the union's attempt is said to entertaining the mining congress in Rev. Charles Mercer. All were Turks and Brigands in Battle. e band, an aged physician, and • have '''■■■! 'in a< : that the local 1905. Situated in the center of the Reclamation Law of 1894 Wilt Expire district before. Marysv lie, July 21. — The inquest Belgrade, July 19.—In a pitched driven to Rosemont immedi Fallowing the corn crop will come • the trial »as the most noted e over the body of George Moses killed battle near Tchedilova, on the Bul meat cutters' union refused to indorse largest varied mining region In Alas by Statutory Limitation on August pears and apples, but it is not known ately. Tbe senator seemed to • iji modern English history, all • ka. where all the valuable minerals by a 14-year-old boy, Claude Han garian frontier, between a strong the plan. be as spry as a boy of 16. He if much will be done in these lines. • the high medical expert* of the • 18. are mined—gold, silver. <»pper, lead, kins, near here Tuesday, resulted in fore«' of Turks and a band of Bulgar Is here to discuss thoroughly The Carey land act. of August 18. Th«’ local cannery desired to purchase • kingdom having been summon- • coal, oil, etc.; on the line of trans the boy being held. He will be charg ian revolutionists, the latter were POPE URGES MORALITY. with Parker the chairmanship portation of the loading steamship 1894. under which the Northwest arid the fruits and vegetables and ship a cd to testify as to the effect • ed with murder this afternoon. situation and before leaving, dispersed, losing 10 killed and one routes; at the door of one of the larg states were to receive 1.000,000 acres them to Portland to b«> cannetl there, • of arsenic on the human sys- • wounded. The Turkish casualties Encyclical Letter Will Plead With eat gold producing mines in the world each of desert land from the national but there was a good deal of fault • tem Dr. Maybrick died from • something like a definite plan Steamer on Fire. Laymen for Purer Lives. were two wounded. of campaign will have been —if the essential consideration (min government, for reclamation purposes, found with this project, anti as it did • what appeared to be arsenic a mapped out. Sheehan is not New York, July 21.—The Cunarder Rome, July 20.—A new encyclical ing regions) should tie remembered, the Income from Btich nx lalmed lands not meet with the approval of the • poisoning under circttmstanciM a expected back from New York Urania, this morning reports passing Snake River Camp Destroyed. letter addressed to all the bishops of why not select Juneau! Now If the to lie invested in further reclamation fruitgrowers it was largely abandoned. • that partially incriminated his • until tomorrow and It is said Baker City, July 19.—A mining th«- world, and dealing with the duties time, and this la the opportunity for projects, will expire by statutory a craft afire last night, 18 miles east • wife She is heir to large es- • at Rosemont that possible de of Fire island. The steamer was close '•amp on Snake river near Homestead, of laymen toward the church, is in the mining interests of Alaska to limitation on August 18. the period of To Organize Luther League. • tates in Kentucy, and will • velopments of an informal con by and ii was probably a coal or oil in the Iron Dyke district, known as course of preparation at the Vatican. reach for this valuable prize.” Fort Dodge, Iowa. July 20.—A two • rome to America after a brief • Its existence having been fixed at 10 ference now in progress in the carrier. Flick's bar, was totally destroyed by It will insist strongly on the obliga days' convention of the Lutheran • sojourn in France to recuper- • years. metropolis may keep blm there a cloudburst Sunday, all the buildings tion of all lay Catholics to obey the At this time Oregon has contracted young people of Iowa began here to • ate after her long confinement • William Jack, a well known Mon even longer. The men who talk loudest, about tbe and sluices, flumes and mining para ecclesiastical authorities and to un tana pioneer, died at Grangeville, about 500.000 acres under this act, day with a good attendance. The • in prison. • necessity of war are generally the phernalia having been washed into dertake no innovation without the Idaho, Tuesday, where he was visit upon all of which irrigation plans are chief purpose of tbe meeting la to or • •••••••••••••a men who stay at home and finance it. the Snake river. ganize a state Luther league. now under «xmstruction. previous consent of those who have ing. RUSSIAN INSULT TD ENGLAND MAY EMBROIL EUROPE IN WAR NOW RAMPANT RULING AFFECTS WINS THE DAY’ • •••••••••••••• JUDGE ELLIS IS SUSTAINED LOCAL OPTION IN NO OPPOSITION BAKER COUNTY TO 0. R. & N.