Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1904)
WEEKLY EDITION WEEKLY EDITION. * ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ Unswayed by fear, uninflu ♦ enced by favor. The East Ore ♦ gonian will tell the truth, the ♦ whole truth and nothing but ♦ the truth, about county, state ♦ and national affairs. Its pro ♦ gressive features make It a pa ♦ ♦ per for the masses. ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ VOL. XXVIII. PENDLETON, UMATILLA CO.. OREGON FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 5.1904. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA QUARANTINE BE LIFTED. Will Be Done on Authority of De partment of Agriculture — Plenty Feed in the Northern Counties— Whole State Under Temporary Quarantine. Latest Report is That Japan Hae Quit Negotiations and Will Fight. INTERPRETED TO MEAN THAT WAR HAS BEGUN. Only a Portion of the Advices From the Far East Confirm This View. However—Berli.> Believes Russia Is Putting Up a Big Bluff on Japan —Russian Fleet Has Left Port Ar- thur—Pari* Recognizes That the San Francisco. Feb. 4.—Local cat tlemen have received information that the secretary of the department of agriculture is willing to raise the government quarantine on the south ern counties to permit the moving of starving cattle northward to where there is abundant feed. The understanding was that this implied that^the entire state would be once more quarantined temporarily. There are no ordinances in the northern counties against admitting cattle. Therefore it is said that 'f the secretary of agriculture takes favorable action all that would be necessary was for the state veterin- arian to satisfy the counties that all cattle would be carefully inspect- ed before removal. There i is abundance of feed in some of the northern counties, The grass :s long and in reach. Tension Is Threatening. NOT PARDONED. London, Feb. 4.—A special agent cables to the Evening News from Pekin as follows : "Official Information has been re ceived here that the Japanese gov ernment has decided to refuse any further negotiations with Russia, and will take action immediately.” This is interpreted here In some quarters that war in the Far East has begun Imperial Council in Session. London. Feb. 4.—A dispatch to the Central News Bureau from Tokio. says a special meeting of the cabi net was held this morning and will meet again this afternoon, when the mikado will be present. News is received at Tokio that all Russian warships have left Port Ar- thur. destination unknown. Increasing Impatience. Paris. Feb. 4.—The general opin ion today is that the situation in the Far East is less reassuring. All ad vices show increasing impatience, which the diplomats here regard -s a dangerous factor. Cabinet Resign*. Belgrade, Feb. 4. — The members of the Servi* cabinet today handed their resignations to King Peter. London I* Skeptical. London. Feb. 4.—Despite warlike rumors from Tokio this afternoon high government officials are saying there is no doubt but that war will be averted, and that the situation is no more strained now than that at any other time during the past fort night. These officials will be much surprised if Russia's reply does not recognize Chinese sovereignty in Manchuria, and absolutely concede all Japan's demands regarding Ko- rea. Russia's Big Bluff. An- Berlin. Feb. 4—The Lokal zeiger. which is in close touch witb officialdom, says Russia’s movement in the Far East and mobilizations of troops is believed to be a bluff to overawe Japan into a conciliatory at- titude. WARLIKE INDICATIONS. Russia Is Sending Troops Into Korea —Emergency Has Arrived. London. Feb. 4.—A Seoul corres pondent of the Central News, wires that 6.000 Russians have embarked at Port Arthur for Korea, The transports are escorted by the Rus- sian fleet, The troops will be land- ed at Chemulpo, which is the port for Seoul, tomorrow. It is under- stood that unless there is a conflict with the Japanese fleet en route from Chemulpo, the troops are expected to march overland to Seoul. Reports of Russian Aggression. Tokio, Feb. 4.—The-seriousness of the situation here is shown by a long conference between Ito and the Mikado this afternoon. The premier gave a dinner to 18 peers, where the subject was given semi-official dls- cuss ion. Reports continue to gome that Russia is massing troops north of the Yalu river, The first break In the government's reticence came to- day in the publication of four' dis- patches from Manchuria and Siberia which shown the government now proposes to keep the people inform ed of the trend of events. ✓ __ JACK LONDON IN LIMBO. Mrs. Maybrick I* Out of Prison, But Conditionally. London, Feb. 4.—In the house of commons this afternoon the home secretary announced that Mrs. May brick has been granted * license under the penal servitude law, and she is at present In her home, which she will be allowed to leave toward* the end of the summer. Must Vaccinate. Seattle, Feb. 4. — The health board at its regular monthly mee:- ing last night, instructed Health Officer Ludlow to notify all private schools to the effect that the pupils should be vaccinated. A similar order was issued to the principles of the public schools several months 1.000 ago. There are more than children in the city attending pri- vate schools. morning no new features were found in Hanna's condition. He is suffer ing from a recurrent attack of la grippe, with an unusual amount of physical depression. There are no alarming conditions, and no reason J to believe recovery will not take place within reasonable time.” Brewer returned to New York on Rixey and Me- the afternoon train Me-, Cruder hold another consultation at I 8 tonight, at which time it is ex- pected the results of an analysis of Hanna's blood will be known’ More Favorable. At 3 this afternoon Mr Hanna's condition is more ta*orable He is enjoying some natural sleep. LOAD PASSENGERS GO OVER 50-FOOT GRADE. Limbs Were Broken and an Eye Gouged Out—Several Crippled for Greatest Wonder Life—The la That More Severe Injuries Did Not Result. I>a Grande, Feb. 4.—Four traveling men who were in the stage wreck between Elgin and Joseph. Wallowa county, last week, arrived in la Grande from Wallowa Wednesday morning. The gentlemen are \(. J. Monteith, of Albany; W. H. Casey. San Francisco: W. J. Raymond and T H. Miller, of Portland. Mr. Mon teith sustained several bruises on the shoulder, and it was necessary for him to have Dr. Molitor, of this city, and Dr. E. B McDaniel, of Ba ker City, use an X-ray this morning to determine the exact nature of the injuries. They reported nothing se rious. however, but say that he will be unable to use his arm for some time. Mrs. Charles Henderson, the most seriously injured in thq party, is still in a dangerous condition, and is under the care of a doctor and trained nurse at Wallowa. Her nose was broken, right eye gouged out. lip cut, and face all battered up. She was found underneath the sleigh with tons of baggage piled upon her and had it not been for the heroic efforts of the men she would have died in a short time. Mrs. Fbster. of Wallowa, had her thigh badly mished down to the ankle. She is getting along very well, but will be crippled tor- life The gentlemen state that the grade at this point was no less than 5u feet, and it was a narrow escape for them all. The conveyance being a sleigh, instead of on wheels, is all that saved them. Big Damage Award. Seattle. Feb. 4. — Alexander Montgomery wa* awarded 812.000 damages against the Northern Pa cific Railway company in the federal court yesterday for injuries sus tained in sn accident on the Seattle & International road two years ago Montgomery was engineer on a freight train which ran into a land slide near Lake station. Seven cars PANIC ON COTTON EXCHANGE. were burned and Montgomery was badly hurt. Bears Got Control of the Market. Which Rallied Somewhat. Counterfeiting Plant. New York. Feb. 4.—There was a Seattle, Feb. 4. — A quantity of panic on the Cotton Exchange this babbit meta! and other material morning, quotation* dropping TO used in counterfeiting, were found points, Sully was present and non in the room of Jos. Catherine, in chaient and made no attempt io the Russell house on First avenue support prices, ; which later rallied. south, yesterday. Catherine had Bear* in Control. been released from Justice Cann’s Cotton went all to pieces. Just be court, where he was arraigned on a of burglary. Catherine fore the close it dropped 16B points charge served one term for counterfeiting, and may reach the 15 cent mark and it is believed that he was pre- New Orleans Is also demoralized paring to engage in his old occupa tion. Contagion at Astoria. Astoria. Feb. 3. — Health Officer Pilkington reports that the scarlet fever and measles contagions are rapidly dying out in Astoria. There are now bbt two cases of scarlet, and both patients are well on the road of recovery. There are 23 cases of measles in 12 hames. Senator Elected in Maryland. Annapolis, Feb. 4. — At noon Isa- dor Roynar was formally elected senator to succeed McComas, by the MO solid democratic vote of 84 Comas, republican, received SS votes. FIRE DRILL IN PRACTICE. Five Hundred Children March From Burning Building. Norfolk. Feb. 4.—The new school building was destroyed by fire this forenoon. Five hundred children an swered the drill and marched out through the smoke without panic er the slightest injury. Storm in English Channel. London. Feb 4.—A terrific gale that has been sweeping over the channel th» past two days, contin ues today. The British cruiser Mer cury hoisted signals of distress and tugs from Dover have gone to her assistance. VIOLENT STORM HELD CONSULTATION OF EMINENT : ♦ Th« East Oregonian of Poo ♦ ♦ dleton, Oregon, is published tn ♦ ♦ the heart of the wonderful In ♦ ♦ land Empire You will find ♦ ♦ that it in readable, reliable ♦ ♦ and progresalve, and will give ♦ ♦ you the news reliably, accur ♦ ♦ ately and fully ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ PHYSICIANS. HEAVY DOWNPOUR AND WIND IS A HURRICANE. It Is Feared That the Case Has De Hopea and Probability That Relief veloped Into a Typhoid—Blood Has Come to the Central and Analysis Will Be Made—Patient Southern Part of the State—Wind Is Low Physically and Depressed Blowing 70 Mlles Off Shore- American Author Photographe Forti in Every Way, But the Physicians Storm Is Drifting to the South fications. Look for Hie Recovery—Sleeps ward-Heavy Snowstorms Rage in New York. Feb. 4.—Jack London, Only When Under the Influence of the Mountains and Far Eastward. the writer, who went recently to Opiates. Japan for the purpose of reporting San Francisco, Feb. 4.—The heav events in connection with the threat Washington, Feb. 4.—Senator iest rainstorm of the season broke ened hostilities between that coun Hanna passed a fairly comfortable over Northern California early this try and Russia, has been arrested throughout night, with no return of the conges- morning and continued and imprisoned at Shimonoseki, ac tive chill. Dr Rixey will hold con- the day. The entire coast country cording to an American dispatch north of San Francisco is within the from Tokio. He is charged with sultation with New York practition- era this noon. storm area, marked precipitation be- photographing Japanese fortifica ing recorded at all points. Result of Consultation. tions Off shore the storm partook of the A consultation lasting an hour, nature of a hurricane. The down Colorado Troubles. was held this morning by Rixey and pour on the sea was tremendous and The socialistic clubs of the city Brewer, of New York, and Magruder, a 70-mile wind blowing. of Washington. Brewer treated are distributing 1,000 copies of the The storm is extending slowly latest issue of An Appeal to Reason Hanna during bis recent I illness in southward and conditions are favor in which is a large article on the la New York. able for rain throughout the 8an A sample of blood was taken this bor troubles in Colorado, written by Joaquin valley. Rain Is expected to morning for analysis, and they hope a special writer who went into the night over the whole country north to arrive at a definite diagnosis. Up mining districts under the guise ”f of Tehachapi, and showers tomor was a traveling man, and wrote the to this time Hanna's mulady row south of that line. believed to be 1* grippe. Fears are things as he saw them. Heavy snows in the mountains now. however, of typhoiu. prevail tonight, accompanied by high The physicians admit they are Will Extend Sumpter Valley. winds sweeping as far inland as Ne Joseph Barton, general freight puzzled over the fact that notwith vada. standing bis nervousness and irrita and passenger agent of the Sumpter The entire Sacramento valley I* Valley, was here between trains to bility his temperature today is but well drenched. Crop sharps are day. Mr. Barton says that work will half a degree above normal. He slept unanimous in declaring that today’s be resumed on the Tipton extension last night only through the heavy precipitation alotie will be of lneati- the very minute the snow has suf administrations of opiates. mable value to crop*. Hann* realizes his grave condi ficiently cleared away. The exten Cloudy weather generally in South sion will be completed early in the tion and submits unreservedly to th* ern California, and everything pointe physicians’ orders. A further con- season.—Sumpter Miner. to a fulfillment of the official forecast sultation of physicians will be held of showers. later in the day and a full report Light in the Interior. The electric lights are now giv- made, so if necessary his brothers Balfour Very 8ick. ing good satisfaction and have been and sisters may be summoned. Manchester, Feb. 4.—A dispatch Expect Recovery. in many business and installed today says Balfour’s Illness Is worse that At 12:30 this afternoon the phy than has been made public, and that dwelling houses. It is said they are better than those at Baker sicians issued the following bulletin: it will be weeks before he can re City—Prairie City Mlnar. “At the consultation held this sume his duties. DEMOCRATS HAVE ADJOURNED. NO. J 7 MANY PEOPLE LOSE THEIR LIVES. Will Meet April 10 to Arrange for Reserved Seats. St. Louis, Fub 3.—The demix-ratic One-third of French Town I* Under ■ national committee adjourned at Water—Panic-stricken People Floe noon today to meet again April 10 to Hills for Their Live*—Flood* It decided to make no reservations Came at Night—Number of Dead for seats until the April meeting, Not Known. when newspaper men will be ap I pointed to take charge of the mat Brest, France. Feb 3 — A tidal ter It has reserved the entire Jef ferson hotel for convention head wave, last night, off the coast of Ponmarch. wrecked fishing quarters. boats. Many were drowned but the number is yet unknowc. Immense WILL SERVE TEN YEARS. ■tamage was caused One-third f Georg* Rose. Embezzler, Gate H*avy Ponmarch Is under water and inhab itants bate fled to the hills. Sentence for Looting Bank. Cleveland. Feb. 3.—George Rose, tashler of the Produce Exchange GOVERNOR STOPS REBELLION. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS WOULD MURDER Bank, who embezzled 387,000, was FINAL ACTION TAKEN Grave Fears Had Been Entertained LOAN TO THE WORLD'S FAIR. MONTANA MEN. t«»day *<-nten< ed to 10 year* —i WATER COMMISSION. Over His Arrival in South Africa. “Couldn't” But Dtd. Berlin, Feb. 3.—A dispatch today Spokane. Feb 3. — In Jn*t exact announces the safe arrival of Gover Froposed to Reimburse Colombia for They Consist of th* Most Desperate ly 14 day* from the day the preach nor Leutwin. German, to Southwest Old Boiler Which Has Bean in her. the Loes of Territory, Which Band of Criminate Ever Known n er* voted to close the ulvea through Africa, at the coast station and he vies for 17 Year* Will b* Replaced Measure Is Expected to Gain Dem That Stat*—Led By Ruby Taylor prosecuting the vice landlords the has successfully ended the trouble by New One — Commission Will victory 1* won The final surrend with the rebellious Herroeros. Grave ocratic Votes for the Canal Treaty —W«r* to R*c*iv* 88,000 for Two er came last night when Eugene ears for the safety of the party had Adopt a Water Saving Devic* in Vice-Gover. —New Governor and Murders—W*r* Regularly Organ Aitken closed hl* den* In the malt been entertained during the past Connection With Sprinkling th* building under hi* control in the ortnlght. nor of th* Philippine* Inaugurated ized for a Killing Bu*mea*. tenderloin, and he also closed those Street* —Special Street Pumps to With Great Ceremony.' Butte. Feb. 3—The police today ar- In the Paris hallway, controlled by SENATOR HANNA MAY DIE. be used — Considerable Discus him through a woman There are Washington. Feb. 2.—In the aen- rested the most desperate gang of «till seven Japanese women in what sion Over Construction of Second tepori That He Was Dead Caused ate today Fairbanks warlly defended criminals ever known in Montana, to known a* “Jap alley,” and these and intercepted a letter written to Retervoir — Will Soon Need High Panic at White House. the administration on the canal a woman known as Ruby Taylor, with one white woman, have beer question. Washington. Feb 3. — Tbi* after Line Tank. zllowed to remain over night, owinr He believed the majority of the disclosing a plot to murder some 'o the fact that a* yet the ministers toon a rumor which wa* circulated well known Butte man and another criticisms had been inspired by poi- hat Senator Hann* was dead, créât -ommittee has not caused the arres itlcs. though the subject ought to be at Helena, for which the gang was of the person collecting the rent« •d * panic In the corridors of the above politics and upon the high to receive 82.000 and 85.000 reaper ,rom that side of the building apitol and at the principal hotel* level of national duty and honor. He tively for doing the job. to be paid It to announced at the Arilngtor charged Colombia with attempting by some unknown party lotel that his condition since morn Th* Colfax Horror. The police hav« the names of the ng is unchanged, and he is still 'r to hold up America and the Fren"h Colfax. Wash, Feb. 3. - Padri» canal company, making mention of conspirators and intended victim*, »able and weak Rixey is constant lurk*, one of th* trio arrested ir y at his bedside Panama's perfectly natural right to but refuse to make them public un The latter »til til other arrests are made Ruby nnnectlon with the Id* Lee outrage secede, there being no other course r.«l«ta there is no cause for alarm Taylor Is in Denver. * today entered a pl*« of guilty to tb< In honor. The men arrested here gave the Large of selling liquor to minors the administra The charge that USED MAILS WRONGFULLY. Will nd was fined 8»0 and costs by Ju« tion was a party to the revolution names of Harry Taylor, John Law. will Charles Mooney. C. L Warrer ani ic* Doolittle Burke, “ hen fir* ’ Villiam Ewing I* Found Guilty o’ has been shown by the records to the Also a woman trrested. wa* charged with Indecent be based only on vague suspicion, William Harris Defrauding Standard Oil Comp* old Another memb’* y expositg th* person of another unsupported assertions and wild con known as Lysle ny. new of the gang, known as Lynch, a* izd pleaded guilty to the charge lecture* and San Francisco. Feb 3.—Williair The senate committee on appro captured in Anaconda after a des :h* punishment of which offense is His two companions a fine not exceeding 8200 or six " Ewing wa* found guilty today o' priations today decided to report the perate fight ¡ninth* in the county jail. Prose ¡»ing the mall to defraud th* seer* urgent deficiency bill, including the were arrested The police say they have evidence •utlng Attorney Hants dismissed ary of the Standard Oil Develop authorization to the St Louis expo- Burke will serve out -nent Company He was accused of «ition to borrow S4.6OO.OUO to be re of a most startling character, to this charge show that lae gang has regularly his One tn the county jail lathering several thousand dollar* paid from the gate receipts. Water. organized for the business of com To Reimburse Colombia. 'rom investor* throughout the Coati milling murders, for a money con Fowl* at Walt* Wall*. region. It developed that be had Negutiatlons for the payment of «■deration Wail* Wall*. Feb 3. — Five hun very UtUe property to back up his between 85.0«O.Ouu and 810.000.0uv la dred bird* were in place last nignt {lowing promise*. Colombia have, it to said, reached in Armory hall when th* last little MURRELL TELLS THINGS. such a stage that they will be con- corterie of the faithful stopped work DIFFERENCE IN AGE. For this eluded within 10 days reason th* republicans ar* I said to He Say* Butler I* Guilty of Boodl among the cackiers and quacker* *bo herald the opening of th* an E »-Postmaster James Marne* Young • ng. be considering a proposition i from the democrat* to adopt * resolution Fulton, Mo.. Feb 2—In the But nual poultry show of the Walla Wai- English Lady. requesting the president to use hl* ler trial today John Murrell, former la Valley Poultry association This Iz>cdon. Feb 3.—Former Postmas ■jffi<e* of peace t--tween Colombia member of the St IxMiis boodllna morning several mor.- delegations ->f 'er-Ge«eral Thoma* James, of the' fancy fowl will arrive and chicken and Panama and pay Colombia combine, »ho returned from Mexico United States, today married Ed:th money for the loss of territory. The turned state'* evidence He descrlb men last night said 700 specimens daughter of Aiderman Colbourn*, in democrat* agree if the republicans ed the details of haggling over th* would be in for the judging Shakespeare's church, Staford-Avon join with. them, all will then vote for price with Butler He finally receiv The bride is 3f> years old and Jaznei Want a New Trial. th* canaP'treaty ed 2.500 shares out of 47.500 John Walia Walla. Feb. 3. —Oscar Caln 72. Only relatives ard close Menu New Philippine Governor. Helms followed Murrell and testi and George T. Thompson, attorneys were present Manila. Feb 2.—Wright, a* gover fied of repeated boodling converse for Christ Hilbrick have filed a mo nor. and Id* as vice-governor, were tion* with Butler, seeing him han II* tion for a new trial in the superior Ministers May Pay Full Fars. Inaugurated with imposing ceremony money. court. Hilbrick was tried and cor. Spokane. Feb. 3. — There la a sus today. Three thousand troop* were victed Monday of the crime of arson, picion that ministers of the gospe Several Person. Killed. in line he having attempted to set fire to In bls inaugural address Wright Halifax. N. B. Feb 3.—The Cana the residence of Enos B Palmer. on n Canada win not entirely approve he new railway legislation tn the declared El* intention of adhering io di an Pacific express, on the Inter Jefferson street. province, under which the commit the principles of the Taft ad ml nt* Colonial railway, wa* wrecked near sfon began work yesterday Begin t rat Ion. and urge« increased friendli here this morning. Seven persons Forty New Flat Car*. yesterday preachers hare tc ness with the native*, and asked the are reported to have been killed Astoria. Feb. 3. — Forty new 41- ■ay full fare when they travel, in co-operation of all Americana for fc-ot flat cars for use on the Astoria <te*d of the usual half rates hereto furthering the welfare of the island* Labor War in Walla Walla * Columbia River railroad ar* en ore allowed. Notification to that rather than their personal gain. Walla Walia. Feb 3 — Unless route to Astoria from Baltimore. MJ Sect has been sent out by all the something unforseen Interferes These cars are considered th* finest anad an roads to their ticket offi for some time that the capacit yof TO IMPROVE RIVER. Walla Walla may see a bitter war- of the kind made and have a capa es everywhere the present reservoir is too small fare waged between the builders city of 40 tons each The new cars Congress Asked to Appropriate •SO.- and contractors of the city and the for the town during th* season when were purchased because of th* great 000 for Salmon River. More Telegraph Line*. th* drain is heavy but at th* pres local carpenters' union. The local amount of long »tuff—bridge- tim Lewiston. Feb 2.—Copies of peti union through its officers It Walla Walla. Fe . 3 — E P Smith ent time it cannot be enlarged. today her*. etc., hauled over the Mne. tlons addressed to congress and ask served public notice on every con superintendent of the constructior is probable that next year a new and ing for an appropriation of 350.000 tractor and builder in the city that iepartment of th* Western Untor much larger reservoir will be built Fined Fifteen Dollars. to improve the Salmon river, have on and after April 1 of the present Bart Telegraph company, to in th* city on the hill on the north side of the la Grande. Feb. 3— E. W been recvelred in I-ewieton from year members of the union, repre left appeared before Justice of the -caking an inspection of the line* river to help supply the demand. Salmon City, where the movement senting the majority of the mechan Peace Grant this morning and paid ind system of the company in tid It will be put on the same level with has been aetartsd. While hen the old one and win hold twice a* ics of Walla Walla would positively a fin* of 815. the lowest provided by es-tion of the country. Similar petitions are now being refuse to work upon any building th* statute, for trespass In the way t to understood that Mr Smith wil much water or more. High Line Tank. circulated in Lemhi and Idaho coun where non-union men are employed. of going on a farm near Island City superintend th* construction of ad ties The benefits to result to a One question confronts the com for the purpose of shooting wild litional lines along the W. & C. R vast country by the improvement game ind th* Northern Pacific railroad* missioners which they have not yet Future of Buffalo Hump. settled, the supplying to those who are cited in detail in ths petition. Mr. J. 8. .Overfield arrived in the wish to build on land higher than city yesterday from Grangeville and the present water line MAY “RAISE” RAILROADS. will spend several days in the city It «rill necessitate the construc Mr. Overfield, who is a brother of Their Assessment Likely to Be ln- George Overfield, one of the origi tion of an extra reservoir and pump crossed In Washington. when this condition is met. for the nal owners of the Jumbo mine, has high line reservoir could not be cos- Olympia. Wash, Feb. 3.—Members spent several months in the Hump nected with the present system of the state board of equalization , district and ha* made a thorough in without the lower basin* draining started for Spokane yesterday to I vestigation of condition* there. Mr. the higher one of its wnter. When • meet with th* county assessors who Overfield believes the camp has a the demand 1* made the commission will hold their snnusl convention la great future and deplores the fact wiT be compelled to construct a that city, beginning Wednesday. Th* that the road* are such a severe LA6T NEGOTIATIONS BEFORE reservoir on top of one of the hills, ■tat* board of equalization is com handicap. "At this time the secur “OUR PRESENT METHODS RESORTING TO ARMS. put in a high pressure pump and are C urri p posed of State Auditor Atkinson, ing of better road*." he said, "is the lay lines to supply the high service It is surely a State Secretary Nichols and State important question. district entirely separate from ths iAtnd Commissioner Collvert. One discouragement to the prospective Japs Have Taken Possession of Se old system, which is th* way the of these state officials predicted that investor, especially frogi the East, Irish Gave ste teaman a Tremendous oul Railroad — They Have AI sc question is met in towns similarly one of the results of the annual con when he meets such conditions in Ovation When He Concluded in The mining vention wilt be to make a higher aa- entering the district. Taken Possession of the Gune at Utt a ted to this which have out Speaking on Behalf of Them—He sessment of all railroad property ln country is now c ml ng substantially Seoul for the Protection of the Le grown the range of the systems first Says They Are Governed Against installed Such a system would to the front and should receive the the state. gations—First Important Advance Their Will—He Declare* the Gov cost not lea* than 810,000. substantial support of every busl- The state board, while having Already Made—Want Final Decis Th* bond of th* city treasurer, MM InteresL"—Lewiston Triaune. vote in the coming convention. ernment Promise* Have Been ion Before February 10. who also handles th* funds of the closely allied with the county False. Water Commission, was fixed at No Feed Thia Winter, sessors. for the reason the equaliza The large band of cattle belong- London. Feb. 3.—Letters from 810.000 which he will furnish in a tion of state lazes is based upon the London. Feb. 3.—Redmond, in be returns made by the county assess ing to people In the Dayville coun half of the. nationalists, demanded leading men of Tokio to friends here few days state that everything is in readiness try wan recently driven out of the ors. “I i She Cannot Wear th* Horn* Murderer's creek country where home rule for Ireland today in the in JajMn for war and that an out There was fre break is inevitable. Mrs. King, of Ballard, who says they had ranged since being turned house of commons All's Well in Baker City. Russia's concessions are not like she knows all about the secret* of The Blue quent cheering. He said the present The shipment of ore and concen- out early last spring ly to suffice and this is the last phase the Elk*, is merely a seeker after informed that trates from the mine* this month Mountain Eagle is government had pauperized and de of negotiations before they resort to notoriety, in the opinion of leading largest the entire baud is in excellent con aggregated 33 care, the Elks here. She says that she arms. month's business on record, A num- dition. the range having furnished populated Ireland. He said no greater delusion could room of influential Japanese citizens from placed a plank from ber of new people have settled here ample pasture for them up to the that question Europe, including noted the win diplomats her home and listened in the city and valley during the time of their being driven out. The be entertained until Neither force could be got rid of. Elks' lodgeroom, have advised Japan that now is the dow sill of the winter; the winter has been a mild Murderer's creek country is rough relieve the time to strike. later saying that she was in full cog one; stock has come through in and broken, and so cut by gulches nor concession could nizance of the secret work of the good shape and fodder is plenty. and canyons that stock can easily British government of necessary con Have Taken Gun* at Seoul. order and expressed the belief that All winter long building has been in find shelter from storm and it mat- sequences of maintaining a system St. Petersburg. Feb. 3.—The Seoul she was a good Elk or should be. what direction it opposed to the will of the governed progress, a number of handsome ters not from predicted that if the liberals Fusan Railway, according to a dis He Officers and ex-officers of the Spo comes. business blocks being completed. heard something It is said that but very few sheep came into power they could get the patch to Vladtvostock has been oc kane lodge had The new Alder block was occupied about Mrs. King, but had paid Ut yesterday and several business were grazed in that locality during Irish vote on the promise of home cupied by Japanese troop*. Jaimnese soldiers have also taken ile attention io her and her asser Arms will enlarge their quarter* ’>n the past season, hence the condi rule. He said: 'Our present government Is cor the guns at Seoul for the protection tions of . now ledge. tion of the stock just driven from Trimt street next week.— Baker City Ireland would rather govern of the legation. Nulton E. Nuzum, district deputy that lo?allty.—Blue Mountain Eagle. rupt. Democrat. herself badly than be governed well of Grand Exalted Ruler Fanning, Russia I* Given One Week, by »nother nation. Ireland lags ue- said: "We have no such thing a* a Rome. Feb. 3.—News from the far hlnd in commerce and agricultural printed ritual of the order and its east today asserts that de- Japan is art because the education board wa* secret work. In my opinion Mr*. termined to present an ultimatum to King might have stood where she Imposed on the country, which was anti-national, narrow. Incompetent, Russia on February 10 if no conclu- did until she froze before getting and should now be swept into the sion I* reached prior to that date. anything th* Elks care about The Hae Reached Climax. secret work to conducted in such a Portland, Feb. 2.—(Special to the time the matter was taken from the dust-bin. The government's attitude Tokio. Feb. 3.—An important way that she could not possibly East Oregonian.)—On the applica hands of the trustees appointed by on the university educational plan is As to her tion of the creditors, Judge Bellin Mr. Wade, there has been no one dishonest. The government's prom council attended by the mtkauo. learn anything vital. three admirals and the war minister, possible aspirations, there to no ger, of the United States court, to legally In charge of the property, ise* have been false.” was held here today. It is believed such thing as an honorary member. day appointed T. C. Taylor, of Pen and this appointment is simply to dleton, receiver of the C. B. Wade provide for some responsible person of St, Louis, the Russo Japanese situation ha* —Spokesman-Review. Henry Hagemeier. eatate until such a time as the cred to hold the property in safe keeping committed suicide by taking car- reached a climax. Wind blew for several hours on The highest official* make no *1- itors of the estate shall appoint trus until such a time as -it will be bolic acid, just as guests were being brought before the courts for set Introduced at his daughter's dancing fort to conceal their exasperation at February 1 at Fort Collins. Colorado, tees to handle the business. nt the rate of 90 miles an hour. the tardiness of reply. As the matter has stood since the tlement. party. CANiL POLICY PUMP HOUSE Senator Fairbanks Opens Ar Queen of Gang Also in Coils gument in Favor of Pend'ng of the Law. Implicated by Treaty With Panama. New Machinery will Also Be . Installed, at an Expense of $5,000. NOW IS TIME FOR T. C. TAYLOR IS APPOINTED RECEIVER •J