Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, December 14, 1848, Image 1

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r sssts Hi etsaaxaaBaaaV ssbbbsT ataast iifti ommai mBv. !iiBV B fci-B' vR ,,,-
-1..l.,Hw,.l.wil. -.. ill mil r I llllll II .III Bin HllMinMiMMlMMI MlMMSSMMMlllllJll.l I '
Vol. 8.
Ttm Um Ntw Yttk Tiunm
Ktforltifor At Trihuiu y 0. Dytr, tki
The mtohanltm of these grand filar
olusten, Our heavens replete with aa.
Ilvliy and motion. Tha eystcm of don.
Lie eura, More oomplex groups.
Idea of a unlvtrsat mechanism. Tin
motion of our tun through tpaoe. Met
of central iun. The instability even
of our grandest form and collections of
matter. Keiaiion or malarial change
to tho will of God. ,
Ladiii and (JiNTtijIiH I endeavored
to explain In my lt Jtolure what lights
have "now reached ua respecting tho ar.
rangemenl of ihe Stellar Universe. Upon
examination wa Awl that tho brilliant orb
which compose thli vast universe, am not
distributed with any apparent regularity
through epaoa, but are, thrown together
lato single groupt or olutten, a few of
vblch have oeen analyiwl by the teles
have been analyst
cope. The tbrmaoraome of these groups
at unfolded by the power of these mighty
instrument!, are certainly-most at rang.
..... '. ar
and. whether the Inference be correot uri
not. tbey forcibly imprast upon ua the idea
thai W are looking at Inconipltteiirs
I a phenomenon whoso entire complete
Mat la not dltpltved in ila existing form
wbieb, In riot, belongs to tome wide acheine
and wbleh It not Intelligible except aa an
intermediate step in Ibe oourae of tome
great progrettion.
I attempted, In my previous lecture, to
lay before the audience thoto great lights
which we have obtained with regard to
the construction of our Stellar Heavens
to ahow that Instead of the atari being dis
tributed throughout all spice, our heavens
are but a alrnple cluster, a group a lliii.
lied, definite, and peculiarly shaped group.
The nearest approach to the thapo of this
I! roup may be found in the diagram be
fore you. (Here the lecturer pointed to a
large diagram, representing an immens
spherical cluster of stirs, with Ibe tun in
the ctntre the stars at they recede from
the sun growing morn and more irregular
In thtlr distribution.
In connection with this cluster, the tel
escope, hit thown us a vast variety of
others, whose form are, likewise, to very
ciprloiout and Irregular, that when we
look at them, we feel Ibe conviction that
wo ar looking at something inoojnplele,
unfinished tint these nebula are In a
s'tsTe of prosresa. and that they are not
tnilraliU as thn finished nroduct of anv
known law. If my Idea la correct anl,
rrtainly,Jat fur at I have exposed it there
is tiothiiiL' In (nor of it except a pmbahil
lly we shall find, by ani-iaminatfon of
our own ateiiar licavrin, pruoi on every
aide aud in every appreciable form, thai
their characteristic Is action and not re.
e, That portion of the subject which
ivtndiii'ted to the most satisfactory results,
wni trail in by an Ingenious Kngliahman
riatm-il Mitchell, during the let century,
'while maklna observations on the Broil o
of tha Pleiades. On taking a aurvey of
the heavens, his attention waa much at
tracted by (tilt peculiar cluster, and after
bestowing upon It a most searching exam
ination, he aald, " It Is impossible that this
group of to many stars, occupy ing so mtull
a iwce, can be accidental. It must indi
catt system." Ho e'ii went to far at to
throw out whit, at that time, was a moat
hold conjecturt, vlx: .that these orbs
would manifest their connection In a sya.
ttmatlo manner, by developing internal
motion. Unfortunately, however, in hit
time astronomical Instruments had not
beon brought to tuch a ttate of perfection
i would enable this conjecture lo be ver
ified. I lit Idols did not lead to any defi
nite rosult, nor could they, aa science then
existed. Hut they were subsequently re.
vhrd with great energy by Herschel, un
tier autplcet much more favorable. Hon
chel, however, did not know that Mitchell
hid preceded him in thla department. Hit
attention wat directed to certain peculiar
bodies round In tha heavens, which we
now call double ttan, and which, to the
naked eye appear just like tingle tiara.
Out when the teletcoplo power It applied
to them, they are found to be two ttan
placed to near togethor that the naked eye
cannot appreciate tho interval between
them. Provlout to Iiertchel'a lima it wat
known thai theae atara existed In Ihe hea
vens, but they had never been tubjecled
to an examination tuffiolcntly aocurate to
enable astmnomera lo determine their
constitution and the lawa whioh guide
their inotiontj It wat not auppoted that
they were to near each other aa they have
alnoo been atoertalned lo be. 1 will illus
trate Ihlipolnl In Ihe following manner:
Suppose I look at theae two- lighu from
auch a dlreotloo that they thall nearly bo
in the time line of vlalon. If I did not
know thit this large tpaoe existed between
them, I would auppoae, from their appear
ance, that they lay in the time immediate
neighborhood. Here you will obaerve waa
Ihe difBoully attending the tolutlon pre
vlout to Hertohel'a lime, of Ihe problem
of tha double atara. But ha discovered
that they wero In immediate proximity,
and not apparent merely, aa bad formerly
been tuppoted.
Hertohel waa attracted lothlt peculiar
claaa of bodies, with raferenoe lo the pro.
blem called the proUtm of Ike parallax,
and hit ttlttcope toon enabled htm lodit-
. .- rrr-:.T -s . - j i,iif, r ur '
nil nixiwin.iinili.B,,!, - I I im" ill II liiwWI)lMlW-mMillMMfcawMMIMttIJMHmjML-. U-J I l li1j1iji I
coyer lliat thorn worn many i loro aitnh
stars than could bo eiplainail in the old
it will let soon that it may be calculated
upon tho hypothesis that thu slurs am ills,
trihutl In a random or average mannor
through the heavens, how many of audi
mere optical u'linhlnilions might bu form.
cd within thoto snlitres: and llortcli
discovered that tho nunilier actually ex
isting to Immensely exceeded tho nuinler
whlofi thut might lo produced that a new
explanation waa necessary, and, in short,
that the bodies must be physically and not
merely optically or apparently connected.
l.ixo Mitchell, loo, ho ventured on lho
prediction that tUS reality of this svstcm
would be found manifested by tho fait of
Wio uouiea rolling around their common
centre of gravity in mlghly orbits ; ami
fortunately the verification was in this
case not only tioMililn Imt near. 1 ho ox
atnlnation anddrtenninatioiioflho peri'Hl
anil motions ol the Uoulde stars hato con
stituted one of the inoM brilliant and fer
tile departments ol astronomy from Hers,
chel's I lino until now. This was a phe
nomenon now In science, two graml pri
' '"Vy "'I (0,",",I '" lcm! umw
liil tetititiM lliriuiiili ll.atlss itrnal nmituisi
.: ."- --
The periods of these doublo stars ex
hibit the greatest variel). Some arn wry
long, nhifnolhun arc comparatively short.
In tome Ihe reoluiiuii takes place in 111
years The period of one in Ihe (.outlet-
lallon of the Crown m lit .-ars fattur.
, ., ..-,..
In III miatnlln,.,.. ..I il... 'l'i. .... I.- ..
... .. ,.,., ,, ,
lienod of 'J In ear. while others extend
;, , .
through m-ven or ight huiidjed rar,
Wo have not U, .. able m f-,,,w these
lal.nr IhrniiMl. ih.i.n that, m .,,11 ..n.il....
,'" i t , -...-..... r.i i n i,ou- Mtriiar Unlverae, what are those
nr their orbits; but a .mall K,.tio of , hlv ,,., ,hotn ROrgcoUt ays.
orbit being ascertaiuc.l,g'.iui.-try cnal.lis ' . vin(, u.n jn ,psct, rJccp. ,pcoia
iiinr.iinpUtell....iiiir.-nrhil. hi.I by it. ,..; , rp;lirj f ,,r gretl all. It il
aid wo have leii Miabled lo dalcrminc nnt i0 thru, that hat wo have learrt
the i periods ol tbr- suiilnr l.-lies rilss-" manor r.ni.s inav also character
I tin very ainioiiH tl.et the audi. lire ',. ,. Ur;,rr onc, i That iuM as the
should reali.. i,(. i.nini.. ol thc.-phc fr f, K,oll, j ,yru or as proudly In
nomena. Diey do not at all r.-M-tiibl,. the ' ,. .,.(n,us ,.vtll ,1() ml,itlldp, ofsphe
motions of our iitanets round llieir centre. ....! ..I .,!... ....... ........1..
, ,,,.
the sun. I here arc. ill fail, two orbs nr
tiilisorihe hrst ina-nilu.le revolving round
each other, .sell of Inch ma bo ocmiu.
pan eu oy a ranter ..I plain n a. iniiug
as those al'arhcd to nUr hum N. illier lli
previous rrawnuig nor llio obvervatmii
which, OllnMed it was coiifinid lo mere
llinry group.. The illu.irniiis discoverer
went far beyond i!icm and traced tic same
oharactetistic suion much more complex
rysteint. We are now aurc of niinibers
of triple stars huh appeiir single lo the
naked eye ; of otlc-rs llmt nrc iiadruple,
and some )ii highi r cninbiuiitions. The
moment llei,eb I I mud tlmt rain- ofthese
Isxhes ! triple, ami di.iinrnd null
further ciiinl, n,i e t i . ir .car.. In- was
under no lull I , , ,-r u h rcfr
enco to the in', ci i . f,--.
tbev dm overic. II i i u tyi.-u,
certalnl) are p i I, onnc e I ..i, '
Mill b.1 film I t ii v n- in-l lluir (! ill
centre III inrrecl . .ur.. The mot, ins
and periods of r nue d the ,.i aln
been ascerlaineil. Sum. tunes fin ; '.he
three stars iikiviiio ioiiii.I u coiuiiion n li
tre j at oilier Huns two nfilm stars are
found moving round the third a. their cen
tre. Von must rendlect that then- are
combinations of sun., not one of which is
inferior lo our on great luminary
llesldes these, we Imo oilier combtna,
lions of four slurs. There is a ten Im-iiu.
tiflll one of this kind iiitliecunsretlali.iii.
of llie l.vrr. When hi- look at u briubt
star ill that coiislellation. it tins n erv ne. I
culltir asect. It is not mi round and dis.
Unci as start usually are. On applying
the telescope. e iimmdiatelv find the
cause of this strange appearance ; it turns
out lo ue not one star, but four stars bound
together, whose movements nrc very ex
traordinary. We find that each two stun
constitute a double star a sstcm of
themselves and then the two systems re
volve round a common centre, llow com
plox and extraordinary must be tlin me.
clianlsm that sustulns n svsteni like thin.
Wo have boasted of our mathematics, of
llieir accuracy, or their ast and varied
power, hut when Ho relied that it taxes
Ihem to the utmost to follow tho compara
tively simple movements thn mko place
within our oh n lolsr system, how useless
lo altcimit to apply them to unwind the
meclia'nismW systems like these, every
ono or wliU'li is probably surrounded by
ua oiri
lit own astem of planets. !
fdreat A
ilh reM-cl
piausc.i i suouiu mculioii Willi rcx
to this fuiirfohl system In thcconstellatl
to this fourfold system In the constellation
of thn I.yre, that the periods occupied by
one ofthese aystems cannot ho less than a
thousand years, and the other Is aliout
twice tint, and the period hcfornlhc "hole
ayatem returns lo lis original slate Is not
less than a million of years. Hut that po.
riod la email indeed, compared wiilcKomc
thai I thall bring under your notice.
Tho grand fact then is established be
yond a doubt, that in so fur n. we lind
minor groups witiiin our calliixv, we ills.
cern mechanism mid change, and we may
venture to apply tha same conji cturu lo
still greater masses; hut before cnleiing
upon laat grander subject, there ore ,i lew
points lo which I would invito voir iit'cii
Ono uriihil fuel lluil has been . lid
led by our observation, on lln-t dmihl.
alaraia, that Iho Invv mislaliilic. these wi i
lerful mechanisms Is iIicnuih- ihu h"-
tains our own system Ihe law of grnv itn
lion discovered by New ion, Those far nil
itiniaro moving around In llieir mlghly
" IfMlwarl tha aaatY f amaaaaa aaaum Mi' mJ . . ..a. .. . . ... ''IVJ B'
Oregon City, (Oregon Territory,-) ttary,' Deekr WJ
. - .. .. ,J l'i wjawsssssssjBfssasjsssjssssssssMsissM
' orblli In obedience to that elmple law
which causes thn applo to fall to the
ground ; tlioy wheel around their common
centres of gravity In prcolaely the tame
eiirvet In which our planets move.
There la a ourloua phyaloal fact alto
. tonnnoled with thete double atari. (Jen.
, orall
ly atMiakliiR, wg find that the two staraj
exhibit diiToreni colon. Wo find theiniuiateU in Jew t but ourioaitr will da.
exhibiting the colora of the two extremes
01 mo spectrum commonly called tho com
plementary colon.
1 ihi auditnco must bo awaro that tho
ray of white light which we receive from
tne tun is composed or a number of uiirer-
l-fll f-ntnra. wlibli am lilr.nilf.il tnsrAlli., In
his beam. In tho oaae of theaa double
tars, however, we find one shining with a
red light, while the other hat sxcluslrely
Uun Unlit. How ertraordlnarv lite
'condition of planets, If there be auch at
lached to these varieaated auns. now bask
lug under the blended Until of both which
uould constitute a while light, at other
times, having only a red aun above ibe
horiron, and at othera being illumined
by thu blui one. If one contlden how
much of i character! of Ihe living (ami.
lies et! the earth it dependent on the action
of the sun, it will be difficult lo conceive
thr endless varieties which must prevail
among bodies subjected to so singular In
fluences. Returning, howcrer, to the principal
subject, wo find it to be ihe character of
i "J mmiiwi k,1,." "iiiiii, uui iv
.. n .... . -'. .
il ;.u .......- u.1,1.1. .... ..I.-., i.
,,, a .ysteiiiatlo iniiepcnuence or their
! , I . .-.......... ..!
,-....... ii i ii,i m Lwu.i.uiii;iii iiicvhsuwi,
, molion.. Andnowraislngourlhoughta
s.)mn,at higher, and looking over ihe
. . D
are ulw unit.. 1 into separate schemes in.
.rnHiy cnmiMmit by llieir own self con.
iaiiiil acliiitles. Tho question Is fir too
i ,. , ajllti, 0f B JfciVB an,wer. but
Mimi thmg of a confirmation may yel bo
obiami-d from what It elscwhtre going on
around us. If the law of the minor groupt
can be extended lo those mightier collo
cations we ought evidently to lind activity
prevailing also among the tingle tuna,
and as of those our owit orbit what we
know best, thit will probably be easiest
established by observing whether our tun
It fixtd in ono portion of space or it patt
ing onward through some great course.
1 he question that urista then is t Ilia:
1 oui suu in motion ' Is our M t.lcn that
.' i' I.ji'i cm temli. .imply lying
,. t i k I" spice, oorrict ; or, on
oe e inn m is cur sun passing nith his
bob .itti ndiinie of planet-, through soma
iiiu-lu career in llio heavens f This lat
ter i.l. a has long ken entertained. It
n however to the illustrious llerschcl
l h bom I Imvr had occasion to often lo
refer that ho owe llio confirmation of
this great truth. His idea waa this, and
vo'i mil sec at once that his inodo of light
ing upon tho great fact wat remarkably
simple : He said, " If our sun it In motion,
how shsll we ascertain the fact ? We can
not ascertain it by the motion of Ihe tun
himself, because we, partaking of hit mo
lion, would not have it in our power lo
ascertain the motion inasmuch at we are
going on in the stnio path. The only
mod" h vt Inch it could he deduced waa
this- If tho aun Hero moving through
the heaven., tho atara around him would
seem lo Ihi altering their position." Sup.
Ke, fir instance, to illustrate Herachel a
idea, that there it a cluster of trees before
me and another behind nit. Now If I
were to move from ono toward tho other,
the cluster which 1 approach would teem
to bo opening up, whilo tho cluster from
hlch 1 was departing would teem to bo
iiii'lflrgoing the opposite change closing
in. Now, llortchel upon comparing the
Kisitioua of the start with their position!
asliidiloHii in the old catalogues, disco.
v ervd (hat just exactly audi changee wero
going on among them. In the direction
of i he constellation Hercules the stanap
tieareil to bo opening out, while Iho atari
in the opposite part of the heaveni teemed
to ho getting, closer to each other. Now,
aald he, " is not thla all f could expect lo
sen if llio aun wit actually moving through
llio hcivciuf Accordingly he wat da
ring enough to infer that this was tho cite
and ho talil our great tun It moving on
will) nil hit ilitollitei toward the constel
lation Hercules. Again he said, " If It be
true that tho aun it tweeplng through
space, llicu ll hiii ue lound tint the atara
in nil parts 01 tne Heavens are changing ;
not merely those In the region towards
which Iho suu It moving and from whloh
.be is departing, but sldowaya over all the
heavens will distinct chances amontr the
Mars be apparent." To illustrate again.
Suppose lor Instance that I waa moving
tluoiili Ibis room. All tlin object! In il,
on uli' r i In of me, would appear to bo
moviiijt Inn l.'ianl. So has It been found
lo be with rcjrnrd lothc wjiolo mass of llio
Ki.irs. They all pnsi'iit the pheiionu na
us if iliny Here Ix-iio; passed by the aun.
S ne- llcrschel's time tliise motions have
I'. hi M'Jiinid with thu uimosl preulslon,
unu ins I'onuciuio una uccu moat tho-
roughly cunllruitd. There cannot, then,
arraai tarn. ernrfatai
all hit plantU wild blm, k awaepiog in
migniy oyoia inrougn im tmet. t,Ap.
Thttt general eeaalaVmUotM, bowavtr,
have raferaaoa only to lb gtsaral wirag
lion and motion oTUm atw. whick la two-
bably anough for tha eurooae I bad Imwa-
maaa it wa aaow augnt or hit vaioewy or
im nature oi hm court i umu ooem.
ratlvely rtemtly it waa coatidered ba.
rotaiblo acaforaaronBiMllaaruiaswtt.
powerful aa Uaay ware, to aolve tba great
problem of ihe ajdtreal Pralla to aw
ture quaniltlea ao atnafl aa to doterrnbM
the distance! of Ibe filed atara from ne.
Thla, however, baa been at laat aeoM
plithed with regard to the atar 61 CygaJ.
LrVifffi-l lilnanirtTf thit tier baa bwm
ascertained. It u 070,000 Umea ftrtner
removed from ui than ibe aun, and our
distance from tha attnisvepeaklng in round
numbara, 100,000,000 mllHoue of raOee.
Thli Jaooe la ao great that light, whieh
movei at the rata of 90000 mllea per
tecond, would Uke tea yean lo travel
from thai remote orb to the earth.
Now thla atar 61 Cygnl baa a very re
mirktble proper motfos, moving tkraagh
a very considerable tpaoe in the btaveae
erery year. Now, tinea wa know tho
actual disfiaoe of thli alar from tie, aad
the quantity il la moving through Ibe eky
every year, we can convert that raotioa
into mllea, and can thut aaoertala bow
many mllea It movet in a year. Now the
quest ion ii, to what ii thla motioa due, to
Ibe motion of ibe atar or to the raotioa of
the aun f Note the problem. The atar ia
teeming to move every year through the
iky, and now what cauica tbU apparent
motion T We find Iho star it moving ex
actly in the direction it would appear to
move if Um motion wero owing to the mo
llonofllieMM. We are Inclined, there
fore, to infer Ibat Ihe motion doea net be
long to ihe atar, but lo the aun ; and oa
thit hypothesis we can compulo the tun'a
rate of motion, which it tlx timet greater
than that of the earth in ill motioa round
the aun. If thit, then, it at all characte
ristic of Ihe amount of activity providing
the whole oiourStetlar Universe, although
the tklee will remain fixed ao long aa the
human race will endure, thit motion will
be tufikient. within Ihe endlete orclea of
time, completely to change the aspect of
our baaveaa. One can go forward, ia
Imagiaalloa, to tha time when thaaoa.
aifiiaaa that now, . ahlae ao. brifaUy.o'tY
na aball be rolled away to aomo remote
confine of tpice, and their placet be oc
cupied by other suns as biigbt and beau,
liful aa they.
If we are going towards this star 61
Cygnl at thn rate of lliil,O0U mllea per
hour, we will nach llio extremity of our
.Stellar Cluster In about !tU0,0(K,000 of
years ! I hese periodt may teem incora.
prche nsible. They indeed teem vast com
pared with human annals, but they are
brief when laid betide I lie annala or our
globe. If geology it not the sheerest fa.
bio ff wo are not to return to the old
conceptions, that the rocka with their en
tombed creaturea have been laid down
there purposely aa the most mocking of
enigmaa cnigmaa thai teem to nave
meaning and yet have none then during
tbevaitett of the periodt of which w havo
been apeaking, our chief existing moun
tain! were In being, rearing their peaki
lowardt diflereal conatellitiooi and aur-
vivlnB in Ibeirlittleneeaand franlilv even
theae immense Iranailloni. Extend now
what eeema true of the aun to bit other
associated orbt and where It the repoee
where tho stability of our heavent I Be
cause those very atara which thine on ua,
alto alfooe over the Chaldeant j we tpoke
of their changeless real, of their arrange
ment! at being eternal. Alaat no, neither
ansnn nnr tlmsi am ttuiatrM nf isshasm. nnit I
and even our most atableexencrtaLt
ba doubt that oar
-i -- :- 7r-i"".sBiiiw lie awn awpuicnrr, iromwacsesi in
.V- - I 1.1 .-.r -.!uf.l Jl.
the seata and aubieohybf activities aad
ever revolving change, whoso ultimate
object ia known to God alone.
Il seems, then, ladles and scnilemen.
at far as we can judge from the aspect of
me oouies arouna us, inat we may const,
der cur great cluitcn as being In cease.
lem activity: and thai, therefor, those
other olutten whose character I intend to
brine before yon. are aubiect lo aomethlna?
of the aama destiny. If this Is Ibe out,
now nine wonderful Is it that their shapes
teem to capricious. There la nothing re
lative to them thai ia entitled lo lha aama
of stability, and wa can view them only
aa exhibiting lo ua tho phases of lb suc
cessive stops of an Immense progression.
The kind of knowledge that we can alone
have witn reepect' to them, even should
Ihev be welched durina the entire exist.
enco of Ibe human race, Is aeroethiog Ilk
wmi we would learn concerning tne Ur.
restrlal arrangement around us, if our
knowledoe were trained from a elojrle
glance of ibe eye, which was then shut
again for ever. (Applause ) No more,
probably, (ban ao passing a glaaoe wl'l
roan ever attain ooacernlng the destiny of
mete neuuits, ,
I thall venture no farther amU theee
intmentitlea. I thall not mock your law
glnaiiona by proposing to conduct ibetn lo
tun mgner region, away rrom ua con
temptation of the separate olutten up It)
the universe at In aggregats, ia whloh
eaoh stupendous group is only aa ladlvl
dual. I shall not speak of these as related
eve&like the single tlars or of th awful
,':. '.O
oat of
ratlrlasT at
PVaMsTpMSVy aavM ifWM
UM HfnTsMs lSfltNaM Nn
hatwu yaVte
tat) ttamu wkb eat rewstrk o ,.
ttai laailawtjaay iateraata 11. Look.
MMsnarhc aqaet
aasMtataisiall. llook.
lag at abase asisiaty aaetleas esjaaayhsg
tha ItwVsxaasiaa of esses, aad apparently
oarrywg oa wo groat universe tnroaga a
courtoofsnajeatte imi arer varybsgiMral.
OftMtmBf sHM 494MaMC faMMt tM sWftttuTf
whalaravtba Jbraaa dMahasja aaaisas.
Ulatheaf I tW aw4 aaM lat awm teaa-
their relation to the diriae aaad What
traoaotioa iadeed have wecof fcraeii.
sell I Whaa wa tfeahof the power ar
feraa of anavhsUtas. for laataans what is
klswarMdlf aasaaf, Hm law word a
dlattaot Wa aliasbid la k, or do wa ajsta.
ly ooostra aad eoarawa ooraslveo ar a
phrase. We aoe the word power lo at
proas snaiilhlag that apholds aa ovist;
at oa a olota aaalreie of tha anltrlal
anivsrae we do aet lad aught esJatiag
wera otyotM a iiasaia ssaueact. . area
Wlow eaoh other ta a regular order, aad
kwyoad thla tha uaiverselttelf iaaWats as
Ol tWVMsaW Wfl VJaVaWOIf MWWafff fM fM
ported by snate Ihlaa eorwaasaliaM ta aa
action of power or nroa, aad lasrswrs wa
feel impelled lo inquire still more eleaeiy,
whence we olsstin oar idea of tnwert Now
it appears taat tan oeaerptioa ta aajaaaasa
wholly from our oaperleaoeofoar aaaatal
actioas. Il is la tact lymyatoae with
our osaceptioos of a free aptrfcaal aot,
aad therefore it esems amsairy la order
that tha anlveree bo enmprahaaalhls that
wa reoognise deity aot aaaraljr aa tha era-
a lor,
V out as tao ever prasaat proatrrer,
alaer, aadaWalsal oauosotaH pat).
This then, awful thouaa It Is. is he
, ).
true, uhiatate, eeieatlAe idea of tho dlviae
Law ia aot m tha Al
mkhty'emtaLstert tba order of tha world
however close aad firm is aot aaerelr tha
Alawghty'a orrllaaaaa. The ssreee, ifso
wa aama thorn, which eipraas that order
are aot powers waten aa aaaerecM trata
the all eases, aad to whose gairdlsaiklp
might rrpote. No I above, Wlow,
aad arouad them la uod j tbere Ma ejaJ.
Tarsal preataoo spsakiwg lo fialte crmliai
Ihroturh finite forms a laaguage whseh
ealytawlivksgkwtmtxtauatWratand. fa
uttrau aaxj twmtm, ta taa awAasakyr,
la Ihe cloud, thai lorrsataad tha Ihaafcr.
la the bunting llimrns aad tho thdjagl
braaob, la tba rareltrlag aaaaoaaTaml
rolliac atar there is tha lafiaas Kmali.
and the mytJlo developmeal of his will.
(Oreat and continued applaase.)
AstsssuatMatJ ImcMasrt.
On a beautiful rammer's day, s clergy,
man waa called to preach la a town ia u.
diana, to a young congregation. At the
close of his discourse, be sddrasssd his
young bearers in such words aa tbee :
" Learn that lb present life is a prepa
ration for and has a tendency to eteraltr.
The present ie linked loth future urowgh
on! creation, In th vegetable, ia th animal,
and in the moral world. As is thssesd,
so.'tib fruit, a is tba agg, ao Is tba
low); as Is th boy, so It the man j and at
it the rational being la taie world, ao will
be be in th aext. Dire ettrsaged from
from God hero ia Divaa wtraaiwal from
God in th nest; aad Enoch walking with
God hr; is Enoch walking with God ia a
Mlmsr and better world. I beeeeckyou,
live for a Messed' eternity. Goto th
wonptbat yonirtad upoBr-mrd, leara a
Imsod of .wisdom. Tha very caUajttller
aimllar ttate, and more wisely (-than man,
Li J f.
own sepulchre, ironvwaesc in
me. by a kind of leeurreetion. It bowms
forth a new creature ia almost an aagello
form. And now that which crawled, file
-:-- . -z . ." -:--
aad Ibat wbiob red on oornparWyely gram
food, sips th dew thai revel la the pa,
turet an emblem of that paradise where
Hows th river of lift, aad grows the tree
of life. Could the ottterpiltar havs hsea
divsrtsd from iu proper eleraeat aad mode
of lift, it had never attained lha butterfly's
splendid form and bus, il had perished a
worthless worm. Consider ber wsys and
ba wis. Let it not be said ye ar mor
negligent than worms, and that your rea
son it lorn availably thaa their instinct.
as otien as in ouuerny mi soross your
path, remembsr that it wlspers in its filaht
"Llv for lb Future."
With this th preacher olosed his dis.
oourae ; hut lo deepen th Imprastlon, a
buttsrfly. directed by the. Hand wbloh
cuidos alike tba sua aad aa atom in lis
course, fluttered through th church, as If
commtwwned or nava to repeat the
exkortatioa. Thr waa aeliberteeecb
nor latsa-uat. but ila voioa was beard
saying to tae gaslag audloaoe " Llvo
fivr Ika fuliins
a m Oimws of Henitt.
aiysajlf amsalistal.
Deep la lha mldalaat that araaeded lha
fottlral f spring, at wblaa tha (wo first
aoaa of th anaiaa rao wr to bring a
thaak ofbriag ta ihCrMr, thJr mother
MW txp HsMgl m WtMaSfsMW WMMi lsM
wltksr, wbtsA'hasr'ytjsjagersea had
plsnted arouad his altar, war shisgsd t
blood atiad laatt, tad mm lulrjr bJowri,
JJI' iih -A i.HitX
aalBaakBBBBraBBBB BBBaat 1IMIbbJ
Vaawav aaar aTJIB sTsTsTsTnaVsTT'l
loMiwf 4-sJM VsMpCj
okM away laia
MM JsTeMJawvVf I
Aad a I
But at ivialag Ihstf )
L Vi ''J
aBBBBBBaaaBBl axsaaat BBaaauW I
pjaafaa to aar .Thsvi
saw la that 'aatr tail
Tha rd "mm tmaSMfi
toaaa ritnaalidftsaa!.
sty tahg to. Mr!
lank aavaitt. 'aTaataaxI
xat tajara $ ft 'Baata asstss
Rdoa aawat,wh
ar ekaaswjdf i
iwsvitssa satsjaMMsw-j
with tow atftaMksVMrlM
mm .. . . It
and amtUr hswtsd Marhf
AadoA at atlattghtattaVayM
'thetawtherdtaww. a
1 f"1 SSSSSHJ.-,,.
woal7B.Jif.nS' 7,
k ay re was a amasgati aa ft
loan waa oautsj as aa saayw i
aad dm. awUsM
wkb great frsqaaasy. a4
teacaer, oa taa Hal aa
weak, aad aakaa axer wl
py i m wiilaa aha MtaaaaJ
qulrtag as t aw allaitat
said aha waa rastmg
Christ. .r4slagaj
teacher. "Yeah
live lo the who dl
otdea crowa at hsf
with tert roiliag 'tVwa bo
" It is l.sw. ya shaM lavva
aocsxdmg to ia wsxdaCCMstV?
sua taa imi gin,."aaii y
orown r- in laaeaar, eat
tor a moment, pasvaas for a
little daning liiue up
wua araiKuaa ta ta
tbcobkotof th panes)
ha doc not girayouj oar,
irora my imifaaa pat
:h a reet4aae af taM aVam a
just toarmg lam psmai, watskl
Agricultural Atsoclatloa bstd ia MIb ojty:
swAa iatl ''
w ,s"Bmw" aaaapaBBaaaar'
isW. atic.il.
to IM JBtWlT
aaatf mWmmW aaBBBBaVVrJ
aurely be enough to pay a laifa pWaC v'
wU Md UWc- j ' HfuA
At anaaalmstlma of thsi 'iaaatiaaa' 1
h.ii.i""iii-i.pbsiii. -
a report on tha wtrodaetiakt WVUl?'r
- "
!-. ...-.- J .i L JV
H into in until i mans, waa taa a .; . a
M. L. fell, lha CaalrasaaafatrntttmO
siiicw arvin warni wvi
land tha ai
tried t la that oJlaawaVta i
Hltt.A aVu .L.t-k. tsssssk - fMW J
asismi isre yes assnsasi ssssaisasxaassj.,,--1
tlva iBouataias, aad Mdaasi aaar tMat t.d
loan waa imporuti rrom waia Aa
having mora "yolk" Imparled toH1
superior paaturag, imh as-aa
InerMaed ssvsoty par aatt tha-
tb atasl bsiM also an
that Ihev wera hardy. 4
tecieo neitaer ay lamas mm m I
Tha clip mTsruwtjigh MaaMJ
wblU tut la' Esalanl tssaaf ta
Mvaattaaaad a balf.t. TlattttfJi'i
savory, aatily dlaetud. aad nmmm
la Peru by physiclsns to laraam) i
ercnoe to nu. in awe aa
M m MH.1 n ml MSllSA . . IS U..1
V W. WW. W ..l.. . M. IJ I
England miponea ejws.taysjt
lolVMshsfhad IntpatWfi
QnuaaR.--.la w !-
wait yt w live oaiy
love, wa lova wlUtsat i
st . at n . ".
hearts overflow la wnn wd,
aoiwa. But.wnea wa
aad sr rspeJeed by
by frtiaas, r grow
w our appmasaayal
set. HtwslsUajhIIW ta.i
allaattea Ihiy aV taaV
xaTJtFgPXtg sfeattFtl 'amwrw sSFsraTarM
ouaastsMv, aar am
jSrsjaraj . sfSsMsajr.
.. r
iiiiiaiisirtiMwaliiiSittiiliilihsTMIisift-iiil-iiiiTtt Wt-tJiJiw-w