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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1869)
tih 0RK(;t). mmmi Satuhdav MoIlvika, Out. 'J, 1800. - I, P. Pinker. 30 S HI New Mernh- tntVEicbnge,ls our only nuihorUnl agent in Stn Francisco. For Astern AdtrorlltliiK. Mr. Kuhk Is rcnrerescnlcd by 8. M. IVttkmiiu. Co. f New York and Dosloo. Hudson k. Mcnct are nnr only au Itiorlrnl Aftedtsln Ihe Allnllc .Slat". UHIcs 41 Park How, 'Time'1 DultdliiK. New York Ulty. All orders must come through them. Father Illnnchct will hold divine ser vices nt the Cntholio Church lotnur row nt the usunl hour. Kt'.NKitAt. The ri'tnnin o! Mr. .1. K. ilnitck will be huried nt 2 o'clock, this Afternoon. Services nt the family residence. Koaii Chanakh. Wo notice t.hnl Mr. Win. Hybfo i changing the pub lic road in front of hii premises locat ing it further cut. Wo uinlorstntiil that' the old road it not n lcnl one, never hating hem surveyed. Itut it lia liccn recognize.! ni a public- thorough fare, mid much labor hat been expend ed on it, TliN being the fart, it iiiiru Mimed that Mr. Hylicc will put the new road in a good condition a the old; especially n tlio clinnge is n mat ter of convenience to him, and ilium tcrial to the public. Comi: ank $i:i: l"s. So nay S.tcli llros., but lliry don't mean it. They don't invite u look nt the good looking Allows round there, but nt their good. Tliey have opened the InrgiM mid bet flock ever brought here. -Mr ir goid have been selected u llli the ttMial care Hid judgment or that linn, nud that I onying enough. They have lo,(ll)0 ixMiiid mure to arrive. Si Mir. AivinKMT. A serious ulnar srci.leiit oecureil north of Kugeiiu City i sterility morning, Tlivr-lujo coming South was driven oer tho edge of a bridge, nnd a pantenger named lli.if. A. Miller Irid bin nrm binkeu. Theie were four pnnengeri on board, one o! whom wnn Judge Ki-Iny, who wn badly bruised. Oilier eeiiped. The Mngc and horoea were cojidenibly in jured. Fon tiik Nomii. -Hon. ). Jih-oW and fiimily leave for S-ntlleon Mmday next. Tlioy will go with many regrets on the part of their lmtn of frieude in thin valley, mid hi Honor will entry with him tho well wlsliis and kindly feeling of many it political opponent. What ii our lota U a gniu to Wishing ton Territory, and we have no doubt liia genuine worth will hoon Ih nppu- viated there a here. Fun, Btoiik. Iloftbinii fc Klippel, under tho Odd Kvllowa Hall, havu tho fulleit and moat complete assortment wf good in their line. They h.-uo any aroonnt of tin, atove, and copperwnre, and a good aupply of the tubmerged pump, that are now ucd an exteu aively here. Nuw JIaiuikii-mioi1. Mr. More lm opened a barbershop at Long' old land, on Oregon street, ami those who have tried him say ho is tit best hand that has ever been in this town, (live him a chance, if you do got thttval in the experiment. IUai. Estatk sTuk. The Catholic Sisters of this place liavo purchased the handsome residence of Mr. John S. Drum for an Academy, Tho purohnso includes four aorea of ground, tho con sideration being J,500. Wo under stand that they do not take possesion until spring, Don't forget that Gen, Tom Thumb and Cornmodoro Nutt with thoir re spective better halves will bo hero on Momhy, Tho aro tho smallest human beings in tho world of their age, and a light nt thorn will no doubt bo worth something. m Pi.ymai.k it Manning will bo glad to aucomoAsic tho traveling public with the-bcC kind of feed and horso lodging; or their friend with a gay and safe turnout. Go and seo for your selves. m & Swekt Potatokh. Sir, Dunlap lina raised quito a crop of this delicious tu ber this yoar, They acotn to be tery little affected by tho drought, and are finer flavored than those raised In wet seasons. Nkw Yttx. Mr. J. M. Sutton can furnish you with the nicest pen and eraser combined you over saw. They aro mado of the new metal, oroide, and ' equal to any gold pen. Price only 37 cents, including handle, holder, pen and eraser. IIomk Aoai.v. Mr. Dowcll returned I fiom tho Supreme Court, on Saturday iat. vt nilc north lie sited Portlant1, and took n good look nt the railroad operation. IJo thinks there is no doubt whatever of our hating the road extended through the nllcy in gout season. SkvkHr Accium. -Our Monday last a little son ef John Ilerron's, aged ttbout six years, fell from a bridge while returning from school, nnd broke one of the bones of his right leg. It wns set by his father, nnd is reported as do ing very well. Uulma.v, next (o the " fjw State," keep; Ilavnnai so fragrant thnt their curling smoko will bring Minus of PnradNe, such ns Fast cm mount eh novel d retimed of. Just try them nnd call us n prophet. lltii. hkiis' llnidware, nnd every con ceivable article in the metal line, can be found nt Hilger's, He has n large stock, just arriving, mid his assortment of ngiicitltitrnl implements is complete. Ciianiiino C'oi.oil The forest trees on tho mountain round thu valley are showing " the sere nnd yellow lent,'' nud the weather-win- is re predicting mi enrly Piul severe winter. FisiiKit fc lli:o. have their usual full stock of goods, and although they mnku uo fuss they lear no competition, either in quality or price, ISkuaiii.i: Cui.uin oil Attention is called to the caul of Mr. Win. David ion. lie is acknowledged to be the best collector In Poitbiiid. Hum has a quantity of Hoc downy leather lor sale just the thing fir winter, A laud warrant for sale nt a dis count apply to Mr. Ilolbnau. WANTED. 10.000,000 KKKT OF LOUS, OF THE BEST QUALITY Of Sugar l?ino, Whito and Rod Cedar, aid Xellow Fir, To be tlchvoKul between tho months of April and November, 170, to the ELLENSBURQ MILL CO, AT THE MOUTH OF ItOGUE RIVER. For particulars, enquire of (Seo. M. Sc'L'iiiiitu, nt Kllonsburg, Curry Coun ty, Oregou. Sept. II, 1800. am. J amu T. (Ji.knn, Juiix b'. Unix AuciiKUsa Mas IN'. GLENN, DRUM & CO., GENERAL MERCHANDISE CAI.ITOHMA TltKrrf, JACKSONVILLE. OREGON. b3 KEw FIRM, NEW GOODS LOW PRICEI WILL WIN I TIIK AtlOVI? NAIMKl) FIRM tska plesfurt In uolirlnK llielr frlt-udj and the pittillo cntrslly, tbsl the art now roWliii snit npaulug a ttr larp sud ei tcuilv stock of STAPLE DRY GOODS, m HEADY MADE 0L0THIHO, MATS AND CAPS, OALIFORNIA AND SALEM Cl.OTUS, OLANKKT8, f , HOOP 8K1IITS KTC, ETC. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladles', Misses' and Children's Shoes. $tf We hare, also, In correction with "VC ggr the above, a very larRC and - Or rztenslTs stock of choice "O 19 (Jrocerlfi.lfordworp, "TBI Jkjr QnrfMwarr, t ST Qlaa- -m MT wars, Oallery, "fJM 00" PalolaaaJOIlsiatso, -H MrWindow Qlaas, Nails, Iron- 9 snd Blrtl, Oast and Steel - ttf Plows, Woodtn sod Willow ware. - TTe ar roady to sell any tsls Is our line at tbs LOWEST CASH PM3B. Pttnoni wlln lo buy goods, will Bnd It greatly to tselrad ? aatast to raaaslss out stock bsfors Mrckas ins clsewbera, aa w aro oVtsrssJofd nltokw undersold by any bonss In Jackson ?. Q Its os a call, and tben Judgs loryonrssW as to our canaeltv to furnlb goods as abort. sckionvlls,Msr'eh2,1lT. tf Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Cray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A drojsing which is nt onco ngrccnbla, licnlthy, nnd cflcctunl for preserving tho linir. Fathd or gray hair is toon rtrtortd f( iV oriyiual color with (lit glost ami rcshneu of youth, Dlilt Id llilntr. ! encd, fulling hnlr checked, nnd laid. ' Hess often, thntigli uot nlwnys, cured by its use. Nothing enn rcstoro tho Jtnir where the rblllclm nro destroyed, ' tit Mid glnnd ntrophlcd nud decoyed, j lint such ns reniniti cnii ho snved for ' itscrnlncss by this njiphrntioni Iustcnd of fouling tho lmir with h fmMy sedi' ment, it will keep it t-lcnti nud tigorOusi Its occnsiotml u.o will tiroTctiltho lmir from turning gray or f.illiug olT, nnd consequently prccnt bnldnesj. IVeo from llioo deleterious Mihstitnces which nmko toino prcpnrntious dniicrotis njid injurious to tho lmir, tho Vigor enn only LeticlU but uot hnrin it. If wnutcd merely for u HAIR DRESSING, nothing clso mil bo found o desirable. Containing neither oil nor dyo, it does not soil whilo iiiinhrio, mid yet lmts long ou tho hnlr, giving it n rich ilotsy luttro nud n grntcltil porfitmc. Prepared by Dr, J. C. Aycr & Co., 1'ltACTICAL ANU As'ALVTICAL ClltUllIS, LOWELL, niASH. rmcE ii.oo. Ayor's Cathartic Pills, Vor all tba purpoasa of a lAxattra Mtdlolna, I'eruipt nn one mnu. cine U i unlrcnally ro qultr-l by ettrjlKxl at a cilliartlc, nor u ttrr any before to unlrcrttl ly ailopteil Into uie, In cmrrountryanilnmotig all cUmci, Hilt mild but clllrlenl I'unnllte J'tll. Tholjlou rt oo Ii, tnal it Ii a more re. Halite ami hriiiorv effoe lual rcmnljr than any nilirr. Tliote who haia trlnl It, know thai It eurcl thrnit Ihoiowlm have rm, know that It rn llwlr nt lnhunre ami Irlemlf , nit-t nil know tlial lint It il imee It iI-h-h slwnyj that It utter fill tlirnUEli any ImiIi nr hCRlof tuf lu roiniioiltlon. Wo Imro tliouaniU iiioii tlion. mi.l of corlldrat- nf UitJr rtmarUablo corn of Uio (ultnwlnx rnmiilalntt, but aicli eutta nre known In erry nrihbnrhoil, nml wo nNi.1 not pnbluli Uicin, Ailailel 14 ill (!" and rnmllllitiK li all rllniuicM ronlnlnlnx neither raloinrl or Any ilektcrlout ilriiir, they msy l takfjt with aaWy by anylxnty. Tticlr iiifnr cuntlni tiroervr Ihrm ever rrrtli ami makrt Uiviit iileaianl to lake.whllo Iwlnjr tninly rritrinblo no barm ean nrle from their uo In sny iimnlltr. They oirmle by thrlr tiowrrOil Influeuro On ilia Internal Im era to purify the blood and llinulaln It Into healthy arllon -remove.lheobaniellonl of lha tomarh. lxiwrl. Ilrr, and other oncn or Uia licly, ratUirlng their Irresiilar arllon to health, and by correction, whererer they nlt.uch ilcrang. nentt a are inn flrt origin ofillieaae. Minute illrfrllnna arn len In Uia wrapoer on the Ikii, for Ihe following complaint, which IhtiO i'lfe rapidly curat . . For SfeMl or tn4lgfUnu, g.letla fH, S,itM(Hr ami Mm mt AMpvilae.ttiry Ihouhl l taken mndrrntrly to tllnuilato Uio aloat. arli and rctloro lt hraltliy lone and action. ror Llevr CaaenlialBl and It rarlnua ayinn. inmi, Mllletae SSvaMliMkt.aicli M4aeka, Jlitai1lt or tUrroa k)lfciiaa. (a Callc ami Nllleme ,rrr, ihey huM bo Ju. illclou ily taken for each eaie, to convct tho dlienaed action or remote Uie obmructlnni which rauae It. . For Iyeiry or ISIiarrliaMt,but ooo mild doia It generally required. For nfcasHam,wf.ara?s!. kalfl ! mt Ik Hurt, ' ' Sack and altw, they should bo contlnuouily taken, at requlrt-,1, to ehaoga the ilUcaic-l action of the tytlrm. Wllh tuck, sbaags tboto comlalatt dlianimar, For H ratter and Hraslcsil Heltlan they thou Id be taken lu larn and rrequeal doteato piv Unce the nSVI of a draallo puree. for raala a large doia tbould be takea St It produce tho drilred effort by sympathy. At a Vlnnrr Ml, take one or two i'late to pro moto dlftttlon and roller the tlomacb. An ooeatlonal doto ttlmuUMt Uio tlomach and bowelt Into healthy action, reatore Ihe appetite, and Inrlcoratot tho tyttem. Ileooo It It often ad ranUscout wheru uo aerlmit deranarment nxltU. On wlio recti tolerably well, orlen flndt that a dot of theie ftll inakri htm feel dectileilly beiur, front their clcantlui ami rcoo rating effect oath digs Mt apparalut. 9M, J. C. AYEH 4 CO., lV)c((eaf ChtmUU, lowr.iz.. mass,, v, a. a. ELDORADO MILLS. iP. alKive Mill), formerly tho Vallry Mill L at TLitnU. Ori-Bou. bavins lieen nurcbsn cil by die uinlerlsnfd, nnd thoroughly repair til, llli a Nil. I Impruvnl Woml waril'sS tun tier' ami nlu linprovnl buskers, llti an eiuiruiy new IIuHIiik Cloth. It now ready U (trluil wlirsl on exohsnue. si the iimkI rate, to-wll : 31! IK Flour 8 Ibi. Ilrsn ami 2 IU. rliorU per butht-i tor Riio. rnercunntitwo wiu't. Aim will furnlib llnjr with illpatcb and warrant It Ibe tame equal to tbat or any mill In the wnrlJ. J.T.OLKNN.I'rop. , Jaekfonrllle, Oregon, Aug. 20, 1863. TO LINK KITERI ALargeAssortment OF DIIY GOODS, UnoCEUlKS, HARDWARE AND GENERAL, MERCHANDISE, AT NURSE'S FKItRY, AT Link River, THE BRIDGE Arnua Link Rlvat la SAW COStoMe. SJld tbs travelling public ean now et ass at tbs follow ing llbsrarats i Wagons 60 ) Horsemen M j cheep per ona buudretl ksad 00 t Cattle per one buodredbcad 92 00, GEOHGKNODRSB. Ww DULL TIMES Are HERE! U0N SEQUENT.! iY. SACUSIMIO'S irm sett ALL 0 V a :) FOR CASH, THAN ANOTHER HOUSE IN THE jUJJT."'M."'-m- WE MEAN WII.1T Wl SAYI CUl AND SEE FOR YOUK.$l3E,F. SACHS BROS. Tncksnnvillr, March 20tli 18(1(1. PACIFIC IMVFHiSITY, i'uiikit uituvi:, (iitr.uu.v. itr.v. s. ii. M.vnsii, n. n s. rneMcut. Iti:V. II. LYMAN, A M..I'rof. of Mnlhenwllc. OKO.II.OOM.IKII.A. M Prof of NuturMSclcnce JOJ. W.M.IItjII, A. Ut.Vr.Uot Lnnuusge. A. J. ANDKItSON .. M. rrluclpal of Acsdtniy MIIS. .4.J..4NIIKKSON PreceplreM. FOnt COUHSnS OF STUDY-.les.Iemlc, Scli-nlllle. Cotlrgluto ami Lmllii ColKclalv. Mnelc lnii)ilil. tcademv Year beclnt the T.nal Wnlnf.hjr of July. Collegajiarbe.-iiH lue flnt MonJar of .-tuguM nokt.f 1-or pirtlculari a.Mrcii S. II. Jl.tllSU. XfOTZCB. TIlKutuli-rflgncil liurln tnbl ttrlr rnllrr Mock of l)i US', Mnllclnri lU'ik ami KU llonrry In IlieUliy Driii; Klore, unubl ln-rrlijr call nn nil Duxo iiuli-bteil to thini In come for wanl ami rettlotip, at no muit npiaru up our liookt. The Ininlniws In tliu future will bo car rlnl on by Mr. (J. V. (iruvoa, tliu prevnt pro prietor, to whom we would recommend on, for mer patrons, SUTTON STKAUNS. rionr! riour!! irionr!!! I'HK nilicrller Imvlne pnrcliacil Hi" Wahi imitiiv nr llonvnnti Mii.r,. srouou prctiai i to make Hour equal lo any In tho niuKct. Faruirrt arc Imlti-il In bring tlalr vheut mid are guurautecd rallifacllon. McKKNZIB AMY. Ellington Mill, Aug 7lh ItSO'J. XfOTZOB. U. 5. laMi Oincr. Ituscnrnn Oov., I June 2u'tli, IRfiU. f Complaint having been enteral at thli OIUco by Win. M. Mathra nnd K, 0, Taylor ngalntt John C. Hamlin for abandoning Donation Olalm .VullllcallonNo. 217. dated Sept.Sfi, IH3.1. up on the South IlalfSJl of Sfotlon UJ.Towntlilp 37 Sou th, Itange 1 (Cant, In Jacknon ooitnly, Oregon, with a view In cniicellatlon of raid Do nation Claim ; Uio ealil juirtlM aro horcby mni' ninncil to apiwar nt till O.llco on tho 31st day of July, IBU9, ut 1 o'clock p. m In rerpond and furnluli testimony concerning tald alleged abandonment. JOHN KELLY Register, Adoisox It. Fust, Receiver. BSD WMAT. TnE enbscrlber has for snle, on Jackawi cret k nnethnutand bushel of8lJl'I2Ultm WHITE WINTER WHEAT. It It or but ycsr't crop, cltao, welll flle4, sod. warranted, of Ihe very best quality. john n, McDonnell. Jsckais Creek. September lit IBCy, ffiwV-'Tf m :'-''-i I.HH a aVT M K vf ; ,i U -Ma jBtfl UP WITH THE TIMES. J. NEUBER HAS JUST KKUKIVKD AX IXVOIOK of K'ol from the of the ( qual- , Hy of LADIKS'AXDOKXTS'NKW I'AT. Tints (.OLD OHAINS.UKNTS'.SILVKH V KST CI I A I NS. A fine choice lot of K.V AMKLKI) IIOSOM PINS. KAIt KNOHS ami lU'.OPS, SLKKVK nml t'OI.LAIt HUT IONS, iiml IIOSOM STt'US. A. choice tut .of HI A MOM), OPhli ar.d PlIAHL Ill.SdS A'i' solul ilngof Li on rmkr ' -hi luuil all the Wat. Solllil Sitter wuir, iirli n'TAHLKaedTKASPOOXS. I)KS I SKUT..SL,;.lt soJ SALTjJPOOXM.THA OI..I MNI NO 1-OUKH. UUITKlt nml ntnr kxivks. wnow: ami opi:n TliPTMIMIILW of nil Kiuo KAU ' LIS II I.KVKIIH In roliil (lot.) Ilithllnir Cues A txaulllul lot ol LAMlvS' WATUHKS lu t olid lulil lluntlnj Knnintlctl Case. Trot have b.en nltclf.l with rnit cere for reliable Mine krrperi. Alioluit tccrlvid an latolrr . of ll.c AMERICAN LCVCH WATOH, .n li-nvy lliibtinr; Caes, nrlio fraai 55 U '! , '.uiiuir. . iirrc mo THB BEST WATCHES t'V the moiierctvr lirou;lil Into the maikil. I I'l.ry nre Mantifucitiieil lit the U'nlcli I'l.tnpatiy, nt K'lfitt, III, I Aiialiuitin m v.' Oil Ihtiii nil tho lime. A rut (at of tight ilt.v anil ihltly hour clink, from ihe brst he i.r.n. I'LAII.I) CAS IKASPOONS. KNIVES nnd 1'OHKS. rOHALTO IIOXIIH. SI'KCS ol all kln.N- In' UnJ..n FpiiiKcl. fur ttrk ivrt. j'dl'IC i:rni..lTAIILi:ClMl.i;itV t'narkol 1XL A(!coitDi:oxs, n.iriNA.s. .Mtj.sir IIOXLS, nml brtnllnc Mill) CAUIIS; l.irk' tnatkrl, Isllr' trnrrlintr. nml ihlMren'i IIASKIMV, llotj' Til' UAH IS nnk VIIKI:MIAIIKUV.S, DOLL-nAIHES, Clmlcrit TOY CKd, imUito, C'blMrta'. CHAI- THE CELEBflATED UOWK AM) FliORE.XJE j lie lint e, larue lot of Toys an bntid-a Inice i lot or I lulls, All IhuN of !.l, hooks nml line. ' I he brat of (iuliar nml I'liMIe hlrlti. A1 .... ..r.viiintiii ui i ii ..a, irom u,e urn .Met- i Ilium to the cli..vst ("ay Moullt I'ho-s nml Slim, nf all Llmls, Tobacco Pjuch- e.MATUU HOXKS.elo.etf.. and n larcc I lull nMOIIIIieill or I'lI'lIS. from II.k l..l m. MMorimcnt of the Iiml UKIARS. A No nl wnyi lie most cholre brand of TOIIAUCO. ofi ami hard iirutul, f!oo cut Irrcniolilni; and chrln!f. All kinds of lTflia, CLOrSS, JRWL'IRV ASP SEWING-MACHINES (jlcaniil ami rrpilrnl at the IowmI priori. To ll.ose aim live at Uiilaneo and send by alarfc drivers nml lprtss, the drivers' cr rx-preMBL-r will lir paid l.y mri lie sure snilrcml ioJ.XHUIIKIi, Wnicli Clock sod Jewelry Store, fjr cleaning and rrpalrlntr. JOHN NHUHKIt. HOFFMAN k KLIPPEL, DEALERS IN Slovcs, IIarA'(r Tinware, fce ODD FELLOW'S BUILDING. Corner Main anil Oreijow tstrettt, VV R sro now receiving our Spriiif supply of TV (ioodt, cnuliliui; of Assorted Iron, Cut it Clinch Viiils, Steel, Horso Shoes, Horse Slioo Nails, Ilorscllnsiisaiiil Flics, Cirnss Scythes nml Siuitlif s, Hay t'otUs ontl Itakcs, Urnin Cradles, linrluy Forks A. Alaniire Forks. COOK STOVES, Cast Iron Wash-Kcltlei, nake Ovens, Jlnko Paus uiuLXeu Ket tles, Liit'ccr, Lard, KlephaiitNcars Foot, Coal and Castor Oil. Coital and Coach Varnish and Axle Urease. Pafuts. Window Glass. Iiiilv. Paint lirushes and Sash Tools, Market and Clothes Jlaskets, Clothes Line and Clothes Writs it ers, Together with a fenera.1 varle- ty of Shelf Ilardwaret Cutlery &c, &c. Tlnivaivai nf avjtv j1sLrInlI ! .n IIU1HIU UI f,S MTrVISIWH HttS VU hsod. All of which wo oQVr at reduced prices for csab. aTln and Sheet Iron ware made to order. .jWIlcpalrlng done with dlspstch."tss afAireiits for tbo isle of the American Sab tncrged I'umn. With thanks for oast favors, ws luilta all to call and examine our wares, HOFFMAN & KLfFPEL. Iajf 2Jd; 1819, STOP THATJOUGHING COjrB or vow oAJtT, ahiswb pit O o-J You br irlrJ trrry rtatdf btl tat O"0t uunt. kr lu Ir.tMiuuo MirlL la Ivmwil til tit.- I'M t rrtamlott. It I sol lurprtfltr ri kM M r!uaikl t try amrUuet tlM tntr tMmfita TAa hurt m.4t bt trtali nlutUkl Xt try amrUuct tlM tntr lb I too br mat of trttliy (uittrS oo tbt pUi at a ttetaia cart) k NEWELt'S PHlmonary Syrup It rMllrtlit Tinr HCSTrtaxSytTtraaisaiaSal, Snr tht tun of Co-nln, ColJi. Sort Thraal, AWanay Vt.tvpltCnh,tlninrhlUiinlCtivPifa- tax. titdtor ivonltln Califwilaao Ortfva aart ana, alrMd UattutJ by Ut iirrntlMt ttratlrs atfa. NEWELL'a Pulmonary Syrup tful mllh nut ttonl lit It Ik fir (DtntliSti Ullon. Vf ii'iir JJrr oorwlrtt to all nk art i tequila!! with tilt, Ibt trttlKt ruiia tfut kf. for Iht litthtt or all ! tf Uit canal ai Lut, tuuilL( ) tbM NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrllp ku tared ikmutlt as J II will tirt TOV It j n lrj Ii. Tills Ior0oll nrJi(lnltpltawalttlk taati toolkit., t.Mliti tnj timi(itiitlD( HvIM 3U ta titttjr ft from til puUonMi or ittwtt Urtf. atJ I'tfrrllr titrrtilCM utrttr alt tlmtiuitaatt. CrrURcatta fmn mir I'tntniMtl tuittu a. MS. rraLiuoRua.piuiy acty botUt ef NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup P.CDISOT0X k CO. AittM, San rraatuaa, DR. E. COOPER'S I'NIVr.liSAL MAGNETIC BALM. A pcncrnl Kamtly Medicine, It It a tot er tlgn tcisrdy lor Diptheria, And kindred dlnmrt of the TflltOAT, sal untniialliil In cutliiK Dyrentery. Ulsrtkata. Cholera, Colic, Cholera Morbus and ' Fovor aid Agae, Neurnlcl. Ilheuiiintliii, Cohlt, Tealkaaks, llurm, .Vurolui, Uruliet, cle., etc., art a sots rellcvrJ by lu tlmtly inc. 9?rulv a Vegetabl Frr-yar-afion. f-tT .one ccuulut witlost s ,tt. cf II.STIIONC. nEDI'OTON ttCO 'B ilfc- V" C0, " "K N0 lORIDAWATfls Untzcellcd for TslK-t Use and for the JJalk. REDINGTON & CO'S DiSENCn QY JAMAICA GINGER. I This valuable pmiatallon, cosltlolsc U i.iiiii vi-i'i vniuirii .uii.i mii ,u froiiiift a, Jamaica (linger, has becotss pes of Ibe si est popular domestic remedies for all dlitates af the stnmaoh and iIIkciIItc orcaci. At a tonlo, It will be found Invsluskls I salt psreonn rccorerliiB Iftun debility, whether srs duced by ferer, or olherwlse far wblls It Its partt to the system all Ihe glsw scd tjfor tkal can be proiluced by wine or brandy, it Is ea. tlrcty free from the reacllonary erects tbat fal low the ue of spirit', of any kind. It it nlro nn excellent remedy for feaatr who tuner frpm illfllcult menstruation, llelsa alinoa liniucdlalo relief la Ike spurns list friU9nly accompany that period. It jjlrc Immediate tillc( to Nsptrs, csik4 by rl.llng In a railroad, ct, or by t-slckosss or other cuuset. It Is slip valuable as an external appllcsUaa. or Gout, Uhcuuatlsu. Neuralcb. etc. RKOINUTON CO., IIS and tlS Frost kit., a'sn Francisco. Use Electro-Silicon, Or Ma(ls BrllHau. REDINGTON: A CO FI.OKII) V WATER, FOIi TIIK UANOKKRCUlr. Thli nrllck. povUMlnpr tbo most delicti frsKruiico of Flowers, It uneq.gaJcd ss ntf fumo fur tbo lUndkcrchlif. FOR THE BATH, Used In bathing, it imparts energy aa, strciiRth to the system, and glees that toflnea and delicacy to the skin so much dclrcd, by sl It removes Suubnrn, Freckles & flipples, Diluted with water, It makes si excellent Pcntrlflcc, Imparlluj pearly vbllcness to Ik teelh, Hueetiit'M to Uio breath, and tcuders Us gums hard and of beautiful colps'. It should always bo und sfter shn)Bf, . luted with water, as It rvllovre til InStmallon. RKDIKQTON CO. 4IC t.d 418 Vtont Ht., Man Franclsyo. Use EIcctro;Sllilto9 Or klagis Billllaat, BLBOTROSIWOONt -OR MAGICBFULLIANT, DIUCCT FUOM NATURE'S LABRATORT. The best article ever discovered for Clesas Injr and l'olisblng Gold, BlWer and Flattsl Ware, and all smooth Mclalla Surfaces, af whatever description, Includlojr Kilcbea Utia sllsor Tlo, Copper, Drts. WeeT. elo. '"fr To Jewelers and Workers In Gold ami &? Plate, tbo Electro-8illcon Is or lws.tuikk tsI ue lha lima ssyed. and lb,s uisltoa'stoT, ed by Its use, will forever eojk-ar ltsasail all who have had eeldeaee f 11 sserlU. RKD!CTQX CQ Sole Aceots, Sso frtuclseo, FQR FLAVOMNQ EXTnA CT. BKnHIVOarji (JO.'SAUTB sps. fiept. Stblfieg, ' aeptS-lr 1 ' "l