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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1869)
SRWINBL! HATfuAY MoKxwi, Aug T, I80f. j , V Fltker,-0 av l Mew Merck ol'!Kclisnge, I our only authorised agent In k'tn VfncIco. For Katlern AdtcrtlMng, Ms.. Hin.s I reprerteented by 3. M. PrmvoliL A t,o. uf Nc Vurk nJ tluAun. Htiriten tk Meaet sr our out; au thorise! Agent In tlie Atlantic Stairs. Onlc ,1 I'trk llt "Time" Building. Nw York Cilj, All orders must camu Ikrouub them. Krittor-At. Skkvicks. Hev. Sclwood will "perform the cervices of the Kpiscopal Church here on Sunday Aug. loth, nt llio Court House. It is expected t tint lie wilt also preach at Ashland during lilt stay. Sen ices tomorrow nt the Cstholio Church by Hev. Father .Hlauchct, nt! the usual hour, 'iiArrin ok AaiDKNin. On .Satur day last, little Johnny, youngest son of the late .lohn S. Lou, iell lioni n buggy on account of the hone starting ing suddenly, and lind his arm broken lie is now, however, doing well. V)n the name day ti daughter ol Mr ityhn Uiirron was accidentally shot in tho f.vx with a revolver, lu tlw banda of her brother, but fortunately ctonpcd scriouK injury. Tho boy had snai.i,d . the weapon repeatedly tno day iirevi-1 dim without difehargluir. It, and at thojb, ,,,-t rvi-rviliiii)( eiinrcinl with ilorr thn,. wa LMiuAirt-ct in ollinjf it, when tc, . sntnl d-ifHldr on-1 K-rfcci. .,..... .i....i ; V.t. tt All at '-In "old ..r niiimfaeluwl by I. m. the hamttier slipped irom Ills fiutrj the ball jlm! ! noruJ' the child's tioo tint pa-el tliiouh the right check, insUni; ontt' a tteah wound. On Thuitiday a little dnuli tor ol Mi. .IncoblCubli, on Ajipleatc, a'cd about nine years, had her leff broken by a jite lalling on it. The fracture i ali to k a very Lvc' on Anuiiicu ViLiniurSouKTiir.oAi. YetleriUy a beautiful t nd inteitinj; diUj.'htcr'jJ .Mr. Felielv, the viollm ol tiiti tcrrtlile uiseasi., was laid down to nn!. She was just budding iuto wo manhood, and beloved by a huge clr ' oie oiconipauioiiri tor iter uuiianieriui ilicn. A lew days since, n blindilng maiden, Untnc in v'outh and tin tllh , in-day, dtit, and nothing tin it! Though heatts mav be bieakiu for one ulmic silvery voice will" be heard n more, ulin kuowt that to-day hhc i not tieh- er and moie beuutllul and happier i I nun any oi it, who, too, ore only iiiiiiy'Jo"r our call? Cof.Nrv Koahk. From the ' rt in I'nmation we have, we lind that the Hoard of (.'omnils'iom'rs -.ire poweiKx todoiinylhiii fiiilher with (ho Link, liner road, c.c pt by inakiu' it a toll road, ami allow in thn low il li lib r to ...,,. , 1 , ,, ti,, . .1 ' I111M1 it nnd chargo loll. W hen they made an apiropralion lor lite stinry tlulr power wa. exhausted, nnd until ' 1 the liw i cluiimeil the road will prob- , ,,, 1 I ah v icninm iiiiuiilrdii-d. The hid noli . ey of I hoau who opposed the building id a ruM toOooso Lakubv pnveinineiit aid is now painfully npptrcnl, nndcem iny home, like tho devil's, chickens, to; most. I KxAMi.MNo MiSK.-Mr. l. W. Haymond.U. S. Miiiinir Commiinner, pissed through town during thu week I on lilt way lo Idaho and Montana. He is engaged in collecting statistical lor a njtort on thu mining interests ot 1 , the coHtitry, and hat mado urranue- menu with S. J. Day to furnish him Mith all the necessary liiloimutlon from this section. Pacific Univkkmtv. This institu tion, Forrett Grove, Oregon, i. fist becoming a popular one, having turned out tome of tho ablest scholar in tho State. Tho College year com menced on thor first Monday ol this month. ... ,, . . - COV.NTV IIOSMTAU Till" lllBtittltloil has changed hands, the Hoard ol Com missionera having awarded the contract to Dr. Ovcrbeok at $1,'J00 for twelve months from the 4th lint. There wat a bid for 11,000, but that of Dr. Over heck was considered tho most advanta tageout for tho county. Wo notice a very heavy matt in komo parta of this valley, which will compensate for light crops to tome ex tent. Acornt are aald to make the wectcst bacon, and that article should he cheap hero this fall. GoriiKit Tiur.. Hoffman Klippel have a large supply of gopher traps. They nre sure fire and will soon rid a plaoe of .these pest. Mr. WWitelsy, the newly appointed Revenue aisetser will pe la town Tues day next. Flour is now up tothreo dollars per hundred with .1 prospect o a ftjrthpr ritf JOHN BILGER, California Street (between Oregon and. Third) Jacksonville DEALStR AND WORKER IN TIN, SHBBT-IMN, ION! LKAD AND BRASS, LfKKPS CONSTANTLY OS HAND AV un aorimtnt of the tct Tio.Shi-fi.irwi and Copr. ware. Itrast ,p,,, Udraulle ' Nuzilre, Force Pumps, Chslnt. Lsd Pit. Ho.. IIARDWARK. CUTLERY : NAILS of all ilzft. Rar, I'Uie and sttotled Irnnj, Oil.. S tra and (Past; ' All q'lnlilitu of I'ciitJcij Sh'il of all iiurnbrrtj llrnhr if ivi re earleiy. tie., fie j Wooden end Willow Wnrrj Hope, limit Hint Iron Wires I H'sclsmilh, Carprnttr and Miner't tool of! every tafirly. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS!,.., CunilMlng of l!l lion nint Steel P.'nwij S II lmrp-hlii Fred Untie ri l'tit,riin 4i(i lion U'uah Ki-ttlr Cultivator, Whet ItMtrows, rle. Stove. Alwtira on hsnd a Isrye I ol P.tlnr, (.'onklmr, t: ,,r ' I'l'" (Jooklnif, Dfller itiiil t.t1n 8lorr. of apcirlnl ami miry enlriH'til nn lalMt i'll, IJiiltT', KrlH-!, I'ntS WAHIUiV'Vl nntk li mtilr of tLc licit niilirliil .11 ' f ."lioirnt pul luii' I'uliirii'. tli illnpatrh, and t- IliiUr MMitlOt'l U 'tli illtcn, ami fllUd aicwitir ir li i'iwi " .'' "'Ir,"""n,l ! i im Mn .., I nw M(!CKS e'')ll tJAHII. (Jail a(l riiailiK blk l"- "IV5 "'""" Inp rNebTTV. i. bC0. . .., . .. r. .aw .... JOHN BILtiCR lMartcr ot ('arm Imt'lffiVcn" AND MOHINES. 11Tiij.v wmrnv tt .t.r lit hi nu Wlk, tt 11,4 lfltj j l.f. V, t l.PHM-.l.HjNfli.) ! . (Hit a', ipi, pmi.-m i " i f.IUU0'i axpftUnllf f(llll (' ('"' llo. ulll,W ltl.ltt III Lnwnl Vw York Wholnalt Triftt. We ll m.rt M llhw Wtrh tliia Bf pllir h-1 lihmiillnlMrMKiry,iihraMtui, r i,iiu w wii-l inimUrlat-rf wll-m r lli cmihti; Ljr V4IU11I .ipir.rrlu!lr-k'J.i"l I" l-ifct t " ain;irilr Oar (lUnlt llill Ya wnl wltli, 1 r..ur Ji"lrt. -,nli iiir, M tn Bit I" "ill" !,, ui f,r uiir IIma ulltn nl lljllllJ I'lk IJH " 1 -"III i-nlll, irtiriw!-!. ly uliun mill, ll ,iIIm II ii-aiir;i iiJ-iii;ihwcU'!;L.'i"r '. ni,ltll (-I Iff l of .ll' Ji- lli HlVi .lfllvt 1.J II.. Untriii.f.r. ,ii1-l u fnr orl.r M'a "HI llirn .nl rjullx Wa. libiffM. llk lb. bill II lllt Hiiflliffj Mialaimellan Itlba Kiprrn 0 iMinar In ll u l-an Ika pwki i I aiml ilVfh Iflunln, f.rti fnp.. aaluka II) If it. va air uiJr .UIall.-H . itn in ai 11 n i; V-iilnn. Imi ail pi Utf'l.', a lll ' "ifrnB ,r REFUND THE rWONEY. 4 - tin i U1H11 tf U.t 1'iicti, t fit.' Jv'"' IUUTI.M.' '" V.umi.1. ni I'aioi JtviU. flAnnnuu'tr IJi. 'vfcii 'l.i-l '.h( C'i; unit j'l Ikt 1 !ulf,l,l,fllUW,l H .Vhj (J Mit, c,, flf. tV $28m Oretnbscks orobint $20ln Coin im n.tkui., i.Mi.rii.n.i.ii.,'.init. m p irli-n U.n.l w4r Wiclillll j"-.! ? ! l-r i-iic i.ui, u-ntin crtt 4i-f iur-nniin r- Mli4 lli WarbMlhal will rnaM )n la liitkr an im.iiii tai.n.i ti.oir.u.i wn ihi iin, u Ulr tli-l r -1 r Ibli Jirill.f m-ul In lha Onnna STu, aiil ;cu naa-l ool ym In iampr fjr tttwin f ! AHifMla full. How Attn A, Co.. Irarli-ra auH .Sll?imillta. 1tf llroiilHtf, .S'ctr Yrk Wa rfr, j p-ruilxUa, 10 l-c-. Wilis, fiat 0.1, K tail fiaacltro. I.W lltiaiaa, K,T. M.lletlis, l.a, .C I'm,. Sn f raa'la.'o. W.S. Iloauf, ka.j VlitlsUCIljr.ytttila THE NEW SAW ! AM) patti:kso4 & co .Iruli'Urr ifrpiri-, llisn i-n-r In niil,r t It mitki-l nlih a good s--nrlmnl of limlitr AT THEIR MILL ON BEESON'S RANCH, Cht-sp fur ch or good Ir4de ISxectitBr'fi IfifiCB. H AVISO Uftn apj.ulnt'ul br Iht Uauat Court ofJsrk-oi foimljr, Orffon, Kxeeu mrof iliiilatt Mill ami It n mint nf lr. P. nriiHe. deitsaard, at In hit etlale in Oregon, all Hrmis hating elaimt afslatl tald tstats art rrqitlrrd to itrtteut Ihrss, with tbe proprr vourhrrs, within fix month" from tbo dsls f Iblt notice, to roe at mj noe In Jacksonville Oregon 'and all pertant Indebted to said eitato are r quired lo cotto and msko Immrdlste ttl llfwuil, C. W. KAllLEIt. EiMiitor. Jacktontllle. July 141b. ISM Julltws IIIDESJIIDES! riillfS IIIOHBSTCAUH PRtOBU PAID FOR I Hides of U klndt, dtllttrd tbt Market f tbt uadtrilgnat, Is aekmvlUt. ry wtvt th tass, tf TKe Mor rooUidwM! Toost Istsbtetl toast art lofortteal Ihal promises to pay doal 'fotny longer, rAtoet is sxhsostl sue I ssuK htvt ajptisy. Wit U Iht last Call steal tbt tiplratlan of Iblrly 4st I lil U tnttttUd tcctuaU Is tt bst tf I.w?.r ftr ..-.urt , I jknallla. Martb lit IMI. t-f CW.KsWtrwIll oetear ssy ossot anuat Uawtowy taWBsMBM bbjt 2' All those owls wo will say ta blia I atj ! trtl'4r aWsttrwwt jarrtM w WHITE PINE. Everybody in returning from , that country with pockets full ol Silver, and rushing to tho Store ot ? ! 3ycoxxlfli BcvuLrki., I CORNER OREGON k MAIN IT., -MrfCtOtVll.tCK, IIHIWM, To puirhaf Mcrokttitiftlt of every lUftlpltoo, ' eoniUtlng nf . DRY QOODS, ClolhtUB, fleets nnd Khti, Hirer eilts, Hittivare, Mora, Cracker. Teanece watt ftegnre- And a botfMMi lh r arllrlt too utnirn t Hirnllnti. ,lnj enr ilouhtliif lkl titil WHUr nn U Iht I turf aii4 ftlfy lbcnlTf, that It U a ftel ! and NO HUMIHin. ilIOHKI8 IIAUM, Uoiw r ilrrcnu aul Mttu Stictt, JarkKn llle (Irfison, , juiix a. bkca Mr.'ix. AUI4MMR GUNURUKUO., ,wKl.ta l). GENERAL MERCHANDISE CAI.IFOftNl .1TUEKT, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. M FIR3I, ini'M'ii.i TST.I5VVr PRICKS! LOW PRICES WILL WIN! Tin: abovk NAMEk' , riiwi : I lakt pUstuit In itollfiii(t lb If filrud snd Hit pul.lle rairsll. tkst Ihty srs now n-C'ltluif and iipt-ilii a ntf lara-and-ts- I Itii'iisatock af STAPLE DRY GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, ' HATS AMD CAPS, I CALIFORNIA AND SALEM iX'tTIIH, ifANKKTS, JIOOPsKlltTts KTCJ., ETC. BOOTS A.W SHOES, LarJles', Misses and CUltftn't Shoes. We hate, also, In conne.'n, '"liJ? ili-nhivf, s reiy Istkc i'"Bsa " eitf iwlse slock of cbolie ',pBI klr Groceries, Hsrdwsre, tI Bs Qaetntwarr. "Bal Mr aiass- -s a wsre, Cotlery, "W kkf Pslnts sn.1 Oilsi also, fsB. Wlndtw Ulatt, Ntils, Iroa-fBJ and flittl. Cast and Rtftl - HJr Plows, U'ooeVo and Willow ware. 1M Wo art rradr In rail antlklug it our Una st it,. i.nwRrr!ARif PRICR. lrrtosswlhlni ' in huy ennda, will DM ll greslly In tbtlr ad rsnua in rismlne our slock Ufure purcku I Ins- lrwhre. si we are dtsrwlnfd not to bs ni"lrrld by anjr hn)ie Jckoa cminiy. j Olv na a esll. sud Iht-n Judge lor yonrtslf 1 a in nnr espuclly tp furnltb ijoedt st shore. OLRNN, DRUM, tV Cat. 1 JarkHmtlllt. Msrcb 1. Mil, If I0UND TO DO IT. D. C. MILLER- IS BOUND TO WORK M't'ORDINO TO THE TIME!. iinncr RiiOKIVr; " tVSV4 -- aO At reduced iirlcet for ikih. Ten binds psr etnt of wor ditesunt will be tnsde on where calb Is psld. Msreh 20th, 1866 nacail A (iWBIwttJW ACINT8! RESOURCES or TUB PACIFIC) ILOFH A Statlttlesl and I Iscrlptlts Rutnasry of lbs Mloat and Mlntralt, Cllinsts. Topography. Ag rleullure. Msnafaeturst.apd Coiasstrtt or bc Paolfte Statet and Ttrrllorlett laoludfag LOW. Kit CALIFORNIA, UKXICO, BRITISH COfr UURIAand .isLAHKa. l., Y HON. J.rtOM irtOWNE, CompleU l One Largt OeUre Jtltm sS74 pages. Prise 4,00 This Is tbt Cheapest Worit .ftsr olVrcd la tbls rosrkst It Subacrlptloa Agtatj, and It Is coat-act wllh useful Inforasijea. JMVALUA. lILafto MERCHANT S, FARMERS, MECIIAN IC.1 We., an.! Is or dsrp latm to sl elststs ! DULL TIMES I amm Mamai CONSEQUENT J. Y. 9ACI1S BKO'S WW Sett ALL OK FOR CASH, THAN ANY OTHER HflUCP ) w F wB IN THE IWB MEAN wi lAir cm mo SEE FOB YOUItSUI.F. SACHS BROS. Jsrknoiiville, Muich 30th,ip60 .... -r . - KUM AND C C.4RO'S i VARIETY STORE, 1 'If You Want to Buy. 1 CSEiT BiEOADIS! The sleek conitt af (JROGERIES. U LOT II I NO. DRY GOODS. DRESS I'RM MINUS. . r a ,v r; y goods. TO UA COO, SUGARS. CROCKERY, CANDIES. CUTLERY. STATIONERY, SCHOOL' ROOKS. AND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OK POETICAL WORKS. TOYS AND FI It E W O R KS, ETC., ETC. All Iboit Goods are now offered at Y0U1 OWN PUCKS. If yoa don't btllsTt It, tall around on tbt corner of Ortgon and Callftralt SjrftU, tsd eotvlntt yoantltst. D. 5. Liko Orncc. Roaiseao Oox., I June Zlb, U6V. ( Coninlslnt bsvlng been entered tt tblt OO00 by Wra. M.,Mthsaaad S, O. Taylor agslnit Jnbn C. Ilsmlla for abandoning Donation Claim .YotlBcsllonNo. 247. daUd Stpt.SC, ISM, up on tbe South Hair (81) of Ssollon'31, Township 37 South, Rsngt I Katt, la Jaokton eoanly, Off poo- with a Uw to csnctllslloaofasM Do nation plslta ', lbs said psrtles art hsreby sum moned to appear at this Ofltoo ou llis 31tt dty of Jjily, 1WI, at 1 o'clock p. n lo rstpood and rurnlab Itstlstony eoiictralag aald alltgtd abaudooBeot. - JOHN KELLY ReglsUr, Adnmi R. r'Mxr, Rcctlrtr. rfifHC undsnlgatd baring sold Ibtlr eolift X stock of Drugt, MsdleluM, Rooks aad Sta llontry In tbe City Drag Ktort, would btrtby all on all thott fadsbtsd to tbtst lo coast for ward and sttHt up, tt wt mutt stusrt up our boobs. Tbtliutlnesslntbt futars wlUbt car ried oa by Mr. G. W. Ortrrs, tbe presmt pro prietor, lo wboai wt would recpswesd on, for it palrrts. . . ' . 0CTT7" JITf AENS CHEAPER M UP WITH THE TIMES. J. NEUBER HAS JUST HECKirr.D AN INVOICE ef (roods froai tbe Kait of tie Sent qui Ut of LADIKS' AND UKNTS' NKW PAT TKR3 GOLD CHAINS, UBNTS'MLYKR VEST CHAINS. A fine obolce lot of N AMKLED UOSOM I'INH. EAK KNOBS , nd DROrS, 8I.EKVK tod COLLAR HUT ' TONS, and UOSOM STUDS. A. cbok lot of DIAMOND, OI'k'L abd TKARL I R1NCS. Alto solid rlofj of Lis own malt I oa hind all tho time. Sollld Silur wsrr, 1 sch TAIH.KabdTKASI'OONS. DKS. SKRT.SUUAR tud SAM'SPOONS.TEA nd D1NINU FORKS. UUI'IHR asd ' r'RUlT KNIVKS, WHOLE AND OPKN , TOP THIMIILKS of all sites. Flee K.VU-' LISH LKVKRS in solid Huntlnir Casts. , A beautiful lot ol LADIKS' WATCIILS it , -olid (3iHJ Huntlnc KnomtltJ Cases. The ! have lft Mlrdfil with great csr for ' time ktfpcrt. A 'sit Just rertitH tn losolec I of tLs I AMERICAN LKVRR lu k(TT HuBtiuf Cfs, prist dollars. 'Ilitse tru WATOH, from M to 1 THE BEST WATCHES 1 For lbs ratnT mr broatbt lolo tkr wtrktt. Ibtr art Msnolssturrr! br Ikt Nations.) Wttth ConpstT, at Elfin, III. Ao assoilnrol o! WXM tVATOl On hand all tbt tlms, A new lot of rl t: ilsv ami tlilrlf bnur elocks. frsm tbt best lories. I'l.ATKU UASTKHH.TAUI.Kaod TKASPOONS, KN1VKS and FORKS, TOIIACCO IIOXKS. SPECS ol til klods tht Iiondon snlokl, fur weak errs. l'OOK ErsndTAULKCUTLKRY uitikrd 1XL AOCORDKONS, FLUT1NAS. MUSIO IIOXW, fsney tbd breed Ibr IHRD OAUKSlsrt snsrkst. Isdlts Irftwllnjr. snd cblldrta's HASKETH, Hots' TIP-CARTS ankWHEKMlARROWS, DOLL-BABIKM, Cbolstst TOY DRUMS, CbiMrw's CK5J. CM A I THE CELEBRATED MOW! Affl FL0EI5CK Ht hss a Urgt lot of Tots on kaotl-a largt lot or Dolls. A II kinds of flth beaks aad lints. TLs Itetl of Oulltr tod Piddle Sir tegs. A ftll assortment of PIPES. Iran tbt best Msr tbttm to tbt cbetptl City Pipes. Month Pieces and Steeni pi all kinds, Tobseto Peoofa et.MATCU'JQ.XKS.ews.cU., aoj a Urgt aisortsseal of the Utt CIGARS. Also al ways tbt raast caolct brsiult of TOBACCO, soft tad ksnl pressed, let cat (sr sokhn sad chewlnr. All klodt tf WlTTlEt, ONIl. JEffltIT Al SEWING-MACHINES Cletaed snd rrpslred st the lowest prles. To Ihntt who lite tt a dlntset tad tend by 8tsgt drivers nnd Kipre, tbedrltert' or ei pretstrt will be psld by aie. Ut turt snd send 10J. NEUBER, Wateb Clock tod Jewelry Stert, fur clesolnc and rrpalrlng. JOHN NEUBER. HOlTIiH A KLIPPEL, DEALERS IN fitewai, UrtJwar TsavrBre. Ike., ODD FELLOWS BUILDING Corntr Main and Ortyett SirnH, WE ait bow reetltlng oar Spring supply tf Goods, eoatlsting tf AsMrtetl Iraa, Cat Ik CIIbcn Nails, Heel, tle)n 8ates, liars rtltae Nails, HaraeRasiM aad Fslee, diraaa Scylket aaa flaathet, Hay Patks aa4 Rakea, Orala Cra4lct, Bariey Parks. Maaarc Parks. COOK STOVER Case Iraa WatlfKcttleta Bake Oveas, Bake Paas aa Tea Ket- ties, Ltareei', IartJ, Blepkaat,NeBt's Paat, Caal aa Castar Oil. Caaal sad Caach Varalsk sad Asia Grease. Palate, Wlatfaw Glass, Pattft Palat Braskes aa4 task Taals, Market aad Clatkes Baskets, C'latkes Ltaesaad Clatkes Wrtar rs, Tagethar with a seacnl varia ty af Bkolf Martware, Catlery , . Tiawart of trery dessrisMoa always ot band. All of w! DIM i wt efer at reduetd arlnt for cub. jafTIn aad Settt Irea,are asadt It order. ' jaaBtplrlsg does with dlepatcb.-BB. aTAgtBls for Iht salt of tkt Aatrltaa S awgtdraapa. "I Wllblbasksfor pMtfttors.wtlatlts all sail aaat aiaaalaa uar waraa. HOffsfAVAKMHIt,. ' sIsftN, IMI. 4 t, tirika mr tBWansar?tt kr awn at OtastJLOaMa, tars ttssas, yaaav W,MlMCtl.aAnisaa4C asaaiMf r aaaatt la miwaia aaa srajaa aan , (RMIMIHIM NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup aat VIA, aMakatriilas II Mwlr aasaaUtwl tttsa Sanaa. Wt ao tilttm ttntttm t all w at am aalaU4 1U UM. Ox ftwuti rkaaaaa ,r USa aaa. tw lb kaalM rail atasar sf k ntsaS aBl Laf, asstrtaf ju Skat NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup rns fwJ lkasat sat II nU sara TM U f SB TkH raralaOla ssaSMaa Is staatass tt Ska tatka ru.itc. kaaltat aau amatoaaiat la lis attatt j Ural t rra mat tu aaiaaaa at aawiaw, iM KffwUy kamltal attat all tlwaauMi Camsaawa Iraas auaf atiailatsi aiutaas ti sWtstataaifsat trtrkasyaaf NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup JOfWII 00. iftss.taa rraatta DR. E. COOPER'S UNIVERSAL ' MAGNETIC BALM. A gtfltral I'tally Mtdieln. tt Is t stttr. Hen rtmdy ftr IMfUsatia, aiMartd aiMsitt or ut throat, b uaraustltd la curing Dystntery, Ltiatikasa, Ck Jtrs, Colls, Chcltta Morbat aid rTr BJsdl Afaa, Ntsrtlgla, Sktumstliss, Colds, Ttbtset, Btras, tpralus, llrulttt, alt., tkc, art t ntM rtlatftd by lu tlaf ly utt. Trrnlv m 7aftaldt 9r rMst .-' IsOB. REDI'OTON 4 OO.'I T OUDA W ATM, rut so oniiB. Uassoslled for Toilet Vh tsd for lbs Saft. REDINGTON A OO'S SSMKNCI or JAMAICA OlWGEate Tblt vslusblt preatratlte, toattfalsg at e highly conctoUattd Imm all tbt rtperilss ef Jtatlca Gltgtr, bss becoat eat of tbt ata popultr doBHtle rlaedlet for all dlatatts ef ibs atoatacb tad dlgMlItt orgttt. As a tsole,-ifvin bt ronad Itrtlttblt to a persons rectrerlng Iron debility, whether are- -... -,...,, v. ninmii) ( wall, II Its- partt lo lbs tyitem all Ibt gltw tsd tlgtr thai cso bt produced by-wlattr braad. II fafta. ........... ...-.,. .... i,.,,i..,7 wnrcu aaaiiav- low ibe ait of spirits or aay klad. II Is also aa escslleal rsatdy for ftastUt who suffsr fross dlaculi Bstailraatlte, a I? lea alainal Itm .1. Mli.r t. 11.. .. .T-.T? frtaueatly actonpaay Ibtl ptrlo by riding la a railroad tar, or by st ilttata tr olbt r ctuies. ,i.u ' ablt at an asttraal appllMklea tr Gout, Kbtucjktltss. Nturalgla. alt. a.. ...""NGfONACO., 411 tnd 411 Kraal 81., gsa rrtatlst. Utt Elfctro-Sillcoa, Or Msglt SrllSts. REDINGTON A OO.'S FLORIDA WATEHa FOR THE IIANDKEnCRIEP. Tbls article, potsestlsg tbt aotl dsllttsa fragrsnee of Flowtrt, It aetaualtd ss a pats funs for lbs Handkerchief. FOR THtv iATH. Used In bathing, It Impart tasrgy tsta ttrenglh lo the tyitem, and girts that sof lata and dsllcacy to lbs sklo so aucb dtslrtd by all, Itreateres Saabani, FreeJdai Aftaalew. Diluttd with wslsr, It atkss aa sietlltat Deutrlfie. laptrllog pearly whllttsss to lbs Itetb, c w.eiDam to Ibt bretlb, and rtodtts ast gumt hard and of a beautiful toltr. It should alwsyt bt used sfltr sbatlsg, dV laled with water, as II rtlleret all laflsaatjea. REDINGTON k CO., 410 afcd 418 Front Ht., Sta Treaties. 0m Eltetre-SlUtes, Or Magis BrlHUaii' mmamo4nuaow, oa MAQIOBRILLIANT, DIBBOT FROM NATURE'S LABBAT9RY. Tbt best srllels tvtf dktsrrsrtd for eieaasv lag aad rolkelBg GeM. Silver aaS pTtltS Wart, sad all saoetb Mstellt Seffseet, ef wksUvtr dtter iptloa, latladlag Klteata f sav silt tf Tit, Cetftr, Brstt, Sittl. tie. To Jswslttt aad Werktrt le CtM aad tdlsar Flftst, Ibt aWaetre-Sllltaa It tf lettllaaMe ve ot t sht slat sarsd. aad the vssaHea pernati ed by Its ast, will ftrtrsf tadter its aaa U all wee bats bad svMtaet ef laaertW 1EDINOTOK COT , Bole Afttiw; fee Frsstaaf , .- 'f roil FLAVOftttirgXTBAf t-a ajkMiiaa eaiasam aaw. tlfk1fs i it. tajaaVb, STOP THATJ.dU6llim COMB Or TOtT tkKt, AtS WU Wfjf OfM rukartwMrsfrNUaMrirtatMI atfMBsa, f la lasnaaw turn, Is lis""' MaciaM w ttf snisnuat st aWar Wt swajf aj ; HitMM sou bar aaii tt srsstf aaaaWMT rVMaS sa w aatSH ss sskSsia sUN tut - NEWELL'S , Pulmonary Syrup m . si I t4 ! i. 1 i i t t HI rl hi H