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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1868)
THR OKBKUR Saturday Mousing, Aug. 1 , 1808. Blacksmith Shop Huunk. Tho blacksmith shop ot Mr. German, livi.ig in Sam's Valley, was burned about one o'clock on Sunday morning last. The building was without doubt fired by an incendiary, Mr. D. C. Livingston and Cyrus Jackson have been charged with tlic crime and arrested. The ev idence against both parties is circum stantial, and wo cannot believe that Mr. Livingston had anything to do with the burning. It is doubtless a plot laid by his enemies to annoy him. Mr. L. has always sustained tho high est reputation for honesty possible for a citizen to have. Sinco writing the above, wc learn that Mr. Livingston was bound over to answer at tho November term of tho District Court. TiWNBt. Cavkd. The tunnel which Messrs. Fox, Patty & Co., had run into the hill channel at Waldo, in Josephine County, crushed the timbering and caved in lately. Where it broke, th0 ground was over a hundred feet deep, and tho opening at the top is about fifty feet across. The workmen came very near being caught under the great mass of earth but luckily escaped. Tho company have gone back and commen ced running in again this time at a oint where they will not have so far to go as they did in the old tunnel. This nccident is not a total lovtnsthoy were intending in any event, to mako an opening from the top and run another tunnel this Fall. Their mine prospects well. Au.i:out Amaui.t. John .Moon, of Sam's Valley, was arrested on Wed nesday of last week on charge of as Fault with a dangerous weapon, and had his examination on Tueday last, befnru Kjuiro Harris. The evidence was that Noah Smith insulted him by throwing a quid of tobacco in his lace, whereupon Moon presented a pistol in self defence. Tliu licensed was dis charged. Ni:w It i whi-pcr-cd that the Honorable Hoard of Coun ty Commissioner intend to inaugurate a'uew hVhtem in the County Hospital. Tho physician who takes, charge will be required to bury, at his own ex peiifC, every unfortunate patient who "pegs out" under his care. As the bu rial expenses would bu about twenty live dollars, it is probable that their lives would be caved as a matter of economy. Tub Modoc TimiK. An order from the Headquarters of this Military De partment has been received at Fort Klamath regaidlug the Modoc Indian". The tribe are to bu Heated as hostile Indians until they see fit to couio in and stay on the reservation. So wo aro informed by Mr. Alex Miller, who arrived fioiu the Post on Tucxday. STiu.U.VhinTi.i:i. Mr. Dugau writes us from Crescent City, that tho Indian difficulty on the lower Klamath is not yet hettled. Captain Pollock has sent to San Francisco for another company of soldiers, and has two Indians from each tribe hunting for the murderer of Mr. Brybou. GoldXcuuct. Mr. M. II. Chapiu exhibited to us this week a nugget of gold takeu from his claim on Pleas ant Creek, which weighed 101 ounces. This is the (second pieco he has taken out this season. The first found weighed a dollar more than this piece. Dkamatic Ciiho.mclj:. This lively San Francisco daily has entered on the eighth volume. It is edited with splen did ability, and liko a htnr of the first magnitude among tho newspaper liter ature of this coast, it is too brilliant to be dispensed with may it never peg out. Goon Bi'itN. Peacock has just burn ed a kiln of about 500 bushels of splen did liaio on Jackson creek, warrauted to be tho best building lime in tho State. Homeward Bound. Mr. Dowell'o name is on tho list of passengers- that sailed from New York on the 24th iust IIo may bo expectod to arrive hero about tho 24th of August. Ciuccs. In another column, will be found au advertisement of Stickney's Circus, whichperforms hero to-uight. This is a large troupe and has the rep utation of giving a good performance. St. Mary's Academy. The first quarter of tho Sister's School commen ces on Monday, .ug. loth. .- i it t nsjvusi Monky llKcoviiitKi). Mr. Lovcns, ol ' Cow Creek, has been lucky enough to recover tho $9,000 stolen from his safo a few weeks ago by Chinese Tom, ex cept about $1,100, which -wm nrobab-J ly paid to a confederate. The offer of $1,000 reward had put a number ol men on tho track of the robber, and on Sunday last he was captured, after be- ing shot and hadlv wounded bv F. A. Daus, on Koguo Liver, near the mouth ot Ualico I. reck. Another Chinaman; who was camped with him was fired ... . . i . .1 on several times, but escaped to the brush. Tom stoutly refused to tell where ho had buiied tho money, but after sulleiing severely for several days he sent for Mr. Lcvensnnd told him tho money was cached on Grave Creek. Mil U'fls f-nrrioil fit'ni- fpniit tlm iit'iii. in --w .. ..... w . ... w..lll ...v. w ilm nrm.l- !... if ...... 4 1 i.. i, - .."..-..... ""' "uj was lying, probably to gain timo for the confederate who escaped. On be- lilt tnl.l llmL 1.U nnnnnr !..! I.n... Wtl. cd, he then said the money was buried on Hoguo Ilivor where l):i is had tured him. It was found there, but minus the amount mentioned. Tom was shot through the body and it is not very likely that he will recover to trouble the com ts, and Mr. Lovcns may consider himself fortutate in recover ing any portion of his money. The other can scarcely escape. Ho has on ly ono ear, is badly pock maiked, and as he has the balaneeof $1,100, his cap ture would bo worth something. ' GONE. CtKOKGi: In Jacksonville, July 29lb, Lucy June, daughter of 1). K. anil K. J. Giorgc aged 9 year and lire monlh. COME. DENNETT On the SClh ult near Hear Creek, i io me who oi wr. J". I livnnelt a ion. NEW TO-DAY. Stickney's Paris Exiiosillon I CIRCUS. Thli t-'nlendlil Company will eIvc a Grand I irformnncf In Jnckionvllla ou Saturday Evening, August 1st, It belnj: their first appearance In till place. SiUMSZ, STICniVCY, Jr., The WoilJi CLOWN, Philosopher anJ Wit. Ttit LVWtirnlo;! DONOVAN BROTHERS, W how' perlutumncct Lave never bten equaled on this Ciuit. The Premium I!8pr and Doable Som ruersault Thrower MR. JOHN SAUNDERS. Tl.e Great Scenic Rider j:. .mo.vtaguk. SlIX!!. .MAI-.IA, Tbt Crnt SumiIVii liliirr. Tlic lVntl... lUif Urk K.J.r JI1.LU, IIUIIO.V, And a liot of ntlurit losether with u ILirhlv ! Triiimd Stud of Unri", Punlil Multf, etc. I MR. ST1CKNEV will introduee In Ik-iuli-lul n ii J Enliie Aiubian Sleed ' Culibiuitd fur his uslonUbinj,' perfiiuiiatcrr. j Atlitilssloii - - -Clllldnu - - - - One Dollar, - - - Half Price. V. S. Marshal's iVotico. DIMriet or Oregon, SS. , VJOTICi: l hereby j-Iiea that by virtue ofu i 1 1 writ uf Vtiidttiviil iUjOmi, lurd out of nud under the e-l of thit lli.trict Coui t of the United Sinu, for ilm District of Orrgon, to' uiudlncied and drlivired, I will tell at the Wnrebouoe ol Ub-uu Drum v Co., lu tLe towu of Jitckioncllle, County of Juciooj, In .i!d Dlk-, irict. ou lU ::d day or August, A. D. IK'S, at , 10 o'clock A.M.. or that d.iy. one i'tlll, uud lil ly-three gallou ot rpirlli, (bo .i:ne haviujc I bvt-n by a Utcrc-e vf tald Court, couduneaed aud ordered told, , D.UcJ July 3Ut, IOCS. AL Zi:illi:it, ' U. S. Marrbal. Jlr J. M. Scttov, Deputy. uurIwJ ' - ... i ii.. - -iii i i i L.LACOUR & CO., MAUFACTUUKItS, Sau 37x-mxx.o1cioo. MANUPACTUKE ALL Till: LI jueur aud Cordials or modern times, nud would eepiclully call the attention or the 1'ubllo to tholr IjAOOUXI'S I Sarsapariphere j BITTERS ! j (1st PltKUlOl AWiRDtD IT TUB lateSTiTK FIK.) Manufactured, ns the name denotes, from Bar saparllla aud other healthy roots and herb, a ; CERTAIN ULOOD PURIFIER. i The Elegant !"i f Lately Introduced, and the most celebrated oflrphelr line, at JMULLHH k. JIKRIS- raoderuapetliersand;)uiK cafe, au undoubted' TANO'S, corner of Oregon and Main remedy for Djurmu and other firouicu Co- girecu, i-tiiNW, It beluK compoted of fine French Cob-' na,v .llnlllii! ulili 1'truvluu Hark and I other autldytpeplio lugredleuU, leavlug the breath sweet and balmy. LA-COUKi'S esseNCK or Jamaica Ginger. An article cou.l to any Imported and greatly perlor to any other manufactured In '' 25:, .... i.i.l.JM.,ul Dru. r-u Rlntn Sold b? every rceuectable Jobber and wrug- gUt ou the l'aclfie Coast. Tp guard agaluet counterfeit, be certain that our trtde matk (a LU'ht Hou) Is stamjed on ,..-o. nig nil imekaee. ,.,. , " L, LACOUR & CO. M fJ UP WITH THE TIMES. J. NEUBER TTAS JUST RECEIVED AN" INVOICE U of goodj from the Ent of the finest qual- T'KUS 00Ll) 0A,KS GENTS" SILVER VEST CHAINS. A fine choice lot or EN- ASK? 'XJi AN'S, ,Vr E,NK ood DROPS, SLEEVE oml COLL A U Hilt TONS, nnd IIOSOM STUDS. A. choice lot of DIAMOND, Ol'EL nml TEAM, KIMJS. Also solid rings or Ms own make on hand nil tho lime. Solllil Silver ware, such asTARLKar.d TEASPOONS. DES SERT, SCO A R nml SA LT e? I'OONS. TEA nml DINING FORKS, BUTTER am! FRUIT KNIVES, WHOLE A.NH OPEN TOP THIMBLES of all sires. F'ino EM?. , v ....... i. kj VI Oil FIIi A " - Libit Lh VMS in solid Gold lIuiiUft.T tasoi. a boAiillliil lot ol LADIES' WATOIIk-'S In solid Gold Hunting Enameled Ciucs. 'ihett l're becn.Klicteil with great care fur rclia.Mc I'm P"- AIIOjMt !iVCd BO lOVOiM of ilia AMERICAN LEVER WATOH, In heavy Hunting Cases, price from 35 to 75 dollars. Tunc arc THE BEST WATCHES For tbc money ever brought Into the market. They arc Manulacturcd by the National Watch Company, at Elgin, 111. An assortment of STOTXEIS WATOXIBB On band nil tho time. A new lot of tight day and thirty hour clock?, from the best fac tories. PLATED CASTERS.TAllLEand TEASPOONS, KNIVES and FORKS, TOHACCO HO.Xl.S, SPECS ol all kinds- the Iindon smoked, tor weak eyci. POOK. ET nnd TARLi: CUTLERY marked IXL ACCORDEONS, FLUTINAS, MUSIO 1IOXES, fancy and brtcdlng DIRD CAGES: larco imrket. ladles' traveling, and children's DASKETS, liny' TIP-OARTS anu WMKKlliAKltUWb, DOLL-BABIES, I Choicest TOV DRUMS, Children's Oil A I. CES. THP ftFIFRRATFn 0WE AXI) FLOresoE s&wzzvro-nsAOHZNSs. He bo n Urce lot of Toys on hand n laree lot uf Diill. All kind of llli hooks and Iiiiih. The but or Guliar mid Fiddld Strlnzr. A full nMonmtnt of PIPES, from the belt .Mtr Mrnum to the cheapest Clay Pipes. Mouth Piict-s and Stemi of all kind, Tobacco Pouch c, MATCH IIOXES, etc. etc.. und a Urea , aHOrlinrnt of the beil CIGARS. Aln nl- ' wnyi the most choice brand of TOHACCO. soft and hard preind, Que cut for luiokln; mid i chi'wlntf. I All kind, of WITCHES. ILUIKS. JCWEtUV .WD SEWING-MACHINES Cleaned and repaired at the lowest prlcn. To lliofe lio live at u dislance and fend by Staga driver nnd Kxprrss, the drivers' or ex pnmuse will In- p'lld hy ine. He sure and end to J. NEUIIER. .niieh Clink uud Jewelry 8 lore, fur rleutiins und repairing, .IOIIN NEL'RER. GREAT EXCITEMENT! A M.JoiIty of ihoe who read noupapm never even jjlve n haity glance at a builuris ad viill.';UHiil,nd II a MAN A dually has a choice variety of goods which A be In telling cheap, It hardly pays blni to putlith the fact; therefore wo have FOUND Jt lxt simply to Invite eteryliody to call and 'examine our stock of poods and Hit of prices bffure purcbailnK elwnbere. and say but little lu regard to our ability and determination to make It advantageous to those who are not DEAD To tbelr own interest to buy their DKY GOOD3, FANCV GOODS. CLOTHING, HOOTS AND BIIOK3. NOTIONS. GUOCC HIKS, LIQUORS, IIAHDVAItl.OUOOKEItV, TOIJACCO-ln fwt, EVERYTHING IN JACKSONVILLE. May ?9lh. 18C8. The Jiet ltewedy for Purlfyiiiff the Wood, Strengthening the Nerves, Kettorlug the Lost Appetite, Is FKESE'S HAMIJUUG TEA. -f K" 5 J ;, li "X lt c"n Kreu safely to iufauts Fulldl- W""".!? Kn8",'.'."D' SP.-J,,.n'.B,, tr It Is the best preservative agalontai most any "- ,,.." ,MPt,.of try IT! w Kor baltJ at J lUo wboIeale aud UII drug tofC BI1j KrocerIe. i;MIL. 1'RESE, Wholesale Druggist, Pnlfi Atrcilt. .IIO Clay street. .... ' c. s,.,,,.!.. juynyi "u -"- DOWN I DOWN II DOWN I! WITH HIGH PRICES. NEW GOODS AND LOW PRICES AT THE SACHS BROS' 41 AKRNOW IlKCKIVINO THB.LAUGrST. Cheapest, and lest setrctedStockof.S'prlug nnd Summer Goods cm offered in the market, CONSISTING Of Ladle. MlMCf. and Children's HATS and CLOAKS, of the lti-st styles. Also a Com pletc assortment of DKY GOODS, SUCH A.S SHEETINGS. COTTONADK. TAIILK LINENS, TUVrKMWJff, 1'ItINTS, CHECKS, 1ILKACHI.D AND UNIILUACHED UV3 L1NS, DKNIM3, I'OI'LINS, DDLAINI, ALl'ACOAi. IIOMIIAZINES, GINGHAMS, LAWNS, CHAMimEYS, JEANS. PLAIN AND DOTTED SWISS, CAMIIItlC. NAINSOOK', And In fact everything usually kept In a First Clais Dry Goods .Store, at pnin:s wmrii defv wjipetitios. OUR ASSOftTMCNT OF imr.i:N Titii.MiMiM, PAitiNoi.t, IIAIH .NKTH, IIL-1T.M, ItlllllOVtl, KMIIHUlllKIIIKN, l.ACKN, MII.Klt, l'l.All AM) KANIJY IIAMKKI(tlllt-.H, IIUtlKUV, C'laak OriiamtiiU unit Notions, AUK Of TltH ClIOlOtST SELKCTIOS. OUR STOCK OF CLOTHING, IIOOT.V. .SHOl-V, ILIT5 AND OAIV7, have Ixen eleettil with won than utual care, and wo arc iili-ared to say that no bouso this tide of .Van rraucltco can excel! us In tarlety and style. "WES XS.33HSX3 a iiui. n supply urouoni:uus. i-itovi.v. lON.V. LIQUniLV. CIG.llt.V. TOILICCO, Mill. HOIt.S' and QUKi:.S'SW,IUK, which wo promise to tell at very low prices lor t'.I.SV. Call and rxaiuliio. and learn our prices, as uu are dtti-riuliird to accommodate the most economical buyers. '"avMf SACHS BROS'. NEW HAKDWARE, TIN AND STOVE STORE. IIOI'M & HIJITIil, ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING, , Cor. Oregon nud Main Sti., ARE RECKIVING, AND WILL CON stautly keen ou band, a variety of Cooklnv Stoves, l'arlor and Ilox Hloves) Tinware of every description. Assorted llurtlwure, Flue Cutlery; Agricultural Imitlcmeuti; liHr IruH, 8tel, Nulls, and Hplkei; I'uluti, Oil and GlutiJ Tuba, Clothes Wringer, Palls, und fluaketUffcc. llelog provided with the most approved ma chinery, we are prepared to manufacture every description of Tin aud Sheel-irou ware at short notice. We respectfully solicit a shaie of the patronage of tliu publle. HOFFMAN & KLIl'I'KL. Jacksonville, June l!Uu, 1608, JeZO-tf HIDES S HIDES! THE HIGHEST CASH 1'RIOEX PAID FOR Hides of all kluds, delivered at the market of the undersigned, Io Jacksonville. I tfUllil win II. December Stb 1866. tf j John 8. Dkum AuutiNutK Minnx. GLENN, DRUM & CO., CDKM.KM tC GENERAL-MERCHANDISE OALtFORNIA STREET, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. t ,u KliW FIRM. MiW GOODS ....IND.... aSTET PRICES! LOW PRICES WILL WIN I 'PIIK AIIOVK NAIMKD FIUM X take nleasuro In notifying their frlsndi and the pulillo generally, that they arc now receiving and opening a very large aud ex tensive stock of STAPLE DRY GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHINO, HATS AND OAFS, CALIFORNIA AND SALEM CLOTHS, IILANKKTS, HOOP SKIUTg ETC., ETC. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladles', MLuei' and Chlldron'i Sboei. ji)r- Wo have, alio, In connection with -"( D&r the above, a ety lorge.and tst fiSf extensive stock of cholco "iiM ffif Grocerle,IInrilwnri!. n(Di t& Qiirrnsivarc, -Tit ttfr OUm- -t - ware, Cutlery, -8 toy Taints and Oil',' also, - Jmy-Wlmlow Glass, Nails, Jrouttl Stir and Hire), Cast and Steel "tr Ckdf l'lows, Wooden and Wllloir ware-, - We are ready to sell anything lu our line at the LOWEST CASH l'ltlCD. Persons wishing to buy goods, will find It greally to their a 1 vantage to examine our stuck before purchas ing elsenhere, as tre are determined not to be undersold by any hoiimj in Jackson county. Give us a call, and tlieu Judgo lor yourself as to our capacity to furnlih goods as above. t'Lt'NN, imurti, &. Co. Jacksonville, March 1, 18C7. tf NEW DIGGINGS STRUCK I WILLOW SPRINGS STORE, l uxinv SiMtuw Jackvox io., VM. 1IILGKK, l'HOI'HlKTOK. Tliu imdrrslKHt'il lierrlir aii noiinces to the cltUens of Willow Springs, and vlclully, that he has opened a store In that place, aud oltVra lur sale his large aud nell elvclcd stock of CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS, HOOTS AND SHOK3, IIAT8 AND UAPH, OH00KHIKS, LIQUORS, TOHACCO, CIGARS, and all kinds of general merchandise. Terms sale aro easy cash down. Call around allow yourselve to be convinced that Goods can bo wold Just ait Olteap (18 in Jacksonville, WILLIAM OILQER. Willow Springs. Oct. 9, 1867. ocll2lf BOUND TO DO IT! D. C. MILLER IS HOUND TO WORK ACCOHDINO TO THR TIMES, c IIOUSK SMOKING D At reduced prices for cash. Teu r cent, discount will be made on all kinds of work whom cash Is paid. March 20th, 1868. mcbZltf Bueter' aad pertiatear TAKB INTO CON8IDKIIATION, THAT the undersigned has the best stock of rifles, patent and home-made shot-guns, single aud double: revolvers, the latest and best pat ents; pocket pistols, neat and small, still power ful derringers, the latest and best, A,l tbete goods warranted. Also, the best kluds of powder and powder, flasks ; all sort of shot and shot-bags and last, but not least, everything sold at very rea sonable rates, Reparations executed prompt and cheap, and whoever do uot trust these words, only need to com and convince himself to JOHN MILLER, on Third Street, next door south of B. F, Dow ell's Law Ortlce. Jacksonville, Keb. 27th, 1888. feb29tf B ILL-HEADS PRINTED AT TUB Hr-NTiKxi. Prrirx at 912 p thousand, Jknti T. Glcmm, ItTRniTVrt'TnrV Mr. flfl'M ESSBNGB OF JAMAICA GINGER. This valuable preparation, containing In highly concentrated form ftll the propertltircl Jamaica Ginger, bat become ono of the meat popular domrstle retried ! for all disease of the itomacn ami nigniive organs. Al a tonic, It will be found Invatuablft to ill crsons recovering from debility, whether pro duced by fever or otherwise, for whilst It Im parti to the system all the glow and vigor that can be produced by braady, it la entirely' frco from tho ro-actlooary effcru of spirit of any kind. It Is also an excellent remedy fw lemaW who suffer from difficult mensturatlon) giving n'mosl immediate relief to the spainff that so frequently accompany that period. It glveir Immediate relief to Nausea, caused by riding In a railroad car, or by Kaslcknt-m, or otter causes. It Ii also valuable m an external applica tion lor gout, rheumatism, neuralgia, etc. RKDI.NGTON & to, AGENTS FOR THIS CO.iST Dated April 34tb, 18G7. ap27-yMns Stop that Coughing! Some you of can't) we pity you. Too have, tried every remedy but the one destined by It Intrinsic merit Io supersede all similar prep. rallnna ll I. hnl n.n.laln.. mh lAMlrl k. . ........... .. uu, ,,.,.,, in.... j.... u. If luctant to try something else, after the many cxperlmcnti you have made ol trashy com pounus ioisicu on ma puoiic as a certain cure; but ; Novell's PULMONARY SYRUP Is really tho VKIIY 1IKST remedy ever com pounded for tho euro of coughs, colds, sor throat, asthma, whooping cougb, bronchitis and cooiuinptlor. 'llinusandi of people In Cullfornl and Oregon have been already ben cflltcd by tho surprising curative power of Ncwcll's PULMONARY SYRUP and wllli one accord glvo It their unqualified approbation. We now address ourrelvr to all who aro unacquainted with this, lh greatest ranarca ol trio age, (or me dealing or all dis rate vf the Throat and Lung, assurlog you that Ncwcll's PULMONARY SYRUP hat cured thousands, and ll WILL OUKK YOU iryou try it. This Invaluable mrdiclne Is pleasant to tin taste; soothing, healing and strengthening I lliclticls: entirely free from all poisonous or deleterious dtuijs, and perfectly harmlras unJcr all circumstance. Certlllcate Irom many prominent cltlseai f Han 1'ranclsco accompany every bottle of Ncwcll's PULMONARY SYRUP. ItKDINGTON & CO. Agents, San Frauelsco. Ahead of all others U the Martha Washington' HAIR RESTORER. a raarscT lunt ami hair ukmsib I lu ill fumlilunl In una. Trml avslh.r.luivti'r hwi cn d ulitl Ikli I. tlw T'jr II ! !) k It ir.Ml-. kl'n Hi. lml V Mblrjlou." T'.nlr Ikoui.ixl li.fli r.nilnj us What .III.U. I..I ll'a.lw.1, llllllni. uwt lill cviua UbluJ , tWIli Ik.lrtlMM. tlii.iif4. Will keep the hair soft and glossy, change gray hair to Its original color, prevent the hair from falling out or gel ting thin, make old heads look young, aad It I do all that can be reasonably expected of HO a genulue, first-rate llalr Itrstorcr, All who have used It pronounce It superior to everything of lb kind, and being a perfect Hair Dreiser as well as a perfect llalr Itestorvr, It Is au acquisition to ev ery toilet. Itedlngton Jt Co., Wholesale Agents, San Francisco. tlye Try It. CRAFENBURG UTERINE Catholicon, If faithfully used accordlog to direction, will cure every case of Dlabeln, and greatly miti gate the troublesome illttls caused by m relax utiou of the outlet of the bladder. It I a moat successful remedy for Gravel and other disease of the Kidney and Uladder. and for female ill ease ll uuequalled. The CATHOLICON uulformlly cure Prolapsus. Uteri, WbllM, all Irregularities of the Monthly Turns, Suppres sion, Incoolloenoeof Urine, llloatloe and drop ileal Swellings, and all diseases of lVgoaacy, The ipeciSo action of this tuedlclo 1 )Biiedl ate and certain upon the Ulwiae and Abdoio loal Muwlea tod Ligaments; iMtoriog toea to as healthy a state ai Iboio ol childhood and youth, io that patient who have wed tho UiuriNuiKU CourAKt' Utkkinb Uatuou oan cannot sufficiently cxpreu tbelr gratltudq for the relief afforded, RKDINOTON 4CO.,Ageoli, 410 aod 418, Front St. Sau VraaoUco. XUaUaf t' rUvawiaf MxVU unntdttxiia rrssh fiulli. tuk bouU boM twice u much as aa j etbtr Waa4 U lb. tswksl, ciuiaaUjr li.jr us it. ckwo S.I sa4 the Ut, tfMX0 0XUlM.