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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1867)
m orim m;mim:i, D. M. C. OAULT, EDITOR. FOltTHK I'ltltilDEXC'V IX IfioP, ULYftSE . GRANT. "WV-tl il'ino, Ihntt Ktr'l nml fnlthri.l crvnnl " TIip pi-oplu lure rvuril f r pAltiolq unlrti mcni for traitor. S.virliiivv MnitsiMi, .Tan. '-.', 107. The Car tin Stirring. We nrc told that Savory is ilead. The crafty polhicians of the South screen th'ir ulterior ilcimis hy no knovvli'.Iqini; that eiii.'itieiiatiii i final Irrevocable. Their XortlicriMiHics cnteh the refrain, nml proclaim the mission of the lteitihlienn ji.nty Hill it it iinlecd dead ? or is it fitujily ina tate ol coma, it thews and sinew. only jianilied, it itality only mim'IiiI ed, not detroveil 'i Well mav we ask. Within a tone'-' throw of the Nation al capital; within ij.'lit of the ot where the mancipation edicl was lit tered; within muiii.I, almoot, of the ""voices of the eountrv's law maker; in full iew of the hall thai to lately u it-nos-cd the full and final ratifiealion of the Constitutional Amendment abolish ing slavery, the man-stcalcr has been fit liis eiirseil work again. .Men have been sold into slovcrv, nut bv tlie uibi trary exeicie of individual power; but) by older ol the Couits ami wiih the sanction of .statute law, since the ratifi cation of the Amendment and -the en actment of the Civil ltiilit Hill. We have long Ik en of the opinion that slavery will inevitably succeed tbesiic ccsoftliu Democratic party, and the decline of l'epiildicanism if ever these event take place. Legally, lnrv may be dead; practically, it is not. Al ready, bad and ilanirerons counsel lia breathed lite into the caieass that lies buried beiicalli the mouldering bont of hundred of thousands of or bmv est vous and bi other, who died that the i nation might be trie; and the eoiic, 'fetid with the wioni; of centime, stirs nsuin. It need oulv the revival of the n.iirit of the cured social wrong, let it be shown in whatever way it may be, to insure its complete and final cxlinc tion. Let the iii.iii-stealcisnud woman vvhipper roll out, again, the Jugger naut, under the wheel of which, pin gres, (nlightenment, ('luilianiiy and human justice have been crushed; let our .Southern brethren plant again their whipping pot; let them knot anew the lash, clotted with the blood of manhood, Maincd with the tear and goro of woman; let them weld uguiii the broken and iutiug manacles that bound the wrist of honest toil, and the national heart will swell again with n mighty throb, that no power on eaith may curb. The disguicc of slavery have been touched as with the spear of "Ithiiiicl," IVomiKcisuo concealment for it. IYnal servitude, undercover of statute law, cannot hideit. The clown hoof of the gieat national mii i nlieadv visible, and it reipiiic oulv the mask to be tliniwii oil, to sink cfavery, amlJ the spirit that move it, mult r a wave of rctiibutive justice so deep, so fat li unless, that plummet may never reach it through future age, CSniud and priceless ns have liecu the nation's of ferings on the altar of fiecdom, there are vet more to guarantee the national plcifge to the nation of the caith, that America shall be lice. The people's wound aie healing; the people's teats aro drying; the nation's cojl'cr are plcthoi'ic; and ''the battle civ ofl'ice dom" yet lings in theears of 'victorious million. Deeply as the Southern peo ple have been humiliated, tenibly a they have siitlcred, bitter as have fieeii the fi nit of their folly, it may be that Ihoy will ct i cceive Vevere inflictions. A Rcrvilo war, almost too appalling in its consequences for contemplation, i jmsnible, and any attempt to deny the rights of manhood to the emancipated race, or wrongly vviest the fruits of la bor tho-o who lightfiilly earn, them, will study piecipitalothat vvnisf ' of calamities oii the Southern people, nml teach tlichu In omc tll hour botv inucti Itio ivn tela tlilare.' Acciiu'.ms m Fioon. On Saturday, the 10th, while Mr. J. K. Wade was woikiug in .lackcon Creek, endeavor iug to change tho course of thestieam, Ik; was struck by a floating log, and knocked otV hi feet, in the svvilt cur rent, and 'ouhl, piobably, have been' drowned had not nssistantuiicu been promptly rendered. Mr. S. J. Pay fell in on Sunday, and was stiuck im-eiisi-bio by a boulder. Ho floated down tho fatreain several yards before ho was observed. Djvonrn. Mary Howard has filed a bill in Chancery, ngaiiisl John How-1 ard, praying for a dissolution of tho bonds of matrimony. I SoirniEitx Mails, Hy telegraph ' from Yrcka, last evening, we learn that tho mails aro brought over Scott Moun tain on sleighs, legularly, every other day, VOMJ.MK XII. With this number, the Twelfth Vol ume of the Skminki. commences. On such occasions it seems appropriate to take a retrospective view of events, and at litis time, we are led to notice some of the hitoric facts that have happened within the pat year. In tho Old Worhlplfle great event has been the war between Prussia and Austria, in which the haughty Austrian has not only been hurled back with broken ranksTrom thcbloody plains of Sadowa, but wa made to let go hi hold on Ita ly, the spot where landed the exiled Trojan. Italy, the birth-place of the Scipio, of Cicero and of Livy; names familliar to the warrior, the statesman and the historian. Franco ha been made to feel that her armies are not in vincible, and is withdrawing her le gion from the Ameiieau continent to send them to the Asiatic coast, where they hope to be able to cope with the halfcivilicd Corean. Kngland i be ing levoltttionied by Itclunn demonstration. Thi Power i, by ex ample, teaching the 1'nitvd Slates how to treat traitor. The political event in our own na tion have not yet dev eloped lliciuclvc, excepting the iccoutriiclioii policy of the President, and thonlmosi unanimous condemnation of that policy, by the people, at the late election. The Con stitutional Amendment ha been pre sented to and nitilied by many of the State. It i justly considcied n wie pierce of statesmanship. The establishment of a line of steam el tiniti the I'uited Male to China is a coiuiuetcial euterpri-e which i des tined to be of veiy great advantage to the nation. The gieat -eientilic event of the p,it year, if not ol theage,ithe successful laving of the Atlantic cable, nml hclbtc maiiv xours shall have pass ed, man will be able to control a cir cle of electricity encircling the globe. In our own State, wo have not been idle. We hue been able to secure a 'presentation ol known I'nion men in ('wares, and a I'nion executive at home. In the meantime, Internal im provements have not been neglected. Our woolen factories have received a new impetus, while other manufactu ring iuteiests have not been neglected. The paper mill is turning out ream af ter Irani of psiper, equal, it is said, to l''utcru manufacture. Tho newspaper woihl in Oregon, has been very uiiceitain. Some new. can didates for public patronage have sprung into existence, while a large number have died. Hut amid this gi eat change, the Si:misi:i. has stood the shock, issuing every week, as it has done for the last eleven year. The thfijniihm, alone, of the papers in this State, numbers mine volume than the Si:.NriM:i, Of this we aie not jealous. While that journal looks to the inter, est of the Noithern portion of the State, we will endeavor to advocate such nieasiiics a will advance the in terests and good reputation of the Southern portion. LiiKiAiio.v. Hradbury fc Wade have commenced a suit in the Circuit Court, for this county, against "The Occidental Quart, Mining Co,," and the holders of Mechanic's Liens on the propel tv of said Company, for the fore closuie a mortgage, held by said plain tiffs, on the timber, lumber machine ry and tool in possession of said Com pany at the Swinden Lead, on the '.'1st of July 18ili), wheie the Company (list thought of putting up their works. The suit, we understand, involve many nice questions of law not hcietofore settled in this State, and the lawyers me, of coiu-j'o, cogitating upon the same. Hn.vit Ciii:i-K.This stream was up veiy high luring the late rains, and done much damage in places. The road thi side of Kagle Mills, though paable, is very matcijally injured. The greatest havoc committed, was at Phd'iiiv. Opposito S, Colver's, icsi deuce, the cm rent set in to the west bank, washing it away to tho old race, and seriously endangeiing K, ), Kou.l- ray's mill. Lower down, tho vats of M, Lindley's tannery were washed out Tho water then bore to the other side, and cut a channel through S. Colver's field, leaving Lindley's saw-mill and dam high and dry. The damages bo low do not seem to bo as great, though the fences In tho bottom nrc injured. Fishy, During tho earthqiinko ex citement, it was reported that Klamath Lake had spontaneously combusted and that fish from that region, with! Wicirina oumew ujft wuro oni-ruii jor sale in tho Yreka market. Wonder if Hob. Nixon oat any of 'em? TELEGRA PIIIC. SPECIAL TO TIUCSEXTIXEL. Dates to Ihc 24ili of tonuary. X i:yYuitK, 17th. The heaviest snow storm experienced for years, ha taken place In the east. The country roads and Knilroads nre badly blocked up. Tlie 'river and liar- bor at this place are seriously ob strutted by ice. Travel, either by land or by water, i exceedingly dillicult. Impeachment question is diseiicd in city papers. The dailies have uni- tcdlycondeinncd the proposition from the IiSm. They now admit tlie formi- bible power of the impeachment par- ty, which the late Supreme Court do- c'isions greatly strengthens The Tirnt says: The originators of the project an-seriou and ealou. Impeachment i absolutelv ssenluil to tli.-ir political dent succe. Will the U.iwblieai. party follow? Moderate Coiigieineu nre "partly already in the current, (orrcetion will probably b. I lie chance are, two .. one tin., the 11,,...,. sustain the iinpe.icliiueiit, but it i scarcely probable that two-third of the Senate will agree to removal; but tl.ev mav suspend him, It i poible that the"Presi.h'iil will resist by all the means in his power,iisiugthearinviiiid navv. The ',. think that Von- gis hesitates ut extremities lor tear o public sentiment. A strug gle may be expected, disuniting the peace, lmiuc and credit of the coun try. A paragraph in the general appropri ation bill, apptopriatiug j.'io.ooi. to fa cilitate telegraphic communication be tween the Atlantic ami Pacific CoaM, wa tiickeii out. N. W OIIK. I tl n... .1... s.,.,, , -a .1,i;,.,f IIV IIH1 II S " , - X MK'IMIm i likelv to be continued a coiinle ol week. " It i not believed possible to agree on iiny Tenilorial l.ill lor the Southern States' that willcnmiii'ind the two-thirds vote required top.i. it over a veto. Nl'.W l!K, 'Jltil, The proposed impeachuiciit of the President, and the continued contrac tion of the currency, tend to depress huiues. Ixan.a Legislature elected Poinerov and Ho I . S. seuatois thelatterby us to in. The Wisconsin Legislature elected Senator Howe nnd demanded Donlittlo's resignation. Cm, voo, '.:i,l. A band of Indians ei.e.iiuped lc- tween Fort Lyon and Dodge, on the smoky Hill route, aro assuming a bo- tile altitude. I hey have already driv. en oil several station keepers. I he ii ....,..! V Deoce m. r,.l.l....i on the Kith, near Loving Springs, by nnd the water took theroad.a part run a paity of highwaviiieu deserters nlitg through the gr;ipegar,lenol John from Foit Morgan ut Jmictinn Station Xctlhcr, doing great damage. Obcr who are completely equipped for life i damaged much, principally bv grav on the road. , .. ... f.... ... .',.,' .. . h SHV.III" -1 111 I'l'IIIS " il'IK-M "III Ills vain en, I ne In the lower branch "of the Vnlh'y road i greatly damaged and Legislature to,lay,abill p.ised, on first utteily impassible for vehicles. M. leadiiV'toorgaiiieainilitiaeavalry rcg- Hanlev's farm is injured, not so much l.ucutiu each ( ongre.s.onal district,.,,,. ,,;,, C()VCr0(, witl, , , . iiiiiittikiJ ut u Inli4 Mini rnlimil tnnn n n subject to the older of the (lovernor.' tin- ltml livlnir washed away. Ilelow Another bill passed, to tiike the word his farm we have not heuil what the white fioui tlie fninclilso law, both bills damages are. will become laws. , - - -- W.vsin.Nfno.v, sad. Pupssix as a Nvvai. Powkii. Prussia The national Democratic aoeiation u herself in n position, a a leading adoiited a rcolutioii recoinincndiug ., . , ' that a convention be held in Now " mv,'r' ' ,iU n,,l,lm", ,u'r ","l"'" Yoik, on tho 2 1st of May. her naval resources m order that she WAhiuvinov, "..Id. '""' 'f new conlliets should arise, be The appropriation of la,onn for nnl' ,n niaintniii her pretensions and Point Itevcs, tio.ono for Point Arenas, hold her own on sea ns well as on land. 7:,00.i for Cape Hlauco, have been Shu is not much of a naval Power to stricken out in Coiuniitte. An effort ''"' """ mvro discipline and drilling, will be made to have them ietored. ""'" ns have maile her ar.uv the most C nissloner Wilson, of the Oeneral formidable for its sie in Till F.urope, Land Ollice, will shortly Issue iustruc- w' hardly serve to make her mistress tion to Registers, Uecelver.s and Sur- "' " ,(,iH fr t,,l m'xt fjcneratlon or vevor (ienenils, relative to receiving n,on'' ho wants a larger seafaring ela'inis under the act of July last, population tlnu she now ha. And Tliov- sliould advise tho ehdionni-nf that, her ambition may enable her be- nnv'mine to appear before tho approv- b"re long to acquire by the time-honor-alofiheSuivevs, and nil further pro- 'd law of might. Meanwhile, tho I'm, ceediugs will fie slaved until tho final l!m (!o t'rnment has got a navy, or settlement. It is understood there is nothing obligating claimants to pro- eccd under the Statute, ami when they fail to do so, there being no adverse 'nccoming io tins moriiiugs came re interests they hold the same relation to j '"t. 'mes here to study tho progress the premises which they didbefoie the and methods of naval architecture in passago nfthcact, with additional gunr- ,li' ttuntry. Tho Piluce, who Is him. unices. They poesH the samo right self u naval ofllcer of the rank of All ot occupancy under the statutes. The miral, could be sent to no belter school. President has approved the bill for He will have an opportunity of exam convening the- Foiticth Congress on '!,' imval ciall that nre not built on the 4th of March next. ' 'cru experimental theories nor held A prominent leptiblican member of ' teserve to bo practically tested in the House in recently wiitiug to a some future war, but vessels that have fiiend says: Touching tho impeach, thoroughly tried in ns hot engagement incut, my opinion i, ami has been, " 'e- century has witnessed. Wo that it will amount to nothing. The trtisst the royal visitor will find his so Judiciary Coininitte havo been taking journ here both instrutivo and ngrcea no evidence in tho case. Not a single ble. X. Y. Herald, witness hnv been examined. ammmmm Tho American Consul, ina letter to Thanks. Madam De Oulfoylo ten tho State Department, dated at the ,icrs ,1Pr xhnnU ,0 ,llT ,,atroil, nm1 . Hague, January lst,savs: In the at- . . ., ' 0 ' , ter part of November, according to the noimcw tl.nt the party on St. Valen custom of the Northerners, tho eattlo "n0'H 1)il.v, Wl11 'l0 ivt'" i the elegant wero housed for tho winter. Since and spacious hall just finished by Mr. then the rhimlerpest has inci eased, not-, Viet Sliut, which will insure a greater withstanding the efforts of tho Gov-' acgrct, of coinfrt ,i,nil ,ms ,,;,, t,x. ernincnt to nrrest its progress. From - , . . tho 1st to tho Oth of December, tho , pcnencwl at nny party heretoforo giv number of animals attacked was .1,700; e ! t'i8 town. trom tno loin mo (iiseaso uccreaseil, From tho time it made its nppcaranco in tho country till tho 15th, l,ooo ani mals died of tho disease, and 'J 100 were killed. New Youk, 24th. Thcro is n panio in Wall Street- failures all nround, ' The Late Storm. The ravages of the late storm, nnd the damage done, real and prospective, cannot bo estimated. The adage tiint "in peace, vv'c should prepare for war," lias oeeii clearly demonstrated xviwim the pat week. The damages dotto on Jackson Creek, nnd in Jacksonville, cannot as yet be estimated even approximately. The rain commenced to fall on I'ridav' af- ternoon, about t p. M,ahd continued to fall until Monday noon. The highest water, at town, was Sunday night, nt about II o'clock. Above town, the damage was to milling claim, taking away all sluices and Humes, and fill- ing up the digging, sothat it will take week to repair the damage sustained, nnd, in some instance, work istoij?ed for the winter. In town, the lirt W,Mi,ig attacked Wn Plvmale's l.iv- m. Sa,it,i( T0 u,Ul.r' ,v, j,, enough to run around the building on the side flouting "C" street, (treat (cars entertained that the water would mA thtotiufi in the old diilt or tjin Mmmh J0W1 t-MnttJ.. which ... i . , . . ... c:tc, the whole creek would pmhablv have cut a channel, discharging into vt (Sulci., at the Clerk ollice. J. Uli.,,s. pp.ite the l.iverv Sta- ,, ... , ... ,,.. .... '.,. . ble, sutler,, seve.cly. Ihewater wa.h- ''; away me o.u.n u wmim u- .i of hi door. The fruit dee standing in the viinl were wahed up bv the roots. The hoti.e occupied by J. I'l I' llitullv was urioiiiideil bv wa-1 ter. and the llohr. covered with aiul and sediment. The bridge, built by Street Commissioner, Fiddler, in 1m!5, stood. The greatest siiil'erer on Oregon i Street i J. K. Wide. Ill lot is com- idctely ruined, s.uid, gravel and stones are banked up on all ide of hi. house, 0 t. ih,or i the lowct, nml i liable, without a minute', notice, to be tilled with water ami sediment. Mcssr-, Hull' garden waoverllowcil, notwith standing the great amount of money and labor oxH'i.dci oii levees and em bankment. The bieak water put in bv Clug.igc, at the foot of Fourth Street, was washed out and the water il.en l.n.l full i i..,inu of tin. Iinnlr ...,...!., ;, .,.. ..,.. .- i ,.,. ", " '. "' ... '"'n"K''"8 '"' ' c, now occupied by Dr. Cabanis. From that point, the water was thrown with gieat force ,,,1,,,, ,'1(, break-water built bv the . , i e. "''. I"wer dow it. I hi gave nwiiv, t"' eoiistrucliou ol thoroughly built 'N'"1 cll'ective war vessels, in her mind's , -'.vc, nml a Prince of tiie blood-royal, Skkki.vo Pitoi i:rrioN. Tho proper ty owners on "C" Street have com menced tho construction of a brush wing-dam; in Jackson Creek, to throw tho water off and givo protection to tho head of that street, Letter of Summers, the Suicide. The following exact copy of a letter written by 0. A. Slimmer., just pre vious to, nml while meditating the sad act that clocd his career, is furnished us by Capt. Sprague. J-'our Ki.vxiatii, On: Thinking, fin mv feeling, that tin, the 7th of l is my last day upon earth, I woiiTd av that to my wile I give in v dying blessing. To Capt. Spra gue, Lieut'. O.itnian tinder, t.anung, I do tlie same. To F. Tfllett, whoin, since acquaintance, has been my firm, fast and boom fiiend, I would say, (mil ble him nml protect him. 'I o my friend in general, I would say, good bye. Thi i written from conviction, and. while I am sensible. ("apt. Sprague, be kind to my kind wife, and the fust opportunity, without detriment toher health, my dj ing re quest i, end her to her parent. I have been ambition in thi world. Mv ambition ha not been gratified. I die ol'.v liiokeo lif.til, nnd mil content, loving my utry, Constitution and AiUv Johnson. If I am wrong, (Sod forgive nnd gather me to Abraham's bosom. Itood live! good live! (,. A. SrviMKn. P. S. Thi i committed to mv fiiend ('. K. Tillctt, whom, 1 trut, will be a friend to my poor, unfortunate wife. God ble and assist her! (J. A. S. Snow. Snow fell in thi place lat Tuesday night to the depth of a foot. On Jackson Creek, two miles above town, it wa fifteen inches deep. Dar ting Wednesday it incited con-iderbly, as wa alo the ease Thursday and I'ri day. We .aw one or two lcigli out. They seemed to draw heavy, as the ground is not froen. The fun of sleigh riding, i at present, we opine, more in name than reality. Young America has had a glorious time .now-balling, and victimized every John Chinaman that showed hinicll on the street. The now must be very deep high up in the mountains ami should it go oil' with a warm rain, we would be visited with an tiiipreccdcntcdly disastrous llood. Ai-i:u -iiii: P.vitiv. The ball at the Madam's, on the 'J 1st, was a line nll'air, ami, notwithstanding the bad weather, a large company of guests were assem bled to take part in the festivities ol the occasion. The .Madam give an other party on the 1 Hi. of February, and siy site will be belter prepared to minister to the cot. libit of her guests than on the '.'1st. All should make up their mind to go for Valentine will be the ruling Saint, and a gay timu will be experienced, F.vamiv.viiov. TheSeini-Aiinualev-animation, at the Wilbur Academy, came oil' on the Hlth, 17th ami 1Mb luts. Tlie exhibition wa on tlieeveu iug of the 1Mb. The examination was particulaily interesting, on account of the number ami variety of the subjects embraced in the studies of the term just closed. Midler ,t Hreutauo have succeeded in supplying the great demand made by the llood, and still have left a large stock of mining implement, groceii'cs, drygoods, and supplies ol all kinds. (Jive them a call, MAXinXBD, At Wilbur, January 11th, by Hev. T. F. Iloyal, Mr. James P.Sutherlin to Miss hlia J. Kvan. NKV ADVKHI'ISKMKNTS. DISSOLUTION NOTICE 'pm: iwitTsniirfiiii" Tii:iiKini;nin: kx u n.,."l,5i",' .''',:,; "?'"" nt "McLioiuiiiii. , UU I till il.iv dl-nhul ,y ,nw f,,,,,,,,!. Hi i..!i.,i jilll Im) coutliiui-d.MtlieoM lioid, liy lii'r Wall TIllW llllll-llll'll III Unl ....l.ll I .,. , ...'imiiiii a nnn win lrm conw r.THHr.1 l.m,,., ,y ,,, "tflH"' l.i bur naitv u III r...i.., i ...'... .. '"" cumitu of tliu lutu nrm, " J. Mi'Ul'HIIMN. , A. r.vy.xi.i,. Jncksnnvlllf, Jun, It, lf)t7. j2Cw4 NOTIOB rpO WHOM IT MAYCONCKRN'i All pi'Wns nrn warncl not to clve cmllt to ..Mount. .. er ll.l iluti-. I ,y ,,,, ..It.-coMlriicllMK. U.S. ItKllKNAl'. W lllmr, Orfii., Dec. V.I. lSiiti. Wi NOTICE. T1!," ,u'"''0.AN. KSPKOIALLV A nil p-tMins wliithivi-lfri'iiiinrt. .ruiisit-inl m .HI, WKLI.S. FAIUIO A- CO irr iiouflisl ll..t u coi...iII,ii ,.f ii.i,.r,M(,H, CO..ANI TIIK AMKUICAN KXIM KSS Lll.lliS lOKin n MV. Illlll lunn -IT ,....! Clwrirr unititnl by tl,u TerriinrUI L-KW lure f. ColoriHlo, nml Unit nil tins nt-Mlnrcio nre .lone l.y i-lllN-r of thna Cnmpu..le wist of he li,.nrl Rlffr, or l,sm, Ncw York Biin r rtrcisco ami the Chin.. SM.. will ,c"p CO., unJer the Act or InrorporniloiireferrtJ ,0' ., I-OUIH McUno vt r Prenl lent of Welh. Parso ft (Jo Ne York, Dec, I Oth, IfiCn BJa0w' . . . . .'H,w' n " IM.1.M. I- AIM O fi vn I'lIK I'lOVKKUSTVHK UO.TIIK IIOI lAY OVKKUNI) MAIiVaXII K IMUJsSS CO.. TIIR OVF.KI X MAII CO .TIIK IIXI'I'Kli K i'.V-iV'u i..v..V.?. .V. 8. B. FARCO, NOTARY PUBLIC, Walla Walla, W. T. f Will UkcnchnorrlnlKinriilsiir ilil. -IVntct Soli's nml Den), mftilu out at thurt not.c vnl nckiioMUilgcil, In... , if TJJU-LA'l'i: UJ'SJI'ir lln.t.n Iln.i.o !I Wiut's vt.t. nits noi.k? Asn why this rc-ii '. mhtmis amulvs? Has (Iks;. Hu.i.ok .mk m t. xi r (In has smvk sm m iirt. fuv uv rm-Mif Nor S, XIV llHt. YlICK OCK-S MHl.0 No IYII TIIHI.K rit.l. Tills TllllilMI. Ir YOU'I.I, IILT OO TO TIIK" t'lTY IlKlaSriKR," Ami rvn rnriii o'mid., vm 1 1. a-k .nu viiuik .Seen i-ih)i.ih ii'KTins ii in Konr. At period it. prncr ri. inir lln. Mit. ..j A.lul . ir ... ... ..... ........ ... ...v ...... ,- viiivi mi ii ilie o.iii' lr-s irlircsiiin; mlij r M f, . linn IHK pnib ol ilijme tn nil, me nml hft ll t'ny Drue Sime 'o lc ili.he up m IU mi lc c!nic fn'il of pre', Sit. In lit.- Inmrn i . of a ci'lilinitnl prn.i wiiller: (in ! tin-C 'V tlrilir Store n hi ic llulr iwit nml .,.fi,li itCKk lit nitirrH. MKIi'.'INi:.S, PA IN IS, . . OILS. I'hltlTMKUV. TOII.KI' liililli.-s, HOOKS AMlM'ATin.VHItV, Itl-.hlrd lit. I...l i.i ..i li. u- , ,: , , " " "i i'rn;s Illlll lilll.ll .Milll-ll!r. ..f. . L.iu.i.1.1 ... L?.mI. : - " .7-ni- fll Oriiort. Ilmr '.hI imiiIuIhh crm nrlc- V or w.i, iimr i:.i..r,iinr. tlc, t,'n.iL'ii . !: Wiiii r. lt..rul t Wir, j " ii'r, .'tfi,. n.M.iniit! I rTin, l..lii', linuii. I.j..ii K.iiWmn, IaiUiu'. Kxtrnrl', nol iilrwr M,.n',ir h fi.m- ri . A llo i.i..Min hi of t'lmottfriiph A otinu. mill tfl ''0 I., gl.'i A Dm- Im .,( I'r.ncli imp in irtneli -...irrihis iti'sy wliieln wrv duly nei.i l,i,. i;,, f,lt,t Ink S.rtinh. Itiitrs Ymri I'.h l...'.fci. Sr Writflil-, lH.r Tip., l.fn ("im, I'prr Splliitr. Ink Krf '.-i,'in.. W., I'.iri Int.iK, 'tiiiiiiii Willi i. I'q.w.. 1VHi1 It'S'k-. Cmvn. I '.in of rnv ilAfnpii.m, Iliii, ItUi-k itnl l'iirm( L.k, Cnlt I.Iih-s I'l.lnnu Tm-kfy. Vmljn Sirinj;., ''iii. nml I'.- n Sihii'il II h l,i i.fnrry VioUir rtl rMlnrnl lifict". (,'iv l.ik in v.ui. ly. S n, I' lilllli', .mil A llmrtMrvl mlnr tlilLtf. In tills inn ImI csii l mfi li ciIIiki; hi ih- C'ly lliittf Hliin". 'IVy Iiiiv hIwi h 'h-iiiuIiiI ln l Slulni-iti-.. in iiipt.-iil liv HtivihiHi: ol llio kinl cur In. .. lii in .l.irk-imviilH. Ammi.; Hi ilupe iiriio'i" iniv ! Iutil l'ritr. All liic. Nniinif. MsCf. Clnv-. CriHiiiem. V-sli. lli.ib. IJn.'i", MiiOiiiil. Crm.n of Turliir. SjVrniii. lint ill l'i.i'ii(TI-i (imi. ililnir n-".) Kxinicis of lii.o.., '..titll, t'lioc, Ofiinu'i', LVli-ry, iic. IV int. Uni. xv. lli.t'Mxn is IIai.l, I'l.l-TIII I'llll- .Ml t'lMl. On. Tiny Iiivi'hI.o I'.o rirrlvnl it liirL-f n"nrt iont of A'vl im .iiiiii i-il m.ii"loi, lll-lorlrs. II o.'ispliiif, Tumi', Nnn-N, AiintiHt.. mnl .lln-r iSili II.i.iLj r..i li... Unit. il.y fur Mi... Weiivi. nml ('hiMr. n. Wo woulil c.M on our fritiiU in l-U'i1 ii n csl. If hccsii'I II limn ni.TileiiL. hi mil ukc crl pli'iimri' In .liowliitf Mi in iiiiH--Ii.iil' n.". SA VACi: (..SITI'IIX. nov.lif SI'KI'IAI. Noricis. (). O. F, -.liirksonx I l.oilcr M-, v-zV.,. IO. Iiiii'l " ri'kiiir Vr,ll..l,l,IIIIK' I"' ' ' ."SIIIII'IIHT JVvhi.Ii.i: at tin-1 i.M Ki llun' l.Sa ...... flmtliiT. In koikI i.sinlli.:nn' Inillnl Unlind. Ill.s II l ,l ,, .- II. Jvi M, pcttov It. Pi-c'y. Iruoti'. Ckuiiiii: 1'i.xk. U'm. IUt nii-l S J. I '.iy. Warron Lodno No, 10 A. F. & A. M A HOI. I. lln'lr ri'itulnr cnminiiiitrllo.ii sr,m 'h" WisI.h-hI ty Kvi'iili.serpricil- Ai liiu lliv full inmiii. In Jh'ixiiik. i'ii- ,-v N.l.ANliKI.I. W.M. C. W Swim: Sit'y. Tlie llesl lleiiicl for PiiiUxiniC Ihi- IIIimkI, iiiri'iik'tlii'iiliiK the Nirvi-,, lUrlurlut ilie l.ot Ai-li-. i FUKSK'S IIAMIIt'ItC TKA. lll-lbe lxl pr.i-rmllio ibIiisI ino'tany lck..t. If ucil llmily. Cnn.MiMil l Itiiji oulv. II cum Im- ulrcii M '" !- iiusll ritiiiiiis In IJmll-li. l-'nnrli. ." dr mnii. Hilhrvirr rkH)ri 1UYITI For h.iI nt nil llii)ttlii'li'lo anil ntallilrug .tort ami (trufi-rifs. KMIIi FIIIM-. MlioUsl' DroauM. s..,t., AL-riit. .till L'lav lri-rt. Jnyllyl Sm. F.niicUco. VALENTINES! mow HKAPV Appli'lon'i. CfllAloguu ana Trice Mit inxllcil. Trie lo nny ml. Ire". ,, II, K Al'I'I.inOS A CO , nookiollira M Importer of (lulil IVni ""i'l T"ck'' C"vJi 608, Muiitiimiu ry t-lret.. Soil r.rncl'CU. Jnnuary HUi,lT. I'lM Notice to Stockholders. Tiik FTnrk'iiouii'us of Tin: oni. Fellows' llsll AmocIhI'oii, nrn nri'liv no. Illlnt ii ini-i-tln or thi- A'OUt H ' ' lu-M at tho O.M r. liowV Hull. S mi. iy, ' -.'fill. ..l.. at Uni'.., I. Ma lr "'" !"' JacknvllleJn;.. IH. M IVOTICE. Notice w iinm:iiY oivf.n thatdu "cue Iti-clpt. No. 10. for .ij,ela mnury for R I of N. Y. fna W, . S i:7l lot l.ofHisl !l. T. 3'J. fouii rnKi- i - " U.intti' Mi-rMton. I Jolm Unlt''i l '' " ,0,,i r...l. Ik. I I. .a Ulllli.r.ll'lll'll illlHIIlls 0 HP- HOI), llllliri, .li"- ' " -- , iilvtolinviilhiipiirclm-e money fur inirvM 0l, lor which iM recelpl Jff 'jlojj. ' January 10. 1B67. J1!J" DB.A.B.OVEEBECK, Physician & Surgeon, JMKSlHrriUK, OREGOX. Offlco at hli renldkncc, la tho QM Overbock lloipltk), on Orcfion Street.