Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, March 24, 1866, Image 1

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VOL. XI. NO. 10
V XJ 1 1
The proprietor bni recently ptirchnrd
ihc nbovo well-known statu!, situated on
(he corner of
C'nllloriiln .VI III Hlrrrts,
Where the very lct of horses nml buggies'
em lie linil nt nil times, at rcaounhlu rntes.
Jlls flock of roadsters cannot lie equaled lu
Ibi State.
On rca'oitahlc li-rms, and tlio best enre and
,,.'iion bestowed jiion tlii'in while under
Lis charge,
'i.,i it., "Kin nil" mini.
Heine wllfld that the )o can ft' "f
faction? the proprietor rolleUi tucjiutroii
otro of ttitf public.
JacksonvllK Pec fi. HUM. dectttf
"mbw stand;
Tlitfllalnvs Flri1 Proof llrlck
Corner of California nud Oregon Sis,
Ihiiiiw oeictijilfil liy
tfSr .V. KOW.S r
Variety Store
Everything Xcw and Prelly
Can bo round nt the nbovo place.
Jacksonville, Foln IS, 'CO. fobI7tr
lThTll.iSIMi AMI l'l)MUIS.SI(l. .tliQTS,
CIO Jlcrcliiuit fit., Mill I'nuiritto, ('ill.
Having Imd cxtciislvo riperlenco In Imth
Wholesale mul rulnll tniilv, wu fw.'l win
IMont that to COF.NTHY .MllUOHANTS
dulling u resident agent, or to uu ocvdou
al purchaser, wu can offer Mipetlur induce-m-nt:
Particular attention given to cplleclloni,
tic purc'uue it ml wlu of Ltttml Tender notes,
Dull" Ktmiipn, Bowing .Machines, otc, or
ntli'T tiuiiMClloii requiring tin) wvlcetof
iM" nuiced mid rullulilo ugeuU.
i'lircliUH'n will bo iiMdu lor cash only, ox
c pt In case of rclal ngreeiuvut lu the
contrary. .
(5co 111. (Osbovn,
Formerly with Cvvkikmi, 1'ikkson.V Co.,
Wholctalo dealers In lino clothing, Sun Fruit
(0. m. Sessions,
Formerly with C. U. Gimnwix. .1 Co.,
Vholvialo Grocers, Sun FrunolHjo; iilu,
lliuuiiiuv A Wade, Jacksonville, Oregon.
. A VV (HID, t.uit ar.t l il-lr, 8411 1 rmtctaw
L. II IIIACIIt.V A. CO, II .rlJro lli, &h
VV ltl.1.1, AiM-iirr iiu Krtnrl.ro.
(.1. MIKA l-l.l.M.v UwlUviko, &tn Kraif-l .
MuTiiti ii. , uuiiir
425, Washington St.
.JL AKrlcullurlst, is now propnud to nip
ply tho wants of merchants, ranchmen and
all others, by wholesale or retail, of ttich
seeds as will not disappoint thoto who uto
tliuu, as our Kds ntir mini; the utmost
care lu their selection In gottini? them true
to their Kind. Wo lmo suitable ground
preparul to text the illllerent varieties, so as
to Insure their eiitlro luliabillty.
The Asiuitiueitt Couxliitsuf
All kinds tifvcifetablo tctds; all Kinds of
Jlowcr sudjj nil kinds of grass and red and
white closer tiads; alto, allulln imd I.u
crne. i:vi:uiuu:i:x m:ijus,
Natives of California nud adjacent States.
Ml kinds of tio-js and shrubs;
All kinds of flowiirs lu their wason;
All Muds or llulbs In their season;
strawberry ami raspberry-plants.
Tho mb-crlber deems It superfluous to
flame c try article lor sale, but merely re
natks, that no one has a superior otsort
jnent, and no one will deal more honorably
by Ills customers, to whom ho leferswlth
contldcucv, as uuhertal approval has beeu
Small papora nt wholesale or retail.
All communications, or orders, by mall,
or Kxpruts Cos., attended to promptly.
Catalogues lurnlsued on application by
litter or othcrwUe.
4 .'3 Washington St.,
Nearly opposite tho Post Olllcc,
jan27 San Francleco.
notice to faiuviehs.
T "r rTTT is NOW FKEl'Ar.F.D
' . KJ VV to receive U kinds of
1'roduco on Commission and Storagc.ou tho
most reasonable terms. For particulars,
call at his Firo Proof store, comer of Cali
fornia nnd Oregon streets.
March tltli, 1BCC. marlOtf
Mici:n Kvnir mitirpay vnnsixo.
JI. F. DOWIJLJJ Propi-lcinr.
SunjcntiTinv For One year, In advance,
I our Dollar ; If pild within the llrst six
months or the year, live dollars ; ir not paid
until the expiration or the year, six dollars.
Ativi.r.nsiMi One square (10 line or
Ion), llrst Insertion, Threo Dollar : each
sub'emicill Insertion. One Dollar. A .11..
count or llfty percent will be ttiado to those
who ndvertlsuby the j car.
3- l.rpil Tcmlrrn rtN-cltut nt tnrrmt rstM.
Shcrmnii's iMarcli to thu Sen.
Our enmp'firen thone bright on the moun
tains That frowned on the river bcloW,
While we stood by our guns In the morning
And cngcily watched for the foe
When a rider oamc out Irom the darkness
That hung over mountain and tree,
And shouted "Hoys, up and I rtaly,
For Sherman will march for the sea."
Then clicor iip.'! cl'Wr for bold Shtrman
Went up from rscL valley n2'i Re,
And the bugle re-echoed the musk
Tim', came from the lips of the men,
For wc knew that the stars lu our tanner
More bright In their splendor would lie,
And that Meetings from Northland would
greet us
When Sherman nmrehed dor.-n to tho oh.
Then forward, lK)ys, forvmnl to lwttle,
Wc nmrelufd on our wearisome wy,
And we stormed the wild hills of Itesaca
God blessi those who fell on that dey
Then Keucsiwv frowned lu Its glory,
Frnwued down mi the lUg of the free,
Hut the eMt and the vreet boro our ttand
nrds, And Slurnnn marched on to the ten.
Still onward wo prowed, til our banners
Swept out from Atlanta's grim walls,
And tho blood of the patriot dampened
The toll where the traitor Mag falls.
Hut wc paused not to weep for the fallen,
Who slept by eaeh river and tree;
Yot we twined them n wreath of the laurel,
As Sherman marched down to the sea.
0, proud was our army that morning
That stood where the pine darkly towers,
When Sherman mid: "Hoys you are weary.
Hut to day fair Savannah Is ours."
Then song wo u song for our chieftain
That echoid o'er river and lea,
And the stars lu our banner ehoue brighter
Whou Sherman marched down to the see..
lur lb B.i.llfi.1.)
Our Clillillimi'l'. 1 limit-.
MA.szAittT.s, March 13th.
What tlirouglug nwmorles come with
the umitioti of that dear rmuie ! Scenes of
clilldliood pass In k lew before the mlud,
uswc ooutcmplate the rtot thatguvcui
birth nml wlwre ised our youthful days
Its memory briugs a hallowed Influence
which time and dirtrinoe In vain strive to
efface. Tho nieociatloinoi 0.1 r childhood
home make the remembrance pleowut and
often goothos the troubled tide of more ad
vanced life.
In retrospect wc fo tho genial faoe of
that dear mother, who, with grove and
earnest counsel, stroe to direct our mind
In tho path of virtue, which is the path of
peace. Tho father, toilinf from day to
day with cue ' 'teJ, to provide for
tho wants of those ilepWdent tipou him for
support, brothers and sisteis, whose glud
some voices male music ou tho morning
nlr, little dreaming that, in the dim future
they will be scattered to the four corners
of tho earth. And, although death may
have claimed that father und mother, uud
their frcid spirits havo gone to their re
ward, nnd brothers nml sisters have scat
tered as chaff before the wind, nud the old
home has fallen luto other bands, who shall
say wo ore not better men and women for
those pleasing remembrances t Then It
should be our highest aim to moke home
attractive to our children, that, in tue com
ing years, their minds can levert to these
pleasing remiukences.
A Sad Tale or Swivctiox and Rou
bkbv. A few days sinco a man named
Joseph Uosch, who keeps a boarding houio
in I'ctaluma, came down to this city to
hunt for a runawoy daughter. Somatlire
ago n groy-haired man stopped at lioscb's
in Fetaluina, protending to havo business
there. JIo wa3 plausible in his manners
nml rrmiornl himself ery agreeable to
everybody, iucluding Bosch's young daugl.
ter. a handsome maiden with 0 form like 0
Hebo and o face i03y and radiant with mo
blushes of youthful innocence. Tho old
man made love to the girl and succeeded
in winning her heart. They planed au
elopement to San Francisco, and on the
Mth of FebruarySt. Valentine's day
executed it, arriving here in due tlmo and
tonnlnL' at a publlo house. Tho girl's
father says that she took with her 8100 of
hi3 monoy. He applied to District Attor
uev Louderback for a warrant to arrest
the old roan for stealing the 8400, but the
ovidenco wa3 not sufficient to Induco lou
derback to grant it, He has not been able
to find his daughter as yet, but ho has seen
her paramour several times. 5. F. Exam
I'liicotn's lMnccIit Hlstorv.
The London Tm concludes lucent
review of a blPgrapliy of our late President
o. uTV1? ,M 1'r1MtJc"t ofll'c
X Lu f ,f ,'M ".I1'0 , lMl . r JC1
e ec ted under the Constitution wh ctbrew
that "league with the devil nnd covenant
with hell" which was so many years the
iuoi 01 -mcricans, rsortlt nnd South. It
was his fate to ho engaged in a far gjealcr
contest than Washington himself; Tut he
was uot a soldier, nnd In one sonsoBof the
word he was not n statesman. Xevtrfiic
les, Abraham Lincoln, who was Inaagurh.
ted when the richest nnd most cjiSrslve
States had gone out from the Union, lived
to sec them forced back to the door nt the
point of the sword, ami could scarcely have
doubted that he would have lived to see
litem under his Presidency in tie Union
Tl figure of the Miselssippl boatman will
stand out sharp nnd distinct on Ihegigant
ic canvass of the battle piece, nnd will ev
er hold n large place In the history of tbc
American .Study, and in Hie records of one
of the most tremendous contests lite world
has ever btheld; and It Is to his honor
that no stain of cruelty, no charge of per
fidy, 110 act of revenge rests upon the tmir.c
ol one oxjwsed to singular temptations, nnd
often uyjed to abuse his power. No mat
ter who was in his place, the war must
have gone on, ns lu the temper of the
Northern nml Western States no Presi
dent could have abandoned the Federal
forts In the South, and allowed thin) to go
out of the Union. Great carnage and
dreadful devastation took place under his
rule, but he neither began nor encouraged
them. Kvtry one must believe in the Di
vine, and not in the human government of
the world, who sees how the Northern
eopIe were carriod through that period of
tribulation, for the highest estimate of
LInoolu's iowcre would not justify the
opinion that lie was oitlter a cloud by day
or a pillar of fire by night to the nation
over whose struggles and sorrows be pre
sided with sueh sorrowful sympathy and
houest cure."
licittililitl Toi-ever.
'lie beauty of youth nnd oomplexlou l
one of the thloge ou whleh may be written
"eminently perishable." J.Ike nil scarce
ami attractive things, it has a wonderful
value; and like oil precious things, It has
it Imitations, more or lest skllllul. I Scan
ty of feature remains long elegant oarrl
age can be found in women whose youth
is uvowedly long left behind; und beauty
of oxpretalwi, that highest lovcliuewof all,
lovely because loveuble, is culiar to do
uge, though it is most often developed lu
In life. The first mentioned beauty, liow
ever, appears to he that most coveted
and to be so just became It Is most fleeting.
1 1 wrick euyst
"Gather je rosebuds while ye rosy,
Old time is qulekly Hying."
A good many women of our own day
kccm determined to make time fiy more
slowly, and so to prolong tb period of
ro,c gathering. To this end they adopt
all manner ol inventions as to wahe uud
dye, puiuts and cosmetics, and "Arablun
llaths" having for their object and end
the attaining or retaining the bright bloom
ol youth.
no longer youug-if the first youth Is left
UU lUUfaei ; . . ...
'I'lita Ij 0 verv rooiuu. 11 a woman w
behlud-the advances of time viff w,
... I
anu nuiu.ug ...v . --- - -
1 ...It-- at.. n La slnnst trill rfsatnrf I
the nccompanJmeuU of jouth, beautiful in
themselves, but very transient.
Some women, we acknowledge, retain
their freshtitos nnd brightness of tint much
longer than others; and whi they find
It hard wheu these begin to fade.
There Is no coemotic which can supply
the place of youth; and nothing ILat con
p.o.ong . um ... u - - . "
and good temper, lo tho.-e whOteyouiu
is leaving tliem, wc would reoomrnend ex
ercise lu the open nlr, tho cowtaot use of
the bath (uot the "Arabian," but that of
fresh water), and the cultivation of cheer
fulness and contentment.
Fretfulncs3 and Indolence, oare and dis
ease, will make sad havoc of beauty, and
no nostrums in the world can efface the
marks they make. Until tho "mill which
grinds people young again" can be brought
Into profitable opcrattou, me irnimiui 0.
restorers of charms win oe 01 vry ...
restorers or charms w,,'w ""'" "'
avail to give back beauty which Nature ,
haa ordained shall be impaired.
A lad came In great haste Into a drug
store, and, half out of breath, exclaimed:
"Mother sent mo down to tho ehotlcary
pop to get a thimbleful of paUogoric. Hub
3 as thick a3 dickenth-not expected to
live from one ced to t'other."
A wise old gentleman, who knew all
about it, on retiring irom Business, gave
.i,., r.,t!nwini sago auvice to bis son anu
Common sense, my sou, is vab
unbtota all kinds ol buslness-exccpt love-
"ll '..
J3InvlmiliattV Utile in .Mexico. AiIiIicm by Went. (Jov. ltni.
A correspondent VTlhc New Orleans' I..ul ""v. lire, of llllnotj.l.y Inxlta.
r. i.t f.... .1 .. -r t..i. itlonnf ll. Clmmlier of LVimnienv. dellv-
-.., ...m..g ..U.u n. v..j U. ....va-.
'Maximilian never shows Umir. I
" w ll,e ol,,f '"DlnS m 1 was riding
,D the Jrhc of r W,J mh from
guarded every avenue, nnd secret police
watched Jealously nny one npprcachlng.
He looked stolid, bnt the cares of his situ
ation begin to tell on him. How can It
he otherwise, when lie feels lliot In this
land of earthquakes n pnlltlc.il eruption
may at any time destroy him, nnd leave
nothing but the memory of the evils heap
ed upon the mllliow lie Ih oppressed.
Any one who looks at llie people cen
of this Capitol cannot but notice their dis
content. The most stringent misery Is visible
jvcrywlicrc the grenlest economy Is prac
tlcod by hoe deemed wealthy; four prr
cent n month Is asked nml obtained ; there
Is no trade, no improvement, rxcept in tl
Imperial residences of Chaimltcpt-o nnd
the National I 'niece. '11m city. It Is true,
has Increased, hut this is the natural re
mit ol the distrust of the inhabitants of
the country, who seek the protection of n
large city.
Maximilian, rot Mtieflol with 9 5,000 a
lay, which lie had i.ppoiuted himself as
salary, lias now raised the sum to 97,000
twr day, n lie declares he cannot live for
k-M. The balls nt the Palace are Magnifi
cent affaire ; the luxury of the lollts arc
beyond tlic limits of desetiptlon of o reptib.
lioan tn. IVople may groan, but the
Court dances und amuse itself.
Great indignation Is now openly mani
fested by nil classes nt Maximilian's ex
travagance. Tlx salaries of all officers
have lieen reduced to a most iouowilcul
basis to Increase his own. Tkt catisrd
great comphilnt amonir the ImiwrialleU,
which Is not ameliorated by 1 1 Irregular!
ty of their pay menu. 'Ilwre is, there can
be, no reunite, the French treasury, month
after month, twre tU deficit of Maxim
Ulan. How lotig France will keep It up,
only Napoleon knows, if even ho knows.
The) roads between this city and Vein
Cmk ootitlwse to I iofrttal by bandit.
No one dares go into the coon try, for they
arc threatened by both parties. If au ha
cienda lias the iery great mlafuttnnc of
liug ilelted by a party of Uberala, who
generally help tbcmwlves to what Ibry
want, It Is immediately punished for to be
ing treated by the Imperialist carrying off
the balance of what is left, and twoably
having all lb men Impretwl Into the ser
vice of hi. Majesty. Ma, has Ism
.ndunt at .be mm. rtlon C
bl native toopt, a be says, that hi ofneer
no ktoger report any one missing j they
simply lake the lint nan llw-y meet to re
place the one wbo baa gone.
A ItKcm'ir most ti (Jsuvn. 'llie war
has prodowd many ktrange storks. Ut
few more singular than the following oo
by Cokwel Kills, late of the lt Mlstoari
Cavalry, lu a St. Louis juvner: "A few
days utter a ikferly coo letted battle, a
party of soldier belonging to tbe ltl Mis
souri took n joaut over the battle field, and
came up to n spot where tbe rebel dead
were burled. In one (dace lb hair of a
man's liead was seen slicking out of the
ground like a tuft ol grate, and near by a
' ll - l'"," "P"".
I,...l.l..,i I.. I..l..,v,..l In It norma llial Own-
- - --- " ,,;-"-.
. .1 t,f. I. ml t.t tints
One of the cavalry
VU lis- mW wi iiuni
. ..,,, ,n ,,,. ,n,nnnnBn. In n snldt
of thoughtless levity, 'Sec, there's n dead
rcb. reaching out for something; let's tee
what he wants.' In the same wunton spir
it of inWcliUf, almost reekletsneet, the oav
airy roan took hold of the man's howl, and
hauled the body out of tbe grare, tbe loose
dirt falling back Into tb shallow hole
Soou after, the man began to stir und toon
,tot t, or ,ifci to U MM-r Mu,His..nnt
.ii... .1
und horror of tho resurrectionist. I he
man was taken by hi rescuers tu their
lent, and was rubbed down, watUd oil,
and In a few davi bcsw us 'good ci new.'
He said that in the battle be woe stunned
by tho passage of u tliell, which knocked
hlmwoseliM. He was picked up uinoog
the dead und burled like lite rest. Not a
scratch was found on his body. He said
that he had joined the rebel army, and
fought the Federals long uud well, but that
03 this was his scoond appeurunce on earth,
,. would now join the Federals and fight
aw tnUuJ , lc
lit Missouri, did a good deal of tough
marching and hard fighting, aud last Sop
tember was mustered out of thewrvioc and
paid off at Hcntou Barracks."
Character. Tbe most trifling actions
tkatiikct a man's credit aro to be regard
ed. 'I he sound of your hammer at five iu
tho morning or nine at night, heard by u
creditor, makes him easy six months loo
ker ; but if he 6ccs you at a billiard table,
or htars your voice nt a tavcru, when you
should bo at work, ho sends for his money
the nest day - Frrnkhn.
ercd nn nuMrrai yesterday nftenioon upon
tlie resources of the West and tho advan
tages to bo derived from building tho Pa
cific llallroad, nt the rooms of the Cham
ber, corner of William and Ccdarsts.
I.Ieut.-llov. llro, upon being Intro
duced to his audience by Mr. A. A. Iaiw,
stld he was one of the icrsons Invited by
the lion. Schuyler Colfax to accompany
him In his trip across tlic mountains In
Cnlllornin. Tliey had taken substantially
the route determined upon for n Pacific
Itailroad. The road started front Onwlin.
Nebraska, and rail westward through tlie
valley of tho I'kttte 100 mile. Thence
lor n distance of J 00 miles, there was cum-
pnrativcly nogradlnc to Ixdone. A rood
might I mad down the Hweetwuler nml
.... '
Stuke Uivrm to the Columbia Uhtr, uud
thence to the Pacific Ooran, without be
ing compelled to t a single mtmnlnln
hairier. Indeed, by thk ronte there was
no barrier of ImiKirtitnee between New
Yotk and the Paf'tic It was trite nn
elevation of 7,001) feet would hou to bo
patted, Imt tlsrre were 700 mile to nmke
it in, so tlmt il dlOkultlft tn lie overcome
were not so grwl os those surmounted by
the Penntylvanlti Central and Krie Hall
road Companies.
The road, however, which it being bulll,
! down the South I'oik uf the I'lutle,
through the Illuek Hills nnd IlrtdgerVt
Pust, whleh was 200 miles south or the
South Past, to Salt Uk City, flndimf tw
considerable diffienlly In thewuy until rmeh
lag tbe Sietrn Nevada Mountains, which
could he peted by n grade of KlIS I eel to
the mile. Throughout tho entire route
there was plenty of timber, wntor nnd fuel
not only to Imlkl, but ulo to orut tlie
Hood. The desert ho had been taught to
believe exbteil tlierc, could not be found,
There was n krge uxtent of country wlwrc
little vofftnttoH rxlsleil, save the IhiuvIi
grant and sage brush, but I hew were very
nutritious, and Imd fed herds of bulTdo
over tine that rmlinnl win rrcnteil. Where
it wImIsU the ox iHttnlnly can, and that
country is yet destined tu be the great
iMal-prodMing teetlon of. the United
S Intra. 'IT agricultural rttourre nrt
great, as the Mormons had amply rored,
nnd Itrigham ooug sakl be hwl produced
OH bushel of wheat l tbc oere. Of the
Htluer.d reaonree of ('alifurnlit he nel twit
Wk they are well known. Gold nnd
silver were foeud la enormous isanliliet
In Colorado, Idaho, Montana awl Nevudu
I!; "r "-r '
i "W ,ocr' 'V t-o i-m.trw,lk...
"" - :. 2 !rT
000,000 per annum luto tbe coffer of the
Tbe Pacific llallroad Co. received (rotn
tb (Joviriinvnt 110,000, 932,000 and
948,000 r mile lor constructing the road
tbe payment being made In proportion to
tbe dlflteisltiee to be orcrcosue. The sum
km amply timVleut, awl it Ixhooveil ll
wercbont of New York to sett that the
road was belli, 'lis political at well ru
tbe commercial Interest of the country d
maided it. Awl wbeu It was eowpktUd
tbe nation need hove no fear of the world
in arm.
Tb adJrees was listened to attentively
throughout, awl ut lb eke u resolution uf
(banks was unanimously adapts!. A'. 1'
WoMiKh or thk Ktiui.uii JMMJinnK.
TU Construction of the Hog"' language
mutt apjiwir most formidable to a foreign
er. One of them locking at a picture ol 11
number of vessels, sakl, "Hw, what u lloek
of rblp!" He was told that u Hock ol
iiipt was called a nVet, ami a fleet of sheep
u called u flock. Awl it was added, fur
guidance In laasUinst the Intricacies of
our language, that ' a llock of girl i ill
ol a bevy, that a bevy of wolves I eatled u
pack, and a peek of thieve) is called a
gang, awl a gang of angel is wiled a bust,
and a host of itoruoiM is called a boat-
awl u shoal of bufftlor is fulled a Uril,
awl o herd of children 1 called a troop,
awl 0 troop uf patridges Is called a eovey,
and u covey of beauties is called a galaxy,
and a galaxy of rufJUu is called a hurde,
Land u horde of rubbish Is aalied u lieap,
and a heap of oxen is culled o drove,
nud a drove uf black guards is culled u mob,
und a mob of whale I culled u Mihool
aud a school of worhiper is culled u 0011
grogallon, and a congregation of inglnoers
it called n corp, aud a ooriu ol robbers u
culled a baud, ami a baud of locusts is
called a kwarm, and a Bvvarm of people Is
called a crowd."
A fellow being uwukeued by tho clerk
of o steamer, was told that he must not oo
oupy the berth with his boots. Ho very
considerately replied: "Oh, tho bugs won't
hurt 'tin, I guess; they aro an old pair."
"Nobody ever lost anything by love,"
Bald o sairo looking person. ' That is uot
true " said a ) ,ung ludy who heard tho rt I
mark, fvr I cdcc k t lire m.hts' sleep
.My (iooiWor-iiothlun;.
What aro you good lor, my bravo little
Answer that question for mo If you can
You, with your lingers ns white as a nun,
You, wttli your ringlets as bright as the sun,
All tho day long with jour buy contriving,
Into all mischief ntnl fun you aro driving J
Seo If your wise little noddle can tell
What you aro good for; now, ponder It w ell.
Otrr the carpet the dear llltle feet
Comnwlthrt patter to climb on the seat
Two merry ryes, full of frolic and glee,
t'lhUr their Ivhes looked up unto me
Two little binds, pressing soft on my face,
Drew tue down clone lu n lo Ing emlirnco
Two rosy lips gave the answer so true
'Good In love you, Mamun; good to lata
you "
WiiiMsiiw of Oit.tiou. Men gel to per-
""W0 ?U "f A dry
l..kla I n snlirili1it It lull n 1 1 a ! .!. 1
hole is a miserable It, but n (ho hundred
Imrrel fellow n great ohngeiious revolver
Ii a she. The happy owner watches her
with I've of nfffclloii ; lie tits up with her ;
he would marry hrr If ho could, "till death
dotli t hem rl ;" but, ol 11 1 well, liko
empires, nro mortal. Tho nvcrngo life of it
well is n year ; soma run n brlel nnd brill
lionl career that only can bo measurCil by
moons. If n will conduct lUelf dutifully
it Is lovingly ohritteunl. When Nnpolcou
wns in it gentle mood ilotvphliH! was I1I1
Dear Little Devil. We hivvo tho Porcu
pine nml tho ltattleennko Then theru aro
the Quickstep gtxt tho Humble llee-yoii
can seen well In Cherry Itttn vvhoe cngino
hoiiM9 ii emblasoiicd with Ii'h enough to
make honey the Humble I too, Khlnorerc
Wikl Cut nml Turtle l'mplre, Kejslonc,
United Stutd and Mary Ann, P.vcn tho
boat nnd buildings grow talkative In Veil
nngo. You nre nmised nt tho Impudciico
of 11 rusty barge n tort ol boarding home
nllout that, with lit Miovcl now thrust up
on the sl.nru of Oil Cm It, like 11 crorodile,
tells you in n breuth, 1 tally Hoy, nml Cotnu
Itlght Aboanl. There I n brUkness and
wrtnets about everything In those regions
quite nt variance with the ensy going de
ooruiii of almost everywhere else. Thus it
hnnty, ragged nix! saucy, orders you to
Unit I u log onbln crle nt yivu, In rlieiimat
lelstlersi Tube 11 drink. I Icreu building
tie1.'H up : Hlap an-1 Ford ; ninl thrro u
wngafn dwolllng Intlnuatos, Dew Drop
In I
Ownn' fault. A correspondent of
Vlsulbt M.i mis (
Owen's lathe so strongly Impregnated
with Immox, ulum, ulkull, nil, nnd other
sultttattOM, U nt hut going to iidd anme
thiu to the tuvt Ion's wealth. One drink
of It water will poison n mun,one limner
ion will clean the Ulr elf it dog, nud It
ha been the grave of many Indium, that
run from bulbil to try tn swim its wuttrs.
A genius Itere will tuke n patent for lim
ning by It water ; he Duds it will inako
goad k-uther in ten days, wltliout iiramul
labor. He will stmt tiiwrt trade from
here, tattling its wuters fur barber log pur
poses and ilimrlng shtep, cleaning hogs,
awl rnaking high foreheads,
A Hsi'liriAii nml n jouug lady bought
tome ticket lu partnership In u lottery at
tb recent HunlUry Pair nt Milwaukee,
agreeing to divide prootcdj npiitubly.
Tlwy drew u doublo Uiliteail, u baby crib,
uwl a lunch batkit, ami the question U
how to divide them, or whether they shall
not us them "ji.Uly."
Which WmrKsldmir. -H- Which of
the three great novelists of tho prtsent
day write most Lyttou, Wurren, Dick
ens T
A. Dickens.
Q. Whyf
A. Warren wrltw "Now und Then,"
Lyttou "Night uwl Morning," Dlikcnt
"All tho Ytar llourxl."
Goon Thu following, width wo clip
from un excliuugei
When lovely woman veils Iter bcnioiii
With muslin fanhlouubly thlu,
What u'ati, with nyt-s, could e'er refusu 'ei,l
(,'auliouil Irom x.eriag In T
Awl wheu bit .unions gb rutumhig,
The unullu heaves todtpi!ruwn sfghs.
Would not his HugDr' emit l burnlug
'lo r Aii hut iUten o'tr Au s
A clergyman laving ulled up a clasj of
buys and girl, began with the luttcr In
these words; "My child, toll me whomado
your body J" Hho had no Idea of thu ques
tion applying to anything beyond her per
sonal appearance, ami dropping u quick
oourteey, replied; "Please, sir, mother
mado the body but I made the skirt."
What is I'amk T 'I ho youngest son of
tho great Patrick Henry died iu Floyd
county, Virginia, in lb5,lucircuuutanccj
of cxtrcmo destitution. Tho Uglsluturo
of that .State yum appropriating thousands
of dollars on a marble elatuu of tho father
at tho very tiinu his son was begging liU
The uttermost narts of tho earth aro sup-
1 poecd to bo tho parts where thcro aro tho
most women.
A sensible man
bu; forgctfulnei3
seeks not cousolatiou,