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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1863)
HL.. L,. ' " W1 mfiwk mrJwlVMvmrmru Wfwr ?rmf iwmwasjrmvmimxirimarMr tuoniuiifiygi,arT-:1tii S5 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. JACKSONVILLE, SATURDAY, AP1UL 25, 1SG3. VOL. VIII NO. 27. m& WCtQpU Q. W. GREER, PHYSICIAN AND SU'RGKON. Oilier nf I tin I'll- Ilrng Nlnrr, I A('KmINVI.i.K. OllfdOX. -II "E. F. RUSSELL, NOTARY PUBL.TO. (Mice Willi It. 1. Unwell. Hm., Tlilnl iitreot, .Iapkhovviu.k. Oiikiiiiv. 2!l ORANGE JACOBS. ATTORN KY AND COUNSELOR AND SOLICITOR IN CIIANCKRY, V'lll prompllr ntlend tunny b'giil linlii'-- cNintntiti'il tu hi cure. Office in Scntintl Untitling. .Iai'khmvvii.i.k. OrtKrtnv. f. WM. ImHTIIITT. JAUMri i. YK. DOUTHITT fi. FAY, ATTORNKVS AND COFNSKLORS AND SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, JACKno.VVIMX. OlIKWlS, Will tir.tctlce in Ihu Miiiri'im und other Court of till Stale. .March -i. 'flX r.'b. morfor'd, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Iai'kxonvim.k, OlIKIIC.S, T7ILL pniotlco In the several Court nf 1 the First Jiullcul DMrlet. nml In tliu (Supreme Court. Oclulier lilt. U'i. D. F. DOWELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, J.rKlMlNVIM.K, UltKlKlN. Will nrnctlcc In nil the Court- of tlio Tlilnl JralUhil District, tin1 Supreme Court of On ....I ... u..l... f1 ll.HL.l 6 ;iii,iiiiu in 111-hHtuuii n m cn:rii iriiiiiu r cull' cled. Oct. 18. Diiu'rt Hut tier Klioi.1. Ikturcii Ilnnlliiiry A Wmle' nml III Dorado Snlntui, California street. HIIAVIN(i. Iliilr-cnltliii,. Sliamitinliip, Cur ling uml llulr Dyulntf. ' n Inuitl und for '. genuine nrllctc nt I'lsliV IIaiii lt:n tiiutivk. und CrWtudnm'n Kitrltmr Hair ltr PETER BRITT. ' I'liotitgraphlc Artlt, It prqmred to taku picture In every ntylo f tlio nrt. Willi till Clio lulu Improvement. If Picture iln tint give sutMuCtlou. no charge will lx niniU'. Cull nt hi now (Jul-l-ry, mi Hie lilll. cxnuiliiu lil pictures, uml til for .tour llkcncs. L. H. DEWEY," WuteliiiiuUor nml J owe I it, hpi constantly on hand a Hue nu-ortmeut of Cijk:kh mid UivKLitr, wlilcli lio nllcr for iFJ mid m very tow iirioeii, iorr aim. ULTAIItINO Clocks.. n atchoR anil Jewelry repaired with prompt- ti ami wurruiileil. Shop on Culllnruiu itrcct, two door west til l.uvu A llllger'n. Jickonvlll . .Inly 2fi! I!H V. W. HAVIH, It, It. II.U.MM. HAINES & DAVIS. AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, JUHt OlllCtl Hullllillg. RF.OULAR SALH DAYS. VoiliM'hdiiyh and Sutuiilaya. CONSIGNMENTS SO LICIT K I) Jacksonville. Feb. 11. ISf.-J. felill ELDORADO SALOON, P. H, LYNCH, Prop'r. Corner Culiforiiiu uml Oregon Streets. Tho Proprietor Inn Just received from San Francisco a choice us-orlmunl or llnu Wines, Liquors, Cigars, ETC., ETC. mr Drop In anil lsUhom. Dao. 1(1. ALEXANDER BUSWELL, - riiAOTlOAt, - PAPKR RULER, nml HltiuU-HooU alniuifacture-r. 517 Clay nml 5i Commerolul utrcuU, liolwcvii Moiititoinury uml Smikuuiv, KAN l-'UANOISCO. u Illmllnt; ol eviry ilocrlpllon neatly txccntfil ; lllnuk liooUx mlul and Ilouml to 'iy divlrcil pnttern. 24;y "VfO'l'lCM U litrtby given to all ihtkoiio il Inilcbtcd to mo liy note or Ilnok nc ('iiuit. to pay tlio f iim to my agent, JobU'ii Jrou, on or Itefuro tlio l.'illi 1'eliruarv, 11l3; ollierwUu the wmo will I'D placed iu tljtf lmndi of un nilnrney lor onlUollon. JliidB llOUINSOK, Per JofKrii Jacoim. KiBloMIII. Jnniiarv 2W,lfifi!J. 1IU:S AND TKjnTAMK.NTS. a j supply, iii vurioiH plylos. on !umd, nml fr t.ilo at cnt nml oliarjioi". nt tbo ilepwl '"7 of tlio Juekson County llllilo Socloiy. WM HOFFMAN. llepoMtnry. II OUSH 1IILL3 tically executed at yj'MQ this office. TIII2 ORKC.ON SI2NT1NKL. HSI'HII KVKIIY WKIiNNMMT AMI MATl'IIIHV. IIKMIV DKM.I.Minil, I'uli'r noil Prop'r SnwcniiTiiis One vcar. In ndvntici', Five Dollno; Six inmitlns Tlirco Dollnri". AnviiHTiKiMi Hue Niiiaro til) llnoi or le-9), llnt liiKerliou, Tliree Dolliim: tnrli Miliidmciit It MTlloii, One Dollur. A dli count ol tirty percent will du nmdo to tlioxv who uuicriiK' uy thcyenr. advertTsers. Uy nppltcnllnn to 1'nntmniitent nnd Mnll Cnrriern, you run lenrti llmt lln'Sc int-weckly Oiikiiiiv !Sk.vtim:i. linn liy fur n Inrper clrctt liillon In tliu coumlcM of outliern Ort'cmi mid Do) Norln coiiuly. Cnllfornln. limn nny otlirr paper. TIiIk liiot climilil coinuiend (lie riti.vri.NM. In you mt u nipcrlor niedlum for ndvvrtliiii(r. List w Aiikxtm. who nro nulliorlr.eil to trmi'sict nny lniiliie cimoernliis till" pa per. In the ilium or Iho pulilMier : I. P. I'Micr. Knit Kninclnco: Wnd'worlh t Knyuun. Ytekiii KImt llniry, Ailnnd; S. C. Tnylor, PIuimiIx; W. V. Fowler. AppU- ....1... II iJ tl.. ..!.... ttllll .1 . tt... It Ki'i u. .. iMiiuiiiT, ii iiinini-uiir);, .inilil 11. I'rliidle. Kerhwlllc: A. II. Mcllwnln. Waldo; It. J. Foiliw, Wnlilii V.r Al. Eviinn. Alt hotixc; Joel Thorn, Cmiynnville; A. It. Flint, Itorcliurtr; Ii-anc II. .Moorex, Snlem; J. II. Underwood, Klip-no Cllyj I'. Cliiirninu, On-Kini City; I). Wnbdlidil, Allmnyi llenjiimlii Cook. Cnrvnllln: J. 11. Smith. Crifccnt Cllyi Alkrt Umillttli;, Happy Ciiinp, SPECIAL, NOTICES. I. 0. 0. F. JAfKHONVlM.i: I.ntlllK No. 1, lioldn Itit regular incutlng every .9.1 T UIWAV EVRS'mi, tit their Hull (Mo' Uully'H Tlieulcr liulldluO.ut 7 o'vlouk. llrothiiu In (,'ood tamlliiK nre cordially Invited to attend. Ja. M. i-irrov N. G. Hko. II. DoiniiH. It. Si'y. Warron LotlKO No, 10, A. P. & A. M. A HOLD their regular comnmnl- "V'catli)ii8 the Weduemlny KvciiIiikmiu Vor preceilliiR thu full moon, lu jauk- UON'VltJje, UULUON. AI.lvA. .MAUTI., V. .M. H. Ht.ooM. Set'. oui:uon ci i a ptj:k no. i, JIOVAL. AUUir MASONS, JACKSOXVJU.i:, OIIEGOX, Will hold It regular commiinlcntlonx on the I'lml Hn(iniln)' i;r, of Kiry Jloiilli. All Fojournlni; CompiiulouH In eood hlaudlui; nre cordially Invited to attend. t;. w. oiti:i:it. u. i L. Saciih. Peo'y. dec8M7 nOWAHD ASSOCIATION, Plilludel pliin, IVnnu. tjr Iht ttl" tif IU Su-k and Dirtimtit Afllietnl with Virulent awl Chronic J.'imiMi, und ttjitcudly JttitiiHt ( tU St-rutil Oiyinu. Mullciil Ad Ico i;leii Knitt by llin Aot ItiK HiirKcon. ViiliittliloitKiiiimiiiiHi'KitM toiiiiiih or fKiiiXAi. wfAKNtiMi, and other dlMiiiren of thu H'.xiinl nrt;aiip, nnd on the NKW' iikukdim employed lu thu DUpen nry, K'ut lu sealed letter ciivelunef, Irco uf charpo. Adilrfw DH..I. SKILL! Nl 10' 0IIT0N, Howard Awochitlou, No. U loulh Ninth t., April '.in.. l.'.y Philmlrlphln. Pn jflLsscty 00.00 AT SAN TKANCISCO. fP I IK uiidcrlgiie(l. luring opened an J. Away Olllce nt Sun l'ranclwo, would rerpoctfully pollelt the palroimKo of Mer chant, Miner. Ownem ol' Quartz leadH and Mlll'i who may virlt Kjiii Franciico, or who may remit treumre there. We Kiinmnteu the eorrectnew of our n rnyi, mid will ninko returns in Barn, or If. S. Cold Coin, within hix hours niter depolt. Wu ulnti aeray nil klmU of Oreo nnd Metalr, GREENBEI10, ERLENBACH & CO., 621 Sacramento ftreet.n few doom lc low What Cheer Hon', nearly opposite l'liclllo Mall Steauikhlp Co's otllco, Sun Kraiiclfco. ORmOGBO, EKLGXDAni k OOLPSHITH, Vieka, Cullfurnlu, GOLDSMITH BROTIILHS k ID., I'uitlulilt, Urlgon, II, (IKKKNUKIKI, I ,j, (.,, A.UOI.IKHIITII, Jnniiiiiy i, IBlia. jan'JlmU TiAY UP. All tho?e indebtid to me JL by noted or book accoiintH, will please can iinu seum imiueiiiuieiy, or uieir uu count or notes will bo huiided In my nt' torney for collection, II, 1ILOOM. Mureh 18. 1802. I LLUSTRATKD l'Al'EItS Hnrpers' WeeKlj, l-ratiK i.esiie, l uiikco jvo- ttons, etc., regularly received und fur sale at tho i AltlKTY STOHK. BY OVERLAND TELEGRAPH. TDi.i'.iituritim to yiikka ron tiik hkxtinki- 'WciliicMluy'R J)lpacli. Yiikka. April 21. New York, IBili. The Ciitnwbu. Irom Port Hoynl, lfnh, reporU 1 lint nil the inouitom liud returmil to Port Itnynl. HeU'l tWpaU'lin my llmt lurire l'ederul reinforeeineiilH Imil reneheil Grenudii, MlM.. nnd the new plan in to rctid n force to rnch pf I lie three nillrnnih runnlnenoiith. Gen. (Irnnt N to join Itoneenini by wuitr. Kir by Smith niMirm comtnund (if the rebel force wiKt ol the Mimiiwippi. New York, 18ili. Tl.c WhtiH mv It In prevuk nt to duy that the rvliel onvnlrv which have belli hotcrliijr nround Hull Hun mouiitiilii nml Cnlirpptr IiuvcIhcii niirrouudeil by an eelilloii rent nut by Slnhl, nnd their capture it ulmott rertnlu. Richmond pnpern report the nrrct nnd return on Monday of nrnrly -100 rebel oil! cern. The Ezuminer of lGth lntant fajn I no rrnimeiitK ilenlroitd n Kederul romp nenr Willliiinidiiiri;. Five I'tdernU killed uml levenil woutideil. Port Mneruder linn been imineimely Mrcnplhrned by riiloubm and rifle pltn. The Prderuln nhcllcd the town three hour, but nobody hurl. The Clinrlenlnn Macury.of l.'ilh. .iy: " Port Sumpter, whieh win Komewhat but tered, In In-day believid tn be up nlronj; an when the flaht bepin. We dei m It cerinln t lut L If tho nllnck bo miCHid aiikiii nn be fore, und there in reason to believe It will, the nix inoiiitoni will come out the ilefealul purlli, with wnrro reiulu than tliu-o ol the llri-t attempt." A Portree Ponroe lellrr of the IClh noyii : Prom derertem it U nnrertintied Ihut ljoucnireet in peraon cominiiniKil the rebel near SulTnlk ; nlfii that the p rent en I portion nf the rebel nriny hud withdrawn from the Hapiiiihmiiioek.iind conreiilruted in South ern Virginia ami North Carolina, TliuiMltij- NlRlil's DlM'alcli. Miirrn-oboro, 20th. A leader In the Atlanta (Ceo.), Inhllietnttr, or I lie 17tl, nnys that ltoneemn in beitifr rriuforud by Griinl, and llmt n (,'riat battle will come dir within fixty duye, A resolution punned the GcorIn Ils ture Ihut u bill xhould be lueil levynj.' it tax of one per cent, on one-third of ull the provision in the Slute, for km lit ol pub lic nervlcc. Louhtvlllr, 2UI. Salurduy. Col. Grn- ham uttnekid relxln tmir (luletia, killing wen and deiitroiini; their caiutm. Next day he crofwd the Uumbeiland und ill- tiieKeil uuotper rebel encampment, Killing thirty und routlnir tho n uiuiuder, und Id now in pitriunt. Our low Ik one killed. Chicago, 2 Int. In the reU-l attack nn Fiiyrtlvlllc, Ark., they look forty prison em ilurlntr n charge nl the Int Aikuiimi cavalry, but llnully retreuled, leaving Iheir ileud ou the Held. Si. Iwin, 21t. Additional tiarllcularn from Puvetlville fay the llht lasted four hour. The rebels wero eommauded by (jeneral Cuba I and ret tea led In disorder InwunU Moi-ark. Our troop were ull re cruits, poorly iqulppcd and without urlil lery. Washington, 21st. Official dipatcliin, rceeivt d Irom General Peek, da ltd Hiilur day fU'iiio(,',8 o'clock, FuysCenerul Heutly in'coiijiiuetiou with u heavy buttery nt Went tj'runtn cupturrd ix pam und feven ly men uf the -Mill Alabama regiment. New Vork, 21nt. Wo have advice from Nuwbern to tho IClh. (ientral Pos ter ran past Ilia nbel bulleritu in broad daylight. Ilia pilot win killed at the wheel. Over luu hundn-d nhot und chell were Gred at the ietel, benidcii vulllen of musketry und email arm. Sixteen cuni.ou thot touK ell'ect ou thu steuuur. Clilcueo, 21nl. Cairo reports nay the nteamer Silver Moon, from Viekfbui(f, Prl day, tuys that Thurfday niuht nix euu- bontk und three transports left Youn'n Point und run by Viikrhuri; butteriin. All pot lliroiigh nufely but one trun)orl, the lltury Clue, which caught fire opo Kile the city, und was burmd. Thu jjun bout Hentou wan the only one ttruck. Our los3 was one killed and two wounded. It wan ono hour and a quarter from the I lino of ftartlnjj until the h'8t (hot wun Hied by thu rebeln, by wlutli liinu nearly ull had got frfcly, A brilliant tire was been ou chore, which illuminated thu rlvtr for two niilen, but fonn died oul. 000 thotn were flred on bmli siden, with what result in not known. Hacli gunboat mid truusport hud u coul barge in low. Murfrtcsboio, 20lh A telegram from Ilurberl.ut Munphin, n porta ihut General Dodge, commuiidlng at Corinth, had at tacked the enitiiy uud drove lnm from Hrur Hiver. with lienvy low. Our Ioka w 100 ktlldl and wotiliileil. Wf Imil one gnu dinioiinieil but rnvid It. The en emy hus belli largely rcinfutcid ul Tun cumbia. New York, 20lli. Suffolk letter report thnl our forces hold Ihe Nii'cnnril river for 10 mile, nnd have defeated i very at tempt of Ihe rebel In pet In our rear. The rebel expect to brlnjr ngulnt u. Incliidinjr ri'lnforceinenU from Gen. Hill, (10.000 men. The delay or Ihe enitny In mnking ihent luek In nn good nl relnforremenln. A Nor folk letter rxprer Ihe opinion llmt there III l' no biilllc nl Suffolk, nn we outnumber the enemy theie. and have the udennlugc of Mrong 'inlrenehmetitn, tiulens Gen. Peek token the initiative. Porlrenn Monroe, 19lh Yeflrrduy the enemy drove back our fkirndsliern on Ihe S.nnvrton rond. which I Gen. Corcoran1! Irnnt. They oicncil with two piece of nr tillery. Our rorce replied nnd drove tin ni back. Our t-l.'irinlnlurii ou thu south droe the enemy mine mile! from our linen. De mrtern nay ihe enemy Intend making nn nt lack thin weik. Ntw Vork. 20lh.-Tlic lltiatd't ill pntchen, dated 18lh, from Army of Poto map, my 11 hirgu force of thu enemy huve eolkctetl in thu vicinity of Ihe ford of the lluppuhntmnck, though no attempt hu been mude to cron. A Prederleksbnrc leller, ilnltil Mlh, lo the Itlchtnond H'Arg. repot I n light at KelU'n Poid. 25 mile ubovu Pmlerickn burg, and nay cannonading wan In aril din llncllynt inlervul. Six thousand Federal Cuvnlry of SlonemmiV corp inmlc 011 ef fort In cro, mpporlnl by Infuntry, but liud not nncceeiled. To nig hi' report luvn the Pedernl hate been masntug irnoju in the vicinity of iho United Stale Ford, for 1. 1...- v ...b.i.. -...1 1.. .i.... ....... revrrni uuy. irpienin ini nm.j ' nideralile bodli 01 cavalry, nun imimme Gnvernmetit wugou truitii huve been mov ing up the river. Wnihlnnton. 20. Richmond dtipntchcn of the 18th have thu following 1 ".lock- non. Ml., Mlli Tho enemy' Irootu ol Lake Prnvldenee lmvo inoveil down to Vfcktuurg. Vleknburg. IClh. The (lectin acres the river. Thu Yunkee have ubnn- linnet thu Fernaiidlnn exeilitioii, Ihe Yunkre cavalry internl Carthage, on the Ixunlanu rhore. below Vtekbiirg, lust witk, and uro (till in posw-jniou uf the place." porlres Monroe. 20lh. Heavy firing Im been Ifard for the last 21 hour In the din el Ion of t he Nutinetioiid rit er, oecaslom d by onr gunboat shelling out the rebels whoureutli-mpting tn plant balterlen nt dillWint points, IaisI nluht our bout can lured u buttery of six plice und 200 prf oners. Wellington, 10th, IJx-Sovernor Hlckn, of Mart land, suyn that 11 M-cret oruuuUutlou luin Ihiii iinrarthrd In that Stule. sworn to join thu Confederate nt an eurly uptorlu- niiv. Indianapolis, 19th. A Union meeting In llrou n county, Indiana, win broken 1111 vcnUrduy by u parly of Knighln of Iho Gui llen Click', under the lendeohlp of Lewis Prober, I'X-iuember of the I'tiblaluri'. and twomvu uumid Sidney Snyder and King, who ouiuusrined with rlllm uud re oil ire. mid Ihreali-ntd to ilioot Ihe sergtaiitn there for rrslstnig. Proswr wn wtirely wound eil by Cupt, Cuuimlugs, who wns udilresrlug the meet iuir Snyder also llrul at nuothir K'rgeanl; King wan ui rested and brought here; u Hillk'lent force- wus tent uut lo artett ull partle (unci nnd. Anothir d.tlletilty occurttd nt Danvllh yesterday, tutu ten it putty of K. G. OV. and Union men, In which livu pernio were wounilid-oue mortally. The (Jenetul emu mui.illni' has issued older iltilurlni' that thu KiiIkIiI of the Gulden Circle aiu lo he punbliid a cnetuies, uud tu be dealt with 11 such. IU cautious peoplu ugulusl the liutteriuit mu Copjieitieai Uaugts. Friday Nlglit'b J)limU'li. MenitdiU. 2Hl. On Saturday thieereg iimntaof iufanlry und one of uivulry lilt .Meiniihi ou a tieonuoiteriii!! exiH-dilion. They came up with some nbel cavalry uml aflir 11 fchorl engugtuieut thu rebel lied toward Coldwater. F.urly on Sunda morning Mnjoi Jloyc. with two coiiipuuiiK ol cuvulry, ugaiu nl tuckid tho rebels, killing twiuty. tii"iul lug forty und capturing tigM)-. They flid in confusion ueros Coldwuter. AHer crowing iheyricetwd rclufurixment, und Major Hu)w fell back eight mile lo Fir iiuiida. The rebel did not follow. A I Pernundii our eavulry recehid reinforce menu of infuntry and uriiltery. und the united force moved In Colduuter uml ut lucked Iho rebels, Ihu light lnHed until sun donii. Our Ioa walive killed and men-ly-liio wounded. The light was confined mostly lo Iho infantry. SI. I)uI. 22d. Inlclllgence lias been received that Geuerol Muruiuduke, with a force of from 100 to 200 ribiU nnd six piece of nrllllery, wa advancing on Put lersnu'n lliilterien, south of Pilot ICnoll. ('ol. Smart, commander nt tin post, thin ti-lcgrniih I " A scout off Hlnck river dm con rid them Saturday mottling lust; they were repulsed before the coiict titration could be had. The fight brpin nl twelvi) o'clock bet w (vn Ihe em my' ndvnneii ami our feoiit. I sent .Major Wood with 11 buttallion in that dlrccllon, and held them In check and skirmished on to tho town. Thl gave u time to load my trains uml have them ready to move, If wu had In ti lire'. Heron1 1 left, Ihe plnen win, lotulle destroyed, and nome More which I cul,l mil get ut In bring nway- Nothing fell into the liumN of ihe enemy. The fUht continued until night, jvglit in dm lliit side ol Putlersnn the ingiigrmeiil tva vety severe. Aflir flulitiug hand to hand they got iu our front und ntlcmpicl tn cut off our retreat, lint I forced my wnv tn the foul nil this utile of the 1 rei I.'. I'i In killed, woumlnl nnd missing, nbnut tlfly. The regiment fell back In good order, and it now together." Indtnnnpoll. 22d. Tho inllllnry forcr sent to Danville, reliirneil Jinlcnliy Willi serin ringlendrr. Alter exniiiuiniion. they tnnde tilTidiivIl 11 to the clrnovi chn'ractrr of the Knight ol Ihe Go dun Circle', nnd thai Ihrro wens member wlm had madua eomplelu exposition of iUub fair. It Is sold on gnoil nulhnrlly, that Prei ser ha neverut huiidriil men now guiriliui: )il house, in Hrown county, who deeluru that he shall not be arretted. New York, 22d -The lltmld Im let. ler from Now Orleans, which snv lliat the ne nf In day, Irom Ilruilielr City. N of tho utmost impnrlunec. The enemy tvacuuled the work! ut Ceulerville lust night, but will lie captured. Their enliru forco I enclosed between Drover' Port on the one utile, Wclttl on Ihe oilier. Thu enemy nre leaving their urm behind. Thoratu, Qieen of Iho Went, won cup lured from Ihe enemy In Grand Iukt, thl morning. Cuptuln Puller, comman der, ami ull the officer and crew, number ing 00 men, arc now prisoner nt llurwlek Hay. Porlrr Monroe, 22d. Tlio nlrnmer from Nc'ivIhtii, with date lo the I'Jili, re port that (1V11. PiMter with 11 hrlgadu l-l, on the previnu day for Waihlaulon, N. C. The Cuplnin report llmt Ilia Mont, ton were nil off Hilton Head mi the Kith. New York. 22d. -Tho brlif ntlock on Charleston wu 11 lunvy ricnniiolnsanvr, no that I)uKint will bo prepared for Iho work should ho renew Ihu attack. The re port that ihe President ieremptnrily or. dend u renewal of the attack lugrouudle. The rebel had U'cn trying lu rata thu Keokuk'. Thu health of the troop I good, A large sleumcr i retiorleil to liatu runout of Churlcston on April Kith. Washington. 22d.-The Nnvy Depart ment hit r-ffieliil dUpalclit iluled sieuinei' IVnsucoU off New Orleans, April Hltli, wliich nay on llic27lli of Murch Admiral Porrugut in the Hurlford muged thu bat terie ut Wurrenlou lelow Viekliurg, und pnsHil below on Iho I Dili. 'IVsu twi sieuiner in coinpony with the Swiizerlnii tiiouil down the rtvir, und mi Iheeienlng of the IH-1 enH-ged thu bullerie ut Grand Gulf for lifleiii minute, receiving nudum uce. Tliey llien went lo Haynus, whero liny lUstro.rid about 10.000 saik of corn und beef. On Ihe fith of April iheyorrivril and uncliored live mile uboto Port Hudson, Copperhead Printing Offlco "Pi'd." SHcriimeiitn. 22el. Tlio odlcc of tho Sue. ratuciito llrjulheoHViu sucked thl morning. Tut uly men, urtiird with musket, and U) onctalited, elite rid Ihu olHco uud emntlnl tho tpv in ruse and in tliu weekly idlllon, The forms of Ihe dully having gunotn pictr, wer saved. Lo iiiliiiatid ul il.JUO. It I believed to liuio been donu bysoldlcis from Camp Union, The Call Bay (hut California Imi fur nished about iwo hundred Printer sold ler siiko Ihu breuking out of tho rebellion. It i known tint they are uncommonly sound ou the fiulillug question. Thu army i said lo bo llllcd with them many pa per Kuct have suspended publlcalioii for want nf printers In gel thu puier oul. From the Philadelphia Typogruphie-ul Un ion, CO inembir hate gouo In Ihu wars,, from thu New York Union, 71 1 'fom tho Rncluster Union, 17 ; from Ihu ClilcHtrn Union, tO ', Irom Ihe Detroit Union, 22 i und 11 large number from ull Ihu title iu the Uototi. A ram A rum i an animal wLcso but Is on the wrong end of litu,