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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1863)
SAGH BROi'S JACKSONVILLE, & WUolosalo cftr ZlotiJ -DKAI.KRH 1W- F 1GI Ji AND ALSO IX Groceries ! Liquors & Tobacco New Goods! New Goods!! New Goods ! ! ! IMMENSE RECEIPTS - AND Grand Display OF NEW FALL & WINTER C3rOods AT SACHS B&O.'S WE take pleasure in announcing to Die public lliul wi- have just received a larger, more fusltiouuMe ami belter selected stocU of FANCY AND STAPLE OLOTHESTG-, BOOTS AND SHOES, UONNETS, JIATS, SHAWLS. E.MHUOIDERIKS, DRKSS-TH I.M.MINGS, RlBllONS, NOTIONS. ETC, KTC. than ' nny ever before brought to tills market. Groceries ! Groceries ! ! Groceries ! ! ! WK have just opened tlio btst and forg ot stock of (3-roceries ! PROVISIONS! Wines and Liquors, CIGARS & TOBACCO. EVKR OFFERED HERE. OUR MOTTO, " QUICK SALES-SMALL PROFITS" we feel confident, will gunrantce to us the rontinunnco of lliu pntronnjf with which ourcusjomers have hitherto favored us j nnd tho uddition wc have now made to our former lino of trade will, we hope, secure to us the balance, of the truding population of tli!s tovn and vicinity, to all of whom we promise prompt and polite attention. Please call and convince yourselves. . - saoiis imos. flSSSfAII sorts of marketable- Produce tikeu: in exchange for poods. Jacksonville, Oct. 20,18627 I Semi-iOcekh) Sentinel. TOAVN-AN-eOW-NTY. Man Shot. A man by the name of Reese was shot, on Untie Cieck. in this county, on the 29th day of December last it is not known by whom. Indeed, the whole affair is enveloped in mystery. The following in, briefy, tlie story told us : A utrtitiger was seen driving ofT some horses. Mr. Reese went up to him. when he (the stranger) nked Reese whose ImrsiK those were; Reese answered, "some ol them nre mine, and the rest are my neigh lors." The stranger remanked, " you an1 a d n liar, sir, and have been steiilintr horses long enough, and I am going In put a stop to it." Suiting the action to the word, he deliberately leveled his rifliJ and (lied. The ball, which was n small one, Trussed the chin and passed thiough the ncelt of Reese. Reese was olive at, the latest accounts, but it is thought ho can not recover. Reese is every way a worthy and honorable man. It is supposed that a crazy man, known as "Dutch Henry." is (lie person who did the shooting. He has not been arrested. Nkw Ykau. Nothing is moio distinct than the different tastes of men. This ax iom received a flue illustration in the va rious manner in which the doling hours or the old, as well as the beginning moments of the new year were celebrated by the dif leicnt classes or persons in the community. Some passed three eventful moments amid the enchantments of the bnll-rnnm, others in oft filling and often draining the flowing bowl, while others still repaired to the house of God, and spent these thrilling mo. incuts In Biipnlieation nnd prayer. All were alike joyoiu and happy. We ate glad In say that order nnd sobriety prevail) d. There, was not a single case of drunkenness in our town. Wc doubt whether this can lie assorted of many more towns of the size of Jacksonville in tins Slate. May wc be come celebrated for our love of law and order, peace nnd Fobrioly. MARIIIAGKfl A.NI DlVOIlCKS IN 1802. There has been twenty-eight marriages in this county during the last year. The county was organized in 18,r.'l, since which time there have been one hundred and eighty-eight marriages recorded ; or, in oilier word"", there has been, since the or gauization of the county, one hundred and eighty-eight offers made that were accepted. The number of unaccepted offers made are variously estimated at Trout 2 OOO to f,000. There have been only six divorces grant ed by the Courts during I lie year. There are other cases pending, however. R. A. M. Eu:orwx. Tim following named persons were duly elected oflicers of Oregon Chapter No. l. Royal Arch Ma sons, on tho evening of the Ctli Dec, and were installed on the 29th : (1. W. (Jreer. M. K. II. P.; A. M. Berry. E. K.j O. M. Harris, E. S.; Win. Rryre. P. S.: A. Martin, O. II.; H.IIIoom, R. A.S.; F.B. Sprngue, M. .'1 V.; O. Saltmarsli, M.2 V.; Win. I less, M. 1 V.; L. Sachs. Si'c'y.; J. T. G'enn, Trcns.; J. 10. Ross, Guard. Tub AVbatiii:. The face of the honest miner beams with radient joy. His oft re pented prayers have been copiously an swered. There is water above, water be low, water nil mound. For tho last few days it lias not rained, but it poured down. This (Saturday) morning the ground is covered with snow, and still tho storm god lowers portentiously in the southern bky. R. Hknkpiot. The ball given by mine host, on New Years eve, at his house on Applegate, was a very fine, pleasant, and agreeable affair. We had a representative there, who jubilantly declares his intention to lay off " hereafter for balls ut Rene diet's. Louis HoRNK.The ball on New Years eve, at the Union Hotel. Jacksonville, wi3 a brilliant and magnificent affair. All who participated were highly pleased, nnd speak in glowing encomiums of tho catering ability of mine host. 11k Took It. The secesh lately arrested at Phoenix, in this county, nftec laying in tho guard house a day or two, concluded to take tho oath of allegiance. After tho wholesome physio had fairly settled on his stomach, he was released. Chakok or Timr. The- Stages arc how five days in coming from Sucrumento to Jacksonville. 331ocl. On Applegnte, Jackson county, Oregon. December .'tint, Uoiiiiiit Lkk, infant sou of John V. and Sak.ui A. McKay. ' Suffer little children lo come unto me, nid fot-liid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.' This morning, Jnu. 'id. In Jacksonville precinct, of consumption, Mrs. Ann Jam:, wile of W. O. IiVNaoM. Tlie funeral procession will 'start from the house at 12 o'clock to-morrow (Sunday), and wilt pas through town about 1 v. m. Funeral services will bo had at the p rave. The friends of Iho family arc respectfully invited tn attend. Jacksonville Price3 Current. llnpovti'il for tttu 8!iit In ft Corrected Weekly. .Tacksonvim.k. Saturday. Doc. 27, 18(2. Wheat, per but-hcl SI 00 Oats, do fiO Hurley, do CO Flour, in iji. sacks, per 100.. 4 00 Chickens, per doz $3 00 n -l A0 Hay, do ton lii 00 Bacon, sides, clear, per lb... 14 a 10 do hams a '20 (10 FllOllld'TH 12J.ii d hog round " 1 Ileef. uett. peril)., retail.. fork, do do Lard leaf, in tins Duller, fresh, per lb Cheese, per Hi Kirgn. fresh, p"r doz Potatoes, per lb 8 a 10 a 12 a 12.', ISXii 10 60" 2.-1 a ''7.1 '.'.'.a ft rr a r, 7 a 10 8 a 10 :t0 a''".1, Onions do do Ileaui. white do Green apples, do Dried peaches, do Coffee, do . . . Cni"lied sugar do Drown, do do. Ilicc, do Sail, do Caudles, do . . I :t7Aii -iii ! 2.s a::i.' en a 2.r a 20 10 fill Flouraml H7(Vi. Firm at quolallons. Transactions in produce of all kinds, lliu ited. Jlulkr Fresh, In '-Mb. rolls, scarce. WW 3nWIWimH-HIIWJWlliTIl !! SPECIAL NOTICES. I. 0. 0, F. Faok.honviu.i: I.oikii: No. 10, holds its regular meetings every SAT UllDAV XVRXLYt, nt their Hall (Mc' Cully's Theater building), at 7 A o'clock. Brothers in good standing u'ro cordially invited lo attend. 1'. F. ItiitKKi.i., N. G. Wii.mam ll.vv. It. See'y. OllEtiOX C HAPTEN NO. 1, .-OF" ROYAL ARCH MASONS, JAOKSOiYVIM.h'. OltEGOX, Will hold llHrcgulurcnmmuniculinn on tlie l-'lrxt Knttirilny ICvc. itrKvt-i-y Klnutli. All sojournluir CompanloiiM in good standing aru conlially invited lo al lend. V. ILH. JIYDK. II. P. Jas.T. ( Sec'y. dec8:47' Warren Lodo No, 10, A. F. & A. M. IX HOLD their regular communl- MflrcatioiiH thu Wednesday I-'venliigsou ror preceding the full moon, in jack- HONVII.I.K, OlIKllON. ALKX.MAKTIN.W.M. II. Ib.ooM. .S'tr'y. RYAN & HINDE Imvo now for fcalu a good stock of uvery variety of Merchan diso, nd will bo pleased to seo their friends, whether they wish lo buy goodn or not. Call at their Brick Store, on California tlreet, opposite Iho United States Hotel. Jacksonville, Sept. 27, 18G2. 7lf Special Notico. All who know them selves Indebted to thu undersigned, either by note or account, will please call Immedi ately and settle witli 1. F. Itussiii.i. (of Jacksonville, Oregon). Notary rubllc, who is fully to receive and receipt for mo. By so dolujr, you will confer a favor and tavo yourelves cost. ('. W. GRKKK. Jacksonville, Og'n., Sept. 25lli. 18.VJ. I"' isU 1 1 A N (JlrA G l-J NT U Vr.IiieTsoii. ville. Risks taken upon mills, hotels, stores, etc.. on tho most favorable terms, in Hartford. I'lueuix.Giraid, Goodhue, and other well known and responsible compa nies. C. Sl'ijslON'S, Agent. IIULKS AND tTsJi-aSkNTSA 3 supply, in various styles, on hand, and lor salu at costs and charges, at the, deposi tory of thu .Tnclwm County Bible Society. W.M. HOFFMAN. Depositary. ILLUSTHATKD PAIMCRS Harpers' Weeklj, Fiank Leslie's, Yankeo No tions, etc., regularly received and for salo at tho VAWIKTY jiTOUJ FLOUR AND PRODUCIO taken in ex chansie for Merchandise, nt July 19.-'27 MAX MDLLER'S. TUSTIOKS' BLANKS for sale at J Tl I bS0 FFICE. PAOIC-SADDLKS constantly on hand my Harness and Saddlery establish ment. 15 I IEN RT J UDGE. rOU PRINTING neatly oxeeutedattho I SENTINEL OFFICE. MAX MULLER; MJOCKSSOK TO J. A. HRUNNEK& UROTIIEK Tho undersigned, having purchased from J. A. Ilruuuer & Brother their entire Stock of1 Merchandise, Now offers the same for sale at Greatly Reduced Prices, For CcisOa. The stock consists of Drj & Fancy Goods ciotlxlixs:, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCEEIES, And. in fact, a varied assortment of article" pertaining tn tho General Merchandise business.. LADIES nnd GENTLEMEN plcao to give me a call, and examine tlie Good and learn the Trices, before you make your puvclinscs. Do not forget tho place tho Brick Store heretofore occupied bv Bruniier & lint. MAX MULLKR. Jacksonville, July l!l. IM2. 27 T TH have this dav pobl our lock of mer- V chaudise lo Mr. Max Mt;t.t.i:u. From our friend and patroiH we would solicit for Mr. Moi.t.cit a conllnuanc of their lib eral palrotuiKC. J. A. BltUNNHR &. DUO. .laek-onvlle. July 12th. 1802. 27 NEW STORE AT Jimip-Ofl-Jo, Joscpliinc Co. A. FISHER & BRO. T7'Oi;M) respectfully Inform Iho citizens l Josephlno and mljolnlng counties that they havu jut established a Brancli Store on ifiimp oll'-Jo, consisting of a general as Mirliueiit of MINERS, FARMERS, AWD LAMES' Which are oll'ered for sale at u low prices, and LOWEIt. than they can bu obtained elsewhere in the county; but for CASH, and only for cash, or for marketable pro duce. xj Call and see us, and convince- your selves of tho good quality of our merchan dise and of I lie. lowuess of our prices, be fore purchasing elsewhere. It U no trouble for Uii to show goodn. A. FISH till Si BRO., Per M. Roskmikiki, Agent. Dec. 10, 1802. tf M. A. BRENTANO Id daily in icceipt of a largo assortment of Groceries & Provisions, LIQUORS, WINES, CORDIALS, HARDWARE, GLASSWARE, And all kinds of TiTTlTSTHSTGr TOOLS. Ho recommends his huge, new stock of CIGARS & TOBACCO, MATCHES. STATIONERY, CARDS, Toy and Fancy Ware. And a great many other articles too nu merous to mention, all of winch ho will k-II LOW FOR CASH, Or in exehuuge for COUNIRY PRODUCE. Jacksonville. August 23, 18f.'J. EAGLE MILLS ! THE undersigned, present owner of these mills, would notify tho public that ho has secured t o services of un experienced miller, and will furnish tho Very best article of Flour in exchange for wheat, nt Iho following rates, to-wit i For each bushel of good wheat, thirty-six pounds, of (lour, two pound.-) of millings and eight pounds of bran. ALLEN F. FAltNlIAM. Jacksonville, Deo. 23, 1802. tf OTICE.- JOSKL'I fjACOUS ia hero by appointed my agent, to take charge of thu Eaglu Mill property, in Jackson county, nnd is anlhorized to transact all hueincsft connected therewith,' and to col lect and receipt for all debts due me on ac uount'of any businesa connected with said Eagle Mill property. Dated ut. Hose bum Ogn., May 10, 1802. JE?SB ROBINSON. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS; For Everybody Toys, Yankee Notions, Candies, Nuts, and Raisins At the very .Lowest Prices 6 be found AT ill A BRENTANO'S CIGAR STORE Dec. .1. 18112. td WLJM WE beg to Inform our friends and tie''' public in general, that we have on hand and are constantly receiving from our senior partner, residing in 1'arls (France)', by every steamer, a large and choice selec tion Of French goods, consisting of Heavers, Omltilcs, Doeskins, FANCY CASSIMERKS, Velvet, Cashmere and Silk Vcstings;' Of the newest styles. Abo, Furniture Husks, Uilliiiril Cloth, FRENCH HATS,, -AXD- Hnttcrs' Plushes, Trimming, Etc., Etc., Etc. M. LANZENBERG & CO., 020 Clay and 031 Mougoincry sc, Sau Francisco. M. LANZENMEItG, 18 rue Neuvo St. Eustache, Paris (Franco). r?-nountry orders received nnd prompt-' ly al leaded to, and also orders for all purist : of Europe. dccl'lm' Wire 'ilbpe! Is 15 Per Cent. CHEAPER ! Than any otiikii kind or Horn Why.? Hi:oai'sk, Coniiared with any oilier Hope of equal strength, it Is ftoiu rouu lo yiv I lines moid: iiuiiaiii.kI Mkuausk, It is koiity per cent, moiitkii I Oi:oAt'SK, It is less than onimiai.k the diame ter, and only onk-sintii of Hie iiiii.k I Dkuaiisi:. it is nvn timkh the strength of tint same si.u of the iikmi' iiori:!, it does not stiiktcii or hiiiunk, in dry or wet weather! Itiio.virsK, it does not aiioiiii wati:ii, and' double its original wkiciiit! Ui:cai;.hk, it Is ax I'Maiii.i: aa tho other ropj- ' of equal strength 1 Wiro Rope tn the oxi.y kinii of Rnpo that can bu used to aiivantaok. for hoisting ' from deep slialls and inclined planes, lot long rump Hopes, Derrick Guy Ilope-v terry Itopc". etc. elc. I Iiohu who him ducu given our Wire ltupcx a trial, will cm: .fit on1 Kit. at any price. (jirculars giving scales of wciglits nnd strengths, prices, testimonials, etc., will ho rorwarded by addressing thu manufac turers, or their ul'CiiIh IhroiiLdiout (he State', 30-:im A. S. HALLHUK&CO., Clay Hlrtfl.iri, Sun Fraiirtro. LOVK& 1H.CI0R, Agu'l. Jacksonville. fir SIOO Hcvanl! -ft.'-. For any case ol Syphilis, in any stage, which I)u. hv. KlClllIAU'rt (ifll.l)K.V ItAI.SAM fails tO cure. No comment is necessary on tills medicine, it stands entirely upon !t own uiiequaled merits; it has cured thou HtiiuN who have va-tcd haiidsoiuu fortunes'; ami will cure thousands more. Golden llal wiui No. 1 for llrst and second stages, such as sores upon thu legs or other parts of tlie bodv, soru eves, elc, elc. Golden Ualsaui No.2. for Tertiary, Mercurial and SyphilitWi Ulieuiuatisin. l'rlce. $. per bottlu ; upon receipt of this sum wo will ship to any part of thu State. Notick.Wu have no agents for tIs medicine, and aro sole pro prietors and maiiulacturers. All orders must bu directed to us to obtain the gen uine. ()b-ervo well tho maiuifactuiur's liauiu upon each Inside label. Wc guaraiiteo li perfect and lasting cure. KICllAUDS A. WHITFIELD, Importers, Wholcsalu and Retail Druggist, Corner of Clay and Sau ijomu slreeis, Sau Francisco. AImi, Solo Agents for the Celebrated Si' lion:, a preparation ncvcrkuowii to fail, lor tlie euro ot (fleet, (inuorrlicca, ir ritation, Gravel, all Urinary de rangements. None genuine without our circular ol Golden I'nlsam wrupp- per.9 ed aroiindthebotilc. Hm 3p"t!c HEIMSTREET'S i Inimitablo Hair Restorative. i IT IS NOT A DYK. But restores gray hair to its original color, by supplying tho capillary tubes with nat ural Eiislennuco, impaired by age or di uase. All instantaneous dyct aro comport d Of lunar caustic, destroying lliu vllalily and beauty of the hair, ana ntl'ord of tliemulve no drcs'-lng. IIeiinetreetH inimitublo col oring not only 'restores, imir to Its. natural color' by an easy procoss, but gives tltt hair a Hix.3C.-u.xio,xxt Elentxt3r. promotes its growth, pruvents its lalllng 9ft', eradicates the dandruff, and imparl- health and pleasantness to tho head. 11 hu stood thu test of time, being the original hair-coloring, nnd is constantly increasing in favor. Used by both gentlemen and bo dies. It is sold by all rcspcclablu dealers, or can 'bo prounred by th'em of D. S Bauxks, ProprictoivNuw York. ' Tw6;BlJ5on,vfi0c. and $1.- cow2-Jy) SmitU & I).vyis, of l'ortland, Agent. a