Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, December 15, 1862, Image 3

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Wlxolosalo CJ ZlotAll
mshiomble clothing!
tssxwvmGs v
LJH. 1
uors & Tobacco
Hew Goods!
Hew Goods ! !
Hew Goods ! ! !
Grand Display
WE take plonsure In announcing to (lie
public that wi have just received u
larger, more fashionable uud better selected
stuck ol
than any ever beforo brought to this
market. ' f
Groceries !
Groceries ! !
Groceries !
WE hnve just opened tho best and larg
est stock or
Groceries !
Wines and Liquors,
we fee) confident, will guarantee to us the
continuance of the patronage with which
our customers have hitherto fuvorcd us;
nnd the mid it ion wc have now made to our
former lino of trade will, we hope, secure to
us tho balance of the trading population nf
this town nnd vicinity, to nil of whom we
promise prompt and polite attention.
Please cull nnd convince yourselves.
E3F All sorts of marketable Produce
takeu in exchange for goods.
Jacksonville, Oct. 20, 1862..
Scmi-U)cckhj Sentinel.
Ilarnoy to "Cousin Clara."
For Hit. Sentinel.
Hum eiinmt, Dec. the 12, 18C2.
Deer Cuzzen Clanut Your purty print
ed leter tins gist nriv hear, nnd I swan to
grnshns I never seed ti lot ove ttotiti doges
monr bettor plczd nt the rattle ove nn old
tin plaitc from the dorc of nn ole buchers
cabl)in nor i wuz ut hcrin from yew and
sich u nisc Ictur to, lookin fur nil the world
like onto book rcdin. Ime. mity glad are
so muchly tickuld with jneksonvlll, nn i
tuk it az u buteifull complement for yew
tu en I me coz nnd sich a nisc town us Jack
stinvil cozy. It be snrtin that there nir
much diferenco betwenc coz nnd cozy but
ns Sell) Smnipait, our skule tccchur (he
keped skulc heiu the fat ove fiOscvun) uze
to sn, ise tockin liggortivle.
I've heerd n ritu smart chance ov tock ov
jaeksunvil, but 1 nevur node nforo it waz
so muchly lik onto a plaiz into n norvei.
0, cuzzin, woudnt it be so nisc in n book
abnwt them air virdunt trcze, nnd peepul,
and them odoriflcus ilourz and squnz (or
du.stc made in the forist. I blevc yew kuls
urn), that you seed in jaeksunvil 1
Yew rit sumtltin about Rhoppercll. If
yew like that, you orter gist cum on Rute
Crik, thnrs sich lots ov it bur. Yew cond
nlsow sen the butiful title gru groun squids
az it so plafule gitmps nn sqcuks and inns
from won hole to n nullier, wich ilz din;
under litis luxurificunt grolh of shopperall.
Yewd be fuscynutcd i no with the sirround
in hiitys of bate Crik ilz frtiitile site and
conjugle climut, its hogs and cattul, nnd
bosses on a thowsiud hilz (as wazspnaken
ove by the prolil Danl. who wuz kast into
the lynnz den), nlsow the pooty little burdz
and ilnnkc rebuts that kin out run nry wan
ove Uncle bobz dorgs. The onle ubjecshun
In bote Crilc iz that ilz a letle luestickie
in wintur time.
I ilont no iih the nnshunt gndz huntid in
theze ere pnrtz or not, but us pepil nz livs
hear has lotz ov fun htiittin bar and deer.
Yew rit sumthin abnwt polished sily bids.
Tim must be very nisc. Wu have no liels
hear, uxccptlng cow bels, nn tlia ratio gist
nz wcl without bean nihil up soe brite.
Yew olso mat sumthin about the ole
hncheldcrs smokin tharc mttshnroon pipes,
and thar leuin up ngiust a lamp Poist to
put. Tim mus be riligiser nur eni ole
huchcrs i no ov over hear on bate. Hutt
semes tu me ivc red sumpin in the nil Tes
tyinint ubowt tho farryiseo prain up aginst
lamp posts nnd the like, and i thinks it
sez somthin nbout tlmir nl brin hippereritz.
(i donln meiu! eni Insinucrvnshuus bowl the
juckzunvil fellers tho.)
l ew tocku nuowt ennifcnt skiiio gals.
Ef yewd gist node how won ov em sarvd
me latley, yewd never fa consent skulc pal
agin ; butt ile hav to put this moarufnnl
kortiu skarpe of til i cum tu jukzunvill.
i want yew tu bee shurc an rite gist us suuo
nz yew git this ere.
Frum uru itfeeshunit cuzzen.
p dyrcct uro leturs to Big sticky butc
Crik origen ,.- o.
Fatal Staiiiiino Affray. A mnn by
the numa of William Riley fatally stabbed
A. 0. Humphreys, on Saturday evening
lust, at Kanaka Flnt, some two miles from
this town. The deed wus perpetrated in a
drinking and gambling saloon. Hum
phreys died nbout three o'clock on Monday
morning. The blade of the knife used was
near six inches long. It struck on the
right side of the abdomen, between the
lower ribs and tho groin, nnd penetrated
through the intestines and entirely severed
what tho physicians cull tho ''internal il
laiac vein." Tho circumstances of the
case, as narrated to us, uro briefly these :
There was n heterogeneous gathering of Ku
nakas, negroes, white men and squaws, ut
tho fuIooii, and gambling, duueing and
drinking, were the furor of the hour. Riley
cumo in a little before ten o'clock, and in
passing uround through the crowd towards
tho lire, pusscd by where Humphreys was
sitting on a bench, nnd intentionally or ac
cidentally stepped on his foot. Humphrey
accused Riley of doing it intentionally.
Riley told him he might think ns he pleased
about it. A quarrel ensued ; Humphrey
struck Rilev in tho face with his list, uud
Riley stabbed him as above. It i ley has
been committed to iail for triul. He is of
medium hight, thick set and rather forbid
ing in his personal appearance. It is said
that Riley has served a term in the institu
tion at Portland which, in punning langu
age, is culled a States Prison. The de
ceased bus been about this placo since
Rica Quartz has been struck again in
Gold Hill, near the old leud, the extent of
which is yet to be ascertained.
Tnoops, etc. Capt. Ilnrri'g company have
gone into winter quarters at the Dalles.
The boys were pnid off on the 2d. They
received only 825 per month. All took
the pay and signed the roll except M.Tay
lor. Capt. Truax's company will stay at
Walk Walla this winter.
Co. " F" refused their pity. There is
some dissatisfaction among the soldiers ns
to the amount paid them. They were
promised S.'Jl. They only get $25. Let
the responsibility fall where it properly
-I II...1 II !
Niwiikks JKWKr.nv Stohi:. J. Neuber
tins moved his fine and valuable stock of
jewelry, watches, clocks, etc., into his new
store, on California Htrect, first door east
of Sucks'. It is tho prettiest little store in
town. Repairing of nil kinds in his line of
business done with neatness nnd dispatch,
and quartz jewelry manufactured to order.
Go to NctibcrV, and buy a Christmas pres
ent for her, or him.
SAit.oit Gulch. Last week the old
.channel up this gulch, trncc of which had
been lost, was nguin discovered. Ned
Kennedy took out nineteen ounces from
one pan of dirt. Where is Salmon River
now ? Why don't somebody get up an ex
citement. .Such nn occurrence up north,
properly puffed by the newspapers, anil her
alded by the steamboat uud hotel men,
would induce nn extensive emigration from
California, the Atlantic States and Europe.
" W. H. A." has furnished ns with n
very interesting communication from Fort
Lnpwni, W. T. It will be cntrarly read
by our many readers who have friends con
nected with Col. Maurv's command.
Wm. K. 1st!, whom Madam Rumor re
ported as killed, up north, by the Indians,
is still in the laud of the living, we tire
happy to Fay. The red-skin does not live
who can substantiate his claim to Mr. Ish's
New York, Dec. 13th. Tho intelli
gencc from tho sent of wiir, Inst night,
staler that on tins 12th, nue Hampton's
cavalry captured Dumfries, on the Oc
rnquuu, half-wuy between Washington and
Frederickburg, uud to-day cut the telegraph
wires nnd captured n number of operators.
This caused the interruption of news.
Communication in now restored, and Sigel's
corps is trying to cut off Hampton's retreat,
through with but doubtful prospects of
Hcudquartcrs, Army of Potomac, Dec.
1.1th. 'I he battle, loin,' anticipated, is now
progressing. Reyno'ds' corps, on the lefi,
udvuuced nnd engaged tho enemy at 9:15
o'clock. A few minutes nfterwurds the
rebels opened u heuvy siege of artillery,
which still continues. Our heavy guns arc
answering; but the fire of both sides is nt
random, on account of the denso fog. No
n suits uro ns yet known, and but little ol
the infantry have been enguged. A portion
of the enemy's cavalry crossed the ford
nbovo here yesterday, and are on our right.
Tho rear of the Federul force bus been sent
against them.
Washington Dec. 1.3.th. A dispatch
from Falmouth, lust night, says that the
main body of our army is now over the
river, tne nuiunce ueing in a position to
erns at any time.
Tho Nuvy department 1ms ndviecs from
the Gulf squadron to November 2(!th,
which gives nn account of the capture of
the Hrilish schooner Marin, nnd the rebel
schooner Carrie, while attempting to run
the blockade off Stnhino Pus3.
Hampton's cavalry captured n number
nf officers ut Dumfries yesterduy, but pa
roled them.
Later in the day Gen. Steiuwnugh, with
a command of Sigel's, met tho rebels, nnd a
fight ensued, tho precise locality or
extent of which is not yet known.
The gallant net of first crossing the river
nt Fredericksburg, was performed by two
companies of the 78th Michigan regiment.
A drummer boy 10 years old was in first
Hendqiinrtcrs Army of tho Potomac,
Dec. Ulili 11 i. m. Tho fog began to
disappear early in tho forenoon, affording
an unobstructed view of our own nnd the
rebels' position. It wns evident that on
the first runge of hills in the rear of tho
city the enemy hud guns posted which
could not bo carried except by infantry.
General French's division, which was sup
ported by Gen. Howard's troops, advanced
to their work at 11:50 on a brisk run.
The enemy's guns opened upon them witli
a very rapid lire, when within musket range,
at the base of the ridge. Tho rebel inlun
try, who were posted behind stone walls and
some houses on the rigiit of the lin, cheek,
the advance of our men, and they fell buck
to n small ravine, but not out of musket
range. At this time another body of men
moved to their assistance in splendid style,
notwithstanding large gaps were made in
their ranks by tho rebel urtitlery. When
our troops arrived nt tho first line of rebel
defences they "double quicked," and with
fixed bnynoctp endeavored to dislodge the
rebels from their hiding place; but the
concentrated fire of the rebel artillery and
infantry were too much for them. The
center gave way in disorder, but was after
wards rallied and brought buck. From
(hut time the fire was spiritedly carried
on and never ceased until dark.
General Franklin, on our left, met with
better success. He succeeded,, alter a hard
day's fighting, in driving the rebels about
one mile. At one time they advanced to
attack him, but were handsomely repulsed
with terrible slaughter and loss of four or
live hundred prisoners, belonging to Gen.
Hill's division. Gen. Franklin's move
ments were directed down the river, and
his troops encamped not far from Mnssulo
nnx creek.
Our troops sleep tonight where Ihey
fought to-day. The dead and wounded
are being carried from the field. Among
the officers killed or wounded, arc General
Jackson Penn. Reserves, killed ; General
lluyard, died front wound received in (lie
thigh ; Gen. Vienlon, wounded ; General
Gibbons, wounded ; Gen. Kimball, wound
ed ; Gen. Caldwell, wounded ; Colonel Sin
clair, seriously wounded ; Capt. llendriek
son, wounded; Colonel Cross, N. II. fiih.
wounded ; Maj. uud Adjutant of same reg
iment killed.
The musketry firing censed nbout six
o'colek, but the rebels continued to throw
shells into the city until night.
The rebel position is as Ibllows : Long
street on the lelt, holding main works.
Gen. A. P. Hill and Stonewall Jackson in
front of Franklin. Jackson's right resting
on the Rappahannock, with Hill's force ns
a reserve. Uurnside will renew the buttle
ut daylight. Oar troops arc in good
Mead-quarters nrmy, Wee. 14, ll;sj A. m.
There is no fog today. The sun is shir.
ing brightly, with n strong breezu blowing
at daylight this morning. There was a
heavy lire of artillery and infantry in front
of tllu first lino of Federal works, where
Generals Sumner and Hooker were en
gaged yesterday. The firo slacked about
an hour afterwards, and was heard only at
intervals until now. Tho same occurred
in front nf Franklin's division. The ob
ject of both parties Is evidently to fed the
other. During lust night and this morn
ing tho rebels considerably strengthened
their position nnd extended their works.
Large bodies ol troops are now to be seen
where few were to be seen yestenduy. Those
killed yesterday whilo charging enemy's
works remain where they fell. While we
were attempting to remove them lust night
the rebels opened firo with musketry, but
the wounded have all been removed Irom
the field. All the dead obtained arc now
being bulled. Indications tire that no de
cisive battle will be fought to-day unless
the rebels should bring on an cngugement,
which is not probable.
Washington, 14. Gentlemen in high
position repeat the assertion us coming
from Uurnside, that he has men enough,
and wants no reinforcements. It is
thought hero that about 40.000 of our
troops were engaged in yesterday's bnttlc.
From information received this morning,
preparations wero making all night for a
conflict today, Uurnside remaining on the
field, giving orders and looking after the
condition of his men. Additional sur
geons, everything which our wounded may
require have been dispatched from Wash
ington. Gen. Mcnghcr wns wounded in
the leg, in yesterday's battle.
New York, 14th. The Herald's Frede
rlcksbnrg dispatch' dated the l.'lth. says ii
is ascertained, beyond doubt, that the rebel
forco is nearly 200.000 strong. Jackson
commands their right, extending from Port
Royul to Ginnis Station. Lnngstrcct has
the centre, from Ginnis Station to the
Telegraph roud. Iee and Stuart uro on
tho left.
A dispatch from headquarters, last night,
to the Jlerald, says that General Franklin's j
line moved forward at 6imrise. Miortiy
afterwards a rebel battery opened on our
line' and the 9tn N, Y. militia wero order
ed to charge; but, after a fierce struggle,
were compelled to retire. The remainder
of that brigade, under Gen. Tyler, then
charged on the battery, and the fkdit be
came general. On tho extreme I ft the
cannonading wns terrific' but our troop
suffered little from it. Grnduully the fight
extended round to the right. About 10
o'clock Gen. Sumner's troops engaged tho
enemy back of the city. The battle raged
furiously until dark ; the enemy occupying
the woods and hills, had tho most advan
tageous position, but wero driven back on
their right a mile nnd n half. Early in the
day, several hundred prisoners were taken,
who report Leo's whole urmy in the vicin
ity. LATEST.
New York, Dee. 15th. Concerning
Saturday's fight the Herald has the follow
ing : The battle raged fiercely throughout
tho day and evening until after dark. The
fighting in our immediate front, nnd on the
right nnd beyond Fredericksburg, wns
carried on by Sumner's division. Shnrlly
after f) o'clock, General Couch's corps
moved out from the upper part of the city
with a strong detachment of skirmishers.
The enemy yielded gradually, but contested
our progress with great stubborness, and
for some time the rattle of musketry wns
incessant. At the time .this movement
commenced, batteries of the division sta-
tioned od the bluffs, across the river, open
ed with shell, to cover our advance. The
rebel infantry liuving fallen back to their
first line of works, their batteries opened
with a vigorous and rapid firo upon our
columns, which brought them to a tempo
rary hult. For some time our artillery
on the bluffs kept up the fire on the rebel
batteries with considerable success ; and
the rebel batterie on Taylor's Hill, appo
site Fnlmoutli, wus finally silenced. Dur
ing ull this time the rebel artillery wns en
liiely devoted to shelling our advance.
Soon idler tho whole corps wns deployed
into line of battle and moved forward to
attack and storm the rebel batteries on the
r'glit. while from the enemy's works u ter
rible fire of shell, grape and shrapnel tore
through their bleeding ranks. Notwith
standing this, they steadily pushed on to
within it short distance of the first Hue of
They drove the rebels from tho former'
making prisoners or some while the remain
der took shelter behind the intreuchmentH.
This wus uccomplished after most heroic
noil long continued (Hurt under a most
galling and murderous lire. Unable to
stand ugainst this terriblio fire, they return
ed in good order, currying away their
wounded, lo their original line of pickets,
through holding the ground the first occu
pied, alter having been six hours under lire.
Chicago, Dec. 15th. The following U
believed to be nearly correct as to the num
ber of our nrmy at Fredericksburg : I look
er's corps about 50,000 Franklin on left
and Sumner on right, each with equal num
bers. Sigel with 25,000 advancing on
center, and Slocuin with 15,000. is execut
ing Hank movement ol enemy's IcTl.
Chicago, 15lli The situation nt Fred
ericksburg, us briefly slated, is as follows ;
We. have crossed in force nnd hold the
city. The rebels hold a semi-circular line
of works, rrnging from one to three miles
back of the river. There remains three
things for us to do wo may attempt to
storm their works, or sttihd on the defen
sive where we are, or bring up reserves and
attempt to turn their Hank. In the first
case, if defeated, we would be thrown back
on the river, without any sufficient means
of crossing. Thcro wns no lighting of con
sequence yesterday.
Fortress Monroe, 1,1th. The Richmond
Enquirer has the following : Heavy firing
was going nn at Fredericksburg, and tho
cannonading is severe. On 10th. our bat
teries, stationed above and below town,
opened (ire on gunboats in the stream. Tho
firing lasted nn hour und u hair, mid wim
very heavy and rapid. Eleven house wefo
struck, four completely destroyed.
Washington, 15th. Up to midnight no
intelligence of importance hud been re
ceived from the army. There was occa
sional firing during the night. The Rich
mond Enquirer says 12 Yankee regiments
left Newborn Sal unlay. Some think their
destination is Wilmington, but more gen
eral' belief is that they will attack Weldon
uud Petersburg.
Cincinnati, Dec. 15th. Southern dis
patches say that Jeff. Davis arrived at
Murfreesboro' on Friday. Gov. Hroun.of
Georgia, acting under authority of the
Legislature, seized n half million dollars
worth of goods, in Angnstn, for the use of
the soldiers, to be paid for at reasonable
Nashville, 12th. The rebels Imvn n
heavy force near Nolanville, another at Mur
freesboro', and a considcrrble forco this
sido of Nolan's creek the entire number
estimated ut 70,000.
On the ttltlt or December, 'C!2
THE stihscrilior will give a ball at the
uliovo time and place, it lielug Christ
mas Eve. A general attendance is solici
ted. Tickets live dollars, fjonil initio en-
imged. KDEIl fiMEKKY.
Ashland. Nov. 28. 18t!
Special Notice. All who know them
selves indebted to the undersigned, either
by note or account, will pleaso cull immedi
ately and t-cttlu with 10. F. ltessm.i, (of
Jacksonville. Oregon). Notary Public, who
is fully authorized to receive and receipt
for me. lly so doing, you will confer a
favor and eave yourselves cost.
Jacksonville. Og'n.. Sept. 25th. 18S2.
by unpointed my ugenl, to take
charge of the Eagle Mill properly, in Jackson
cotintv. nail is authorized to transact aW
business connected therewith, and to col
lect and receipt lor all debts due me on ac
count of any business connected with mid
Eagle Mill property. Dated at Ito'clairg.
Obii.. May 10, 1802. JESSE ROIUXPON.
BOCKS. All the Standard Works for
sale ut the VARIETY STORK.
As a man lives, so shall he die.
Butter! Butter !!
TUST received l,.r00 pounds of Okaxoi:
J Cuun'TY IIUTTKU, ol recent tmpououoii
it the Mlimiis. It U an extra article, jht
fectli sweet, and ncll packed, in packages of
loo' pounds; which will keep anywhere,
and Is superior to tho greater portion of
to-callod fresh butter.
"With Brudlniry it Wade.
, Jacksonville., Nov. nth. 18li2.
JOB PRINTING' neatly oxeeuted t tho