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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1862)
Scmi-lUcckhj , Sentinel. y (I. .lACOll. KtlltoJr. TiTiiKKmrAiAXiirKiWAN-KM'rMriMin USION.Al.OVKHNMKVr KOK TIIK WIIOI.K IS IMHSI'KXKVIII.K." Wiinhhtqloil. : rr - JACKSONVIMjK, OIIKUON. WKHXKSHAY KYEXIXOOVEMnER 11, mi The New Corporation Law. The corporation law, reported by the Code Co omission, and enacted into a law by the late Legislature, provides, that any three, or more persons, ...ay become a body corporate, for tin. purpose of enKiiiring in nnyliiwrjil enterprise, business, p.irs.i.t or occupation." "by .subscribing written unices o. ...corporuuoi. m inpnciiic, nun and ncknowhd-ing them before any officer nntl.orized to tuhe the acknowledgment or it deed, and tiling one of fiicIi articles with tho Secretary of State, another with the County (,'lerk where the company is to op- orate, and the other in tho oflico of the company incorporated. The articles of incorporation .shall specify the name of the corporation, the business to be carried on. l!ie location of the principal office, uu.ouut of capital stock, amount of each Minre, nod, if for railroads or other roads, canals, bridges or navigation of streams, then the locution and termini of the same. Sec- lion ;" grants all tho general powers, as to by laws, officers, agents, etc., which nro exercised by corporations under the Com mon Law, and without which they would be nimble to do nnytliinir." Sections (i, 7. 8. !), 10 and VI provide for the opening of slock books, nod the election, qualification - g of directors, nnd their powers nml duties. , Intion will ruin tho Union cause. If Mc Section lit makes stocks ersoiin! property, Clellnn lias been removed for political rea subject to attachment, execution, levy and sons, it is the very thing that will make sale. Section IA provides n punishment him President, IT ho litis any ambition lor directors if they fraudulently declare n ' that way. dividend, by making them responsible to I Uurnside, McClellan's successor, hns a any party injured thereby. If any corpor- good reputation for a soldier, nnd wc sin ation does not commence business for one cercly Iiojhj that ho, too, will not become year after its formation, or suspends for, the victim of tho "On to llichmonil" six after it has commenced, it forfeits all fanatic?. Ih has never yet commanded its corporate powers. Tho stockholders j more than eight or ten thousand men, nnd of any copnrat ion, heretofore char Icrcd by is, therefore, untried on groat fields, like tho Legislature, may organizo under tho ' Fair Oaks nnd Anticlum, where McClellnn new law, by liling articles nf- above. Any hns now victories. corporation mav nt any time increase its canital stock, bv filinir articles. Anv cor- poration, organized for tho purpose of imvi-1 tedious mid annoying work, Hob-Indian pnting any stream, may build railroads or ABcl,t A Rorwh, hns, nt icngtli, uc other roads, canals or bridges, necessary ll in cOccting nn understanding or to carry out tho object of the company. I trcuty with them. Tho Agreement nllows Sections from 21 to 47 inclusive, provides lic Indians the privilege of establishing for tho right or railroad nnd other road 'r fucampments for tho Winter at companies, to appropriate hind for right Knnchcrie Truirio. Xo more than five, of wny, and llio manner of npproprintinsr l 1,l(,y nnnnued, arc allowed to como to it; the rlirlit to charge and collect toll, tho settlements at one time, for trading etc. Such arc tho general features of the purposes. The treaty was signed by Ln New Corporation Act. Owing to tho I hike. Ucwge, and Long John, on the purt liurrv under which everything wiib gotten !f portion of tho Klamath Indians up and put through tho lfritiliitiirc, it In not surprising that the law is somewhat vague on important matters. It does not fix the liability of stock holders ; and, ns the law now stands, creditors have no other security for their claims against theso in- dividuals, who have neither " bodies to bo j kicked, nor souls to be damned," than the assets or corporato funds of tho cnmpnny ; ntt.1 lliia it.n IniufviiiA it.ill n m-nniniia lit. iiiiii tn..-, hk Miiipinv, ..... u ... v.. ...... ,..- . tic in nil failing concerns. Xeither does the law restrain any corporation, organized , ,L , , . .' . . ... under it, from bus.ncss nbsouley ...til.Aa.ii 'PIlfiMA 13 at A MDAIliriiAlt til without capital. There is no provision in 5t rr(ptiring anything to be pnid on stock, solicited before business is commenced. According to this law, if a bnnk is or ganized under it, it can commenco business without paying in n cent upon capital .took, nnd all tho deposits it can get may j bo divided among tho stockholders or squandered, nnd the depositors will have no remedy. It is a wholesomo provision, nnd forms n pnrt of tho corporation laws of some of tho older States, requiring stockholders to bo responsible to creditors for double ll.e amount of stock solicited, ' in addition to the Assets of the corpora- j tion. It should be so here. ! ,, Poi.tTlttlAXH MvKR A I iiwinK. ,i i. in iiuiuniii in luiutvoo nun j.nce the meo'knwsiBnd.hnmillty exhibited!!) llic " Democrats," us ihe!r ilmt Mnlone's Hush ipnper bus been fle politic!! lenders irolieve them of (heir until. ' prived nl' mnil fuilitiiH : whilst. Iiy wny of u joke, In calli-d " sillv soribii." for a 'lbmioeintie niner." Those Socosh editors lent Paul Clifford. Fur In stance : Fat. Miilono Hliirts out to riinkc raise. Snvs he is going to combine nil the defunct nriruns in the State into the " Ore- gon Daily nml Weekly Union." niul pub - lisli a paper eipial in size, to tin " Sacra mento Union." nt the city of Portland ; mid farther avers, that he lias sent on to Xow A'orkfor onn of Ifw's Lightning Power bosses. re eilvngceH the State, gels ..,,. ll1(lllMini1 .( n ..lviinnp ...I.. ... . , . ., ... . , ncription. goen back to (,'orviillli. nml, nf tor Hcvcrnl niontlm cr silence, he l.!iie. bin 1 old paper from his old office. Now, here U where the laimh comes in. Malnne has I raised on piiliscriplinns, paid In advance, cny thre tlioiifianil dollari. Xow, if he can pet (icncrnl Wright to pnpprcss his luncr. he will have n irood thinir rai the Uw mmm . wl0rciipnl, nno com. mw,w mirhw ,, c,)nrw,llff ngnlnilt ,c ovorlni,t Wl,w ,), 1V,T. (Jpni.rn) WrWit lw wipprt'M llio paper, but M. , , (, 10llniMli ,, nU ,c Sccesh mibcribers pity poor M atone for n I nmrtv M)m, . Mc wry cim.n ,0W vm, ..,, j n(u,lll(.L, or lmlroi,izi,, Don,, ocru,jc j,pPM heron fter. - - --. , - - IIkmovai. or The tcTc graph announces the lemoval of (icncrnl McUlellaii. What the reasons are, we we are not yet informed. Wo hope they ( arc sufficient. Wo look upon the mill tor now as the most unfortunate (to use n mild term) that has so lar transpired to the Union armies. McUlellaii hns fought more buttles great battles than any other (icii. eral in the Held ; he has commanded larger bodies of men in battle, and contended ngnlnst greater odds and that, too, on the enemy's chosen ground and never yet has he been defeated, repulsed, confused, or had any panics, I le was virtually removed once before, but wilhin two weeks ho was replaced to savo tho Capital. This vacil- - Tiik IndiansA ficr several wctkn of about forty In ntunber. An understanding wns nlso had with the I Modocs. They will camp for the Winter either nt Itnnclicrie Prairie, or at Clear Lake, thirty miles south of Klamath Lake. Wo sincerely hopo that tho Indinns will l, l"M ,0 t IiI- bond, and our community "itl of tho thieving, howling nnd generally pestiferous Siwushcs and their miserable tar-henus. '. , "' ,',., ,1 . ,, J . 1ms a larger subscription list than any other ,,,, pil,tll(ilictl ,n the city 0r Portland : .... Pouti.axo Itkm. Tho " Marniug Onyonian and " tho Daily Timtt has tho largest clrc.i- lion of any daily paper in tho city." Clad to know that they are both doing better limn each other. i JIiyu Tuiixii'. Mr. S. y. Robinson "tenJV brought to our oflico a White Stone" turnip, which measured tn circum ference three feet and three inches, nnd weighed twenty eight pounds. Wc doubt if a much larger turnip ever turned up. From the Oregonimi wo learn Hint Capt. Hatch fell from a mill building, in Oregon CilV. nn thn nib instnnt nml u-no dangerously hui t, Hopes of his recovery i arc entertained. Intkkmctki) kiiom tiik Mails. It ap pear from the following item, which wc - clip from Iho'iKugcno Jtciu'cir, of 'the 8th, Alter goln? In pres wo reooivnl n eir - ! :",0.r frn' ' ' M"!"!";. '.' ,l' Corvullis fiion, in viii.n: proposals lor carrying the 1'n ion by Kxpnss throii'.'hnut the valley. n .That tinner hi'inir now lot bid the mails bv 'order of (.Sctiorni Wriuht. i ( " " 1 1"" . 18fi2 Tlii-iKMire the time- mm ii iiii'ii rnuir. iuu imiiimiiii immiimi and I ho sunshine patriot will, in such a i crisis as this, shrink from the service of his i country. Hut he who stands it now, de- lHm'w 'J'0 ',,v'! nn", ""' "n "" ! iiiiin. jvriiriiiini, nnu ih.ii. in inn. inn cotupiered : but we have this satisfaction with us, that the harder tho conflict. I lie more glorious the triumph. Tom Piiwt, 177ft. i i - TimowiMO Fknoks. An ox or cow that ia accustomed tot hrowiuir fences, may be prevented doing so by taking a larue wire nnd bonding it in the slil'lpe of a bow: tl.t-ii bond the points in the shape of a fish-hook; tie string to the wire, place the hooks in the nostrils lightly, and tie on the string to the point ol ench'horn. This will prevent the most unruly ox or cow. from throwing fences. Cotton t.v Illinois. A correspondent writes that the cotton crop in .Southern Illinois looks quite as well as any he ever saw in Teiinc-wo. I To estimates" the crop in thirty southern counties at (i.lll)l) acres, producing 1 .200,000 lbs, or 2.-I0O bales. lie says that ten times as much will be plaulid next year. Some farmers say they can raise an acre of cotton as easy as they can raise an aero of com. P.vriiioTin Ltiicin-r. I. 15. Thomas, n prominent uiercliaui of San Francisco, is a contributor to the patriotic, fund to the extent ol'S'JfiO a month dtirini: the contin uance of tho war. We question whether any other man in the United States has been equally generous. Pkiiti.vknt Ojtkiiv. (J leasers, Indians, and other inferior races, are always down on negroes louring that they 'may be identified with tlu-in. Hoes this account for the dread some other peonlu have of neirro equably : ITosDi-clublo white men feel loo su.eol their own positioii to have any uii.ivij on uiv juiyrwii 9 tAtltlll iUlUi A Creek Mr Men being asked what for-i tuno sho would bring her husband, replied . T - in the following mo.-t beauliful language :,TX the Connlv Court "I will bring h-m what gold cannot pur- chase a heart unspotted and virtue with-1 out u stain W3ich is all that descended to I me from my pn cuts." Cod bo thanked for books. They nro the voices of the disimit and ihn d.m.l. .n.1 1 make us heirs ,,r the spiritual lili, of past . . . " .-..., ..., ages. JtooUs nif) the true levellers. I h-y , give to nil. who raitl.fnlly uo them, the society ol tho best nnd greatest of our race. Cknkiiai. CoitroiiAN. This ollicer nub lished a card in the New York papers Oc-- tober 17lh, declining to be a candidate for CiiiiirrttM. (Je.tcra I Corcoran will nccopt , i-om.'ress. iie.tcral lorcoran will accept "u u" " ' reiiemon is put iiuwn. A ....... ...... .. . 1 1 i .i . AmiktamCrkkk, near which tho great battlo was foirrht, is a tributary ol the , Potomac, running through Washington county, .Maryland. I ho name is pronounc ed us though spelled An-tcMnui, with the accent on the second syllable. There nro not us mai.v all tho rebel States as the York nnd Massachusetts ; and yet some of. the conservatives talk as if ll.ey considered ' it possiblo for the i ebels to succeed ! I "IIuttkiintts" amo Ciiiviui-im" iflll; '"l ' persons Having claims tions. A 'butternut " is a guerrilla; niwin,uIQ ,,,,.,. voucher lo tho said ad ' grayback " is ii regular Conlcdcrate sol- mlnlrtrotnr. iilhls resilience. In Cow Creek dier. "Ma get down on your hands and knees n moment, please." What on earth shall I do that for. n.y little pet? "Coz I want to draw nn elephant." A young lady says the reason sheenrrirs a parasol is, that tho sun is nf tho mascu line gender, nnd sho cannot withstand his urdent glances. " That's my impression.'" ns tho printer said to a pretty eirl when lie kissed her. "And Hint's a 'token' of my regard," re plied tho lady, boxing his ears. Kansas has never polled more than 1(1, nflO votes, yet she has furnished 9,000 to the Union army. Tho Governor of California has appoint ed Thursday, '28th instant, ua a day of Thanksgiving nnd prayer. ' Man doubles his evils by brooding over them. Never attempt to mend a joko after it is cracked. Whnt is the favorito gamn of cards on tho banks of the Mississippi ? lilulf. . tG?" Xo Telegraph by to-uiglifs stogo fxClf flfll MAT.K or FEMALE OUU,UlMJ ACKNTStoSKM. 1.1.0 VIM NKWi'ftTHKI. jM.ltK tlll'XTT OttjOKKIt MAIMII-' TIIK UNITHII STATUS. MNAI,Vrft AXII NKW UHI'N.sW.CK. From ri'cen t -tit-vov.M. completed Aig. i 10. ItfiljJ : (')! S-'D.OiM) li engrave it and 1 nJ, vi-nrVliim'. J Hiiiirlnr in any .-Jill Collon or MilchVll. and sells at the low J price ol lll'ly u'tit - : HTO.OOO numes urijcn- i .'lllli-rini' in iiiiv ,-nii, in in i-vci II line mi graven on thii ...up. It Is not only a comity map. but it I? nl"o A,COtiTY AXU HAII.IIOAI) MAP of the rnited .Stall's and Canada cnialiiui'd in one. giving uvciiv ii.mi.iioah station and tllsiniie'.s butwieii. (iiiarautee any man or wnumn $!l to .i per day. and will ttike back ail maps that cannot be sold nml n-l'iiud the money. Seed for one dollars' worth to try. I'riutiMi iuslri.ulioiis how to cauvats well, fiirulshd all our agents. Wantiiii Wholemle Agents for our Maps in every Estate. California. Canada, Kiiglaud. Franco and Cuba. A fortune may be teade with a low hundred dollars capital. A (XiwjxIiHon. .1. T. LLOYD, io. nil nnmciway, .xuw iorK. The War Di-parlmeut lists our Map of Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania, cost SIOIMMIU. on which is marked Antielatii Creek. Sharp-burg, .Maryland Illghts. Wll-liam-'port Ferry, Itho ersvllle. NolaudV Ford, and all others on the Potomac, and j every other place in Marvlaiid, Virginia and Pennsylvania or money refunded. I.I.OVD'S TOIMMJllAPIUCATi MAP OF i KENTUCKY. OHIO, INDIANA j AM) ILLINOIS, Is the only nuthorily I'or (Jen. Iluell and the War Di-.mrt.neiit. Money refuudi'd to auv one lluding at. error In it. Price .'ill cents. From IIki Tribune. Aui.'. 2. ' LLOYD'S MAPOKVIIHJI.NIA.MAHY IjA.VI), nml PUNNSYLVANIA.-TheMan Is very large : It- co-t is but '-'." cents, and iV Mr lift llml run he nlrchntl1.', JIHIJU 5 UIb iUUp Ui U, JU1HW- Sippi River. Iron. Actual hurveys by Cpis. Hurl ami Win. Ilowen. Mis-issippi liiv - er Pilots, of St. LiitiN, Mo.. hovs cverv man s plantation and owner s name from , St. Louis to the dull' of Mexico I. :i.'ii) miles every MiiiiMmr, island, town, hunl lug, ami all places tu'cuiy miles back I'm in Hie river colored in countie- Mid Slates. Price, tf 1 in sheets. $''. pocket form, and $-' .'iOo:i linen, with rollers. Keady Sept. 'JO. N.vvv Dki'aiitjiknt. Wakuinhion. ) Sept. 17. IfitiL'. T. T. Lt.ovii .9V . .Send me vour .Man of the Mississippi Iliver. wiib price per hundred copies. Ib-ar-Admiial (Charles it. Davis, coimnauding the .Mississippi ,,!,, u nil.ori-d to purchase nt many as urc rcipiiretl for use of that souudron. Ciiikon Wi:i.i.s. Socrctiiry of tlie Xavy. . r '" i in nnd for Jose- 1 phino Count v, Stato of Oregon, Wim.iam Hoiiinson w. John Thomas and Xoiiman Patkiison. Action at Law lo recover ninnev. Tt npp'-iiiing to the sali.-faction of Hie t ('nuri-,,y "I,nvlt nI,'(' ' this cause, that lreinlttiilH, Jnliii Thoinns nml Norman Pal- T'ii C, '. T ' . ersou. are uou-ivsidenls of this ftlitti! ; cniiso of action ,,jht ,, ,h.rclldanls nn note in tl... sun. of i$-.'K7 I.ViTwo hundreil llifillltk.1 iliil.iniMlll tu tt tm m lldlknilaAtiii nnd eluhtv-sevi'ii dollars and llfteeu cents that Hie defendants have lirooerlv in this State ; that thu 6burt has jurisdiction of the subject of the action : name of lhepeoile of the y- ',hn Thomas nnd N' 1 liererore, in the Stato of Oregon, ormai. ralerson. are reouiml to appear in said Court, on I tlrst Monday in April, A. D. iMiil. nnd answer the complaint tiled ngalust you by ,.e plalntilf. or thesaine will be take., for crilWw,, linil ie ,.uycr uim.0f will be Kmnted bv the CVmrt. Jly orih-r of tho Omrt. (JUSTAF WILSON. Clerk. 0. F. McCaiitv. Attorney for Plalntilf. y lighting men in I A DMIXISTHATOU'S NOT I OK Ihero are in New -iV Xolieo is hereby iriven that, tho nn- derslirned has Ikhiii duly appointed, by tho r''"t.v iut of DnnglaH county, Oivcon. adminislralor or the estate of Win. P. Haw- I .!., .1......... ...I lllir, i-i:i'.ri;i late of said county and Valley, in said county and State. W. W. JL'DD. Administrator. Kosolnirg. Nov. 7. I8li2 nov. 12ew4t TOTiCK OF FINAL SFTTLl-l- 11 MKNT.-Thomns Croxt Croxton, ndminis- triitor of the estate of Nathan llarnev, de - ceased, having this dav rendered his no- count for llunl settlement of said estate, all pei-Mins interested are notilied Hint Monday, tho tlrst day of Decemlier. 1M2. has been appointed for the settlement or fcaid account. Itl-INJ. HOLSCLAW. County Judge, of Josephine county. ynv-!l' '"'- SSll58 NOTiCM OF FINAL SKTTLK- MFAT.-TI.on.ns Croxton. trator of tho estate of John censed, having this day rendered hisne cmtnt for settlement of mid oxtuto. mil persons interested nro notilied that Monday, tho first day of December, 18(i2. has been appointed for the settlement of s-nid account. HKX.r. HOLSCLAW, County Judge, of Josephine county. Nov. :i. 18fi. nnvl2cw'U T OST SHAWL.-On the 27th October ,1J last, by tho undersigned, while coining through thn Canyon, a largo woolen shawl (double) with red border, dark col ors, itarred, center purple, with a small i rent in the lwrder, was lost. The under-1 signed will pay n liberal reward to any ! one who will send the same to the Skxtixki. oni0' S. U. VASDYKK. I BIAOBURY & WADE, ' ' JACK.WviLLK, t7lxo3.cicvlo cj Zl.otn.ll '-iikai.kiis ix- DRY GOODS, CLOTEDCN"G, BOOTS & SHOES, TANGY u UUJJO, hatb j"L.isnz OA3PS, GROCERIES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, Tobacco & Segars, PRODUCE, tiAUDWAin:. (.'LASSWAlIi:. (iUKKNSWAHK. WOODKXWAIltiy MINERS' TOOLS, lH ,. wlfl., w ,, HnI1 , ,w , , rp i;sil ,,r diirublf PUODIH! !' , ,or Af3,, or lrl- l llMUl.. I - ALL DKSUUIPTIOXS OP SUMMER .GOODS AT ItKlJUCKD ItATHS, To make room for FAI..L STOCKS. i-rrrrnT A Choice .Selection of tho , '. I : BBS' GnM : ! r Fvcr olll-red in this market, embrneing-i i- varieties ol jl lllack. Grcun & Jaimiiose, : Tn bulk. pnH-rs nnd enddies. at I prices to suit the most particular. fHWVMWp . J jJUST RECEIVED, A FRESH INVOICE OF PICKS. PAX.Sr SIIOVKLS. ItUIIItKIl HOOTS. HLASTINC I'OWDKK AND KUSKr 1IAV and MAXUHK FOltKhJ. Agricultural Tools Por Salo tit Cost i 20 .Steel-point PLOWS, complete, of various sizes -r If! cast Plow-points ; 2 sells extra steel Monld-Hoards. Points and lawl Sides. 2 patent St raw-Cut tors f (i largo Iron Kettles, for farm use. 'flic nbovo will be exchanged for Hour nt tho market price. WIADHURY & WADK. Jacksonville, Oct. 2:i, IS'i'J. .'Mtf Tyrrntfxrrv tjaitci? X J.LvtjllllV XAvUOJ2i 1 j - f)f 1 nnTTTlV 0 IIFinTI DllAlilJlIll, I W A 1111 "nUUUUll 9, IVJlVUr i ! TUB CITIZENS OF nmvwv ,. rIVIfflV ndminis-'PllffiX IX AM) VIfiIXIT Will And it to thoir mlvnntngo to purchase of us, as we shnll keep on hand a good Mtpjily of FANCY AND STAPLE MERCHANDISE!? FOU SAI.R AT JACKSON VI LM2 PRICKS. Wo will take all descriptions of Produce that can bo disposal of without a loss, lili A DIIL'lt Y & WADH- Pluenix, Oct. tlOth.