The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, August 21, 1902, Image 5

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    personal mention .
Water melons arc now plentiful in
thu market.
Walker Bro*, of Meadow* precinct
made us u call Monday,
!• rank Ctatncrpn of Applegate tarried
u few hour* with us Saturday.
John Dultoboam, who live» near
Woodville, wus In town Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Cooke of Willow
Springs were In Medford Tuesday.
Four driving horse* for sale. In­
quire of Dr. Kirchgessnor.
Capt. M. Caton and Fred Furry
were in Medford one day this week.
M. F. Harvey of Silverton, Marion
county, I* here, looking for a location.
C Coleman, the San Francisco capl-
itallst, is making hl* annual visit to
this valley.
N. H. Spencer has returned to Cali
fornia, after a pleasant visit with
friends residing in Southern Oregon.
Ho is engaged in raising citrus fruits
near Thermalito.
Tho interiorof tho.Schutnpf building,
in which the postofiico Is located, as
also John F. Miller’s hardware store,
have been neatly painted by Mr.
Daley, who is kept busy.
A. M. Cannon, until lately a prominent
attorney of Albany, has taken offices
in the Medford Bank building. He
will form a partnership with Hon. W.
M. Colvlg of Jacksonville.
John Nelson, who owns ono of tho
best machines in Southern Oregon,
and doos good work, was about the
first to begin business. The late rains
stopped him for a few days.
When you wish photographs taken
and finished in up-to-date style, at
reasonable rates, call on G. W. Mackey
at the Mod ford Gallery, Adkins build­
ing, corner 7th and C streets.
Hon. II. B. Miller, U. 8. Consul at
Nlu Chang, China, arrived last week
at his home in Eugene, accompanied
by his family. He has been granted
two months’ leave of absence.
The rain that fell last week wet the
grain standing in stacks considerably.
Little damago has been done so far,
however, and tho fears of the farmer*
seem to have been dissipated.
Ira and Nick Kime have sold 44 acres
of land to Dan Whetstone for <2200,
and bought their mother’s farm, con­
taining 95 acres, paying <4000. All is
situated in Fooh Bah precinct.
Dan Johnson was on Sunday eve­
ning’s train, en route to Grant's Pass
from Marysville, Calif. He is recover­
ing from a prolonged and severe at­
tack of Inflammatory rheumatism.
Jas. Dugan, who, with several other
parties, is developing a copper prop­
osition in Joe creek district, was in
town tho forepart of the week. They
arc well pleased with the prospect!.
Wm. K<eppe, the expert watchmaker
and jeweler, may be found in the
Langell building, opposite tho Post-
office, prepared to execute all kinds of
work In his line at reasonable rates.
Chris. Ulrich is neatly fitting up the
lower room in Kahler's building, cor-
nor California and Third streets, for a
cigar and confectionery store, which
his sons Lewis and Roy will conduct.
Singor Hoffa, than whom there is no
better music instructor in the State,
is giving lessons to a number of young
people, some of whom will become
members of bl* orchestra next winter.
Ashland’s Board of Trade has let the
contract for printing 100,000 pamphlets
advertising the resources of that city
and Southern < Iregon to Hicks-Judd
Co. of San Francisco, whose bid was
<412 50.
Tho firm of Davis & Virgin, which
has operated the Medford and Ashland
flouring mill* for sometime past, was
dissolved recently. Each has resumed
charge and is operating his respective
A special discount will bj given to
purchasers of pianos and organs sold
in the Coes Piano House during July.
overlook this opportunity.
Everything in the musical line can be
had there.
B. B. Beekman, the Portland at­
torney, and his sister, Miss Carrie, have
returned from their trip to the Yellow-
Btonc Park. MissB. has since gone to
San Francisco, whore she will visit for
some time.
Hicka Walker A Co. have located
the quarry situated in Williams creek
district which has been operated by
W. A. Jone*. Tho marble it produce*
is of excellent quality .and there appears
to be plenty of it.
Miiwt Anna Jeffrey of Mod ford visited
in Jacksonville Saturday.
MI h * Boone of Roxy precinct visited
In Jacksonville last wook.
Mrs. T. J. Ken nay and her daughter
uro sojourning at Colestin.
Frank R. Nell and hia family are
visiting In Barron precinct.
Miss Kato Ply male went to Medford
Tuesday, to reinuln soinctlino.
II. Boll Is among us again, having
returned from Fish Lake Monday.
Judge Prim on Sunday joined his
family, who are at Bybee’» Springs.
Dan Chapman of Barron procinci
was a visitor In Jacksonville Tuesday.
Mias Lolt Nichols of Eagle Paint was
the gupst of Miss Kato Reynol* last
J. W. Thomasson, who is engaged in
Mis* Jo. Orth, who haszbeen visiting mining In Josephine county, was in our
In Klamath county, returned home city Saturday.
Sheriff Rader is engaged in sum­
Rev. 8. H. Jones, who is now enjoy­ moning those who have been drawn to
ing his vacation, returned from Cole­ serve as jurors.
stin Sunday.
F. M. 8bort, who was formerly a
Canby Buck, Chas. Human and John resident of this section, now lives near
Louden of Applegate wore In Jackson­ Thermalito, Calif.
ville Monday.
Lawrence Cardwell and J. C. Hall,
Mis* Nellie Bell has become a resi­ both business men of Gold Hil1, were in
dent of San Francisco, and lives on Medford this week.
Van Ness avenue.
E. R. Cochrane has been appointed
C. B. Watson and B. F. Reeser of postmaster ot Placer,Josephine county,
Ashland spent a few hours at the vice W. II. Hampton, resigned.
county seat Monday.
Rev. D. Faber held services at Med­
B. W. Houston and J. W. Ingram of ford and Jacksonville Tuesday. He
Willow Springs,the well-known miners, ha* since returned to Portland.
were In our midst Saturday.
Grain has already been beaded and
Will. Grob of Lakovhtw and hl* wife tbreshlng will soon be on in earnest.1
visited in Jacksonville last week. The An unusually big crop will bo harvested.1
former is a native of our town.
MI hs Lucinda Reames, who has been
L. L. Savage and hl* family of, Duns­ visiting in Jacksonville and Medford,
muir, who have been visiting In Jack­ has returned to her homo at Berkeley,
sonville, returned home recently.
Dr. DeBar and hl* family are com­
E. C. Welch of Meadows precinct
fortably settled in Eugene, and are and B. F. C. Ed monHon of Illg Butte
well pleased with their now home.
were in Medford tho forepart of the
J, W. Corum, J. W. Ingram and B. week.
W. Houston of Willow Springs precinct
For Sale—A three-horse engine and
boiler, in good condition. Apply to
were at the county-seat Saturday.
C har . N ickell . A bargain. ,
Walter William* I* paying our town
A dancing pa-ty will be given at
a visit. He has a good position with
Strth's Hall Friday night. Signor
the Sacramento Electric Light Co.
Boffa's orchestra will furnish the
John Broad and Thos. Reid- of
Forest crock, the well-known miners,
F. M. Hodge* of Trail creek, as also
H|«'nt Saturday night in Jacksonville.
his family, were in Medford Tuesday;
Ml** Upham of Dixon, Calif., who
so was Tho*. Young of Eagle Point
ha* been quite 111 at the Taylor House,
1* convalescing. Dr. Gale 1» in attend­
J. Snelling of Gallcecroek, an expert
miner, tarried in our town a short
Mr*. Anna Campbell (neo Donegan)
time Monday, accompanied by Mr.
of Stockton, Calif., Is paying relative*
and friend* living In Jacksonville a
A. S. Hammond has been appointed
administrator of the estate of his late
Miss France* Barnes, who has been
wife, and give* notice to that effoct in
visiting In Crook county during the
past several weeks, will return toJack-
The best physic — Chamberlain's
ville in a few days.
Stomach and Liver Tablets. Easy to
Miss Greta Looney of Jefferson, who take. Pleasant in effect, For sale by
has boon visiting in Jacksonville, re­ City Drug Store.
turned home a few days since, accom­
Geo. D. Ridinger, who has the con­
panied by Miss Margaret Krause.
tract for building the steel bridge
J. M. Dows, M. A. Watkins. C. across Boar creek, ha* begun tho
Buck and E. C. Faucett of Watkins preliminary work.
precinct were among those at the
The weather has been quite cool
county-seat during the past week.
during the past week, since the rain,
Sheriff Racier has gone to house­ and the summer resorts are not as well
keeping In Miss Iasio McCully's resi­ patronized as before.
dence on California street, having been
Chas. Paine, the well-known black­
joints! by his mother and sister last smith, can now be found at Mitchell A
Boeck’s shop in Medford, where he
A. B. Saltmarsh of Union proclnqt has a steady position.
wa* with ua Saturday. He informs us
Barneburg A Co. this week purchased
that a number of people are sojourning for the City Market, of Barneburg
at Cinnabar, although not so many as Bros., a number of tho fatteat and boat
cattle ever brought to Medford.
Prof. P. L. Campbell, the new presi­
Walter Bigham of Gazelle, Calif,
dent of the U. of O„ and one of the
who has been paying a visit to his
most prominent educators on the Paci­
uncle, John Bigham of Roxy, and his
John Goins, a pioneer resident of
fic coast, was ono of our visitors one
family, returned home Monday.
Southern Oregon, but who now live*
day last week.
U. L. Sheldon, late of Idaho, has at Smith River, Calif,, was in town
M. M. Taylor, who divide* the honor
of being Southern Oregon's base-ball purchased T. A. Newman's farm, Friday. He is u veteran of the Indian
magnate with Geo. E. Neuber, was located near Eagle Point. He was in war, and came to consult Judge Day
among hi* many friends residing up the Saturday, accompanied by his family. about his pension.
valley Sunday.
Postmaster and Mr*. C. E. Harmon,
The largest and best stock of pianos,
Mr*. Susie Noil, the accomplished of Grant'* Pass, who have been at organs ana other musical Instruments
instructor of music, 1* attending the Coleatin, accompanied by Miss Elsie ever seen in Southern Oregon is now
boing displayed at the Coes Piano
Landon Conservatory of Music, located Green, returned home Monday even­ House in Medford. Prices right and
at Dallas, Texas, and succeeding nicely. ing.
satisfaction guaranteed. Notroubleto
It is ono of the prominent instTtutlo ns
Wm. Hulen, the well-known base­ show goods. ’Call and see us.
of the kind in the country.
ball player, left for California Monday,
County Treasurer Miller gives notice
by his wife and her sister. that ho has funds for the redemption
He expects to return to Ashland before of outstanding warrants, protested
The attention of shbepmen la called long.
from July 15, 1893, to October 25, 1899,
to section 3305 of the laws of Oregon,
W. A. Jone* of William* creek, an inclusive, and requests those holding
which is an follow:
excellent mechanic, has entered the them to oall and get their money with­
•‘Any person or person* owing or employ of Hicks, Walker A Co. of out further delay.
having under their control sheep or Medford, who are rushed with orders
The Southern Oregon Title Guaran­
band* of sheep which have become in­ of all kind*.
tee and Abstract Co. has been Incor­
fected with scab or other contagious
The residence of M. Martin, who porated by A. S. Hammond, H. L.
diseaee for a period of fifteen day*
resides in Evans creek district, which Gilkey and W. C. Hale, with its office
without reporting the same bo deemed
was burned a short time since, together at Grant’s Pas*. Its capital stock is
guilty of a misdemeanor, and punished
with it* contents, will soon be replaced <25,000, and it will transact a general
by a flue not less than <25.00, or more
by another.
abstract and title business.
than »250.”
J. B. Dungan has returned from Calis­
Any person having shoep in Jackson
A. J. Stevens, C. E. Hooper, J. I.
county Is notified that this section of toga, but will not remain long. We are Uetz and Arthur Stevens have
sorry to learn that hl* wife's condition
the statute will bo strictly enforced.
incorporated the Jackson County
has not been Improved much by tho
J. H. M eshnkr ,
Lumber Co., with a capital of <5,000,
Stock Inspector change of climate.
whose business office will be at Jack­
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and sonville. It Is reported that It ha*
It Need* • Tealc.
Diarrhoea Reinedy has a world wide rep­ acquired the Blecher timber lands,
There are times when your liver utation for it* cure*. It never fall* located south of theoounty-*eat.
needs a tonic. Don't give purgative* and is pleasant and safe to take. For
that gripe and weaken.
DeWitt's sale by City Drug Store.
We sell the greateat of blood purifiers.
Little Early Rlsera expel all poison
Tho*. Bailey sucoeesfully contested Acker'* Blood Elixir, under a poatiive
from the system and act as ton io to
guarantee. It will cure all chronic and
the liver. W. Scott, 531 Highland the right of T. H. Brown to the certifi­ other blood poisons. If you have erup­
tion* or sores on your body, or are pale,
ave., Milton, Pa., says: “I have car­
ried DeWitt’s Little Early Risers with Table Rock, and will serve in that weak or run down, it is just what you
We refund money if you are
me for several year* and would not be capacity two years more. He went to need.
not satisfied. 50 cent* and <1.00.
without them." Small and easy to
A. P. Estabrook, Leading Druggist,
take Purely vegetable. They never
Gold Hill.
gripe or distress.
The report that the bodies of two
■ men bad been found in Griffin creek
district gained considerable credence.
It turned out that there was no founda­
tion to it, however.
There will be no more base-ball con­
torts In Southern Oregon this season.
The third game announced to bo played
by the Jacksonville and Grant’» Pass
clubs will not materialize,much to the
disappointment of the fans, who wore
looking for the best game of the year.
Our town seems to have its full
share of hoodlums, who delight in
breaking windows and wantonly de­
stroying other property. Their parents
should take them In hand and teach
them I m tter; otherwise they should be
punished for their transgression of the
If you desire a good complexion use
Mokl Tea, a pure herb drink. It acts
on he liver anil make n he skin smooth
and clear. Cure* sick headaches. 25cts.
and 50cts. Money refunded if it does
not satisfy you.
Write to W. H.
H ooker A Co., Buffalo, N. Y., for free
■ample. A. P. Estabrook, Leading
Druggist, Gold Hill.
District Attorney Reames’ gas plant
will soon be installed, and Jacksonville
then assumes metropolitan airs.
business part of town will be illuminated
first. As t ho cost will be reasonable,
many of our citizens will light their
residences with the gas in the near
future. Mr. Reames is certainly to be
congratulated on bls enterprise.
The 8. P. Co., which is taking un­
usual precautions with its lands this
season, has employed the following
parties to range its forests:
Walker. Keene creek; G. M. Grainger,
Jennycreek; W. T. Beagle, North
Butte creek; Silas Steele, Lost Prairie;
M. Randall, Fish Lake; Edward
Murphy, Evans Creek.
Congressman Tongue, who was a
member of the party which left Port­
land forCiater Lake on the 6th, re­
turned to hi* home at Hillsboro Thurs­
day, after a week's outing. He was
well pleased with his experience.
Speaking of the trip Mr. Tongue said:
“The scenery of the Crater Lake
country is beautiful, and one who has
never visited the wonderful lake has
no idea of its grandeur. Our party
Included about 20 members, and we
enjoyed a delightful outing. Mr. Steel
old everything possible to make the
journey a pleasant one, and everybody
had a jolly time. ”
A late dispatch to the S. F. Examiner
from Baker city gives this interesting
bit of news. “Two young ladies, more
accustomed to drawing-room functions
than to woodcraft and firearms, killed
a large brown bear at Austin station.
They are Miss Ruth Jackson ot that
city and her guest, Miss Prudence
Angle of Medford. The young ladies,
with Ray Jackson, a brother of one of
the heroines, were walking in the
woods when they met bruin. Miss
Jackson was carrying the gun and she
promptly fired, the shot taking effect
in the animal's head.
Miss Angle
picked up a stout club and finished the
job. The young man was not per­
mitted to take part in the slaughter.'’
From Southern Oregon Have Com­
menced—They Will be Large.
J. A. Whitman, the enterprising pro­
ducer and shipper of fruit, has a small
force of men employed in packing
pears and early apples. He has already
sold a few carloads of the former for
shipment to St. Louis.
Bartlett pears are now in condition
for shipment. Many are engaged in
picking them, and the orchards in this
vicinity present an animated appear­
ance. The price offered for this fruit
is not as good as it was last year, and
fluctuates considerably.
The beet
price offered in Chicago now is <1.70
per hundred pounds, although it has
been both higher and lower this sea­
son. Some shippers got more than
<3 per hundred during 1901.
A Necessary Precaution.
Don’t neglect a cold. It is worse
than unpleasant. It is dangerous.
In using One Minute Cough Cure you
can cure it at once. Allays inflamma­
tion, clears the head, soothes and
strengthens the mucous membrane.
Cures coughs, croup, throat and lung
troubles. Absolutely safe. Act* im­
mediately, Children like it.
E. S. Winkler of Medford, who is an
expert shoemaker, wishes to inform the
citizens of Jacksonville and vicinity
that he is prepared to do all kinds of
work in his line at reasonable rate*.
He makes a specialty of repairing fine
shoes, and guarantees satisfaction. His
shop adjoins Fades’ store, west of the
R. R. V. R. A Co’s, track.
Treasurer's First Notice.
D. H. Miller, county treasurer, give*
notice that there are funds in the
county treasury for the redemption of
outstanding warrants protested from
Nov. 4, 1899, to December 30, 1899, both
date* inclusive. Interest on the same
ceased after Aug. 15, 1902.
In Jacksonville, a few days since, a
heavy gold ring, with the letters J. C.
W. engraved on it. The finder will
return it to this office and receive a
uitable reward.
J. C. Lucus this week received a.
short visit from his brother-in-law,
Mrs. B. P. Theis* returned to Cele­ 1 Mr. Oakes, a prominent merchant of
stin Monday.
. Caldwell, Idaho, who was accompanied
E. Worman bus returned from his 1 by his wife.
visit to Celestin.
Robt. Ormsby, the clever telegraph
J I. Chapman ot Sam’s Valley was operator, is again in charge of tho
night business at the Medford depot,
a visitor Monday.
returned from his trip to Port­
Hon. J. D. dwell of Central Point
land recently.
was a visitor Monday.
W. F. Isaacs, who is traveling repre­
Mrs. R. T. Burnett, of Ashland, is
of a prominent wholesale
making Medford a visit.
house, will resume his duties in a few
Uncle Tom Baldwin of Brownsboro day*. He has been visiting in Med­
was in our midst Monday.
ford during the past fortnight.
Dr. Officer und H. Appel of Engle
F. K. Deuel, one of our most promi­
Point were in town Friday.
nent merchants, who has been in tho
Miss Edyth Cranflll ha* returned East for sometime} buying a large
from a visit at Grant’s Pass.
stock of goods for the Medford and
I. Humason of tho Medford Drug Ashland markets, will return thia
Co. was at Gold Hill Monday.
Miss Lizzie Buck has returned from
her trip to upper Rogue river.
Mrs. A. E. Reames, ot Jacksonville, Should and Will be Generally
was among our visitors Saturday.
Observed in Oregon.
L. E. Williams and family of Oregon
City are visiting friends in the city.
The first Labor Day proclamation
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Coss have re­ ever issued in the State of Oregon was
turned from their sojourn at Colestin. sent out by Governor Geer, to-wit:
Mrs. J. Russell ot Jacksonville was
“Whereas, the legislature of Oregon
the guest of Mrs. J. Farnsworth Sun­ has set apart the first Monday in
September of each year as a legal
Miss Prudence Angle hrs returned holiday, to be known as Labor Day.
“Therefore I, T. T. Geer, governor
from her visit to Portland and Baker
of said state, do hereby recommend
Mrs. H. C. Mackey went to Ashland that all places of business of what­
this morning, accompanied by her soever kind, as far as possible, be
closed on Monday, September 1, 1902,
and that the day be devoted to an
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Ankepy, of Ster-
lingville, were among those in Medford observance of such exercises as may
contribute to a better understanding
between labor and capital, the great
Dr. J. G. Goble, the optician, made moviag forces behind modern in­
Ashland a professional visit Friday and dustrial development; and it ia
especially urged that employers co­
J. S. March, who lives near Central operate with their employes in a
Point, tarried with us a few hours mutual observance cf the day in such
a manner as will fittingly recognize
Wm. Messal and W. H. Bradshaw, of the reliance which each must place
Lake Creek, were in Medford a few upon the other before the best results
from both may be expected or attained.
days since.
“In testimony whereof I have here­
S. S. Pentz has returned from a trip
set my hand and caused the
to the mountains, accompanied by his
Great Seal of the State of Oregon to
son Fletcher.
a (fixed hereto. D »neat the capitol,
Mrs. J. C. Lucus, who has been be
in tbe City of Salem, this 13th day of
sojourning at Colestin, returned a August, A. D. 1902.’’
few days since.
H. G. Meyer, of Lake creek, a
prosperous stockman, made us a pleas­
F. M. Wade Get* a Big Judgment
ant call Saturday.
Against a Bank.
Miss Rose Hockenyos is visiting with
relative* living in Portland. She will
A recent Tacoma dispatche states
be gone two weeks.
that in the case of F. M. Wade, (who
W. M. Holmes, manager 'of the is well known in Southern Oregon)
Snowy Butte mills, tarried in Medford against Chester Thorn and the National
a few hours Monday.
Bank of Commerce, of that city, which
Miss Elva Galloway, who has been occupied a whole week in the United
teaching school in Klamath county, States circuit court, the jury returned
arrived in Medford Tuesday.
a verdict of $36,500 in favor of Wade.
The suit was brought by Wade for
E. S. Wolfer, the scientific plumber,
is at Jacksonville, installing District the malicious prosecution ot a civil
action brought by said bank against
Attorney Reames’ gas plant.
D. T. Lawton and bis family have Wade, McClaine and Weathered, in
returned from their trip to Crater 1895, and after running in the United
States court for over four years was
Lake, well pleased therewith.
dismissed by the bank. That suit
Miss Zaidee Palmer, a popular young
charged Wade and the other two of
lady residing at the capital city, is
bad management of the bank’s affairs
paying Miss Ray of Medford a visit.
while Wade was its president and
Fred Luy spent a few days this week McClaine its cashier. The action just
at Bybee’s Springs, situated on Evans decided is for Wade’s damages on
account of that suit.
creek, where his family is sojourning.
John Van Dyke, one of our principal
merchants, is visiting in San Francisco,
the guest of bis sister, Mies Kate Van
Dan Reynolds and several members
of his family started for Crescent City,
Calif., a few days ago, for an outing by
tho sounding sea.
T. A. Newman of Eagle Point pre­
cinct and hi* family were in Medford
Saturday. They expect to become
residents of our city.
Geo. Faucett, the popular agent of
Wells, Fargo A Co., has returned from
a trip to his homestead, located in
Flounce Rock precinct.
Mr. and Mrs. O. Gilbert are being
visited by their younger daughter, Mrs.
W. Wolf, the wife of the postmaster
of Crescent City, Calif.
At Gold Hill—No Clue to the Perpe­
trator as Yet.
Some unknown party entered the
residence of Hon. W. A. Carter of Gold
Hill last Friday night, while he and
his wife were at Grant's Pass. Among
the articles taken were some articles of
wearing apparel and jewelry belong­
ing to Mrs. C., and an open-faced
watch, all of the value of a few hundred
dollars. The robber entered the house
through a screened window. Evidently
he or she was aware of the proprietor's
absence, and perhaps more or less
acquainted with the premises. A
young woman living in Gold Hill with
her sister was suspicioned of the crime
and arrested; but as nothing could be
found to criminate her she was released.
The guilty party may yet be arrested,
as officers are on the lookout.
F. H. Page of Portland, the well-
known commission merchant, is the
Ta Care a Cold In One Dav.
guest of Capt. Voorhies and C. H.
Take Laxative Bromo-Quinloe Tablet*. All
Lewis, the horticulturist*.
Druggist* refund tbe money if it falls to euro
Geo. W. Looeley of Klamath county •rova's signaler* is on eaoh bcx. ZSe.
spent Saturday in Medford. He ac­ A First-class Educational Institution.
companied Congressman Tongue on
his return from Crater Lake. e
The Southern Oregon State Normal
School t making thorough prepara­
C. B. William* of San Francisco, who tion for the coming year’s work. The
is a member of the Jackson County buildings are being remodeled and re­
Improvement Co., is at the scene of paired, and extensive additions to tbe
chemical aDd physical departments
operations near Brownsboro.
are being made. The faculty is com­
J. S. Howard, the veteran civil en­ posed of strong teacher* consecrated
gineer, has returned to the vicinity of to the work, and each department is
In tbe hand* of a specialist.
Gold Hill, where be is engaged in sur­
A year’* course in Latin and in
veying for Dr. Ray and others.
Economic* has been added to further
prepare teacher* for high school work.
Col. C. E. S. Wood of Portland, the The training department will be es­
well-known lawyer and public speaker, pecially strong. A man of splendid
was in Medford and its vicinity Tues­ education and wide experience will be
day, the guest of Hon. J. H. Stewart. at tbe head of this department. Much
attention will be given to oratory,
Rev. Mr. Idleman, who has assumed and athletics will oe made prominent.
charge of the Med ford-Ashland district The citizen* of Ashland have guaran­
teed some <200 asprlzes for excellence
of the Episcopal Church, will hold in these Hoe* The City Library of
regular service* in both citiee here­ 2000 volume* is thrown open to *tu-
deots of the institution. Board and
lodging can be had at from <2 50 per
Chas. C. Doughty, the clever fore­ week to <4.00. Climate healthy.
man of the Enquirer,ha* been appoint­ Course of study practical and ex­
ed a correspondent of the Portland haustive. For catalogue of announce­
ments, write B. F. M ulkey , Presi­
Oregonian,<a position be is well quali­ dent, orCLirroRD T homas , Secretary
fied to fill.
Ashland, Oregon.