personal mention . LOCAL NOTES. Water melons arc now plentiful in thu market. Walker Bro*, of Meadow* precinct made us u call Monday, !• rank Ctatncrpn of Applegate tarried u few hour* with us Saturday. John Dultoboam, who live» near Woodville, wus In town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. N. Cooke of Willow Springs were In Medford Tuesday. Four driving horse* for sale. In­ quire of Dr. Kirchgessnor. Capt. M. Caton and Fred Furry were in Medford one day this week. M. F. Harvey of Silverton, Marion county, I* here, looking for a location. C Coleman, the San Francisco capl- itallst, is making hl* annual visit to this valley. N. H. Spencer has returned to Cali fornia, after a pleasant visit with friends residing in Southern Oregon. Ho is engaged in raising citrus fruits near Thermalito. Tho interiorof tho.Schutnpf building, in which the postofiico Is located, as also John F. Miller’s hardware store, have been neatly painted by Mr. Daley, who is kept busy. A. M. Cannon, until lately a prominent attorney of Albany, has taken offices in the Medford Bank building. He will form a partnership with Hon. W. M. Colvlg of Jacksonville. John Nelson, who owns ono of tho best machines in Southern Oregon, and doos good work, was about the first to begin business. The late rains stopped him for a few days. When you wish photographs taken and finished in up-to-date style, at reasonable rates, call on G. W. Mackey at the Mod ford Gallery, Adkins build­ ing, corner 7th and C streets. Hon. II. B. Miller, U. 8. Consul at Nlu Chang, China, arrived last week at his home in Eugene, accompanied by his family. He has been granted two months’ leave of absence. The rain that fell last week wet the grain standing in stacks considerably. Little damago has been done so far, however, and tho fears of the farmer* seem to have been dissipated. Ira and Nick Kime have sold 44 acres of land to Dan Whetstone for <2200, and bought their mother’s farm, con­ taining 95 acres, paying <4000. All is situated in Fooh Bah precinct. Dan Johnson was on Sunday eve­ ning’s train, en route to Grant's Pass from Marysville, Calif. He is recover­ ing from a prolonged and severe at­ tack of Inflammatory rheumatism. Jas. Dugan, who, with several other parties, is developing a copper prop­ osition in Joe creek district, was in town tho forepart of the week. They arc well pleased with the prospect!. Wm. K