Image provided by: Jacksonville Boosters Foundation; Jacksonville, OR
About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1902)
ooocoooooooooooooooooooooo ¿CENTRAL POINT NOTES« &000000000000000000000000S COUNTY RECORDS. Matters of ImpoAance Transacted at Mr. Briscoe of Trail creek was here the Court House. after supplies recently. COMMISSIONkliS’ COURT. Carl Geppert of Bl« Butte delivered The county commissioners’ court a load of «lock bogs to U. Burnell re* was in session on Wednesday, July 2, and the following business came cently. before the meeting: Mr. Dungey, one of Gold Fllll'a Warrants were drawn on tha promising young men, la now em county treasurer for the fellowing: ployed in J. W. Merritt'« atora an Salaries..................................... $1,168 01 Jail............................................ 24 66 bead clerk. Current Expenses.................... 01 65 02 00 ('baa. Anderton, a well-'<nown mi Indigent«.................................. 737 71 ner of Foote creek, «pent a day in our County Hospital...................... Circuit Court........................... 10 00 city la«i week. Elections ................................. 62 04 100 00 W. W. Edington of Nam's valley Justice Courts.......................... 22 60 made thia city a business trip one Commissioners......................... Supervisors............................... 882 40 day last week. Ferry......................................... 1« 66 28 35 Misses Nellie Herrlott and Maude Bridges..................................... 124 00 Fernoil of Appiegute visited friends Bounty .................................... Monthly reports of treasurer, clerk, here last week. sheriff and recorder for month of B. F. Peart, who has been employed June, 1902, compared and approved, on tlie Fish lake ditch as blacksmith, also report of hospital keeper. An agreement was entered into by came home to Hpend the 4th. the coonty court and E. W. Bllvens Miss Leila Williams lias gone to for operating the ferry across Rogue Grant's Pass, to spend the sum river for the sum of 1160 per vear. The official bonds of Jo«. M. Rader mer wltli tier sister, Mrs. Fred Roper. as sheriff, Peter Applegate as county Mrs. B. Vincent and Mra. C. A. recorder, D. H. Miller as county Pankey of Sam’s valley were trading treasurer, E. B. Plckel a* coroner and John S. Orth as county clerk, with our merchants one day last having been duly tiled and given as week. by statute in such cases made and provided, and the court having ex Chas. Jeffers and his wife receiv amined the said bonds and being ed their household goods and fully satlstied as to the suretle« are housekeeping In the Applegate therein, hereby approves each and all of said bonds above mentioned. residence on Mangenita street. In the matter of the petition of A. Thos, Evans and Miss Augusta Moore and others for the vacation of Nusbaum were married at the home a county road. Ordered by the court of Justice of Peace A. 8. Jacobs re that the county road lying between cently and left for Elk creek immedi the N E corner of Engel’s land and the Intersection of the said road with ately, where they go to make their the county road leading from the E. future home. ' a . Anderson place to JacksonvGi«! be vacated between the points herein Mr. Swanson, who has been em before set forth in the order. And It is ployed as blacksmith at Cole’s, Calif., further ordered by the court that the for ttie Hilt Sugar Pine Co., came county clerk make a record of «aid over, to spend the 4th. He vacation of said road in tha Road Records of Jackson county« reports a scarcity of men to do the KN AL WVTATK. saw-mill work at that place. W W Miller tn Mary J Hall, lot« 48 and w 1 ot lot 49 Highland Park The Galloway family navi 'removed add Ashland; Fl to. Ida B Hardin to Minnie Carpenter, to Grant’s Pa«s. undivided i Thterest lots 15, 16, 17, 18, Rev. Lockhart, our Mdtnodist min- blk 18, Medford; «1. lster, preached In GoM Hill Sunday. Arthur J vVeekstoCH Lewis, par Perry Foster of Reagle and Harvey cel of land in t »p 37 s, 1 w; $25.- Clirlstfr.n Ulrich to Columbus S Rictiardson of Trail were in our town Fling, ptrcel of land in Pool & Klip- Monday. pels add to Jacksonville; $400. K. It. DEKDH. Geo. llerrtbtt of Appiegatc visited < > A C R R A U T Co to Robert his brother Thos. Herrlott, of this Boyd, 10 acres in sec 17, twp 38 s, 4 w; place lately. $25. Rev Abbott, pastor of the M. E. MININ« LOCATIONS. Church, preached two very able ser. Dora Tuttle,water right In n of mon« here receutiy, Co large congre s w t sec 12, twp 33, June 30, 1901. Sam Hodges, Walter Gray and A J •gaUons. Smith, quartz claim location Sardine '¿Ider Badger, Ashland's Christian creek district, June .'10, 1902. minister, preached In the Baptist Summer complaint is unusindly prev church Sunday, both morning and alent among children thiH soason. A evening. well-developed case In th» writer’s Elmer Patrick, Walter and Minnie family was cured last week by the timely use of Chamberlain’s Colic, Wairad of Ashland visited their Cholera and Diarrhtxta Remedy—one grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. of the best patent medlotnes manufac tured,and which is alw»ye k»unt on hand Jacobs, a few days ago. at the home of ye scribe. This is not Mra. R. M. Smith of Roseburg is Intended as a fret» puff'for thecompany, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Coe of this who do not advertise with us, but to place. Mrs. 8. is ttie mother-in-law benefit little sufferer« who may not be within easy access of a physician. No of Judge Hamilton of Roseburg. family should be without a bottle of Prof. A. J. Hanby is expected to re this medicine in the house, especially summer-time.—Lansing, Iowa, turn from ins Kansas visit about the in Uth of tills month. The Professor Journal. For sale by City Drugstore. is not very much impressed with A Uenemnn Invitation. Kansas—too many storms and too Three-year aid Edward, whose father ban a hennery, called to a playmate much rain for him. Tbl« Signatar« is on «vary box ot Uw sonala« Laxative Bromo-Quinine TBb1^ A CELEBRATED BRAND. Dunnington A Deneff, the clever pro prietors of the Criterion Saloon, have been appointed sole agent« for Jack sonville of the celebrated J. F. Gutter whiskey, in bulk and case. It is prov ing decided popular with their custom ers. When you call on them aak for Cutter. A New Boarding House. Mrs. A. D. Flory has opened «board ing house in the Dowell brick building on Fifth street, two blocks below the Court House, and is well prepared to furnish good table board, by the day, week or month. Price« reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. visit DR. JORDAN’S nazav ■IISEUN OF MJTOIY M. I ISSI MARKIT ST., MN SS» (Savva Sin* “« Im.. I | TbaHrSMtAaatoBknU Kwan tn tba World. Orrrr>«.f »ItrnrHon <n Md CU» 4 W»>«irr<u4 »ItfM /or vU«r>r». *r»k any contract- ad dlaaaao.waaltlvely rar«« by th« oldaii Rpwl.llat mi tha PacUte Coast. litabllabadM paars I ML JOOWUt-FOIVATI OIMAOtt 1 T«a«s and ■»««>• ■sa« na««« who ara «iiff.rlns from tba affarla af youthful Indla- cr.Uana ar .nww. In maturar panni War nranaand ph j «leal t»aMII«y, Ina- Lwa« Mnafcaaff bi »www«w< all lucompll- jaiwn'«•■•»rb«Bw. • !«•*, Mrw.larrta. PrwataMr- I «7 VrlnaUa*. ••«. Sy • oomblnatloe 1 rwnsrtlM, of «r«al cnratlv« P*w»r. Dosi has «o arran««d hl« lr«alm«nt that it will ■ rarufnr Pllaa. ri.awro ana ria «aim, ay Dr. Jordan's «parlai | «Inina mathoda. ■VMMT MAN appi yin« toil« wUl rsoMvn I CïïÆîX crus I *T?no«%^rind I I CHÁRGKA VKRY RRASO.SAgLR. Traatmant parwinaCv or by l«llar. Writ« for Ron*. PHII.oaoraY •» BtKRUet. M* . an Fona (A vainosi« boob for men.) Call ' r writ« OR. JORMN a CO.. IOTI Marta» St-.k^ STATES DAY AT Balloonists Dashed CHAUTAUQUA Will be One of the Event« of the Assembly. Saturday, July 12tb, has been selected as States Day. For many years there has been a growing feel ing among our people that In some way tbere should be a way provided so that the native sons and daughters of tbe various states, residing In Southern Oregon, might know each other better. So It has been planned that many of the states will have beadquarters on the Chautauqua grounds on Saturday, July 12th. It is suggested that each state repre sented have a basket dinner, and in the afternoon have a part on the geoeral programme, which will con sist of music, stories, speeches, etc. The following states have signified their Intention of assisting in making the day a memorable one: Indiana, J. K. Van Sant chairman: Missouri, T. A. Hayes chairman; Iowa, Mrs. Geo. R. Matthews secretary; Wis consin, Frank L. Findley, chairman; Illinois, C. B. Watson chairman; New England, E. A. Hherwln; Ohio, chairman to he appointed; The Southland, Mrs. Chas. Chandler, sec retary. Other states and sections are in vited to have representations, and all persons in Southern Oregon and Northern California are cordially in vited to be present and add to tbe pleasure or the day. A banner will lie presented to the state which has the largest number of native-born sons and daughters present on that day as shown by the register. For manifest, reasons Oregon will not be allowed In tbe competition. A cordial invitation is extended to you. In the evening Dr. Robert Nclntyre, one of the greatest of speakers, will give his wonderful lecture “The Sunny Side of Soldier Life.” Ad mittance 25 cents. and W«rks off the C«ld. Laxative Bromo-Unlnlne Tablets cure a cold Inoue (lay. No Cura. No Pay. Price 46 cent«. Ta>eworm la Sheep. It Is said that tbe tapeworm 1« af flicting sheep very extensively on th« ■ rang« this spring. Tbe presence of thia parasite may be known by the victims becoming poor, bidebound and frequently pot bellied. They have a dry. barsh fleece, a tottering gait eat and drink more than normal amount«, but fall to digest the food, and fre quently diarrhea sets In. and they Anal ly die from starvation and exhaustion. —• CNIIdrea «nd th« I*oison«wa Manta. Four Ohio boys recently ate wild parsnip, thinking It to be sweet aniae. Ono died aud tbe others are in a crit ical condition. Evpry country .child should know tbe comparatively few poisonous plants growing in hi« vicin ity. Boys especially have a disirasltion to investigate and taste all aorta of plants and fruits. A little care on tbe part of parents will often prevent the making of such fatal mistakes. In struction In them* mutters in country schools would not be out of place. Specimens obtained from a summer Saturday in tbe field or woods would furnish pupils an Interesting and valu able object lesson.—Rural New Yorker. Tabneea Growers Planned. Tobacco growers are happy over the prospect of a vigorous competition with the American Tobacco company. The American company went to England to compete with the Imperial company, or. In fact, to try to monopolise the tobacco trade In England, aa It baa almost done In this country. Now tbe Imperial company returns the compli ment and comes over here to build fac tories and put buyers on the market In competition with the trust. Two large factories are to be llullt by the English men lu North Carolina and one in Vir ginia. Tbe competition will beueflt tbe «•rowers of the tobacco crop.—Practical BOYDEN’S Hardware Tonal««« Feneee. Summer Time That’s why we keep a full line of Sundries for Bicycles. Expert repairing a specialty. Prices right and Satisfaction guaranteed. A good stock ranch, on Ante'.ope, 14 miles from Medford and 12 miles from Central Point, containing 1560 acres of grating and farming land; price $10 an acre. Seventeen hundred acres ly ing under the Jackson county Im provement Company's ditch; at$6 per acre. Eighty acres of orchard land, adjoining Jacksonville: at $40 an acre. For further particulars apply to W illiam B vrkk , Jacksonville Oregon. F»r Sals. A dwelling bouse with five rooms, two flroplaces and other conveniences. A well of good water close to kitchen door. Price $250. For particulars en quire of. M rs . a . M orat , Jacksonville, Ore. rain ba« no show with Dr. Milan' Paln ITU» Prescriptions ARE OUR SPECIALTY. We use only FRESH, PURE drugs and these are compounded correctly. We take pleasure in delivering PROMPTLY, to any part of the city, prescriptions left at our store, and request that your physician be asked to leave them with us. We will do the rest. KELSO GYGLERY Medford Ore. e e e —AGENT FOR— RAMBLER and IDEAL Bicycles. THE ART OF PHOTOGRAPHY LIES IN TAKING THE PERSON NATURALLY. THE BALLOON EXPLODED IN MIDAIR. , could be heard as it came down, so great was the velocity. Clear of tbe wreckage and swift as n stone from a catapult Severo dashed downward. Tbe spectators averted their beads In horror. The aeronaut struck on bis feet on the stone pavement of Avenue Maine. So terrible was bis velocity that the bones of his legs were driven through tbe soles of bis shoe«. He was literally dashed to pieces and died Instantly. Tbe engineer’s body fell a short dis tance away. It was blackened and charred by the flames, and every bone was broken by tbe faII. Senor Severo was about forty years old. Like Santos-Dumont, be was a Brasilian. He was prominent tn poli tics in Brazil, being a deputy and pres ident of the parliament budget com mittee. He studied aerial navigation foe twenty years. FAMILY GROUPING OUR SPE CIALTY. Barley—Rolled, $1.25 per cental. Hay—Per ton. baled. $10. Potatoes—$1.60 per hundred. Onions—2 eta per pound. Butter—35c(<$60c per roll. Beans—4<<»5c tier pound. Lard—15c per Doutid. Eggs—16 3U per dozen. Sugar—D. G. $4.75(a’$5 26 per cwt. Poultry—$3.00 to $3.50 per dozen. Hams—16c per pound. Shoulders—124c per pound. Side Bacon—15(®20c per pound. A full line of Rubber Goods, comprising Fountain and Bulb Syringes, Atomizers, Combina tion Hot Water Bottle and Fountain Syringe, Hot Water Bottles, etc. In fact, everything pertain ing to a first-class Pharmacy will be found in our store. « G. W. Mackey, Studio, SEE OUR SAMPLES. Our delivery system GUNS All Kinds of Guns and Ammu- uiticn at BEEK’S HARDWARE CO A Complete Stock cf I Fishing Tackle, Hard ware,Tin Farm Imple ments, STOVES. Extends to everything'in the store, NO MATTER HOW SMALL. Just ’phone your or der and you will receive prompt attention. WE STRIVE TO I A Tin Shop in Connection. ! MEDFORD OREGON. MEDFORD BAZAAR CIGARS, CONFECTIONERY, LACES, RIBBONS, EM BROIDERY, BATTENBURG and POINT LACE MATE RIALS, STAMPED LINENS, EMBROIDERY. SILKS and STATIONERY. Mrs. 0. GILBERT. THE WEST SIDE GROCERY ■*1 am using a l ox of Chamberlain's Stomach A Liver Tabletsand And them the best thing for my stomach I ever used," says T W. Robinson, Justice of the Peace, Loomis, Mich. These Tablets not only correct disorders of STAPLE AND FANCY the stomach but regulate the liver and GROCERIES bowels. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by City Drug Store. T J. G00DWYN. IBADACfftNcured In JO minutes by Dr. Mil« V av . l’LUL*. "Uoaceut a da»»." At «Itumrlsts We also carry Corner Seventh nnd C Street«. Car Wheels Made of Money. Every year our government doatroy« nearly a half a billion dollars' worth of «oiled or lorn bank notes, and after they have been reduced to a pulp are used for making railroad car wheela. From a bank note to a ear wheel ia about as radical a tranaformation aa the one brought about In the aaae ot all week, nervoua and Mealy people who wiH uae Hostetter:« Stomach Hltleru, the favorite Ameriaan rem edy for atomacb. liver and bowel complaints, A wineglaaaful before meals will put tbe atomacb In good condition to digest the food and prevent the bowels from beeomiug <rao- atlpated. Every one should keep it in the bouso to prevent belching, flatulency, insomnia and nervousness; also to cure Indigestion, dyspepsia and liver and kidney troubles. A good plan is to plant tbe tomato vines along the garden fence if you are unfortunate enough to have one. Tbe extra heat along the fence will Retail Market Repert. hasten tbe tomatoes to ripen, while The following quotations were tbe fence can be made to act aa a sup made up this afternoon, aud is an port for tbe planta Use a three-quarter impartial report of tbe prices paid inch wire staple to fasten them with, by Jacksonville dealers: Wheat—76c per bushel. giving It a single tap with a hammer. Flour—$1.70 (4 $1.80 per 100 pounds. An unsightly fence will be covered in Oats— 36c per bushel. this way and waste ground utilised. LAND FOR SALK. Medford Drug Co. Plumbing a Specialty. Good Seed F«r the Farm. Ttie Stweff ot Vlabea. T« Car« a Cold la Osa Day. Fishing Tackle, Be sure and use that old and well-tried reme dy, Ml«, W inslow ’ s S oothing S vkop . tor children teething. Il soothes tbe child, soft ens the num», allays all pain, cures wind colic and la the best remedy tor diarrhoea. Twenty fl ve cenia a traille. who was passing with a milk can in ber hand: “Has the eow been laying Rome milk for you?’ Tbeu he shouted: “Come over and play with me.” ”1 can’t.” replied the little girl; Tis going home." "Come over after yon get froo going borne," said Edward. Take Laxative Hromo-Quintne Tablets. All «Tuxxlste refund the money it It tails to cure «rove'« «Ignature 1« on each bei. ‘Ac. Hand spray Pumps In the presence of his wife and chil dren and hundreds of spectators Senor Augusto Nevero, rival of .Hautos-Du- uiorit, met a horrible death in Paris a few days ugo through tbe explosion of bls airship in midair. In anticipation of a successful ex JUST RECEIVED AT periment Benor Severn bad invited a number of guests, with bis wife and children, to witness tbe ascension. The ascent was made without a bitch. Tbe airship shot upward from tbe bal loon shed in Rue Vaugbin like a bug« MEDFORD, OREGON. bird, tbe motors at tbe prow and stern began to revolve, and tbe craft beaded toward Issy. It was a triumph for tbe Moat Complete aeronaut. The airship bad reacbed a height of l.toO feet when the watchers noticed Stock in Medford iionietlilug wrong. Severo aud his as sistant seemed to be excited and trying to do something that those below could not understand. GARDEN HOSE, Then suddenly a line of flame seem STEEL GOODS, ed to burst from beneath the great gas bag. POULTRY NETTING, In a moment the entire ship was en veloped in flames. They seemed to leap BASE BALL SUPPLIES. upward from underneath and wrap the fuel bag. Then came an explosion. The report was like the roar of a cannon. The great bag disappeared aa if by magic. A black cloud of smoke floated off on tbe air. From this cloud shot a mass of tan gled cordage and machinery. A whir If The Baby la Cutting Teeth. One of the most important things to consider in the prisluctiou of satisfac tory crops on the farm is the obtaining of suitable seeds aud of tbe best varie- ties for the purpose, says a writer in tbe American Cultivator. If all other things are properly at tended to and this neglected, inferior results may be expected. First, seeds should be adapted to the locality, Climate and soil. All kinds ot crops will not flourish alike under all conditions or in all parts of the United States. It Is always safest to grow those kinds that are adapted to auy particular location, as they will usual ly give tbe best results. It will do to obtain seeds from n more uortbern or colder climate, but it is hardly safe to take them north from the south, ns they will not be so likely to mature n crop owing to a dif ference In seasou anil climate. Seeds lu any locality may be greatly improved by careful selection and propagation. Particularly Is this the case with corn. A good variety can be well kept up in its original charac teristics and even improved in some respect«, a« ear lines«, uniformity, pro ductiveness, etc., by this careful atten tion to «election from year to year. Valuable ' varieties are often obtained in thia way, entitling them to tbe des ignation of oedigfrae ar thoroughbred. It la interesting to note tbe speed of fishes. Porpoises have been seen to dnrt round and round a steamer trav eling seventeen miles an hour. Her rings in schools move steadily at a rate of between ten and twelve mile«. Mack erel are inneb swifter, and both trout and salmon go at a rapid pace up stream. Whales swim st a rate of sixteen miles an hour when excited. Corn Planters, To Terrible Death PROPRIETOR, « Medford Drug Company