Image provided by: Jacksonville Boosters Foundation; Jacksonville, OR
About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1901)
t . Z 1 HE DEMOCRATIC TIMES I z A Tale of Three Lawyer*. I JOSEPHINE COUNTY ITEMS. Eistern eggs are now coming into tiie Portland market at the rate of An Ashland dispatch of Nov. 13th / nbouta carload a week. The fresh totheOregonlan narrates particulars ______ .___ _____________ Assessor Crow is at Portland, tak- Oregon product sell* at .'10 cents per Of c* the adventures *J---------- of ' _ a ■_ trio ........ nf ______ _ ; Big a well earned vacation. prorni- dozen wholesale. There is a good nent legal luminaries, giving District Often Ing in Southern Oregon for Attorney Rearnes a* the author of | Tne Foresters of America will give poultry yards. (ifflclaT or a “L aod '“'»’’Querade bill on the night their woes. This ‘ _2, ’iCthnnah ..... diX*S Thanksgiving day. There Is an increase instead of an obliging disposition, declines to diminution In the car famine that absorb the skilfullness as a mountain Jas Childs, Jr., has returned from has existed along the Southern Pa guide heaped on him, although ac Al**ka. after a protracted ab«ence. cificlines iu Oregon and the Shasta knowledging the accuracy of the bal He will go back next spring. route for some weeks past, and the ance of the story, ft seems that Mr. F H Oagood, the extensive operator scarcity of rolling stock I* Interfering Rennes, A. 8. Hammond and F. M. with both’the business of the railroad Calkins, together with Judge Benson in mines, left for his home at Seattle, and of private individuals aud corpo and U. A. Cogswell of Portland, had last week, but will not remain long. rations. traveled all that, day. and when they T. Y. Dean and J. A. Jennings, two Fruit growers will find the Pacific had arrived at the base of a moun of our prominent citizens, spent sev Nursery Co. of Tangent,Linn county, tain east of Drew’s station, which is eral days io Jackson county last one of the moat reliable on the Pacific about 40 miles from Klamath Falls, week. coast. They grow a large assortment tile horses they had been driving were H. W. Norwood, a machinist who or the best aud most popular fruit, used up. This was about live o’clock shade and ornamental trees, and war In the evening, and the three gentle operated in the mines of Williams rant the quality and name of every men first named, being the younger of creek for awhile in 1900, was fatally thing they sell. Intending purchasers the party, volunteered to walk oyer injured in the fire which destroyed can save agents’ profits by sending the mouotain to Drew’s, a distance of the Continental Hotel at Albina last directly to them. about 12 miles. Mr. Reamea, who had Thursday. The hands and face of the unfortunate man were so severely Capt. D. J. Ferree, a well-known been over the road before, acted a« burned that the skin peeled off in the iiioneer of Southern and Southeastern guide, counselor and friend to the dressing of the injuries. He suffered Jregon, who Is now employed at the other two, who followed his lead with Sreat agoDy just after his rescue and state penitentiary, has returned from confidence. Leaving their vehicle efore relieved by opiates. When a visit east of the Rocky mountains. they ascended the mountain, and had physicians were dressing his injuries covered a distance of three miles when He commanded an Iowa cavalry com he regained consciousness. Indica pany during the civil war, and found they came to a point where the road tions were that his vitality would forks, one road leading to Bonanza on his visit to that state that the keep him alive several days; but he bugle had sounded “taps" for the last and the other to Drews’. Unfortu took a turn for the worse quite un nately Mr. Rearnes ’ knowledge of the time for most ot bls comrades. latitude and longitude oecarne mixed expectedly. __ W. R. Stansell, manager of the in the darkness, and he led them onto MEDFORD AQUIBS. Rogue River Mining Co., is again on the Bonanza road. The night was the ground, after several weeks spent bitterly cold, the road contained nu Miss Edith Osenbrugge spent Sun at Cleveland, Ohio, in reorganizing merous rocks and depressions, and the the corporation and increasing its party had left overshoes, overcoats day in Jacksonville. capital, lie has succeeded In obtaining and gloves In the wagon. After Rev. W. Bitter will hold services ample funds for the building of.a trudging about six miles, sometimes at the Catholic church in Medford logging railroad, which will run from on their knees and occasionally on all ’Sunday morning, at 10 o’clock. ' the head of Foots creek, where the fours, they halted to hold a council of company owns several thousand acres war. Their hands and faces had be Miss KeLogg of Grant’s Pass, who of good timber, land, to the White come stiffened with the cold, but by has been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. place, situated on Rogue river, a dis dint of some effort they gatiiered Barneburg, returned home Friday. tance of about five miles, and a saw enough fuel and built a tire. This Mrs. M. Obenchaio, Miss Sophie mill that will haye a capacity of 59,- was about 10 o'clock at night. Not Muller, Mrs. T. J. Kenney and E. H. 000 feet per day. Work on this im satisfied that they were on the wrdng Helms of Jacksonville were here portant enterprise will commence in road, Mr. Reames skurried on another Monday. the near future, meanwhile the com mile. Finally, in tiie inky blackness, pany will spend- the winter iq ope they commenced to retrace their S tatz or O hio , C ity or T oledo , 1 LüCAH COCNTY l rating and developing Its mines. steps. They reached Drews station F rank J. C hbnzy makes oath that he Is se at “ 4:30 o’clock next imuiuiuk morning, , <<»iu- com- nior partner ot the firm ot F. J. C heney k Co., The Tidings says the prospective’- business In the City ot Toledo. County buildlng of a new lumber rallroad'P e^'ye^oaustedandfaintfromhun- doing and State aforesaid, and that said firm will nothing from a point on the S. P. Co.’s line, a«Ker- . having I eaten r — since ■ - pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS on the previous morning. tor eaen and every case ot C ata hkh that can short distance south of Klamathon, breakfast ' ’ not be cured by the use ot H all ' s (J atabbh up the Klamath river into the Jenny C ure FRANK J. CHENEY. Retail Market Report. creek augar-nine belt, and the erec Sworn to before me and subscribed in my tion of a new saw mill and box factory, The following quotations were presence, this Sth day ot December, A. D. Is likely to come into the hands of made up this afternoon, and is an 1836 ,—•—. A. W. GLEASON, Scott & Van Arsdale. Iu the event impartial report of the prices paid j sial r Notary Public. of the transfer of their property to by Jacksonville dealers: Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, and the Eastern syndicate, they will un Wheat—60c per bushel. acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces dertake the exploitation of Hervey Flour—91.70 (a #1.80 per 100 pounds. ot the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Lindley’s preliminary survey of a Oats—36c per bushel. Sold by Druggists. 75c. lumber road up the Klamath and ac Barley—Rolled, #1.25 per cental. Hall's Family Pills are the best. quire his interest* in the same. Hay—Per ton, baled. #10. Potatoes--#! 50 per hundred. Agents Wanted. Game Warden Quimby thinks that Onions—l a2 per pound. there has been a marked improve To sell “McKinley’s Dying Words, Butter—35c(a'50c per roil. ment in the observance of the deer the latest, greatest and most pathetic Beans—2i<i3c per pound. law this year, as very few, If any, deer copyrighted song of the day. Over Lard — 15c per pound. have been slain for their hides alone. 15,000 were sold In Chicago during Eggs—30i<i35c per dozen. Three years ago the slaughter of first three days of publication. Regu Sugar — D G. #5.80(a#6 per cwt. these animals for their skins was lar 50-cent sheet mu*ic size for 25 Poultry — #2.50 to B3.00 per dozer). eiormous in Southern Oregon, one cent* a copy. Words by Howard Hams—16ic per pound. crowd of hunters having slain as Carleton Tripp, the celebrated lectur Shoulders — 12jc per pound. many as 3000. Since then farmers er, editor and author. Music by Side Bacon—15?a20c per pound. and stockmen have become aroused Charles E. Smith, the noted band In the Interest of deer preservation, leader and musical composer. A It Dazzle* the World. and so hunters who come In over the financial harvest can be made by ener No discovery in medicine has ever California line for the purpose of getic canvassers. Send 25 cents for slaying deer by the wholesale are in created one quarter of the excitement sample copy and terms to agents and that has been caused by Dr. King's danger of belug reported. Address T he B est New Discovery for consumption. It’s retail dealer«. At Portland Saturday Judge Sears severest tests have been or hopeless M usic Co., Kingsley, Iowa. denied the motion for a new trial In victims of consumption, pneumonia, Land for Sale. the case of Bradley Francis Durph.v, hemorrhage, pleurisy and bronchitis, who was convicted of polygamy. Dur- thousands of whom it ha« restored to I have 1560 acres of land, all in one phy will appear for sentence today. perfect health. For coughs, colds, tract, on Antelope creek for sale. It C. M. Idleman. his counsel, gave asthma, croup, hay fever, hoarseness is situated 18 miles from Jacksonville, notice that an appeal to the supreme and whooping cough it is the quick 12 miles from Central Point, and 10 court will be taken; but it is possible est, surest cure in the world. It Is miles from Medford. I will sell this that 11 a considerable tine is Imposed, sold by City Drug Store, which guar land in tracts of 100 acres up until all which the statute permits, the de antees satisfactiotAir refunds money. is sold, at $10 per acre. It is good fendant might pay and abandon the Large bottles 50c and »1.00. #1.00. Trial farming and grazing land, and a good appeal. The court held that affdavtts bottles free. stock range on the outside. I will of the jurors regarding their own mis sell all, or as low as 100 acres in a conduct in the jury-rootu cannot be The Best Chrlstma* Gift for a tract. Inquire of W m . B ybee , Jack received for the purpose of setting Little Money. sonville Or aside a verdict. If tliis could be done, Sent as a year's subscription to T he nearly every verdict might be Y outh ’ s C ompanion #1.75 will buy Grand Christmas Raffle. questioned. the fifty-two weekly issues of T he A rattle for #100 in U. 8. gold roin The following is the programme of Y outh ' s C ompanion for 1902. It will will take place at the Banquet saloon the literary and musical entertain buy the two hundred and fifty fasci in Jacksonville on Tuesday night. ment to be given at the U. 8. Hall nating stories in the new volume for Dec. 24, 1901. The person throwing Saturday evening Nov. 30th, by Jack- 1902. It will buy t he fifty interesting the highest number with dice will ------------- ------- of . .. • r of sonville’s - branch the Society special articles contributed by famous get <75. and the lowest throw takes Christian Endeavor; Plano at uet, men and women to the new* volume the remaining #25. Chances will Peter Schmol Florence DeBar, Agnes for 1902. It will entitle the new range from one cent to #1. A line Love. Minuet, Ruth Peters, Frances subscriber who sends in his subscrip turkey supper will be set after the Kenqey, Fleta Ulrich, Vance Colvlg, tion now to all the issues of T he C om raffle, which will be conducted to in Vivien Beach, Donald Cameron. panion for the remaining weeks of sure general satisfaction. Solo, "Mollie, Drive the Cows Home,’’ 1901 free. It will entitle' the new Leona Ulrich. Tableau, Marguerite. subscriber for 1902 to one of T iie C om - (Juartette, Lullaby, Edith Priest, PANION'.* new calendars for 1902,litho Helen Colvlg. Anna Wendt, Margaret graphed In twelve colors and gold. Krause. Tableau, Autumn. 8<>lo, Full illustrated announcement of the “Coon, Own, Coon," Vance D-Bar new volume for 1902 will be sent to Colvlg. Tabieau, Crescent. Solo. anv address free. T he Y ouths “Gentle Spring." Margaret Krause. C ompanion , 195 Columbus Avenue, Monologue, “A Pa««lng Cloud," Helen Boston, Mass. • “Two years ago my hair was Mar Colvig Violin solo, “Flower falling out badly. I purchased a Song," Mary DeBar. “The Beacon County 1 reasurer** 23d Notice. Light.’’ Military Drill. Solo. Edith Max Muller, county treasurer, gives bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor, and Priest. notice that there are funds in the •oon my hair stopped coming out.’’ After referring to the tragedy of county treasury for the redemption Miss Minnie Hoover, Paris, 111. of mdlng warrants protested President McKinley’s death, “harmo from Ai - 1, 1898, to Aug. 31. 1898, nious feeling of all parties, the smooth workings of our state affairs, both date* inclusive. Interest on the Perhaps your mother the prosperity of our country.” and same will cease after the above date. had thin hair, but that is recognizing In all tilings the Divine D. veiling for Sale. Mind and Hand, Governor Geer de no reason why you must clares Thursday. Nov. 28tn, a day of The no iersigned offers his residence thanksgiving and prayer. He recom property, pleasantly located in Jack go through life with half mends “that all our people on that sonville, for sale at a reasonable fig day. while remembering the poor ure. It 1« well arranged and supplied starved hair. If you want with appropriate gifts and cheerful with a number of conveniences, be long, thick hair, feed it words, desist from their usual voca sides having a considerable arei or tions, and, In their usual places of ground annexed, which Is planted in with Ayer’s Hair Vigor, worship, or elsewhere, glye praise to fruit tree-. For parti ular* apply to Almighty God,upon whom our fathers O tto B iedk . and make it rich, dark, «0 firmly relied for national as well as ____ _____ Gold Hili. and heavy. Individual guidance, for past mercies, The Children's Friend. and Invoke the Divine aid along the il.M a Mtte. All AraaMt. pathway of national righteousness as You’ll have a cold soon. May be you our country assumes the leadl ng posi have one now. If your drugvist cannot supply you, Your children will »end us one dollar and we will express tion in 4>ower and influence among stiffer, t<s>. For coughs, croup, bron you a bottle. Be sure and give the name the nations of the earth.” chitis, gnp und other winter com of your nearest express office. Address, J. C. AYER CO., Lowell. Mass. plaints One Minute Cough Cure never I T* the Public. fails. Act* promptly. It Is wry pleas Allow me to say a few words In ant to the t **te and perfectly harm praise of Chamberlain’s Cough Rem less. C. B George, Winchester, Ky.. edy. I can recommend it with the qt- writes: "Our little girl w» attacked mn«t confidence. It has done good with croup late one night and was so work for me and will do th# same for hoarse she could hardly «peak. We others. I had a very severe cough and gave ner a few doses of One Minute cold, and feared I would get pneu Cough (Jure. It relieved her imme monia; but after taking a second dose diately ano she went to sleep. When of this medicine I feel better; three sbe awok next morning she had no bottles of It cured my cold and the signs of Hoarseness nr croup." City pains In my chest disappeared entire Drug Store. Jacksonville, and Dr. J. ly. I am most respectfully yours for Hinkle, C< ntrai Point. I» ABSOLUTELY pure, health, R alph S. M bykrs , 64-Thirty- and will OUTWEAR all seventy St., Wheeling, W. ‘Va. For other LEADS. sale by City Drug Store. Now U£he time to pay the printer. A new line of ladies’ waists and skirts at Nunan’s. The price of hogs lias gone up to 5 PERSON AL MENTION. cents a pound. Don't fail to take a chance In the Judge Benson U at Salem, visiting grand Christmas raffle. Ills family. There has been rune rain and fog Mr«. J. D. Cook, who has been quite during the past few days. 111, is convalescing. O. Harbaugh, who was badly hurt E. E. Lyons of Grant's Pass was In in a runaway, Is recovering. • Jacksonville the forepart of the week. T. Reid and Wm. Broad, were over Lester Lacy and his family have from Forest creek Saturday. become residents of Talent precinct. Dr. C. R. Ray, the extensive oper Mrs. W. Bannister left for Quartz ator In mine*, was here Monday. valley, Calif., Sunday, to visit rela- H. E. Ankeny lias returned from tives. his trip to Portland and Eugene. , J. K. P. Rowe Is again r postai aw ter F. M. Calkins of Ashland, court at Sam’s valley, Mr. Fitzgerald hav ing resigned. stenographer, is at the county-seat. Wes. Vogelei of Applegate and W. K. K. Kubli got back from his trip R. Johnson of »Trail creek preciqct to Portland and Eastern Oregon Sun were in town Monday. day. The regular term of circuit court W. H. Venable of Union precinct for Jackson county will begin on the was a visitor In Jacksonville Satur second Monday In December. day. A nice holiday present to your lady Shearer Bros., of Steamboat, the friend, a pair of Centemeri’s genuine well-known miners, are In Jackson kid gloves. Nunan, sole agent. ville. Quail and other upland birds, ex Mrs. Delia Barbe left for Humboldt cepting Chinese pheasants, can now county, Calif., Sunduy, to visit rela be sold In Southern Oregon. tives. Circuit court Is In session again. Henry Popkin of the Grant’s Pass Several cases will be heard before Bottling Works was with us again final adjournment of the term. Friday. The turkey season Is opening. Postmaster Reames of Gold Hill Many hundreds of the birds will be and bls family are visiting in Jack shipped to the San Francisco market. sonville. Notes, receipts, drafts, due-bills, O. Hu mason of oold Hill, the geni etc., in book form, can always be ob al operator in mines, was In town tained at T he T imes Printing House. Saturday. The citizens of Ashland are agi H. C. Mackey, the photographer, tating a sewage system, to cost #20,- made Jacksonville a professional visit 000'. Money will be raised by issuing Thursday. Bonds. R. F. Dean, a prominent citizen of John W. Kelly, the veteran printer Willow Springs precinct, was among and newspaper publisher, spent Fri u* Saturday. > day night in Jacksonville. He was T. Y. Dean and J. A. Jennings of on bls way south. Rant’s Pass spent Thursday night In The sale of property belonging to Jacksonville. delinquent taxpayers will be held Under Sheriff McCarthy and Fred., next Saturday, the 23d. The list :>as Ficke went to Ashland Sunday to see shrlnken considerably. their best girls. Salt Mackerel, Salt Salmon Bellies, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Cantrail of Ap Holland Herring, plegate have been visiting In Ash At Nunan’s. land and vicinity. Cornelius Swett, who mined and Thos. Reid and Wm. Broad of For est creek, the miners, were in Jack broke horses in thl* section 40 years ago, is in Jacksonville. He is sonville Saturday. now located at Fortuna, Humboldt Supt. Daily has returned from county, Calif. visiting schools in the Trail creek and The county clerk has Issued license Prospect sections. t<> marry to kdward F. Grisez of 81s- Vincent Cook was among the Port kiyon county, Call!., and Miss Nellie land contingent who wir.cessed the M. Towne: also to Irving Dalev and Jeffries-Ruhlln tight. Miss Eva Conley. W. F. Towne of Phoenix, the well- Wm. Dunnlngton, who went to known pioneer, tarried awhile in Texas sometime ago, but did not stay Jacksonville Friday evening. long ther^rot back to Jacksonville Thos. McAndrew, the pioneer farm Friday, tie now thinks Southern Or er, was In Jacksonville Saturday, ac egon next to Ileaveo. companied by G. Burroughs. The term of circuit court for Klam L. A. Rose of Phoenix and A. ath county, which was postponed on Andrews of Griffin creek and his account or the prevalence of what is said to lie small pox at Klamath brother are in Jacksonville today. Falls, will be held in January. Messrs. Vawter, Hammond and Rev. W. Bitter ■will hold services at Snell, Medford lawyers, are at the county-seat on professional business. the Catholic church In Jacksonville Sunday, at 8:30 a . m . and 7:30 r. m . J. T. Breeden. A. Throckmorton On the same day, at 10 o'clock a . m ., and Walter Bostwick of Union pre be will officiate at Medford. cinct were at the county-seat Friday. Allstrenm« in this section of Ore Mrs. A. E. Reames, .vho has been gon, as well as others, are now lower | visiting at Hillsboro with her par- Ilian ever known before. An unusual- jents, returned to Jacksonville Satur- ’ ly dry summer, followed by an extra- 1 day. 1 ordinary dry autumn, causes ttds. Will. Hanna of Alameda. Calif., is Will. Puh! Monday opened aparber- in Jacksonville. He represents a 1 shop in the Masonic bulding, which prominent wholesale house of San lias been neatly fitted up and will be Francisco. up to date In every particular when Mr. and Mrs. F. Roper, who have he receives his porcelain bath tub. been visiting at Ashland and Phoenix, E. E. Scliluesclien, formerly a resi leave for their home at Bakersfield, dent of Woodville, was one of our re < alif., tills week. cent visitors, lie is now in the em J. D. Coleman of Portland, the ploy of the Pacttic States Telephone clever manager of the Home Fire Ina. Co., and ranges nearly everywhere. Co. for the Northwest, made Jack- Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Churchill, sonviilea visit Friday. who have resided at Yreka many I. A. Macrum, ex-rail road com years, celebrated the 40th anniversary iflissioner. •, who Is now a special agent o’ their marriage on the 14th. Mr. . ...... Department, spent a C. Is the wealthiest citizen of North ort. ....... he I terior nt fevMiours in Jacksonville Friday. ern California. / New Seeded Raisins, Mrs. F. Grob visited with friends In New Zinte Currants, Jacksonville last week. In company New Citron and Lemon Peel, with her husband, John Dyar and ills New Cream Cheese, family she Is now residing at Ashland. New Cranberries, Thos. E. Hammersly, who has been At Nunan’s. in Eastern < iregon, Is visiting his for As usual,a big raffle,for #100 In coin, mer home at Gold Hill. He was on the police force of Baker city for takes place at The Banquet on • Christmas eve, which will be rollowea sometime. by a sumptuous turkey supper, to Col. W. 8. Stone of Yreka.the veter which a general Invitation is ex an stage-route manager, passed tended. Cnancev are going at a lively hrough the valley last week, en route rate. o Grant’s Paes, to look after his in- The Table Rock Saloon, which Is erests there. now under the sole management of E. Mrs. T. M. Prim returned Friday H. Helms,has been supplied with new 'urn Ashland, where ehe has lieen up-to-dste fixtures of the latest pat* lending several weeks with her sis- tern. Give Ed. a call. He keeps a >r, Mrs. L. Pengra. She leaves tor big line of line wines, liquors and an Francisco today. cigars. _ M. __ J. ______ Lonaldson-Selby, who has Hunters report that not since 1890, een at Gazelle, Calif., in the employ when quail were almost extinguished f the Dewey Mining Co., returned to by the heavy snowfall during tne terlIngvllie a few days ago, and will forepart of that year,have those birds emain there awhile. been so scarce as now. A number of C. F. Young and J. C. Hail of Gold reasons are given therefor, all of Illi went to Han Francisco to which seem plausible enough. vitness the Jeffrles-Rulilln fight, The Southern Oregon Marble Co. [•hey are now of the opinion that has been organized by J. C. Whlpp hey could have spent their money to and F. L: Wright, with headquarters tetter advantage. at Ashland. Both have had consid- T he T imes Is sorry to learn that J. able experience in the business, aud J. Whlpp and hl* family will soon will keep in touch with the latest eave Jacksonville, where they have ideas, dealing only in the best mate 'esided so long. The people of Ash- rials. and are to be congratulated upon M. A. Walker has a nice little farm, >hls accession to their population. situated not far from Antioch school J. W. Opp, who went to St. Louis a house, Table Rock precinct, which he It contains 110 ihort time ago, returned Sunday. will *ell very low. While there be made arrangements acres ot laud, 30 acres of which are io There Is s dwelling, ■or the successful operation of the cultivation. nlnlng property, situated west of well, outbuildings, etc., on the place. 'acksonvllle, which he bonded some- Only #400. Address Mr. Walker at Grant’s Pass. Ime-ago. Tecora, Jav Beach’s famous old Howard Grlsez, one of Northern ¿Mlfornia’s best young men, rm in broodmare, that died In Alameda icksonvllle Friday, on business par county, Calif., two years ago, secured ticularly Interesting to himself. He her seventh 2.30 performer this year has since been wedded to Miss Nellie In Claymont 2:271,a high-class stailion TEAMS WANTED Towne,the accomplished and amiable owned by Dr. Maulsby of Wichita. laughter of W. F. Towne, of Phoe- Kansas. The names of those previous I can give employment to eight or ilx. T he T imes wishes them a long ly in her standard list are Chehalis ten good teams. at $3 per day, Apply !fe oPprosperlty and wedded bliss, 2:O4i, De) Norte 2:08, Touchet 2:15, to me at the Fish Lake Ditch camp. n which it Is Joined ty their many Tenino 2:194, Lyla 2:27 and Coqueta D. E. M orris , 2:30. All are by Altamont. friend*. Supt. of Construction. THURSDAY 1S LOCAL NOTES. T NOVEMBER 21. 1901. Your Hair PIONEER WHITE LEAD CASTOR IA , For infanta and Children. The Kind You Haw Always Bought Bears the If your local dealer doea nòt carry It, write to ua and wo will see that you get it _«»■ W. P. Fuller & Co. PORTLAND, OREGON. RignatureiX f Letters Proving Podtivoly that thoro ¡9 Na< Modicino for Woman’» lflt> Ctiual to Lydia L. Plnkham’n Vagotablo Compound. PROFUSE PERIODS, “ I commenced taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- bieCompoond about three months ago, and cannot express the wonderful good it has done me. Menstruations were so profuse as to leave me very weak for some time after. Was *lso troubled with leucorrhoea, tired feeling, bearing-down sensation, pain across the back and thigh*. I felt as though there was a heavy weight in my stomach all the time. I have taken two bottle* of the medicine, and now have better health than I have had for four years.” M b *. L izzie D ickson II odge . Avalon, Ohio. CHANGE OF UFE “ I was taken sick five years ago with ‘ The Grippe,’ and had a relapse and was given up by the doctor and my friends. Change of Life began to work on me. I flowed very badly until a —- year ago, then my stomach and lungs got so bad, I suffered terribly; the blood went up in mylungs and stomach, and I vomited it up. I could not eat scarcely anything. I cannot tell what I Buffered with mvhead. My husband got me a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compbund, and before I bad taken half of it I began to improve, and to-day I am another woman. The Pinkham's medicine has saved my life. I cannot praise it enough.” M. A. D enson . Millport, N.Y. iütiûn '",t! be paid If thia taatlmo- JDUUU nlal I, not giHufnO' ^^^^^^3la £. Pinkham Medicina Oa. Æertéa/rùl' PARK AND WASHINGTON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON A. P. Armatroag, LL. B., Principal A practioal, progressive school, conspicuous for thorough work, with hundreds of graduates in positions as bookkeepers and stenographers. Already proud of a high standing wherevef known, it steadily grows better and better. Open all the year. Students admitted any time. Private or class instruction. Learn what and how we teach, and what it costs. Catalogue frew ---------------- Board of Directors--------------- — D. P. THOMPSON, PRESIDENT ». SOLIS COHEN DAVID M. DUNNM GREATEST finest STRENGTH flavor and ABSOLUTE PuR IT v G tjZX f=l XX ixi T E. E. O St. Mary’s Academy, Jacksonville, Oregon. ESTABLISHED IN 1865. • T he school continues the careful training ind thorough instruct Ton for which it is favor ably known. The Department Is always in charge of competent and exper- enced teachers. Board and tuition per session f twenty week. , HO.00. Studies will be reeum- d September 2, 1V01. For prospectus, address SISTERS OF THE HOLT NAMES. Notice to Trespasser* To Whom It M»y Concern: Notice Is hereby given that al) persona are strictly forbidden from entering or tn anv man ner trespassing on the premises of the under signed. described as follows: The NEq ot the NEq snd the Wq of the NEq. See. 8, Twp SR. R 1 W Attention is called to Sec tion I71M of the Criminal Code ot Oregon, which reads as follows: If anv person other than sn officer on lawful business shall goor trespass up n ary lands cr p. emlses not his own. snd shall tali, reg lee t or refuse to depart therefrom Immediately, ar d remain away until permitted to return uprn the verbal or printed or written notice of the owner or person in the lawful occupation of said lands or premises, such trespasser shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be puntshed by a fine not less than fl"e nor more than titty dollars, snd shsll be committed. In default or pavmeM of tine and costs imposed, to the j»i| or tB county In which the offense Is committed one dev foreach two dollars of the said tine aad costs. Tne lew will be strictly enforced agslnst ell trespassers, ss well ss legal damagis F. Durol has been placed In charge of tne shore primuses C.B ROSI KL Kind X t’ « OABTOH.TA. Beats th« L+, 8l<1| *