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About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1890)
X T hr jD inuma tied unes V ihr ÿiwtafitSiiiWi E¡ - advertising ano job work ln “>«•»«««• uno «n«*h niibscqiient InM-rtion.. n r«n Un««, one insertion ............ new times building . Ollie«*—Corner l’hlni and C Street*». TIIE TIMES JOB OFFICE ___ ft______ Kat«*« of snbacrtptiun: » »ne copy per annum, tn «ulvancv....... •• •• six months .......................... •» three months ........................ JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 31. 1890 .A. DIRECTORY. OFFICIAL FRANK GALLOWAY. STATE ’**F OREGON. - - • i ;i M i. .i n 1» . |*n. C mgi •--'‘man. B. IL rm.inn; Governor, > I’cii- n o •!'•, S«A-r* tary of Stat«*, George W. Mc- Bn ic; Sial«- it a-urvr. Geo. W. Webb; State Printer.F. C. ILik'-r; Supt. Public Instrm-tion, h It \|. bit .o . Suprem • Jmlges, R. S. Sti ahnii, < n;. t J.i-tu*< ,W. P |«or l. R.S. Bean. FIK.-r JI'iai'HI. DISTRICT. C<»inpri-*ing .lack-on, ,l«M*rpiiiiic. *«ak<* nmi K. i n itn «• «uiitn-s'. Cin uil .lu<lg \ L. It. W« b- -t* i . l>i-ti;ct Attorii'-y, W. M. C*»lvtg. •I %Cks.»N «'«U'\TY senator, T«i • ‘ am rou. R«-pve**«-iitaUves. >. Fun >.»). »V 'I Trill. »1. M. M«-’ all; • • Hint j .i’ll Igc. J. R. N I. ’' «mir.i-sioHcr-. < ’. W. l ay- r »i. H -ii. ll ty m «u l;»'l«*rk. M. Muller; Sheriff, J. G. Bir-H‘-\; 11'i-.v-iii • r. G. I.. Biot> iii « t ; A ss . ssor !l,. It i m; Si'll “’I Siipcrintvndcni, c. S *1 ur;, P. Appirgat«-, C.»i«»lier .1 - Par-on, "lock lu-p«M t -r, W. F. Songer. Jii-t.t*Hl.>K < oVNYY. J ant Senator, >Y.St. Clair; Rr»pr«-*entativ< , 1|. H Mm« »'. 4 ounty Jud«'*, V. Colvig; C«»m- iuiv»biii'-i's, I•>. Iii«(’*!ow, I*. Hansen;Clerk, C. K. ( uaiisi »r; Sheriff, Jam -s C. .M »ss; Tr«*aaur- < r. J. A’ >i.-v<*r; A-sc-s »r, E. C. H it tumi, - n ».»I Sup -riiit.-n i* nt. W. A. Massa ; Survey or, ( . W. Haven-. ( 'roivr. Dr. Wallace. at. k MATH < «»L X1Y. I »lilt S 'U.|t >r, C. A. Cag-We|| of Lake; It. p- »•«■,"•.it.»live, A. Snider ot Lak -; County Jmlg««, .1. S. «»< i; C i.n ms*! mi r*« W.C. Crawford, « s Slivers; i ierk, A. L. L -uvitt; Sheriff. E. W. ti »wan: Treasurer. Wm. E. H »we; A-ses- s >r, J »mi Smart; Sea »<>1 Sup«*«intcndcnt, P. L. F > i it im '»urveyor, l*a. I. -k ir-l; C«»ron«-i. J. T. Forbes. IAKK COUNTY. Joint Senator, C. A. Cog-well of Lal r -««utativ.', A. Snider; County JuJg< Wi -; C » a tussmners. A- ' J »nes Cierk W. .sultoiv, >tu nil, U I*. Hey- * I r'r r. A M I'.v ■ *1. - ■ ■ " >'«i" rui- t«nU nt, A II. »'(»U.T, A»--— T -I. I-. V 1» .H 'UWIg .*«l*»k ln»l»VIIT. |I H .1'111«». MEET ING l»fn»VHIS >«f' • Tiie AiipreiDe court of Oregon m-*«-ts < i!« in, regular lerms romtm tiring on th«* t? M 'ti lays in March ami’»< « »ber; *o-<> ,i !’• n- • II n« living «»n hr-t 'I••*•. ..«> in May. l'ii«« clrvuit court tor the :.i«*t judicial district sits m Jack-*on • •«•»*. hl J hr-t M mdav- to Ipril .>« pt.-ir.lM i and In-win’“ r. In Klamath e.»ui»tj «»n svcoii-l Mondrt* in Jun Mi l first M -H la> m N »v< :iii»« i. In Lak- »• »«mt\ mi th«» ,H.t I M mday hi M •> » hi I the -«-c.m«l M m l i> >ii October. I«» Josephine county on tirst 'I »ii«iaysiu March and Augu-l. For Jack-on couutx the« »unty, probatt an! commission« r-' courts meet • > • r.v month, commencing with th- tir-t M »»flay; for J<»s.*- piunv v »unty. th«* first Xi »nd.iv m .ianiiarx, April. July and >« pt. <un« r, C t i.ak - countv. «•v«rv ait. i I’.at«- m<»nt h. commencmg tin- first M mlav mJanuarv. For K .imatli county the pp.-t A'■ednrsdny m March, June, September aivl N. jvviu I mt , _______ Al <*<ltbr<l, NOTARY PUBLIC. eactvilei : < h - REAL ESTATE ACENT I LEGAL OOCUMENTS Ot ill! k n ls ili att it up, « Kp« rlallv |>«*rliiiiiiHK tn till' SfttlrillVIll of «•MtatVK. (’ollrtl nJ Iftooal». Prompt Rruiiltiiiifrs. 1 am going t«» tel! you «»f th« extraordinary cure your Cuticura r« nn-dn-s >»«•• torim-d oil mi*. About tin- 1st ot April last I noticed soim- nil pimples Iik«* coming «mt all over my body, hut thought nothing of it until some time latvron, wlu-n it t»« gan to Io« k ltk<- spots <»f mortar spotted on, and which chiiiv off in lay« rs ac- A with itching. 1 1 would scratch «-very night un- km 6*i Ul 1 was raw, tli«-n the n«-xt wU y i bight tin- scab's, living formed A : meanwhile, were scratched off ’ again. In vain <lid I «-onsult I all tin- doctors in tin* county, but with.mtaid. After giving The Oregon Ceusn». In veto iiirnt iHvurltte« h r*n€*<'!ftiry. Jackson County S<'ri|> Bought and Sohl. 1 hav«'a « inpl« t<-N« t ot .Maps of all th«*Sur- vry« «l Lan«i>* in t his «-«»unty, an«l r«*c»*iv«* Ab- Htraets monthh trom l<os« lmig of all n« w t utii« * in i'l«’. I am thus propar« «! Io make out Honw*>t«*n«l ami l‘i « -«’luption pape its . ami can sav« to parti« s tin- < xpt iiso ot a trip to Roseburg Laiid ’»tliev. purlin»«»! thKin rrom my druggist, mill <’l>- taiiH-d almost Imnosliat«* rvll«*!. 1 bt-gitu to n«»tic<* that the svaiy eruptions gradually droj»|»c<l off anti di-app» i«i«ti one by »me. until 1 Lad been fully cured. I had the dis«*asc thirteen months b< for«« I be gan taking the rente«li«*s, an«i in four or five u« «k* was en tirely eured. My disease was eczema and psoriasis. I know <>i a great many who have 1 HAVE SEVFKAI. FINE HUMS AND < »THEH taken the rein«*di«*s, and thank m»- tor the knowleg«* <d tin in, «specially mothers who 1»K-IK * HI.»; emU’EHTV IN M Y have tiahes with seal) eruptions on their H VNDS FOlt SALE. heudsaiid bod its. I cannot c\| less my thanks ;i*“Pr«impt r«-piy iii.vlejo *u lettere. toy«»»*. My 1» sly wHseovered with seal«*««, and - ... Charges m a«-« -(•rdance s 11li the times. I was an au till spectacle to (»« hold. Now my It. p« ■i mi*««ii»n to C.C. Beekman. Esq.. skin is as clear as a baby's. Banker; !■» Hon. I,. It. ... Webster. -, Judge of this GEO. t’oTEY, Merrill, Wte. jmlieial <l'.<trict. ami to ntij busin«*ss bous«- in Jacksonville. SILAS J. DAY. .VO /¿CT1O1.S /OR R a U i Oregon’s population, astile bur* a nel aim 8 if. is 312 Ilo. h» 1BBU il was 171.7M. »-h«»w- iog « gain during the census period of 137,- 76*', or 73.*> per cent. '1 he population of • • unti» k announced is : < '«»untn-s. Mfc I ¡ierras«'. . M.H29 2,aa B«*nton.............. .15.1W2 5.KL’ < iackainas.... .. . 9.931 2,730 < ’ialsop ............. . 5.1«l Columbia....... 3.119 (?( H »8.................... ... H.N36 4.1MB . l.»48 Curry ............... 440 . 11.7K7 I >ou aliti*............. 2,192 ll.Jte) Jackson......... 3JM 4,M4 JoHftfihlnv......... 2..L5Q . . .15.WI Lane.................. 5,(te7 Linn.. ........... l«,i;r.» 3.44W Polk ... 7.7.« Lit*» Tillamook. ... . Z.hKU 1,91* WHbliingtoii 4,792 ...11X4 Yamhill 1U.ÖGK 2.«*4 Mult nomai) 75,657 50.454 Marion............. tjna Total..................................... 23ÜJM MONEY LOANED. 104.1IT an4m.« ruar ut 76.Ü1 r^r cent, fot i T j »4 (tPfrirt Tlie bureau announces the poi illation and gain of cities hr follows ; 1MM). Incrrnt»«* Astoria. .... ........... . 7.071 4.2»te Albina ........................ 5.104 4>; i Eng« ne.......................... 2, Ml 3.93* Portland . .. .... 47.294 29.717 East Portland............ 10.401 7,547 Sai«*m............................. ................. 1U.42S j.W, I In- foil« wing are the ligures f- rtl.esr« <>tid district, as íii:i»i*he<i by Siiperiutñ*n<1- »■ni S' ■ range, w bi« h ar»* repiii't«d for pur- i «»*»* •■» <if i'oiiip w it ist n. t ’orte« _______ t« «1 l'.gure* mri in' re»f><* have r«?reived hzTL not :i i: been t_. ... ^.,..1 from the n-u- l.urenu v«-t : Innttilh* " .... ’■ 12.90» Crook ( nion . . . . ll.Ohtl Malheur Wasco 9.311 idike . Bak« r .. ... h.MMl Klamath . Grant. . . 4/»0 Sherman. Mori i >w 4.2»"» Harney. ....... 3.IM0 I ■ Th«* n« u l»l«>od ami r-kin purith r and gn at. Wallow a . . 3,«Ä I Total «•M of humor r« nn-di« s. int« rnally (to ch- msv Gilliam .71.500 tIn* I i I imm I of all impuriti«‘N. ami tliu« rctnov«- t In- «-aus« , ami ( ut lent a. t h«- gr«-at skin cur«*, A Nice Uh I bit. and Cuticura soap, an < vpn-itr 'km l»«-auti*i- ei, « xt« rtijilh to rlt nr tlu-skin an«t scalp am! l b< Slate Immigration Board*» con tribu- i rat or« - tin- Im a, cm « « \ «-rj *p< < i« sot ag«miz- lion t«» Ila«> r«c»*nt Portland exposition was ing. itching, binning, M-aI\. and pimply a vdlu «bi«- ttiei luu.d noiiceMble one. In dis« a*G*sot tin- hkin. scalp, an«! hlo«»«!. •u lsiMi h«* «1 rre«or- • t tb“ «'■bate Beard Sold «-v « i » w lut« . Pile«-. < utiema. 5tk* Soap. 2.3c.; Ib-solv« nt, JI. Pr« par<d l»y !.. th< .... <>t Immigration authorize«! and d:recte«t Potter Drug ami Ch« m < a: (Ut pm at ion, Bos E N. Mmgau to enter upon the v« rk ton. ol <.olu-timg txbibita t i Oregon pn-du« i- î<S«-n«l liii'*,!li>w tn ( ur«- Skin Dis«-as«*s,” t *r the greui < xpoaiD«»n. 1'urMi.tnl to in- 64 pag«-a, .'»0 illu.-t rat ions, and l«iu t«-st ituonials. ••l'ii* t.oi:-, be visited ( luckamu.*«, Murmn. \V.«‘h-i;gi‘«n. Yau hil , Bent n. P«»lk. Linn ai <! 3iullnoman countie*», in wt>i»ru Ore gttii, \\ »«*•<:•», I n on l i.iaiiiia and B. k-r. in eastern Oregon. All of the eas'ern co inue* hr vi-iic«! have Contributed in a - CI m *t pain- soren« ss, w<-akti«*ss. greater or i « r * degree, but no other.«* in that ^hacking «-«»ugh. asthma, pleurisy, ¡»oMieiiof the state. In tlie wehlerii |>«»r- _____ jp ami inflammation rrli.-v«-«! in mi«- tmn, lh ugiaa, Tillamook, JacK-on »nd minute by tin- Cuti«*ura Anti-Pain PJa-t< r. J< scphine counties, aithou'h unvisited, Nothing ¡ik«- it tor w« ak lungs. haw sent contributions, the latter two most liberally, grandly in fact. G:a«n-. gras.-«.«*, fruits, green, dried, canned i.n«i p v'erved, wooi, hops, native woods, rough h i manufactured, and minerals are the ■ licit s wbicb make up the grand di?play. Is y »LD <‘X bhakrn out of Gear. POSITIVE Cuticura Resolvent it’s Es|i'.-¡.iHy al.iptcJ lor Fanns, Hindus. Orchards, Gardens and Lawns, NEW GOODS, NEW PRICES BON AN /X NEAT. OURA.BLB. 3TRO.VG AND CHEAP YAQUINA BAY ROUTE ti.iHniW SICrEFSOR Kt J. O. HAM- • nk»*r A < «». ««f li«manza. Klamath county, Or., »iHH puret aw«I a large ai.«i hrM-claas stock of <.»«>dw whi-h ar«» n«»w <» ti the way from P«»rtland, and will bn s«»ld Cheap for ( hh I u Everyh«^y m nvit«»«l to call and examine go««!» and prices be- f«»re purchasiiiK ete«»where. You can alwajs find on hand a fall l»ne of J .Short Ullt* to C3íl I í Í 01*11 ¡ ÍL FREIGHTS & FARES THE LOWEST. FRANCIS FITCH. l.\W STEAMER SAILING DATES. k i«»M v vqviN A: FH<»M S XX Fit 1X( 1SC(»: Willamette Valley, Saturday, Octolmr . .. 4 WiKaiiu-lt«- Valley, M m«lay. Ovt<»b«-r . 13 Wiliam Ue Vail« > , >at arfiay. Oet«»t»cr ... is 1 WiHani't’«- Vid Is-v, lV«'dn«-j»tiay, < »vtnbvr.. .22 Willaui' tte Valley, Monday, ()ct«»i»vr......... 27 I Willamette Valley, I relay. Oct«>bvr........... >1 .Vrrf/«rt| MORRIS M. SILAS J. DAY, Abstracts Made of Titles to Lands. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Alf.illXHV AXD rot s-bl.oll Al MORtAR-SPOTTED SKIN MISCELLANEOUS. r.* ‘. mani —■ HARKNESS, V l loKXEY ASD COI NSELOK AT LAW. The company reserves tlit» right to chang«* Clothing. Boots and Shoes. Gi oceries. Hardwi re and everythin« generally to be found in a tirwt- (*labH (’ountry Store. .1 AH. MORTON. Manager Bonanza. April 18 1KSH iiling dat<•< without noth-.-. ! I Canf Breathe. îlabratcd Frccch Cure, ÂPHRODÎTINE GUARANTEE liy ma.axial disease, the human machinery < .i ..ot ha f peform its t tlice. Digtsliut». *< -ivtion, evacuation are disordered, the Train N • iw. irun l .i.- lay-. Timr-lav s an I Saturdax-. an 1 on mt« rm -«iiatc «bn - win n o d becomes watery,the nerves feeble,the P. P. PRIM, " '■ > I ram N ». 1 will run Mmilax-. W. <lm — lax > an 1 Frul.i>-. nn-l <>n inn-i iiu^liatc «lax- countenance ghastly, sleep disturbed and wli'-it nvvciteaiy. a| | vU e t apf h mils, i errible is this db- / ' A F TORN E Y KNI» «’« >CN’'EL« »R AT LA W. ea. «•, fell its conse<jurnces. There is. how I C. H. HASWELL C. C. HOGUE. BEFOR AFTER ever.a ki.uwn anudt te t<» tlie m asmatK •/<««-A:••«/»«rid»-, Orr-tjon. ìk (. » >r«*<<>a Ucvelopraent < >»., G«u I F. A P. Au t. o P. li. R. Co, I Gon it. A 4 i 4 ’. »b».it4'» T< »barri » « *r <)p; 4111. or t ■ . h .'I :n i — n*- I- bon, ai.d a ceriuin s.ti-guaid against it ,u,’r> at.. S hu Francisco Cal. Corvallis, Oregon. lie,*, tion, over indi « Lo-* of J'rni ; In m.'.iarK us regions ot our boulh ami Will practice in ah courts <»t t in- >tat«*. • unce JACKSONVILLE, OR. power, Wakrfüîn«-*-., I ■ n ti I’Hins in ’ • i- hi the Court House, third d-sir to left < d en- hu* k . "emdial W cak:i ", II ». N'»»rxous l’r *- \\<>:. :n South America, Guatemala am! t rance. < i. ti.v l-lbiuuso| Panama, as Weil as in tuition. Nocturnal E-*ii«■ c «-orrho a. I zim-**. Wenk Menu rv, | .. ■oxxer ami Imp«»- transmarine countries where the scourge J R. NEIL, whi< h H neirl • i- d <» H I to premhiii’ «.lists, this iuini’table preventive and HE I'NDERSIGNED HAVE FORMED A t«-n«-y. and iiixanitf p- ( . f 1.00 a bog, ft bo e - copartnership with an auth. r«zc<l capital of old ii,'<* ATTORNEY AND COVN5ELOR Al LAW, rem« «iy, Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters, bas, n«V - •r bx’ ma l <1'1 -<•<*.■: ;.t Of prif-P* —WITH ITS----- j.V. tkki for t h. purpose ot carrying «»n a Gt ner fort. during the last thirty-five years, been c».n- A WUI . ’S Í.I tl! 4M» I' I Jurkuunnilt-, hr. al Banking Business m all ot its brunches in every f .'M I the to'ii i-x if sianlly widening the area of Us Usefulness .lack-«nvill«‘. On-gon. < »thee at the old stand R rrrm.inrnt < ■:«» i4 i ’ : * lltsiik«- < ait < »recoil ami «lenionstrating its sovereign value. ?<•«!. XV «• boxe of Bi « kman s Banking House, S. E. corner Cal t’.oii-an«!« of le** : ’ • Will practice in ill courts <d th- state, otth-.* i id and y».* eg. Liver «’omplatnt. dyspepsia, constipation, ifornia and Third streets. in Ine Court »louse, ur*t door ivieqc* vii- r O r out li < ív \< ” . u ho 1 ;t • ■ il i iv-cntlx* « nr.-. ’ , .In tho State Insurance C<»’>. Building,) kidmy trouble, rheumatism and debility «’.C. BEEKMAN. t ranee. • \ rhe’:*«ï of Aphroditim». ( r* • liter tree. Atldroe, TH OS. G. REAMES. are uh r« nudted by it. l ND BRANCH OFFICES IN PORTLAND. ASTORIA ANI» ALBANY. THE APHGO MCD. ?.*!£ co. H. K. HANNA, We o.u I’ruach, I’. \ j 7, !,'»»*. tl > a * i ., * u School statlaUrt. „H im tor sa'v a large list ot For sale at Citv Drug Slor«-, . Ja« ksonvill?. .VFlVUXEV AX1» CUI X.-tLoK AT LAW. He mi th bierimal retort of thè .. _____ StMte Sup» riuteiideiit ««t Pubi c.! urtructiou.E B. JutluoHòllt!, Or. Grain. Stock and Fruit Farms. «Also City and M« I. i « v, ih in the Jia« d.- ««i iS ate Pritit<»r Keeps the largest stock of Suburban Property. Will practice in all court* ot r*ie Siate, ( Mfk-v l-.ik* r Ti e r« p«*rt shows gr<>wih and ini in Urtate brick, upstairs. povttiirul of pub i« school interest« -.11 L’li« < t^' I. in 1 <’«>..waA especially organiz«*d for th»» purp ><< of buying and >iiii liv imu »1 »• g tb** Im«* rhe average nun.ber «)( larg«- trant-* <«l land, and lias during th«* past two years bought and -ubdivi l«*d over k-’,,u acre*» J. J. HOUCK. daj * t»l m h -ol taught throughout the *t<«te a« t « s ot land into five to t w<-nty acre tracts Th«- succès-, ot tins undertaking is shown m th« h * been 1 ucr pm * ing gradually for ten y^-nr.- ta« r that out ot 2W tracts piaosl on tlie inark«*t. 223 have be, n sold. -and - NOTARY FL BLIC AND CuNVEYANi EH. W, . hum th u ten acres «»1 choice land in truit will yield a larg« i im in« than l»»b acres of — Hum 90d .ys in irmi to ltiy.57 in 1S90. T:»r Gin. Agís, for 1». M. Ferrv «V Co ’ s wbvaf in tin Mississippi valley. following aie summaries made from the .... (iul<l Hill, Offfjun. We ateo mak<- valuabl«- improvene-nts in the way of roads. t«-m «s, clearing t ht* hi ml. etc. VINES AND SHRUBBERY reputi: Whole number of organized d s Will attend to all business in my lint with We can sell a-small tract of'and for the same prie«-p«-r acre you would have to pay for n !S <3 13 1> !■ tricts, 1 6H3; pt r>«'iis sch« age. persons of sch< ol </.».- ¡arg«- tarin. promptucss and at rra&uiiablv rates. nn the northwest coast. • 4’ teachers leathers employed, _* 2.536; ~Z1, school« i obses, . l.lW.i, ’ valu«- ot school property, $1,- WM. M. COLVIC, 7,»'|,1./ h 41. scb«-ol?«, 125. In issu ” ‘ pinate ‘ I ihere were 1,<*'7 -chool districts, and a U roKNKY ASI» OI’N'EL'iK AT LAW. a ho >1 p«q uhttion of 39,<»15. 13 1'3 ?*i Orq/$»>». tira nt's t<» cur«* any form tvrvou.* disease «hbordvr of ft«-rat ix e or Trains coniie«*f with theO. A C. R. R. and River Boats at ('«»rvalhs and Albany. BANKING HOUSE, iicctsstrs !;■ C. i. jsäaian’s Bank. THE OREGON LAND CO r WOODBURN NURSERY I fruit. Shade Ornamental and Nat Trees F. L. Posson & Son. IC 13 I) >1 I SEND FOR PAMPHLETS. MAPS I PRICELIST. NO »PHIS OR LICE OUTREES. ♦/««r A-Af«*»*r«/.'♦» Or>y»n. ESTABLISHED SEPTEMBER 1J1 ■ Will practice in all the courts of th«- S’ute Pro^'vutiiu Attorney tor First Judici.t Disirict. < »liier in Uourt-btni.HV. MlUUNEV ANI» 1<H X<I L<4I AT LAW, Jackson County Bank, tWftee In Laytou A Co.’s brick, upstairs. MEDFOHI». OKEGON ROBERT C. SMITH. Apple Tn < - « 5i > $10 per ltel P«-H<*h “ lo •* is Plum and Prim«- Tr«-e* s “ If» “ “ Other tre« » an i shr-.ibb«ry turnish«*d re asona bly. Send lor < aiaiogue to .1. H. SE l l LEMIER, Woodburn. Or. 18.*» ROBERT A. MILLER, ATTORNEY AND COCNSELOR at L1W. Does a General Banking Business, and Buys and Sells East ern, Domestic and Foreign Exchange. */«4cJk»oMritte. Or J. C. CARSON, 30LL3:riQM3 A SP33IALT7 Sash. Doors, Blinds .lACÌumiUUe, Orvg«»n. x "yiug «>f all kin«!'* «I ui«* in .» tti'sf-chi.-».* m.i nier «lu-i «it i’t-.i*'.»ii.iblt* rat«-.-*. ¿ 4g"Spcciai 4tleiir»«>n pubi t» loeuting g«»v- crmiieut laud-*. l*iircli;.<ers of property or Capital Stock of the D E N T 1 S T. }|**«ltur«l. Oregon. Tolo Townsite and Milling Co. J. C. LEE, M. D., p H Ï ft I C I A N A N l> SURGEON. TAKE PUBLIC NOTICE Of the Franchises nn<l Privileges granted to F. TL BOWE August 7th, 1888, By the incorporators of said company, now on file at the Recorder’s office, in Jacksonville, Jackson Co. CeNtrffl /*«•>«/, Or»(/ oh . (’¡»Ils promptly attend«-«! today or night. CEO. DE BAR. NI. D., P II V S 1 C 1 IN A X 1» A f It G E O X. JaekMftville, Oregon. Ulth «- and r« •»•.|«*nc<* on < a' Street, i..Ute ait« nd«-d promptly day <»r night. I .'lo, Oregon, October 4, 1**9. T R. PRYCE, M. D., PHYSICIAN J. W. WALKER. J. H. GRIFFIS. AND S I' R G E o N, MtulforiL Orrg«»n. GRIFFIS & WALKER (»ilice in William-* Brit k Building« up-stairs. MANlfFACTt HEILS HE J. 8. WAIT, M. D., riiVSK’IAN AND SURGEON’ >S «4 í*<> r «I. Orricon. (»thc«? «>ii Main street, in I’iiildrrs' building. Calls promptly attende*! to, day nini night. GOLD HILL, OREGON DR. A. J. LAPPEUS. P II Y SIGI A N Teatral Point, Oregon. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS i «Ute atieiuled day or night. OR. S. DANIELSON, SAW MILLS ON SAM’S CREEK. PiiyMio-M’slicai r II Y s I 4’ I A N fit SEAS SAS A N D N l R G t U N. A N I» S E. P, CLARY, M. D- A • 1 A N AND SPIRIT WINE A N D S I’ R ’» E D N. MERCHANTS, Urdfcrtl. Ort-gen« o*l puny, Mihvntikf«! I|«ittlt<l Beer, Sehmiilt «V (’o.’n Sarsaparilla and Irmi Water; also Arcadian Mineral Water from Waukesha. Wis- \ N I» S r RG : ■We«lforJ, Ortjfon. Calte pn»mptl> Att. n.|. .| |O ¡»ay or N’urlif. < MIL »? tm II *trtj*-t. 209 2d St, Portland, Or. Otalogu« I re«* Butte ( reck R«»Ber Nili». mai hinery The ro 1er process . . in tie Butte ci<-ek mills bnvim* l»«-en placed in GENERAL III II.DING MATERIAL. posiiicn »nd busiiies* Laving t e«*n re E*« < an I pii' ’-iHt sent on application sumcd, I am now rradv to supply ply ail who may c«»me wi:ii __ the . IjeM ................... of roll.-i Jcr process \TRY oUDF.RS A SPECIALTY. t! ur Ht niHrket rate.-*. I uill < ontinue to AT CENTRAL POINT, < xcl.angp wnb farriers for wheat at the nt W« !i|U i's Mill. Sah*r«»oms cor iobowing rat«** 3* pounds of superior I. -ti - •■I-». Portland, < Iregon. bak«*r’s grad«- per bush«*l without ottal, or 31 pounds <»f baker's grnde fi- ur per bushel and inn« p«»umis < f feed. Ex WhereÌKkept ««»nstnntly <»n bandii completi* chang«* limited, to familv uses, in farmer's and tiret-rhi>ft M«»ck ot sacks. Will guarantee the output of the Butte creek mills to be equal to th»* best flour made in southern Oregon. A. J. D ai . f . y . And I itI“»iter of Eagle Point, Or., July 7. 1H9U. JOS. C. SHERIDAN, PROPRIETOR A CARRICK, AI ercliiiiit Tailor Foreign and Dyadic Woolens, Etc., HARDWARE, Stoves, Tinware, Cutlery, A I«arire Transfer. 1*7 L 'M week there was tiled for record in th«* c untv clerk’s «»tli- e in Eugene a 0<*v«l MEDFORD, ORECON. fruiti H J. Penerà an«l wife to the Spring OILS OF AT * KINDS, field Investment and Power Co. The prop«Tiy in the deed include* 12o lot** in < FELL LINE <»i HIE BEST AND MOST Jísvhar.ics' Tools, the town of Si rii gfield. A tract of tend /i iH'dn«»n;«b 1« « ii'ih-. timshings, <-te., «-«»n- containing 15 3 acres known as tlie Wiimot •Uiintly k« pt < hi hand, and nothing but first» land. A tract <if land s«\ »th of the sa win’ll. 4-| hsh w >i k I urm*«l <mt. Ail nr'l<r-» nlled prtmipriy ut reasonable A part of the Reuben Harp r «Ì nution land rat« - and -» u i>ta«-tin'i uuariiiit«'«xL claim, containing 14 acres. A part <d the A i \UI<I< K. Hoss pre-emption, <-<»ntain:i»g S3 9s at res, NAILS. ROPE. Mc<ll..r.l. 'lav I. M an ! a sinad it regular tn« t of land in Ami everything else imagina!»’«- in this line. Springfield. Also the Springfield water My goods are n«*w and ot thè beat brands, and power and ail water ri; h s mih I powers and wil’ be sold at the priv lrgcb pertaining thereto. an«i all ditrh- » a. dtini*. gates ponds, rights of wav, etc. Lowest Ruling Prices. I In* consideration named in the deed is By the Thousand I fJ13,7;*V. Give me a call before gobi; • • *cwln*r<•. HE ! NI>EltSli:M:i< IS NOWTAKING OK- J. ('.SHERIDAN. Notice. d«-rs through J.»' ks«»n Hiid Josephine coun ties for Out this out. ami when yon visit Port land during th«* «-xpoMlmn call on Towne, FRUIT TREES & SHRUBBERY, the photographer, and receive the follow ing extraordinary oiler: All presenting Ail} kin I rais’-«! in a first-class Nursery. these slips will be given one dozen of mv ■ best style <'abin«*t i h<»tos an«! one extra fur Th'«s»* wanting tree* will do w«*ll to give iue framing for $3 M M.v regular price f««r th« ir «>r«i« r*, n- I will g iarantev satisfaction. the same work to those not h'dding these I warrant all my tr«-« *. if pr<«p«-rly cared tor. slips is per d«»z« n «mi $3.00 for ♦ xtr.« T«-rms ot pax m«-nt « asy. Pro«luc«' taken at market pric«*. h'JiH’ s. of Peach S«-«-«1 want«-«!. pif ’ure. This is an extraordinary A. S. ,B»IINS«>N. and th«* probability of doing enough ein i Ja< ksonvill«-. < »r«von. Aug. I. lbN>. work to make it r »y prompts the indu« e- meiit Cail ;:r «1 .*»'<* «»ur work; it *«p«* k foi t-eif This holds goo<1 until Xovem- B. C Tow m g • • . . T//I « / / /./IK IT/ /» . . . . m Studio cor. F'lrstand .Morrison H-.-. i SMITH & WESSON . Ihing your babies to Towne. agricultural implements FRUIT TREES IN SOUTHERN ORECON Grant’s Pass, Oregon. Olftc«*at |«r<M«*nt at the Uagley Hotel. THIS PAPERS“” VflDif luniv Newspiipir AAvcrtising Bureau (10 Sprue« ¡REVOLVERS; The Finest Small Arms Ever Manufactured." (úuimnt«<«s| B Unrivaled« A__ ______ — “ ■ _ fw IVrftVt. ■ ■ Beware of cheap iron imitations. g Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List to|| 5/*L*/AI.*/'/K/./», ».«.»«•■ Choice Lands For Sale. W. F. READ, President. j. L. COWAN, TrnwHirw ri 1 J. R. WRITSNI AN, Vice-President. >»R SALE. WH9. ACRES OF LAND 419 avrvH <»l farm land in th«? valley, good for J. K. ELDERKIN, Sec. and Manager fruit or grain. Two thoiuaivi six hundred acre* foot-hill and mountain-side land, good for fruit, dary- ft I» ing or 8t«M*kraising. This track of laud hap ovcrsi’ven mil. * of f«'iieing, dw«*llin»r-hmi8e, a Stock fil’ d of 90 fret, ami plenty of living (/ water. Call on or addrvtte J. S. HERRIN, Aahland Jarktton Co.. Or. t l>pç ami « The n Farmers Merchants Insurance Company, (1 (I il III k I CAPITAL STOCK, $500,000. C? A « 11 I > A-11 > U 1\ &G<MH>0.00 ALBzkNY. OREGON WM. ULRICH. Oistriûî L®e.iî. MEDFORD, OREGON l/jw. L—_ ■ ACCUR4CV. _ DURABILITY. ■ EXCELLENCE oV _ WORKMANSHIP and ■ CONVENIENCE In _ LOAOING and SAFETY. ' EMORY Mied winderinc cnr*d. Boika teamed ia « -V r. %*iinff. Tmtim<»nisl’« fr<<»n all par* Fh>7. A. I theglcbe. ProBpectas POST .* m ¡iDplicatiun t< Prof, 237 F‘«U Ara. 5ee Yc<k HARKIbON G<>EH A SHOPPING IS HAI.UMORI . W amiinutox , October 21.—Tiie )au«th is on tlie A'immih'r.itm'i. T >-<tay __ ____ a lit _ ie story leaked out tliat is not only funny, but ph true as i/otipel. The McKinley bill is responsible for it. Noliody, not even the most z'alous Republican, ex- pected tliat there was a haw ! haw ! in tlie tiling- But there 1». Mrs. Harrison, Ibe tiist iaily of the land, is the heroine of the story. That estimable lady, ac- eonrpanied by Mrs. Ditnmick, went over to Baltimort the other day a-sboppinir- THEY VISITED UYLT1MOKE INCOaNITO. Mr». Harrison always goes over to Baltimore when she wants to buy any thing. *lre lias art idea first Wasliington inercliHtit» are in s conspiracy to swindle her. There inay lie some ground for this, fur in st Washington merchants know a White Hou-*e customer at a glance and inpto.e their opportunities. When Mrs. Hatrisiui goes over to Baltimore she goe» incognito. She does not wear tier best go* ns nor do *s she wear her worst. On this trip to Baltimore sire was dressed qrretly iti a tailor suit of brown cloth, with a brown boiin-t to match, and a handsome, but ordinary everyday wrap. Mis iHmnick was <lr *Fse'i becoxniiicìy and modestly. The two lad ms Wt lit. over tu anam»<* tor «ionie new winter gowns and to lav in s »me small hou.‘e- hold suppii s of lin» li, <‘tr. Mrs. Dun- rnick also wanted a line of hosiery, and Mrs Harrison wanted toi.'.e [>eail but tons for Ha''V McKee. MKS IIAKUIS o N' k EYES ULITTEKED. They first went into the finest d ess- gixxls esta! lislmient of Ilsitim ir>* and »p-lit a long time looking at the Is-aiiti- ful h'rt nett gowns arid wrap« displayed. Winn Mis. Harrison began to pre« -on.e of tiie dr«s»-goods she wa^astound- i 1 t i find that tnose o' th-- finest qtiality liad g. ii • up just 30 p *r cent. Her ia*^e b a< k eve» inquiringly at tl;e irari'isome < bn k, and sir« r xpressed her asten shurent in no uncertain way . ••Wiry," she sa I, “three months ago this same class ot goads you quoted ’o neat $2 41, and now you ask $3 20 a jaid Why is it ■' “Why. my dear madam,'' said the clerk, with a modest look, “it is the McKinley tariff bill. On these goods tire duty was formerly 90 per cent; now it is 107 per cent. On this other Oiat-ri- al. which I quott* to you at $2 80 a yard, the duty was formerly Go per cent, ami we could sell it at $2 25. Now the duty is 85 p«r cent., and we must make our profits ” THEY LOOKED AT EACH Orillll. Mrs. Harrison looked at Mrs. Dim- n ick, and Mrs. Ditnmick looked at Mrs. Hair.son. Neither <*f the ladies datei do mor«* than exchange glances lest they shoul 1 reveal tlreir identity, lliey, however, made a purchase or two. but did not buy as extensively as they l ad intei ded. Thm they went over to the hosiery counter. Mis. Ditntnick wanted some hosiery, for which she had formerly paid, at the same counter, $10 a di zen. She found the price market! up here to $12, am! it was then her turn to open tier eyes. .»Ire expressed her mind to the salesman in a way that women do, sometimes, and was informed by tliat gentleman, with a bland »mue. that it was all the McKinley hill. He said that the duty on that class of goods had formerly been 40 jier cent, ami that now it was to per cent. He remarked fur I ther that a cheaper line of geo Is, which last summer sold for $o a d< Z--11, iva» n >w marked at $9 a dozen, and add» d : fRICKS 0KEATLY A11V A.X, 1.1 >. “Ill fact, ladies, the farther we go down the scale in price the greater has been the advance.” Mrs D.mmick bought a half dozen of the kind of hosiery she wanted in | lace of the whole dozen that she had intend ed buying. B»fote leaving Washington Mrs. Dim- mick had promised to buy a new dress for her maid. She wanted some smt < f woolen siutf, and she went to look at some Henrietta doth. She expected tJ lay 85 cents a yard, and was duuil»- ioumled to find tiiat the price bad been incteased to $1 1(1. The salesman nt the counter did not wait to be asked tlie reason fertile r sc; he volunteered the information that it was the M» Kinley bill: “Last summer the duty on that class of goods was 61 ver cent., now it is 125 tier cent.” Mrs. Dimmick lieaved a g e it ngl>, hilt havn g promised her maid a m*w dress she bought it. When it came to buying pearl buttons f ir Baby McKee’s small clothes Mm. Harrison gut angry. BAHY m 'KKK' s BI TTOXs bast summer she had Issight these bllttoiiB in the store for 10 cents a c .r i, two dozen on a card ; now tlie salesman imblii hingly charged her 25 cent.« a m.zi n fot tin* satue bu'tons. “I sup; o-e,” she said, witli sa c i-m, “that this, too, is the result of the Mc- Kin’ey b 11.” “It is,” said the sidesman, w ith polite ness. “The McKinley b II ha» put a duty on tlie goods, my dear madam, of 560 |<er cent, uyton their cost price iti Europe. It is a prohibitory duty, and I think” (the sidesman did not know, of c iu-ee, whom he was talking to) “it was done tu enable that old by ]sx rite, John Wanaroaker, to carry out a purpose he has had in view of estabhehing a peatl button manufactory tn Philadelphia.” Mrs. Harrison winced, and, with a slight and very « dd bow, left the coun ter without huying any pearl buttons. As they left, Mrs. Ditnmick remarked, facetiously, to her sister “I am afiaiil Benny will have to use safety pins lien - alter instead of buttons." I’.DVC<HON OF < ¡11(1 — L'llliwa A. A . Ct of the education of g rls : “lean only hept» that w»!h the new and frr»*r id»*as no* coining up some of the g<>o<l old way« may alao lie restored. Rrs|*e<’t shown to theaged,modestytfiiinple dre^s, Lome-keeping, daughters learning from ! good motheis their dome-tic arts, aie **u much better ti an the to nearly frivolity and freedom so many girls now enjoy. The little daught« r sent me by my dying sister ha** given me a renewed mierest in the education of girls, a fresh anxiety concerning the society they are to enter by and bv. Health comes first, and early knowledge of truth, obedience and self <*ontrol; then such neceeaaii leas«-ns a-all must B arn, and later such accom- plishments as taste and ta ent lead her to de-ir*—a profession or trade to fall back np<*n in timeut need, lliat they may not be dep ndent or too proud to work ¡or her bread ExpelielK t* is the best teacher, and with good education any *i»rl can Or« gon. Gold Hill. make hei own way and be the greater John L. is Bo««i Yet. i Slugger Flavin c «Rs Hugger Kuliivan a and better for the exertion ano d «• t’ho <■«• l.ocat >n< and Price« Reasonxbiy third-class fijliter and wants to lick him cipiine. FARMS 63 Front Street, Portland, Oregon J. H. BENNETT, M 0., I* II Y SIC 1 A N AND SU KG F.ON ' " '-’MWHW We want you fur a customer, (live n- a trial order. Suce«-*,r*» to Miller Bros. SMITH 4 WESSON. DR. W. STANFIELD, t». iu*a. iur e i» hl " A lull line in stock of ■ E L E» l I <’ p II YS | Cl A N. H »< |. m «t«-*l in A’«hl ml. Or.. L»r th« practice • hi-pr«.t.--- imi Mak« - all«-«|i- «-»-. - huh .- Rli«'umati-*mx Asthma. !>iiet*. Kidney <’«• .»»plaint.-, etc., a sp«\ ialtv. »liceti. where r- ■■■«■«i f«»r Cyrus Noble Distillery, Jos. Schlitz Brewing Coin ( I E. B. PICKEL, M. D., ■ I- Il V S IC I A N Î* 13 13 1» a* n eu ury wbl surely d»>Do.v the .“«n.-e •»( MneJ »nd (XHiipieteb’ deiange th** whole ny Mieiii when «utrring it through ibe mu- cou> s-uriNves. Such article? shuuld nw»r be used ex«ept on prescriptions from repu- twble physicians, a** the damage they will do is tenfold to the good you can |»<»ssioly derive from them. Hall’s Catarrn Cure, manufactured by F. J Ch«*ney A Co.. T<«le do, O . contains no mercury, ami is taken internally, amt acs direct.v upon the bl.»«««! ami muridis surfaces of the system, in buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure vou get th* ip nuine. It is taken internally, and mad«- in T«»I<«1 , Ohio, hv F. J. Cheney A (’«». ’1'i by druggiMs prit e 75c per bottle C. B. FIIZGERALD, Mt Morii. Oregon. H V ' 1'3 1» ?< HARDWARE AND TINWARE IIEI’Of TOLO! O. F. DEMOREST, 13 F. L. Posson <fc Son, WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS MONEY LOANED ON FAVORABLE TERMS *»/ « inOn^Ht» jar {'«ttftrrh llmt f 'untaiH Mt rettry, Bi L lum.ib’ St rri.iK'. ILnlcr tn N. 0. YOUNC, Il K ft I D E N T 1887 Manufacturer ot • »the • in building formerly occupied by Dr. Will Jackson. •STH V E YOH, i > Si PRICES MRS. M’KEE. SEMI K»H UE.'< KII’TIVE < 11« I I.A US. Farm tor Sale. The English bruiser never thought of lick ing John L. until the latter announced liiH in'entiun of abandonitig the ring for t he stage. ■ — • Is-gnl Blanks. mivh SALE. MULES I IN OHIO. ORF.GOX’S TAX LA If'.*. C antos , (O.) October 21.—Governor Hill was greeted on iiis arrival here to day hy a large throng. To-night, after a large torchlight pi<x*eseion of Demo cratic clubs, I «* spoke to a crowd of 3*100 people at the ritik. Man .* were unabli to otitain admission. Governor Hill said, in pait: -'An important political campaign is that upon which tiie country has enter ed. The question presented to our voters is not whether the nett house of tepresentatives lx* Republican or Demo cratic, but whether the nature of our federal government is to be radically modified and the integrity of our insti tutions successfully threatened. Th« great issue is tl.s re«*ord of the Republi can party in its brief control of cong>e»s. KECOHD or THE PAIITV. “The an.mating motive of its acts seems to have been only the periietua- tion of its own power. The party has in- cieased its majority in the house of rep- r«sentatives by arbitrarily ejecting Dem ocrats from their seam.' admitted into the I nited ¡»tales territories whose only claim to admission is that they will swell Republican maj irities, denie<i rep resentation to I>-mocratic territories much hitter qualified for statehood in p unt of pm illation and resources, ig nored the right» of the minority bv ty- annical methods and rulings' of ttie Speaker of the huuw, enacted a tarff law which will supply corruption funds for elections, and I'Onducted the census, denounced everywhere as worthh as and manipulated for counting Republican jsip'ilations up ami Dcrnu ratic fiopiila- tions down. It ba** threatened the en actment of the Eot«*e bill, which woud put an nd to stale authority in the <-«r- t fication < f f -'ietal elections and make congress not tin- ri-pie-entative of the people, but a er»* i’nr« of w hatever men federal oflj .a » ma; « h »>»•* to count in. 1 Id» i- die recouf t’»:,« c nf on’s the i co* pie.” C *ntinu>ng, tlie governor stated that til. people ar.* taxed $61,00.1,0(10for three year» in order tl at a tew manufacturers may experiment with tlie tin-plate in dustry. WANAMAKEK's ADVERTISEMENT. if voti think this is a partisan btate* <.»«♦ ’*a li1e'l o... ........ __ _ "rex.l wlmt . nit-nt, thx governor, a in<*riil*»*r of llarrinon'» cabin**t »zyi» ab mt it io a rweut ailveitiaenieiit: Tinware i» a iv.i ■ »ing n hi >»1 v<*rv • • manufactvrvn «riU l ave fair war ari l y«n and J will have to pay nun h ’i« re In vi*-» <»f 'h , >tnt<- of thing,, w« tn.-idi* »' tiiet'iix* s.i, - » ¡ar^e pur<*ba»e of kit- ben tmw.i eat »hat was a low price *b»*n. ai«i woui i tn* far I, wer how in the ia i- ■ I th« a ¡van «s in the maker's price- *’*'• J ohn W anvmakzk . " Ail over the country the effect of encli leyialation has been to increase the prices of dr;- joih I» and other household lin-eHsities. Not all l f thia mcr. ase 1» perhaps justifiable, but shai p Hi.*u hauls have iieen quick to take r.'lvautatte of the opportunity which M> Kinley off- red them, an 1 the poor consumer ie the vic tim whether justly or not. , ' The McKinley Lili lia» defined -liatp- ly the issue up >n which the two parties are divided. In its enactment the Re publican party has demonstrated more cl* a<ly than ever that toe sympathies of its leaders an* not with the great mass of the people, but with certain favored claa»e».” I* AKMKK« ABt Mi K lliey lull Yot nyw j„ I’Ll ASE1,-—The an<j tt|H frirmersof tlii- M-ction can, in a little wild. , fM*e whether or no they are pro tected, as tlie party *ayr tliev are by tl.i* moM monktrou* impo sition called the M. Kiniev bill. The larmers are the rock upon which thia government stands and their produc tion->re the necessities of life. If any one should be protected tliev are the one*. Rut does this bill p'rotec’ them ? I* protection the ideal wav rf in creasing the prosperity of this country ’ Does it make progress? A few questions like the above should be considered fully and the prices of good* purchased under the old tariff should be noted and those under the new. The farmers in Oregon still *ell th ir wheat in the Liv erpool market. They pav the freight in every instance to shir-own.ra who send their ship« here in ba last for a cargo of wheat. They cannot bring in foreign products in exchange for the wheat, ow ing to the excessive duty, so come irere in ballast arid the farmer pay* the freight on hi* wheat from T.iyerp .ol I ere, from here to Liverpool. He must do this a» vessel owner- will not send a ship from Lngland to Portland for a cargo one way. Do von «li nk that th- owner* of vessels would charge »* much for freighting wheat if the vessel* came Imre | ? No. A vcky pointe.] obj. ct le-son is fur- niebeil by the town ot Lebanon on the »ul j*»< t of home manufacturing. Dur ing the present eun.mer there have been Mnppeil from that pla«*e 110 tuna of chil- tim bark, for which $75 p *r ton was real- ize.l. n aking the m . u _* Mitn of $8.250. ihiabaik w-ns gathered in tfie neighbor- ing w < k >G. and i>f<*>»un>ecuat»othing hut tl.e time conantiied in gatl.eiing it. The bark i» »ent eaat to tnanufacturingdietn- i»t.«. where tin* product is placed on the u.aik.-t in the eh,|H* of medicines which are e»t tnale.l to b • worth $725 for each Ion of hark u»*e.|, or a total of aliout $80, <100. U k » difference for the amount paid out for raw material and the amount realized from the manufactured product represents a loss to Oregon of ful.v 900 |a*r <•-r.t. In oiler words, «.•an* paid $->»» fo- material* which the eastern mariiifacurer »elle for $80,- 000. f» it re .»»Ode tl.eri* la any one no denee a» to claim ti at manufacturing in Oregon w ill not pay ? Tuia is but one of bundled» of instances wherein Oregon lo-e» the larger pnqatrtion of the profit on her production«, and all fur lack of ttu> requisite enterprise m manufacturing the at.iind rnt material* at liercommand. H alem , <>et. 24 —The senatorial com- THt»<*e on assengtnent and taxation, w'hich has l»een in sesnion here two week», practically ringed it» labors lata ’I ps evening. I he bill prepared bv them covers fifty-four paces, regular lionse- bill HTZ-, and is now in the hands of the «tate printer, to be issued one copy for each metnlier of the house and senate «nd for newspajiers, etc The bill in its -cope covers the following points: The countv assessor shall apfioint an assessor for each precinct, or where precincts are «mall assessors can attend to one or more precincts, independent of sonnty officers, and must give bonds. They must complete their work each year by May 15, al! property to be assessed to owners up to April 1 of each year. These sssessors shell return their rolls to the county assessor, who is to have five rofla made. The county court is made a hoard of equalization of all except road taxes, and its decision is final. The as sessment is doubled for those failing to fi'l lists. The state board is composed of one member of each judicial district, to be appointed by the governor until <he next general election, to report to •he secretary of sta-e, who reports to the county clerk when changes have been made, when the clerk will make the proper changes. Taxes are levied by the county conrt in September of each year. The sheriff collects all taxes except the road tax. Taxes are delin quent after January 1, after which the clerk adds 5 per cent., which goes to the county. Toe mortgage-tax law, includ ing the Black amendment, allowing the borrower the exemption of taxes on mortgage«, is repealed and all mortgages are to b- assessed, not in the form of mortgages, hut a» persona' i«operty in the form of notes received at the place of residence or business of the lender. No household exeni|4ion <>f Ml or any sum or no ded<iet'**ri of indebtedness of any form i« to Is* allowed. Church prop erty held or ns. <1 fur p -cuuiary profit is io he «axed. Ila I road» are taxed as now. National bank» are taxed on the actual value of the capital stock; private banks, not incorporated, on the value of the shares of stock ; all stock to pay taxes at tlie office of the bank and not elsewhere. Electric-light, telephone, insurance, plankroad, turnpike, wagon road. bridge,, telegraph and sleeping-car companies pay on their gross earnings at the rate of B per cent, per annum to the state treasurer, and capital stock in the hands of stockhold ers is not taxed. School tax-s are pay able at the same t ni> a« county tax.-s, to the sheriff. Th* commission recommends that all hills relating to assessment and taxatiou he made privileged questions by Hi«« rules of each house, so as to give prece dence over every otiier measure. The law i« to take ately on ap proval by the governor, and the 1S!H a»-, eessmetit is to be made un ler its pro visions. T he B i . onheh l»u-»»*»-kARi>o.—Blonde» me laid to be diMpp*ming both in England and America. I'<*r«ona who can look back a half a«*«-ntury unite in declaring that there is a marked change in this respect. For every red-haired [e reon seen bow ten could have been met with twen’v years liaek. In Xew England, we are told, the blonde has well-nigii dis,|>| ea>ed. In X *wV >rk a rejej-ter re<- titly made an interesting experiment, winch any one who doubts it may repeat Ju the course ol fifteen ni'imtee' walk on Broad way lie <oun r*d ’_‘i») women, young and with bait tanging from a m< dmni brown to the Jarkest shades wlihb all but artist» call black. He passed only thirteen women of the pronounced blonde type. Three of these had red hair, and the hair of two had apparently been bleached. At the ttieaterthe same evening he acrutinixed fifty women with in easy range, and only six bad fair »kin«, blue eves and light hair. They sat surrounded hy a bevy of d.>*k women, who gave its prevailing tone to the com- plex-on ot the house. The public ecliool yielded a similar result. One class of eighty gills bad eight blondes among them, another of sixty-five had sixteen, a third < 1 filtv-aeven had only seven. Another observer baz.irds the state ment that not more than ten per cent, of Neu Turk women are blonde«, “(joany- wheie where pr, ttv girls c ngtvgate and yon meet tall, etriking-looking figures wilt dark and big daik eyes. The blondes are disappearing. Anil why? Science steps in with an explanation. Hr. Beddoes of the British Royal In firmary it> Jxjiidon declares t fiat after ex amining tl e hair o' nearly l,000young wo men who came before his notice, he has arrived at the conclusion that in matri mony the brunette was preferred over tfie blonde in the ratio of three to two, and so. gradually but surely, through the s* l-etion of dark women for wives ami through the hereditary transmission of brunette traits, ttie blonde become« extinct. How IT IS D one is T illamook —C. E Donaldson rec-iv.Ml an ordrr trom the county court for «14 S) for iiaicris! xml « *ik nirinslieil on tlie road. Mr. Don- kii I hoii sold bis or.lcr to G. O. Wolan for ^»‘Vetity c«*nis <>n thp <h>ila», rec«*i^i g ♦1O..<5. Mr. N ''an, acting in ’lie capac- e« of attorney for Mr. Donaldson, ap plied to tlm county «-ourt for lein hursr- inmt 1<>r what Mr. Donaldsot. lo< by diaconntme Ins out--r The court anotliei or.let for th«* »inn of ,4 45, the amount of tfie ditu-ount, and Mr Don- aldaon allowed Mr Nolan to keep the second order a'so, as hi» fee for securing it. Now. tiie county will pay *19.25 and interest for Work that ahoulu have been done for $14.80. Should .Mr. Nolan sell his orders now *t tlie same disconn*., seventy cents <wt a .foliar, be would re ceive $13 4“, anti we tee no reason why he stmuul not receive additional county TWE QCE5TION SETTLED. orders to compensate him for Ilia losef ?). This rut la ■ faithfn! A little of this gennetrical progression picture of the well knov,n in financiering would soon bankrupt tin* r«itab’ii»hinent of Thomas county. Our county court net <ls a guar dian — Il'n’Uight. Pri'-e Bon. at F>24 Sa ra A fu'l assortment of blanks fur the li*e of justices of ’In- i>ea<-e and constables can always be found at the T imes i fti.e; aim went*» street, 8. F, As the die*ls. ni'Utgage-, bids ,>f sale, leasee, im- leading chemists of the chaniv's Ileus, bo.ids arid every legal west, they were asked to blanK g-i.erallv useit in Oreg'in. Tliev are primed after the latest and best forms, am] settle theq* as to what Aarsay»«ur!lias wore will be su’d at Portland prices. Ther*- i_- In fa t purely vegetable. We pr»»rM their re no mces-ity for sending away for your pert legal blanks •• w.> have ms ‘e careful chemical anal-'rs of *»veral «ell kiv urn brands <»f •ar>aT'artlla. and ha e faun t thr.n a l wlih the singleexception of Plenty of Money Nenie«!. j yr's ♦oc-uitM n Iodide of r<>:a>Rium. Asaresult Tl.e Portland (’handier of Cunitiierce ui I tv? are enabled i i pronounce Jo) a to l«e th* only h k the I gi latU'e to upproptiate I23fl,(iûü purrlv vegetab'*» »a r* a pari’, a now on tha market, o have Oregon ere litab y represented at ti e wh.i h I u« conn/ undur our obacrration.” wor I stair. I bereis quite e contrast be* M<»deru medicine ha« proven that a’I ordinary twe< n the amounts.a* ( alilurnia intends to face erupt ions are not causod bydiaca’-'d blood, raise 11,500,000. but by indifertion and sluggish circulation, wh^h • nil for vegetable •Itrrativee, fn'teal « “/7o»r to fhirr All Skm Oltranza. I lijo I purifier*» 13.«* ¡cd’f.o of Paas'iutn. Simply ipply ’‘'W ax ^ e ' s O imtmkjit .** N o .-••ta’ b' S„r .apnr-J.i tbo latest, ¿« TI'IE • i:ibbU.-LtvtaG [G lTv’L MILE' internai nnxliciii« r< ¿hired. Curi-s letter, - *tod cx’d ’.’:<* <>.d notions aun proveo« 1 r.u bt;«4 ot uc^ctun. iteli, all «Tuptiour» on the face, bunds I v.u*.!. ,.*. Jack" avilir, i.Tj** jich hr «.tl«-rs at . qqbc , &<»., leax’ing tin* ekin clear, white and Work ri.ul. s b-r »ali , »• i ».' i-’ • ;;s?r it cures sited t‘;a th«*r partirli hin«, I healthy. Ita gn at healing and curative pow r. usoiiaLle tlaur, ». For i • c i a theory. It ii ths talk ot »hj ÙHN McKEE apply to ' ers are potweased by no other remedy. Ask it HtTllng P. U. yuurdrufviii fur S wayfx > (JiMTMrirr. A jrood farm and st(»ck ranch.contamimr lfl> acres; l«»t acres under icnev. wi acres in cult! ration. C. ihh I house and outbuildinxs and neces.-ars barn room. I*’ruit enough for a small taiiiilv. Two living springs on the place, handy forst«»ck and irrigation purposes. The following property willgowitt» tin- place: 4 horses, harnt-ss, wagon, plow, harrow, cultiva tor. mow« rami reaper combimd. sulky rake, ami all necessar) hand tools. The place is !<»- cat«M three miles northwest of Eagle Point and nim miles from Central Point railroad station. If sold before harvest the crop will go with the phu-e. A small bunch of cattleand some hogs will be sold also, if desired. T« rms easy; two-thirds cash, balance to suit pur chaser. For particulars enquireon the place of the proprietor. FREDERICK Go VEENOH HILL NO. 44 t*^he™0<Si*e by ?r ,h«n •">' «*fc«r IB »uth« ro Or«*g«»n. and rampar«** favorably with any In the State. Job Print tua ofme? d""' s“n I'rwnclsS »t<w. wn.l .n a prompt ho <I nrsl-. la«. manner T iie Bin S tkki . B bidok .—The great steel bridge across the Columbia river at Vancouver will la» a niauirnoth con cern. It ail be liOOG feet from the Ore gon to the Washington shore; it will ba double-trai Led, with a road way on top for team«, and will f>e erected on pneu matic piers. The pivotal pier, or draw pier, will supi>urt a draw which will give an opening of 200 feet spa«*e on either ei*k* for vessels to pass, and the span ¡minedlately south of the draw span nil. Ire 375 feet. Whole structure to lie of steel, built ten feet above tbs high waler of 1878 and forty feet above low water. On account of the sandy formation it will la* necessary logo down eighty feet lrel"w low water to get a firm foundation. Tin re it r< sta on a founda tion of coarse gravel similar tu that upon which the great bridges acrinui ths Mis souri river a*e budt This gigantic structure w 11 <*oet over $],(KM),(R>I. and employ hundreds of men in it a erection. It will be January J. 1892. before the cars can pa«» over it. Toe company are pushing their bridge and also tl er road as fast as men and money and their pres, nt perfected plans wid permit, ftiey have now la-tween Portland and Kalaina over 2000 men and IVO teams at woiIt. M arhiluks that A sk V oid .— A nuin- t>er of pafH-rs ili.ooghuur tiie state have recendv said that m tlmir respective Counties a Iiutnt er of marr age ceremo nies ’ba’ I a I I e* n solemn z <1 were void, on account of ibe failure ut H>e persons lierforming such ceremony to tile the re quired certificate with the <•< unty clerk, hurli, however, is not the can*. A mar riage in this state solemnized before any authorised officer or minister is riot void because the certificate was not filed with the county cirri« w<tl<in the t*me prescrib ed by law, or within any other time. The penalty falls ii|>on tire solemnizing of- fi< er; but the marriage is good and bindr- ing, and the married parties nn-.t feel no alarm about the mat'er. (inly those marriages are void that a<e proto bi ted by law, Irecaosc of evnsat gumity be tween the part e», or on acci-unt of either having a former wife or lmaband then nMI’XK K A A A A M— /- f V r / OH H .4 ill TH living, or on account of either of them In nil Murltl lltrr< it hut onr Cvrf treing of one-fourth of more of negro Or. Hatur* 4*o>4«-a teprcin«*. 11 can be given tn a cup of tea or c«»!Le blood, if solemnized within this state. without the knowledge <»f (he person taking it. etfectinea speedy and permanent cure, D lkixu the next decade we may whether tlie patient ia a ru<d**rate drinker expect prosperity in Oregon nuch aa baa •r an alcoholic wreck. rhouaanda of not teen wittmeeed for many years. drunkards have been rured who have taken the Golden 8pec;tic in Ibeir <x?flee without From the trend of public sentiment it their knowledge, and to day believe they inay be considered certain that the quit drinking of Ibeir own free will. No natural resources will be develo|H*d and harmful rfleet reeults from its administra the waterways opened to the producer. tion. Cures guaranteed. Send for circular The era of moeabackism is paxt and the »«nd foil parti« ula-i« Addres» in confidence future will display an nnairmity of GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO. . 1*5 Rjice Street sentiment rejrarda everything which wil! Cinctn«-a»i. O tend to id vancement. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. 1 A*«." It cure beai! gi be only- I’rettoQ’a "H»d- ) ImiMditta, iiaiml* - — Fr«klou'» Ate." *Hcd* ^Cure# ifiÉíieeu »mutes ; Prwtous "Hed-