Image provided by: Jacksonville Boosters Foundation; Jacksonville, OR
About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1879)
r î Fe . DEMOCRATIC TIMES. DEMOCRATIC TIMES. Published every Friday Morning by RATES OF ADVERTISING. Advertisements will be inserted in the T imes at the following rates : One square, one insertion....................... $8.00 ‘‘ each subsequent one..... «... 1-00 Ijegal advertisements inserted reasonably A fair reduction from the above rates made to yearly and time advertisers. Yearly advertisements payable quarterly Job printing neatly and promptly execut* ed, and at reasonable rates. C ounty W arrants always taken at par. Editor and Proprietor. OFFICE—On Oregon Street, in Orth’s Brick Building. Rates of NubMcriptlon: One copy, per annum,............................ $3.00 “ six months,.............................. 2.00 M three months,.......................... 1.00 JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1879 VOL. IX I HODGE, DAVIS & CO •» TO THE FRONT AGAIN !¡ enough to accommodate a yard of ten to fifteen acres. After laying in the store-room about —WITH A— eight or ten days, so as to go through a sweat E coe & e C hy , N ov . 17, 1879. A. C. JONES, DEALER IN Consolidation of HODGE, SNELL A CO., IN PRICES AT ing process, the hops are ready to be baled, To the E ditor of the T imes : — I have re and T. A. DAVIS <t CO., attorney a counselor - at - law , which is done mostly by means of a hand- ceived several letters from citizens of Jackson WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELHT, ! press, pressed into bales weighing about 200 and Josephine counties inquiring concerning JACKSONVILLE, OGN., From San Francisco. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, [»ounds, the bale being 4} long to 2} feet high the method, etc., of cultivation of the hop SPECTACLES, Will practice in all the Courts of the State. i by 1} feet in width. The system of binding plant, and as it will entail upon me a great DEALER IN Office on 5th street, opposite Court House. amount of laltor to answer each person sepa the bales with ropes or hop iron is entirely SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, FANCY GOODS, 92 & 94 FRONT STREET rately, I l>eg permission for the privilege of done away with, the burlap being sufficiently G. H. AIKEN. M. D., FIELD GLASSES, answering all questions asked through the me strong. egs leave to call the atten - PORTLAND, OREGON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, As to the profits of the crop, I will say that dium of your valuable paper. I shall endevvor tion of the public to the tact that he has just returned from San Francisco with a full four acres of hope will always pay much better to lie as brief as ¡xissible and give what I hope CALIFORNIA ST., JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. I stock of will 1 >e a comprehensive description of the hop than fifty acres of wheat or any other product I1TE KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND Harps and Strings for the Same, plant, its mode of cultivation, harvesting, dry known in agriculture where it is necessary to Office— On California street, opposite Union »V a complete stock of Oregon. J acksonville. i exjiort the product. I have grown on four Livery Stable. ing, baling, etc. Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Soaps and CONSISTING IN PART OF Most of your readers are undoubtedly aware acres of land this year eight thousand pounds DRUGS, P. JACK. M D.. that the hop is used in brewing and preserving of hops and have been offered 25 cents per Perfumery, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, LADIES' FANCY GOODS PERFUMERY and TOILET ARTICLES ami flavoring malt-liquors; the part of the hop tli. at the depot in Eugene, but refused it and HEAD HIS CASH PRICES. NEEDLES AND BEST SPERM OIL FOR Jacksonville, Oregon. being used is commonly known as “lupiliue,” ' since that time the market has advanced to OE EVERY VARIETY, DRESS GOODS. a yellow, glutinous substance which envelopes 40 cents in New York, which would bring ns, Tr’sh Poplin, per yard............................ $1.50 PATENT MEDICINES, Eate of Glassrow, Scotland. Office at Geo. Black Alpaca “ “ ..... SEWING MACHINES the seed. The land best adopted for a prolific after deducting exjierises, 30 Cents; and then 50c Scbuuip’s barber-shop. Melange, per yard...................................... 25c growth of hops is river bottom land with a ' deducting 6A cents for expenses of growing, Double width dress goods, per yard.... 37/ic GLASSWARE, WINDOW G I. A SS, OF THE LATEST STYLES, sandy loam soil, in a location that will furnish j packing etc., we had netted over 20 cents per tt>. Unbleacheil Muslin, per yd...... 10c upward e has sold out his stock of MARTIN VROOMAN. M. D., 44 good shelter from heavy winds, but not so as to ! for ho|is this year above expenses. It is true Bleached Muslin, per yd............. 10c American Sewing Machines a number 44 PAINTS, OILS AND of times, but has another lot of them on Groceries, Tobaccos, <fcc., tec PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ladie’s Hose, 8 pair for........... $1.00 obscure the sun, as the hop requires all the we do not always get such good prices; but in 44 Kid Gloves, per pair................... 75c hand. This is the lightest and most rapid 44 sunlight it can possibly obtain so as to ripen I the past five years I have averaged 15 cents Felt Skirts................................. 81.00 WHICH HE IS SELLING running, as well as durable, machine there Jacksonville. Oregon. PAINTER ’S STOCK OF EVERY KIND, the hops when on the vines. The deeper and ' per tt>. for hops, which I think is much better 44 Children’s corset waists........... $1.00 is made, and so simple that little girls five 44 Embroid. Table Covers............. $2.50 or six years old make their patch work on richer tlie soil the better. No rule can be giv than any other product could have paid me. 4< Office in Orth’s building and at the City I acos 8c.. Embroideries pr yd...121^ them. This is the place to buy good watches, BLUE VITRIOL, 44 en for tiie length of timeduring which hops can The next question that would arise js there Drugstore; residence on California street. Sleeve and Neck Ruching......... 25c clocks and jewelry, and he will sell cheap l>e successfully grown upon the same soil, for not danger of overdoing this thing of hop goods cheaper than any one. GOLD JEWELRY. DR. L. DANFORTH. LUBRICATING OILS, ETC. ETC. J«* Watches, clocks, ’ jewelry and sewing the durability of the hop plant is very great growing. I will say there is no danger of the Ladies setts from $2.50 up to $25.00, and MENS’ AND BOYS’ SHIRTS, machines cleaned and repaired ata reduced other Jewelry cheap. when growing ujion congenial soil with careful hop product from the Pacific Coast exerting PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, A full assortment from the finest to the price. MEN’S CLOTHING. most common. cultivation. The longevity of the hop root is any great influence on the market, as only one- NEW DRUG STOKE, JACKSONVILLE. Side Agents for Oregon for the cele Jacksonville, Oregon. Suits for.................................... $12.00 upward SPECTACLES AND JEWELRY. almost astonishing, as yards iu England have tenth of the ho(>8 grown in the United States brated CARBOLIC S1IEEP DIP, which 44 Hats, each............................... 1.00 The finest lot of Spectacles and Eye-glass kills Ticks, Lice and all parasites on sheep, 44 MILLINERY STORE! es ever brought to the market and Watches ami is a sure cure for screw-worm, scab and been known to yield crops without living re come from the Pacific Coast. Office on California street, opposite P. J. Boys’ Hats............................... 1.00 44 There is another thing in favor of growers planted for three hundred years; indeed, it is Ryan’s store. Calls promptly attended Blanket-lined Duck Coats.... 5.00 and Jewelry of every description. foot rot. Circular sent on application. Boots and Shoes sold at the lowest prices, in Oregon, where we have such facilities in hard to say how long, under proper cultivation, to, day or night. J : ( 'all and be Convinced. Ty* CA LIF()RNIA STREET, and everything else in proportion for cash. GEO. W. ELLIOTT. hop roots will last. It is sufficient to know getting poles and lumber cheap. In New NEW LIVERY STABLE, the A full assortment of Groceries, Tobacco, J. W. ROBINSON. M. D., that once planted the roots will do service for York State poles cost 20 cents per pole, while Cigars, Pipes, Combs, Purses, Cutlery and OREGON. JACKSONVILLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Holiday Presents. a lifetime. Before setting the roots the ground the same can lie had in Oregon for four cents a BACK OF COURT HOUSE, should lie plowed three times and harrowed , pole; in fact the cost of starting a hop yard in Jacksonville, Oregon. down smooth, when either by furrowing or New York State would cost altogether, land WINTER OPENING rpiIE UNDERSIGNED HAS NOW ON MANNING & WEBB, Proprietors. with a marked line, the hills should be marked and everything included, about $270, per Office in Masonic Building, next door to 1 hand the most complete and best stock /«“GIVE ME A CALL.-tì^ —AT— Kreuzer’s Bakery, Oregon street. Resi out eight feet apart each way, this to be done ■ acre, while in Oregon, it would not cost over of millinery goods ever brought to Jackson dence at B. F. Dowell’s. ville, consisting of as straight and even as possible, (some $75, per acre. More than that, the hop crop . aving lately fitted up the of our growers go to the trouble of surveying in Oregon is a sure crop, while in the Eastern HATS. BONNETS, E. H. AUTENRIETH. commodious barn on the School House the lines or the rows with a compass in order i States it is very uncertain. Flowers, ribbons, laces, neckties, gloves, Flat and in the rear of the Court House, we WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW Yours truly, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR AT LAW, collars and cuff's, etc., etc., which will be are now fully prepared to attend to all bus to get them perfectly straight;) then plant the H ami complete stock of Millinery goods, Cor. Cal. A Oregon Sts., J. H. B rown , iness in our line with promptness and dis slips or roots as they are commonly called so sold at the lowest prices. consisting of Jacksonville, Oregon, i patch and at the most reasonable rates. that four inches of soil will be above the top Secretary Hop-Grower*; Association. Sewing Machines fcr Sale. HATS OF ALL STYLES, Will practice in all the Courts of the State. JACKSONVILLE, of the root, the roots set so as to leave the top TURNOUTS. FLAMMEL HEARD FROM. Prompt attention given to all business left I have also on band a number of the cele RIBBONS, thereof two inches apart and the lower end in my care. Tbo Stable is furnished with the best ani brated New Wilson, White and Howe Sew Office in Orth’s Brick Building—upstairs. mals and most substantial liuggies ; also a of the root six inches apart, planting two roots THE RASCAL DORS SAN FRANCISCO AND IS CAUGHT. FEATHERS, ing Machines, which I will sell cheap foi first-class hack and saddle-horse. to the hill, each having an average length of cash, or exchange for grain. DAVID LINN FLOWERS, Horses boarded, and the best care be about six inches and weighing aliout two pounds H. KELLY, MRS. I. W. BERRY. stowed on them. Flanunel, the swindler who robbed L. Sting- Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment COLLA RS Satisfaction guaranteed in every instance. to the one hundred roots. There being 6S0 I er at Canyouville and afterwards other parties AITORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, of furniture, consisting of AND CUFFS, Give us a trial and judge for yourselves. hills to the acre at eight feetapart, it will take i on Coos Bay, has again been heard from. After MANNING A WEBB. BEDSTEADS, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, 1,360 roots to the acre. The sexes of the hop Jacksonville, June 1, 1879. securing the mule and $80 from the man to VEILING, plant not being united in the same plant it is BUREAUS, TABLES. Will practice in all the Courts of the State CALIFORNIA ST., whom he had l>een recommended by G. Mehl, ORNAMENTS, SILKS, LACES, *6 necessary to plant both male and female hop Prompt attention given to all business en Flatnmel went in the direction of Crescen^" GUILD MOULDINGS, trusted to mv care. plants or roots. This mixing of the sexes of ¡City. When about half way between Q Proprietor WILLIAM BYBEE, /«* Office opposite Court House. STANDS, SOFAS, LOUNGES, the hop plant must not lie neglected, as it place ami Empire city, Flanunel sóld the / Call and see them at the building former LIVEHY, FEED & SALE STABLE, makes all the difference in the quality and to an innocent party, and embarked on a < J? CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS. JAMES S. HOWARD. ly oi'cupied by I»r. Robinson on California yield of the hops, for experiments have been iiouiid for San Francisco. Arrived there” PARLOR A BEDROOM SUU’S, rpiITS WELL-KNOWN MARKET, OP- street. U. 8. DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR made that have proven conclusively that the MAIN STREET, LINEVILLE, OREGON'. 1 posite Kahler A Bro.’s drug-store, is ! had some cards printed and represented hii. ETC., ETC. yield or weight of the hops alone is increased self as a partner of Veit Schutz, of Jackson better prepared than ever to furnish the THE ASHLAND FOR JACKSON, public with the choicest quality of at least 30 per cent, by mixing the male plant Also Doors, Sash and Blinds always on J. N. T. Miller & l C o .. Prop'rs. with that of the female. We usually plant ville. Schutz is one of the “muIJoons” of Josephine and Curry counties, Oregon. hand ami made to order. Planing done on Fresh Beef, Jackson county, and in San Francisco he has ">ffi«ial surveys made and patents obtained reasonable terms. /«“Undertaking a spe Pork. Veal, two male plants to one hundred female plants, . fine credit. Flanunel, therefore, had easy , reasonable rates. Full copies of Mining cialty. IS MASI I ACTI HING Mutton, Ham, so arranged as to be interspersed among the sailing, and hobnobbed with the merchants jiws and Decisions at my office in Jack aving recently fitted up an Bacon, Salt Meats. others and never to be planted in the same hill and wholesale dealers. Had he been content sonville, Oregon. entirely new and commodious barn and Oity Drug* Store, Also, Superior with that of the female, but in separate hills with this there is no telling where bis rascality corral, we are now fully prepared to attend J. A. (HANTAIX. M. I».. to all business in our line. w ith good cedar stakes so that they may al j would have ended; but he thought the partner Sausage. Lard, Etc. Plenty of grain, grain hay and flour ways be known in case an increase of acreage of Schutz should wear a fine gold watch, and PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, kept constantly on hand and for sale CALIFORNIA STREET, The most favorable inducements offered I Horses boarded and the best care bestow should be desired so that there shall nut be accordingly he went to a jeweler, who was ac CASSI .MERES, to patrons, and no effort will be spared Takes pleasure in announcing to the citi ed on them. more than a proportionate number of male quainted with the Jacksonville man, and told toward giving general satisfaction. ^jjj^Satisfaction guaranteed. Give us a zens of Phoenix, Ashland and surrounding Kahler <fc Bro., Proprietors. DOESKINS, WM. BYBEE. plants set out. trial. J. N. T. MILLER & CO. vicinity that he has permanently located him that Schutz desired the jeweler to eend Linkville, Sept. 3, 1879. on Wagner creek, three miles south of There are many varieties known to us; but him a fine gold watch. The jeweler was will, AND HOSIERY the former place, for the practice of his after much experimenting in Laue county the ing to do this, but wanted to know what kind ! profession. HTE KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND Of the Best Native Wool, HOLMAN'S LIVER PAD. variety altogether used by the principal growers of movement Schutz desired the watch to 'j^Calls promptly attended at all hours, t V the largest and most complete assort is the “Morning Dewdrop,” which is a hardy contain. Flainmel wanted an extra fine day or night. I n M asonic B uilding , ment of \ND DISPOSING OF THEM AT— A SERE CURE FOR and prolific variety, yielding as much as two watch, and when the question came as to the SOCIETY NOTICES. thousand pounds per acre, having myself THE MOST REASONABLE RATES. l?<‘vcr and jVg-iie movement of the same he hesitated—and was Oregon Street, Jacksonville. grown as much as 2,500 pounds per acre from , lost. He thought he would go out and make Jacksonville Granir No. 88, P. of II., this variety. I AND ALL DISORDERS OF to be found in Southern Oregon. ' some inquiries as to the best movement p^rsi- Holds its regular meetings every two weeks The best time for’plantiug is from November Also the latest and finest styles of / \P.DFRS FROM A DISTANCE WILL ble in a watch in order that he might secure at the residence of J. N. T. Miller, rnilE UNDERSIGNED HAVING l’UR- '/ receive prompt attention. GIVE OUR The Stomach and Liver. to March, and by keeping the plants clean the liest, and while he was absent the jeweler C. MINGUS, Master. L chased Win. Kreuzer’s interest in this GOODS A TRIAL. from weeds and good cultivation with a horse A nnie M iller , Secretary. STATIONERY, establishment, desire to announce to the telegraphed to Jacksonville. The mi .»». cultivator, a crop can be raised the first year. public that they are now prepared to till all ASHLAND WOOLEN MILLS. came back at once that Flaminel was an im Oregon Chapter No. I, R. A. M., for cakes of every description, such We hse for cultivating the crop a light 10-inch And a great variety of PERFUMES and orders postor, and when Flaminel returned to the as wedding cakes, cakes for parties, wine W. H. ATKINSON,Secretary. Holds its regular meetings monthly on I T(>1 LET A RTICLES, including the best and 82 00 plow and a light one-horse cultivator to keep jewelry store there was an officer ready to Tuesday evenings of or preceding each full 1 cheapest assortment of COMMON and PER cakes ; also brown and rye bread, ginger snaps and crackers. Take orders on ex 3 IMI , the weeds down and to loosen the soil—the moon, at 754 o’clock. Companions in good FUMED SOAPS in this market. Prices reasonable and satisfaction 1 50 same cultivation given t-o corn resembling the arrest him, and he was taken into custody. «landing are invited. Z«" Prescriptions carefully compounded. change. guaranteed. Flainmel is now iu jail in San Francisco and J. E. ROSS, High Priest. ROBT. KAHLER, Druggist. It is also our intention to keep a first-class C1OR PAMPHLETS, PARTICULARS ' cultivation given to hops. The first year one will undoubtedly go in time to San Quentin. M ax M uller , Secretary. Carry in;; the I'. N. Mail. lunch-house, at which the best of everything F ami testimonials semi to or call on I pole to the hill will be sufficient; but after The rascal deserves warmer quarters.—[Inde- in the line will be served at all hours. JOHN. E. DAY, Yreka, Cal., ¡ that two poles to the hill must lie used, each FIFTEENTH YEAR. /« “ Fresh "bread every day. B. HOSTEL, Sole Agent tor Siskiyou County. ■ 20 feet in length, tajiered at the butt end so as |>eiidfiit. GROB’ A ULRICH. 1 to tit in the hole near the hill made with an T hf . total production of precious metals ST MARY'S ACADEMY, I EAVES ASHLAND AND LINK VI LI.E auger that is used (by us) forthat purjsise. As during the year 1879 is as follows: California_ PROFESSIONAL IIAIR-CUTTER, EAGLE SAMPLE ROOMS 1 j every day in the week, excepting Sun soon as the shoots or vines area foot long they gold, 817,000,000; silver, $2,400,000. Nevada CONDUCTED BY days, and connects with the mail lor Lake should be tied to the poles. For the first year -gold, $9,000.000; silver, $13,590,000. Colora C ali forni a Sr 11 r et , view. IN ORTH’S BUILDING. rpiIESE WELL-KNOWN MILLS,SITU A . it is advisable to tie all the shoots that come do—gold, $3,225,000; silver, $11,700. Utah— THE SISTERS of the HOLY NAMES Superior Accommodations for Passengers I ted seven miles northeast of Jackson S. 1». JOS EN, | up; but after that two to three bines are as gold, $.575,000, silver, $6,2.50,000. Montana_ Proprietor. Who will be carried to any point on the ville, are now prepared to do a I much as can be used, making from four to six gold, $2,500,000, silver, $2,225,000. Arizona TO road at reasonable rates. espectfully announces HE SCHOLASTIC YEAR OF THIS bines to the hill. The bines must be tied with —gold, $800.000; silver, $3.550,000. Dakota Merchant and Exchange Business. the public of Jacksonville and vicinity i school will commence about the end of I A General Express Business that he was a scholar of Prof. Dr. Mosier, something that has been unraveled, such as -gold, $2,420,000; silver, $10,000. Idaho— Thirtv-six pounds of flour, two pound* director of the University of Greifswalde, August, and is divided in four sessions, Transacted. All orders promptly attended of slioris and eight pounds of bran given yarn from an old stocking or hemp from an old gold, $1,200,000; silver, $6.50,000. Oregon- Prussia, and Prof. Dr. Volkmann, ot the of eleven weeks each. per bushel of good wheat. Flour sacked gunny sack, so that it is elastic and will not gold, $1,1.50,000; silver, $20,000. New Mexico to and satisfaction guaranteed. 816.00 University ot Halle. During the Franco- Board and tuition, per term,.......... and branded, customers furnishing sacks. H. F. PHILLIPS. 4.00 Prussian war he was sjieeial assistant to Bed and Bedding.............................. prevent the growth of the vine, as it expands -gold, $125,000; silver, $600,000. Michigan Satisfaction guaranteed in all inst-mees. Ashland, June 1, 1879. , 8.00 the Doctor-in-chief Zuelzer and Ludwig ot Drawing and painting..................... T. T. Mok ENZIE. to the size of a man's finger and grows to the -silver, $780,000. Other domestic sou ro es - . 15.00 Berlin and Breslau, Germany. Fractures Piano,................................................. Eureka Mills, Sept. 16, 1878. \V. F. OWEN'S. 8. PLYMALE . 5.00 and external diseasos, acute or chronic, most Entrance fee, only once,................ length of 20 to 30 feet. The work of tying gold, $305,000; silver, $67, (KM). Grand total carefully treated. Cupping,Leeching, Bleed SELECT DAY SCHOOL the vines can be done by women or children, for the United States ami Territori«s—'¿old— ing and teeth extracted at all hours. ! 6.00 Primary, per term, ................................. $ THE CITY BREWERY ¡ exercising care so as to not break off the tips $38,900,000; silver, $40,812,(KM). All kinds of birds stuffed and put up in Junior, “ ................................. 8.00 mast natural shajies. of the shoots and rememliering that the vine 10.00 Senior, “ ................................. 1 — RY— G irls .—There are society girl« and home Jacksonville, Dec. 11, 1877. will grow only one way around the jsile, viz: Pupils are received at any time, and spe girls. One the kind that appear« bust abroad FORWARDING AND SHIPPING AGENTS cial attention is paid to particular studies in The course indicated by the sun, always plac — the girls that are good for parties, visit«, behalf of children who have but limited CALIFORNIA ST., ing the vine or the shoot on the north side of LUMBER! LUMBER!! time. For further particulars apply at the balls, etc., whose chief delight is'Sp such Roseburg, Oregon. the poles. Every operation demanded by the Academy. things. The other the kind that appeals best R. SCHUTZ RESPECTFULLY TN season should be performed in due time. The McDAMELA NOLAND. I’ltOI'IlHTOIiS forms the citizens of Jacksonville an at home—the girl« that are cheerful and use rTLL GIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION picking of the crop is done in September, usu- surrounding country that he is now manu RAILROAD SALOON, to forwarding goods consigned to their facturing, and will constantly keep on hand i ally starting about the 10th or the 15th of the ful in the dining-room and the precincts o^ care. Freight money advanced. Commis the very best of Liger Beer. Those wishing home. They differ widely in character. One month, picked by men, women, children’ In sions reasonable. All business in this line a cool glass ot beer should give me a call. Cor. California and Oregon Sts., Jacksonville is frequently a torment at home; the other is a shall receive our prompt attention. AT THE MEADOWS, dians anil Uliinainen, in Imxes holding seven blessing. One is a moth, consuming every /«“ All consignments to our care should an<l one-half bushels, ata cost of 37 J cents thing aliout her; the other is a sunbeam, in be marked G. B. A., Roseburg, Oregon. HENRY PAPE, Engineer. S NOW FULLY PREPARED TO FUfi per box, or 3} to 4 cents per Iti. when dried. spiring life and gladness all along the pathway. nish the market with every description I The drying is done in houses called dry Now it does not necessarily follow that there of lumber of a superior quality. This mill CANDIES AND NUTS, kilns made usually 16x16 or 20x20 feet, with shall be two classes of girls. The right modi is new throughout and furnished with the improved . machinery. latest and most nnproveu inacmm»«.,, THROUGH TICKETS, 12} C ents . slats one andahalf in. apart about 13feet from fication would modify them both a little and aving taken the agency of Crockery, Glassware. Etc. thereby ensuring the speedy fulfillment of the ground, forming the floor over which a unite their characters in one. R. Brackenridge's Marble Works ot ail orders at most reasonable prices. Bills t WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Roseburg, well known throughout the ! cloth, spread over the slats. (We use thin fac eawed to order with dispatch. State for the superiority of t heir work, I will I HAVE A VERY GOOD ASSORTMENT tory. the same as is generally used in house lin Give me a trial and I will prove what pHOICE WINES, LIQUORS AND CI- T he C knsts .—The formation of supervisors’ gars constantly on hand. The reading receive any orders in this line. 1 of the above goods, which I will sell I savi for satisfaction is table is also supplied with Eastern periodi Jacksonville, Or., ing, the thinner the better.) There must be a districts under the provisions of the oensus act cheap. Please call. JAS. DRUM. cals and leading papers of the Coast. Monuments a Specialty. ventilation at the top of the house, in the roof; of March, 3, 1879, has been completed by Sa* Thble Rock, August 26, 1879. ) EPAIRS WATCHES, CLOCKS AND Those desiring to see designs and ascertain the room or kiln has & furnace which, in dry perintendent Walker, except in regard to the V Jewelry in the very i>est manner. All pricescan do so by calling upon or address ing, must be kept up to an even temperature States of Massachusetts and California. The WILL. JACKSON, Dentist, work promptly done at the lowest rates. ing me at Ashland. rilHE FARM KNOWN AS THE AM- of about 140 degrees until the hops are nearly apiMiintinents of su|>ervisor8 must he made in ^.-^Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases. 1 merman pfiu-e, situated one mile south dry; then the heat may lie slackened until per each instance by selection from applicante re- A. S. JACOBS. G EX ERAL BLACKSMITH of Phœnix and containing 320 acres, all fectly cured. A storing room must be attached siding within the boundaries of the respective under good fence and mostly tillable land, Farms for Sale. including also a tine orchard of young to the kiln to receive the hops after being dried. districts. These officers will practically con Jacksonville, Or. A NUMBER OF DESIRABLE TOWN trees of every description and in bearipg A twenty-foot kiln will dry aliout 280 bushels trol the thousands of local appointments nnooa A lots in Klippel’aaddition to Jackson Persons desiring to purchase good farms condition. It is also a stage station. For or 400 tits, of dried hops in 12 hours, and one sary for the work of taking the oensua, and are ville will be sold on reasonable terms. For further nartienhirs applv to of any size will do well to enquire of 4 LL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN further particulars enquire of buck kiln with a storing room 20x40 is large to lie filled by the 1st of January. MRS. W. S. STONE, Yreka, Cal. JOHN BOLT, Applegate, Oregon. I HENRY KLIPPEL. A. for work. Satisfaction guaranteed. California Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. PROFESSIONAL CARDS E. C. BROOKS, GREAT REDUCTIONS A CHAPTER ON HOP GROWING. NEW STOCK S GOODS J. S. HOWARD’S! GEO. W. ELLIOTT GENERAL MERCHANDISE Sheet-Music, Violins, Citherns, B GENERAL MERCHANDISE, GENTS’ tini BOYS’ HATS and CLOTHING H At Prices that Defy Competition. Which will be sold at Lowest Rates. THE NEW MILLINERY STORE. FURNITURE WARE ROOMS, H CITY MARKET, EUREKA’’ Gentlemens5 and Ladies’ Handkercbiefs. WOOLEN MANFACTURING CO. BLANKETS, H CITY BAKERY AND SALOON PHILLIPS’ EXPRESS, Riming Between Aslilanil and LiukTille. EUREKA MILLS. R T OWENS & PLYMALE, CRITERION BILLIARD SALOON, w THOMAS’ SAW-MILL, M FAMILY GROCERIES, I F. RITSCHARD, ROSEBORO MARBLE WORKS. H P. DONEGAN, F FARM FOR SALE. LOTS FOR SALE. ,.ÿ ¿i ■ g ■M ) I /