The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, October 26, 1877, Image 3

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    a he sDmorrntic aimes.
More rain.
Bel I k ion«« directory.
M. E. ( iii'Km.— Religious services evt^rv
Sunday, at the usual hours, l»v the Rever­
ends A. Hardison, W. Hurlhurt and M. A.
Williams, alternately.
C atholic ('min 11.— Divine Services ev­
ery Sunday, at the usual hour, hv Rev. Fa­
ther Blanchett.
M. E. S unday S chool .—Regtunr meetings
every Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock.
C atholic S unday S chool . — Regular
meetings every Sunday afternoon, at two
Star ale at Atkinson’s.
Plenty^ of strangers in town.
More new goods at Fisher’s.
Holt’s building is looming up.
Farmers getting ready to plow.
I‘. Fehely is up from Josephine.
Wine-making commences soon.
The Post office is being removed.
Dr. Inlow is constructing a two-story
P ersonal .—Hon. P. 1*. Pritn and
II. K. Hanna, Esq., left for Josephine building at Ashland.
this week. The Circuit Court for that
Ilobt. Henderson has our thanks for
county commenced at Kerbyville last a supply of tine grapes.
Monday, to hold which was their mis­
Win. Deneff, of Farmer’s Flat, is
sion. S. Booth accompanied them as putting up a hydraulic.
Order a Singer for your wife, wife’s
F rom S alem .—Col. J. N. T. Miller sister or mother-in-law.
Abram Tenbrook, of Goose Lake,
arrived home from Salem Iasi week
and reports the Slate Fair a failure on was in town this week.
account of the wet weather. He says
Mr. Jones, of Applegate, last week
some of the fields are as green as in lost a child by diphtheria.
early Spring, a large amount of grain
John Cimborsky and James Birdsey
being lost on <ucount of the rain, while have returned from Yreka.
a quantity was not even cut at all.
A local troupe will shortly edify Ash­
--------------------4» ..... - ■ . ...
E arthquake .—Some residents of land with feats in minstrelsy.
this place and vicinity aver they ex­
The Emeline Company will ship
perienced a shock of earthquake on the its quick-ilver to San Franzisco.
night of the 18th, at about ten o’clock.
K. Kuitli is having his residence re- I
This may sc.uud romantic, but we are -hingled and otherwise improved.
also victims to this supposed delusion,
Wm. A. Owen is down from Flounce
as we felt a sudden and unaccountable
Rock viewing the political horizon.
shaking of our imposing stone while
E. D. Foudray and lady have re­
making up forms at about that time.
turned from a visit to the Willamette.
A ccident .—A. C. Jones, E-q , met
L. B Tucker^* driving stage for.
with an accident on Saturday last, Ilobt. Garrett, who is off ou his honey­
which, though painful, fortunately is moon.
not serious. He was gathering pears • Milo Matthews is again driving for
from a tree near his residence when the O. A C. Stage Company, rice
the step-ladder upon which iie wa- Hanks.
Blanding fell to the ground with him,
Some hoodlum
threw a stone
breaking a rib and inflicting other in­
through our new street lamp on Sun­
juries. At last accounts he was quite
day last.
A lot of the “New White” sewing
H orses F ound .—E. C. Whyte, of machines just received at tiie Misses
Polk county, had two horses stolen Cardwell.
while at the Slate Fair. He tracked
A female scrimmage edified the den­
the thieves to this county, and, with izens of the western portion of town
the assistance of Deputy Sheriff Sey- this week.
bert and T. B. Kent, succeeded in
T^e School Clerk is making the as­
recovering the horses near the State
sessment of this District. Taxes will
line. The thieves, who are supposed to
MX>n bo due.
b3 Frenchmen, escaped by fleeing to
The miner anticipates largely, the
the brush.
present prospects for a wet Winter be­
J osephine C ounty S eat . — The ing favorable.
last Legislature passed a bill allowing
Samuel Watt, formerly of this place,
the citizens of Josephine county to is lying very ill with consumption at
Vote on the removal of the county seat Judge Tolman’s.
from Kerbyville to Wiiderville at the
Rev. M. A. Williams will hold di­
next election, and this matter is al­
vine services at the M. E. Church
ready being agitated. This side of the
Sunday morning.
county claims to have received enough
E. F. Rock fellow, L. Neil and Miss­
immigration to enable it to carry
es Eubanks and Thornton, were down
the question, which the other side de­
nies. A lively cauvass may be ex­ from Ashland Friday.
Rev. J. II. Roork passed through
town this week on his way to his post
C ontracts A warded .—Rev. J. II.
at the Klamath Agency.
Roork, Indian agent at the Klamath
C. Magruder, of Central Point, was
Agency, has awarded contracts for sup­
plying the Agency to the following in town Wednesday, and reports mat.
personsand firms: Beef, 1 hatcher A ters quiet in that region.
Henry Bloecher started yesterday
Worden, of Linkville, 3 49-100 cents
per pound; lumber, Thatcher A Wor­ for California, driving a band of 2,000
den, Linkville; hickory, 50 cents per wethers to that market.
foot,maple,40 cents per foot; stationery,
J. II. Way is in this section in the
Helman A Fountain, Ashland, $37.75; interests of his Centennial soap, which
work oxen, J. D. Hanks, Jackson coun­ is pronounced first-class.
ty» $84 per yoke; flour, Wagner, An­
Hon. James K. Kelly has returned
derson A Co., Ashland Mills, $18 per to Portland. He expresses himself
1,000 pound-; wheat, J. M. McCall, 72 well pleased with this section.
cents, in sacks.
Rev. J. S. McCain, Presiding Elder
L ist of J urors .—The following is of the Umpqua District, was in town
the list of Jurors drawn for the No­ tliis week on a professional visit.
vember term of the Circuit Court:
A. Marks has received a flue stock
J. N. T. Miller, John Cimborsky,
of cloths and is prepared to make a
David Keenan, Wm. II. Basey, Joliu nobby suit of. clothes on short notice.
Murphy, R. C. Armstrong, Joseph
The press and material of the late
Robinson, Josiah Hannah, Jr., George
Bidwell (Cal.) Herald, rumor says, is
L. Deane, David Cronemiller, Daniel
to be removed to Lakeview, Lake
Hopkins, Thomas G. lleames, Thos. II.
Stimson, James Miller, Hugh F. Bar­
Now is the season when the average
ron, Milton Lindly, James M. Matney,
hunter is in his glory and John Miller
Haskel Amy, Alexander N. Jones, A.
sells all kinds of ammunition at bed­
V. Gillette, Martin F. Hurst, John W.
rock prices.
Baker, A. S. Jacobs, M. A. Houston,
The California and Oregon Land
Benjamin Meneh, R. A. Cixik, Bart­
lett Obenchain, George W. I-aavs, Jep- Company has levied an assessment of
tha Davison, James F. Gregory, Fred 35 cents per share. Read the notice
I elsewhere.
' —------- -----------------
whether a man does it for himself or
has tho sheriff do it.
The new strept lamps will soon be
put up, and the Board of Trustees will
We will take flour on subscription. pass a rigid ordinance to protect them
David Linn is agent for the Singer. from the hoodlums.
Jos. Lousignont is back from Colum- I
R eal E state T ransactions .—II.
F. Phillips has sold his farm near town bia county.
to Silas W. Wright for $3,500. Fred.
A grist mill near Chavner’s bridge
Baruaburg the other day sold a house is talked of.
and lot in Ashland to S. C. Taylor for
The Town Hall is now lit by a hand­
some chandelier.
Advertising is a necessity now-a-
days, but it is a matter of choice I
A heavy wind prevailed yesterday.
P rofession a l .— I)r. J. S. Jackson,
of California, has located in this place
and opened an office on the corner of
M. Mensor has returned from Port­
California and Fifth streets. See his land.
card elsewhere.
W”. (’. Myer has returned from the
T eachers ’ I nstitute .—The semi­ State Fair.
annual session of the Teachers’ Insti­
Dr. II. F. Adams, of San Francisco,
tute will take place at Ashland next is in town.
week, commencing Thursday and con­
A little more rain and grass will get
tinuing three days.
a flue start.
Sheriff Manning is summoning the
Jury for the November term of the
Circuit Court, which commences on
the 12th prox.
Any person having land, stock, etc.,
for sale, will find the T imes an excel-
lent medium through which to an­
nounce the fact.
I. O. R. M. T ribe at Y reka .— ■
A W ater W heel at W ork .—A
turbine wheel has been started up at
Pursuant to adjournment, <tho Board of John Cimborsky, Past Great Sachem
the mouth ofSutro tunnel, which runs
Trustees convened on the evening of the ‘ of this State, assisted by James Birdsey
tho machinery of the machine shop;
19th. Present—President Linn, Messrs. ' and others, instituted a tribe of the | the bttiwer in the blacksmith shop, and
Kearnes ami Britt; absent—Messrs. Kubli Improved Order of lied Men at Yreka
the printing press. The wheel is placed
and Nunan.
last Saturday night. Ieka Tribe No. in the bottom of a shaft 60 feet in
The minutes of tho previous meeting
53 is the title of the organization, which depth and is run with water from the
were read and approved.
The Road Committee made a report on starts with twenty-five charter mem­ tunnel. A tunnel from the bottom of
the foot-bridge over Daisy creek, and rec­ bers. Ieka is the Indian name for Mt. the shaft carries away the water that
has passed through the wheel. The
ommended that a new one be constructed
Shasta, and the original Indian name wheel makes 1,000 revolutions per
from tho line of Hockenjos’shop to Mrs.
Little’s sidewalk, seven feet wide, and to be from which Yreka is derived. The minute and has been christened the
substantially built, with a railing on each i officers-eleet of the new Tribe are as | “Little Joker.”
side. Report accepted and order passed di- I follows: Prophet, F. G. Hearn; Sach­
progress, what wonderful
recting the Road Committee to proceed at
■ amount of skill and ingenuity is expended
once and report expense.
i in the construction, improvement and pres­
The Sexton made his quarterly report, A. II. Burrows; Junior Sagamore, J. ervation of the costly and intricate rnachi-
which was placed on file.
Quinn; Chief of Records, A. E. Paine; 1 nerv used in the manufacture of the various
The following bills were ordered paid: ' and Keeper of Wampum, John Pash- articles so necessary to our comfort. How
much more important is it that we watch
D. Linn, $4.25; R. S'. Dunlap, $8; C. J. How- ■ burg.
with rigid care this most wonderful ma­
Hull Bros, offer their fine farm on
Rogue river, as also their stock, for sale ard, $4; lamp for hall, etc., $27; I). W. Cros­
P acific C oast B ench S how .—We
on reasonable terms. Read their ad- by, killing and removing dogs, $6.
The following liquor licenses were grant­ are in receipt of a season ticket to this
ver t i soment eIsew here.
ed: If. Rape for 12 months; (’. W. Savage
exhibition, which commences next
If you do not want to get robbed of for six months; S. P. Jones for six months;
Monday and continues one week. This
your good name, now that the rainy Matt. Dillon for six months.
A petition was received from Horman v. exposition of the genus canine is under
season is at hand, don’t have it put
Helms praying that the time for the remov­ the auspices of the California Kennel
on your umbrella.
al of his fence and porch beextended, which
Club, and great pains are being taken
Ye hungry printers how in rever­ was granted and an order passed according­
to have every description of dogs ex­
ence unto Ilobt. Moore for a basket of ly-
The following points are designated and hibited, $5,0(H) in premiums being of­
magnificent grapes. They wore raised established for setting the lamp posts, to-
fered. Of course there will bean end­
in Col. J. N. T. Miller’s vineyard.
wit: Tho north-east corner of block N<5. 26
less variety, and our only regret is that
And now tho water-soaked chicken (being the ohl Mensor corner); the south­ we cannot be there with our dog. The
west corner of block No.2 (being the Fisher
stands behind the barn on three toes, corner); tho south-east corner of block No. California railroads have granted free
with bis hands in his pockets and 15 (being W.J. Plymale’s stable corner); transportation to all canines intended
dreams of the “summer land of song.” | I the north-west coftjer of block No. 8 (being for exhibition.
S. 1*. Jones’ saloon corner); the south-west
The average Ashlander now muses corner of block No. 4 (being the corner of
A lthouse D iggings .—The Messrs
over his jargon and wonders if he can David Cronemiller’s shop); the south-past Brown are proceeding satisfactorily.
ever be in perfect communion with Chief corner of block No. 22 (being the corner of wiUi their operations on Althouse, Jo­
D and Fourth streets). And it was ordered
Applegate. Klahiam sir.' KI--------- k. that the work be done without delay.
sephine county, and will probably make
On motion, J. Nunan was granted sixty a run this Winter, although they do
Dr. Spence, of Josephine county, has
days’ leave of absence.
not expect to get under full way be­
built a residence at the junction of
The Board then adjourned.
fore 1879. A breakwater one mile in
Sucker creek and Althouse and Illinois
valleys, where he may hereafter be F rom B eaver C reek .—Capt. Caton, length has been built, which will pre­
Superintondent of the Emeline cinna­ vent the water of the creek from flood­
bar mine, arrived in town Saturday. ing the diggings. The tunnel is be­
Some enormous apples may frequent­
He informs us that during the short ing cleaned out and other substantial
ly be seen hereabouts now-a-days. It
time the retort was in operation 11,- work performed.
Their claims are
is nothing unusual to see one measur­
925 pounds of rock were reduced and situated iu a district well known for its
ing fifteen inches and weighing about
6,273 pounds of quicksilver realized, or richness.
a pound and a half.
over 50 per cent. Mr. Caton will this
R ailroad P rospects .—The Jour­
II. J. Terrill, who has been* in Linn
week remove his family to Beaver nal learns lrom citizens of Yreka, who
county for the past year, has returned
creek for tho Winter. The develop­
have been below lately, that it seems
to Butte creek. He is better satisfied
ment of tho vein will be continued and
to be common talk that the railroad
with this section than ever since try­
more ore taken out for next year’s re­
wjll be extended above Heading next
ing the Willamette.
duction. The Emeline Company has
Klippel,’ Hanna A Co.’s ditch is now , the assurance of an inexhaustible sup­ spring. The section of this coast now
fully under way, contracts forjmildiug ply of rock, and Mr. Caton expects the without a railroad has proven the
two miles of it having already been run lor 1S78 to amount to several most prosperous on the Pacific slope,
let. It is expected (bat it will be com­ thousand dollars. They have every the central and southern portions be­
ing destitute of crops and the business
pleted by January 1st.
grade of ore, and there is nono but
men failing from the inability of custo­
Herman v. Helms, administrator of which is higher than that usually re­
mers to pay, iu consequence of the
the estates of Peter Ottersbaeh and duced in the furnaces of tho New Al-
great drouth of the past summer.
Herman Kirmsey, will sell some prop­ madeu and Redington mines of Califor­
erty belonging to the same on Novem­ nia. The greatest of care has been ex­
N early C ompleted .—The Ster­
ber 3d. Read the posters.
ercised in the reductiont of the ore, 7 and ling ditch will be finished iu the course
Jacob Oleler, who bilked Jackson­ purchasers can rely on the quicksilver of two or three weeks and in readiness
ville and Ashland last year, has left being purean^ unadulterated. Sever­ for operations. Waler has already
the Dalles iu the same unceremonious al flisks have been sold to parties been turned into it and everything
way he skedaddled from this, leaviug in this section and Northern California. found to work iu good style. A flume
Isaac Sachs, formerly of this place, has a little over a milo in length is now be­
suudry creditors in the lurch.
been appointed San Francisco agent. ing built, to bring Glade creek into the
The amount and the quality of the'
The prospects of our cinnabar interests ditch, which will greatly augment the
goods brought to Jacksonville this sea- i
volume of water.
are certainly encouraging.
son is a commendable evidence of the
enterprise of our merchants, as also
A B eet that C an ’ t be B eat .—
I nteresting to Q uartz L ode
denoting that business is growing.
M iners .—The Commissioner of the Chris. Ulrich this week left at the
A gentleman from Missouri has' General Land Oilice, in a case coming T imes office a beet that would take the
made an offer for tho P. of 11. mills, up from Colorado, has rendered a de­ blue ribbon anywhere. This monster
and the stockholders of the latter will cision of importance to tunnel owners measures 14 A inches in circumference,
meet in Pbcenix on the 29lh to con- I and prospectors, holding that no pat­ is 20 inches in length and weighs 10
ent can issue for a vein or lode with­ pounds. Il was raised oil L. Chappel’s
sider the propriety of selling them.
out surface ground. Tho assurance ranch, Applegate.
George Conn, Receiver of the Lake
that it overlies the apex of a vein or
County Land Office, is now in town, 1
N ew M illinery .— the Misses Card
taking transcripts of real estate hi Lake ' lode discovered in a tunnel can be as­ well have just received an elegant sup­
certained by sinking a shaft or follow- |
from the records in the County Clerk’s j
ply of millinery from San Francisco,
ing the lode up on its dip from the j
office. He reports his section as thriv- I
which will astonish the fair sex of this
point of discovery. No survey of such
lode can bo made until the exact our- | vicinity. Of course nothing but the
lab st styles and best goods are kept,
The party at the residence of John
face of the ground is ascertained.
and they “go off like hot cakes.”
Tupper last Friday night was well at­
L ist of A ppointments .—The fol­
tended and withal a pleasant affair.
N ew P ost O ffices .—A post office
Messrs. Wolters and Berry furnished lowing is a list of my appointments for
has been established at Althouse, Jo­
good m.usic, while the supper was not November:
sephine county, with Chas. H. Beach
First Sunday at Plnvnix.
to be excelled.
Second Sunday at Ashland.
as Postmaster. Also another at Sum­
Third Sunday al Jacksonville.
Judge Duncan was in Josephine
mer Lake, Lake county, with \V. H.
Fourth Sunday at Eagle Point.
county last week looking at the mines.
This will be lhe plan of my month | Averill as Post master.
He says the proposed road from Cres­
ly appointments during lhe Winter
T axes .—The assessment roll has
cent City is being freely discussed and
unless hereafter changed, of which no
been placed in the bands of Sheriff
almost everybody there is in fas or of it.
tice will be given.
Manning, and he will proceed to col­
Some defiuite steps in the premises
W. H urlburt , Pastor.
lect taxes after the November term of
should be taken immediately.
—----------------- ♦--------------------
R aces in L ake C ounty .—They the Circuit Court. His appointments
An Iowa immigrant recently sold a
will be found elsewhere.
check for $625 and another for $125 had a whole weed’s racing at Lake­
V arious causes —advancing years, care,
ou a bank in that State to parties in view recently, which made matters
sickness, disappointment, and hereditary
town. Subsequently it was discovered
predisposition—all operate to turn the hair
were well contested, O. Z. Morgan, of gray, and either oi them inclines it to shed
that the bank was non eat; but, as
Chewaucan, and John Moon carrying prematurely. A yer ’ s H air V igor will re­
the Iowan made restitution, the mer­
store faded* gray, light and red hurir to a
off the principal purses.
rich brown or deep black, as may be de­
chants will not lose the full amount.
sired. It softens and cleanses the scalp,
------------- 1-------------- +------------ ---
About this time the farmer gleetully
rubs his hands as the juice of the ap­
ples trickles from the seams of the
press, and the farmer’s boy impatient­
ly waits around the corner, until the old
man shall depart, to attend to other
things which go to ennoble the yeo­
man’s industry.
Indian Bob, who officiated in the
Union Livery Stable some time since,is
wanted. Two brethren of the Crescent
City tribe are making inquiries con­
cerning him, alleging that they lent
him a horse and he forgot to return it.
That worthy, however, sold the animal
and sloped for Yreka. Hence the pur­
suers’ lament.
That Hail Morin.
. ■
giving it a healthy aclior, ami removes and
cures dandruff and humors. By its use
tailing hair is checked,and a new growth will
be produced in all cases where lhe follicles
are not destroyed or glands decayed. Ils
effects are beautifully shown on brashy,
weak, or silky hair, to which a few applica­
tions will produce the gloss and freshness
of youth. Harmless and sure in its opera­
tion, it is incomparable as a dressing, and is
especially valued for tlie soft luster and
richness of tone it imparts. It contains nei­
ther oil nor dye, and will not soil or color
white cambric; yet it lasts long on the hair,
and keeps it fresh and vigorous. For sale
by all dealers.
A terrible hail storm visited Portland a j
few days ago, destroying and unroofing
many lino buildings, breaking over 1,000
window lights, raising a large locomotive
offthe track, knocking down many pedes­
trians who were carried into different drug
stores for treatment; tho hail stones picked
up were the size of liens’ eggs. Saloon keep­
ers gathered up enough ice to last them for
months. A reporter was dispatched in hot
haste after lhe storm was over and was met
by a large delegation of citizens who stated
that a large lot of Donnelly’s Yeast Powder
had been received that «lay, and it was
MARRIED.__ ________
thought that the air had become impregna­
ted, raising tlie wind to such a fury, caus­
ing a large cloud that was hanging over the GARRETT —THORNTON - In Ashland,
October 21st, by Rev. J. B. Donaldson, R.
city at the time to burst wide open. Hence
M. Garrett and Miss Ella Thornton—all of
the storm. The reporter left saying, “I
have heard that Donnelly’s Yeast Powder
would raise lhe lids off a red-hot stove, but BEARl>—M ILLS—Near Jacksonville, Octo­
would not believe it would raise such a | ber 18th, by Rev. W. Hurlburt, John M.
commotion as this.— Walla Walla States- 1 Beard and Miss Mary A- Mills—all of
I Jackson countv.
chine, the human bedy. Adjusting all its
parts with nicest care, each to the other,
that all may perform their allotted duty.
There is nothing better calculated to do this
thoroughly and efficiently than Frose’s
i Hamburg Tea; a simple vegetable remedy,
j yet powerful in its ability to build up ami
restore the energies, and to give tone
and vigor to all its powers.
B1RI»SE\—At the family residence, Octo*
l>eristh, Louise, wife «»f Fred. G. Birdsey,
aged about 35 years.
[M rs. Birdsey was about joining her hns-
i band in the States, when fever overtook her,
and,after an illness ot a week, her spirit took
its flight. She was universally respected,
and her sudden death will be a source of
surprise as well asot regret to all who knew
her. Requiescal in pace.]
P. of H.,
Jarksonville 8fUgr Ao.
Holds its regular meetings every two weeks
at Odd Fellows’ Hall, Jacksonville.
JOHN E. ROSS, Master.
A nnie M iller , Secretary.
------ -—> .. . —
Oregon Chapter No. 4, R. A. 1.,
Holds its regular meetings monthly on
Tuesday evenings of or preceding each full
moon, at 7% o’clock. Companions iu good
standing are invited.
J. R. N. BELL, High Priest.
M ax M uller , Secretary.
California Street,
I hand the most complete and best stock
of millinery goods ever brought to Jackson­
ville, consiting of
Flowers, ribbons, laces, neckties, gloves,
collars and cuffs, etc., etc., which we will
sell at low prices.
Sewing Machines for Sale.
We have on hand a number of the cele­
brated Howe Sewing Machines, which we
will sell cheap for cash, or exchange for
Cor. California and Oregon Sts., Jacksonville
HENRY PAPE, Engineer.
gars constantly on hand. The reading
table is also supplied with Eastern periodi­
cals ami leading papers of the Coast.
A holders of the P. ol 11. Mill Company
will be held at tho office of the Company in
Plnenix, Jackson county, Oregon, on Mon­
day, the 29th day of October, 1877, at 10
o’clock a . M., for tho purpose of taking into
consideration the selling of the millsand
other property of lhe Company. It is im­
portant that a full attendance be had.
By order of the Board of Directors.
JACOB 1SH, Secretary.
na ua
f'"(1 fl,r °“r
Catalogue. It con-
taihS valuable itifor-
■S I m WW
niatlun for every
person contem-
plating ■ the pur-
chase of any article
for personal, family
or agricultural use. Free to any Address.
K h
* '
Original Grange Supply House,
227 Jt ZS Wabatb 4 dc . CB.ICAQO Ill.
All Kinds of Job Printing
The Times Office.
± sale some line Leicester bucks of vari­
ous grades, from the thoroughbred down.
For further particulars apply to
Al Jacksonville or Fort Klamath.
J. a letter to Mike Ryder, of Kerbyville,
wishing totrade two mules for his panorama,
will please give his address and oblige
Kerbyville, Oct. 2, 1877.
A ter of the best brands. The finest Liq­
uors, Wines and Cigars always kept on
hand, as also the celebrated St. Louis Beer.
Give me a call.