a he sDmorrntic aimes. BKIF MBXTIOX. Singer. More rain. Bel I k ion«« directory. M. E. ( iii'Km.— Religious services evt^rv Sunday, at the usual hours, l»v the Rever­ ends A. Hardison, W. Hurlhurt and M. A. Williams, alternately. C atholic ('min 11.— Divine Services ev­ ery Sunday, at the usual hour, hv Rev. Fa­ ther Blanchett. M. E. S unday S chool .—Regtunr meetings every Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock. C atholic S unday S chool . — Regular meetings every Sunday afternoon, at two o’clock. Star ale at Atkinson’s. Plenty^ of strangers in town. More new goods at Fisher’s. Holt’s building is looming up. Farmers getting ready to plow. I‘. Fehely is up from Josephine. Wine-making commences soon. The Post office is being removed. Dr. Inlow is constructing a two-story P ersonal .—Hon. P. 1*. Pritn and II. K. Hanna, Esq., left for Josephine building at Ashland. this week. The Circuit Court for that Ilobt. Henderson has our thanks for county commenced at Kerbyville last a supply of tine grapes. Monday, to hold which was their mis­ Win. Deneff, of Farmer’s Flat, is sion. S. Booth accompanied them as putting up a hydraulic. driver. Order a Singer for your wife, wife’s F rom S alem .—Col. J. N. T. Miller sister or mother-in-law. Abram Tenbrook, of Goose Lake, arrived home from Salem Iasi week and reports the Slate Fair a failure on was in town this week. account of the wet weather. He says Mr. Jones, of Applegate, last week some of the fields are as green as in lost a child by diphtheria. early Spring, a large amount of grain John Cimborsky and James Birdsey being lost on n bo due. b3 Frenchmen, escaped by fleeing to The miner anticipates largely, the the brush. present prospects for a wet Winter be­ J osephine C ounty S eat . — The ing favorable. last Legislature passed a bill allowing Samuel Watt, formerly of this place, the citizens of Josephine county to is lying very ill with consumption at Vote on the removal of the county seat Judge Tolman’s. from Kerbyville to Wiiderville at the Rev. M. A. Williams will hold di­ next election, and this matter is al­ vine services at the M. E. Church ready being agitated. This side of the Sunday morning. county claims to have received enough E. F. Rock fellow, L. Neil and Miss­ immigration to enable it to carry es Eubanks and Thornton, were down the question, which the other side de­ nies. A lively cauvass may be ex­ from Ashland Friday. Rev. J. II. Roork passed through pected. town this week on his way to his post C ontracts A warded .—Rev. J. II. at the Klamath Agency. Roork, Indian agent at the Klamath C. Magruder, of Central Point, was Agency, has awarded contracts for sup­ plying the Agency to the following in town Wednesday, and reports mat. personsand firms: Beef, 1 hatcher A ters quiet in that region. Henry Bloecher started yesterday Worden, of Linkville, 3 49-100 cents per pound; lumber, Thatcher A Wor­ for California, driving a band of 2,000 • den, Linkville; hickory, 50 cents per wethers to that market. foot,maple,40 cents per foot; stationery, J. II. Way is in this section in the Helman A Fountain, Ashland, $37.75; interests of his Centennial soap, which work oxen, J. D. Hanks, Jackson coun­ is pronounced first-class. ty» $84 per yoke; flour, Wagner, An­ Hon. James K. Kelly has returned derson A Co., Ashland Mills, $18 per to Portland. He expresses himself 1,000 pound-; wheat, J. M. McCall, 72 well pleased with this section. cents, in sacks. Rev. J. S. McCain, Presiding Elder -------------------- L ist of J urors .—The following is of the Umpqua District, was in town the list of Jurors drawn for the No­ tliis week on a professional visit. vember term of the Circuit Court: A. Marks has received a flue stock J. N. T. Miller, John Cimborsky, of cloths and is prepared to make a David Keenan, Wm. II. Basey, Joliu nobby suit of. clothes on short notice. Murphy, R. C. Armstrong, Joseph The press and material of the late Robinson, Josiah Hannah, Jr., George Bidwell (Cal.) Herald, rumor says, is L. Deane, David Cronemiller, Daniel to be removed to Lakeview, Lake Hopkins, Thomas G. lleames, Thos. II. county. Stimson, James Miller, Hugh F. Bar­ Now is the season when the average ron, Milton Lindly, James M. Matney, hunter is in his glory and John Miller Haskel Amy, Alexander N. Jones, A. sells all kinds of ammunition at bed­ V. Gillette, Martin F. Hurst, John W. rock prices. Baker, A. S. Jacobs, M. A. Houston, The California and Oregon Land Benjamin Meneh, R. A. Cixik, Bart­ lett Obenchain, George W. I-aavs, Jep- Company has levied an assessment of tha Davison, James F. Gregory, Fred 35 cents per share. Read the notice Heber. I elsewhere. ' —------- ----------------- whether a man does it for himself or has tho sheriff do it. -t The new strept lamps will soon be put up, and the Board of Trustees will We will take flour on subscription. pass a rigid ordinance to protect them David Linn is agent for the Singer. from the hoodlums. Jos. Lousignont is back from Colum- I R eal E state T ransactions .—II. F. Phillips has sold his farm near town bia county. to Silas W. Wright for $3,500. Fred. A grist mill near Chavner’s bridge Baruaburg the other day sold a house is talked of. and lot in Ashland to S. C. Taylor for The Town Hall is now lit by a hand­ $100. some chandelier. HOARD OF TRUSTEES. | Advertising is a necessity now-a- days, but it is a matter of choice I A heavy wind prevailed yesterday. P rofession a l .— I)r. J. S. Jackson, of California, has located in this place and opened an office on the corner of M. Mensor has returned from Port­ California and Fifth streets. See his land. card elsewhere. W”. (’. Myer has returned from the T eachers ’ I nstitute .—The semi­ State Fair. annual session of the Teachers’ Insti­ Dr. II. F. Adams, of San Francisco, tute will take place at Ashland next is in town. week, commencing Thursday and con­ A little more rain and grass will get tinuing three days. a flue start. ■ Sheriff Manning is summoning the Jury for the November term of the Circuit Court, which commences on the 12th prox. Any person having land, stock, etc., for sale, will find the T imes an excel- lent medium through which to an­ nounce the fact. I. O. R. M. T ribe at Y reka .— ■ A W ater W heel at W ork .—A turbine wheel has been started up at Pursuant to adjournment, —M ILLS—Near Jacksonville, Octo­ would not believe it would raise such a | ber 18th, by Rev. W. Hurlburt, John M. commotion as this.— Walla Walla States- 1 Beard and Miss Mary A- Mills—all of loan. I Jackson countv. chine, the human bedy. Adjusting all its parts with nicest care, each to the other, that all may perform their allotted duty. There is nothing better calculated to do this thoroughly and efficiently than Frose’s i Hamburg Tea; a simple vegetable remedy, j yet powerful in its ability to build up ami restore the energies, and to give tone and vigor to all its powers. DIED. B1RI»SE\—At the family residence, Octo* l>eristh, Louise, wife «»f Fred. G. Birdsey, aged about 35 years. [M rs. Birdsey was about joining her hns- i band in the States, when fever overtook her, and,after an illness ot a week, her spirit took its flight. She was universally respected, and her sudden death will be a source of surprise as well asot regret to all who knew her. Requiescal in pace.] SOCIETY NOTICES. P. of H., Jarksonville 8fUgr Ao. Holds its regular meetings every two weeks at Odd Fellows’ Hall, Jacksonville. JOHN E. ROSS, Master. A nnie M iller , Secretary. ------ -—> .. . — Oregon Chapter No. 4, R. A. 1., Holds its regular meetings monthly on Tuesday evenings of or preceding each full moon, at 7% o’clock. Companions iu good standing are invited. J. R. N. BELL, High Priest. M ax M uller , Secretary. HEW MILLINERY STORE! California Street, JACKSONVILLE, - - OREGON. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED HAVE NOW ON I hand the most complete and best stock of millinery goods ever brought to Jackson­ ville, consiting of HATS. BONNETS. Flowers, ribbons, laces, neckties, gloves, collars and cuffs, etc., etc., which we will sell at low prices. Sewing Machines for Sale. We have on hand a number of the cele­ brated Howe Sewing Machines, which we will sell cheap for cash, or exchange for grain. MISSES D.