The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, October 19, 1877, Image 3

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a hr iicmonaiic aimes.
Teaming lively.
Moonlight nights.
P fkso . nal .—lion. James K. Kelly
is in town at present, h iving arrived
here Tuesday last. He is looking af­
ter his mining interests in this section
and will remain with us a short time.
Beautiful weather.
Farmers burning stubble.
The Singer is the standard.
We will take flour on subscription.
D. W. Crosby has returned from Sa­
G range M eeting .—Central Point
Grange will meet in the Mound dis­
Bucks and geeso are becoming plen­
trict school hull-eon Saturday, Novem­
ber 3d, at ten o’clock a . m . A dinner tiful.
S. B. Hull Is down from Rogue
Will be served at twelve o’clock M., af­
ter which a public meeting will be river.
Frank Funis is in from the Sterling
Newman Fisher is now
R emoval
niovitij. into Fisher A Caro’s former
store and will soon have everything in
apple-pie order. By the way, he is in
receipt of and still receiving a splendid
stock of ladies’ dress and fancy goods,
clothing, hats, boots and everything
imaginable in the general merchandis­
ing line. Nothing but the latest styles
and best articles kept. Look out for
his advertisement next week.
Arthur Langell is
in from Lake
Ves. Smith is down from tho Elliot
creek mines.
Alex. Martin returned from Califor­
nia this week.
J. F. Kellogg was up from Wilder-
ville this week.
A lot of new stoves lately received
at Bilger’s store.
The roof of the Catholic Church is
being reshingled.
I ndians in T own .—The Klamath
Indians are now here on their annual
trading expedition, arriving Sunday.
They brought with them nearly a hun­
dred head of ponit *s, which they have
been selling for old clothing, supplies,
etc They mike night hideous with
their fuiLi'tic -inging and dancing.
ami the average hoodlum is now iti his
glory thereat, l.o is becoming civil­
ized, as we learn that he closes down
exercises if the boys fail to contribute
to the hat which is passed around.
Fall wool commands 17
pound at present.
cents a
John Orth shipped some wool
Roseburg this week.
We hear of some races on the Bybee
track being proposed.
J. E. Beggs is laid up below.
recovering, however.
He is
Big Butte Items.
Read the notice of the directors of
F ort K lamath N ews .—From R.
the P. of II. Mill Company elsewhere. V. Beall, who has lately returned
It is important.
Fort Klamath, we learn that
I from
Sheriff Manning has returned from Capt. Jackson’s company, including
Lake county, and the tax-payers may Lieutenants Adams and Hoyle, is now
expect a visit from him in the course on its way from the Nez Perce Indian
war and shortly expected home. We
of a few weeks.
J. W. Baker has disposed of his in­ made a visit to Fort Klamath while in
terest in Beck & Co.’s diggings near Lake county recently, and were agree­
Willow Springs for $100. T. L. Beck ably surprised at the extent of the post,
as also the neatness and order that pre­
was the purchaser.
vailed there. It is prettily situated,
K. Kubli has just received a largo
and withal one of the best-arranged in
supply of new goods. lie is pre­
the Department of the Columbia. We
pared to offer extra inducements in
found Lieutenant Moore, the oflicer in
lard cans. Call and see him.
command, an affable and accommodat­
Kahler A Bro. are replenishing their
ing gentleman. The hospital is com­
stock of goods, They have the best
plete in all its details, and under thesu-
assortment of drugs, medicines and
pervision of Dr. Hemmenway, who is
stationery in Southern Oregon
ever ready to show you through it,
If it is popular for young men to ranks among the best. Jay Beach
puff cigars it does not follow that a keeps a full supply of general mer­
young lady adds anything to her chandise and does a good business.
charms by emulating their example.
A hotel, managed by Jos. Bending,
We are sending out statements of furnishes a very fair meal. Besides
account to our patrons, and request these, there are a butcher-shop, a ba­
that they give them their earliest at- kery, barber-shop, etc., run by soldiers.
tention. County scrip taken at par.
Fort Klamath draws largely on this
Mr. Crouch, engineer of the con- valley for supplies, contracts of fur­
struction train of the W. U. Telegraph, nishing which are about completed.
informs us that the new line will be The wood and hay was received some
completed to Yreka about Novem- time ago, and each makes a huge bulk.
Two prisoners—one for desertion and
her 1st.
A party will soon start out to view the other for creating a disturbance—
a new wagon road from the Meadows, are all that languish in durance vile.
in Table Rock precinct, to Roseburg, At present there are about twenty-five
which will leave out the Canyon and soldiers in the garrison; but it is ex­
pected that two companies will shortly
other rough country.
Dr. F. G. Hearn, of Yreka, who has rendezvous here.
been in town for a week past on busi­
S chool M eeting . The meeting of
ness connected with the organization
the voters of School District No. 1 9
E. D. Foudray, E-q., and lady are of the I. O. O. F. encampment, re­ held at the school house on Wednes-
turned home yesterday.
expected home to-day.
day last to consider tho propriety of
A stone sidewalk is to be laid down
levying a tax for the maintenance of a
free school, was largely attended. The
in front of the Bust Oilice.
for in the TlMf a few weeks ago, proposition to levy a five-mill tax was
The Misses Cardwell are expecting a
writes us from Fort Jones, Cal., that almost unanimously carried, tho vote
splendid supply of millinery.
he is still in the land of the living.
standing 48 to 1. The Directors have
Morris Meusor has gone to Portland
E. D. Foudray, E-q., had his over­ placed the tuition for pupils from out­
to look for a business location.
coat stolen from the Chemeketa hotel, sole the district at $8 a quarter in Mr.
Geo. Burns, whose leg was ampu­
Salem, but subsequently recovered it. Merritt’s department and $5 in the
tated Iasi week, is improving.
The Record says he also had his pack­ others. The report of the School Clerk
L >ok at the list of names of those ets picked. He won’t do to travel.
shows some delinquents, whose tax,
owning and using the Singer.
John Cimborsky and James Bird- when collected, will somewhat reduce
Ch iriey Straub has started a black­ sey left Wednesday for Yreka, to as­ the indebtedness of the district, which
smith shop at Willow Springs.
sist in organizing a lodge of Red Men we learn is about $3t)(). The tax lev­
M. W. Parsons, agent of the Singer at th it place. Others from Jacksonville ied, in connection with that received
machine, has gone to Josephine.
will shortly start on the same mission. Iron» the School Fund, will enable the
All kinds of job work executed in
The party given at tho Social Club Directors to maintain a free school for
the best style at the T imes oflice.
room Wednesday evening was a line the ensuing year. The i action of our
Many bands of sheep are coming in affair. A large attendance was present, citizens in Ibis matter is eminently
the music by Wolters ami Hull first- proper.
from Lake county for the Winter.
Marsh, Valpey A Co. are running
their new steam saw-mill to its utmost
capacity and turning out an immense
quantity of good lumber. The mill
saws 10,000 feet per day.
F arms S old .—There han unu-ual ac­
tivity in real e-tate at present. Several
farms have been sold <»! late, the pur­
chasers being from California and the
States. The prices are generally fair-
Among the transactions that have re­
cently taken place are the following:
John A. Grieve has sold his farm to
Martha A. Ed «all for $3,000; Isaac
Woolen has. di-posf'd of his place near
Ashland to (iovan High for the sum of
$6,000. We also learn that Jesse Doi-
larhide has sold the farm formerly
owned by Daniel Doty,receiving$2,000
Neaily as many Singers sold each class, and the event duly enjoyed by
all present.
year as all other machines combined.
The editor of our fashion department
A false alarm of lire caused great ex­
discovers that the more a hat resem­
citement in town last Tuesday night.
bles a cart-wheel in size, a vegetable
The Josephine Circuit Court com­
garden in decoration, and a millinery
mences ono week from next Monday.
establishment in general “make-up,”
W. C. Myer is Jackson county’s di­
the more pleasing it will be to the av­
rector of the Stale Agricultural Soci­ erage female wean rs.
The Salem Mercury says Robert A.
W ork S ispen dei >.—The weather
Logg A McDonnell will put up a hy­ Miller has just received some large,
being unfavorable for further opera­ draulic to work their diggings on Jack­
ripe and luscious looking figs, grown
tions this season, the Emetine compa­
on his father’s farm near Jacksonville.
ny’s retort has been shut down until
Levi Ankeny, of one the gentlemen They fully demonstrate the fact that
next Spring.
Eighty-two flasks of
interested in the Sterling ditch is in this delicious fruit can be successfully
quicksilver,of seventy-six pounds each,
grown in Southern Oregon.
have been realized since the retort was
E. Jacobs is in receipt of a fine as­
F. Breckenfeld is in rec ipt of a first-
started a short time ago. They will
sortment of new goods. Call and ex­ class supply of bran new goods, which
all be brought in and placed upon the
he oilers at astonishingly low rates.
market. Parlies in San Francisco a'e amine them.
Our geni il Ashland friends, El. J. His stock consists oi gentlemen’s fur­
ready to advance on it, and there is no
doubt but what tin* entire lot will be sold Farlow and James D. Fountain, called I nishing goods, cigars and tobacco, fan­
cy goods, crockery and glassware, no­
without any trouble, as it is of fl lie on us Tuesday.
A fortune-teller was in town las tions, etc., of tbu best quality. Read
quality. Work on the vein will eon-
week, but did not ply his vocation his advertisement and give him a call.
tinue during the Winter.
very extensively.
“G one to the R aces .”—Dr. Con-
A. C. Jones, Esq., has purchased the
ian, shot by May held at Ashland on Hopkins residence on Fourth street,
the 7th, died at the County Hospital paying $800 the»ctor.
4ast Saturday and was buried the same
Fisher A Caro held an auction sale
afternoon. Dr. Danforth informs us
last Saturday, and have disposed of
that the scalds inflicted by himself were
their remaining goods.
the immediate cause of his death, as he
Brownsborough is without a store,
may have lingered a long time from
but we hear two gentlemen propose
the pistol wound. Conlan was a dan­
starting one there soon.
gerous character, having not long since
Rev. W. Hurlburt will preach at the
killed a man in Modoc county, Cal., as
well as being engaged in other minor M. E. Church on Sunday. Quarterly
affrays, lie was an aspirant for the meeting at the same time.
The damage sustained by the saw
violent death which so suddenly cut
off his career, the only question being mill at Sterling will be repaired and
the contract finished forthwith.
who should perform Hie deed.
F rom E a GLE P oint .—Geo. Brown
was over from Butte creek Wednes­
day and reports matters progressing
finely at Eagle Point. Ho has just
completed a store-house for It. II.
Brown and will also build him a dwell­
ing. The street of this place has been
widened and other improvements
made. A largo numl>er of teams- are
constantly coining for flour, which
gives everything a lively appearance.
Emery’s mill is overcrowded
with u’ork and has orders for several
weeks ahtuid. They have about 200,-
000 bushels of wheat stored, which
are ground as fast as possible. The
folure of Eagle Point is certainly
a very promising one.
A large amount of flour is being tak­
en to Roseburg without being first en­
gaged. This has a tendency to glut
the market and cause the seller to dis­
pose of it at almost any price he can
get, bringing down the price and work­
ing an injury to all who haul this arti­
cle there. This is a matter that should
be remedied immediately.
Pi of. G. F. Hollis, who is writing a
I ook on matters relating to the Pacific
Coast, passed through Lae other day.
Hu was traveling on fool from Wash­
ington Territory en route for California,
the object being to see Hie country ami
.-ave expenses. On his way South he
intends to visit the lava beds, made fa­
This is the time of the year when the mous by the Modoc war. llu has vis­
prudent man will not join church until ited thirty-six Stales.
after the Winter stoves are all up.
Pass the brute and bilk around.
The Yreka Minstrels, a company of J. Al. Sawtehe, who played here some
Yreka boys, intend giving exhibitions time ago, found a hard road to travel
at Linkviliu and the Lake country.
in Nevada. At Eureka hu was ac­
Cameron A McCully have brought cused ot brutally beating and maltreat­
in their band of sheep from Lakecounty. ing his little adopted daughter, who
They have some fine Leicester bucks performed with his troupe. He went
from Eureka tq Austin, where he invit­
for sale.
ed an investigation and was pro­
A quorum not being present, the
I nounced innocent by a committee of la­
meeting of the Board of Trustees was
dies and gentlemen who examined the
postponed from Tuesday to yesterday
child and found no signs of injury or
punishment. Then camo a warrant
The Beaver Creek Cinnabar Com­ from Eureka for his arrest, founded
pany have built a cabin and will con­ upon a con plaint of citizens ot that
tinue operations on their claim during i i 1 B place. At last accounts lie was held
\ fur txiul uu Ibis complaint.
the Winter.
I n prices
George A. King, who formerly ma­
nipulated the reins for theO. A C.
Stage Company, has settled among us
and become a granger.
All $80 SINGER for $60 !
Several families have settled in this
neck of the woods the past season, and
wo now have quite a settlement.
$60! $60! $60!
Grass fair; game plentiful; health And Liberal Discount Made for Cash !
good; weather pleasant; business live­
ly; money scarce; lumber a legal tender;
the school in full blast.
Squire Dunlap’s oldest son was
thrown from a horse some time since
and had his arm broken. He is now
improving, Sam Cameron let a chis-
el drop through his foot and Win. I’ar
ker was badly bitten by a dog.
Vi ndex .
S tock S old .—At the state Fair W.
C. Myer sold “Relieve,” sucking colt, I
by “Gen. Fleury,r price $800, to John
Perkins, of North Yamhill. He also
sold “Leon,” a yearling, seven-six
teenths Percheron, to Mr. Perkins; !
price not given. Mr. Myer also, after
exhibiting “76” and driving him in
the team of yearlings, and for which
he was awarded the first premium for
purebred yearling Percherons, deliv­
ered the same to Mr. Trainer, of Uma­
tilla county, who had made the pur­
chase some days sine*».
Latest novelties in the furniture
line at David Linn’s.
A N OT IIE R At CI D EN T. — 11 IS t Situr-
day evening a •on of J. T. Brvan, of
Applegate, aged al» lit seven years.
was accidentally shot by an elder
brother while out hunting cows. As
they were going through some brush
the bimmer caught, earning the gun
t > explode, the load of which took ef­
fect in the left hand of the younger,
who was leading, and bidly’ injured
the thumb and two of the fingers. Dr.
Aik -n was summoned anti amputated
the wounded portion of the hand at
the w:i>t.
JUL WK W WW • «'
1 testimonials from tho very best judges
in the county.
We, the undersigned residents of Jackson
county, owning and having used the Singer
Machine sufficiently long to satisfy us that it
i; in every respect a first-class machine for all
Kinds ot family work, would cheerfully rec­
ommend it to all wishing to purchase a first-
class sewing machine:
Mrs. Geo.Wilson,
Mrs. T. B. Atkinson,
Mrs. I’rcs. Phipps,
Mrs. S. J. Oliver,
Mrs. I. J. Phipps,
Mrs. F. Luy,
Mrs. M. Lofland,
Mrs. John Orth,
M rs. S. E. Dunlap, I Mrs. E. R. Reanios,
Mrs. T. W. Johnson » Mrs. N. Fisher,
Mrs. Wm. Payne,
M iss A. Ross,
Mrs. M. Riggs,
Mrs. T. T. McKenzie,
Mrs. J. Houck,
I Mrs. j. Ritter,
Mrs. M. A. Palmer, M. Mayer, mer. tailor
M rs. L. <laming,
John Farley, “
Mrs. H. Helms,
Mark-« *
A. Marks,
Mrs. C. W. Savage,
Needles, oils ami all kindsof attachments
on hand or ordered.
Cor. First and Yamhill Sts., Portland, Ogn.
DAVID LINN, Agent, Jacksonville.
The Singer Ml’g Co. sold 262,316
Ilowe Machine Co.,
Wheeler A Wilson MPgCo. “
Domestic S. M. Co.,
American B. II. AS. M. Co. “
Weed Sewing Machine Co., “
Wileox A Gibbs S. M. Co., “
I ncorporated —The Fall Creek
Copper Mining Company has incorpo­
rated to operate in Josephine county,
with $350,000 capital. Directors—A.
1*. Kluit, Z. Morizio, Z. Genaca, C.
Koopmauschap and L. 11. Van Schaick.
This incorporation is entirely a Califor­
California Street,
nia institution, the directors being res­ JACKSONVILLE,
idents of that State and Europe.
A rsquatul cTED. —One Andrew
Galvin, who has been in the employ of
Oliver Harbaugh, residing above Phoe­
nix, for sometime, absconded one day
last week, leaving several defrauded
individuals behind him. Harbaugh
haddepo-ited$480 with II. Amy to buy
wheat with; but trie latter,not securing
it at the stipulated price, went to return
it. Harbaugh not being at home at
the time, Amy left it with Galvin,which
proved a bad undertaking, as that hom­
bre, after collecting a considerable sum
belonging to his employer besides,
mounted a horse and made for the
California line. Leaving the horse at
Cole’s, he took the stage, and the last
heard of him he was at Reading, trav­
eling onward.
E ncampment O kg a n ized . —Silas
.J. Day, S. D. G. Patriarch, and Patri­
arch F. G. Hearn, of Yreka, Cal., on
Tuesday evening last organized tin en­
campment of the I. (). O. F., called Ta­
ttle Rock Encampment No. in, will)
17 charter members. Thu following
officers were elected and installed :
Silas J. Day, C. P.; Daniel Cronemill­
er, II. P.; K. Kubli, Scribe; John Mill­
er, Treasurer; Herman v. Helms, Sen­
ior Warden; John A. Buyer, Junior
Warden. After the organization the
members adjourned to Madame Holl’s,
where a collation was spread. The en­
campment starts out under favorable
P roposals .—Sealed proposals will
be received at the oflice of the Pacific
.Wcoeate, Portland, until noon of Octo­
ber 20th, for the furnishing of the fol­
lowing supplies at the Klamath Agen­
cy: 2,642 bushels of wheat; 20,500
pounds of beef;, ten or twelve yoke oi
oxen; 20 bushels of Winter barley for
seed; 50 bushels white Winter rye; 5
bushels timothy’ seed; and several ar­
ticles of stationery, etc., a list of which
can be seen at the Post Oflice.
T wenty -F ive M ile R ace .—It has
been suggested that a twenty-five mile
race between five horses from this
section and an equal number from Sis­
kiyou county, Cai., be made up, to take
place at the next fair at Yreka. It
would doubtless be ail interesting af­
fair, and steps should be taken to con­
summate it in time.
1 hand t he most complete amt best stock
of millinery goods ever brought to Jackson­
ville, eonsiting of
Flowers, ribbons, laces, neckties, gloves,
collars and cults, ete., etc., which we will
sell at low prices.
Sewing Machines for Sale.
We have on hand a number of the cele­
D r . II. F. A dams , of San Francisco, brated Howe Sewing Machines, which we
will sell cheap lbr cash, or exchange for
will be at Mrs. Vining’s hotel, Jack­ grain.
sonville, Out. 24th and remain a week.
Chronic diseases and practical surgery
a specialty. Consultation free.
F rom C alifornia .—Dr. Jackson,
of California, a cousin of Dr. W. Jack-
son, of (his place, is in town with his
ot Jacksonville, and half a mile north
of Ashland, Is prepared to do general Cus­
family. He intends locating in this
tom and Exchange Business.
Flour and Feed at the
N othing snou t of unmistakable benefits
conierred upon tens of thousands of sutfer-
ers could originate ami maintain the repu­
tation which A yer ' s S aksa »’ aui |> i . a enjoys,
it is a compound of the best vegetable al­
ternatives, with the iodides of Potassium
and lroi 1, and is the most cfieclUHl of ail
remedies for scrofulous, mercurial, or blood
disorders. Uniformly successful and cer­
tain in its remedial eil’ects, it produces rap­
id and complete cures of Scrofula, Sores,
Boils, Humors, Pimples, Eruptions, Skin
diseases and all disorders arising from im­
purity of the blood. By its invigorating ct-
iccis it always relieves and often cures Liv­
er Uomplaims, Female Weakness and Ir-
rej ularities, and is a potent renewerof vitali-
ty. l-’ur purifying the blood it lias no equal;
it tones
_____ up the system,
-__ , restores and pre­
serves the health, , ami imparts vigor and.
energy. For iorly years it has been in ex-
tensn e in se. ami is to-day tin* most available
medicine 1 tor l he suffering sick, everywhere,
For sate I by all dealers.
■o. ».'ur
Thirty-six pounds of tlour, two pounds
of shorts and eight pounds of bran given per
bushel of good wheat. Will sack and brand
the sacks—customers furnishing the sacks.
My brother, G. F. Billings, will have
charge of the business, l>eing assisted by
competent millers.
/ j 3~ Everything as represented erno sale.
Cor. California and Oregon Sts., Jacksonville
HENRY PAPE, Engineer.
deuce <>1 the bride’s parents on Sterling,
< ictober 15th, by T. B. Kent, J. 1’., New­
Lon Ha skins and Miss Arzie E. Saltmarsh
—all of Jackson county.
[Compliments received. We wish the
happy couple a long and pleasant liio ot
unalloyed bliss.]
vJ gars constantly on hand. The reading
table is also supplied with Eastern periodi­
calsand leading papers of the Coast.
JarksuiBillr Grange Ao.
I’, of II.,
Hohls its regular meetings every two weeks
at Odd Fellows’ Hall, Jacksonville.
JOHN E. R oss , Master.
A nnie M iller , Secretary.
rilHE undersigned having com -
1 pleted their steam saw mill, situated
1 mile v/cst of the old Buckeye Mill,
Hohls its regular meetings monthly OT1
'1 uesday evenings of or preceding each full
moon, at
o'clock. Companions in good
standing are invited.
J. K. N. BELL, High Priest.
M ax M ui . i . kr , Secretary.
are now prepared to furnish all kinds of
lumber, such as boxing, siding, rustic, floor­
ing, iitiLh and scantling of ail sizes, laths,
sheathing, shingles, etc. Fir, yellow and
sugar pine lumber of all dimensions.
Cash, oats, wheat, llour, lard and bacon
taken in exchange tor lumber.
All orders promptly attended to.
Yellow Jacket Mill, Brownsborough, Ogn.
Oregon Chapter ,\o. I, R, A. M.,
L sale some tine 1 eieester bucks of vari­
1 sale los ranch and mining property, sit­
uated on Sierling creek, containing 164 ous grades, from the thoroughbred down.
acres, all under lence. Forty acres are un­ For turther particulars apply to
der cultivation, with plenty of vegetable
At Jacksonville or Fort Klamath.
land; ti good orchard, living water on var­
ious parts, plenty oi timber and tine stock
range. Cash market at the door for every­
thing raised. Health of locality unsur­
passed. There are 54X acres and a half ot
T iie Albany Democrat is pleased to point mining ground, which are guarenteed to HUIE GENTLEM AN WHO ADDRESSED
out the taxes of counties working under Re­
1 a letter to Mike Ryder, of Kerbyvillc,
pay $5 a day per hand.
publican administrations. We suggest that
wishing to trade two mules for his panorama,
T itle —L. S. title to tho whole.
the Democratic county of Jackson, with its
lns{>eulioii invited and everything guar­ will please give his address and oblige
tax of 20 mills, be also considered.— Sentinel. anteed as represented. For further particu­
So say we. And, if t he consideration lars enquire of
Kerbyville, Oct. 2, 1877.
T. H. G1128ON.
of the point in view does not redound
to the credit of our county administra­
tion, we will sadly miss our guess. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS HIS
JL iarin, situated three miles north-east of J
Come, neighbor, don’t deal in those
Jacksonville, for rent for one year. For I
senseless innuendoes, hut come for­ further particulars enquire of
ward and make your case.
October 6, 1877.
OI ALE AND roll­
's. ’I lie finest Liq­
A ter of the best brami'
uors, Wines and Cigar.» always kept on
hand, as also the celebrated St. Louis Beer.
Give me a call.