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About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1871)
THE DEMOCRATIC TIMES, ADVERTISEMENTS, a T he D emocratic T imes will be «barged at the following rates First insertion, (ten lines or less)................... $8 00 For each week thereafter •«••••«••••••••••«»••••<«• .31 «o Published Every Saturday Morning BY «I. N. T. MILLER Ac CO., I Publisher* and Proprietor«. JOB PRINTING. OFFICE—On California St,, over Reames A Wil son’s Livery Stable. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY TERMS: S«b*cription, per annum Six month*....... A liberal deduction from the above rates will be made on quarterly and yearly advert!« $3 00 Si 50 —"'L' TIMES To The Citizens of Jackson County ..................... . 1871. NO. 3. —1----------------------------------------- ■■ Herald as to elect a delegation bitterly op- ( friends, conclusively prove that the Herald posed to one of its proprietors, certainly the was anything but a friend of the democracy democracy of the State cannot be reasonably of this end of the State; although to the required to reverso its judgment. In fact, I democracy of ‘Southern Oregon, it owes the know that Mr. Patterson was not nominated nomination of one cf its proprietors for State by that convention because of any special Printer. Perhaps however, the enmity which Confidence in his democracy, bis honesty, or the Herald manifests toward Southern Ore any other political moral or mental qualifie» gon, is rather a subject of congratulation tion whatever, but simply because of the I than of condemnation ; for it is a noticeable three candidates in the field, he was the least ! fact that the counties of Clackamas, Marion, objectionable to me on personal grounds, and Washington and Yamhill, in which it is sup I held the vote which decided his nomina posed to have the largest, circulation, and ot tion. Tho convention, therefore, did not corse which it regards with friendly eyes, all make him or the Herald the organ of the went radical, while Multanoinab, which went I Democratic two years ago, and in which the party. The Herald may, however, claim that it is “Herald” was supposed to be making its the “party organ,” by virtue uf its connec heaviest fight, went radical by a larger ma tion with the Job Office of the State Printer. jority than it has ever been kuown to cast This pretence is certainly preposterous. The before 1864. Every variety of Job Work executed with neat ness and dispatch, at reasonable rates. LEGAL TENDERS taken at par for subscription. That this resolution, and the pledges, if aoy, be made public.” Col. Kelly, U* S. JACKSON COL’XTY. As my career in the Senate during the last F irst J udicial D istrict .—Circuit Judge, P. Senator elect, appeared before the eaucna, P. Prim ; Prosecuting Attorney, II. K. Hanna. session of the Legislature has been made the and in a lengthy and able speach cordially JucA-»on ( ouHty—Circuit Court, Second Monday subject of unfavorable comment and gross endorsed the resolution; and appended the in February and November. County Court, first misrepresentation by the Oregon Herald, Monday in each month. following, in writing : “I endorse the above a newspaper published in Portland, Oregon, resolution. f’eaary Orfirm —Judge, T. II. B. Shipley: and claiming to be the organ par excellence of Clerk, Silas J. Lay ; Sheriff, Henry Klippel ; J ames K. K eli J: y .” Deputy Sheriff, K. B. Foudray ; Treasurer, John the Democratic party in this State; as thatsheet lieuher ; Assessor, David Redpath ; County Com This resolution was adopted in full caucas, ha« for the last four month«, with malignant missioners. John 8. llerrin, Thomas Wright ; with only three dissenting votes, vi* : ex Ao bool Superintendent, Win. M. Turner; Survey persistency impugned integrity as a Demo Gov. Wbiteaker, Geo. B. Dorris, and James or, J. S. Howard ; Coroner, L. Ganung. crat, and notwithstanding there has been no F. Ami«, all of Lane county. And Mr. Jachuririllf Preei»rt.— Justice of the Peace, reply on my part, continues to pour forth its James R. Wade; Constable, N. Stephenson. Amis informed me subsequently, that he vilification, a longer silence might be con voted against the resolution under a misappre Town of Jac k*> »rille.— Trustees, A. II. Martin, strued into n confession of the allegations of James Wilson, N. Fisher; President of the hension. The “Herald” terms these, resolu Board, David Linn : Recorder, U. S. Hayden , the Herald, and my action might consequent' tions, adopted by an almost unanimous vote Treasurer, Henry Pape ; Marshal, G. Seaman- ly be condemned by my party brethren, who in a Democratic caucas, and endorse! by the ¿•«KPUIXB COl.STY. are unacquainted with the facts. newly elected Democratic U. S. Senator, Cownty Officer».— Judge, J. B. Sifcr*; Sheriff, Even now, if I regarded the question be — AND- “ paper collars, which will bear no strain at Daniel L. Green ; Clerk, Charles Hughes ; Asses Perhaps the enmity of the “party organ” all;” “empty buncombe resolutions. Tobe sor, R. E. Foley; Treasurer, V m. Naucke; tween myself and the Herald as a party ques democracy uf no State in the Union would fur « Commissioners, Thomas G. Patterson, II. Wood tion, regard for the unity of the Democratic a moment tolerate the assumption that an spared us the calamity of defeat. But even sure they are words— ‘this and nothing cock ; School Superintendent, K- R- Middles- party in the State, which might be endan accidental nomination for a State office con if it were true, that by custom and precedent more.’ ”—(Herald, Sept. 22.) Says further, worth. gered by a controversy among Democra’s ferred dictatorial powers over the party or the lieraid is entitled to bo regarded as the that “if Col. Kelly’s election had been with Josephine County.— Circuit Court, First Monday in April and Fourth Munday in October. County upon party measures, would cause me to re ganization. If it did, why not take the head “party organ,” its conduct during the last out exacting any pledges, it would have "Court, First Monday in January, April, July and frain a reply to the allegations of the Herald, instead of the taii of the Democratic ticket political campaign in this State ought to be given unqualified satisfaction to the party at •October. and I would content myself, with the hope as the proper place to confer these extraor sufficient to defeat its claims. It is contrary large.” In fact, so bitter was the attacks of that time would amply vindicate my course. dinary powers? Why not make Gov. Grover to the intelligence and dignity of a great tho “party organ” upon the action of the Indeed, the Herald does not seem to nppre- the party organ instead of State Printer Pal- political party, to respect the claims of a jour Democratic caucus, and 60 dictatorial .was bend any danger to the party unity from its terson ? Although the Gov. never set a type nal, which, spurred on by personal malice tho spirit manifested, that Senator Baldwin, continued attacks upon Democrats ; and as in his life, I believe he is us much of a prin and revenge, assails the political and person of Grant, felt called upon to rebuke the in- there is no danger apparently in the Herald's ter as Mr. Patterson, and has beeu kuown as al integrity of Democrats, but dared not de solenco of the “Herald,” which he did opinion, in the assault, it cannot coinplain of a democrat iu this State certainly u much Ion- fend democratic principles. Btifore the meet effectually in two able letters to that paper. JACKSONVILLE LODGE No. !• ing of the last Democratic State Convention, Subsequently, the “Herald” assuming the 'ger time. danger in the reply and counter assault. Solar as I am concerned, I regard the It is true that at one period in the history the “Herald” clamored vociferously for a office of Mentor to Col. Kelly, deliberately olds its regular meetings on every Saturday evening at the Odd Fellows’ controversy as a purely personal one, origi- j of Oregon, the paper of the official printer resolution favoring repudiation. When th“ suggested to that gentleman to ignore this Hall. Brothers in good standing are invited to Dating in u personal attack by the Herald wts the Democratic party organ. From 1850 Convention met, the famous eighth resolution resolution, and thus to repudiate his pledged attend. JOHN McKEE, N. G. upon myself, f r which it was rebuked by the : j to 1858 the Statesman was the party organ of was adopted as an important element in the word, violate his personal honor, and enter E. SMITH, R. Sec y. California St., (Up Stair«,) over Kearnes Senate, which rebuke undoubtedly is the the democracy of the Territory, but this was . platform upon which the present State Prin the Senate Chamber of the United State9 W m . B ii . cer , Jk Wllsou’a Livery Stable, II. K lippbl , j Trustees. secret of the bitterness it has continued to as much owing to the w ant of local presses, as ter ran as a cacdidate. with a character blasted and stained by the H. V. H elms . In the first few issues after the adjournment perpetration of a deliberate and willful lie. display toward me ever since. I to the acknowledged ability and enterprise t—f Mav 1st. 1S69. 1 had long ago determined that if it should | . with which Mr. Bush and his assistants con- of the convention, the Herald exhausted itself But that enterprising and cheeky journal C. W. KAHLER, be deemed advi-ible to reply at all to these i : dueled the Statesman ; for, during this period *n eulogies of the resolution, but when it was went further than this, even, and impudently a tacks, the answer should be made in a let j : the Statesman was the only democratic paper assailed from one end of the State to the suggested to the Democratic member! of the Attorney ani Ueuiisellor-at-Law, ter to my constituency, in whose service, as in ihc Territory. And 1 will also admit that other; when the entire Radical Press, from Legislature to stultify themselves by repudi JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, a Senator, the alleged offences were commit the Statesman assumed and exercised the the Oregonian, and “Bulletin” down to the ating the Caucas Resolution. The contempt ted, and who constitute the proper tribuual ! very same powers to dictate, to proscribe and Ensign, opened upon it, assisted by all the with which the suggestion was treated by the Will practice in the Supreme Court, District, and radical stump orators, and the “Albany Dem Democrats in the Legislature, sufficiently to judge tny official action. other Courts of this State. ; to mle which the Herald now claims. But ocrat ’’ in curown party, where was the “party guages the influence which the presumptuous ORECON OFFICE—In building formerly occupied by 0. JACKSONVILLE, The Herald has assumed the right and it was the exercise of these very dictatorial Jacobs—opposite Court House square. power to place myself, in conjunction with powers which divided the Democratic party organ” then ? not a line; not a sylable of “party organ” had with them. For a verifi- i P‘1 cation of these facts, see “Herald” of Sept, DR. GEO B. TOEMAN, other Senators, who had incured its displeas in Oregon ip 1858, and drove one wing into defence of the “vital eighth resolution” n ’ ' 22,25, 26. 27, 28. (late Surgeon U. S. Army,) ure, together with Speaker Hayden of the . j a rebellion, w hich resulted iu the dethrune- peared in its columns, but it left the burden HI ’ ’ of defence to the local press ; the “ Enterprise, House, under the ban, and has l»y all the ! ment uf the autocrat. I recall this episode The adoption by tho caucas of the resolu Thysiciaa, Surgeon, and Accoucheur, M “ Guard, ” “ Plaindealer, ” and “ News. means in its power sought to ostracize us from in tbr political history of Oregon for the ben tion quoted, was the signal for the attack ILL PRACTICE IN JACKSON AND These papers had to sustain the battle against maje ) upon me. I was charged with a desire adjacent counties, and attend promptly to Dem«»cratie fellowship. efit of the Herald. A careful study of the threedaily presses in Portland, and the entire 110 hllmiliate Col. Kell all calls on professional buxines-. Surely if Col. , causes which led to the extinction of “party To justify the sentence of proscription OFFICE ANI» RESIDENCE, weekly radical press, to say nothing of the Kelly was humiliated at all, it was accom aving a large and well select * which the Herald pronounces, not only must j , org in” rule iu 1858, might even yet bosjf “Albany Democrat”, while the only Demo •on 4th street, opposite the M. E. Church, Jack ed assortment uf sonville, Oregon. the evidence be full RDd conclusive, but the ' ! some advantage. But even admitting that cratic daily iu the State ; the same which plished by the journal which suggested a janS-tf. Jan. Sth. 1S70. Judge must be clothed with full authority to i the rights and prerogratives which the States now arrogates to itself the prerogatives of course that would blast his personal honor. Dr. L. T. DAVIS, try and punish the offence. In my contro Mian claimed and exercised, did descend by dictatorship, dared not publish a lire of de If this resolution, which was intended simply versy with the Herald, that journal has been, I custom and precedent to the 11 raid as a spe fence, in its columns. Which should be to secure, by the action of a Democratic Office—On I?ixxc streot both mv accuser and my judg •, and the con eies uf political incorporeal heriditatment ap regarded as tho “party organ:” the preten caucus, the rights of a section famoas for it» Opposite t he Old viction and sentence 1 as followed the accusa pertaining to tho oilice uf State Printer, there tious daily, from which neither sense of duty adherence to the democratic cause, humiliated tion with such startling rapidity, that one is is something s> irrise3*.ably cotmeal, so su- to its party; nur insult, nor taunt, could the new Democratic Senator, I cannot help A rkansas L ivery S tari e , forcibly reminded of the lightening-like speed bli:n‘ly ludicrous in the idea, that the iron wring a word of defense for the resolution it it. I am sure be does not consider himself with which the notorious Col. Jennison, of the seep er w hich BuUi wielded with such terrible had previously clamored for; or the little humiliated by its adoption. The adoption of Jacksonville, Oregon. nearly ten years, should be commit local Democratic presses, which gallantly this resolution, and my refusal to submit to Kansas Jay hawkers, or Red legs, was ac ■ effee; E. il. GREENMAN. customed to deal with such of the rebellious ted to the feeble grasp of the Herald men, fought for the principles the party promul-i the dictation of the “Herald” on other mat ter«, caused me to be ostracised, together ioian. eft. Surgeon, citizens of Missouri as fell into his hands j that it would require no party rebellion to gated. with Senators Burch, Trevitt and Hender OFFICE—At the U. S. HOTEL, on Califor during the war. It may be that the Herald dethrone tho would-be despots. It would The action of the “Herald” during that nia Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. has obtained a hint or two from that desciple simply be a repetition on a very small scale, campaign fully justifies the conduct of the' shott, and Speaker Ilayden. I trust these ^F'Will practice in Jacksun and adjacenteoun- gentlemen, like myself, have recovered from of Mercy and Justice, f propose, in the first , indeed, uf the reign of the weak Richard delegation from Multnomah in tho State Con ies, ar.d attend promptly to professional calls. place, to enquire into tUJS right assumed by j Cromwell, after the iron rule of the stern vention, in refusing to support Mr. Patterson the shock, and are now as well “as could bo DB. A. B. OVERBECK tlio Herald to inaugurate a system of political j Oliver ; but admitting that the State Printer in his aspirations for the State Printership. expected under the circumstances.” VVILb PRACTICE medicine and sur - I refuse to recognize the “Herald” as the ostracism in the Democratic party of this is per se, the “party organ,” it follows that The gentlemen composing that delegation VV GERY, and will attend promptly to all calls We »re prepare! to do all kinds of “ party organ,” fur the foregoing reasons, ! upon the defeat of tho Democratic ticket, as on professional business. His office and residence State, and examine the extraordinary claims proved by their votes and by their speeches •re at fellow-citizens. I plead to the jurisdiction of itadvanccstothedictatorship, which it as-umes in 1862 and 1864, the Democratic party The Overbeck Hospital, on the floor of the Convention, that they did would be deprived of an organ and therefore, I the would-be autocrat. I spurn and contemn to exercise over the political lives of Demo On Oregon Street. Jacksonville. Oregon. l-tf indeed know the political dishonesty uf the i its attempt to exclude me from Demo- crats. before proceeding to refute the charges according to this strange theory, Democrats “Herald.” JAMB« D. PAY. D. B. REA. will begin to realize the fact that we have cratic fellowship. Having no recollection of which it prefers against myself in particular. FAY 4c REA But I deny that the “Herald” is the “par having asked leave of the “Herald” to enter I believe the Herald assumes these extraor- had no Democratic “party organ.” in Oregon ty organ,” on other, and higher grounds, Attorneys and Counsellors-at.Law, sinci the defection of the Statesman in 1860 the Democratic party, I do not propose to ask dinary powers by virtue of being, as is claim than the foregoing. The members of the — ten years ago. its consent to remain a Democrat. To you OFFICE—In Court House, up stairs. ed, the “party organ.” How it became the Democratic party claim to be men of honor, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL Bit let us suppose a State Printer without and Dot to the “Herald,” am I responsible for “party organ,” and what constitutes the Will practice in the Supreme and other Courts and eannot consistently be represented by a a p i»er, as in the ease of McPherson, the illus mv official acts, and to you I propose to give of this State. “party organ,” is a problem which is not journal which deliberately counsels a viola- in my next, a full history of that part of my susceptible of a very easy, or a very speedy trious predecessor of the present incumbent. tion of personal honor. Particular attention paid to the collection This, the “Herald’’ legislative career which the “Herald” seeks solution. Unsophisticated Democrats in Ore Mcl’hcrson sold his Press and materials to of Claims against the Federal and State Govern has done. On tho 19th day of Sept., 1870, ments, th« Entry of Lands under the Pre-emption ’ to aspurse. the present proprietors of the Statesman, gon, have heretofore believed, that every paper in a caucas of the Democratic Senators and and Homestead Laws, and to the Entry of Mineral J ames D. F ay . in the State, which advocated democratic and the printing was dune by cuntract, I be Lodes under the recent Act of Congress. 1 tf. Representatives, I introduced the following lieve ; in that case, which was the “ party doctrines, was a mouth piece and representa resolution, known since as the “Caucus Res LAGER! LAGER! New Emigration Scheme. tive, aDd organ of the Democratic party, so organ,” the printer without a paper, or the olution. far as its influence and circulation extended ; paper without the office ? It makes no par Resolved, That in view of the importance We notice an article in the San Francisco and that its influence corresponded to the ticular difference for the purposes of this of railroad communication throughout this “Bulletin” some time ago, with reference to ability of its management, and its fidelity to illustration that McPherson was a Republi State, and the vital interest which Southern a gigantic land company whose object was to the cause. The democracy of this State can official, as the same general rules are sup Oregon has in securing such communication the sale of the lauds of the C. A O. R. B. Co. having had some experience of the manner posed to govern both party organizations. by way of the Rogue River and Umpqua So stupendous a scheme was this that its OSEPH WETTERER HAS NOW ON HAND iu which a “party organ” is conducted ; hav I conclude, therefore, that as the Herald did valleys, we, tho Democratic Senators and — SUCH A8 — \ ratifications reached the Old World, and the end is constantly manufacturing the best Lag- ing had some taste, under the dominion of not derive the power it so arrogantly claims Representatives, in caucas assembled, declare ■er Beer in Southern Ore ton, which he will «ell in result of the whole was to people both Oregon the Statesman from 1850 to 1858, of the from the Democratic State Convention, nor as follows, to-wit : ^«Mlities to suit purchasers. Call and test the and California in a sirgle season, We pay .article. clique and ring rule which one party orgnn from its connection with the office uf the That we will net support for U.S. Senator, but little attention to the subject tree ting it Jacksonville June 5th, 1889. CARDS, invariably creates; and having once seen State Printer, its pretentions to the dictator any candidate who will not unccnditionally as a rumor ; but we see by a California pa their party rent asunder in the effort to eman ship of the Democratic party are, to say the pledge himself in writing ; per a company was organized and articles of cipate itself from the dominion of a ‘’party very least, of a very questionable character 1st. to use all his ability and influence to incorporation filed in the Secretary State organ,” are not disposed to repeat the expe But, a paper which assumes to be the organ obtain from Congress all necessary aid, and BILLHEADS, Office, in Sacromento City, on the 20th De riment at this late day. The democracy do of the entire party of the State should be the promote by all means in his power, the cember, of the “European A Oregon Land not recognize rank or grade in their party friend of every section. The Herald, if tried speedy construction and completion, of the FROM LONDON, Co.,” whose purpose is to boy and sell lands press, except so far as ability nnd fidelity by this standard, will be found lamentably Oregon and California Railroad, through the HANDBILLS, of the C. & O. R. R. Co. whether situated in AV1NG LOCATED IN JACKSONVILLE, creates confidence and confers promotion, and défirent. It is well known that the railroad valleys of the Umpqua and Rogue river, as 'informs the eitisens of this plaee and vicinity California or Oregon ; and to engage in ths surely if this be the rule, the Htrald will be question entered very largely into the last contemplated by the Act of Congress July he is now prepaMd to take orders for all kinds transportation of immigrants from Europe to 4>f genu* and boy’s clothing at reasonable prices. political campaign in this Stat?, and particu 25th, 1866. very far indeed from taking the first rank. Satisfaction guaranteed. POSTERS, said land to facilitate immigration to said The Democratic State Convention, which larly in that section lying south of the Calapooia 2st. that, ho will strenously resist all con States. From the name of the Company we C lkamixq rnd R bpaikiwu done. July 2d, 187».______________________ jly2-tf. met last March, cartainly did not repose con Mountains. The Radicals charging and the gressional aid to Oregon Branch Pacific Rail would infer that it is an Oregon institution • Democrats denying that the Democratic party road, known as the “Pengra route,” until but the filing of the article« ot incorporation PAMPHLETS, fidence enough in the Democracy of the Her in Sacramento and making San Francisco aid to constitute it the “party organ,” even was in favor of what is knuwn as the Pengra the said Oregon nnd California road be com their principal place of business it may be supposing that Convention had the power to route, and, therefore, opposed to the route pleted, Or its completion placed beyond ques that they have purchased the California ENGINEER, road grant also. do so ; for if my recollection serves me, the through the Umpqua and Rogue river Valleys. tion. I We can see in this a measure fraught with delegation from Multnomah, the county in Instead of aiding us in the bitter struggle 3d. that all possibly efforts will be used, to interest, not only to oor own State, bat to the 9 which the Herald is published, were almost which we had to make against Federal pa secure a line of road connecting with the entire coast; one of the greatest drawbacks to a man opposed to the nomination of the tronage and money, the files of the Herald, Oregon and California railroad in Rogue to immigration heretofore has been the lack hoice liquors AND CIGARS CON- company ■Unity on h»nd. And all other kindr of printing required present State printer ; and Col. Chapman, from the middle of April to the last of June, river valley, from the North bend of the I of such facilities as a well organised .. -------- , to be done in the community, on Humboldt river, Nevada, as contemplated by c . o u,d P r ° v,d «- buch ** ’ ^eme a. the.e gea- show that the “ party organ, ” was verifying one of tho delegation, most bitte. ly impeach very reasonable term«. i tiemen hither~a . ? , .. u W1 p * . demon have inaugurated will attract hither a ed bis democracy upon the floor of the Con the charges of the party enemies, and the what is known as the M llliains Amend-jc]ass of immigrants that will prove to be a JHF* Yon who want Job Printing done, give tion. If the democracy of Multnomah had spiteful venom it lias since manifested to ment” to tho Oregon Branch Pacific Rail*]valuable acquisition to oar State.— Mountain- 12 12 Cents. u« a call, and we will satisfy you both in styleaad bo little confidence in the democracy of the wards the “caucus resolution,”, aud ita road. jlyl7-if. price. July 17th, 18G9. BOOK, PAMPHLET, JOB PRINTING OFFICE, H W H I NEW & FANCY TYPE, EAGLE BREWERY. J WILLIAM HERMAN » MERCHANT TAILOR, RAILROAD SALOON ! MAX. BRENTANO. C nm in ikihs uik