The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 12, 1899, Image 5

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    Kitgen City Guard.
BVl'UKDAV l (.1-1 ID
The business department of
the WEEKLY GUARD is caused
considerable trouble by corre
snondents addressing the pro
prietors peisonally. Address rll
letters referring o the newspj
oer or business connected there
with to THE GUARD,
Eutene, Oregon.
n -
;i 1 1
.1 i.
Hill t. Mil-
" to 1 The American
t-l-ltV I
The Dally t'ala I i i ..i Q
Eltrbnr, Ml ?h., sey r the Oree m
trip: In iur xjK riani i ia bot ital
iiy, we never saw tie ..iul of
Oregon. The clasps of oar poeket
booke are getting ei rusty wo fear
we will iioi li" abla to y i (ban
when wi k''' baok lo "the Baal."
R MM ure magnificent here. They
grow to .i il i i meter of seven in b i
and are most perfect ihapa ai !
exquisite bow
i i
Porto Rico. i$
:-:-:-;-:-!-w-:-;-.-!-!-:-!-!-:-x-!-!-:-:-:- pr. 'imw 1
, . . r. t'lll "' ' '
i in .viucruau coiciiviii i inn ivu-ii in
niil small. dr it has baan in exiitonos
tttilv it few months, tint it li rapidly in
.i og. Beside, army and govi rnnient
pflfc r- there nr.' DOW in San .Imili a
munis r of Aiuerirnu husiues men wbo
are obliged ta stay tbata to look after
their commercial interest Nome of
tbesehava brought thair families down,
inn. h to tli delight "f tlii' nruiy worn
i n. who have l.eeti very lonesome for so
ciety of their own kind.
I'ntii recently Mrs. Gey V Henry,
wife of tin' military governor of the i
laud, km tha leader i f tbt toctal circle
at San .T linn. She it was who i rganizfd
the tint patriotic league and landed
nna of tha attire womeq Into an
American sewing society. Mrs. Fred II.
Grant, wireof thi brigadier general)
alaa did her ahare In tnllTanlng exist
ence for tlm members of Um colony. Her
lam . - and reeeptii ni wen- the most
brilliant affairs that haw la-en given
rinca tin1 Bpan tarda i ft.
Hut both Mrs. 11. in v ai 1 Mi. liraiit
bate left the laland. and now tbe first
American lady in Porto Rico la Mn
Philip C Banna, wife of tin- United
-state eonanl at Ban .'nan Bhe known
i'ortu Itico and tin- Porto Bicana th. r
onghly for ibe went there whan bar
husband was tirst iipisinttd t.. his ;
ant post at tho beginning of the Mi Kin
icy administration.
it has probably been forgotten by
ii.. w. for it war bnl briefly mentioned
at the timet nt it in a fact that Mrs
Banna played an Important part in the
campaigu of General Mile in Porto
Rico. After the deetraetion of the
Maine and before ibe declaration of war
tbo Spanish ufticiaU treated the Ann ii-
t ho M in
Tin . ftlce
n- Utbl I 's
Presbytei n
i ' - mn. ist' i -Sample,
the other da)
Midi ml ft.
toh. roi; LITTLE FOLKS.
A oorreepoodent from Qreenleaf,
Lnne ooooty, writea aa follows to
the Orejoninn;
"There is a slow, steady Influx ol
immipriints to the Bioslaw valley,
and the bottomi formed by tribu
tary stnutcp. In tho put x
years the number of tn inlie
about doubled, I ho
obange in we immigration ourinc, m t biirb, hihI hU . iimt in.- price of
the mist vi nr i h;it a laroer 1 1 r picking must be advanced It is an
oontage nf newootn ra hue
improved homoa, and the
of vac 'ii i irma baa rli oi
preceding y an tn..r'- cutm
means, anil look Up bun
While ibe number ol '
doubled mice the panic
wealth per capita hi I
quintupled, Tenuis, ai
(rati rs in N i .
until.. r and : lie I
Eharaettr, and :
if the one bni
iral ami'Mil ly I
for tho o aaarrativa
Tin- newlj
lorn nt i
padnati .i I
Nor a tiiMin Pnoaraor Inde end
ence Side: " The present Indie
tiona do not point to a i ieh price :..r
ImpM tills year all In. null II will ten
fair one. All attempt U being mail"
ill uiiliit, .1IH.rl1.r4 I.. I r. .j .... (I...
pnnapai pabllothattheprioeof hops t- folna
U S:it injustice In li hop men to car ill raise
i. in
111 I
ll' II IS
jear, the
k, lurnl"
ture, veh cles and farming imp! e
tnents, iucludiiiK the lirM mowera
ever seen on Like creek, or ita
tributariea, till . large pli a in ii is
increase of property, wbile many
log barns anil dwellings have la. n
replaced iy good frame bulldlnga,
"Appropriations of eovernoiont
land will proceed rtiwly until B
railroad conn s nearer, or the im
provement! lo the river l.olow
yiorence, put the mouth "i the
cliannel in luoh condition ihit;
coast steamers will mike ri . .1 I
calls there. The completion of a
wagon road from the head of tide
to Acme, which is being built by
volunteer labor on a route surveyed
md accepted for a county roil,
promises to give an impetus to
shipments to .Sin Francisco, of I
products which have thus far had!
DO practicable outlet. Many imall
either idea. I'lie IIHliciJlons , 1 not
point to a liiith prloa for hops, ami the
price of hih ir will I. rc :nliiti"l ! -Up
piy mid demand, in vlan of the al
moat total failure of the fruit crop, it
leemi rnaeonable ' suppose that lb ra
will lie plenty of plekota to be foutal
who will work for a rcasonut.le c. 1.1
panaMion, as they will have found do
employment in ploklng fruit, and
must do aniuetblng lo earn money.
I he hop (rowan shoulil not he in bade
to in the the prloa f..- pieklng too low,
nor on the Other hand should the
pickers be encouraged to e mbloo ami
ask too Mull a price. i is al.vays hi t
ter to mak" h iste slowly in Mich mi l-terH."
I-.! to this i
neap.. Ii. is to I a
n a- , na 1 f tha
ilth, Baaidi i
1 1 n d pnlplt
i la a trav, Ii r.
t ion as moderator
Dd l"V. nth :;. n
trdi .1 as a victory
il. lin lit '( the
tad moderator was
N'. Y . m 1884 Be
it, risiti college and
can eonanl and his wife with ainoate
Pain t n.ooK. Salem Bteteeman:
"In a eoiivi rsalion with Mr Huhhard
Friday, 'oiiccrning the hop outlook, he
hhI I: Coming from a M it ion where no
hops are raited, I oannol irive out
much Information ooneernlng the
year's crop. I have not yet had the
time t personally ilisp-et the yard- in
the vicinity of Salem, but have beeo
informed that the prwpeete for a large
yield of a tine quality are good and
prt lent Indications are lint the grower
will realize a timid price for b's crop.''
Bpkkdily Cured. Mn J L 'w is
a i;ret BUllerer from hay fever during
the summer months and at limes tic
tracts of timber land arc changing pain in nearly uuemiurable. Bhe bu
hands, but the buyers do not ap
pear to ropresent any combination."
The Kansas City Star duly 27th
says: The tragic scene which at
tended the death of Corporal Leon-
tried every r. medy she ever heurd of
hut without relief. The other day the
family moved down t tha river bank
near the Kerns place and in two bourn
-he ot relief and han not heelltrouhl. il
since. Pure out door air and pure
water accomplished what medicine
failed to do.
Mail No PACK AOU TO THI Yi kon
ard V Hayes. America's onlv traitor -The poatofllce depart nent has given
. notice that paokagaa will not bade-
in tha Philinninaa. was witnessed i .. .
! livered by mail in tne . aon utainoi
in the PhilinnineB, was witnessed
by Sergeant ('eo A Limarsh of
Company II, Twentieth Kansas vol
Letters and postal cards v ill tie taken,
hut no provision ha been made fnr
noteers. now in the city, aergnint , forwardim.' third and fourili cltis
i,m.,h nt to the Philinninea matter. All persona an requeated nol
with the Second Oregon regitu nt
fourteen month- ago. Corporal
Hayes, he says, became enamored
of a Filipino beauty, and deserting
his comrades was placed in oharge
of a Filipino battery with tho rauic
of lieutenant. H met his death
almost in the Crst engagement in
which he fought against his coun
try. .Speaking ol this battle,
Sergeant Lamarsh said:
"Wo had charged the Filipinos,
driving theni back and killing and
wounding many. Among th"
wounded on the field was Hayes.
He was rec jnized by several of the
"One of the soldiers of the Second
Oregon Iroye his bayonet through
th body of the traitor, and lifted
him up above his head and held
him there, while the soldiers shot
him. The body was thrown into a
trench and buriei with several dead
Filipinos. We would have treated
him worse if we had known him."
to deposit pai kiiL'i s III any post olllce
tor points in Yukon territory, as they
cannot be forwarded
Mimnu VlKWS. Some excellent
views of Bohemia mining camps are
on exhibition at W LDaLanoJa drug
store. Tiny were takeu by the Eugene
Photo Co. on the recent visit to Bohe
mia mule by Mr and Mrs J li Welder,
i'Hl-: OLD PIiAB.
Mnps. Will-in .Statesman: "Last
ear's Drop has been completely clean
ad up and then la not a single bale
stored in this city. Then are, however,
825 bales of the crop of lsti'i ul the
Southern Paolflo company's hop wae
house." Cubic.-Otla Pearee, recently re-;
turned from Manlls, has a number of
curios on exhibition at the Barker Oun
Works. Among them Is a unique
eennon mounted upon an iron wheel
barrow. They are decidedly interest
ing. Wrist Cot. Mr efatteeon, while
working tor James Bbbert today mow
ing, cut id- left wrist with a pen knife,
levering one of the arteries, it took
seven stitches hy a surgeon to repair
Hkar Kji.i - -HKKI- A Maol hear
last night kilhd ten sheep for Bruno
Vitus on his place in opripgowa prr
COSSfl. AN! MliS. pinup C IIANNA.
I oonrteay. Tl Americans al h ast had
i gained their respect, and the courtly
dons saw no reason to obange their at
i tltnde beoanse of International affsira
But the Porta Ricana acted different"
ly. Eager to gain Spanish favor, they
exhibited contempt and disrespect fox
all things American. A guard of police
stall iieil constantly at the consulate,
Was Deces-ary to prevent iuub violence.
During all this period, while Spanish
respect remained ropnme, the Consul
and Mrs. BattM wi re defiant to Porto
Hi .in hatred, They appeared as usual
ou the plaza during the triweekly mili
tary concert. They were jeered and
lb t d nt hy the Crowd, hut the lag,
l..:. i iwan, cool and reserved, walked
quietly up an l down, and the little wo
man In white kept op a bravs front,
hiui"iig with perfect wng froid.
it took grit for tbs conaul'awlfi to
remain, for all means ol exit from the
island w re now being cutoff. Tbeoon
snl, however, was bound to remain at
his post uutil delinite orders canm from
headquarters, wbile all around him an
angry populace literally gnashed it
teeth with rage ii the face ol blacool
i ! i f, on A pi il 1-. the order
from the W lernTfa
His lir-t pai I i .
the ai st at Bsdford I1 I '.'i i
(barge he was culled kl t' V-
terebnreb, Mlnnsapalii He . . I
in Minneapolis for '.'t years, Paring
the pa-i 19 y rsbel naitor
of the Weetmbwter church, Vork
lir Sample ia a membi r of a nnmbef
of boards and Important committees
under the c. Mr,. I of tha gi Di ral a
lily among othera, the board of i mrch
erection He laalso a trnat if Llni i In
unlverait) He ha- been i lerstor of
the 0 nod of Minnesota and al oiuottdr-
Mot. I h ii i, ilr rsltirm k. )l,tlii. M-ill mill
n . Ir. laMtatml la Plaii
lhal which may lie comprehended un
der tbe term theatrical meteorolocy.
weather outside, tho stage manager
within can bring about rain and bail, '
w tn, I or a thunderstorm at will, and
lli,- Illusion Is ho complete us to Home- '
iea make nervous meroben of the
.ii, ia luseualbl) shudder.
and rain are nnreaented by a
i-l ted wooden cylinder about all feet
long, which i obstructed inside by Mi
lieus crosapleces, a quart of peaa com
plettng the arrangement ity turning
tbla cylinder tlrel one wa) upend then
Ike Other lhc peas rauic through It
iih close imitation of the sound ot
In avj tain .ai S roof.
The wind arrangement coualam of a
wheel about two feet In diameter, et
in a frame Itke that "f a grindstone.
Tills wheel Is furnished With rtUl on
its perlpherj somewhal like the Uoats
of a water "heel, and drawn tightly
over the ribs is a piece of thick siiu.
When the wheel is turned, the ribs run
against tbo sin,, ami hy turning the
handle Ural quickly and then alowly a
rery good Imitation of the soughing ot
too a in. I is produced.
Lightning may eaallj be Imitated
by using chemical or electrical means,
and the usual mode of producing thun
der Is by shaking a large s t ,if ilc-
hle iron plate. Some theaters have,
howover, a far mora elaborate and ef
fective thunder arrangement, which is
used as an auxiliary ta tho iboet of
Iron when a storm Is supposed to reach
its height. This eunslats of a number
of cannon balls held a trough and
allowed to fall at the tight moment
ami to run over a Boor above the ceil
ing of tin- theater,
a snowstorm is brought aimm hy a
perforated revolving cylinder above
the stage, charged with paper cuttings,
Unfortunately, tbeao messengers ,,f
frost have a hahlt of noting on .'.'I
kinds of projections and dislodging
tbemeelvei in subsequent scenes when
their pies, n, e Is not deshahlc. ( ham
hers' Journal.
Nllllll llll II..
"Yon can't fool ni'.'' ays Marti.
"I'm bla enouall to know M in n ii - h lumnwr wsatbsr
Than Isn't any snow. '
Stale Superintendent Merman
Lectured This Afternoon.
liter ot
He was
t i lan c
in the i
tho preabyti i
a delegate t..
tuncil In Id a
hi ItW I and i.
Nt w Y. rk.
pan Pri ibj
Ing, effectivo Inn gery, pathos,
ona ami wit en I all lhal goi 1 1
tin- accompli h I mini ol let-
Ibis ii,
nry s!c.
to lnitk
ters IIS well as the Iwvi idler
Tor '.'.i vein i ba haa bi a a constant
contribntor lo po is and periodicals
ami volume.- published enony isly,
which bsvs found thi Ir way to clasaifl
cation oi' high rank aiuoug choice wotki
of tin- km I.
MftrvelAM i " . i"' i i-i-iiii.-il io
i iii Mule lloatreal Lao.
Tin-whole province of i,1'!- bee is very
much interested in lbs marvelous ato
. ; s whh b re i i Id abont the
cures eiTei trd I little 1 in Lonis Tail
Ion, tbe boy bi il. r 1 1 Mi utnaL People
nre Visiting the Taill. n Itonae at tbe
r; re of ovt QU h da) N I all f them
am allowed lo so tbs boy healer,
Ji an I i I sex. nth ri f Jo-
eph and B inua Talllon, French Ca
nadian folki in moderali Ircnmstabcsa,
Ilia home i at a Ti unk street, Mont-
"Oh. yes. than 1st" s.ns Kails.
just eoma sn.i rau simii rv.
it's iii my grandma'! aardsn
An I 1:1 .. lin; on a tn e."
Out Hi. y went In Hi.. Kiirileti
To si-., in,, pretty night.
An, i Hart I. lookad with mneer
rjpon iii" Rowan white,
s , ii r walking papers. " the j
ton I raid to his wife.
Y. -. really 1" was all she said,
with i little rising inflection of indif-l
Durili ,' t h ir escape in n lJritish ves
sel Mr- Banna exhibited the same cool
courage. She was left behind at Bt
Thuiuas when Consul Hannawent with
lent ral Miles on bis campaign of Intra
sjoD. She had In the meantime learned
the, official secret code and bund a
chance to use it
Although General Mill was in Porto
Rico, be knew nothing about the:
strength of the opposing Spanish force,
but Mrs. Ilnona at the cahlu ctiitiun in
Bt. Tbomaa learned all shout the situ
ation in Ban Juan and i t mptly trans
mitted these tacts to bi r bu I and. .l lis
cabled that tbs (0, Itroi ps which tbe
tvrarjRSO AiiMisisTKATon. C H : Rlcan volunteers wj,-r so badly Beared
, Rnrkhnld.r has been appointed ad- that they Wan ready tod.,- it at tl.e
UAKi. a'aa - ,h jcntiiutW first ibot.
,L-il. 111 IllstrOtor Of tile CS.a I'U ' 1 '"
deceased. Probable ValOl of estate 1 180.
Hund ji : -nr. ty, Janie- Hetnenway.
While visiting the University
yesterd .y on tbe occasion of ex
tendi! gr.eting to Henry Villard
and party, a I
tbe old Sag hanging from the Bag
pole. Praotically nothing is left
of it but the blue field in which j
the stars are set, all of the itrlpes
having betn blown away with the
exception of the tattered edges.
The University of Oregon Hag pole
should support a large and Hue
specimen of the nitional emrileuo,
and at this time it would seem to
cinct 1 narty of hunton will go out Spanish wars supposed t" have
. 9 ' ! CI.. T.... w..r.. lurvM lv 1,1 .'l,i( a
after ins bmioehlp In tbe morning
San Junu were lurg. ly nr. ti.h hi. anu
that tbo greater part of tin-native Port
be very properly in order for the , leai0cr lit
IlOHEJIIAWAKP. Last week there
w a au average of ahout twenty paf
sous a day to go into the Bohemia
mines from the Lane county side.
Knv, I'a.stoR. The First Baptist
ebUftb of this city, has electeil a new
paator, Iv Calvert Baaoot, of Oak hud,
. . r in ...u.. .......
i a ili.rnia. tiv win . fir
(ii,ni ral Mil, s w a- , 1 to get -m h
information, yi.n may I lUri IS I I
conipliiu. iit. i Consul Banna t n ii
huch an able and level beaded helpmeet
Of course it was great ."iiii-factioii
to Mr-i. Banna to ran att r triumphantly
su Joun. where she had been boot
ad eg eke walked the streeta, and iea
stars and stnp.s everywhere. She
u,uv have forgiven tbe l' rt.. Rlc.-ins
nrobabtar sbs has hot it is donbtful if
bs will ever forget those BnpleaaaBl
tucntbs she ipent in San Juin just be
fore tbe wT. Maay E. Leonaju
ii "i kl
mm ;M
ji ( iVia iv.i...
g 'jr.'.
Ami He n . lie sal.l : " h, Katlet
How lovely it wont, i be
To kasp n mi i"" winter
To h our I 'hrlstinus traal"
Mari-ari l I.. In riii. 'nii.itl i'..tiiiiiprclal
Vrrt i.. UM Wha Beaaia Qvoat.
livery precocious i.oy does Dot be
BOOM a btUllant man, but some bril
liant men have been precocious In
chihiii.....i. John Ruakln, tbe gnat
Bngllah saaaysat I critic ou art, was
neh a child. .t the age of 7 be wrote
verses In rhyme and kept n Journal, or
diarj. This journal wm really a rec
ord of trips through England that he
took with his father. Ill In tarsal in
the old cathedrals and In the bits .r
scenery that be saw during these JOUT
iryi betrayed the tastes licit In later
years decided his CS r On the Mil
of last February air. Buakln reached
Lis eightieth year.
reg It ii all red that be cone litapl
by tb ' hands and that ha
ciiurgi i th.: ' at all for his rvic .
merely ask in. tic iiflSi. t. d onea to say a
pat. r end BVS f';r tbelr relief.
A- - edlng to Jean's mother, hsh
oever trii'i loonte anything but tis.tli
ache nntil lust intnuiir. hut he is sai l
to bars ri lit r d the pain oi sebing mo
Ian i v.r m.- .- I." was a i.e. nth. old
Mine. Tuiliou say. that tin y nil I p
, i he woo id poaeem seme power to cur.j
heci'JK) of his beinir a leveutb son.
i-i.-i t w in. in.. ..sir.
I saw u lltn... aigehiiK worm,
t'ncertnla u l.ut to .lo.
Who simply squirm. a 1,1. Iltthi aqUtrai
Until II." .In llirouith.
"I wmit to know." UM Uttle worm
Ex. lflm.'.l as In ...plr.-.l,
-ir ens but wisai.-s uii gar lonaT,
aynal m.,r.. sart ba SailradT"
Tin ...I'.ri r. Williams In Hi M.-holas.
lalilo I al."
Tim term "tubby cat" Is derived
from a famous street in,
bsbabitsd by the manufaeturera of silk ,
en stuff called stibi or laffety. ThU I
Itnff is woven with waved markii.
watertsl silk resembling a "tabby" j
cat's bsck.
UlSttSS lllui.vlf.
"i'h ase. Mr. PoUcafflan, hao you i
gaga u ludy that has lost A little hoy 7
ON, If so, I'm that MUo hoy."
I ally Uuafdi Sag I
The p i el) ai ( . 'iiie of the n stilutt.
i xsielaea of t da) i ibe add ms being
given tbia r ft. rn-inn by J H Aekerniao,
ti... .,; . nut. iidet t of public Instruc
tion, who la talking along in dem adu
BMlnual lin s
included in the exerebajB la a piano
sol., i.y Miss Beatrice Ration ul Oregon
City, a very tal tiled perfbrmer, and a
Vim I iluet b) M ra It O Brook and Mr
K I. it -si, r Ihe attendance contin
ues j) d dUI ing I he session.
I" ev Hot Springs.
Allgll-t I, 'I'll.
Km ion KuagNH GUAHP: I bore
wiin .mil you i he names al guests hii.I
i i i p is in pping hi Pnlej Springs I
hope you in Hud space In your popu
I lar p p.'i til i ul. lis., ihe aatliei Kloia
lit . . IMn Broek, HalH, Or.) Rev
il r Mien, wire an.) . Idien, Tan
g .ii ; Mrs Mart and Brural Sill
ier, Albany; V it Kltlay, Mo-co, Ida
'.. ; Mr- Mil. ray, in Jose, Oal Mis gj
m Morrlaon, Portland; Oal Jouaa, Ha
t. io; Mr- u Oaupt ell, Bugeos; Geo
I' i ..'a man and Herbert Moreh, Co
b ug; t' Cleaver, wife and eon, Baleen
V . I Mo oli lilt and wif. , lDrtlaud J
My rlok and wife, Los Angles, Cal; II
It Ma I Wife, Portland; (iinndpa
i MuMlnnvillei t'lark V
rbompaoUi LaOroaae, WUjHtlmus w
rbompeou, Bugene; Oeo B Btreeter,
Miss Jaaelo L ntneter, 0 ll Lewis,
Portland) DOorn ier, Nij. e, Mo; RI
Wllllama, BO B kpatrlek, Mis kfary
V Klrkpalriek, I iiias, or;J P Bekwy,
C II llorr, lope, Or; Patrick t'an-
navan, Port bind, Jori Ware, jr., Ku
, am ; Wall Hi dee, Bugeoe.
Toe li UN i- ctoded, Pill there is
ai ays room fttr more.
v.. ms tesp, otfully.
A. A. Hah.kmikk.
N. w ( BM llll its.
T A Powell, of I ilsey, has received
a 1st rl ni lbs Portland spoilsmen
in aiiiuh they i iy tbey have raised
8 ii 1,1 brlnii luu i airs ul Reaves phaaa-
ai ls to the Vatlej ai d (urn litem loose.
Mi I'uwell It I been Working along
this due for aoms tine and baa Inier
Bated a number ot Linn county -p., us
tii. nl the malli r. The Purl laud men
M) that k" win isi neosseary in order
to si cure t he number i birds wanted
and tbey ask that Mr Powell raise a
i ait. . i tin- shortage Ltnnononty.
Tbablrdian a vary tine gamebtrd
and ii i .n.ul.t out local spoilsmen will
aid In i.iiuglug tbem t" the valley.
Contributions to the fund can Is-sent
to Ml Powell ill llalsey who will for-
ward all amounts n . eivci to the Port
laud commlttse Aboul t.-u has iu
s il al lliil-.y, iin.l oilier towns
will urobabli oontrlbote.
.1 .- p. i Jolt logs.
Auguat 4.
Tl e. ry at Ibis place Is pi enlxcd
by f persona eaeb day,
( VuatlU, a lieu initvalhelc from
i mi, li . una to Hum.-, B astern
Rulsj Renfro ia bulldl gen '.-mo
a." he iii. i on ai , i.iiiif.hi fruui -1 ell) .
Wu, R see tiy bougbl a
span oi borseSi id upou placing them
In pasture with other horses, olio of
tbam was kleked ao badly tbal n was
neces tu y lo kill It.
Kills Calllson of Pleasant Hill, met
ith a s. vcte accident on Monday last.
WllMe el. gaged III driving cattle his
bone nil, throwing blm on the hard
ground with such force as to Injure one
i i ai ihoulden v.-ry badly.
A largM amount of eawtoga, telegraph
s.h al . ISttCe peats have been Hunted
posi . sre tbe present seeaou, and now
QBVl : n is llllH'.lrd by NSI cards of
llr w ...I, which is sold In Kugeue.
i i will be tallowed In a le.v days
w, li a like amount of luimwisid, to
ba converted Intasxeabuor ut the new
laotory suoo to be I coated In y.ur
tow I .
A gieal deal Is said th u days
ah, u ' . x;...i SlOUi" and it Is not al-
v ij - u an iry to go t.. the PhtUppioe
I tiaui s 10 observe Ihe same. A Widow
Imly will. i(Uit a respectable nuinlr
of children, and a CiUaOU of tills place,
were neentry united In marriage,
tbos cau. li g the bitter to liecorue re-
pouathla tar tbe maintenance of nine
unoos Instead "i nine. On this oeea-
siou tin i,. -' io .1..-number of two
dessu made mgt.i bideoua win a
Mi 8.
Oarpenien, painten and other aae-
ebaniee report Ihle one or me omhbi
- i s (or a number of years.