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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1898)
r ,Yfl 1 H fi i fl 1 1 '1 H H LJ1M IPJ o KST1BLISIIED COR TIIE DIXSEHII 1T10S OF DEJOCRiTIH PMSCiriEl, AM TO 1AM M BOXBST LITIXO BT TOR IWEJT OP Ot'R BROW o y u U a h S JJJJ WEEKLY EUGENE 6UA RD. C.OPUELL BROS, PUBLISHERS .I.i-.,t tlU of bnlwc TEUMiOf Bl'B.tCRlPTlON ". 1 . ! : ! : l.oo, ". : : : : lirM ""- Advertising rates mad known ..d,i til It. nii io CIA j s. LXJCKEY DEALER IX Clocks. Watcnes, Chains. Jewelry, Etc. BEPAIKIXO PROMPTLY DONE 0-tlWrU Warrants L. W. BROWN, M. D. Phy'clan and Surgeon iWet uJ resld. nee over postoffioe. Honrs; ;,to!!,top.m. k c. w uu UUUUJX, ,ltt or iiey-at-I-uir. Omci-One hU block south ot Chrtsman's ICGESB, ! OREGON. RTTORHEYS-AT-LAW. tni Villpiactic. in all the court Lie. Oregon of Office In Walton block. L.L. WHITSON, DENTIST. HtTlnl imrehaned the oflloa and flztureio i W. V. Heiideraon, 1 am now f lnd to lu ny:nin id in hub v muuiuj tllf SUO.e laiU unit-v. Cms and Brldje work a Specialty, Z3.C. ANTE AND MARBLE WORKS. t Doil-i and New Priori In Forelfa and lomeallc Marble and Oranlte, Monuments, Htaditouei and Cemetery work of all ktndi for 1895. LL WORK GUARANTEED ! a.'U. BtretLnearPoitoffloa. ltt ena . . . Of Eugene, Oregon, CAPITAL $50,000. W. F. Brown . . President B. D. Paine . Vice President F. (If. Osburn . . . Cashier W. W. Brown. Ass't Cashier DIRECTORS- Osburn, B. D. Palue, W. I. Brown, D. A It. J. F. Robinson, J- B . Harris, leijerai Baiii Business pacted 07 Favorable Terms alw!,f"d ,u ,he Pr'ne'pal cttloa of ths 5,, t"; ,al, ""nge larnlanad avail- nail lori'luo countries. reit paid on lime deposits. Pinul Tault lor the itora(a of valuable iaetta it rocdre our prom t attention. HianaicH, js. B.EiJtlw, Pniident. Caihlar E. Ssonci;AMitant Caahiar. Ot Eugene. I 4 np Ush CipIUI 150,000 tosind Profits, 150,000 SCne - Oregon. - J?''1 bnaine dona on raaeoa. 'AGO ii,ttdrft NEW YORK, $mos RANCI800 and POET- 'nt'mXi " tork countries. rliit oanin- fttlU0D. ;u KitnviUd to hi wfll notin ne County Bank. btaillihd la UU) UQENE, OREGON. Bnral Banking bualnoaa 1 brnch8i transact si. no fibl terms. p Loan 9 Savbs Bank si Hational hi jS' ?OVE. President. A O HOVEY'Jn.,Ait Cm e THE COLD NORT J W. Cherry Writes an Ialeresfing Letter. lull of Information. The fol'owlng letter received liv J Watklns from his brother-in-law. J W cnerry, who helped take a band came from Victoria, DC, I' Dawson will be read with Interna by bis manv irienus: . . FOKT t'UDAIIY, N T, Not 18, lhl)7. T r ... j-iak utrus: we liad a roualj time corulug In, cm we had cowa, statu na tieera, uud they don't drive togelh er si all. I know I walked the dUtaDce from Uhllkoot to the Yukon three tltuvaln inaklnn the drive, but wheo we retotied Dawson I waa 15 pounds Heavier than I ever was. We slept outalde, rain or shine, all through the trip and on the snow when the tber mometer was 10 bolow r.ero. Klondike is a great camp, but the number of paylDg claims are limited but tboae that do pay are wonderful You would not believe the amount of gold they take out. I have seeu shovels lifted out that contained more gold than dirt. But there are draw backs to everything. When we got in they were charging f 4 a meal. How Is that for s hungry man with au empty weasel skin? A good lot of beef was drove In tbls summer, and noue of it brought less than $1 per pound, the bind quarters selling at $1.25 per pound. Que can drive cattle In with very little trouble, It you have steers and a grain of cemmon seme, but the parties I came in with had little of either, being bull-beaded Canadians. People here expect a greater rush uext summer thau there has ever been, as this Is a it 1 eat country and full of mineral. Prospecting has not even commeuced yet. I only stayed at Daw.on four days, as I could not get grub. That is bow a man's standli g is noted here it is not how much a man is worth, but how tuurh grub he has I saw flour sell for (125 for a 50- pound a.k. You cau't buy anything for less than $1 per pouud, and for baoon and flour you have to give what ever la at ked for it. Candles sell for $1 apltoe. How la that for light? Why Jim Robinson la not in it. If a man wanted to stay here all winter it would coat him (2000 to exist. They crow considerable about their big game here, that is, Caribou and Moose, but the biggest game I saw was at Dawson, when One-Eyed Pete and the Montana Kid were playlug atud poker. I saw them bet as high as (500'Jonaainglecard. Alter my four days' stay at Dawson, I started d jwu the river to Circle City, in company with another man, where we can live on moderate terms. When we got 15 miles below Forty Mile we ran into an ice gorge and swamped and had to come up the river again as far as tbls plaoe (Fort Cudahy), and wait for the Ice to gei aolid in the river We have been here three weeks and could have started down a couple of days ago, but I fell and bruised my knee and water formed on the kuee cap, and I am like a rat In a trap for the time being. I am drawing the water off with blisters, and have to stay inside all the time. I am in hopes of being able to start lu a week. This was a lively camp one year ago, but there is only one cabin occupied hers at present. Tbs bouses here are all built of legs with moss between them and poles for a roof, covered with moss and dirt. It makes a good warm room, and that is what Is wanted here, as the thermometer has been flitting between 10 and 30 degrees below zero ever since we came. A t this time last year It was 70 below. We have no horses here. All the hauling is done with dote teams, as it costs little to keep them, and they stand the cold all right. Wo are going to have a rough time going down the river, as the ice is jammed uncommonly rough, which makes it hard to travel on. Anyone thinking of coming in here with leas than one year's supply of grub Is a blooming Idiot, and he wan .s to get used to eating bread cooked by himself before he starts In, for he has to do that here, and my experience Is that It is a bard thing to do while you are working. Very truly, J W Cherry. A Correction. The appraisers re port of the Elizabeth Conser estate published In the Daily Ocard of Feb 5, among other values had the follow ing Item "Ax Billy's store (G0C0." It should have been t' e building oc cupied by Ax Billy's store, as Mrs Con ser held no claim whatever on the store itself simply owning the building. Died. Sunday Feb 0 1S9S, at tfie poor farm, Frederick Lanber, aged 07 years. The remains ware Interred this afternoon. EUGENL, MONDAY, FKimUARY 7, P D (lilbert was In lingene Sunday. over Allot ney Markley was lu yesterday. O W Pickett returned from Junction thisatternoon. airs Prult, and daughter, of Weston, sre in the city. Secretary of State Klnraid returned to Halt m this forenoon. W II Weatlierson, editor of tho Flor ence West, Is In Eugene. Miss Loltu Johnston h-:im down from Walterville over .Suuduy. Mis 15 H prultt and daughter, of Weston, are visiting In Euj-ene. J P fc'chooling and wife, of Harris- buig, iu this city. Wlls Oweu leturned to hi . home at Monroe on Ihis forenoon's trail). Rev M I. Rote and R 11 Copple went to Cottage OrovethU afternoon. Oeoige i5nirclt, the Portland .aloon keeer, has been f'uml guilty of man slaughter. Attorney N E Markley arrived home today from a profesalona'l trip to Portland. The A O U W announces that no as sessment will he niudu for February. A gocd showing. Attorneys Woodcock, Uilyi-u !aud ueo A Dorrls are at Rosebu'ir tryluar h j LI vermoie divorce suit. Mrs O R Bean went tluougli today, bound for Latlxtm. where she will isit her brother J H Sharp. Judge ai.d Mrs J 8 Medley returned to their home at Cottage Grove lodny, after a aho't visit in Eueeue. It Is rumored that Chapmnn will soon e.tabli.h a bnrber shop auj toot black stand ot the university. Dean Sanderson, Juo Iluudnuker and Miss Alice Smith arrived home his afternoon fr m poiuts north. J P Jones, J J Devereaux and MJ Roche, all rullroad men traveliug out of Portland. Sun loyed lu Eugene. Green day left hero for Hny Crtek, rook county, on this forenoon's train, where he expects to reside lu the fu- uro. A marriage license wus issued today by County Clerk Jennings to L W Rlggs 85 years and Ann Hughes, 19 ears. Mrs Chas Waggoner of Albauy, ar rived up today and will vi-lt at the home of her daughter, Mrs David Link. Mr and Mrs O P t'oshow, who have been visiilni; with their daughter, Mrs J M Howe, returned to their home at Brownsville today. Mrs RS Bean and little son arrived Up from S:l.iu on today's 2:04 local, to isit at I lie home of her pnrentH, Prof aud Mrs Thomas Condon. Lou W Johnson, of Stauton, Neb, Mar.h, of Iowa City, aud W A Maltmau, of La Movre, N D, are registered at the Hotel Eugene. Mr and I K Peters left last nliftit for San Fraucisco where Mr Peters goes to purchase goods, making a specialty of his Hue of paints and oils and groceries Through the aid of the local Salva tion Army cor s Nora Hn.umer.ley, ged 15, was today taken to the Refuge Home, Portland, conducted by the rmy We understand that Judge W C Hale, of the Southern Oregon district, ill hold the March term of circuit court in Lane county for Judge Full erton. Lebanon Advance: A new poetofllce as been established at Samarlu, Lane county, with Mrs Dollie Lauhum as postmistress. Mrs Lanham formerly resided In i.ebauon, and is a sister of Mrs Cotton. Nearly all the shingle mills in Washington that were closed down lor the winter started up o i the first of the month. As a result of the shut down, prices are better by 25 cents per 1000 than they were this time last, ear. An eastern Oregeu paper tells of a man who sent to Portland for a chair bottom paying 18 cents postage on it. The same kind of a ihair boitom was being sold In 1 lie local store for 12 cents. There is a whole lecture for you. Lebanon Advauce: Revs C A Wooley of Eugene and W R Bishop of Portltnd, spent two days in Soda- vllle this week. They express them selves as being much pleased at the prosperous eo-'dilion in which they found Mineral Springs college and they think the school has a great fu ture tefore it. Ciicuit C mtt. II' i..hule. of the pr ceeding. of the djourned term: 4035 James II Clark, receiver vs Josph Sternberg. M.feudant given util Feb 18, 1898 to answer. Jennie Hmitson vs The .Southern Pa cific Co. .Stipulation by attorneys that the original bill of exceptions be used the Supreme court. Circi it Court Cask. W M Lively as sued o P Oaroutte in the circuit court of Lane county for the sum of $142 and Interest. The trouble grew out of a mining deal. a Oil., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12 898. OYER THE FALLS. Four M Lost Their Lives at Oregon City Today, Only One el t ire BaveS1 lcrll lu llm (ii'tHK. Okeoon City, Or, Feb s. About 7:45 o'clock this morning, while a dense fog prevailed, UkoKue r kkkm AN, aged 50 yeurs, anu his rone, Freeman, Jr, aged 2 years, Harry Freeman, ated 22 years; Jameu Freeman, aged 16; and L I Shannon, aged 30 years, Who reside in Cauemah on the cast side of the Willamette river left the Pulp Mills on tLe west side of the river, lu a tweuty foot row boat as was their usual custom nuoriiy alter leaving shore It was noticed that the boat was uot headed right so the men changed seats allow ing the boat to drill. No danger was apprehended until the boat was o i the brink of the fulls. All managed to hold on to the boat while it dropped over the Aral fall, about six feet, but only two held on over the second drop of thirty feet. The boat was caught in an eddy and went toward the shore near the Crown and Willamette mills, west side. Qib Potter, going to work, beard cms for help aud hastily ran to the bank and a.slsted Harry Freeman a-horo. George Freeman, Jr, held to the boat until near shore, when his brother attempted to right the boat, throwing George of). Men immediately put out in boats, but he sank to rise no more. A largo number ot boats have been seurchlig for the bodies without sue ces up to this writing, 3 pm. The river is about 2000 feet wide where the men attempted to row across, aud the current at au ordinary staj;e of water is about e'ght miles pe hour, but the river has been rising for tho last few days, and the curreut Is now about Z utiles per hour. No landmarks being lu sight, and the increased current, caused the meu to lose their bearings. Thirteen mouths ago, George Free man, Jr, Hurry Freeman aud James Freeman, were caught lu a douse fog whKt crossing the river but by hard rowing, come out against the breakwater near the edge of the Falls where they held until assistance was rendered. THE DROWNED. George Freeman waa an and leave a wife aud three children. L L Shannon, was a member of the A O U W and leaves a wlfa and four children. George Freeman, Jr, aged 20 yeai s. .lames Freeman, aged 16 years. SAVED. Harry Freeman, aged 22 yean. SILVEU MEN C0MD1NE. Kepreseulatl.e Towne Coming to Ore gon to Fight for the Fusion Forces lu the Campaign. Washington, Feb 6. At a confer ence of populist and silver republican members of the sonate aud house, the question of an alliance among the several silver parties In the West was considered. Oregon was first taken up, as there is an election In that state In June. Itwasdecldtd as the judg ment of those present that It would be well in Oregon for all parties to unite on a democrat for senator, a silver re publican for governor and two popu lists for congressmen. Clialrmau lene leaves for Oregon tnlght. He is to open the silver cam paign In that state with a speech at Portland. lull j Guard, Ke.rutry 7 Aiui'Du Ei) Insane. James L taller, aged 40 years, of Jum tlon City, was cxattilned before Judge Potter and Medical Examiner WKuykendall, M D, this fjrenoon on the charge of In sanity aud ordered committed to the asylum at Salem. This Is his third commitment, the previous ones being in 188-S and 1891. Rullglous excitement seems to ue me cause, ue is a mar ried man. Sheriff Johnson and Mar shal Stiles conveyed the unfortunate man to the asylum on tbls forenoon's train. Leo Broken. Saturday young Frank Ktelner, aged 15 years, who lives at Deadmoiid ferry, had the misfortune to have his left leg hrokeu In two plaees. While cuttings tree the but Hew oft the stump, striking tbs boy on his left leg, between the hip and knee, breaking bone twifie Dr L W Brown fs summoned and attended the injured lad, who Is now resting easily. He will be laid up fo? some time. Marriaoe License. County Clerk Jennings today Issued a marriage li cense to J H Vincent 30 years, and Jennie Taylor, 25 years. TUESDAY FEBRUARY 8. T O Kent, of Fayette, Iowa, is tho city. OP Hoft returned to Irving this morning. W W Scott of Cresell, was in Ku gene today, 8 II Friendly made a trip to Port land today. F K Gray, of Portland. - as In Eu gene today. W W Soott, of Creswell, vlslied Eu gene today. 1 leery I'.oiiil, of Brownsville, spent last night iu Eugene. Mr and Mrs J C Coodulc, of Cohurg were lu Eugene today. Adolph Sutrn, ex-mayor of Han Francisco, is Insane. He Is 80 years of age. Rev J C Wooley arrived home from Cottage Grove on today's morning local. Mrs Frank Moore arilvedhoiue to day from Salt m, where she went to visit her mother. It is priutwd thut ex-1'resideut JIar rison Intends trying for the U H sella- torshlp from Indiana. The thermometer ttood 3d degrees above zero this morning at 7 o'clock, 4 degrees above freezing. Dr S J Chsmhers started yesterday for Lincoln, Neb, on a short busluess trip. He weut via tho 8 P. A Bush, tho Salem banker, has spent 110.000 In improving that white elephant, the Willamette hotel. Mr and Mrs Nathan Eiumelt, of Monmouth, are visiting with her par etits In this city, Mr aud Mrs 1 Til tou. J-Xchauges from all portions of the state bring accounts of parties leaylnir for and gut'ing ready to go to Klon dike. Senator Teller made a great speech In the senate yesterday lu favor of the ratification of the Hawaii annexation treaty. Gymnasium work at the university is suspended for this week, as exam inations are rlslmlng tho attention of eveiyone. Dr W Kuykendall relumed from Kalem on today's 2:04 local, whero he delivered his regular lecture before the medical college. Mr and Mrs Juo Catmau, who have been v'.sltmg here, leave tonight via the Southern Pacific for their home at Alnsworth, Neb. J B Mulkey, of Portland, deputy collectorof Internal revenue, Is in the city on official business. His days are numbered, as lie Is a Bryan man. Andy Taylor, who formerly conduct ed a barber shop iu this city, came up from Corvallis this afternoon. He has Just returned from Kan Francisco. Attorney F C Maltesou, of Butte, Montana, arrived here this afternoon aud will visit relatives and friends In this oounty. He reports Montana de cidedly prosperous. Next Monday will be a day of rest at tho university, to allow Instructors and students to recuperate from the severe strain of the examinations. which are in force this week. Thos Keeuey, came over from Tacomn this alternooti to visit his lather, Uncle Jack Kceney, who is quite 111, at his home at Goshen. Tom Is working in theofilceof I lie Northern Pacific. Full moon this morning. At 7 o'clock our satellite was quite a dis tance above the horizon, almost directly lu the wet. Weather prophets, who forecast from the moon's phases and relative positions, call this a "dry moou." An eastern editor said silver buckles on garters were becoming fashionable and lis hoped to see more of them. His wife sued for a divorce, and the only woman in town who had silver buckles on her garters cowblded the poor editor until he was as raw as a potato. Mr R 8 Perkins, who formerly con ducted the Perkins hotel at Portland, but who, some mouths ago, was dis possessed by the foreclosure of a mort gage on tho property, bus recently been offered (15,000 in addition to the sum of the mortgage, for a deed to the property. Resigned. Grant's I'ass Mining Journal: "Hon II B Miller has re signed from the republican state com mittee as the representative for Jose phine county, and Hon R A Booth has been appointed to the vacancy. For some time we have heard some kicking on the part of Mr M's oppo nents In the party on ao c.unt of the fact riiatMr M. represented the coun ty on the committee, while his family residt In Eugeue. Whether this ot jectlon caused the resignation we do not knov, but It has seemed to us far fetched." Died. At Lorane, Lane county, Saturday evening Jau 29, Mr John Huse, aged about 00 years. Mr Hum m paralyzed about one year ago and has been under the doctor's care ever since. He leaves a wife. The remains were laid to rest In the Odd Fellows cemetery. A 0 L'T JtO II E M I A M I N KS. Herbert Lelgli, Amyer, til yes Some Salient Point on th Hud. A letter from this t flko to Herbert Leigh, assayer, at Collage Grove, iu ipilring as to tho correct assay of ore from the rewnt strike made on the Brunenu al Jenningt Bros claims at Bohemia, brought the following reply. The letter in of considerable interest, stating some fuels not hitherto pub lished. Mr Leigh has ono of tho best equipped as.ay olllces on tho Puclllo coast, aud Is doing a good business. His work Is very accurate and his put tonage already extends to every iul.t. mg district of both Western and East ern Oregon: CottaokUkovk, Or., Feb. 6, IN'.W. Eiuroit Guard: Your letter r eel v.d and fully noted, and I am sorry tossy that I cannot give tho assuys of the liruneau ore as you request, as that is confidential business and such a re port would have lo come front soiuo ono other than mo. I have never clveti out anv ri-imrl on the ore, except the iV certificates turned over to Mcsrs Jennings Bros A Hruneau. Will snv however, that a piantlty of the ore Is here on exhibl- tt hi, and that it Is by fur tho richest that I have ever Been. It is a line o,uull'y of tree milling quart, and Mr liruneau tells mo that be bus several hundred pounds of specimens like it at (lie mine and something over2 0 tons c f ore In tho bin. I understand that ho has drifted through rich Irjo milling oro for over io feet aud loft the mluo (on account of provisions running short) with tho race of the tunnel glltteiing with freo gold. There are already five claims taken up on this ledge and some of them show very rich ore. I have it from good authority that severul rich strlckes have beeu made lu tho Bohemia district withlu tho lost four months aud tho prospects for the future looks very bright Indeed. The Bohemia Gold Mill A Mining Co, (the MumIo mine) mado a remarka ble run In January, cleaning up about (13,000 ot bullion front tho month' ruu, which I urobublv ono of tlm largest runs made by a 5 stamp mill In the state. I trust you will understand tho posi tion I am in regarding tho giving out of ussuy reports on the Bruiirau oro. I make It atrlct rule never to give any Information In regard to ores that I work on. This rule Is carried out by most of tho assay oftlces all over the country. Very truly yours, llKKIIKllT Lekih. Thruatkn to Hue. The Laos county fruitgrowers aro now receiving freight bills Irom tho Earl Fruit Cj for green fruit shipped lust year. The company sent J C Gray a bill for (11 75. Mr Gray furnished the crates aud baskets, grew tho fruit, packed a full car load, nod uow the company still wuts more. Such a corporation should forever in tho luturo be let alono by tho Oreiron frult-crowcrs. Mr Gray, of course, Is only one of several that have received bills. To California. J E Davis lias disposed of his interest In the Eugeue Loau A Savings bank, aud the change in the directors of that institution will be noted In the bank's ad In this Issuo. Mr Dayis has mado arrangements to dispose of his property Interests here, and will leave shortly for Los Abgeles California, seeking to buneflt his health which has been quite poor for some time. His many friends hope the change will prove beneficial. ugene s Leading Store. Our salo waa moro of a succes than wo anticipated, wo aro too busy taking stock now to advertise, but will tako all tho timo necessary to givo you courteous treatment wnen vou though our salo is at an end you find our prices still at tho bottom our asaortments good. F. E. BTJ3OT. NO 7. M'lRK tOVntACTS. LUientliiil Bros, of w York, Lo: kii g After lllini Hops. Are Stiitesmnn: l'mir hop lontructs were filed in the Marion county recorder's oftlco Saturday, Lllimithsl Brof, of New York, being the parties of the mcoikI part in each instance. J EandC Kerr bind themselves to furnish 12,000 pounds of their ISM crop to the New York llrni, the considera tion to beM cents, of which 41 cents aro to lie advanced at tho time of Dick. lug. 1 A ami C M:tttioti nro to deliver 15,000 pound- ut 10 cents, the advance to ho 4 cents. A and T Hughe., IiUhK) pounds at I he same price. W linger and the Hi Sing Co, 30,000 pounds at 10 cent., 4J wills of which will bo received at picklug time. Commis. loners' Court. Tho boundary of Kail Creek precinct was changed to read ns fellows: Be ginning at tho inter. oct Ion of Fall Creek and .Middle Fork of Willamette liver; theme up the Middle Fork of the Willamette river to lunge line be tween ranges 1 west and S east; thence north to (ho summit of tho mountains let ween Middle Fork of Willamette and Full l rick; southerly along sum mlt of said mountains to township lino between townships 19 aud 20 H: thence east to tho county line; thence northerly along said county line to a point due rust of n w corner of town ship IS s r 1 e: thence wrut to the n w corner of tp l.s r 1 e; and thence south 31 miles (o summit of ridge between Hills CrecK and Fall Creek; thence southerly along said ridge to Its inter section with tlm cast boundary of JuHnr precinct, thence south to Fall Creek; thence down Fall Creek to place of beginning. Polling plaoe, Fall Creek .chool house. Hu.el Dell pi eel net's new bounda ries: I'eglnulug at the summit of the rldgoou tho east Hue of section 12, tp 21 s r 1 c; thence south lo the southeast corner of said township; thence east to the northosst corner of tp 22 s, r 2 e; thence south t" the county Hue; thence easterly and northerly along the county lino to the township lino between townships 19 and 20 south; thence West to tho east boundary cf Middlo Fork precinct; thonce south to tts southeast corner of said precinct; thenco north westerly to (he place of beginning. Polling i luco at usual plum of voting. Florence precinct's new boundary: Beginning at the southern boundary lino of county ut J section corner of section 5, tp 19 s, r 10 w; thence uorth 0 mils; thenco east ) mile; thence north o miles; thenco west 2 miles; thenco north 2 miles; thonce west 4) miles to tho section corner on the north iHiiindary of section 5, tp 17 s, r 11 w; thenco south 1J miles; thence west to thu Pacific ocean; thence southerly along the said retail to south boundary of Lhiip rcuuty; I hence east to the place of U ginning. Polling pluco at uhiiu I place of voting. A Remarkable Full. At two o'clock Monday afternoon at Sulem Oscar Taylor, a brick layer, fell from the scaffold on which he waa working building the Willamette hot I chimney, (o tho ground, a dlstauce of 00 feet. To tho as'oiilshmeii'. ol those who went lo his assistance Taylor arose' from the pile of loose lumber on which he full and walked to a nearby room with llttlu assistance. Au examina tion of the man disclosed a severe cut on the chin. HI. faoo was badly brul-ed as was also his right thigh and lower limb, but so far as a careful examination could determine no bones wero broken. o o o o o o o o call on us. Al will aud New collars today. Ladies and Gents The high kind.