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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1897)
I&iigcnc City (JUiard. fcsAI'UUKAY,. ...Jl'LYSI Carter Harrison, mayor of Chi rnj o, tliinka wheeling Letter exercise- than iiorcx-batk riding- He vay. "When I go lioruehu'jk rill ing, the hors g'-U tlio txi-rciw. IK ilotnn'l exactly get it all, hut hu peta the hot ol it. On the- ..ther Jmml.'wlK-n I co hii-ycle riding all the cxerciiie in inine. I ilo all the work and have all the fun. A man cun feel that he U tlong suiuetljiiii for himnelf when he is riding a w In .1, and there in ft great d. ul of tal i notion in tint." Tho editor of tlio .Salt Lake Tribune alno eeen jn the wheel a great machine' fur txercise. He an ho naw one utrike a lady from the direction oj ite the front. Sho gathered her elfnpand turned around junt in timo to catch another "'h'-ad on," end bho was the moHt cx:rcin'J woman that ha been Been lor thirty tl a y-H. The ( rgonian in one of tho un- fai tht organs in tho United Stiteit. Yesterday it deliberately coj-'eJ an "estimate of l.rynn" from the J-Ymil Journal, and n u'ob tliat i - i "an in l jendent and entirely lion jiartlsun japer." TU'u Ha mont ia!..ibl'- f.ilnehouil and tin Oregon in 1 1 mint havo l)een nware of the int I. Tho 1'oHHil .lournil i a rad ical t-oM standard republican pa per and supported McKitiley for tin; presidency, and ilM'J t r Mr .1 H Stewart, is on honent inn ami will m ditto if ju wli oned. Such "journaliHin" is repreheiihiblu and &'H listing. If the Origoniao had wrnted to be lun-nt and fair it wimld have ire lilril the article in tim-tim, thinly: "FokmI .lournal, gold Htandurd Itepublican." A Wahbington, DC, dinpitchof J I I y 10 f.i)'b: It in announced tint tx-Senalor Kavid 15 II 11 will pr.'bubly run for eongrecu next ytir. V (i Manning, of Aloany, K Y, i authority for tho t-tateinenf. Ho H'ty: "'I'hoHt! who knotf the ex governor intimately, reali ho.v keen ho in It ro-vnter public life. feected to congress bin idea H to be ( Imi-cii speaker, which nill again inn !; liiiii a prominent liguro in tho ryt -uif the natbn. Mo would iloulitlt'sn fall down in trying to fairy out tho epeakerehip program, but ho ban tho nerve t cberihb tin Pel. ram j nut ih ho bad the aud u'ity to think lie could be nominated for prenident, when nobody could tell where he htood on (lie financial jih tform." Mr I'oniiM A nntli who was lionoriil by (')ecn Victoria with a pci rage t her diamond, left Scotland 'il) years ago as an up prentice clnkoftho Hudson l!ay fompany. 1 1 u was poor in pocket but had a good education, plenty of grit, pcrncvcranco and an indomil iiuie Hpiril. .ins I heiure no wax ilewited to tho peeraito ho wad Sir Jtonald A Smith, knight, l C I., K C M G, and high comtnixriioncr rf Canada and London, lie is the fcotond Canadian rained to the peemgu by IJuct-ii Victoria. The liret was Sir Coorgo Stephen, w ho became- Lord Mount Stephen. Mount Stephen is a peak in the THE M COURT HOUSE. Formil Atlion Not Takfn l;ul lis Lo. cation I'niclidly MM )m. tl I tl lor I ii it il it 1 1 o ii A.keit tor. Wilt llr ltcckics Ceorge. an 1 was named after Sir J.x-Mate Senator 1'eterson, id Miiinesota, ban jut In en awarded $1MK) damages agaim-tthe Western I'liiou Tt l'graph Cioiipaiiy becaue it transiiiiited an impertinent nu sstag i to him from one of bis fons'ituents at Minneapolis. The company claimed tliut it was simp ly iui innocent medio n in that matter, but the r-Uto Mipremo court lield that the telegram was libelous. Therein) just ix wunN in it. It rends: "Slippery Sam, your name is j ants." California fruir affected with San Jom ecale was discovered in the Siletn market yesterday. The diseased fruit consisted of Purlieu Jiears. They were sliippeil to the C'regon Fruit v l'rvduce Company by a fruit dealer naun d Seatiin, in San Francisco, and came in boxes ofthoLarl Fruit Co.npmy. The red cplotches on t le pears are as Conspicuous us would be meajdis on np 'isou. It is probablo tho alL'ct id fruit is in other parts of the .Ha to. l Yr4tcWo0: It i tatc4 tilt tin toa ('km &iiKiCoa vill liold its regular annuul nun ling this year at linker Citv. If it do! nf o the "lioys of the ies" w ill have I bo beet timo since they met at I'emlleton three years go. liaker City never neglects her gm -ts and liover fails to increase her good Lame for hospitality. The l.oaril nf eouuly erminiii loners linn not tuki n the fuiiiiiil net Ion upon 1 Mliiji the locution of tin new court lioliw, yet It Ih ilae.ieul!y R-ttltl, tttul if no hlteli occurs, uii'l noiie Uuiiih i ptteil, it will U- ere.'le.l n the lot the prineiit tiiiililin htuiiils iiioti. The i ii It'll I !jti In online- U to move the old hililillhg uldiut 1'ier ID fiet to the Wiht uml use thffuiiiu in, til the eoniiletioll of the new hulldini;. 'I l,e new strtc'.uio whleli is to he STx bl fi et In si.", will he so iluc (l on the lot to (Ive u 10 foot hi wu on the w si ami 10 feet on the south. Jli'ls w ill lie asked for next week for the luililiii( of the foundation, the D ime to le opened AuumI K, mid the huiiii) will he built this full. Architect Neer whs Ii) coiiMiltutioii with the lioard yeHterdity ami this forenoon reKiirdliitf iiecesiary detulls of tho pn limliiury work. lluituii'Mouiit. On tho evening of Wednesduy, July -I, IV7, ut HMD o'clock, ut the home of the hrldc's father, It Mount, Fast I jkIiHi street, Helen I) Mount whs united In iiiurriiiycto Itohert H Hut ton, Willi thu iiniiresiive eereiooiiy of the Congregational church, Kev Uajinond (.' lirooks, piiHtor of the KuKenu church olllciutiiiK. Mttht Kuliy l'riitt uetcd as miiid of honor, mid led tne bri lit) cun j, lulu the lluwer-lieitvclieil parlors wherv, In the prewnceofa few fi lends, their troth wttii plighted. Thu lieuiti eit of coiigriiluliilioim uml well uisliis for their lie ly-iieijuired doul exis tence were then ollercd, uml the merry eniiiiuiiy mt down to parliiko of the liiiii relriohllielilii ollcred. Tlie hridu is the eldest diiligh.u of Mr Mount, of it .chiiriniiit; pcrsonulity tlint Iiiih won fur her hoMs ol friends, it lid is o.iv f tho most populur of Ku gene's fair ) uu Ii t i t-, l.i the Hociut uml C mi cli circles of tho city, belnjj nil a live woiker in the Conreijatioiial church, of w hidi the groom Is iiIh i ii me nihcr. The liioom is the ui, n il i of the (il'Alili olllc, a ycnllcuiaii i f true worth ami a mechanic of line ability, und hrs lutein many friends during his seVi rill yeais lesidelieu licit'. lie is iiIh i a ineuiher of the llrm oft'iirrle A llusloii, and lieuteiiuiit in Com pany C, O N l, this city, us wll as a uieiulier of several eivlo orgHiii.allniis of the city, and sliuid i I iyh in the estimiilioii of all. The young couple have taken up tin ir residence on Fast Seventh Mtieel and start out In life Ululel thu lic-t plciiHivnt of nu-lilcles. A large liiiiiihcr of liaiidsiiuie piesenti were picenteil (hem. The (Jc.iun Joins their friends In extending its lust wishes foi un un-. tioiihlcd mid felicitous married life. Those invited were: Mr Kichard Mount, l'rof and Mrs Condon, Mr and Mrs Pratt and Miss Kuha l'rall, Mr and Mis S It F.aUlii, Mr and Mrs It C ltrooks, Mi mid Mr.iH Taylor, Mr and Mrs II Norton and Master Henry Nor Ion, Mr mid Mrs N Winters, Mr and V ih I') K Iteiiedict, Mr ami Mrs A K Winder, Mr and Mrs F 1. (iilih-, Mesdaiiiis W .Shannon, A Sl'uttir hoii, l'dla 1 loiighton and Sarah I'ui- raut, MUses tiiiice Mount, Kloreuce uml X'ciiia Adair, llmriet mid Pnlh Alden, Flora Wheeler, Mahel MeCulin Suio (lilihs, liessio Jennings, I.izie (irlllln, Clara mid Fannie Condon, Fraiikiu lilce, of 1 Urrishurg, Mis Mcljueen. of l'.lgin, Illinois, and Mihis Fail Mount, W V. McClure, Charles Taylor, J A Carrie, Alhert llellidict, t J It'll lli'liciilct, l.loyd Cherry, and Howard Kowlmid. Med. 'imci:siav ji;i.v I '.cv I'l.niU ir, , id' Cuswull, was la the eily today. John Curlwell, of Co 'tags tfrove W is in Fugene tml ay. Ielos I) Neer returned to I'ortliiml ou the 10j0 local .iluy. J II Welder went to I'ortlalid this morning on u slont iitisiioj trip Mrs iJavId Link returned this after noon from n fortnight's vNit with rd ativts ut Ailciiiy. DP Siieiii an, of near WulUer, vtus In llugene lotlsy. He fns he bus u gisid ciop i f pruu. h. Miss Mahel lieeker, of Vi-hIIu, Cull fiirniii, arrivt d on the 11:01 local for un extended vi!t with Miss Jcsie (iil strap. Mrs (.' (J Croiier and duui;hters, Misses Futinlo und Mug(;le, leavu to morrow morning forun ou'ingat lid knap Springs. Mrs C II Cottle und daughter, Fthel, this morning fur Iowa w here they will visit their old home, relurn-- j uhout SepteUihi r I. l'rof K 15 McKlroy has retiirnetl from the National Iviucutloiiiil AsHoei!itlon, held ut Mllwu'ikcc, Wis. He leporls having hud an excellent trip. Til Me-rs It Mit und fumilieu, of Michigan uml New York, who stopped oil bi ro to vlnit.SM Voranuiid family, darted on their boinewiird journey ou the IOiO local today. Mr and Mrs It MeMurphcy returned outhell:'JS overliunl lust night from their Pan Francisco-Portland hegl a. They report a very pleasuut trip. Jos liiiiley, win) has been visiting his sister, Mrs J Ii Alexander, for a wi t k left for his home in Illinois today. It was their first meeting for -Ii yeurs Mrs J A Dunlop, of Portland, who bus lien visiting at thu homes of It Doyle und l'a-co Saunders, started on her return home this morning. She will visit Alhuiiy on the way. FJk l'rairie Items. I'.eiries, hurries, berries! The gar dens und woods are lull of them and such nice huckloherrrles and wild blackberries. Haying Is going ou nlcdy these lint days; even the children lire taking a hand in gelling the hay ready for win ter. Ha, ha, hu! You had jil-t ought to see Joe ltradford's new forage punts, (Saealine und Ilathrus), had to tie them both HI) to keel thelil frttlll Hpnading all over his farm. They say the slock eat them till right i hough. Mrs Henry Coiirtright is having an.. other bud spell uith her stomach. (in iidmu Hale, and (iriiudinii and (irutidpa Pciitly, are all well this sum. mer. Anon Tlie til lllldest Kellieily. Mr It It (ireey, merchant of C'hll liowie, 'a, certilles that he had con sumption, was given up to die, sought all medical tit'itmeiit that money could procure, tried all cough remedies l e could lmir of, hut got no relief; spent many I ihts silting up in a ehiiii : was induced to try Dr Kings New i iiv.ovt ry, and w as cured by use of lt oottles. For the past time yeais ins been attending to business, and hiivs Dr King s New Discovery is the grandest reniedv ever made, lis it has dune so much fur him mid also fur others in his community. Dr King's New Discovery is guaranteed for coughs, eoh's and fiinsiiuiptiuii. It iluii'l tail, 'trial bottles I no at .'leu dcrson Finn's dru st ire. It to 1 1 it I Miii, mtit rrr Irani 'I ii rl n rr. Auiiit the rhi'uiiuCH' puitt'ii-r w liu roorls to Uel'ltn'ii Stciieich llil'.ei-. Tluil llii K iiliinnl foitliiil malil, pun-in S H (r muru le llnl, I, reiiu'.ly Hutu ...:,-Ii it ii ti utxl ,iiIht iil ton. ii. ,1 tii e ii-l i he i In ' 1 1 ii ih t ii' vinilitMii (lit tilcoil, U h liu-l Uml t''.-riciu'L' lut MOMitrlorl I.V lli'intillHllllU'il. Ii II. Ml rn.l,ih tile HilvttllUt' el N llin -unlike Hi, in I'eil. t'lit stile. l iui ttitttiv Ci'innliH it Ct-i lulu iohi.U!ntl li Itit'ie lllilll'.lll t'Mkt-, Ulllt'll lt-lllt'IM 1 1 it-1 II llttl'itl 1,1 ll Hlllll'kt HIUT t ,t'UIt' III Wtt Ui'HllltT, III ciii it'lilMil hit. elittiikit". el lciii'.'iitliiit', nr In l',lM Wlu ll lilt' U-1 Ii lint Mu ll I'tT.Httln itlinlllil likltt' It It HU' Ul ID lit, I C tilt' HllltTP Hi nut its , nli' ttt t l cit'ir. inu nk Ir.tin Hit- Hl'nVf ,'llll't'., - t ll Mil', ill .;. I, , Hi- flit i-tii. iillv niillillt". lie IniiMu In.lmini'. l-ul thr linn't.nlNtl tlt.riin...iiiit,ls tttinti tiiTniiiptliy i In urn .1 1 tit . Mil Ii if. in .f, ..,ii.i in Hu- m.iiu H, h. I'llll'llitunll t.f lilt' In. ill, l In i I, , I ttltit's- I lull. AC , 111,' III l let s Is n.c u, i n rt nif ty. It'stmiy n.ffs niy in ,,.:n n't- i'iifs l,i U'f II it till 'i'lic ....... Take N'ltii'e. liBEAUTIFUL CLOTHlHCj i ? ENo'.-e buying 'l.-'i;'.v"'1'11' ' ' ....i i tj . i.i'iiiiiiur! a'" llllf. II I'll l y mi'i-" . . I i.uvsomi'thlrigfiMioilin.L' Jpuy little you f.'t.iii'!'- WE SELL THE MollCtt I. lltMv 1 Diuiti t.iil 11-' """ L"1"' from Iiiow iii-irf. Hay harvest in tlf vicinity wi st.ou be a thing of the pa t. Tamo hlhckhcnies are ilpciilng f"t; I II, ink ll.eerul. villi be Mlftldenlly large lusup:-!;.' i In-count) . All wlh ing lili.ij b i.. l.l--rr.-s will do " come to .Muhawk. It takes faith to iih-vh niouiitalns, they say, I n! a viy sinad liard euU move a Hill i'l a" iin reil.ble sho t time. If y u ! UM it. usl the pe. pie who mt, ,, .I., on I'ars-n reek last "iinday. Tlie oiiiui'ini"" scrvlcs at the Mil. bel ilreth' n' I'. Wus largely at- .1 1 .. teniJed S it o l t.V in,'hi; ulo me mis- ki t (liiiiiei on S'liiday. Mr Hi.u-t hi. uf M h ik, is erecting , a new duelling hmi-e. The MeMi "lilt ca i'l' meeting ut the l'ing Yung buns'.' Is-ti I in pro gress One.of liev i r-.' hull' k'irls Ml from a" foot lug iM the .Muhawk riv-r one duy la-t vnt-k, ami was neu'ly drowned helore h ing re cut 0 Mr Marcel Arnd It ft last week for Fash rn Oregon. t i-nigh art, imt high prl I.j'iit Mr Chus llavdeii bus recovered (ruin (.ir n irments are tailored. They m. attack of piieumoniu. employ mechani. H, over-. e their ow n 1 ' ,,. Hliop, und protluce a gaunt nl Hint will Mi.-s Myrtle Ktuart is vlsltin,' relu-, j,' u,,w ne f,.,.M ,ve Hie imttoii" lives ut Creitwell. ; pull nil-.' Their buttons are fastened v , i.,l l .,.,rc .... Mo. to Mil. V. No tearing ilownoi pocK-is "- - . ,.verv Aiak point Is MiiVttl i r r X i ..'ti I CLOTHING. We ?re H e sole age t : in Ui : tcwi- hawk next week, as tlie schitfl Uiurins will attend the institute in Fug'-ne. I'.VKMiWS'. DF.XTFU IT K.MS. (e'I'l lllll"s Ftiuuil ou tlie .North of the Willuiiielte. fork elvel CIlll llS I'lll I t rot K i-lltlllS mill Hlin- uftlie bi'-t ijiiality. Come III and see fur i iiref. No one ever saw such .. uit 'ullv tlecorated Olid beautifully Ii!. il, : L'alllit Ills. We have Clay Warsltd willi'I everlasting finings 1 will lie at l'.li Ham:' litcry MithV in l'.iigene July ;l, iv.17, in uitlcr lo purchase sixty artilhry uiul cavalry hoist s, hays, blacks uml grays; weight Ilia) Pi HOit ptni.itls, and shunt ,V hmuls in height uiul live to eight years ohl; mils! In' -oumt anil well broke. II. ItKANl'KN-mN. ItUCklell'S .Ullli'rt .aJVr. Ileiiiy Mai x, eldest son of Mr ami Mis C Marx, t f liil c t y, died shortly alter niltluiglit tit I ebau in, Oicnon, (his iiiuinlng, tioin I eai't tlista.e, aged -I years, ;i mouths ami thtis. He wus boin in the city of I'm (laid on March -'I, lSTit ami cam to laigene with bis parents uhout three yeais ol nge. Fur the past tl.r e ,eais he has been a IH Iftt tt with heart ami stomach troubles, and ah mt six weeks ago his lifo was despa'red of, hut he got eon Milcrahly belter, anil about two wteks t he went to S,id.tvilli to use the it ater trom the springs, u Inch hud til ways before proven beiiellcial to him Fetters from blm ami ulso ) eople re. turning Ii mil (hut place brought the news that ho was getting along splen- lully, ealing and sleeping well, there- fiiieull weie surprised when a tele hone message annum ecd his death this morning. It appeals that be bail packed up Ids tilings yi-tcrday afternoon w ith Ihe intention ol tlilviug home today. He ctirinl feeling llrsl late ut 0 o'clock, but shortly thereafter his be irt coin menced to give him trouble. Flit litis were Immediately aroused who nei.t for a physician who re;.detvd him fiery aid pi ssible, but without avail. I'll iniiiutt s In furs lint faial Jiuiu n caino h l"ld llttsM wnhtiiui tb must 4uri f ti Unry if a lniht. tufittlic lu,i, i ytiiilig Ulan uml tt la ltiinl by nil w ho kietv him. It set u. a a pity that' . . . , . .. i u lie siiouiti ne en null ii lieu so young ,,,,,, , i .,,t, t,. . .. ... ,,:!lJ'::,..',i:,:"r;.. . J, j..-n,e,b,ng July -1. 1V.'7. Tims Warner, of Full ( nek, uiul Mi K.ibcrlM, of Linn county, wvrt he'e lu-t Siiturtluy. Mr It was looking for u location. II M Parvln was in Kugenj Monday after hinder supplies. Haying is getting preity well along. Iliinling commenced hero the P'tli. Tlie grain and hay crop is very good. V, P William will hind ami cut J M (irllllih's graiu this week. J K Tuvlor, H (1 Vincent ami Mag gie Templeiuuu were Salui'dav. The grist mill is uildeining repairs, but will start ll Ii this week. Itdis's work. 10 Templeiuan, our coiistuhlc, Is now at Walla Wulla, Wash. The hop pest U thick- Frank Tay lor will spray his yard. N 8 Perdue and u Mr Ko.-s were here Tuesday outlining for the gold mines on the north fork of thu Willamette. They think liny hive foil n I some thing thai will pay ft. r winking. Dkxtkk. IE Eugene Oregon. ANNOUNCEMENT. Having piirchaietl the 'tuck of goods of ihe Fniversity I m k Store, of J V Fhwt geli, I will keep a select lineiif Fniversity ill, tl I'libhe Sele ol Text Itooks, ihe leaitine; classical W' iks and works of lictinn, Stntioiiery ami writers Mindrie-; I will ulso net in. . . . . ........ I I. .r .,11 (I,., Ii.iiiII I, Iui.l.,,1 I, ..I ill r.iigene nisi j "k t ,uc ,,us i,vi ""'" (tint llltiit. I lit inti t.iu iiut tne you on slmrt notice, any thing in my line not curried ill Mloek. I respect fully u-k fur a share of your putrtuiai;e und will endeavor to fiirnhh satisfac tory prices, und only lirst class epulis. HENRY G. MILLER. PleilMlllt Hill Items. July Hay uml grain harvest are coming together. I lay cmp fairly good with a good prospect for grain, although not so heavy a yield as anticipated. WJ Mulkey is building a Un resi dence fur Jts-e Smith on Ciitnas Swale, west ol Crcswcll. K Hitiulsakcr iiinl wife of Fugt lie, are visiting relatives here this week. Hcmlcrsuu Fllinlt tantl family of Harney county, are In Hie vallev fur supplies fur the inter. Mr lvliott reports times good In Harnev, Mini everybody bin work wth fair wiiges. A basket dinner was served ut Un church last Sunthiv. Dean Sanderson preached i'i the forenoon anil l!ro Schiveller of Thurston, In the afternoon. Mathews I'.n s. are now piepared to to thrt'iliin,' in- the wholesale. Tliev huvejtist piin ha'-eil a new separator to run with their engine. Thev have also j.ut up ii c i ik wagon, which will lie ol great cotivenienee. A labor sav ing to Ihe Uruit-rs wives, Look Here Farmers! Bring vour Hides and Skins lo our tannery. Foi all No. 1 green liidts will pay you 1 to cents a pound; tor No 1 dry hides 10 cents u pound; Fur No 'i according to ipiality, 4 to s ci uts. Now don't forget these prices are paid in CASH at The Willamette Tannery. Haines & Co- COMR DRUG STORE. He Pianola (tot Winners or 11 r- LEVER BINDER, CHAIN DRIVE MOWFa ADJUSTABLE STEEL HAY RAKE MORE MODERN IMPROVEMENTS I u.iii itu.v r inn- hi iihi vi-ming ii,ci,.rv in the world, make PI II im nun-hint Ml eay and stay sold. I LrlllU ... Co.npl:te stock of ropi3rs always on hand. LOUGHMILLER'& PETE EUGENE, OREGON. ! URKS CREEKS. I waul to s-,y that I am not so niucli interes!ei in Hivr. of the (irei I s ut d Turks ns I am In Ihe matter of iiiforiuiJii p. l le of U is vicinity that I have added a line nf " BOOTS AND SHOES. GENTS FURNISHINGGOO: I.ritllt-'M unci Gents Straw I lata 1 loislecv, TlireMtl. N'eoillesatitl l'lns, Norlonts. ltc, Which a i'3 marked at prices that make sales. Call end be convinced that this is not idle talk Highest market price paid for produce- W.W.GHESSMAN, - SpWngfieid, Ore This is Hie Season to ... . L.'iwn Mowers, Scythes; and Snatlies, Ilt'irid Sickles, Grirdcn Hoes, Garden Hose, Wire (doth ""d Screen JJoors, ...Buy You will rd the ht'. for the Least H3oijfc!:' GRIFFIN HARDWARE 4 C0MPA VINCENT & WALTON, Propr. Successors to II. Hemenway. Dualeri In . . . Truss, L'ihh:;, Chomiolos, crf-aajs, Fancy a".d Toilet Ar ticks Sr:r.s. Coats- Brushes and a C:mplct3 lino cf Z:2 Saiirij. Daj & Henderson, L'ndt,i takers nd nibalincrs, C:r. Wil. and 7th sts. ) 9th and Willamette SH Eugtne. Or J iW TEKMS STKICUY CASH. Mauuikh. At die roiilt-iici. ol i.t. 'riiU1.' imr.-nts in Spi iuvr prot-i nt-t , J" -v -'. 's''". I'.v Cli.'.rl.- Minlli'v, J 1-' Jcpli Kin k uml Mis Nftiio, till 'f I.uiic ri ut it v. FIRST TUUR OF THE PACIFIC COAST . THE ONLY BIG SHOW COMING 'jrniE-t ! bub mm m m IUI WALILK L IVIi Grandest and Best Shov )Ring OCircus "TContinent uMenagerie TRAINED Wi'd Coast Shovl Bare fb:: And R:ai f in HiFPOCRCKE, Surely Coming id wi l Positive!) fcv At Eugene, on Thursday, July 29th, IS w. ' o'v t r. M'lin S! Jinn I linj m I lie American Onitii'int tmlay i" In eli'fc'Htice uiul grui 'l nr"-M"wst' Belknap Hot jVledieil Springs. Situated 60 miles cast of Eugene on the Mckenzie River. NlttlilHl tr ill, Trtt II-e In" Kuhr SU'kiii, i hU'.I. KUi-.rtc, Un: nitvt i ulj H:.i; , , . A FINE SWIMMING RINK. i I nr,mtisnilii i Iii k,, , Klilii Bii.l l.iv. r ( .niii im. ( Hiiirrh. ii,.i,v Ami". I'nvnti, li,t is. l ie. . . ; Fine Hunting and Fishinn A KtlU' i'hiiiii'ik' ,;r , 111,1, ; ",1 l,ll,, t pii.-UIVi IV flltfit Uit'., or lli i;u iiiir'il 1 1 i ti u -iiittvJ lo viiv,',.' fivt siitUfi ! vi iii :i,.y r. ;,i .i 1'iUv C'i t'l'iitu j'. r Imx. For In HtMiKllillX J t t. Kpluminjon tllernal, di)i. Iri'iu i, iri' iiiK'iiitaiu Mrt'i .m. . , tt. Wi1nnita and Frida,,, in the Vicinity. Tlio U'M antlvo in ilit wtirM for tuN ! liruif'-s, hoii'j, ulivrs, wilt rlifim, lever ' Minn, tetter, fli!ii''il Iiiimli, i-li'lt iiiin. cms, nun un viiu i nipt'., iih. i: , S).,,M for Icfmt anil Inlofmation aililret't Geo Hill, Prop-, or C M Hill, M0r, Belknap Springs, Co, Or I H EyU.t hDICrvS, IllliBi WURLD FAMtU (Nfl IT " V . .. lU M MIGHTY BOVALAPIJ- riifim,-: ,!':.:,,: ,!.. .. f l the nw r i''!''"'J' AKiiiliKr 'n. Tl oini!ui-i HIOIH'IH t','U t IiHUV ililKf,t ll 1 Nit-r, r,'liltc f it tlio t'ouit tumw t'.'iOfO v fiiii.M uiul i !lli'li, r ..85 Cents. o A. E. WOOD, DIALER IN., Staple and Fancy Grocerie. Ail'tit kii-i. I'diHo f "k.v 1 rtUii'v' powtitT per lb. j;iim Snla yn furii r idnitfi starrli 't,,1NP- - ' 1.W Ak il ,) I til tafcj PLrfM l.tmj Micki that .III l1$ 20 ,f. .1 .10 ") month FREE 3 tlippoorome . oi.e UiHil milf tr- i.'Ik''' . r-i im" :t of wil tlie iiiim h i or;... iupjuts. w-'-i s;acliflccs!mvr. WAIXACE :-:::rnt-:C::'---- r in.: ovr a m mo sTKE :IEnrc? nli!dhtS'.ow! I'lml,'-, .l:.;ll:,--. I'l.'lllu-ri. I.CCfWlU, lill"1" nid ir-of(aiMf Amiuitl- 1:- I i I' IIIh lutliir ut-iit to AIIriiv on t' U foioiiiHiii'H loi-tl truin, u I'.t-iv li will! inri t llio roiiniiii",'itiiy nut tlmiu Iiomio. iirilviii on l'it . o'ciiH'k Im-al. llio fiim iitl will tul.o (.Ui-.- from I lu amily r'-Kiili'iHv, funt r of Ninth hii,I I (iui (.Inti l'riility M'tortioon rt Z n'fliH'l' ; Intoriitfiit In llit I O O F tf m- for liup k i ii Mon" Siimiiu i M Ail for.. Just receivid over 2000 pairs of shoes and we must make room for them- RRr ! M fi NHnnn DCQTfiucn ?y " Dr. prll. I .oac. rz lUHlxnUUU IyluIUKlL) 1 .Nm. .m!" 1 .60c.' U.J Vc ; V- La V- Mi'-l i', ii, 1, I,., I, xlnmit-,., All-r.ui..r. I VtlUM l,!IM'V, ,, ,, r, . .. .. I ho 1 1 It HH'l f" in,,,,, i ii,, i - ' hi, l 'i :.. i. i,i il. lYi-'f , .':li" 1.' I' ll il - GRAND, GLORIOUS, UNPARALLF.D. FREt- '-vn, opium oral, muL,,;. wlmhlri J V.,,V ' or ! Ill" V IMltl I 111. .11 IMi - I- i 1 lo I , Ult vv l,:RIOIitM :s t'. r- wun, AkduBiiU, .opt... : llUHtni; or o it loleiulttl. J-t itti. oli . .. t.'t-rI G