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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1896)
( 1 E H i lb Lite H I M JL1JU Hi I J USTABLmiED HIR Til E OlSSEHmTIO OH DEWRITH' TUVIPLKJ. l.SP Til RUN i noiEITLIVIM BT TAB SWEAT OP 01 B BBOK KUGKNK, OK., SA'I II U DAY, OCTOHKK 21. 18 VOL 28 NO. 48. r i WEEKLY EUGENE GUARD. I. L. CAnPBHLU PUBLISHER. OFFICE -Hunt al io uf Wilt.iaiitl.-gt-reatt) and Eighth Streeta. Ij t.-.ll TEltMs OF bTU-sCUII'TI :' On Ytlf. ! H Monttil. i inrtt Montht, j : l?.oo. l.oo .60. Advertising rates made known on application. Ai'dmaa all bimlii'M Eiueas. Oregon. letteri in (ifAlili, .1 S.LUCKEY L DEALER IX 01 JIM. " aiwiw, UHrtl'J. jf'.tBiry, CIC.' UEPAIKIXTJ PHOMITLY DONE. All Work Warranted. L. W. BROWN, M. D. I'liytiiclan nnd Snrudoii. Olfitf nJ resldfiicn over pixtnlfii-e. Iheir: 7 to 1 . tu.i 12 to 2, 0 tu II p. ill. 3E3, O. XmJ&.ESZTZI. GRANITE AND MARBLE W0HK3. New Dnlgni and New I'rlret In Furrlun ul homestic Marblu Rud Urnulte, Muii'itni-uts. Hi- t Umei and Cemoterr w.irk ol ill kinds or lsT. ALL WOKK GUAIIAXTEEI) I H lllkmetto Slrert, nor Postofllee. K-igi-nv, Or Sl. c. woodcock, Attoi'iie)'-:it-B,a-tv. Ornct One-half block toiith of Chrlsinsn' Block, El' GENE, OltEliDN. O. W. KlMinr N. K. Mahkliy. Kinsey & Markley, Attorneys-at-Law. Commercial and Probate Business a Kec laltT. Ollice In Chrliinnn Hlork. W. t. dROWN. B. 0. PAINE. F. W. 0SSURN. irildtnt. Vic Pr-ildenl. Ciahiar. THE ftiieoe Loan and Savings BANK, Of ugene, - r . S.OTORS-D. A. ralne, J. It. Ilurris. J. K Darls, U. 1). I'aine. '. K. Brown, J. F. ' Kobluaou, F. W. Ostium. T I rail Ud Capital. j : : $50,000. Eeieral Banking Business Transacted. i f ! Iuoterat allowed on lime di-ponlw. Colin nlon entrmU'd to our caro will receive pro ii t attention. O. Hl.tllRIOKS, rnwident. a. u K.kis. .Ih., I 'anhlei fir:: National Bank J Ot Eugene. Paid up lash Capital 50,K0 Surplus and Profits. 650.00!) Eugene - - Oregon ! A ireneral banking businiiM il me on nwffli abletenna. Hiitht drafts on XKW Yol'.h., CHIOAIJO, SAN KK.VNCISCl) and 1MK V hkD, OKKtJON. ' Hilla of aiohanva ao'.d on ft-r-)in coiiiitrief. OeixniUracoiredaubjaotto cli;k or certih oate of dasiait. t All oolloctiona autr isted to 'i- wnl prompt attention Lane County Bank. I (EstablUhed In lwi.) j EUGENE, OREGON. A general Banking business In all branches traisac el on favorable terms. A. O. HOVEY. President. J. M. AHHAMtJ, Cushier. A. O. HOVEY, JR.. AsKt.CuKlir. J. L. PAGE, DEAI.EK IN ROCERIES Having a Largo ami Complete stock of Btaple ami Fancy Groceries bought i in the best markets, ! EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH, I can offer the public better prices ; than any other house iu Eugene. Froto of nillilJtafcut Mark:! Prices. MONDAY, OITOIIKIU ' A w tt in iliiy Urn Insi ot Octob. r. S M luikin W.IS libit' '.V. , to ride out tt- J II o'.i:i. t Portland, la I II I 1 IH I'll V. Dunk Scut t On iron. Is back fr. Ill I".:i-tiTtl John O'ltricn , of Albany, is visiting i-i Kugcno. F.l .Mm: 'I i" I (his fid! iiml h( .ck r lliii1. are ' ireirl t f't'lll totl.IV. 'in I Convenes out) Wick Tin- s'ei:ii-.-r Firallon bound ,t Vll llil;l liny. Ntorni .! 1- M:lM I f lilt Wont In l'..rl I ,i.,l I.. . tiny mi ii shoit vlit. , " " in ninny nip,! AltMiiy, Attorney J V villi, ol in the oily tliU afternoon. Whiut rai.-id in nil the inurkeN in- Kr,'H t iti.:il ohureli niorniii)-mid i-ven-day thrto oe. is per lui-in 1. j i"K- A !.! it-iii.iii was i-Nhiliitiiii n p,- l-'i-l ' k al .Mar-hlleld, Amos doer on the s:r.-il toilav. j Hftolier whs iiuii'. tried on nil In-liot- C J Ividv of l.nlan,l, is Dr "."V"1 f".r ,1,lr",,";l",l:,, ,'r'"r L Us and laiiilly lliis week. j "t I-rank II lilair, on Juno IS, si, ii-. i. , i" i ., , , I" 1'ie vioiuitv of L-o. This is tlio in iioot,aw is hnviiiit the fiuii r .I.;. . , .... ...... , Ills piaoe of repaiiited Kdw in .Stone, iiiiiniip r of tlio O (.' A E It It, spout (Sunday in Kiueiie. A carload of wiileriiii-lous ariivul here from Dillaid this iiiornint; Hon W (Jill hasi!i "Koek el" ton Saa-iii k'.'iiihuiau for $3). I S-Wiil Hinall lot nf hops have Ih'ell mi d today at fro n o In ')) -vi.U per Hi. All imey I'.. I! Ski nvortli pud Junction t'i'va prol'e-.sioii il visit to. day. Mr nod Mrs I, S ltv. lriii r.-iuiiiid lolav from u p'easa il vi-it to I'.irt laud. II iv; you solved the uivslery of the rays in oran and foil's hIi iv win lows. Wi ure tilea-od lo see l.'ov. Wlillca- keroiiotir htreetu HKaln after his re cent illness. W I' Griswold nii-l J II H.ibuck, of tho L .S (ieoliioiciil .Survey wus In the city yesterday. Mnnv people h ok ml tintnirc of tie iK'iiiitil'ul day yoi-li iiliiy for a drive iu lo the country. Coach Krick p id rmllaiid n isit yesterday In I lie lnteni.t of ll.e riialik-Kiviii); gaiuo. Four I'orllaud hunters were hunting phea-ants iienr Eugene yestcrd i.v. I'hcy onpturod n d'nd Btlii g. E F IVnipli niiin, of Dexter, roturt cd lusi uiht from u trip to I'ortlaii I. Ilj rode lo that oily on u b!oyclo. Tho presidoiitial Mimplo lull I. Is were placid in the hands of the priuUr today by County Clerk Jennings Fred lleibold is cclillncd to his room w ith t crippled lei;, Hie result of pluyinu football .Suluidny iifieriioon. Mr Wert lu imer, formoily 11 clerk in MrS II Frieiidly's store, is now work ing for u Hulti-, Moiilunn, clothing store. County Clerk Jennings Saturday evening urnnled u mnrriav'o license to Cliirles Chandler mid Miss Lixic Tinker. The l!rynn and McKinlcy clubs of Florence will debate tlio lltmnciai (jucslioii in thai place i.ixt Saturday uftemoon. Miss liliiiicho LaUancier, of Port land, arrived hero on yesterday nfter nonn's train on a visit w ith friends ni-Br this city. C (1 Lo Masters n Divinity school student returned today Mom Corvallis, where he prcaclieil yei-torday in t lie Chrl-tiau church. Mrs 12 11 Fisher, of Kosebury, ur rived on the local triiinthis morning and will visit with her parcnl, .Mr and Mrs Win P cstou, in this city. J S Cooper, t lie Ind'peiiiloiice bank er, upon t Sunday in Eugene vii-ltinn hi;) three ilauirhtors who ure In attend ance upon the University of Oregon. Some bore has ulieady heunn to irouhcrv n CAild winter. Hut this doesn't bother Orcpiiibiiis especially in thia glorious perfect October wenthei. The OrcL'onlan, today, for 111'; one thousandth time curries Oregon nml every state In the I'nlon for Mckin ley, it, win pruuauiy hiiik uuo-roin lu'iie Nov 4lh. Tho nut of tho l'epiot cstat. vs Frank Moiurnx i heinn heard befoie Kefereu M O Wilkhis tlds afternoon. A valuable Blue Hiver mine litle is belliK colitited. Attorney X E Markley arrived terilav niornlnir from u visit to It I'te Montana. He reports every tliina IiooiiiIiik in t lie niinlni; state. Pram! Mrs C W Lowe went to Uosibiiru vosu-rday. They will spend live or six weeks in lluMmrjr anil Oram's I'll- and w ill then return to Eugene. Farms for rontini? in Lane county are hard lo get hold of 'his fall and many men who desire Ij rent have been unable to u-t places. Usually there are more farms than renters. Charles J. Hishop, w ho wi s injured recently by an explosion in the mines al (Juarlzville, r. nulling in almost to tal loss of evesitfht, has brought suit forjdO.oOO damages against the Law lor Mining Company. 8 M Yoran, canilidate for republican elector, went to Xewlier(f today and w ill addre-s tli" C'tiZ'-i'S of that place t illicit. II'' iH f teak "''' ''ii?lit f tins Wtek in Yamhill and Washington COIIIlties. Ainu CBiiipinn" '" .. I...I I.. ..., ..1, li..r ismoie glory niuii pnmi il,,... . u-i.s made thi. afternoon. A Jlry mil agrees to wheel another fellow in a w Levi ' barrow iu lb proces-lo:i at to- ra' ! mciiioii if McKinlcy is thclc-l un l ! vice vvrsa if Bryan isele-.-t- d. i -n... 1 1 .k.i .-.mid not sav enough lliro 'ii - - iii favor ol D P Thompson MX yeais mo. when he run f r governor on l lie reiiunlicati ticket. N w that he sees the proper tliit g m il e silit-r it can t 1 .if ii and ssvs: not say onougn ag in lt is a l.opiri'1 politician, who sees every thing w ith the popu list's itiass eyes." i;,ds-rt llowlsbv ar-ivid home Sat- urdav night from a trip t in Crisik county. Liink lot- U-en to Hums, arrived Grindstone SeoU, who lion.e la-' iiitf'nt. They lepoit the load- acr.s. the uiojolalns in fine condition. 1 tie , weather at the suiuniit is cold, with a little mow, ( utile In Ei-teru Oregon ore -x-iiiiik l good prnv this rnll. There has boon a Kilitical spu-ch l Made In lienilv every school Iioii-o in tlii) state. Tlio eo'untry Is full 'if would-be orators. Florence West: Str. I.liliau irn:iulit llboil t I'ioO salmon .I.ivvii Molid IV morning which wan the largest night's I caicn ior iiu- set nets III in season. Chicago Tnt'imc: "(let out, vou brutel" savagely shouted the d'ng Catchcr to llii lout', lorn, desolate cur Hint was siiill'ing hungrily at tlio wtiuoii in which mi n liiiiri'uiii i half b dozen nr more valuable pug and poodles on their wiiv to tho dog pound. Albany Democrat: K.-v J I' Walk it, of Kou Chow, China, n mlssio ,nry of the Congregational oliuioli who went to that country In lsTJ. who him I Uimi In On-n"ii roi'iiiHTallni;, win In is i Hi.- oiiy yesterday w ith hU lirolher, I' 11 alki r, iiml iiretichfil In the Con Ilr-t trial failed lo mrree. At Ihwl toihI trial he was found ijuilty and I sciitelict d to one ear in the s-niten- li.iry. An Mi-peal whs taken to the ipienic o ni l, ami I lie' w landed hi C( lorn ne-v tri I, which rcMilledin l i - acij i t a'. Sunday's Salem Siali siiian: Two S"li'eiiees w.-io pionoiiueed bv Jlldrfe Ilurii'lt elelday iiiornmi; ntler lit couv.-ned i he sixth d ' session of the prt-ent It nil of t it cult court. They "ere John Eppoison ami Ivlwurd liahli, I lie lellous indietotl for larceny Inasto o, viz: ih.. m. fi ,,f a lot of wines and liipi-us from Mel Hamil ton's rain. in a coiin'e of month ami. Epporst.ti was viviii one year am! liat'beilitt cu month" ill the peuiloll li i'.V. An cxchai k'1' ill a s a parallel be tween a man an ' a do in the follow iii words, w hich In, lines o favor the lattt r: "Help a do; out of a tlitcli and no matter what son of a do,; he is a town iloj, or C'linlry tlo, educated or illilerate, tiri'locra'ic or pleb.-an, hit will n; his tail into paralysis and exhaust every mii-ile tiyino to loll that every drop of I !. ! in his veins ishl.Miur M'liieo. Help a man out of a ditch and uhai follows will dcH-iiil very intleli on hi- breed." Albiinv I) -mocriit: Tlio follovvlinr acluallv occurred: Two men wcarim; McKiidey badges alter hearing Till- nun last Saturilay went out lo one side, w hen olio of them remit! ked: We're in t lie wrong." 'Mint is so, he made It us plain as Can be. I'll tell vou what I'll do. I will throw t tl'ii'y bridge and vole for Itry n. i If you w ill." ' 1 11 do it." They throw Iheir McKinlcy badges away. An Inter sting Incident occuired re ntlr nt Waterloo. Tliomas K-tv ami I) l.aillboison delivered tile addresses of the evening when others weie called upon for McKinlcy fpoechca, among others a lilo long republican from aeros the river. lie arose and said ho was a repuh'icnn, but he did n it ugne with tlieni on the mom ney l it Ii ti'iestion and would light them w tlieir ow n documents. He then made a free silver epeech to the general con stcrnaiion, using republican prmif, un til choked oil. I. n (iraudo (ia.ette: Earl Stevens took his departure lor the Slate Uni versity at Eugene last Friday even in;'. We regret sieing l.'arl leave our city if only for a slum length of time. He has lieen a main factor in placing the Blue Mountain bund where it is today, one of the foremost organia ii'MH of this kind in tlio state. He is a llioroiioh iiiusieian and n goo I In structor especially with bands. Asa performer on the double bass in or chestra work Karl is hard to heat. We hope he may notk his way to tlio top among the musicians of Eugene. "We can't allord to advert isc." Small concerns often make use of this epreslon. "We'll advertise when we get larger." They lo-e sight of the fact that ad vertising Is one of the potent factors in business growth, and (hat, under noiiniil conditions, they seriously handicap themselves at the start by walling until they are larger liefore beginning to tell the business world who they are and what they are doing to deserve a nhare of buyers' attention. To wail until you're larger before ad vertising, is much like a sick man's waiting until he is better before tak ing medicine. It's w Idle you're small that vou need advertising most, al though Us usefulness to you does not grow less as you grow larger. Ilto DKi.isyiT.ST TA.x-ItoM..-Ore-goniun: The lWij lax-roll was reopen ed yesterday, and deliinuent taxpay ers can piy'their taxes from now until the end oft he month, wiib i or cent addvd. This w ill ;iirohi hiy s.sui lie Increased to I per cent. The amount of ilelimpieiit lax roll is J3io, 7J7.4I. The m 11 " t of the tax-roll w a h l. - 1 7, I 2 .1. 1! Of thia ainoiin , t :., 1 KM lias been cilleclfd. 'Mure are still iiito a num ber of large taxpayers who have not ptid. K.K; LTsnS H. Law - ' Fraud four other expeits r.-tun.ed from the Blue Kiver mines in a special r ... i t,..,.. n,ls all eriioon. Tbev i ' . ' .. ,i...i, ' ex i oini 'l IU niiin s on (old Hill. IIi k Talkko Or. -The three speody horse.-, Clatawa, Monk II and Be-i" Kankiuare all in f-.o oily learn there is a chance for a match race. 'Ihese horse wen; the fastest pseer and trotters at t':e lute stute fmr. NkW Ciioik OaLI.khv. The l'"X choir gall.-ry In tin; ( atholic church has Is-en torn uway and a new gallery will l built, extending aero-s the back part of the hoii-e. i'he in-w gal lery w ill Is- above llie eiitrsn 'e lo the cliurcli. DKIKD Fntll -Norris lluinphtrv informs us that Le dried al. "it ' lbs of prises f..r Li. neighbors i""' liiui'-elf. () -er hall ot them w.'l nv.-r-.,. !.-. Thl. is lomethl'ig a s - - ,ul. Tl'ESDAY, OCTDIIKK LM. Cirouit omirt ni't wiik. l'riiionllal I'ltclion two weeks fnmi today. Wry little Ullinj; n tlio romilt ol the elei'tion. Chan, the Salem Ii.iji huvor, Is ill the oily. Hon II K Kiiioalii rH'iit Suiulay nt Sjiokano, Wuh. V C YofHIl is Umint ill- in till' Oollll ty oltTK h ullloe. MU Daisy illnr.r. eoLddion liliioli lui.rove.l , ' .... i no mui'iiK i-xihti navo mi ion r..r ( lii-lr r.'iu i-l i v-.i liiifii.. ' A ii loo nil ii M-I iilijlil, hut more iiifdod by our fai iiier MrsU It I'hrUinan reliirueil home on la-l niglil's tiaia. ('has (iellv, of Sealtui has Leon np- pointed u liotaiy pub! ic. P D (iilU rt is eoniliieil to his with an attack of Inita tutgo. lioino Attorney J It Wyatt returned to home at Albany tills morning. W.Midniirn hid a tfl.'lUXA) tiro lilghl; Hisiiraiiee tin. IX HI. his t. (.oil Williams will speak in Kit gene Tuesday, O. tolnT 27' Ii. Tivo oycli.n iias-w.l tliMugh town today ciiiiiutc lo Soat In ru Oregon. Attorney Woodcock tlid hiiHiue.-s at Junelioii City a few hours today. F. CSiniil. was a north IhuiiiiI pas senger on the Iih-iI train this forenoon. The To: 1 1. in I n puli! icaiia will havi a grand para le l-itur.Liv night, Oclo her :IM. William Friiii r Is In Fs-tern Oro irnii buying Iioims lo l-o used In the U S c.ivaliy. lien , imiih wtiil in l ottage (.rove this nfleriiooii where lie will siKiik to night. Wo nekiiow ledge ii pL'UMiiit call from IteV 1! r oi l, ,l I-. pit-xldllig el-ler, of this city. The Mult'-rimr ciiinrlt-t sereiindeil the Misses Matloek after the sH-iiklug last nlglil. Cotinly Cleik Jeiiiiiiii;s) Is busy pro p iriiigeii'i'lion supplies) for the proi-l-denlial elcctio i II E Auki-ny and family moved Into their new renli iieo at I lie north end of Pearl street lnd.iy. ll illiofllie chairmen of the nation al parties have asked (ho people to dis play llags October .'ll-d. Wo have received tlio llrst liiimbcr of the I'rinev ill Journal. It was for merly Hit M ileholl Monitor. The Oregouiaii Hour claims (hat McKin'ey will liave.'tnjt-leetnral Votes. The same uhl game uf "blilli Bil l claim." (ieorge McClure was fuunil guilty l.y a jury in Pendleton lust week ol an at tempt to commit rape upon a Mrs. F'awcelt. Jap hteveiis niitl fiiiullv, formerly of this county but now of Union county, nrrivrtl on tin-afternoon train and will visit with relatives. Mrnnd Mrs Frank IVplot, of (late Creek, w ho have Is-eu I ii the city for the past day or two, li ft for homo tills afternoon with a large loud of huh- plies. The mat lor of the assign incut of the keep ol Lauo county's iaiijH-rs lias hi-i'ii continued until the .November term by the cotinly court. At the rullle at the Monogram (Igar store last night John Jones won the gold wateh oil a shake of 4 2, win In Oris Wood got the pipe on low diuku of IS, Tlio Solo Press says HO or -10 employ ei of the O V & K road huvo been dis charged by Mu pt. KtoiiM liKi'iiuse they w ould not ngret- to vote for Melvinley. Mls Catherine (.' Cogi;swell, who has Ist'U visiting relative In Lane county during I lie suminer mouths, Ion for her home in Chlcou" "II this morning's local train. We are glad to see I )rew (Irillln home and lie Is perfectly well again. While In fie hospital three patients died from appeutlii'i'us, so he thinks he was lucky. Deputy (liinio Warden M O Wllklns has hail a small folder printed (living a svi'tipsls of the Oregon tzmwu laws. Tli'is folder will bedialrlbuteti through out the county. Harlem Llf.-: Misi Dorothy-Cur lous thing, that Hev Mr 1 1 i ' k. should marry his typewriter. 1 he Itlval Parson Had .o. She knew where he got his sermons. About .100 cords of unite Ii wood are awaiting shipment al B union, The Port Oiford Tribune links "why wouldn't It p.iv to ship riialtliwood f oin Port OlfordV" Ernest (iilstrap ami h-lster, Mis Je-isle, left on the nul.V train this morning for Vlsalis, California, whero they will reside with their brothers, Will and Frank (illslnip. A capitalists In I hlcngn oilers to ls-t tHJ.notl that Illinois will go for lirvan, tlu.noO that Kentucky will go for Itryuii, i,( 0 Unit New York will do likewise, and Mlehlgiii ditto. Deputy Prosecuting Attorney LT Harris la-frieiob-d a trump theolher tiny by permitting hhn t do some wtirk "forsoui'-lhing to eat. The linmp repaid the klndniss by tfuliiig Mr Harris' overcoat. Attorney Wyatt rame hero yester day thinking the Lain' coun ty ti rm of circuit court commenced on that (lute. (. If U ...11,1 or Time ami - me, . to enjoy the mistake. f Cooml Ingersoll finds It as hnrtl to make ss pie see the mistakes of Itrviin as it did to lll'lkt thefll e the IP- n. iinr " " ,. i .... . ,. mistakes of M'sm-s he will tlie of fatigue Is fort' he earns his sulury hsj a com paigri orator. P.rowiisville Ton.-: (I A llvrill started for tlie I i -n Itiver in i lie. Tues day evening, w h. n- he will doiletrl opment work nut il the V5ih, w hen he will return homo and to his duties as a Juror. Thru' bun. 'he of Hack Mulvolse gratM-s f lorn D W ( ts.llilge'n vineyard are on exhibition In O-burn A De Lano's tlrug -tore window. The three bunches wel;li 41 miuiiK and the berries are ee.-.-dingly large. There pas d through Allien, last we--k a linn ly Hi . I propi.- inaklng anentirrf l'ii to Floruit team. Pa'mer was ll.e name, slid I ti' iiinke their exs'ii s of t'i" trip ' giving musical is rf'.riii.t'iivs, (lie entire fami ly being ni'isioluna. Iinfi. "Wo nre Koi'iR t' linve n very winter," Miuieoiii) reiiiarkiil t'i hearini; tlio other ilav iiikI I a n tray in v in- ollneil to iuvoit tho remark us one I'helio. A review' of Hie wu-k jn-l jait wouhl mh-iii to Justify oho in Umk , inj forwui'tl to tin unusually pie i ml i season. Not thut Kiiiieiui us 11 coin ; inuiiity over wouhl or oouhl indulge in Kaiely to miy uroiit oxieiit. Wo lire too Muni mill proper, and peihaps, too seusihlo to take kindly to n n ial dis is 7 ml"".' ." -'- I llK' 'llllllt". iviivoniolitly held 10 1 hoiii'.iIo lor no hiHtiv IhiiiL's. may have non.oihliiK to do w it Ii our re.p.ot . ..... ' iioroariy nours. .i lensi wo coiitoss s lo 11 im udieo nun nst Mtn ini? tin till daybreak and tlio midnight hour t-el itoiu llnils us far from our sleepy pil- lows. I lie event of the wee was, ol course, the reception given l.y Mr anil .mis wilier i.akin on Ihursilav even ing. "A succession of beautiful pie tuies," someone called it, mitt truly it was -a ueiigni to ino eves ' ami u satisfaction to I lie seiists. I mual con if 10 a weakness ior tlio thing that appeal lo the sight, the light, the color, (he moving brlghim -ss possess a woiiueriut clinrm In themselves a-lde froiu all the rest and thlse veiling gave all in full measure. Through the vista of open doorways one caught a glimpse of laliy laud where lli'ee beautiful girls In artistic gowns pro sided, reminding one of nothing so much as of the three graces yet In sidle of all the pleasure we found an element of satluess In the occasion w hen we came to say good bye to Mr ami Mrs Smith, who were to leave Eugene the follow iug morning for an iuiletliiilo length ol time. We hail grow n to look upon those lunide as our own and it is hard to give them up In the Shakespeare club par ticularly, will Mrs Smith be iiiUscd. I'he shakcss-are club, by the way, Is again an Intellectual activity and Miss Carson is agaih our president. In the opinion of the club there can be no other mil whllo we all. confess to a lei tain sclMshmas In exacting so much from Miss Carson wo hoia) to atone for it In added loyalty and in dustry. Among other pleasant social fea tine of last week the patriotic Pres- nv'.erian tinnier must no counted a success Tlio colloe was delicious and the ice cream must have Ih-cii super latively excellent since it disappeared witli startling rapidity. "The hint spoonful was scraped from the can half an hour ago," was the word that greeted .no on my arrival. The tables were very tastefully arranged and so well patroni.ed that everybody who had anything to do was tired out by the time II was over tired out but contented for the dollars hail come In freely ami tho returns for once Insti lled I he outlay of time, strength and labor. I lieu Ihe.u w as the McKinlcy sup per ctitially suecesclul, patronized and patriotic. The ladies auxiliary is evidently organized for something Is.'- shles mere amusement ami the Meklu ley cluli proper seems to appreciate the tail. The week clotrtl with a delightful evening at the I diversity In the (lym nasiiioi. Prof Went herbee appeared to bi muster of ceremonies. The pn gram, one of the pleasant features of the evening, was partleulally iutvr estiug. Mrs Linn's voice rang clear am! sweet III the solo w ith which she favored tho audience, and Miss Hit right's bail "Hobby Shafto" moved us from laughter to the verge of teals w hen he developed Into brave Ilshhy Shafto ami when his boyish heroism brought Irui to tlio tit Ink of the grave. We waited breathless for the end; slit) restored hhn lo us a sweet, regen erated Hobby Shafto. We were relieved ami grateful. Ill a reti-nt number of the Union Signal is a letter fioui Mrs L N -Nasli, of I'ortland. I mention It because among all the Signal's correspondence from the il liferent stales, Mrs Nash's letter Impressed measunusiially bright and entert alnliig and fur from being slcieoty K-d us Is much temperance liter tine. Il would prove pleasant reading anywhere anil it seemed to Illuminate tin pages of the Union Signal. The Library Association contem plates something Interesting In the way of an evening's entertainment In the near future. The Free Heading K'miiii has a program In course of preparation. Ditl that young minister whose Identity is veiled, ami who was men tioned Iu the (IL'AIU) last week as hav ing hat! two Innocent persons arrested on suspicion, apologize sulllcieutly and with a'.Joct humility, when lie tl - covered that his suspicion was ground- les-.' It would be Interesting to know, though It seems a cast where words would hardly siilllce. If II had been a layman, now; but wo expect so much of the clergy, you know. A UnikoKM Cl.Lll. The McKinlcy club of this city ordered 100 uniforms for use in (lie parade given on the day of the republican rally. Owing to some tl. lay they did uorurrive in time for the rally and have not Is-en used, though (In-cluli still bus them. They are now Is-lug tlisposetl of to Individ ual members ol tho cluli, w ho will form a uniform company. Tlx; compuny h III be drilled In military tactics am! w ill take part In all tleiuoiistrnlloiis by the republicans hercbflcr. The mil form coiisl-ls of a cap, blouse ami leg ging". Anotiikk Bhvas Ci.i it. Last Saturday afternoon Chas M Klssenger organized u Bryan club In Line pre cinct with ;jh mcmbeis. Olllcers elected: Japi r Smith, prtf iileiit; Mr Blitehlev, secretary. I I June this prieiin i . .1 '! eot.-s, but nt this ll'iic tl.t re uie 40. Afltr I he spet i h un i lc gant basket dinner was served ami in the evening Mr Slater gave a grand fret; Bryan dunce. Mr Klssenger says lie never In ail his life met a more hospitable ln-ii;hlnrhood. I'allj O.ianl, Oetiilxr .". P.aiski.s Mill Sit kkh. The raise In the price of wheat has caused an other raise Iu the prices of mill stuffs. Wheat raised three rents pvr bushel yesterday, and this morning Hour wus .(noted at t'l W per barrel, having pre sold at 'i'Jf). Bran and -holts have -aeli raised fl.UO per loll i mid now rrtsil ressctively at $14 and tl') s-r ton. Other mill stutls have raised proportionately. I llll'. IH.NKKKS. yon llolilluir .Mr-W I ii 4 ut Muliawk. i no inuikers, a set ot leligimis pen joe senium met Willi, are linliliug a series of iinetlngs in the Mohawk val ley. It is said they are mooting witli considerable siictiss, though a huge number of people of that Valley have united with the Southern Methodists whoreceuil 1,,-ld ,k very successful meeting there As but Utile is known ... ... "i i in- iniiii.ers as a religious sect a tew words about tlieni may tic of in torest. Dunkois, or I linkers, are a sect of American Itaplists originating In tier many. I ho name, as Its second form Indicates, is a nickname meaning 'uppers, from the (ieriiiau "luiiketi to dip. I-roui tho Mrst tho members reingiilzcd no other name than "Brethren." Tlio founder of the sect was Alexander Mack Schwartzeliau, w no, along w mi one or two compau ions, was led lo adopt anll pa ilol ap- iisi views annul I tie year I7U. It bail scarcely assumed organized existence in (.ermany w lien lis members were compelled by poisocutlon to take refuge In Holland, from w hich tliev imigratcd to Pennsylvania In small companies in the years bt-twu-u 17 JO ami 17L-.I. ii I ho early history tho sexes dwelt snarl, ami marriage, while not for bidden, was discouraged. Similarly, w hile Hie holding of private proMrty was not ansoiuieiv iiroiiiiuictt, a ccr tain commuiiil y of goods was establish ed and maintained by the voluntary net Ion of the nieuila-rs. and It was considered unlaw fill to take Interest for money. These font urea have now ilisnppcaiftl, hut In other respects the sect retains niucli ol Its oilglnai char acter. In iH!tisin trine Immersion Is used. Hit Lord s Suptier is olisorved ill the evening only, anil oonuectcd with it are the "lavipcdium," or ei-renionv of foci washing, and the apolistli) "love- leasts." rutting a metal Inloi nretatoil on James , II, they practice the anoint ing w llli oil (or llie healing of the sick Ihey resemble tlie (Junkers in their plainness of speech ant! dross, and tnelr refusal to take oaths or to serve In war. 1 hell iiiiiiiIht, which at one time was estimated at :)0,UO0, hits very consiiicratiiy declined. W. C. I. I!. Met-tlllgS. The Woiiii ii's Christian Temperance i.. i . . tit nincii tins ior some yearn is-eu holding Its meetings In Mount's Hall, w ill In the future meet in the Head Inn Itonm, w hieli Is tipstaira In the Cunscr building, over Yorau A Sou's sloe stoie on Wlllanicttcstreet. HI month ly meetings as usual. Siieclal topics for each 'luetlng. A cordial welcome foull. Had Ijr liuanl, October JO. ItKi-t iii.h'an Mkk-i'inu. Hon II L Benson, ol (iraut's Pass, represeuta- livu t'lt'ct from Josephine county, titt- il lessen a latgo autlleiico o! people at i ne opera House last ingiil on the po liticui Issues. Too Multorpor male uuarlel or rorlhiud U'HH ir.-uinf. Ull.l furnished music, am! primal iju He an attraction. Before tho hour for the speaking arrived every portion of the house was packed with men. women and children.. The stage, with the exception of standing room for the sM'aker, was given up to the audience and all who could aoiightseats there. wlille many stood upon the outside of the doorways. After the quartet had sung several campaign nieces, the ss'itker was In trod need by I)r W Kuy- Kendall, chairman of the McKinlcy club. -Mr Benson spoke lor an hour, touching brielly iihju the Chicago troubles, the threatened changes In the It M supreme court, tho demonetization of silver In I s.7,1, tree coinage of sliver, the tarlll and What ho termed the crime uf 'Oil. He aimke In a patriotic strain and at the close of his address three cheers each wore given for Mo Kiuleyauil Hobart, the sneaker at.d the Multorpor quartet. Makinu Soap iiv Sikam. The I. ano County Soan Com nun v has moved Into tlio new Wllklns building on F.lghlh street adjoining the cream ery and commenced making the llrst batch of soap by steam The steam Is obtained from the cream cry engine's boiler. The soap is made In a large circular wooilun tank, 4 feel In diameter at the bottom, 0 feel at the top and I) toot deep. A plpo leading from the boiler and forming a coll In the bottom of the (auk conveys the steam which furnishes Hie heat. The heat obtained in this way Is of an even temperature; anil much better than that obtained from a furnace. Daily ouaiu, Oetotier 17. Bicvci.K Koino one stole Dr W Kiiykeiidall's bicycle last night. The doctor hail left (he wheel on a back porch at hie resilience on south willmnette stroii, and it was there w hen the family retired at ID o'clock lust night, but wus gone thin morning. It wus anew Columbia, having been iitirchased Inst spring, model 40, No. IU,6H'I, and hail adjusted handle bars. The uiutler has been placed In the hands of the olllceis who are endeavor ing to trace the llit-ft to the guilty purly. New Mokmno Daily. Portland I'rll I- ... .......I. ........ with his Journal In New York and his so Examiiicr In San Francisco, for Mr lleur-t to publish a paper In Port'aud, than it was heretofore, and there is so much greater desire than ever in this slate uml in Washington, both over whelming silver states, for a great, honest, metropolitan dally at this point, (hat we have no doubt Mr lleaist will start a morning dally hero by New Year's." Oallyiuaril, Octols-r 20. KcAULKT Fever. A case of scarlet fever was reported today in llie family of EC Lake. Mr Lake was j.repariug to move his family to his farm near llairlsburg and had moved most of his household gin ids. Ho t'Kik his family to the resilience of James War nick on Patterson street and while there the little girl w as taken with the fever. The house was placed iu Uar antiue by the city marshal ttslay. New York Hearltl: "You sny you got even with that stingy relative nf yours by giving bis boy a bicycle? How is thai? Don't you see? It'll cost him more to buy the extras than I paid fr the whct-l." i "-y ) . 'Sl'-A ni-.: 1 1 . a. THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE l Simmons i.ivcr Peculator don't fot-.-t to t.ik- it. 1 he l.lwr gets sluggish duriin' tlw Wi:itor, Ju-.t like all nature, ant t!i- svsto n b.v. i:n-.i ihoke j up by tn.' J ..i..!o, wiiklj bring on Mali ii. I v.-..r an I A :i;j and Kheuma Usm. ou v.-.i-it I ) v..tko tif) your l.lver r. w. I t I" 5i:r vn tike SIMMONS I iv..; i; : i rou u do it. it also Ky'.it.-i l.lwr-l.-vps it pr.ipcrlvat wot;:, w ,i i vottr svst.-ta w ill be free from potion ,nJ th ' n h.-k' v,.lv Invlgontf J. Vou get I'll:; lti :sPl5LH)lwhcri your systciti i:t 1 1 At condition, and that will only t'e wit fie l.lver Is kept active, lrv a l.ivfr li-iiioJy once and note tha uitn-reinr. Hut t.iUe only SlAMONS LivtK h-i-.aui.ATou it h Simmons I IVI R KLUb'LArol tthi.S m.-iUea lh Jitlcrcnce. Like it in powder or In liquid alrciJy prepared, or make a tea of the powder; but take SIMMONS I.IVER REGU LATOR. You'll tinJ the KhD Z on evtrv wck.ige. Look for It. J. U. ZciUu (Jo., I'LUadolphU, Pa, nitociith Woddlnir iuulveruary. Mr and Mrs J H Hamilton enter- tallied a nuniber of their elderly friends at their home In Ooshen on Monday October 111. from 11 a mto 4 p in, being tho occasion of their 15th wedding anniversary. Social conver sation am! n dellirhtful dinner were the features of the day. those recti villi; Invitations were: Mrnutl Mrs A 1. Iloonev. Mr and Mrs J I I Mr and Mrs W 11 1)11- lard, Mr am! Mrs Josenh ICatotr. Mr anil Mrs V li Mathews, Mr ami Mr John Wilson, Mr and Mrs I) Wllllielui. .ii rs itcrKsnire ami iwranunn. In the evening Mr and Mrs Hamil ton gave a dancing party lo tbelr young -Irlonds w hich was considered '.lie most pleasant event of the season. those in attendance were: Mr anl Mrs I. ano Matlock. Mr and Mrs Skin ner, Mr and Mrs O M Cahow, Mr and Airs Hewitt, Mr ami Mrs J 11 Keeney, Mr am! Mrs H F Keeuev anil the Misses Julia anil Auna Berkshire, Iluth Wallace, Km ma La vert, Nelllo HuniD- ton, Emma Stephsou (Portland), Min nie Nunn, Leta Mathews am! Maud Iveeuoy; Messrs Hugh and Austin Hamilton, (leorgo. Vera and Lvnn sttewart, Hoy anil Clyde Love, John Brewer, Philip Berkshire, Henry Hock. Euimelt Brooks, Cioorge Norris ami Hiileigh Honey. Mr ami Mrs Hamilton received a '.umber of liandsoinu presents and the S,H,ii wishes of theierryparty Jews of the World. The year book edited bv Josenh Jacobs, w hich has just api.eared In London, J'.iiglantl, Is full of matters of Interest. From it we take the follow ing estimate of the number of Jews la the world: Europe... 7,701,2(18 2t'.0,lXX) DIH.iXJO 772 i KM) lj,13U Asia Africa America... Australia..., Total 8.084.00.') This estimate is from data collected from various sources Iu IttM, The ed itor estimates the number of Jews ot all nationalities III the world at the present time at about 11,000,000. M his estimate Includes the United States, Canada, etc., Autillts and Mouth America. Portland Hkttinu. Tlie Daily Tribune, of Portland, last evening, says: "Beta on McKinlcy are diftlcult to get. (.'igar stores have slirns Doated tlilsViiioruriilr I UP rtnif -K U ou the republl " i the cS "n " but Pf'I'lowho go there are unable (o secure bell. Mr Patrick Maher called at several of the places Saturday and could II ud no money. The proprietor of one place which ottered fS'A) to 1100 on McKlnley laid he hat! no funds and thai the oiler bad been niado by a customer. He did not Know the 'customer's' name. After some haranguing Mr Maher ollered $11X1 lo $75 ou Bryan, and even then could find no takers. Fnally Mr Maher secured a bet at $100 to $60 that Bryan would carry Oregon, and the taker considered McKlnley's chances In this state so slim that he demanded 3 to 1 before accepting the 2 to 1 bet." Dally (iuard, October 'il. Siiakkspkakb Ct.uii. The Shakes- 're Cluli met lost evening with Mr Mln nit; Wash hit rue, at the home of Mr and Mrs Walt.r Eakln. It waa culled to order promptly at 7:45 p m by Hie president, t'roi t arson men en teitalned the club with a charming ami interesting resume of the play, and a description of Its leading charac ters. After reading llie llrst two scenes In "Tho Winters Tale," the club ad- Jou.r.'' .', u17l.l',r?? with Hev and Mrs NV SUIlbert al the Presbyteriun manse. bally Uuard, October at. Sksvek Main Choked. Sewer main extending along the alley by the city jail has boon choked Up for sometime. The choke was not dis covered until this morning, when an ell'ort was made to "Hush" the main, the clog was broken with a small plss In sections about four feet long. The sections of pipe were placed Iu the main at a "man hole" on Eighth street ami then screwed togeather. la this w ay a rod over 100 fn-t long waa formed In the iiialn. The obstruction waa penetrated by the rod and the force ol the water carried it away. lally Ouard, October 17. Hot Sale. Sulem State. man: At Dallas ye. terday 1J0 bales of hope were sold to 11 J Ottenhelmer, repre senting Lllllenthal A Co, at 8 cents per pound. The market Inthutsco-' tlou Is firm. BoiiN.-In this city October lfl, 1890, to the wife of Bert Jetinliigs, a daughter,