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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1895)
, i..-.... s eii.., ...! Till'li!) w. Ii I'.lir A I: V 1 frr..iiHl. ! Hi:i.i:M U'lolYIKI It .') 7 4 HI 172 81 1 HE LEUISUIUKF. I ke Hill' Disposed "f and Tlio l to In l.ked AMrr. iiiy UuaM, rVlruary is There liava been 371 bill Introduced In the house o for and their present condition It a follow: PhMt-ll ivfotod Withdrawn Indefinitely potniied Ijtldon (hi) table un second rvadlug Referred to committor , Jloillg CllglOSScd On third reading The 172 bllli that still remain under the lender mercies of the committees are located In the following, hand to the number given: Judiciary committee AMvwimi-ut anil taxation Fisheries and game Hallways and transportation... Hoadsand highway llaliiit Count) Education lUnktng and Insurauce Mullnoiuah delegation Public land Military altair Commerce, corMiratioua, agriculture, coniirnit(lon ofktateutid county oill cere, Ciateop county delegation, each two. printing, lamr, elections, ami dniry products, Yam bill delegation, Douglu delegation, Hi ker and Morrow delegation, Uinatlllu and Union delegation, each ouu. Among the lniMirtant measure iiniwed bv the hou might be men tioned, Vaxlon' bill repealing tlio Jute lull! appropriation, sent to tlie senate Feb. id; Hofur' bill fur a - r cent tax In the groa earning of for eign Insurance compunle; M onrv' li 1 1 lor abolishing the railriNitl commission; Myer' bill for tlio employment of con vict in tin penitentiary. Wright' bill for a Bin to Irrlgutlun engineer and commissioner of Irrlga tinu, through which stops tun betnketi to reclaim arid land under the Cnry act of emigre, went to the committee on Irrigation Kd. Ul, but has not beui reported yet. McCraken bill to abolish state board of equalization went to the committee on acwmeut Jan. 2Mb and I prob ably dead. The committee reported In iUomnibu bill In favor of the old tate board, consisting of governor, etc., but that waa knocked out and the firrnenl ya(eui sulwtllutml, no the Itself on that wore. Smith of Jiwcphin'e bill for a South ern Oregon Insane asylum ha lievil rvxirted uufavoraltly and Is being en grossed. Tlieeveral claim of counties for rebate on account of erroneous taxa tion have been reported favorably iu ouu bill, which I with the engrossing committee. The bill for state bunk examiner, the game warden bill and the bill for appropriation to the (. X. (. have not been roported back yet , but are In the hand of the committee. McKsdiIc Itrlilg Items. Fob. U', ist.5. Mr, Editok: Hoping a few Item would be acceptable, encloso the follow- Mr. (Mraudcr, the genial manager of the Uelkunp Springs, ha erected n conservatory 19 by 4 feet which is wanned by the water of the spring . Ml Stella Ishuni, who has recently been ipilta ill with neuralgia, has been restored to foimer health. We have a competent physician In our midst, though happy to say, not it uch uso for him. A to the weather, why It lias been simply delightful for the pust three week. Mr. Geo. Frhwll, mail contractor on this route, has been able to gut through ou time all winter a there has not been over six Incite of snow at any time this winter between here and lielknap Spring. Mr. Lewi of I Ami Cieek ranch re pott only fourteen luchi of snow at Lis place. (ilen Powers Is at present visiting friend down the river. There ha Ihtii a iiuiiiImt of cast's of "Intoning" reported. " ery singu lar at this time of year." X. X. WROXUHLLY AllttKS I KU. The Marlon Conuty (irand Jury Ex onerate J. K. Itaker. IXUly Uuard. r'ebriisry I V It will be retneniliered by our read er that J. K. itaker, formerly of this city, but now In charge of J. C. Uissl ale's lumberyard at Salem, was ar rented by a oodburn countable ou Jan uary II ih, on a charge ol forgery. At that time we predicted the urnst was unwarranted, and the grand Jury of Marion county evidently took a like view a the following dispatch re ceived at noon todav will prove:, Or., Feb. 15. Kimtor Daily Ui'AHic Verdict f grand Jury on uiy case, "not a true bill." J. E. llAKkH. Dslly Uusnl, Ktbruary I'i. MooRIIKAI) Aoain.-- It prveiits live Moorhead writes fnui Snlein si follows: "The senatorial question still drags along but it Is one week nearvr station than when I ls--t wrote. That Is all I can say In regard to it. It I currently reported that tlie lilting re publican and populists Md a joint caucus the other night for the purpose of consolidating their foro-s. Hut be It said to the credit of tlie p"pulit fiarty, the populist refusal to yield au nch. IWfore I will surrender my po litical principles to the common enemy which was fought so bitterly lust June, I hope ao able lbed committee will dump rue Into the Willamette river." Dstlj Gusnl. IVlprusry 1- Mistake.". The Newberg, Yam hill count v, tlraphlc of yeMerdsy say: "The Portland parr wre a little pre vious In making the statement that the new steamer Uray Eagle made a trial trip the first of the week aud Would goon the route bet-e0 Salelll and Eugene. Tiie steamer is still tied up bere and. from ludlcatiuis, will nt be ready for a trial trip for some day as the machinery Is not all In place." l-CIUlKt Nolrs. "..i-J. rh-wtry l', 1' by re.iiist-Aitchi:ig part or J.lncolu ami Lane to II, nton eoimtv; reud a mcoIhI tluu- and re ferred to committee on countim. ii, Coi'.tt. ll-liiil fr k a, bU, milting to the elvetor at the general elect ioii in June, Ivsl. the four vlid Ing prtiposed coliMltliliciiial amend llieuls lo.trd Uy i,u lrgn.!tttun- of Iv.'tttiid Kkj; liitrodinvd slid inw. The overworke.1 legislator m-ih two bills to the governor yesterdav. One niiieiiJ tl.e Dallas charter " and the oilier IcKfllUe Astoria holld. Tlie liumlM-r of house bills iutrodin' ed at the close of work yeterday w 370, or JiIkI lx Itinii t'wo Veals ao. It Is proliable Hint the toial iiumU r tills s.iou u iach as high as in Iw.'l, If not liiglier. Seiiuie bill Xo. :t) (by Mr. Denny i. curries an annual appropriation olf.wi,. lam for the current cX'Uc .r the O. X. I ., and a like sum for the MiLMrt of tlie slate uiiivemity. The bili.a yenierday referred to the committee on aMvtvmeiit and taxuliou. llutlcr' Monmouth normal bill, in troduced yi .tcnlay, ak an appropria tion of Km I for the purchaw of ud ditional lands and the erection of a dining hall at Monmouth. Yesterday afternoon an ellort was inaile ill the Semite to get the MiMirvs bill abolishing tlie ruilroad commis sion, before the seuate, but im.iih IkwI y inslHteil oil "regular order," and the bill failed to receive consideration. This is the bill I lint has passed the house and w ipes the state board o I railroad comini.-sionttr entirely oil' the r.ico of Hie earth. It Is a bill that should pas. Alley For the Improvement of Full cieek: referred to lliu Lane county sen ators. Alley llegarding the publication of notices of election; to third rending. linker lutroJui-ed a memorial to congress for the iisssngu of the bill of Ssnalor Mitchell for the protection of wiid fowl In Alaska; adopted. The senate bill for the relief of Iva Templvton, ns passed by the senate to day, give her f ',( instead of JJO.ooO as originnlly aked for. The lieu land school bill has pasM-d Isith house and is ready for the gov ernor's signature. He Is in favor of it. The horticultural bill ha passed ap propriating tti.oun. The bill for a constitulti ubI conven tion has been indellnitely pisit polled. As the general appropriation bill now stands the bill came fJ.liMl.uO as against fi,KS),(oO two year ago. A resolution wn reorted to the l fleet that the stale university and agricultural college ought to be satis fied with their present endowment, und should resort to small tuition fees rather thau ask for any appropria tiousal this time; amended so as to In clude the reform school. AlTKAI.Kli Fuom. Three separate apiH'al have Isvu made fioiu the con tinuation of the sale of the Oregon I 'a elUc. They were served on Tuesday ul (Vrvulli: (Jregon l'uclllc and Wil laiuntle Valley A Coast ruilroad com panies, bv Wallis Xusli, attorney, the second, Iluiihniii, (.'anig:in, lluyden t'oinpauy, 8. Ittftioctt, E. V. McSliane, K F. Clcnry, Tliomus I'avy and Win. M. Iloag, by Wallis Xash, attorney, aud the third, licorge S. Coe, II. W. Jones, Everts, Siiitlimayd, t'hoate and Itaineu, A. Trippc, I.. i. Washlnglon, A. T. Xalioti and W. L. Law, holders of receiver' certillcatcs, by Wutsou Elkin. atlornevs. The notice are addressed to "The Furmers' Ijimii and Trust Company, trustee, to J. It. Itryson aud other ol their attor neys, to E. L. Itonner and A. It. llatii inoud, alleged bidder for the mirchase of the projierty of tlie defciidaul cor puralion and to John llunieit, tliwir attorney, to J. W. Whalley, K. C. Ilroiisoii aud other holder of receiver' irrlillcalcs, to W. U. Uartge, John Twoy aud many other employes, cred itor of the deleudaiil col K.rutlotis." i'i rsoiial. TilK t'MCKSTY OHMII rF.r.. A I Irra'atlii? Library. i'i. t,uri, ii.-iirr iv Jiade a Flying Visit Sunday Morulug A project is soon i be .tnit.-,l i.i ih. I'.. M. toil lis, o Jutictlou Cily, lain1 '" Ifts f Lraraillg. ' founding of ni irciilatiug libiary in Ed- Eunuii- liNlay. ' i " gene. The d alitnges ol Mli h a ll This. VI... I r t . ii ii Sututibiy night' California expn- , bratv to Hie public generally r iniiii hi the cit v t.H lav ' I''1"!!1'"1'. liniugbl l Eugene thnv distinguished; Ifol.f and ar ngo Ibu library should . ., , visitors, tin- committee from the hgls- havu Isrii sturtcd. Eugene lathor- J. I . losHlale t.rt oburg, ha nearly laturo on the Etilverslly of Oregon, oiigli ducat ioual ivnter and the lua aMVertd from bis retvnt Illness. The ctmimlltee Is compiHcd of Senator -s of her people nre alive to every Mrs. Ellen lirannoii hns returued McClung. of Lane, and Itepri-setitative means of U-iteriug her fm-ilitb- for In hoiiie from a visit o Culfax, Wash. (olc, of Miiltuomah and Wright of , formation. .Many low ns smaller than Mr. LouglimilU r has rented tlie l'"1""- , our have libr.iriisi w lii4 nctmil value. Crouch rmidcui-e ou Ym. Ninth street. Suudsv morning, accoinpsnii d by w hile huge, cai t coinpnie to the vnl- T If l,,,,!,.,,, i. ... ,i 'M.Vor Frbiidlv, lU-gents Hendricks I ue of the Institution as an educator or IihiniIi ,,,,,, Walton, tlie committee means of vi.llgbletimeut. W lieu the mo nings .HI train on a busing trip. , ,,rv,. , , ulvi.r.ity , .,,., ,,ie I MlM ,,,, u, wvrvm. rm,tT 14t Ml Milt Ililir n-tunifil fruiii m. vll( i .l ii.. ..rr.. .i ..r n.! i. , . .1.1.. .. 1 .1...- i ... at 1 ortlanU and Salem this aflerinsm. iHiutid llosetmrir lKal. lm.kliiL' over oiiiioenUnl.le fluent lonnl and s l,.l ' MIH M I III. sot T II. I U llraslrsl Isll Is ! iu IflSI Hot si. in, Ii '., Feb. II.- Snow fsill I bioiilioiil the ulglil, an I sliil ion tinues, Hie gioiiud Is iiig isiverd with now- lo a depth oftwoli-el. Old rrsl dulitssuy II is I lie braxlest snowfall III 40 i al. Miss Mattie Smith writes from purl-' the ilistlliitiou. Mr. Cols Is a shrewd land that her eyes are Improving nice-1 siul observing man taking in the situ Is I ulsiaMa, Nnv lliu i:ah, Feb. 14. Snow Is fallmu I i re this morning. The ground is euti nil. Itls very odd. I Ml elresM l K. Cori AoK tinovi', Feb, 14. I'pou the arrival of the Hom burg local at 4 4U in., the citlus ot I. tst Lotiage rove turned out en mas to welcome Ptkamkh Klmokk. Thursday's Portland Telegram: "Today the O. It. A X. Co.' new steamer Elmore was lnsecled by the United States local Inspectors, Edwartl aud Mo Dermolt, aud everything wa fonnd to ln In a very satisfactory coiidlliou. Saturday morning, the new Ixxit will start ou her maiden trip up the Wil lamette. The Elmore will ply ou the Portland Corvalll route, making alter nate trip with the Modoc. A short tlmo ago the steamer Fuleni was chartered by tlio company, but now that the Elmore 1 ready for service the former boat bn been withdrawn. The steamer William M. Hong ha been trausfcred to the Portland Day ton run. Freighting is reported rather lively now, with encouraging pros pects of Improving a the season ad vances." Dslljr liusrtl. FelTiisry IV. fllNI Alimony. Lost Monday nn Bplicat!on wa heard by Judge Ful lirton at Itoseburg asking tliat t.'ini alimony I paid the plalntiir by de fwiidaut iu the divorce suit of llaltie Alexambr vs. W. H. Alexander. Judge Fullerton tislay sent the follow lug order to County Clerk Jennings: "It Is ordered that the defeiidaut, W. H. Alexander, pay to the clerk of the circuit court, for Lane county, within ten dava from the date of this notb-e. Feb. 14th, the sum of t loo to enable pluiutifl, Hattle Alexander, to maintain ber suit." Ousr I, Frl rusr A SwflKKKI. Dik Ir Yesieiday a few mile Irom Irving a wholle runaway iK-currrl. Sol Ibiwei and two oilier men w ith tennis were plow ing and uncovered a squirrel. Acting on their lirst Impulse they left their teams for a mad chase after bis sjuir rcl ship. In the melee the teams be came frightened and all ran awy, damaging the plews, name, etc , several tb.llars. However it Is well to ii. mm .imrr,-l ma killed. SO there was some couieristion for dam- j ages done. Duly O'isn. Ir.sry 10 To UK Marrikk Tomorniw morn inir at 10 o'clock at the residence of the l.r,.l.'. ,.aniits Mr aud Mrs. J. (irav. ill tin city, Mr. m. IMrr.H-ti and Mrs. Louis- us-II will twiniien j Ir marriage. I lie Ol AKI Join Uo ir, fn,,,l in v tslntie thwlll a I' i!n' - . nd happy niatrin.oi.UI i-rrr. Jlr. Iiarrsii la lea-d the jray farm a few lull.- llow town, to which pljcsi they will immediately Mis Auuie Stone, of Creswell, I visiting w llh tlio Mitsss Auteu of tin city. Mis Fiiinis, who is stoppiug ul Mr. Svarverud Is ouile ill w illi coiisuiuix tlou. 1 Susrlntenilent if I'ublli) Instruc tion U. M. Irwin, left this muriiiug for till Iidiiio III Tallin. Hev. C. A. Woolcy lagnu a series of revival meetings at ratriunuiil last evening Iu tlie public ball. I'losccullug Attorney llrnwn. of IbsH-biirg, now Iihs a partuer, Fred rage-Tustin, late of l' lidletou. tl. 1). Chnmls-rlaiii and laiuily, of IbsH-burg, will soou have for I Am An geles, Cal., to permanently reside. Lincoln and Fred Overton, of llrow iisville, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oeirge Overtoil, in tin city. Dr. .Schubert of Oregon City, arrived here Ibis afternoon on a visit with Kev, Streaven. The geullriiicii were former school mute. A. Yerlugtoti Is agniu at hi place of business after a few day Illness, and Ills brother, (leo, II., w ho tended hi store here, has returned home to Spriugtleld. Dr. C. M. Slayback has coucluded to permanently locate at Florence for the practice of his profiou. The disior is well Hsted III his profession aud it a Ural class gentleman. W. D. Conn and family left on this morning' train for their new home Iu Nebraska. Mr. Coon say the people need not l surprised In the least when he leturn In a year or two. Frank KcNIiaw, well known hert is now yard master at liozuiiiau, Mon tana. He writes that time are fnlrly good hi that section, but that It is very cold, the thermometer being aa low a 4o decree below the zero mark. A OuImI. Editor i( Aiii:-Iu the rtnwd Ae of today Mr. T. (1. Hendricks and my self are accused of having signed a s titioii asking our inemlcrs in the leg islature to vote for Dolph for senator also that we both voted for Itcpuhll cans last June. I nui iu no (spillou t.t answer for Mr. llvudrick but so far as I am concerned I have algiicd no peti tion for Mr. Dolph or anylssly else. Xo etltioii has Utii prese'nleil lo me aud if one had I would not have sign ed It for the reason that It I none of my ufl'air. The stnmtor Is-lnngn In the ltcpuhlleaus aud 1 consider that it Is their duly to elect one without any outside interference. A for my vote last June it was cast for the iH-mocrat-Ictiiket. I remarked at the time that I would be surprised If a man on I lie ticket waa elected. I iwlieve.Mr. Yorau aud Mr. Huodgrass will bear me out In what I said. F. W. Osiii k. bsiljr (iusni, Frdrusry A. A (Ji KKii Case. Frlilnv' I'orlland Telegram: "Dr. John V. (lair, Iridlft ed yesterday for kiduaning Maggie Smith, was arraigned before Judge Stephen this morning and the charge against him was read, ("all's attor neys asked to be allowed till Monday to plead, w hich lime was granted. It Is expected there will he III tie delay exH'rinccd In bringing Hair Inter esting caso toa test, and a f r prose cuting him for kidnaping tbeattor neys inertly smile a If they had made up their minds about tlie result. The (luflcasn ha aroused a great deal of comment among mcmbcri of the lecul profession, lcaue of It sculiar fea ture, ll ha Isjen itoiiiled out that the statute do not lilt the situation squarely because the abdurtetl paity la over the age of consent, aud apparent ly agreed lo be kidnaHl ar al'dueted." Htiou at a glamv and It is evldelnvd havo decided to take tills matter III that ho Is a friend to tlm school. Mr. ; charge, deservo all praise in Un ir teal Wrliiht.w ho w ho one ofthe men luter-' for the tow ns advancement. t-ted In securln the appropriutiou for insti ulloii will Is- ail.le.l lotherily. '(lvrvlurll0flt,rdelegate,(. F.Knox, i ue inuic oi ue lorinigni y ciuo, w no fri,m tivlUt , i.n warklng in the Interest of house bill No., lo the dormitory, nt the last s,-sloii, nnl u rally take a keen liitcu-t In the university's afluirs. Mr. McChing's views are tiat well know n lo ikhmI any iieiilioii, as be has always l en a tlriu friend to educational i'uslitulioii in lO'neral. Wliiie tlie committee wa here only il short time aud we were unable to find out their view on the subject, lievertbele It I very evident that their reH.rt will Im a cmllt lo them. Ileal Lstate I ransfi rs. haiige the name of East Cottagetlrove to lniatl. He wa nnvlved with the firing of anvil ami everybody cheer In:. The streets were ileooraleil Iu , , , bunting, and the town prreulel Al.Vl:Kri:KNr.l i holiday apis-araui'. ,KI.AM, Cal.. Feb. It. Isii-,. ' " Tamiikh, Feb. 14. A detachment of Moorish cavalry baa arrived at Cssa for ini.ii. v hil-.r ivmI .te fnrfltsei 7.V. , Hlauca. n sBKrt of SloriKfO, on it Just let vour readers know that mv , -arla..lai of aciNitiHt "exceeds his about fiilsj. The human heads, obtained during tlie re sult will lell who has Ut n w rong-d ;'" expedition against the rtahamua I'mis. Ynureaiurt record will sh.w i relsls, wlilcll will lie reeuiel lo Hie To Hie rnl.ll,-. Oaki Klil 1ih (l AKIi: Will Vol! lie 'say that J. II. Itlilneharl ha coiu ! meiuvd suit against J. O. lUilnehart ullnu auil exblliltrd on the wait of Fe(. The heads have been sailed. a Wasaiasis aallragr. 1 I'iniiii:, S. D., Feb. 14. The house i has defeatvil the rcoolutlou for the coll- ' K. Ilos-iuul ha.,-o.nme.w an ai-tlon ' ll h.nal amei d.nent giving women : In the c.cult court of Lane county : r'K "f """ ' 1,1 I ; sgalnst Ann E. Ik-mot t-.r.,-ver the -""'' bI,""1 "''"'""' ' sumof for work und luls.r Iu ; ""'' "n" In a few davs, a I mean biislm-s. Very rirs-tfully, J. II. It ii i i: 1 1 a Hr. i I Irrult Court Case. Hi inrt il ,y Ki ussi Ai.nwrr VV K. s- sssiis -h'um, V4ns(r. llif.NTKY. JCWallaiv and w lie to William D Wallace und 1 of ue I of sw I of w I aw of se see 7 lie of uw sec IS tn Is s r I w. L1NI acrvMi HlMI. . . . . i..i.n,... . i r... .i..r.....i...i Horace u ntcli ami wile to Aeert i ii.-hvh i i. Ituegger and John Zinlker thed leof : l-atbani has commenced a fore Juliii Killingsworth nollf lilul s.-c.', 1 cl.soire suit ngniust M. E. aud Johna ip l!s r S w also lot oc5 tp in r . 1 r"ril,tt"- The complalul ask a w, :iS acres; .M0. i judgment for f-J-". I' a .. v. m-... v Ml,. I. ..II .... i ..f nw i lot .vo j mo M ip it r ii w, .io lsj j acres; tiatent Isaac X Duckworth to W T Kayser n tract of laud In sec 30 tp 17 r 5 w, ' nc res; o0. Suiuuel Oasllu and wife to (linley A (lastin tract of laud Iu sec H tp 111 r 1 w, 7."i acres; (J.'). J AIUtI William lo C A Meriail Uaasl Ik .Siangan arrrl.s.0. Jt iiKiiMiN City, Mo., Feb. 14. Itvpreselitativ Julian lireoiitel a m oliitlnn ttalay, w hich tlie bouse adopt ed, calllnir on Missouri senator aud I congressmen to voto for foreclosing the ! government mortgage ou the I'uion I'aclllc lailway ami os-ratlng ll al Thislstoceitifv that K. M. Illair ! ext. has done mv hauling for tlio past Vi 'ollre. months aud that be has Isvu prompt. eflhixlit aud agreeable Iu hi wmk and has given Harfecl satifaclloii to all concerned and the change of truck man Is made necessary through a bust- tract of land in d I c Xo M tp 17 r 4 ' transaction with oili. r parlie . 1 I ..,... I L..l. Ill Iwu'. 10 acres; H0"0. Ll'UKNK. WTH Morgan ami wile lo J F Slsrr art of ol 4 blk E Skltiupr's do nation; fliirHI. IVTTAUK UIIOVK. Crauiploii II Jone to II D 1'eaisoii lots 4. ', il, 7 blk I Wynn's add; f Hsi. II D I'earson to l'.lla A I'earsoii lols 4, 5. tl, 7 blk I Wynn's add; tlt'U. i Musical. A number of Mr. II. F. Holh-u-IsM'k' pupil rendered a vi ry lino citing prograiiiiiie Saturday evening. Fol lowing was the programme: Piano duett: (al "Student's March," (Milaiitcl lb) "Song of the Swallow," iIlohma)-I'earl Lakiu. "Sunshine d Love," (ricclit ) Jennie I'nrk. Organ Solo: "(Vntennlal March," iStrause) little White. Piano Duett: "(Jucen Waltxes," idoerdeler) Mis Ilaltiu Tavlor. Piano Solo: lal "Mv First Hull," tStreuhlsigl (b) "Carnival Polka," Vernle Duett: (Melluotte) Alice llemenway ml Mr, llollcnhcck. Piano Hio: "La Mozelle," tllgeu frlt) (Irace llrnwn. Piano Solo: "Jolly Brother (lalop," (Itudlk) Maud Scott. Duett, (Einervi Carrie Cowglll. Piano Solo: "Norm March," (Hill Irln) Hosa HarlsMir. ."Lion du Hall," i(iillet) Misses I'rltchett. Organ Solo: March, (Slrnusi Mrs. H. J. Sills. Piano Solo: la'i "Xncturn op." tC'hoi.liil ih) "Valse Ilrilllanle." Hiei xe) id "jwareiie, ice llemenway. Dated Feb. Hi I sis".. E. 11. IMIIIAM. ... .. .Not an Applicant. Editoii (It-Aim: The Hem In a rr. c'lil Issue of the lillAHU slating that I am an applicant for Issik kirpcr at the pt-iiiivuilnry is based on misinforma tion. I am not an applicant for this JMmilloll. D. W. Coo l. ll u K. The IUiii was copied from a Salem paper. En. Lank Cor.vrv I'koi-i.k. Itiddle Enterprise: "Me-sr ll 1 1. Ssitt and J. I. Iiwer, of Creswell, Lane county, are sojouriilng In our valley this wvk. Mr SMtit l Is an old friend of ye editor, and Isiug an old miner, t ike great delight in prosseliiig along out streams and visitiug the numerous placer mines now being opornbtl on a morn or lisi extensive scale. Mr. Scott ray, taking nur'miurs, fruit und various otliur resource altogether, that wo have the llnest country on earth. He Is so well pleased I hat ho will re turn lo Creswell at once and make ar rangements to move here and make Kiddle hi future home. He Is the kind of man to make a gi m m I neigh Imr, nml splendid conimiiuilies, and wo welcome him. that par should "come olt hi - perch" and treat the commissioners' court with fuirnes. (Silly Ousrd, Kt tirusrj l(. An Esjoyahi.K Taktv. Last even ing Mr. mid Mr. V. E. Sinslgrass en-U-rluiued nhiMlt .Vi of their friends at n "I'rogrtssive Floral Transltli.n" party. This is a new game and from tlie amount of amusement evolved fro n it last evening promises lo Islihiiip pop ular. A delicious luncheon wass-rv-ed during the evening. Tb win ning tlie first prie were: Miss Ina Met lung, Mrs. W. W. Moore. Messrs. H. X. Cix kerline and (leo. O. Yoran. Mr. C. M- Young and L. II. Johnson were the happy recipient of the Ixuby prize. This wa one of the mot en joyable parties given this season. AtiVASf KMKXT Cl.l ll.-flreat Inter est was taken In the mis ting of the club and the meetliiirs wi Ich havo heeii allowed to lug since the holiday. DlHTIIDAY SfHI'KlsK. Lust H-ilnr A general meeting or tlie (lull liasls-en ,uy evening, the Pith Inst., fouml .Mr, CMU'A I N I.Y I NT KKMTI U. Itegnrd lug the iiiisiine tax there I one thing about eorHiralioiis making relurns, w hich appears mil lo he geiierully un iUtsIimhI. While iiidividiuils, whose gnsv Income dm-M not exisvd 'I..VX) nre not reiiln-d to mike returns, 'orpora lions must make n-lurns, n matter how small their income it. Corxra lion w hich fail to m ike such return, Silllllvlt) AN all lifiiiitli tlit-v iiihv Imvn Im lllf-lillli are liable to Ik put to a great dial of . . 1 1 rouble. hi w ill proiiuUly lesiill in "Otr'l' AOAI.N." Florelleo West: there being lew corMrnl Ions. I U order 'A usual we get It in the neck. In i to limit their resKiniblllty llrmsofien the pniceedlngs of tlio commissi inrr' Incorporate. court on last r ruiay was me lotiowmg: 'In tlio matter of petition ofll-tus Hansen et al for waoii nstd ou hl.i slaw river, It Uilug determliieil by the murtthut the remonstrance against theurne wa greater than tlio petition for ll, ll wa dismlasiil.' What Is the objection to the proposed wagon nd'."' The West sis-ms lo hold a pit against the county court. As ev ery person know the court could not .1.. 1 1. ii ,1 iMiiittaj. t ha mI il bin In the nbo-e caae, a the law I luii- !' 1? I'1 '"r carrying cacl mive on tne matter. Hie editor of lv Is ." Ions. Il. r machinerv I frolr 1 1 ka ill Fiiom. Thursday' Corval-lisTiun-s: "The little steamer Eagle Ite arrived up last night und left this morning for Eugene. She left Albany at 1! p. in. and made Hie tell mile run to Corvalll Iu I tin astonishing short time of four hours. Eu route up, the I'lillid herself over several bar. If all g's-s well It I thought she, w ill reach Eugene by the last of the mouth. She is les than tiie little Topsv, built several year ago at Corvalll, by Alls-rl Kemp. lUwsrs l-raiMeilau. Xkw Yokk, Feb. 14. A sclnl from Frankfort, Ky., says: "Pol II leal gos sip ha it that two State sen ator will I si elected from this slate 111 stcss) of one. Friends of Senator Llmlsavcluiiii that President Cleve land will put him on the supremo bench." 1 lis I ail Mass) SAN FKANl'lHilt, Feb. 1 1. John (I. Chase, a prominent Fonsiter, yester day brailghi suit against the Call for fJ.'MSSi, on acisiuiil of the publication of an art 'do chanting litis with em Is i.llng court funds. San Fham Imo, Feb. 11 The Call tialay ndvas'ate the holding of tlio next republican national convention Iu this city, and oilers lo contribute tOt)U toward the cXm-iisc. (IM( la Chlrsis. San Fiiani'ISiii, Feb. II. Hev. J. . A. Henry, pastor of the First Hup list church, a leader Iu the A. I'. A. movement In San Francisco, an 1 a prominent worker for municipal n--form, has a-vltH a call extended by the La Sallo KiplUt church of Chica go. It had Ihtii niiiinunccd that he would decline the call, but hi rosigna tioii wa at a meeting of Hie con gregation. A noon a Dr. Henry re cover fioiil his premint Illness he Will remove to Chicago. Ih nilisajlNiN al llaaO. At ariN, Tex., Feb. 14. The liouso today In the contest of llaller, a negio and republican, ngalusl Dull, a w hit man and a democrat, wa taken up. The minority resrt of the commltteo eating llaller wa adopted by a dem ocrallo voto of 75 to 40. Uillr mar Mine l1. CnlTAllK (IKOVK, dr., Feb. 111. A Chlcngo syndicate ha bought the Uuldeii Star mine on Martin creek, alsiul three mile from IVilieiniu. i'hi I sub I to lie the oldest mine III that scctiuii, but bus not Ist'U thoroughly dwveh ped. The purchasur are very favorably impressed with their pro poi-t. Tbey will make all neeery arrang cut to open up the lulu Is fore returning East. Wa "Jal 1114 l l. I'LNiu.irros, (Jr., Fh. 10. Thn I'niied Slate deputy marshal return ed here today, and say the story of the lit ho-lleppner slge robliery Is a "fake." AH I'hi: a L. Thomas Howell baa commeiieed an uclioli iu the Ijiiii inu li ly circuit conrt against Sarah C. Kel ley, asking that a certain deed to UK) acre acres of laud be net aside, for non fulfillment of contract. lialiilllt al lege that he deeded the proM-rty lo flllftltlits 111 III HlM 1RSJI IIIMtll a llly (iusni. Kebrusry I. I , , X.f.i, M.l Ul'l I K Sk.vhaI Io.naI.. The Junction I r... (..-n, UL.tur luring I.I. rtot-NDfoll OrmioX (b-o. T. Hall , City Time of today contain the fob I ,. -,m manner. IMainllrt Inform U that be has received a letter low ing Hem: "ham Tracer, who re-1 nw j,. uml t ,rf,.Mdniit ban trnm Mr. King, who ssnt one sum-1 side aliit a mile northwest ot brre, i ri ui x'.tvtn. and refused to ter mer up th McKc nxle w till Ills l.imlly, j think an altempt was maile to n.son j fir() airis.mriil; that she ha lur thataparty of about forty will h ave j him. Ho bad len away from home j.,i, ,m iu, a very meagre quau Hiarfleld, Wbconlo. Including him- i and on hi net urn Sunday morning I my sf KkmI iincleun and Iwdly pros-It and family, for Eua-ciie, in a few became aware of the fact that bis wife pBrrrt; ,tl,t ,(,. would i k him In bla da and will make their home In, Whl.e eating a cold lunch f,ue ur c .bin during her visit, this vicinity. He say the times ra he noticed a w biu-sulmtuiice sprinkled ,, , IHid sullar with hungor; verv hard In Wisroiislii and the wrath on the A portion of it wa nt.,e ,M furiiisheil him wit b no er has Imm u hitler wild, and that cv , brought to town aud an analysis made ct,n whatever for three year, al erybody I talking Oregon now. This w l.lrh levealed issilou. Hi wife Is j iioiitrti be was blly In need of th entire party i eouiposs-u in uvn in-wi ( nun inisfiiii aim no- iMin-tiiitr mv farmer aud will pnsrr here. ; ease will Ik- watched with interest. eailud for Monday evening, reli. IS I be topics to be discussed ar a ! fallows: "Iiieoilkln of the family."! "The origin of religion" and "Tlie ori gin of society." Thai the society will rnntinue In the g'sxl work it ha been doing is our w ish. I bs'lT o i"t. flinnrjr I. "Hakii Timix" I'AKTV Iji1 oven lug at the residence of Mr. and Mr. J. M. Howe, corner 1:1th and Mill streets, n "bard lime" party was glv- u for the little folks. All wore cos tume to suit the occasion and some of them wen- rest ludicrous and amusing. There were over twenty young people presi nt and all bn t an elijoya'ile lime. IL MrMunibey very busily cncngeil In receiving large nurnl-r of his friend who bad come In to nd the even ing. The part V bad been tendered him bv his wife, It'le-ing bis V'th birthday. 'Ihe evening wa very enjnynbly sul in social game of various kinds, and inu-ie. until n late hour, when asuuip tuuus lunch wa served, after which the guests departed for their homes, well pleased with the evening's entertainment. j Si.i:mh in I lout r. Echo leader: ! "We are publishing the Collage (i rave Echo-leader, but by s i act of I lie. li g islaliue we nil ui'h-iily turn up in l inall. (iio-ss m-w siti-rs and eili tors nre ereiiluris of circiiiusluiice soon linn s Hm V sn-- nui airniu tiivy aren't in I' st ail li'i- we'll md I come Mt exeitid as to b" In doubt whether really we are we, or the other fellow!" name; that she ha treated hliu harsh ly and Iu an abusive manner. There fort defendant ask for the Immediate poswtwioii of thn premise and f 10U) damage, for withholding the nam. 1 Oi.ii Linn mi Evot'oii. Albany I)emis-rat: The Sclo Pre enlbly ays: "Lino county It not a lsd coun ty, after all, to IIt- hi, w IHi laxesat 14 mill. lf)oit will only tbink of taxe ranging from V) lo :so mill In other rountles, he I apt to feel lietter ant lo lled with obi Linn' management." Two Hrowiiavllle men In lb city g's-xl liaturedly remarked that Linn was a lirrttv kmm county after all. The citl- naiis of that city as much as they wish- Sol. I. If. II. Stickuey ha sold bis feed store to A. M. iiltoii audit II. - - Shaiklett. Tlie new iiroiirleioi are ItIK IsslKAVK W'AK. Palem well know n geullemeii and w 111 make ,ivi,i from a .sl stsliiwlnt are Journal: i h varuws aieiich- of the a tlie business Mr. Sin k- tai, t. matter pliilsoiddcally and , n. f..r aeveral dsv. been cut- ne b many friends w ho wish htm , v , ,, f,,.. t .rds llioso who tin rate, on Insiir.oc. am In whic .uc.-r.s Iu whatever bu.iuess he may ' .,,, , ( ..... by old Linn, aa ii:ilain-e Lava written sllcle a low eiigain. Illl.M I NTt'.otifl.. A scritsj of the fab lit I'ost t'sik It unto himself the otli-r day to look Ui the tiuiul-r i.f bills llitrodiicid by eaeh inellilier of Iheli.wer bou. Huker ba lutro dmvd "He bill. Hillv:is Mrbesi fl. Hepresrlitntive Mnllli. of J "pbilie, leads the entire prmwion wit i . aoriv-tblrd the established M'e. V. terdny afU-rtoioii a meetiuif I toe vr bu isirn) anu s w ns held mm '.lie mat ter was mi aJj-isted to r -est il lisli rn r lur VCfcr. It I" Low l:ilid on tl.cstri-els'tlrit Ufoiv long II,. se cut rtie ( lii I n ill Is csinsiled, Ibos utually mukin H n 1'i-s tu the III orcd. ginsl a tsiuuty as He re Is In Oregon. I'll! jird, February Is A S"M"i At. Lst evelill.g a MM-ial was iffvi-n at tl.e M. E. SuioU) N li.-. buii'liiiK lo tiie western part of town A v ry b bseiit tin.- was bud Ky all ,rv-s. ut.'ig the eveoiug a Lioip as as-eideiita.1 y likeu rr. nt.i.g nin i i Itiineiit ; liamiij-e ibo . o 1 .ul .art, hkrwi I. WoHK loVIOMHi. Wmk wo Cooioieneei on lb. I olta'e lirove new waterworks lal Micid.iy. It w ill Is an excellent ay-leoi, ami w ill bo ip pheil with a first clas rpiallty f pur water.