The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 24, 1894, Image 9

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1 M ci
Tf caw ham radial (n.ra ib iun
tWhiiui tt bur null.
Th .' rarira ilrlfn 0 brautr M
Wbr ml la gra na ,u.
low dlta and fali.i
V hi. oiKi.l tin
A. n I hr land ri. dull Uk r, ,.
VI -',-' tug
A Lot Ilia fUl a grrat naail4 at
! irkliii tu.. and ahiir;
Tl drrii dark it W
MiiM with a u.l.l.n iigi.t.
An'l In Bmmrtit. anh a ailvtir f!,ai
lh full UMa.n rur t hu
Hri.nid tn lan.-l ( tl,, .mlr wood
'1 i mw id ilutani biiL
-11 K. Jlunkltlru k In Harper' Wtklr.
CnJuUtt Hustled For Vote.
1..1.. of II.!- l. --. T
'- i auj uu uotir
f AiiHj i, vI I,. ,,,w ,Ulli r
I yotl noiu .. ej fa. ,, fctIJ
I askllig for la Sir k..
I -.''"'' to MUM ,. ,...... I
ll.adl.taal Mivpl imwat ' drvti ev 1 trai k caZt4 1- . ' .
r .i...iu.l. ,c,wn !. 7 I te Grocery SuTcrtd Vltk
I' i AWm rrfv-fc vfcV. ea
s. i,afaJ ,,. .KJUf
h. r 11 .t wki Uh.t,m t Wk4
tt.m.4 with cr.aa.UeaniUt:le.
- Pajsv" ) wi4. "yi m u.t n . ; k
t mamma rt, ),., would n, t cheat
you ii.t hta.1y Im. If. mu, y w,-v, ntirsclvf."
.Mr. (li.-n.-y stared at the j,irl with in
credulous I'm .
"And if v.. a don't la li. ve it come ml
eoellOW, KUld 1.11114. fllt-ll;,. a,.tl
towel. ".Mary IViui how.l in M,.. IH .,n, tidily ro.taet,,i hr hi. 1..1..1.!....
SHE HD Htn wt crff.
tas-r a aa laataika Mum to 114 thia
. - I Vkavarr.
M.. . . . I K(.s IK ran. pan r wa aianr wlm
Til 0T TIIIW 118 OWX.w ,Un.a.ui.w ihM II ....ui h.
I u ! IK wita Krr.'- a M
kiI IL f, , ur llutt aloiia any n--
w.uilj r. 1 u,!. n.- f llM l
lluin , . r .I. u in.liaW r t vot u
n.akif Aamtt jv, u kutann, bu u
km t:aM MrHau. aaal braa r
fM ty B-l. a KaoM a aB Ual
4 ' (It ttw kiUaa
. ,aW-r . lnm . " -
aa k)
It Wa ratklam Trl
Ail Ik
M.'ikint" iu iba mad viLk tias
rrwUta In cud
. 4 eraa,'
Tav w4 mw rkra l
ailil t I'arifT rllll la Ml IM.
Irl. l mm 4 l uan.1, T i. That V ar4
Workrn Ar Umlirn All.
U, r N' man In 1h.1l ..irt ..f town m tn.i
IVk your tliltiKa aa ..n m j-(m
j!r.iMi. my il. ,ir." iuii.1 Mr. CVmk-v.
-Vi''n Ki'itf to iiiovt) iNitiirliiy."
Mr nnJ .Mr. Cluwrn-y wrro a m.itri
nioiiiul liriu tlirro wiMtimiui-Ktinu ulxmt
I ti'l.l ii evt rvthum 11 ti l Mi. tl, tlu.f:rt l'lir' H! r.ii
parm 01 kvh jru aro II warm
, Jown tlirro uii.l. r thr a.mtli w.ill. .; tl.
I c r .ti tin? Iion.-v f.,r u, W( (, ;'lt.
,fl kll tlieni.f ll,.u.r tint lt..w il.wti
III tliu tnrii.l.iw i.m im.I... .
. l M lit
mu. .r. V11.-.11. J nan Mwayt bn a , t"iiy nnd kirr- iif .r t!. . ,t,,Ki,iiira
..i.nt .rtn. r in the 1 ujrn. an.l Will ,hu an I uruun.l
If vrr I K-t marnr.1." MM Eltna. a 1 th.-m uft. r all the li..r- w. r. .t.. all,
t ri'!it ).! Kirl of i;. " won't be nut wr m-nt lx.n ni.,1 km,.. 1.1. ,.f 1,1,. .... 1
rrtMin to tho city rv. ry Uy l.v .Mr.
IVnn'i wa.11 An.l wo eatln'-nii wil.l
nr !. a tl" riatnpU of ll.. in.l.tly
ll,'. .-..(Ill I 11.111, ,lnl, ,, , k.j,, B1M
il.uwly an, I ,:i k.',t ..i.iMl.limrrit.
Mp Klla-rw.ii w.i a l.iri I. amiinj w,,in
an . f l, li.k,.!ti.,n. ai 'I tl,.' . lulJrrn
Wrr- nx 1 h.f li'.l n, w. II dr. . .1
lilt t.iiv wu. I, nt ihnv I, I,, k. ill.t.uit
fr,m M homo niul w.i t!ii r. nx r
whir tli li.irao cam wvru UuiJ.t) f,,r tl,
u; ua tiiaintiia
Wli. re, my Ui-arr akkiHl Mr. CLo
o y with a littlo utart.
Into tho cimtitry." nai.l the f.miilT
autocrat. "I'm ttnsl (.r thi, city biihj.
ti.-M. It cwt a ii-ut more tliau it
coiui-ata I'm tol.l )'u can Iivo at half
t ic ripfiKo in I' country."
Hut." piHtiiil thpwif... "wliat Is tobe
roiini of the cliiMrvti'ii Mlucatiutir'
Tin tv a a very .li.trict tk h.H, in
the ii.'vlilNirh.Hxl, not liiuru than a mile
di..ta:it." fx jil.i 1 her IiiiaUiiiiI, "mi.l
en-n-i-o will lo th. iu punl."
"An.l what tiro wo to lo for mx-irty?"
"lVh.iwr aai.l C'h.Kii.y. "I wuuM not
cue a rap for -o,lo w ho can't lie kk 1
1 ty for tlifiiiM'tvi-a. There'll U- the hoiihe
,,rk to Jo. juit know iiolHNly k.t m a
rl in tho country n, pl.-nty of chore.
u:, nit tho place for Will unl S'ii,-rr. I
I, ill kivp a horne if I can M one cheap,
f r the tal 1011 1 half a mile from the'
place, an, I I'vo liarainnl for a coiiiilo of
tow ami aotne pit,'"."
Mrauwhilo Mr. Oieaney cxplaini! to
l;t wifo the variotm u.lvant. m.-a wlii. h
trawN rn.' la fore the aim wa up mi l
K"t cherrti" out of theil.l lane. AnJ the
luotiry l oura 4'V. ry c ut of it." I
"Ilotiey, hr Mi.l Mr. Ch.-Mi.'V. '
UZ at the row of liiv.ii. f,,r i:im. ha I
ilraciil him out Into the Nov. ml. r
moonlight to the acme of action. "W. II, I
I've kvii thr.- many a time. Imt I al a 1
wn they l loiicitl to Spiro P. mi
folk. All I flower an.l Wil.l In rri.
Onlu't think th re w:ia no much iiiom y
In 'em. (In. "mi I'll try tho lniin. i my.
elf next year. ymiT that the woin.'n !
folka ahiiul.l havej;ot the Mart of me." !
Aft r that he narilnl hi family w ith
iiior n-fji t. The mi re fact that tin y
coul.l ram inotii y ha.l 1 U valnl tin til im- :
uieiiaely in Inn niht. !
Hut when prm ciiine he .,.t hi nl.le
coadjutor. Mt Lima inci.l. tilally an-l),illu-e.
to tl 1 III one .1. iv that he w an Co
inn to U marn. ,1 to Walter 1'iiin th
next work.
"An.l mamma ia ounin to live with
n." u.1,1,-,1 Clma. "She cau l xtainl the
0 1 wi
w. ru to accrue from the proinin il move. ' lamp houw ami thia liar.l work unv
"It un fortunate, mi.) he, "that Klina
hi; l llotilo aren't boy. Such a lot of
woineu folk nro enough to nwaiup any
family Men now can ula maru their
1 read. Cut wo muni try to make every
ljly UM-fnl in miuio way or other. It's
kj healthy, you know, ud.lixl he. "And
Hut Mr, tliesnry did not to to the
Penn fann. Mr. Cheney lunal 11 utoiit
n rviii maid uud laid drain pi im,. r
tho kitchen at.N.p. If l,n wifo
audrrKto. her Imsim-ft .i well, it w.u
Worth while to keep her Well uud active.
the rent wou't bo hulf of what we imr he consid. n'.l
'fo- ) "I couldn't leave jmpa, you know,"
"Are there any modern convenience ijU Mra. ('ln nry to Klma. "Ho mean
uIn, nt tho place.'" timidly impiinil Mr. 'ell, and now that It. Uvea IUi k.1 la
Uietney. column hero and the kitchen i dry we
"'i'here'a aprine of excellent water 'all p-t alon nicely. I woul,ln:t (,'
ulmut unndrrd yard from the house." back to tho city for in thinir now."
aid her liUhhatnL
Mr. Chimney gnvt palo.
"Have I K'ut to wnlk a hnndre.1 rnrii
for every drop of water I want:'" aaid nlio.
"And a larjjc rainwater hopihrad un
der tho euvei of tho bouse," added Mr.
Uieuey. "Ami I've already Rot a bar
Kaiu lu keroM'tiu lamp. A for candl.-a,
I am giveu to nuderMaiul that pxxl
boii.rke iH'rii make 'em thcm.Hclvtn in tiu
uiulds. There nothing like economy.
Now I do l'i to know, Abipiil." lie
added irritably, "what yon are looking
ao lackadaisical uIhuiI? Uo you expect
to ml Mill and fold your band while I
do all tliu work? (jive mo a wumau for
alter natural lazinc!" j
Tho lirxt'lit of Mulleinntalk farm
waa ilipintiiii in tho extreme. Uetween
rmk and Hwamp there waa scarcely
pasture for tho two lean cow that Mr.
Chenney bad bought at a bargain, and
the hollow hacked horse which (.talked
iihotit tiie pr. iniiv bko aomo phantom
The Bpplo tre.- in tho orchard were
t!ireo-uarter dead, and Icam-d Borrow
fully away from the ea-.t wind, until
liieir boiiK'ha touche.1 the Very ground,
lice had all koiio to ruin and the front
f ito waa tie.) up with a hemp Hiring. !
"U tliu home.'" aaid Lima, with uu In
ii, u nliable int. iiiatiou in her voice. !
"We'll Kft thine all Mraihtcuod tip
after awhile," haul Mr. Chtwncy, btistliiij;
tu drive away the pio. which had broken
o it of their 1 a n and were peuliiij dit
i:mlly under the window.
Mr. L'luwiiey cried hiTM-If to ahvp that
t...htand uwakeiiel tho next Inoruiti
::li every Ikiiio imtinct with (hooting
"And no wonder," aaid Srnrrr;
"th-re' a foot of water in the cellar."
"We iniiHt have it dram. -I," naid Mr.
Ci.eaney, with un uurai.y ,a,k; "but
ti.-re'a plenty of thiiiKH to do liraL"
And now iM'ati a ti'in of the utricteat
jnotiiy. Mr. Chenry himself paid for
i-verj-thintf 'ifh check, and not an urti--!"
came into tho house or went out of it
without bis cognizance. New
"Nor I either," mi, I Lltiiii. "And, oh
mamma, 1 thall uluaya ,,ve thoM lai
hives under tho hollyhiH-ka. f,,r it wa
tin-re that Walter uxked me to bo hi
Mrs. CTieanry tearfully kiavl her
dauht'T. She, too, had U. n happy once
and had her dream. It waa to la. hop" I
that Waller I'. 1111 wax made of 1I1IT, r.-nt
metal from (ieorgo Chesiiey. Woman'
I A ('MM' tiplnliin ef Ailam,
A (paint little maid who I nut very de
cide.) mid clearly delin.-.l notions of lu r
own, wIioho homo i on the North Side,
j climo by tho Ijiiko Shore drive, and wIiomi
' mamma hi a commuuicant of St. Jam. a',
riviitly very urgently riiiiet.d that
ho bo provii!el with one of "lho-e l.j
print iiihle that have cover that double
lck." She explained that ahu wanti-.)
to read the Hihle all throtiuh, aa her new
Sunday hcIkmiI teacher ha 1 done bhehad
just been promoted from the infant r.a.m
to the Sunday nchool proper before
waa 10 yearn old. Of course her mamma
was not only willing but unxioiia to en
roura'O ao pious a purjaiae, ami alio pit
the sort of a Lhble little Sue wanted.
Lach day for uu hour or mure alio read '
with careful attention in her new Iiihle.
When he came to that chapter which
relate hnwdixl call. tl Ad. 1111 and Lve
to account for their dioladi.nce, Sue
went to her mother, uud brinm her
aoft coveti'd Iiihle together with a ban;;
exclaimed with acorufnl indignation:
"Do you know, iiiamma. that I think
Adam wa just as mean aa he could la-.
Huwaan'ltit to apeak to, and if I had
los'n in Lve' place I never w ould have
poken to him ii.-ain. Jti-t think of his
K"inK and telling ! on Lvo after he
bad eaten the apple t,. I don't mat what
made Uod liMru to audi a tattlur un
way." Chii -ajjo Herald.
Ctrltlng ll.mry tu (,i Mi...tliia.
A well known I ludio la
In New York, but w hoao home i in a
t l.-.lMllit Village nil hour ride from the
liielroiaili.s. prmnM-'l l.ullilul.v on,,'
(.crriv.i 01 t amom, uu. i f..i i.a.
ride iIohii town. A nr.iry, It
mludit I, am l. 11 Tim l If (
tts' iiIm.iv pl. k and a.ll. III.' ahow
ca a were ahlny, mid the oiit..,r
of tahlea mi.l friula 1111, 1, r Hie cml
awuliiK a. n cm. taut .1. li-hi. Hut anrc
riry part of Ihr picturv vaa Clirla, Hirt
' r -at iiaiur.'d nn. I In. 0-.1l In a whim
npr, 11 He wore 1111 ii.linir:.) !., p.ii. li .,f
rlil 11 H l l-k.-r.. nnd on hi. l ine n.a ktle wits
a if, Id h.i.l.of Hie Konl. ra. 1 hi. la thn j
.ia riplloii of Chii k-ixrn by the t'hl.'.n.-,)
itia .' ril mini.
1'r.s.iiiniililr he tin roiiteiitnl. He own
rd I he .l.,r mi.l buiw, hi. family r. Inlloii I
wen. pleiiMiiit, nnd he had lioin;li Inwln
t Lis p hla viirnlahiil dillvrrr wniiuii on
the (. 1 inoal of the lime. In the auiniiirr
the (aiuily a few pi. ni. a, ami In
the winter he and hla wife ,itr,,iil,. thfl ' K'V.'ll ly llel;hla,rh.aal l.alin.
Chrla wita a Kulk'ht of I') thin na well a
a lon-ur
The tlr.l lii.ll, .-illoti ..f hi ileal ra to en
ter aillll.a not lila J.illllllif the Maaoli.
Shortly after that he m lit In hla inline to
aalnwluit aa iety, althouuh
lnkv Then he w.u cIiom-ii .1. 1, v'.iU) to tho
muiily is, n vein Ion.
Th. . rnrly were hnnlly no
tl.sil by the n.-lj;hlior mid rii.toiiiem. It
Wn W hen he Jollinl I he (', Cnlinty
U iim-nitlr Mnn hliiK rliihthnt hla frleii.U
l ir in 1.1 wiy, "I'hrla la mliiiix In Mlitr."
I He went with the 1I11I1 to oa 11 the at.ilo
rniiiilmi at Sprltiittli ld. When he ram
1 hark, he wna hoarxt nnd a.a'tiiisl to hnvo
loat ah. . Some of hla la-.t frli nils l ill
to reiiioii.iriiie vxlili him. Mrimh, the (nil
tore maii, ilropjaal tutu the irnai ry ami him In ki ninny w.mli, ' Chris
what' your object In i;e!tliit Into, puil' ' ('un I tnif t y Kellx" a.kisl ( hrl.
IrmlitiK the wny Iw k to thixh-.k, to the
clerk roiihln't niiythlnu. "Tho
niua,n I in itoIiik to tell y.m this la that I
know you're, fri, 'li, I of mine. Now, I've
las nlalklliK on the iil. I lo w ine of tho
hlKucst Diin.araia In this ilialrlet, and
they want luu tu ho a raliill.lato for re pro- .
"Then-' n,4l,liif In that for ymi. If
you're rhs, ymi II have to mhs t y.uir
biiaineaa. I aliouliln't think you'd want
It." I
"I don't want it, hut a lot of my frlrmU
an nfter me to take It. Sun.' one lnut
!!' In ninl that MeCliut.a k itaiiif. I
It a In-. ii rillllliliK thia ili.lri. t loli(."
' That all rik'hL Ix taumu one t laodo
It "
''Tho boy ny I ran do It, and I're
promlMil to all, k. I ii t you know It'ann
outrage for this district tu lai r'prra.'lit.-J
In the I. lalati:n by an, Ii a mnn a Mo
Clint. a kf Say, you'd l aurprlant If I
0 ,1,1 you the iiaiiii-a of aoine of the losiplo
that are with me In this thliirf iKiynu
think ymi ran awliiktanyof tho (ieruinn
In your pns-ltirt V
.Mr. Mraiih aw It was of no uwi to nr
gue, and o he anld he would do all he
Colli. I.
Chris Kllaraoii wa in politic, mm
enough, with all thn plainly
(Ih.hIiik. He la'u.iu sniukiuit clifitr all
lila liking huura, and the lw, k end of hi
1. n.w alr.-el l, nail.l ai i 11 1.1. a to Si
Clint. a k'a on.', hut III the ilark rn.t . f ih
ll .lrut M.t ii,i,, k I, ...I an all a w,
".Ir.irf " l he I. nl-l for own it a.,!,-,,ii
; wuli lwi k r'iu atu. hiueiit (,,r I.kI,.-. he
wa. an honorary in, ml. r of the'
and ' ph .i.ure ' ilni and hnl n n., .,
in.iiiy pn. in. rs (nun the llri.l. e,l mi, I
p-'l .e ii. a lar' ra,rii, ii , (
voter virre under heavy ut.lln: U.lia e
.M, Clint,, k his rnrtiiles, h. r. r.
and Hull M, K. -nle iis one .,( ih. m It
.ia the l.ui. r h,i racortnl Clin, through
Ihr iljtk n.l ef the iliatri. I w hile the a
k, ranv.iaa Mas la lii(j ina.l,. t hru , r
all hla Ui,l,- in, i-.itiui home at nvht
r.s kiiih. iih Kink-, r ale and I,k1,I .1. n
nil cigars
The (Mm of the irmerry was pi i-t. ml
wltli anil, mi,, . in, nl of tteriuan imh, na,
Sn,all.i .1 ni, .-.. il.'iii.uiairaii. i,., t.,1
on. I las.ple ,.-,ke walka. I hria . ik'! t
tl. k, la f.,r i v. rj ilumi that r.iiue nh,ii
lie onli'fsal uiiloti hilal lU'trs mi lk'nc
all. k raiiily to the In-h .'Inhln-n. In ..,I, r
to ..(leu any .-il le pr, jinll.v rt; im.t
bis li inn'. H, i.j. nt i,lk'l,t lu t ii, uhite
the Btn-iiuMi i f the . n t ni'lety vole mi.l
pni, I H-". i, i pt hi. piriii-t. lut, i p.ij. r
til it he ha.l n. i. r h. .ml of I. (ore,
I'll thr m. rim, u of primary tl.iy he was
.a n l.i jump Into hi. Imiv-v, In. h the tM,r
orn-l mid il i-li il,llv away Mra. :ilr
on tame ruiintiiir to the front itate and
wal. the rnttliiiu I'lincy in(' nniiiml
the turner
That eveiiln l,eriit to the M nw.lK
rrv lnif over nn ev. iiliiK p.i r h hl. h aalil
that ( hrls Kll. rssui, I. ml. r of the anil
Mi Clint., k i n ml, h.ul . h ill, 'he. , I the
veto of 1 tit, k KI iiitl. r. n.s lort.l at. vctlore,
and hn.1 las-n iill.u ktalnmlt li.iMil tlinniKhi
a l.iuuilrv I
Mr M.ivw. U went t.. h-.k f r Chris mi.l
found hint In M. -t if. r . .iil.a n. .,iiiiillnu
the bar Willi hi. lint an. I tleehirltitf that
the rails., of ),.a p.v.Tiim.'iit ,,uh "(ret
there, and th ii l joii ( .rk-. I It " For the
Oral time In hla life t hria waa under the
ltitlui'iii of 1 1, n,.r
At the roiiv.-iition n, l tl.iy M. Cllnttark.
feat i a h
aia t ai
"Ttl.auna alaa til. a,
atarkr, t!, irr aisr.
"It .ka , . k 1 1 rue," Mi, I the riiaa
with Hi., (fin.-, r N .ird I i th r.uii in-
rrupi. r, "like jr. .n h ue in,. 11,,-t niki.
Ural hi ft if t, Km whit y,.ii don't know
every time y 11 . jh u y,.r i,i, , f any
m.m I iv, r kn w..L I will admit,"
coiiiiiiu, ,1 the in ni with lh.
b ird a. ih, fc'f'a . r imi.-.! a buml lial
rxpnaaioii, " v.. 11 are all ndit In
the (,'rtsvry bii.m, I'.i.-t ii, a man
would have to I.' pr. :ty in . lli to make
a livin out t.f l!. kni t o'at,.k ya
k.. p Now, Ih.i time y,,ii 1 pl.un. , Hi
hair la 111 in tin. butt, r lav.iu.c tin. but-
to Captain Howjtte'i Fick!
ntt Wti Not Aitoniilxiax,
4 an or i.f.Mrit 1 MHratv
lit R.HrMMill kl..ryr III. IVarat rra
Ih llra.l Ih kignal Ma-r,l. la a
I'rlaea ( rll l.,r Tarll trar I a .
an 1
the people tlioi,, waa ren.,iiilmil,il iy
XaWA J 1 t I f I I . I A
WV J 1 1 ! ! i ! '1 vV'iTT
fi k'
"T1U T TIIHFW Mr. taiWH."
arrlntnntloti ami wiu v.a' rhrs'irsl
by the active mau.irf. r of the KllaTaon
Chrla kt.aal In the d.airwny nnd anw It
all. A mnn next to him .-rl 11 it. l nnd anld,
"Tin J hivb you the iloiible maw."
Ho n n. 1,1. at, ,n In a trail, . The
clerk l.aiknl at him and aulil llolhlnu Ft)
lis Strnuh rnme In.
"Ilavn you got ciioukIi, Chrl.f" ho aak
eil irently.
' Thry thn-w ineilown," lioutisl Chrla
"All the vollnir wo tlolie by his Kiinif
They w.iiihln't let my men Inaltl... Tim
isilitai atoial III wllh thein,, and would
lint nrn-st that nlKKerwhrii he at ruck me "
" I told v.,11 lo kia p out of It. "
"S'vrral laaipln have been after ma lu
run Imi. i ml. ni "
"I oii t tl. 1 It. For heaven' aakn, don't
Kts'p out of ailltlr."
After drea.iiitf hi rye ami thlnkliu It
over Chrla cm huh . I that bo Would k.' u
t. r w iii't .itoiitt t uouK'!i t 1 hold
t-v'i Ih. r without it was plumb
II..W.. IlleXer, It . Is lu,i 1 ,u ,
can't w.i.te no m, re tiiimoii y.m.
this h. re Woman
"Whii h Woman;"
"This h. re woman I was think. irt of
when 1 poke was ju-t like all the r.-t
of 't III. Wh. II her linn, I w.ut H,t, it Wa
.'t. Pore tlmik'. bIio bad to die to pt
In r own way, but ah,. o,,j
"I.ovo ail.ur.'" 11-k. ,1 the mail from
Potato cm k. who h id a rom intie trrak
111 Ilia III. 11 1 ill Colli. I Ion
"I.oe uil.iir ii .thitil shown mnrrit
to b. r ihinl Iiii.'..iii.L They hadn't laa-n
marritf. r in. re'u a w.s k, I "ilea. N
f .r. the old man latins twittiu her
ciitae ht was ao tluti nn won, I. nn why
the Lord tsuildii't 11 lit to make
her weidi as in iit-li as Ins Hrt wif.v
'll .w mil. h did the dear atu,'' I wiudiT
he In 111 kinder Karca-tidike one
day win 11 th.y bad lai n jawiti a little
more than common.
" Mi-t exactly I.Vi la.umK' aiy luv
"Well," av he, Tm a "0111 to
Kit t, that w. iKht if It takm me a hull vcaia, ' 1
"Howaoiiii'ver, 'f.-a, I of p'Hiti any,
fatt. r he Kits t liiiuu r an tliiuin r right '
11I0111; till at I. i t he tips an tli.. ,
'Well,' any ih.. old man, .-,. m bko
he ilnln't Kit t-i th. re weight hhe
tatted for litter all. I KU.-sahrweiKlnsI
near, r .Vi than i:..V Itut thaf all ho i
knou.d alsint it. Ala.tit two years after
tin re was n l.aiin in real i .tate, 1111 Him
old Kfiivvard turtilil out to In pretty
K'.altuwti ,,s the folk had to move,
this here Woman lllllotl thereat. When
tie v n, 1110 to ilih- hi r 11 v ho ha.l pair I
"Petrili. d, I allpaMi yu mean," aaid
the K liiailteaclier.
"Anyhow, I mean ho b id turned to
n'k. An Juit f. r cmioMty they
WiiKhe.l li.r runny thm She
col xaetly to that th. rn I .." amt'ils
he nll. a wild he'd ki'. III! they Won't
never liolaaly mako me la lievo that alio
didn't know w hat alii, w.ia d.uii all the
time. " lie 1 a .I011rn.1L
From t!i, le n . f the il a. rvl.e to a
f. - 01 ..II. from ll,,' tir-t iln :, a,,f ,.
In 't 11 a. . 1 1 1 v , Willi nil ii' 11. tine
'i,l a brilu 111 arm ri.. i., .. tie f. ,ni'
tl.. k. Ii.i, link- in , 1, ry j. ,n ,.f u. ,-oiin-iry
w 11I1 ni:. ,t .1,,, , ,,, ,, , ,
h NI for I.' J. .r.. all . .11. lu I ll-'.tl. -a III
N,w,rk .111 111, ,1 a t , illy m ri ui, ..11 a
Jury w lule ( i.'ii n,. Um )u.t ,-u, U
an. tl ,' ..ili, 1,1 p. h i, ,a, r f i jj,.
la, II 11, nr . II, ni.tle .111,,. a..
Nor I. tin. .ill II,. , a , t. r 111 . f the
Army of the CtimU rim, 1, 1111 , it . r In the
n .' Bruit an, I a -el, 111 it of torn., .i.m.l
lux uii.l wilhnl ihe pr. j.storof a . In me
for h-a. hltirf ti e north p. I.- w hi. li ii,,t
w nil an, h .ippn.i .il thai ll 1 .nn.. vrrr in-ar
belli? n, 't.. li''n ... nnd nil this
rri.l.-,! tti loa .1, ft. ni, luu. 1 !. e,,v, ruin, ut
e( ,C-.m i;:..,.,i and Ih-. 1114 In in W.i-li
iinrt' 11 with a worn. in aiu, ., ,nty w,ia
I. 11 it n p.' ul ir loi.l in ih ,1 e iy.
Ib-nry W How u'-itr w ia l..rn tu Viiif
1 111. 1, and hla llrat enr -1 In 1, nt In pul llo
n rviee waa as n loluiu.a r lu Isi JIiitho
Tw. nty aaii'iul .Ml, Infill Infantry AI
III,. I el. Mill y. .in lit. rhe w.u. unillial
prix'tn r In S Lhinnioii 1 u but I hi
Is aniielp.itniir. He I, i.l a.,m mlli'ary ,
know;.. ami w 1. . I. . , . n.l lieuleti
aiit, w.ia .!.-,! to bn 1. 1 major for aa- '
rial Kall-mlry nt Chi. k.m , hum and I'liiuo
out a i.ipi.iin. nd. rwhi, li ho .-, un.l a
II. 1. tenant, y in the r itular nrmy In In'.
l.eii. ral Alla rt ,1 Mi. r was oruanlr linr 1
the w.iiiht r biir. au nnd fmiii, -r, nt tllltl- '
i iiliyln hs iiiiii- ii.-i.i.iiih m nil Iht. a. I
nil 1 he kln n l,il.',-nu,l aa. ml aptltii.t.-a ile-
inilile. In Capt 1111 Ilowf it., he la lii
he h i, I wrunil a trrnaiire, and Ih latter'
prom. , 1 loti wa. ntpl.l
In laid he pn j.. n a. heme f.,r n-iw h
1 11 ir the 11. .11I1 .,h whh h mail.' clt-ntillii
riplon ra l.iudi. but r.'itKn' wrn a.i
hnpn .--.I t hat n bill In t arry out hla phiti
wna liiin.lii.iil and fiivornhly n ia I t
the h.uiM. .oinmiii,.' mi natal nftalr Hi
plan wa to kii to ii,nvnlr ut point In
s ! Hi. I Aalaaal WHtta
bf lb f,Mrral,
J ir panple in this broad land do not
t that the hit. 1 (i-m ral Ib.Urt E.
L.s)' war. re Tr.iT. ler itainnl almtavt
I ra Ii fame as ill I l r. I. I rat.-rl Ct41.
1 fb r' c..minai,.. r I, una. If. After tha
w tr on aiii-t wrote to ( . n, ral I aak
bu- f. r a ih npii n of Tiael r. whii h
(i.n. ril l..e wrote f .r bun. Thia ll
hit the K' ii ral wrote nlaait lii favor
ite le.rM.; "If I was an artit like yon,
I Would draw a true pi.-tureof Trarrb-r,
r. pr. .. titfii' hia line pr",rtioii, inaa
ru! ir 11,-nie, d.ip (ht. li,,rt bock,
tr, luf haiim h.-. H it ..fc'.. tmall bead,
br a l f ri in el, ,1, 1 1, ale eara, tpu. k ryrav,
mill f .t and Ida k 111. me nnd talk.
S11. h 11 pi. lure would iiiapire a pt't,
vl K'Uius c.,n, I then depict hhi
"lli an, I d' -, ri'-. hi. . mlnraiiiv of toil,
hunger, tmr-t. b at nnd t old, the dan
K' rs and .11IT. r tiics thmunli which h
In. p i-.. .1 II" -. uhl iliinte njam hi
.i:i 1 ry mi l arT.- ti' n and hi invarl
abl" 1, - n' to any wih 1 f In rider.
II.. mi.'ht 1 1, im.iKine In thouKhta
throiidi the l ,iu( indit mart'ht anil
t is of I it! !.. throuKhwhi. il he haa
p t-H'L lint I am no artit and con
th. r. fore only aar he waa a Confederals
Kr iv
"1 1 un hnM-d him In the autumn of
lsi', in ih,. mountains (,f Viriuia, ami
he baa la. 11 my pan. nt follower ever
inee to li.-titKia. the ( aroliiuu ami
ba. k to Virginia. Il. earri, .1 methroiiKU
the a. vi ti ilava' b ittle, around Kn h
nioiid, t In. a, . .ml Maii.-irwia, nt Sharp
luirK, Fre.lii, k.l urK'. the l.i.t day al
t hai llorav ille, to I'eiiiiaylvnnia, at
(i. ttvaburK and 1 .1, k to the K.ippalian
IK. k. Krnlll the colllllli 11, 111. ut of the
miiipaiKn. in In. t, nt liraiiK", till it
dim. at, .uud I'lttahurtf, tho a.hllowaj
earn ly off hla ..k k u he pawa-d llirouKh
the tire of the i!,. rm-rus, Sixittiiylvaiita,
I.l ll.ul.T nud 11, t,m the Jam.- river.
Aal ah , Tins Aflrr K,nn t:mihall
I tilaiiallna,
Ju,l,-in from that t.a.k
plum ill olio of the i xpti- ofllii-s, I mil
atiatlnl that all Women don't inspire
tho faculty for .ohlm aft. r tin y nro
marrlisL A you 11 4 woman w ho live a
l,,iit way out 011 .letli-raoii lr.i t canui
into one of I ho I'xpreaa company' ofllnsi
with u jHwial card he bad n-ti-ivtil from
the far north nnd raiahll.lin aal and bnsa
ef auppll.-a he lint .iniilii. r aa.U Wrre
tola r.tahll.hi tl farth. r north nt Inter
vals of (in mile, nn, I thus 1111 till thn tailo
wa rea. hul. Conirrea hailnu n j.i hi
at heme, he naloiiLhetl the world by an
1101111, Inn thai he would t nrry It out nl hi
own ei llae, nlliliua.n llielltllealenillahlp
tiiilmint wa anehonil In tlm I'. lii illi nil
1110 ouiipany talliitf that a pat kaKo wu and till. si nut f..r the vuynira. She atart
therefor her. Shu pn-aential Hit. card el and was nluimlon..! In tho far north.
and naked for the pit. k.i.'.v Then the 1 t'in "ii Iwalors In rlmr-,- iha larlntf that
lie was aim, 'I in daily r..iiiaiti,.u tn
the w inter of I Mi I Pontile Ioiik line of
d, feuaea from the Chi. kahoiiiiny, north
of Kn hiuoiid, to Hatch, r' run, Kotitbof
the Apaiiniitt,,x. In the eainpaiKU of
n',."t he laire me from I Yt. Tabur" to the
final tl.iy nt Apa,inatt,,x Court hoOMt.
You know the rotuf.irt ho I to mo in
my present retirement. Ilo I well nj
plml w ith iiiiipineiit. Two art have
lain a.nt to In in from LiiKlaml, and one
from the ladle of llaltituoro, and one
from the city of lii, huioiid, but I think
hi favorite I tho American aoddle
from SI. I.. in is,
" if all hia cumpaiilon In toll. Rich
inoml, llrown, U01111, Ajiix and lintel
Lucy Iiiik, lie i the only one that re
tiiinul hi viK'T to tho laat Tho flint
two I'ipinsI uiitler their oiumii bur
leu, and tho l.iat two failnL Yon can,
I mil sure, fnuii w hat I have anid, paint
hia a,rtraiL "
Thi t nilathetl. at riptloll, IkiiisI With
tho liamu of the f anion (ieiieral Hoi art
K Ia 1'iiiiKtoii, V a., the iiiniuor be
fore bo dud. St. Iiuu ltepublia
trouble In-KaiL The iikciiI lirat avkaal her
where alio cxai'tti the packaKo from.
"Moat anywhere," ho replnsL
"Hut that isn't Kiit i. factory," aaid
tho iiKeiit "Is then) uny plant 1 11 par
ticular you cxpis't u packiiKo to I hi aelit
"Ye, a K'"l lunny platiii In particn
lur," ho miswenil very aliiirply.
"Well, what is it you exart?" aakod
the 111 nt.
"I rxM't a K'l many thiiiKs," ah
Una tt'la Man na Ih Jury.
"I wiw a man navtil from life linprlaon
niriit or IiuiikIiik unco by tho one al.,, r torltil, baliKinu the laiiut of her Ulll
man on a Jury, who t.-sl out nualnat 1 1 bn Iht down 011 tho ll.a.r very harply,
f.a.l," aaid T. J. Stephen. ,.f llaltlinnn. ",,n,, w hat' morn, if there Is a pac.kkw
to a St. Ixnil 1.I0I-. Ik mia ral n .rt. r i.r fr , ( jt ..
-ro f rowne.1 iiam; uprin:; lamnrt wrre nionim that be would. 1 o aoine hopping
for hi wife. On iitnvini; at hi Ktudio
ho found that ho had tuotn y etioiidi in
bia iKMket for hi lunch and no more.
What to do about tho hopping'? Sud
denly he bcthoud t himwlf of nn order
for an illustration that be had ns-eivrI
fnm a tnaKazme. Ilen t to work, and
in leu than two hour had finished the
drawing, colln-ted '' f,r it at the pnb
liaher' ofiice and had darted on tho
more exhaustive labor of hopping.
N'ew York Sun.
r'nctly int.; order were issued
ti. it old carja't ahould laj reveraetl. and
1 t'.en dihea repaired with cement and
'i iH kl"ne. !
"save, aave, aave! that U tho chief
t-.iii." ho kept reH.'iitini briskly. "Wom
an folk can't earn; they hotild try their
.t to auve." I
Uoy," fluttered Roaio, "I've an Idea. '
M ,ry Penn, who live on the next farm,
u know, came over to no Lima and
H.t yeaterday. Pajia isrannii hu liviuu;
''ll earn aomethili' too."
"1 should like to know bow," muttered
"iicer. "I midit hire out ., mew lure
if it waan't for that wn-tdml old hore,
ahl the pie', and the wood cboppilg,
"Oh. bnt there isaomrthit g that wont
k-t'-rfere with the chonn. nor with
.ujuI," aaid cheerful little Kosie. "Junt
Uf'io all 1 sk of yon I to ln-tcn."
U.J the w.i k (.Tew into tiiotit.h. and
red h ave eddiiil down into little
'odi frt.10 the maple trees, and " 14
tune" came, and with the aid of a
-, one ej e.1 man Mr. Cheaticy laid
bia own alt, k of pork and aau
.'. with the k-qm of being triumph'
'y et-ouomicnl.
He family had left oS cotnplainius
8'jls. Apjiaxi'titly they were n-sinTied to
t--ir duuta. tut there w ero aome U.iu-i ,
ai-at Mr. Crirscey con! 1 nut ril '.aiti'it all j
A Dw ruj bril.teti, d up the d:nial '
L .J tue tstrlur cartwt: HjsietAda the work
fr :-"t drt, tr.ii.niej with the n--. t
' VelTi-t bar; K'.iaas fall jacket
" '..-I with uUtant;al black fur,
:- .Ta:id climax of f-x:rava,'Ance
ii. -i-y Jjj a ,,w ,'i.awl m place
; 1 K-.nii.-t't which haJ las-n U-T
L ' r'sl, ...reber.
1-a.kis at the hmi.v-kerj;Ejb.-ks
1 r r.ewnl Ti.nUnce. Ilo couimlvd
or hi checkbook with a uutKe
t l.l.'l Could eaa aaa.
! tit know how ther man-
" k.i1 he. acratcLicg bia noae with
i 5t-cil ttiat he alwayi cameJ. "I
u- !erie, atj I raea to l t the
Nrr.lrtl l.alarlln.
It was the mortiiiiK "f Mr. M, .-' it '
birthday. As he came don 11 to bn akf.i-t
Mrs. Mi Swat wnil.ti.1 him in the family intf, l. I loin to t l,e.Io.,r of a 1 1,.- t.
-in.t it nnd ,inti.l to two t'or,-riiis K-ir
llll llts hill..- 1. (l "III the I 'a.ka lli.lile.
"I mwle thrin 111 self. Il.lhi.t-r," ahraaid.
"aa a'r surprise f T ' U. :. of th.m
ia a dn-s-iiij k "" "d 'I"' "''' r la a i.i,i,t
al.irt. How thi .,ii hkr t li.-m ' '
Thry arc mi, ply ii,it"iil., i,t. I."l !,.."
ii'pli.d Mr M.-swat, K i"' ; nt tie in in
niuul.-.ladimrationnii.l awe "M-idr thnn
ourslf. il.-l ouk''
' Kti I am Khel J"U I ke thi ni
"Like thrill'" lie rtlea-.! "Tlayovrr
wh. Inline Would )n ti.iiel t.ll.i.i n.e,
l '.l.a. wl.11 h-hiiin-w ha ll ia th- lr..
li,.' . tl 111 d w l.i' 1j la the liil.tsl..rt'"
C Li, .1-'" I
1 LJIIjii
iT'c-r-;', ,'Or stMti
laaly lii a II, Id wllh a knife lu hi hand
ami bl.aal alllelinsl liver his I lot hi a. Il
wont ho h id found tho mall l)lnu tl, a. I
and hud draw n thn knife from tho wound,
whim tho numb ht had left Itktli kluK
It wn allow 11 that the men wrre rn, in o
and that the rw-i-u-tl hml eirn thn-ati n d
ri a ntetlly to kill hi 111. (In Ihi mid uih. r
cinuinatantlnl evhlenin II of tho jury
wrre for niiivietloii. The fnn iunii aham
tiaal out and no .len.lfi.atly that nt lenirih.
one by one, the other jnlnrtl him, and the
pilsonrr was ar.iillUi. Many thouhl
tho man irullty, ami he filially left ll,..
roii 11 try Imi-humi of tho fold thoiihl, r Im
tmt from old frlemla. V.nrs afterward,
when thn fiirvtiinii of thn jury wna ilylnir.
he in kiiowl.!-.-.! that be killed tho 11, an
bluiaiir. I
XV lira lll.rarll l.ut III l.tltHIMS tif kur.
One rv, limit in Xuvi inla r, a7.", I ,,ii
a 1. ..I to la at Ihet'iuil tl'Opuiy houar of
tl,n lint: Ifci-njra, who wn thru I'n-n. Ii
minister of forriKU alTairs. We wrre in tl,t
billl.tril r.M.m. 'I lu- tlukr win full of aierit
lie wa, phmnifal hillianl.wiih a fri.ilif '' another WonL Ho broiiKht the park-
thr ,ln, lir... w Im waa phtviiiK ao wi ll II, ,1 aifo Ulid hallih d it to In r. Hho Kliito bed
l.r a, . 'Hid bkily to win. Muldeiily thr It away from lit in kpitff ally and walked
i.,r opciied. A rabiiii't alt l.r rnirrisl out aa thonaJi kIiu weiuhisl inoro than
tho nK'iit, with
tantiiliinif t.a.liuaa, "hut our ruhs.
miiat 1st olaservtsl, and the rule am that
a ra.ui unknown to tie must 1st idetitl
dial, and y.ui mii.t Imi blent iflnl la f.ire
wo can K'voyoiitho packaKu that thi
card calls for. "
The Kirl'a " y. a an.ipjHsL Hhochokod a
few 1 1 1111 a, ami th, 11, piiiictiuitiiiK uvery
word with a harp rap of her ((lovetl flat
on tho dck, bo aaid:
"Look heml My namo I
I'm K-iiiiK to la married
lii It Wis k and thin pa.-k.iKo ia
a wisldiiiK pri'wiiL 1 cias-t muny
more but I want thia 0110
mid I'm KoinK to have Itl"
Tho aK'tit looki-d a HioiikIi aome
froiiK man had atrin k him b hind the
"Yin, ma'am, you can bare It," ha
ai'L "SIku your naiim riKht here. " and
bo ptl-ln .1 the blK laaik toward la r with
A-lrrp mm ll ll atom of II, Rlavr.
A at Ii. 'i'i t In toiiii?a-tl..n with
f tl...r.i away the l. ',r. , t
y wnv.r.1 at L,i,l.vil!
I nla'.sl "1 rit.e tl.T.-r in.o any
tw Miiain. I I--., nh th irf a" f .r m-
llinn an t," ir 1 1 re "a ;""
wh. n ,1,' wr-e n .:afd ti . re wa
U!-in-a. (, it. Atl.',-h tle.livrwho
g:t on a a n ..rl n--rt..l f. r u,.ty, and
a a at !? kr-t il w n to .nia
what was wr In a ( n.lnuva ooth
ncoran.oup T.'.r Lrt t!:i-r wa fouwl
aeafd on a p, f ln-'n fa.t aa.erp.
Aa lalrrrallaf ffcol;rapk Oallary.
t-rt land Yard h ! ! iPi ta of
a..m 1 li 'r rrnmali tnam d jr".r. XA
let0yavrt Of t:.e- Tj.OvO aie rrvt..
tore buiual, burml, huii all day a
.1 ' 'friend" enmeln and wl, li-n. their
chearlitg rrporf and then nirlvrd tbelr
whUparrd In-tnii'iot,
Myitary, d. p mystery bak pa m
a-,uroh'l,. tV to th ear fl"irlria' la
uioJl bo ks Uk.-n fpnii Inal.l j krta
banding over ciK iraenatlriK up flKuri 1
th'sw a.-" the iii.Thld pleaur?s of ,'W
Chrl Klurrsxin. mmf r In g at ,ind
Ir.( of the I.uthTin chun h, hrl, I daily
coosuluthin with lllta Johnson, n.h.n.l.
kjr ..f a i"gfTj over ty th nirr, Hull
SKKrniln, who had lately "dune tln.e,"
but wa i'jppord to own the "buoat" 00
the other klde of thr tray ka. Fat Tom WU
Ihuna. wh j ulwny, hivl a thus? atory
tiiU l.oi. a it-ml w Ith h'imi ' f',rlrrtlon
day. and many tie r Inflin ntlal turn of
th itl.trl, t. As r..-.iriy na l.r o.uld fattwr,
tl.. r was an ut. r l. 1 in 11. a arntluwnt In
l.i fav..r. I...t In onlrr to traty It and
hold it Int.v t an .r.-t tl ".rruptinir ItfJu
rn.cof Mn' "rutin urn of rnon
ry would l ave to t J ele I' t.ily
f.'.r ts-r He t.vl laa-n muis! that be
w.uld not lav lo atfr.d to th detail.
Hull V, K' had eij,lalrl that.
lii in a 1 .rn b o'doua-h."aaid Mr Ms
K. rilr, an I ran pl;j 'H th' uh. fl'me
jolly, an y.u 11 bar a haul pis haryr"
tb'n to to re that t cajnfaljfn
and hull. led to I hr llllkr a klliltll I. nil. Ill' of
t. l. vratfi. 4 Im 11 ii.kt the uk. t.thr duk
la .01 to rssid one t.f th tel. vtntiia. Sud-tb-iily
hrlaaamr nil, thru pal.-, and wija.l
hia Irtflplra, llif.l.t Wltli kWeltt '1 tirtl, aa If
lliaddeliial, wllh an trreaiatihir Imivrmrtit,
l.r i...k the n.liuir.1 rnr, wi n I. nr im.l put -,1,IllMlt , ,,,1,.,..,. ,., An..-,,',,,,. l
down, ktnnk It on the run of thr 'table, Mr Panum alw a) a t.a,k r. M nnd
I.rokr 11 umawi ma klirsrai.,1 u.rrw in i,,i
into (he fir.
Thr prrarM, It may la- rs' moiiumeiiL IJufTalo Nn
Mhra Mr. I'inmn Vtrl l.loeala.
Dii k 1'iirsi.iis of ( l.-i. Und and Srimtor
Slo rmnu wrrrKrrnt fru ml., nnd Mr Shrr
1111111 I, n.i Mi uiel (or Mr. I'ur.ona the air
hi. waa totally unlit f.,r aueh work and
would havt) lai n i rn.hiil to aplliiter In
Hie Ural Ire pnrk rntlitiliti'nil.
Kvrrylaaly womlrnal where Captain
lloWKnl.i K"' I Im money f..r aiu h wurk.
Thn nn. wit Was K...II fori h. .inilnif h
waa kiralliiK It f mm the kovi riiment.
Ho had laiiitue chief of thn alitnal arre
Im nml dl.huralnif olliii r nf the bun-ail,
llml In tiptop at) In wllh hi wifo and an
uiimnrrliil iIiiukIiIit, a ml
In. In luxury, was atalnlly pnunlnent
nml ow iiiil Wn.hlllKtoll n al e.lattl valllist
at ll.,:,,iMHi Allnt 1,1111. "Im Kulnrltlm
wi re illarovensl In bli aeeoiints, and he rs
iKtirtl with airri atahiiw of liiiuai'iiisj ami
InillKnatloii. I hen thn InvcatlKnture went
to work, ami Auk K. Ixsl, l,n wna arnsit-
nl on a si ille 1 hnriinof rmlaillna I III
01 hi. t waa a nine ilny' wolnh r, jet thi
wnsonly the la-Klnnliiif. r rniitl nfter fraud
was urn art hi d till tho nimnvnto rrnched or in, in', nnd yrt Im had ludiirnee
i lionuh to aii'iim ball and aiiBiiie action.
Finally his la.iid.inrn urrrutliml I1I111,
ml ho la-rame a prlsniirr lu fm t. It wa
on April 111, Inn.1, Hint ho ma, In hi eriiaa
tin mil raenias.
Many atorl.- have Is-en told nlamt thl.
but tho atliultOil f.e Is urn! hear. Inrharite
of Ik-piny Marshal la whiK ho wna pnnnlt to k I" hla ow n luuiaa to take a tialh
ml Mi-iire a 1 1,11111. of Hum HladniiKh
ter i nt. Iho olfhi r whllo Captain
ll,,w.iio n(lr.. to tho luii hna, m. An
hour uaii Thn oflluT 1,1 prl
out r. but he wna not to las found. Tw. ly
yinrannd a half wrre to pit la-fore Mar-
thiil la-win, anw hhn aualn It now ap
a-nr that he allpil thr. ii'h a n ar win
ilow to no ml ley little Hard, and ten min
ute after lenvlnu the olli.i r wna irulne
down I he Pottimoe im a but kti-ntner. Il
further n,arnr Hint th whole krhetne
was 1 1, vrrly arruninsl by Nettln llurrill
Twi lve yrnra and morn had (uwua-d away
when Capiain A. L. Ilriiiiim.ind of the
l Mai. w am i arn Im ir't Informa
tion whl. h lsl hhn to uai't that Cap
tain llow Knt wna In Nrw York. A olrrk
who knrw th ftiKltlve well went to that
illy, but It wna not rs.y to a.- In tha bow
ed and dun-pit man of 'othestajwart and
hum la., inn , Idler of iMhl S. The two ls
rama n.iiflilrntlal, however, nd thrn the
il.-rk roiild awrar to him. One fine mum-
In K the old laa.k dealer (that had taa-n hi
. .... . .
n 1.1s personal ai,. aran. r. ami 11 was with , .... , ,
rr lii a Krrat alate of iiiind Sud. truly hiiiit mr, hia tilth t wi'h ai.K' r,
l.r a,u, "lloyoti know what I ham jn-l
harll, llrrl ) has Just la. 11,1 J",.') -,.
al,.ira from Isiua.l, whi.r ti.-ry ptihl
rftort has lai n mn.r to t. ni ..I from tia not
only t l.r l,.-".t la! lolia. but ri. 11 l-li,.l a III
trillion ..f a,liiiiK thnn It a an Inf.iniyl
It a l'.i'!.tnd pnl 1 11,4 h,-r hsl.d I'll thr . tie
llllia i.f Silt, and III) a rs. f.i,i..l ha
In 1,0 way ntardul I l,r a. t I authorize
oil to aaT w I. at ).,li hat r J'l.t ae,-i. I rl rn
Im j )oil to sa) It ai d I" a, id II. St l-ord
1 ri,) w ill ha i to r f. r 1 1, ii A i.d b
alh. I. half taikn.- to bm.stlf. 1. I
a'.tr that br sl.a.l (ay i t It ' Hr thru
1410, kl I. ft II,.' nr lli. and I wrnt out.
Urn It, .a ,ii 111 (, mja.rary lUilrw
la lb Millila.
Captain Have yon bw-n drilled? that I. had
Private (who had ae. n rTTrr ThtjT
railed it dnilm, but it waa tan-la to n
Letrit t'r's? I'r..
A man may float In a!t water with-1
i at movinK hi or f.. t if be b at
the pnw, iico of iiiiiid to tl.r w hi i. vl
rxira rare ta-rhaai tl.nt hr pn-paml for his
urrtin. w It h thr prt-sld.-l,l . KliowiliK Lin
coln' litter tli.r. 'nr. for form and rrr
mony, Mr. Sh rman wna (crrat ly ariuiat-,1,
woinlrrli.K how his fnrn.l would apx-ar In
Ih irrsl.e of thr thl. f nrriillir of th
liation. Af'i-r tl.r flrsl wonlst.f Krr-tiiii
I'rraidrrit 1. 1 iin, In tunixl to Mr Mirrman
and la iraii taikuiK to him on 1 urrrnt l',p
tea. whiln .tr l'nra,,ri, waa rollritiriir Lie
tie, ,ihi a and n. ri.a. II ia all irr w aa fault
l'-s and waa lhr,,bj,s-t of n.any Klanrr
fn.m th pres., I. nt, who, whdn not pro
trn,ui( to ,,,ai,s,M i bir.kt I. Im . l ly
Whrn th oj.ja.rtuiut f oft. r.l, Mr. Par
aona. In I... ri.f.ii t and -,h-li.. war, n
prrasnl 1,1, 11,, I, la lo Mr Lin. oil. (,,r t he
Lote.rwh..!. had lan rot.frrnil ii,u him
ty hi U u,. a, l.i to rrg.rrsri.t A in. re a
lu a fi,rei'U rountry. In '-on. luaion, hr a.n,
aornrihiiiit th hrt,r la-mi uiiuh
warmrr than that In w hi. h h n-aidnl. and
la-rll told that Ih l,ai,.
would very I krly bis brail h. " rll.
Mr. Parson." n Mr l.ln.i.ln. when Le
bail tmisbr.1, ' if Jon ah.Mild li orf thrn,
y.u would Irai a ri,,l.ty k'"l 'nil of
chxhra." Nrw Vork World.
dusty ahop at feU Fourth avruu. A iKtle
way up tha tir,'l Captain Druuiuiond
l.a'k hlui by the arm and aid:
'Captain HoWK'ite, I want yoa. I kav
a warrant f, r y,.ur arn-sl. "
For one Instant the mnn alia. I aa If daa
d Thrn, rraa.Trrlng luuiKlf, be aaid,
with a Iniifh:
"All r 1 1 , t. I go with you. I know
wh 11 I am la-nt "
Ijii. r he that he hail brrn X
I . t ir.aT arrrat f.r, and waa aatlaftrtl
; with 11, waa tln.l of la lug a fKliire. Ilia
j trav. Is and .Ivrntun-e In tho 13 year
j would tiinw forathns- v.dumn liotrl, and
uu tf. aUiry Uauflirirnt for a Zolar
ajiw rumancsv jttiail jA(X,l'ia
I'nrv lllrhlng.
There aro koine tanplo still left who
rrfiiMt to la lievo that a baja ball can
travel out of the atraiKht line between
tho pit. lu r' box and the homo plate on
it way to tho catcher. It h.ta bis-n
I ak'aiu and a-aiu that a ball can
I ! "curved" by a now Well known et
laTiinent Two ktukea are at t up ao that
tho pitcher, taiuliiiK Is hluil one, can
not hit a mark on the left side of the
othiT In a KtniiKht line, the ball pawing
to the riKht of tho fintt.
In, hstl a abort while airo a noted col
li K pitcher waa otTentl l,(M)0 by an
old K' nlleiiuui of hia atipaiiitauco if he
nml. I pnivo to hia aat ifactiou that
base tm 1 1 could Iw pltchul In curve.
The pitcher at once act tip two itukisj ia
hi back yanl and curved the ball
around them lu lino style. Put the old
K' titleiniui that the w hole thing
wiu nil optical delusion and la uo mora
ixiiivlmiil than ever.
Kvery boy know how hanl It ia to
but an out curve or a ilmp, and after he
ha ktrui k out a few tiinee want no
0110 to pnivo to him therolui'halbiu(j
a curvo pitching. There ia little mat
trying to explain tho theory of thia per
formniKii hero, aa many aclentillc papert
have written on it, which, after all,
would not help man to t.w a tennia
balk The final twist given the ball aa it
leave the hand makisj pinning mo
tion, ao that there I more nssialanca by
tho air 011 0110 aide or the other, and the
ball la forcsil out of atraiKht line by
timspiil pnswure on one of itaaitUav
( y'i M.iKaino.
TuInhwsi ( aaar laaa of ktcaaor,
Thiswi aiiinryiiig and unaccountable of memory exts ririiiiil when one
la unahlo to nuillia t aome well known
wonl or the uamo of aomo perfectly fa
miliiir friend aro attributed by a Knnch
physloloKiat to the rirswaive ose of to
hum. Thia gi'iitlemnn haa obaerred
that aphasia and mmieaia are al preeenl
I 111. at unknown among the gentler ecx.
On the oih. r hand, he haa murly luva
rlubly found thiwi afllictum ootnmou in
men who aro habitually hearr imokera.
while in caa where they are only of
rare ocnirrence lie boa fretieiitly known
tho extroortlinary lapse to hare been
j nsiilnl by an extra dme of the fra
k'runt WtssL It 1 comforting, however,
to las aasunal by the earn authority
that a moderate use of pipe or cigar ia
in ntt way harmful to tha memory.
S retmiuater Ualette,
Krlarwnl I awalhwlteaa.
natlrre of . nr of th till laland
hvk and allow the body to sink lo the -"'""' " I law aftrr atant-ra-if
on which w,U ,b, n .turai.r "bUTn IT' " ,
A ( arvfal laikwe.
"Ixa.k here," aaid the parent to the
rhool teacher, "I re that oue of the
lime in my boy'a copybook 1. 'Lea
haatn, more Kpcssd. "
"And here' another that reada. The
longeat way round la tha aliorteat way
noma.' "
"Yea. "
"Well I want It atrrraped I dont
want those moldy proverb fmtorml
artjund bi Intel l.s-L I'm wlorating bita
f'T buaiuMaf, not th United Bute
at." WaahinjTtoa Star.
The II mm f t'uauaaaa'i Wtae Callatv
Th win rr liar of the buuaa of rommona
Is riahl ta bohling aomo lun.niaito U,
l) winnh of win. It la over SUA) feet long.
with Inuumrral.l mall rrllara branching
fmm the main avroue. In thia tAoraboua
llirr la arldiini Ira than AJ.oiw worth of
wine. Th arioua brauil are arlerted lo a
rmiMi wt. l wo or three well known
Dirrcbaiit arrid lu aaniplr of the win
thry rn i supply. A Dapkin la faateueU
neind m li laattlrond a uumlaaf glrra Utlv
l b Ju, Ura thru inert tavt her, each baring
by hi aid a abaa l of mw. A the wiu
la Landed n.uud, I b jutlgr rrrord tbelr im
ait, uf It, and lb brand that la auoat
ganrrally bkrd eta-urea foe the owner a lu
crative onlrr. On the way to tbe cellar ia
cigar najiu a bill apartment cutitalnlng
tl.nuwortbof thtani wrsila. In tbe taar-
llammuu-y araaion of arprag length 7. a.'
luorhruua and lo.r,'u dinner are amd to
tnmila-r. and I.IJU Iiiik hnaia and l.ltaitlin
orra ia tb traugrra' ruum. Loudon T)
Oliag nt Mask?- Worth,
"Ton bji.k ery bad, IVro Franooia,
Qav yo be n ill?"
"Not exactly, air, bnt my barber
owed tu S franca, and I couldn't gel
tbera front htm. 8a, In sheer (bspaar,
during th Uat thre day I gut him to
have me thrice and bleed me ail timea,
ao aa to have aometbing for my money. "
Maaqtw d For;