The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 24, 1892, Image 9

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    I I
To Make
Hot Bread Wholesome.
With most persons it is necessary that bread raised
with yeast should lose its freshness or become stale
before it can be eaten with safety. Distressing
results also follow from eating biscuit, cake, pastry,
etc., raised by the cheap, inferior baking powders that
contain lime, alum, phosphates, or other adulterants.
The hot roll and muffin, and the delicious hot griddle
cakes, raised by Royal Baking Powder, can be eaten
without inconvenience by persons with the most deli
cate digestive organs, and arc as wholesome and
digestible as warm soup, meat or any other food.
' No leavening agent or baking powder, except the
Royal Baking Powder, possesses this great qualification.
ftt Good Ma I LI AfUr Th aad
It Detailed to lb Raportara,
As disagreeable a duty probably aa
any that ever fulls to tbe lot of a re
porter ia tbe getting of facta for tbe
obituary notice of persons who ere not
especially prominent Newspaper men
alwaya ahrink from the work and are
loath to enter a house of mourning.
between tli.-se youths and a beautiful The exigencies of the profession demand
maiden who reMdei in Tokio the naval It, however. and strange aa U may seem,
cadet came out victorious. Unable to sometimes the men actually have coin-
Boa a Japan- Cadat Sallied with aa
I nprlnrlplrd lllaai.
In the Naval academy at Annapolis Is
the son of a wealthy und honored Japan
ene, who is taking a ronrie of truiuing
preparatory to entering tlie mikado's
nay. This cadet hu an enemy, Another
Jap, m ho in living in Wahinglon. It is
said that in a three cornered flirtation
control hiniNelf, the vaimiiUhed rival at
last took refuse in that iin-unest of war
fare, the telling of tales, lie wrote to
liii friru.U injatan tliat theeet was a
bad man. il.-wTilwig hU (units, and made
the MNir fellow apiear a lu-nrtieaa ogre.
Theae tali linallv reached the1 ears of
the girl, w ho said nlie diiln't believe tliem.
Then she sal down and wrote her cadet
lover all idie had heard. In due lime her
tear stained missive reached Annapolis,
aud since then a month ago the ma
ligned Jap lias eaten lieef by the pound
and given himself up to swinging Indian
clubs, sparring and practicing the broad
sword excreiws.
A week since he found himself devoid
of an ounce of siniertlous flesh and
ical experience.
This is best illustrated by the narra
tion of a recent occurrence In New
York. A death notice had been re
ceived Uu In the evening, and to the
trained eye of the night city editor bore
all the earmarks of a "good obituary."
These are indicated by the penmanship
of the notice, the location of the home
of the deceased, the name, the wording
and numerous other minor detuils, such
as one unfamiliar with newspaper work
would scarcely notice.
The reporter assigned to the task pro
ceeded to the residence given with afecl
ing akin to a desire to exchange place
with the corpse. In reepouse to the ring
of the bell an amith young woman, pre-
. CerllOcat of Character.
tv, nrlmltW' Kuasians place a certlU
I character In the dead person's
i. which Is to lie givi n to ou reurr at
uU,"" . , tll.llu,l..l.,l.l. I).
ptcs or ueavru.
.mnirhs. asthma and throat disorders
Bronchial Troche,." 2 cents
nnt sl rs tell the sm- unt of i In
a by llmtt.r.
LsllnBtoTsPoush; oust, no smell.
V-Oimsa for breakfast.
Hamnn-al-llaarhld loved bla bsrems maldst
Us loved bit Krilrn, a ilk iboir wtmlint-;
Ha loved to walch hl rrymal fountalna play:
Ha loved bl horbe and bin rourtlvra gar.
Ue loved all royal .porta I hut pleaw a king.
But moat bo loved to bear bin iiilntralaalng.
And in It happened that hla fame had bronchi
Two rival alnitt-rs lo tbe ralluh'a court.
bo pleased bin) best, full well earb minstrel
Would be proclaimed tbe greater of the two.
60 well they pleaaed blm tbat they found biro
To choose between them, tor he loved them
"bet all the nation Judge," at length aald bet
"Who pleases best my people pleases me."
Through all tbe land tbe rival poets sung",
Tbelr name and music were on every tongas,
I'ntil at last they never reached a door
Where Fame had not aung all their songs be
fore. Ben Olaf sang of deeds tbe caliph wrought.
The riches and the splendors of hl court:
Tbe mighty warriors every nation boasts.
And armies vanquished by tbe prophet's hosts;
How Islam's valor was beloved and feared:
And when be finished, listening thousands
Muatapha's sonirs were all of simpler things;
Forgotten was tbe pride of earthly kings.
He sang to them of borne and truth and loves
How Allah watched his children from above.
Close to their hearts the poet's music crept;
And when be finished, all the people wept
for though Ben Olaf charmed them with bis
It wss Mustapbs's songs that reached their
-James 0. Burnett In Harper's.
thirxtinir for core. Durinir nil this time mutably the widow of an elderly man,
he had Urn careful to continue friendly opened the door of the house, which waa
with his rival, ami a few nights ago in
vited the latter up to his room. When
they got there the cadet locked the door,
tied the key to his licit, closed the win
dows.cleared the room of bric-a-brac, nnd
piled chairs, table, etc., on his bed.
Then he stripped, telling the other to do
the same and prepare to receive the most
awful thrusting on record since David
slew Uoliah.
A minute later the cadet seized his rival
by the throat and slummed him against
the wall. When the slanderer crawled
to his feet he was promptly knocked
throiiL'h the class doors of a bookcase,
Ten seconds later he was w hirling aliout
that room like a crazy cyclone. When
the cadet was tired he washed himself,
put on his clothing, ond told the other
that he would be back in five minutes
with witnesses to hear an aixilogy. Then
he went out, locking the door after him.
Out while he was ulment the tale bearer
tore down the curtains, made a life line
ont trci al hci-ortkr itcrais
, . . THE FACT.
Be Petermlned to Thoroughly laveatl.
gale a kuhjett tliat is t aming Mut-h
CuuiniKt, sad II lias Sucwaadad.
(.V. r.Su)
Two days go one of the most promt
nent professional men in New York pub
lished a letter so uutxjlcn, so unusual
as to cause extensive talk and awaken
mtuh comment. Yesterday I inter
viewed the gentleman as to the contents
of the letter, and he fully confirmed it
iu every reS)Hvt. He not only did thil
but lie 'also mentioned a number of unu
sual rases which had come under hii
observation lti which little less than a
miracle had been performed.
Nj iiiiHrtant has the entire subject
become, that I determined to investigate
it to the bottom, and accordingly called
upon Jlr. Aimrt u. fcaves, 1110 promt-
Which will y bsve It dote seem si If some
f. .lk prrfvr l ba Ibela-teundltlunol the dial
raiher tbsn the Br-t. ltaay perpetually dot
Iheujaelvra with puiy.ll. totally aliuout ir
In ailrralha ufltirr troui 1. Hostellers
ptixiiai b bitten Is the Hiiwlul camlhlat for
tha people's choice, aud yl. -pular aud well
known si it Is, tlitrv aie uiiliirtuuai.-a who keep
iMitryliig the drasiir murdl.s ol dinner days
ll U lo the Intel Isrllt .rllull of the pul.lll lhat
the well known and uum-irh-d nnipvrllrs of the
llllleri apiwal. hrssou tluxiM I (ol.lrd by e
isrleiiie lei the insitir ol uiedlistlnii. "The
lw-1 guide to our feel Is ihi- Isnipol e -rtenee,'
said a area! ltllol 4 tlie early Ioiutonarj
iwilol, and the rsi'lauiailnu Is pregnaiil with I
irnih Vorotera tlilnl of a eelilury the Hlltrn I
dally has luetwltb the Indorsement ( people
soDertng Ironi lUer cimplalut, nisians, ioi.bii rliHinnallsan. deli III V aid trouble BC-I
cniniaulel by drsay.-la Utterly 1 baa de-1
elsred lmt and u IburoUfhl; appruved as S I
remeity lor "la ilp-
He" Hhow Khame her ow n tmai." Why doe
he makeshsm leiulnlueT ms-iwiuw nw.
baveu't ai J.
Both the melhoj and i-esulU when
4rrup of Fi'm ia taken: it ia pleasant
At tcoi x's Poaot s Pi-astiu are the great nnd refreshing to the taste, and let
nent costuiner st No. tishait Twelllh eiternal remedy of lti osy. inequioarsi, jenuj yet promptlj On Uie iviancya,
street, tho gentleman mentioned In my safest, surest, best. Sot only immraaur- Liver and lloweli, cleanse1 the
interview with the doctor yesterday. a,lv superior to all other plasters, but also IAm fU-hiellr lirla head-
lo liniments. ointmeiiU, oils and similar lch, an(j foypr9 n(j cure h.ytuf!
"rre'oriTi;;; .ir".". ,Fur.
cciveii by niisrepreaenlation. Ask for All-IIQ OVOAnd It bolUCS Djr au UTUggiflia.
cm I'd, and let 110 sollciiation or eipiaua-i
tiiado quite a name.
in a good neighborhood. The reporter
Introduced himself and tho subject as
delicately as poiwihlA.
"Oh, I'm delighted tosce yon," replied
the woman effusively, in answer to the
dcnrecatini? words of the man. "I've
always wanted to see a reporter,'" she
added, looking curiously at the specimen
before her, as though astonished at soo
Ing a respectably apiiring Individual.
Then followed the ordinary questions
by which the reporter found out when
and whore the man was born, whore he
was educated, the list of clubs and fra
ternal lodges of which he waa a mem
ber, whether he had fought in the war.
and a dozen other things.
"It does seem so strange," remarked
the woman. "Here 1 am telling you all
these things, and he will never read
your article. He would have been so
pleased. You know, he was a literary
man himself.'
Mr. haves has ins lo nil
iHiniDleteknowleiliroof hi
ciation of art sud reliability are cssculial
iu his proiession.
".Mr. Eaves." I taid. "I learn that
your wile has had a most unusual fle- Uou induce you to accept a substitute.
- . ... .l..,.ilw. I, '
riCIlCC , HIV ,1 oil n tiling w nonius III
The getitfeinan thoughta moment and
an expression of pleasure pasted over his
face. "When 1 think,'' he said, "ol
whnt my wife once passed through and
the condition idio is in to-dav, I cannot
but feel gratitude. Nearly three years
ago she was at the point of' death. You
can understand how sick she was when
I say she was totally blind ami lay in a
state of unconsciousness. Three doctors
attended her and all agreed that her
death was only a question of hours, or-
haps minutes.
A IHUburg girl calls her over "llroter," b'
rtuse he wrlUs bet a teller every day.
We pnslUrelT enra rupture, plies and all rec
tal aieo-eee w unoui pain or urwimwii ii...i .,.-.-K..
nm. m. nav. Also all IVlpaf die
ease. Address lor pamphlet Pre, Portertleld A
Isaey, a Market slrwl, MU rranciero.
Thar w'll b more tuinMf e to the sere In the
treelere prairie Sial -s duriiis tills campaign th.n
there ever was ill pine nm-sis.
louitmu.itr. ton. .r.
CoorcmndTOti! What do you mess Vy tryfil
m that wheelbarrow orer my toes?"
t am PitsAltamont Botteriv Tabbs.
Lrtlebrsted young author whose portrait sa
tin in the current Issue of tbt great WtrWi
It Mifanne." . , .......
Vtll. 1 sm C. Clovere Lea 10, ana my niooa is
1 ih.n vnnr. because 1 hae used Dr.
tint's syrup of Wild Grape, the great blood
inner, prepared By the O. W. a. Manufactur
hCo., st Portland, Oregon, snd my portrait ap
tindiily In their httiictl Adviur, so put your
rils your pocket snd purify your blood by a
t( Strop of Wild Grape."
n'...ll 1 .. SnKK. fM IT.A .Ml.
TIB rilSAliaiUWU, B,IKll . m m. hw.'
usf store.
of them, mid swung out of tho window,
dropping to the ground. He did not
dare go lo Washington alone for fear he column.
should meet the cadet, so ho paid a po- occnpatlon
licetuan to accompany him thither. On
the way they did meet the cadet and his
friends, and an apology was voluntarily
forthcoming. List Saturday night a
number of American cadets went in a
body to their Japanese colleague, con
gratulating him and opproving his ao-
so you can imagine how badly she must
have been. At mm ono uivtorvii. waa
Dr. It. A. liuun)said that as she was still
able to swallow 0110 more attempt might
lie made and a medicine was accordingly
given Her. one seemcni to improve as
once; in a few days her sight wss re
stored. '1 have had a long, long sleep,'
she said, Ukii recovering consciousness,
and I am rejoiced to say that she was
restored to creet health wholly through
the tine of Warner's Safe Cure, which
'In.tiuulv" an hi tha ronorter. hriirhtcn-1 tint rcincdv we administered when
Ing up at the prospect of swelling his the was past all consciousness."
stickful of matter to at least a quarter I looked at Mr. Eaves as lie said this.
"1 had forgotten to ask the 111s itt.t was iieniumg wim eUn.v...
Will you kindly furnUUi - u,. .,..,,., If.'.
me with a list of his works?' reeovere. that she could never endure
"Oh. he didn't write books! childbirth, and vet wo have a line Iniy
"Magazine articles?" queried the re- m.ari.y a year old, and do not know what
porter, with wavering hopes. sickness if. I attribute it ull to the
"No," said the woumn. wonderful power of Warner's Safe Cure.
"Newspaper man perhapsr asked the Why, my sister, who resides in Virginia,
reporter sadly, for his imaginary qnar-
- "Slav 1 ajik what the doctors called her u CONSUMPTION CURE is sold by drug.
jjouhle ?" Pr local applications, se Ihey cannot reach the I j,,, m , pnailive gustantee, a test lhat noothel
-Unemi. .nd.puer,H.ral convulsions ,'- ZmZiMUtoi&l P"?"2SS?Jlt ESiXZ 5
tlonal reineille. lalnes la caused by au In cuuun. nurtr,.-.r o, "?"
flamed eumlltlnn el tne muroua iioina in hj
Ku.l.i'hlsu 1 ill. W ben this tube lU Inflamed
you have s rambllug S'laiul or tmpereei be
(ue, and when It la entirely cloee.1, Pealueas t.
the resiili, suJ unless tbe liiflammaUon can be
taken mil and 'bis lull neuired to Its normal
eoi.dllloii, bearing will ba oealroyeit forever;
ul ue rv out of Wn sr eau-U by catarm,
wbh his nothing hut au Inflamed oukdlllou 04
tneniui'oiise ufacr.
will give Hi e Hundred Dollars for sny ease
nl Peslneas (caused hr catarrh) that we cannol
run by taklug Kail's laiarrh furw. eVnd lor
circulars (re. r. J. Clltt.NKY A MO..
tkidbydinrttsUi 7onta.
will cure you promptly. If your child nil the
raii-kly snd relief is sure. If you fear CON
'UMITION, don't wsit until your cae Is hope
less, but take this Cure at once sud receive ira.
mediate help. Urge bottles, $oc. and I.oo.
rravelert convenient pocket sire 15c Ask
rourdruggin f.wSinU)H'SCURE. If youi
unes are sore or back lame, use Shiloh's Pot.
wis Platters, Price, 25c.
Hercules Gas Engine
Msa1 foe Powaf or Pumping Purpoae.
Tba Owapeat TtetlaM Oas Kngtna
B lb alarka.
- " - . at l I I a .1, .... I t.x an atM-
tion. They sent their respectful com pit- tor column nau agiiiu iuiuuh .v -v-ments
to the happv maiden in Tokio, but tual stickful
added a request tliat she persuade her "He did not write at all, remarked
lover to remain In tlie United biates me womuu, bi itun uiuiiSih
"Whatr said tuo reporter, uis cunoa
Uv at last thoroughly aroused, "not
Costumes ol tisudyThre Centuries Age. trade nailers, advertising lltor-
It ia a mistake to imngine that the .ture. theatrical posters, prograinmea."
streets of Lonilcm in the Sixteenth -No. His father was an editor,
Fifty Kinds of l.lectrle Fishes.
According to the statements of the
Emrlish naturalist, Professor Stirling,
there are in existence today upward of
fifty species of fishes having moreor less
specialized organs, the function of which
istheeenerution of electric uiscnarges.
Thn fishes differ widely, sometimes I , son to rc nropntl n much more lively Humph" en-biiined the woman, with a
strikingly, from each other, belonging appeanuice than they do at present pleased smilo, "and he worked for a
mostly t different families, and oc- Q everj.jay dre88 of the people, publisher. Ho had the agency for Long
easionally even to different orders of the eyen 0 tl)(J nink, was almost Island of the 'Cyclopedia of Useful In-
"Pisces." In structure they closely re- i,lU. nt l.miidoloth of a formation. Of course you need sny
sflmbla the other species of the genera I , u:,.ii n..na1 nothinit about th
.i:it. 1 souer iuwi. uAii.-ii"iinij , v....
to which tbey severally oeio.ig.uuer- ... It
wait onlv on state occasions or fee-
nl aw in lo aim. a cion nrenseivas my
it.i liud lieen. I at once advised her to
use this same great remedy ; it cured her
"You find that It is socially adapted
do von?" I inoliired.
"Hy no mentis. I have known it to lie
wnnderfiil In its nnwer In tho ease of gen
tlemen to whom I havo recommended it.
1 speak from my experience entirely,
and vou should not be iurprised that I
am so li rm a Micver In this discovery,
which has done so much for me."
I was not surprised. 1 saw liy every
Out o" Inni and
Pun is
ing from them, with an occasional ex
ception, mainly in tho possession of or
gans for electric generation.
The well known "electric rays." for
example, of which Nicholson mentions
threa and UutitUer six, are Uie uioni
tivities, parties, balls and public en
tertainments that the Ray silks and
velvets and the cloth of gold were
exhibited, and it must be remem-
nothing about that. Just write it down
that be lived a simple, Christian life and
was engaged in literary pursuita."
New York Herald.
Heads tJ,
dlseaso Dr. Tieroe'i Golden Moi
leid Discovery. In a way. that you
word, by every look, that Mr. haves can understand, too, by purifying
meant all he mid. I had ample contlr- t0Q. When you're weak,
have seen sucn tilings, who nava ' ""- -11 -- - -
mm wLa
I I M nl M W Inl l I'
And Vet H Cava Him Six Month.
A tine, stalwart man, with a frank,
rmen eniressiou. was arraigneil for steal-
.... I . . MntA. I . 1 . . .1 ... i- ,.r;.i
n,;nn,,f Thosfi ravs are founa in tue horea mat bo conn y ra mo u.kt i.lir . nair 01 snoes ironi a uosim. w
..1., .,(!. and Indiiin oceans and the rink which could then bo employed Von steal the shoos.'" asked the judge.
Mediterranean sea. aud are seen in the m mil0 0r female dress that not tin- -lie canght me, jndgo. with the shoes
Entrlish channel, or even farther north; freouentlv parents left their best
while other electric fishes are still more ciotuPH by will to their favorite chil
cosmopolitan, though most of them in- M n ,mK.n vaiU(M legacy. L.on-
don Saturday Review.
watched thoir dearest friends go down
Into the dark valley and be brought back
Into the light, siiouKl ue noin enmusi
astic and grateful. I, myself, caught tho
spirit, and I shall be glad ii the investt
gallons 1 havo made prove ol profit lo
those who may read them,
Good cigars are now high-
priced, because of high tariff laws.
ilASTIFF PLUG CUT is making
Jipe-smoking popular, because it
lives more for the money.
B. Pace Tobaoco Co., Richmoad, Virginia.
Boschee'9 German SvruP is more
rttcessfuUa the treatment of Con-
lamotion thnn nnv other remedy
prescribed. It has been tried under
yvery variety of climate. In the
cleak, bitter North, in damp New the fickle Middle btates
ia the hnt moist South every
F&ere. It ha3 been in demand by
pry nationality. It has been em
poyed in every stage of Consump
tion. In brief it has been used
h millions and its the only true and
Reliable Consumption Remedy.
jRE F.VWENCR That tht blood is
wong, ana that naturt is mu,
Hoiking u so biHtfrtal in assist'!
habit limited areas and warm waters.
Electricity. ,
A I'hraaa That la Not F.nfllsh.
1 will irive a prize of tlOO to any one
who can prove that the expression 'don't
vou know." or. as it is often rendered.
'doncherknow, was ever u.--u
i.a k a rol Ene isliman.' aeciareu a
A Dlt of Sclentllle Inrentliatloii.
.Tump Whiteomb Riley tellBaUtr
and the box in my band. 1 11 toll you
how it was, began the coinpuunani,
but be waa cut short and reminded that
the prisoner had pleaded gnilty. "How
did you come to ateal the shoes? Yon
look like a hard working man," re
marked the court, "Well, 1 stole them.
timo to tako it, no matter what the
season. It'i easier to prevent than
to have to cure.
For all discasca caused by t tor
pid liver or impure blood, Dyspep
sia, lliliousness, Scrofulous, Skin, or
Diseases oven Consumption
Wlioiraoma sorrow. "v " I' , - , . .,
Captain-How many requests for (or Lung - scrofula ), in IU earlier
,X, "i,.rM.ri gtnireMl.o''Disoovery"i .the only
remedy lhat'a guarantttd. U it
does'iit benefit or cure, you have,
your money back.
You pay only for the good you
furlough are there t
"What I 80 many What reason
are umiully given?"
"In almost all cases thedontn or
gTandmoUier.H-Loudon Tit Bits.
Ver Simplicity It BaaU the IVorld.
II oils Itaalf from a Unaarvoir,
Vo Carburetor to got out ofordaft
So Daturlas or KlscUlo Bpaik.
T raaa with a Chaanar Orada of OaaoUna Uaa aaf
aao roa cataloocb 10
PALMER & REY, MaHuraCTuatta,
Season for Trout Opens April 1 st.
If lea Are la Ma4 of Troal Fllaa, et
lb a Haas,
dou, " . ;. " - r- 7llHA ftnd he camrht mo." was the re-
Ue story t uu cmiriii.UK.j rr"m M rornnritted for siz months.
A far(r Inoinlnfttloa.
- I t - a,.. I TUT
the exiienincniai wnuonu, "'."" tmt.a remarked later: "Iwasrather
imio - . tn
Iftaen Wlia tuufc iuau. jw -"-' -r
mankind. On ono occasion
James invited little Willie to come
the bar like a Maro Antony, not with
of the "Sh persuasion the other over to hi9 house and spend the night . y or a TJZS
v Liuin artor tlm two had cone . . . nA t,. Mvan ma news auiugiou
mm n.i... - - - '' .1 vnine ot auy aniu. w
"Tna nhrase had its origin in miaaei- r 11 james remarked, in evident t .,.nga I would have been very nw0 i wtrl,.nl1 wiihlinir roils
phla, where it U much in vogue, because gurise and pain; "Why, Willie I you ieniet with him, for If 1 am not very for hor80 or Btottra cars show that
certain dudes there believe it whnglisn. didn-t your prayers tonight, did mucn ,utaken in my judgment he is no importance of aUowing for the
v u-1iai,man ever says 'Dont you .... hnt . nnfortunate follow who , ... !..
know.' The expression be does use Is N nnHWerei WilUe doggedly; was 'pinched by poverty."-Brooklyn been overrated.
You know.' sucu as im k gay 'em tonight, didn't aay Eagle.
London, you know, to get me new . . , . to say . . fi.nro la a bonsn In RnmmorviUo.
trousers, you know. , tomorror night. Then, if there ...,. M. ..uarinr Reaartus" was Oa . which has had. since iU erec-
'" meTaCt town who by dint of don't anything bad get me, I ain't ab,e , deep philoiophy in aprons, tjon, three tenants, and soon after its
yonng men aoom w . , 'em." .. a nrnna are Defenses: aaainst injury to oocunaUon by each waa struck by
cleanliness, to safety, to modesty, some- lightning.
Thn nrnnrlntnrs of Dr. Sace'l Ca-
" --a- - - p
Judge (to prwonor) uiu you ever tarrn iwmeay lose touu u j
t tvnnvt nnt cured of Catarrh, loot prom-
..u... . - r y - .. ... ' l
Prisoner-No; hut 1 turnoa some jso to pay you tnai u vuey cu
Son i.ilnr e-old nieces once. Kate nnrn vou. what do vou lose by
" - i - i . - . - .1 1
trying UT Is thore anytning o
risk, except your (latarrnr
For Ladies Only!
TwrrriT?, RT"M"R'
and eximnsion at the jjjyj SLOSOOIX BOTrOSlTOUTES
A Im a INailllva Cur for Uunirrhma,! iinanimallnna
Jii Jiff rnalW (" oa n-l,.l of prlca, Wrtla
J CMt"wnuJt co, t ak
RtanSanl analltr. o hooka. pr (Jos OJS
IIMonTniul rif. lo hooka, pr doa. ...... M
Klna Hard Wins Kllaa. i lo hooka, par Sua. I.SS
Anr of abor aualltlaa Mnt hf Biall oil noallH of
prtoa. Alao a fuU Uoa of HOlM, HKKUt, uAtUt,
aw., at
Hudson's Gun Store,
&r Saad for Ulnatrata4 raukifua.
',t nrartiee are awe W luwjrj.M a. .
. . - o,.orv tAn words
'doncnerKnow mii'"i - - -In
their conversation. I'm sorry to hort
their feellngs."-New York Herald.
Knowledge is power, and the more
wa learn about our microscopic ene-
1UU varuuaa vi " , ... a
some nlgnest orea nousewue iu &ir i wiui w " - --i
rnllv fastened on; to the thick tanned we are to twist their assaults.
It would appear by the following Hem times to roguery. From the thin slip of
from a recent issue ol the New Orleans notched silk (as it were, the emblem and
T;ma.nmnrrat that the suggestion in houtiflnd uhoat of an Apron), which
it Needs No fluarda. several newspapers oi ia, u m.
. best pro- Louisiana btate wiiery vo...F.u, ...
. . . ""T-in the world U in tbe tends siting up ,Br.! '"hide airt around him with thongs,
s&'&ATSr-K su.WW.'S
t,.t m tdke letters ont ami put Times-Democrat yesieruay i""'" usesm iiua
i ThU curious postofflce is unprovided Mr. P,ui tjonrad, the president ol the
In. imscunuuoi ,flir(l on- n.n. with the result expressed be- . Tr That Famishes Baal I-aoa.
VZn .11 the navies of low " I The laceUrk treegrow. Inth.West
rW VyS
afX-- Ik'
Third St.. Portland. Ot. Thalr
rn-noh Mathod w tuparlor lo all
oilier. II navar raiia. iimrmit
Narvmia, Hloort, Ha la, rrtvaia and
Waatlnf Waaa Curwl. No aa-
. tMura. nana aiaoip mr ri"j. .w
llrfatonoa, t'ur uarantl. Thajr
mrm .11 Hlanaaaa. Coll-U latins traa. I narna n-a-
annahla. I Irculara rra. rmw ""
Wrlnto dajr. rinB faar la ronwua.
If you want POWDKR for Mining,
Railroad Work, Btnmp Blasting or Tree
Planting, send for Price UsU
Bon C"IIE2
Win ent Pry or Graan
Bonea, Meat, Uriatlaand all,
lima Cut HONKS will
double the number ol ejtxa
will make tliam mora tar
tlla will carry ttia bens
safolr ltaroiita th mrllluf
parlod and put tham la
FIemeidv; pain
tur. 'fly a"" "uu
der the V" " tha hiHtory 0f thU ReDorter-Mr. Conrad, it was asserted U is a lofty tree, with ovate.
m, lffi, has iU privilege been U) weeks sgo In the .Northern news- ti re, in,ooth leaves and white flowers.
.niin5 f . ia PrL pspers, snd the sUtement b since u remarkftble (or th .dty o IU
abnsed.-Philadelphia Press.
. ...i.. roil Him four Caata.
Mr H B. Williams may be compli
mantednnon the economy be exercised
rinT election to the Middlesex
council, hu excuses being
down at twopence,
tka 'record.' Mr.
been revived recently, that the company unerbark
i. .um n ramove to Nicarsgoa. md P , .
m -- ,. i ,n. inner i
there, under .a government .ram. m w,ter-into layers
open np tne uu - ...uUC. m(jr of Jam
and the readiness with which
the inner bark may be separated after
Books baa
than ever.
President Conrad I have beard some
.1 .m. hnt thra is no foundation
This fairly heats TixlmpMJ has odic ally stated
Deputy Bedford s . , bow( t0 the de,.jii0n ol the Ho-
. n hnt I . i wlil M.n4 t ha laws.
.,rtnn eirenes were sum w preme ooun auu w... -"k - ;
election expend . t v DThn vou have no plans of
m i-lis a af I JLnil!li www - I nnuuitv' at -
nmcpenu . ,nr. thelu
arnnhlinir lace.
is said to have presented to Charles 11 a
cravat, frill and ruffles made or n.-
Ooldthwaite's Geographical May nine.
-London City Press.
it is a simp4 vegttablt tomponn j. Is
-urmuts to Uit most a4cuaiit-"""ij--Hjartes
tht poison to the snrfac ana
tuminaUt it from the blood.
.1 contracted a wnrn ca of blood pohoj
P unntted mo for bualnna for tour reut- A
bottka oi Swift s Spfofie (S. S. i.) cured
. Tratia oa mood and 5Wn Diei nynVd
. Iu inntha haa hm anad-bt vn.
T. lhat aaniiwat ramta baa wrodueaa
Tuffs Hair Dye
V haltatM aalara to sH4a)i
I"aa,l. oav-, aa r-aa Jla
D.pth of lha MmrTa0aau
Ttw, Austrian government lias made a
nnmber of sounding, in P tio of it. present charter and then
.nrf the createst depth reactiea Ha r not onrt,rsUnd.
wa.T406 fathoms, which U .deeper th that has been Mid. why there
My aounding yet records .u .
of water.-New York Journal
Aaotbar Plan.
... t lin.l.L - I1 V m In.
D.nnvt.,ThAn vou nave nopiaaaui aitm Admirer luma mu
l.D uu. . . - I D .... am .
future action ? nries a rich husband like me cotua give
n rv.nrad1 cannot state tbe vnn.
case more strongly than was done at the rj, Young-Oh, a rich father J
time the company decided not to I ouid do just as welL Marry my moth-
attempt to obtain a renewal ol its enar- w New yorJl Weekly.
ter. I can only repeat ma. """i,-"J
ill continoe in Dusinen uuu, iu . Kmim m,..
A rnna two Inches in diameter baS
cease w .exisu "" "T i , at a an of between 4,000 and 5,000
1 n s- m
Lumbago, Backache, Head
nrhA. Toothache.
neuralgia, SURE CURE
Sore Throat, Swellings, Frost
bites, Sprains,
S c 1 a tlca,
Bruises, Burns, Scalds,
ffl ANN'S
r it
0 llbtes:; (
C J lbs VM. 1 1
1 II tiSMii from st, a t. -law-- L
I II rile Llh M aaeatts, I f
RaJ Saal I
For Stablemen r Stockmen,
THS 0aATT SIStDT SSOWS roa lioaaa
- A cams wEiua j
The Spvolflo A No.
Caraa, without mm m
harn and tllaxt, no oialtrr vl Luw loi
uiiilliia. Fr.Tanta Irtrliira, It fcrfna at. hi-U-rnal
n-ma-lr. Cura whaa arjrUilii elat
ha. fallal, aoio nj ji
Manulaclurans 1
prlaw. M-aa.
Co., aanJoaa.Cai.
?miflla IBCDBATOB cotrT. pnitnii, CL
omeara-CharlM K. Story, Praaldfot; Wm. J.
larr: it. A. Nw.ll. Marina R"-rtary; franklin
HanffA, AMiaiant navr.w i .--a.
m"COIK MCTCAI. rira Inia anra Company
lidalari.rPaclltcl-oaauln-alnllia jw iwl
thananrof lha nlnr Ain.ri. an rompanla rep-
IraaanlMl aicrpi ina r ivman r .......
of lha ililrty aiahi firrin pnnii.l- wpraaanlaa
iPariSc Coaal lmliiMa in win m. " w
luonanlullonln I HAS. Tliar. is no bMtar Bra
Inaiiranoa onmpanr 'han lha IIOMK atUlla
Ali thaar-nl in your Kiwn .... . r"'"-
Cor. Haronn ann witn.iir"i"-
What Ha l'd'
A Yankee on paying his bill at a Leo- Ucllon o tne public?
don resuurant was . -
put down didn t "" .
"Waal." he roared, "I dldn t eat
IS oeen aa.u. wu7 ... ,na ht. for aiBht any eonfus.on in tne Puoc t"--" " - ' tlr
mind about tne auaivr. je. - p-
Reporter-Have yon any otijaction w proacueu . u. a
' .. : f... Ik. aatla. I
tating mis as a .iu..j
At rinioams axd Irirss.
S I 1 V 1 , -ii ........ i. K. I
IT SIS tXrafw lllua Claloa-'O" I I I I I I
1 taaaaaiat Ca, WatW. td. I Isl 1 1 H
aruad. fays wall. u"i and ai
Ion ilnft Portland, i'r.
soma bails. Wa
It's aaal j
ra ran-a I
108 Waialuf-
President Conrad None whatever.
ReDorwr Some of the Eastern papers,
Mf Mr tkinrad. persistently assert tnat ttie
Intt-ry company continues to use tbe
I'nited BtaUS mails In ths proeecotion
Theoommissionersof custom, to Eng- o, ,u busioe: will jon kmdly tell me
Tne comu . . . . . , .
Und hare taseo . , - - - ,1 p-.M.B.ronrtdlti. utterly ontrue.
I.., taken atrs 1
ptinto line nomalrmre
.j. .n.l tlva ruatoms b-nrs
from tot, without overtuue
The Boston board of health, in a tour
TLJZnt bouae district, found " P"
U-ping la room, with ruw.
iatJAJaJj -
We ars oboying tbe law in its letter and
p-rit, aod oor aitenU everywhere are
Instructea to uurj .v.
We are using tbe
Professor John Marshall, of Universi
ty college, London, says that yawning
"may be accomplished by the will, but
Is often the result of involuntary imitation.'
The stuDendons results of tbe steam
engine may all be traced to the boy who
sat watching tbe steam which cams
from the nose of tbe teakettle.
Fivt soda crackers devoured without
' , i i.,r.m rivt soaa
express .. ---. ta . Md W ttcaodM,
and ia all our circular. --,r - ..Tr, .irin faatof a Kan-
itrortioos to all persons dealing with M
to avoid tbe mails. Times- Lwmocrat,
SawOrlsAAS. U-, JsdS 1.
Tins Best
In the
. . ,..w i, . vi, ai U'KFK a, wirrantra TO"
i'-"-n .... .-- "r. v.. . iu
rV.?J. r7i I Ti'a a n-1 r,.,, !, a.-li
Eli. U. mora J""""' Tl?inZ'.'Z!i
, . ,t a . - - v.-sa '':
t lr-. t. aT y i " '
.xiaa la
Ilia in. .
loth Rrat pcraon ad'lnwainr
malr-maacn p. amnira a fto
eant bot ol Uai's PHa laaMf.
All 1 aak In loiarn la: II ll
.. . M Ik.
Wiaailathaarsanwiaafaa laai cures you, yo w.
ffi"?Jyio.aS5 ' BB"li kuuwalo your l.laua.
anaaiaral aiarbartaaaaa ddaa, with stamp, O. v
ar1aiaaiaaaaaaola.aa. CaatlS Roclt, Wabj.
Sanala eora lor ISS
UU. waakaaaa aaaaiiar ry
..-a. llritrtA I fAAP I llAlfk
iprari.--.- K . . . , ... , . s-s-x llf-ylll
lullan, Patlta snd glWar; whotaala cr ratal' t
1 1 to 19 l-at bish. Prtoa aa'oraiuf .
nl s mnilain run piin o--. ', T A.
piioaa toTrtUH. J DVIS. auai , ar, , v.
Kumry. South UU Tabor. Or. h ant. oat.
iTjlMai&MrlirV) la iwa""
m i"' - .it
X".'?1 rTjsTraTiLao.Oisiws.aj
Pianos and Organs
71 MstrrlMn ItrewT. rvniana,
a sea.
. ai n aaaaTaraoAAaairuoaluaaaiua
4. I. li.l aHwasMiuroaiai.lwUa.W
I P. . U. So. 46-8. F. H. TJ. Bo,6j
I 1 Baal louak SrraaTTa Oouu. Cat 1
I 1 In lima S Oni'ata r 1