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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1892)
irrOr - )rugs.rJiarmacy, Chemicals, Medicines, Physicians Sup- nlics. SurdcalAp pliances. Everything Exquisite in Imported Perfumery, Soap, ami Toilet Articles. Also a complete and select stock of Paints J' V Oils VfirniHlies. Urushcsand Painters Furnishings. -.... .1.. ...,- of nur unndi Kut. II Durchaaliif In larae niiantltli- end talfin .rt..Zi.ofcJhdli.iuiitwomeiible.n"l(lepiir;iiiUiror.)(iUom print on all gooda em toraoed lu a wU appointed Urug store md t irat-ueaa rami na oil uouae. OSBURN & DeLANO, EUGENE, OR Aua. Hoknuno, a well known mnn u fui'turiT of boot mid shoos ut Hill No lun Ht., Hun Antonio. Texan, will not soon fow't lil exixTlwiiw with an at tack of the cramim which ho reluUn an follows: "I wa taken with a violent crutni) In tho bUmiiikIi which I U-lieve would have aiust'd my death, lmd It not Iwn for th prompt uho of Clium luln't Colin Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Tho first dotto did me bo much rood that I followed It up In 20 minute witli tho swond done, and be fore tho doctor could net to where I wax, I did not need him. TIiIh JWm edy tlmll always bo one of tho main stays of my family." Tor sale by Ohiiurx & DbLako. For dirrbi' or lammer complaint in anv form tbore ii nothing better thus Chamberlain' Colio. Cholera sod Dlar- tbiea Itemed. Mrs Nenoy Merry, of Ad m. Lavrnna county. Kentucky, mri od dnn eured her of in attack of dlerrbae. Two or throe done will aura any ordinaiy cue. When reduced with water it Ii pleaa ant to take. 25 end SO rent bottle for side by Oaburn t Delano, MONDAY, MAY 23. made on tho JAPANESE p I LB CURE A new Slid Complete Treatment, eonalatlng of KnmuH tor . U htlm-M III I a niliva, uiwa m Jk.i end I'llli; I'oaltlve (,'ur lor Kxlemal, In .......i iiiim.i ... m.M.rf itii iirhlnif. rhronlo. Ke' oentor llttrtilltary Wen, "d many other dla- ru end leinaWi wi-akneaaea; u w aiwaj r...( Ixti.'lli iii l he -iii-ral health. . The H dlacorery of dhmIIcmI onre remlorliii en opera- tlmi witli Hie mine liiiiiiKfuwrj " ';; Tliis Ri'iiKHtv haa nerer been known to tail. 1 h. A fur I.,: iit lit mall. Whr auirur from thlii terrlhle dlx'MHi wlwna written guarantee ta Kivru with II tHxrii, to refund tho money If noiciired. Mend atwnp fur free Sample, lluer rallies laaiml hr Wimiiiaru, Ci.ahk & Co., Wholesale ik ItcUll Urngglata, Sole Akoiite, 1'ort- land, Or. THE i CRY OF MILLIONS. OH, TOY BHCKl TOP IT NOW, 00N IT Wilt" TOO LATt. I have Ween troubled many wart with dlaraw of Hie kidneyi and have tried many dlflemil remeoiea ma n amiiitit eld from dillerent phyalclana wilLut relief. About the nth of April I waa auQcrin from Tery violent attack that almoat proatrattd me la auch a manner luat I waa Itnt oyer. When I tat down it wma almoet Impowlble lor me to ad up alone, or to put on my clothea, wheo kl,A Im.iilenre aent lr. Henley, with the OKWiON K1UNKY TKA, to my hotel I Immediately commenced ualng the tea. It bad an almoat miraculoua effrct, and to the eaton lahment of all the ueats at the hotel, n a lew daya.I am happy to Mate, that I waa a new mau. I will; recommend the tea to all afflicted mii i have been. 0. A. TUPPBR, ITopiletor Orcldrntal Hotel, Mania Koaa, Cat. I I 9 Golden Female Pills. For Fomale Trreai'.lap Itlva' uolhliif llkethem ou the market, freer nfL Huereufiilly lined by tiMiulneiit ladlca iiionllily. Uiiariiitivd to rulleve auppraaaed ueutiruauD. SURE! SAFE! CERTAIN! Don't be humhuinred, Have) Time, Health, anduiouojfiUkeuootU r. Rent tn any nddraat. Hiura by mall ou re- eei'.it or price, fov. Audraaa, ilE APhRO MEDICINE COMPANY. 'Dnuich, Uoxtf, l'OKTLAMD, OR' rm Hale by K, R, Ll'CKKV ACQ., Xufeuo. 'ba. RESTORATIVE ilj VKERVINL Headache? Of all forme. Bfaarailaia, aaaaa, 11 (a, SImix Iwmih, ItMllaaaaplllaalwaaa. tllMaa,0ltaaa llabli, lrwnaMaa, vie. , araeunHt by II nU MILLS' ICLaTOatATI B Al KVlS, duwovarad by Uia eralneul Indiana hpwlallat la nervoua diaaairt. )l done Dui (vuialn oplaiee or dananul dnia. "Have boon Inklna lilt. M 1. 1 U :a IO II A T I V K r It V IS K rr l:aillMy. Kmia beuutubar to Jattuary niroaa luliut Uia Narrlaa 1 bad at laaat It eimvulaloBa, andaowaiiwe ibree Rm.nttie' tua hara ao mora aiuoki. Joe U. i'uuui, lloiiien, Mi.-h." 'I have been ulna till, Mil,: ft HEa rokt ATlTIi M U ltf,rlK)ull'nruiuilli. It baa bMiwbt aue relief and eur. I bave taken II tr epllaiay. anil altar ul" II for one ! have had ao attack. Uurd C llraklua, llMibvilie. fv k ine book of (real cure and trial boulee S HUM tllrua.lata Everywhere, eraUdnaa SR. MILKS MIOICAL COn KIMiart, InaV bold by J.'.II. DECKLE Y. EUGENE CITY MILL CO. PAT1KRS0N, EDRIS k CO. Maoafacttr Best Grades Family Flo Bbira Grain oa the tnoat faeorable terma, Whaat reoeitita of any warebmiea aorth of tu- ;ne, proiwrlf aaaignad, takes ia eicbane for 'lour or Feed. nrlliglteatCaah Price Paid for Wheat .J Very few bets liclng coiniiiK election. ltev. J. C. Uichardeon baa beea preach iDg at toe Uoos llajr towna Wa are pleaaed to sea A. II. Fiak aboot oar street! agaio, after s abort Ulneae A deleiration of ladles held servktu again In tho county Jail yesterday "Our lioya" bad a fair sized sod apprfti stive sadlenoa at (jobnrg Haturdaj laal Chehalis, Wash., had a HlO,000 fire yesterday. Jt wasor incendiary origin. The ladies make the warm weather an excuse for liandwime summer dress es. C. F. Illythe and wife have about concluded to sjiend the summer In Eu gene. Hon. A. O. Hovey will attend both the ri'inililk'iin and democratic conven tions during his trip East, Isaac Zumwalt had an Oregon Wilkes two yeur old colt in town today dial weighed iuuu pounds. llishop Morris preached twocloqucnt sermons at fil. Alary 's f.piHcopai cdurcii yesUTilay. lie is a sound rea soned Everybody should attend tho mwt- lug called to make arrangements for the prnjicr cidebratioii of the coming rourui or juiy, We bare received tba first nomUer of The Laboriat, publiabed in Portland. It ia de voted to tba intereats of tba Irade onions, and la a neat journal, Several siieut Sunday Ashing in the AlcKeu.lo river, but had poor luck ou account of tho river being too high, on account of tho melting snow. The republicans had a shaking at the court house on Saturday evening. Several democratic votes were made by the same wo are pleased to announce. A few boys took nasngo on the It. C. Young Intending to return from llur rislitirg on tho train. They had a six mile walk instead after the boat was snugged. The vole by which Kugcne wos chosen us the next iilace of holding the I. (). (). F. grand lodge was: Ku- ........ IO L!..l..... Ill (1... H..-II.. ...I .1..!.. UllIT llllt III Tl, 1IIU A II11IUIIII UIC- gatiou voting blank. Some of Iba farmers on Hamilton creek. Linn oniiDly, rooenllr increaaed tba bounty on coyote avalp to $25. A few days boo one ol tbe aiiixnna in Ibal aeotion acalped aeven in one day and pocketed 1175 Tho Sunday Mercury makes some damaging statements concerning the character of Ilev. V. L. Hlackwull, of Junction. Itlackwell is the prohibition audidtito for state senator of Lane county. Tho warm weather lias sent tho river up to a stage about live feet alxivo low witter mark. The snow In the moiin tains will rapidly disappear and the wagon muds across the Cascades ho lit to travel. Snndiiv's Allmnv Herald: Win McLaughlin, who was In the tailoring business in this city about three weeks ago, passed through this city yester day ou his wuy to Eugene, where he exjH'cts to locate. Several of the pulpits In oar local church at, were occupied last night by members of tba United Brethren Conferenoa, which baa beeu In leasion in this oity. Miahop Uott preaohed at Iba United Brethren church an excelleut utacourae. Strangers unanimously are of the opinion that the streets of Eugene are the II nest on the coast. Tho city coun cil could nave mo sumo greatly im proved by having tho loose gravel raKcu up and carted away. Forest drove Times: ltev. II, L, Hates, of Eugene, was In tho city this week visiting the college as a memlier of the state association committee. He preached a good sermon lu the Congre gatlonal church Thursday night. H. J. Hendricks, the able editor of tho Salem Statesman. Is a candidate for the position of collector of customs ut Portland, made vacant by the death of It. 1 Earhart. Ho is deserving of tho place, and wo hope will receive the plum. Portland Sundiiv Welcome: Wit Ham K. Mctiarry, formerly connected witli the t ill nolle rsetitlnel, in tliis city. after visiting lu fans for several mouths, has returned to this country and Is now In New York City. He claims to have :t)k),0iHl which lie w ill iriug to l'ort land to start a new dally paper, wnn a special wire to Nin Iran claco. Mr. Hold. Johnston, of the Minneso ta house, was tin ou Little Full creek. accompanied by his brothers, the other day on Ms Homestead. 1 hey are well pleased wild the country, tlnilier, etc Tliev nre nrucllinl luiiilnrtiieii nml r autistlcd that the river can easily be rendered available for driving logs. There Is a wealth of timber In that sec tion. Tha crowda that thronued to aea the email eteaoier yeaterday waa a reminder of tba dayi belora Iba advent of tba railroad, when ople traveled through tha black mud In view tba aleamera that carried freiubl to aud from Euaene in iboaa dara Tbry were welcome vlaitor, but lha railroad aiiparoedrd them. An linpioved river may again make it posaible to carry freight by Ibal mesne. Cottage drove leader: Scott Chris- man went to Creswell Sunday and while there went out and obtained some gold quart lately discovered near that village. Tho qnnrtx was taken out six feet U'low tne surface, but the real ledge hud not yet been reached. It has been traced for half a mile and persons having examined the quart are of the opinion that it Is very rich. e hoiie it may urove a valuable discovery. Florence West. Mav 20: The ncoirie of Hermann, ou Monday of this week, were called uimhi to bury one of their oldest cltlreu, Mr. I. y. M. Itristow, who has for the past two years been autleilng from ronsumpttoM. Last V eiliiesUay week lie w as taluHl llh heuiorrbage of the lungs and ou Friday flt.hetiluiv lukBmil,, hu.l a l.,. attack, Lut his friends were able to al leviate It to some extent. On Satur day evening as he was eating supper an artery bmke; hlsMn carried him to hia bel and and he was dead in a few seconds. AllhiMigh lie has been very fet4ile for two years he will be greatly missed by the rouiinuuifjr, I SATURDAY, MAY 21. Tbe grain crops ara looking well through out tbe conuty. Jadfte Mean, of in, IhhI night sent tha tubaidy committee bis note for flriO. Andatill Ibe Regiktor refnaea lo pubiiah Dr. UcKenney's letter. Wbat'a (he mat ter? Tbe ileel work of the Albany bridge baa reached tbe Benton county aide. In month the atrnclure will be completed. Win. Parsons has sold his interest In the blacksmith shop on Hth street to his partner Sherman Heller who w ill continue the business. Dr E. P. Geary of Medford. a former Eugene boy aod a graduate of tbe State Uui veraitv, ia preaideut of Ihe Southern Ore gon Medical Aasociatlon, We acknowledge a pleusant call from C. C. Croncr and two brothers, who arrived yesterday from Ohio. A sister also accompanied them on the visit. Tbe "Irutbful" Register docs not seem to want to enlarge bia aubacriplion to tbe Siualaw railroad fund by '0. Now it would be in order for that paper to acknowledge Ibe falaity of its statement, C. B. Holt and wile-, of riarrMmrg, are viailing at tbe reaidence of P. . Huotlgraaa in Ibis city. Mr. IIol, recently returned from Cincinnati, where be baa been pruo tiding dentihtry tbe pant five years. We are sorry to learn that A. II, Fink, democratic nominee for county uiliflj is confined to ins lieu with sick iicss. A short time since ho had a se vere attack of la grippe and this is a re lapse. Salem Statesman: E. It. Sklpworth srsike nt Inilcix'iidcnce uiul Dallas ves- terduy in the interests of tho democrat ic party. .Mr. catch was not uiiie to keep his apKiintments as advertised, being called to Portland by a telegram. Ashland Tidings: J. It. Widmcr. one of the teachers in the Eugene pul- lie schools, was m Asiiiund Saturday interviewing the school directors and putting In un application for a post tiou In the public schools here next year. Ashland Tidings: "Dr. Everet Min gus, who took his degree of M. D., at the University of Pennsylvania, this month, reached home yesterday, and after a visit hero Intends to settle at Portland for the practice of his profes sion." Air. Allngus was a student In the State University hero for a time. P. D. Johnson, editor of the Union Journal, bus been sued by Mrs. A'ber thin Reams for $2-j,0(M) for defamation of character in publishing in August lust a clipping stating that she had en deavored to poison her former husband, Frank Dunn. Pam-rs have not been served on the defendant yet. The Oregon & California Co. owning tlie land grant donated to thcmliy a gen erous lieopie will have to pay taxes like other folks, forced thereto by the yrompt action of Lane county olliclals, udgo 1'iiies decision gives general sat- Isiactlon. it means over I'.mtO to Lane county. 1 he company evaded paying us just proportion or taxes ior many years but has been brought to time at list. Albany Democrat. May 24: Yester day William Edwards, who lately Isiught a part of tho "Yes" Cannon farm about 8 miles south of this city was at tho place of Ublie Peters Just south of this city. He was on his horse when a savago bull attacked the horse, throwing him and rider to the ground. Internal 1 nj urieg to Mr. Ed wards wits the result. Dr. Maston. of this city, was called, and found him spitting mood, but thinks ho will re cover, j TJie Jitirnal and Hermann. ' The afcin Journal, republican says in un editorial: We winh it to lie distinct'y understood that no candidal) ffr the congresHiona nominat'on n thin district ever di rectly or 'Tidrcctly Buggcsted any of the en leym li Mr. Hermann that havt Ikci (published in the Journal. I. Sidiaa impression without ay Iwiindution whatever, l'eoplo who uvo the idea that tl course of a ublic newspajicr is a ways Biiiriritod to it by somo one who has argricvanee place a low es tunate unon the true freedom of the jifcHs. The Journal has no person id grievance against Mr. Jiermun and no one who has any grievance air has had any intluence with lo Journal in this matter. In tl: I . .... ... V merest ol the ticople the Jouma (tmanus ol Mr. nermann or wno' er may go to congress less service Mr pnvato interests at Coos bay akd more justice to the natura ijghwav of the greatest ngricultura lley of the netv world. An ope rker is what the people want. Hon. A. S. Ufnnett of Wasco unty, says the Jacksonville mes, will get a hanusonio vote in ery part of Oregon, owing solely the fact that it js , generally ai rdittcd that he is in every way rthy of the support of honest am triotic citizens, regardless ol par affiliations. In addition to hav ik? an enviable record as a souw Ige of law, he is all right on ai ler ouestions and is above rc I a " pxjacli. For years the land company that ns the railroad grant defrauded line county out of thousands of .1.. . " . ... liars of taxes, returning to the atsessor whatever they pleased The present ownership list gave nn i i . ... ..- . owning by which they could be 1 .V '. rni. compelled to pay tne tax oue. i ne cwnty court sustained the sheriff aid the lands were levied upon (If courso the railroad objected, but tip decision just rendered by Judge I'ffics will force it to pay what is d(o. It amounts to nearly ? 10,000 tdthe county. , . rClie bondholders of the Oregon ricifie railway held a special meet ing in New York yesterday to take ariion on tne decree granted ov tic circuit court of the Unite Unites for the district of Oregon aannst the company. ruii was brpught for nn injunction enjoining thab salo .fl,000,000ofoftherailroad prbpertv and the decree granted iiilini Job purchased the property aill it was agreed to retrain lroiu further efforts to set aside the sale. Tliis Agreement was indorsed by tlu bondholders. Pottlund lelegram, Mny 23: Conduotor Guthrie of tbe Albany local, was working unaer aissdvautages yeatenlay aflernoou. He had a forenaie ligbl with tbe owners ol Ihe train, tbe brakemnn and baggage mas ter about the admission of a skye terrier E Northwest Reform Journal: ulgo Moore's vindication; Parti- sail Attack has Proved a Booine- raiig to its Originators." These are t!ip headlines of the republican pa dots in defending their candidate supreme judge for drawing up a with wooly legs aud a small-boy laugh to will fur nn vmnnnseinns. ilvinrr wo one oi tne coacuea. xneDrakeuian said ine I .! . ;i.. e i, i, traiu waa bewitched and aomething would "t",' .... uuiiu, iiiHiiiiiurniiig ner uiuigmi'is. happen. Tbe dog got aboard at Aurora, ami immediately a park from tbe engine atruck the froul platform of tbe coach, and burned its way into Ihe apace between tbe panel. About two milea south of Oregon City the lire got nuder good headway, and when it waa discovered a panic enaued.dur lug which eevernl ladlea fainted. A atop waa made at Oregon City where an ax waa ueedwithgoodetleotintheendof tbe oar aud a few bucketa of water did tbe rest 1 he damaged cur waa at once put in tbe sbopa for repairs. STATE EXPERIMENT STATION. Iliief Description for Spraying Fruit Trees. DiliKCTioNS. 1 pound of good Paris dreeii in 2."0 inillons of water. Add about 0 pounds of soft or whale oil soap 10 every ou gallons oi liquid. First spraying six days alter all the bloom bus fallen from tho trees. Then spray every 15 days up to within three weeks oi gathering trull. Keep mix ture well stirred while using and snrav until tree drips. The parts green should be mixed m the proper propor tions wnn a nine water, in good it makes a smooth paste, and then added to the DuiK or the liquid, to which tho soap has already tsvn added, aud thoroughly stirred in. I se a nozzle which causes a flno spray or fog. juiiieiins treating on all topics con nected with agriculture are issued by me exiH'nnient station. These are sent to any address in the state free of charge. Aid to prove their candidate is all right they have tho "gall" to parade a Certificate of his lawyers that he did nothing wrong. But why don't tlipy print the testimony in the ciibo, tho lacts which prove the crookedness of their candidate? It is xho facts tho people want, not tlty certificate of any lawyer, Fmnk A. Moore, candidate for su preme judge, will not stand investigation. t'ho West mentions Mr. Alley's fight for tho Siuslaw harbor appro priation ns a reason for his election. It strikes us rather forcibly that nun whom The West and Mr. Alley cordially support for congress got but $10,000 for Siuslaw. Hermann subordinated every other interest the state to that of Coos bay, where $230,000 was obtained. A senator from Oregon makes the assertion and tho facts bear him out. Her mann's property interests ut Coos bay arc sufficient reasons for. his ac'ivitv in favor of that section. e do not object to the improve ment of that valuable harbor but cannot allow tho hypocrisy of The West to pass unchallenged., Jt cannot deny that it has the word of a senator from Oregon condemn ing Mr. Hermann's course in the I'ki'Nka far. A saoceaitul fruit crower mane ine remara: "i would rather cult! vala nrtlnM Ihiin anvthina that i.i n. T.a year lour tear old trees yielded me from I mutter of appropriations. viai io iM ponnda to the Ue of large and beautiful fruit, t'onutiug 7a trees to the acre, tula average would get about 8!; lona lo Ibe acre, worth at laal tear'a vricrs. dried and packed, alniu I VXit). Two and a ball of Ibe frrah niukea on ponud of tbe dried article. Tbua I get tbe equivalent of $5j per tou for the green, leas the coh of drying, which Ia very mall. If I bad a good teu acre prime orchard, aix or seven years old, nobody' $30,000 could touch it. The Coos Bay News says: A prominent member of the people's purty asked us us to the fact in re gard to some of the republican can didate s voting for tho Portland water lull. Ihe Portland water bill proposed to put on the market $1,000,000 in untaxed bonds. The bill p.issed the legislature but was vetoed by the governor. At ' first Mr. Condon voted and spoke against the bill, but finally voted to pass the same over the veto. Mr. ruIliTton voted for the bill hrst to last: but the bill failed to pass over the veto, which requires a two-thirds majority. The principal lobbyist for the bill was D. P. Thompson, a national banker, and afterward the republican candidate for governor against Pcnnoycr. While his party was successful bv K'J-OO majority, lie was snowed uiu.r. Had the bill passed it would havo made it possible for fifteen men in Oregon to have been worth 1100,000 each, and not iviv one cent of state. K'Wature, was jh.e hon of the day. county or school tax, class lcgisla He was giveu three tUvrs at the clone nrst f1(rm .i... -.iii of his spevch. It isour prvdkljon that ,lrtn 1,1 W40ff 1 ,orm' lnat J he will be by the law-st major- ca"y " ' coiiuemnauon oi ity of anv candidate. In the eveiiiuir every man regardless of party. a damv was given at the opera house, Koual taxation, no class legislation. I I - r . ri School Hoia fust -Junction Citv Timea: Tbe plana for ibe new school houae are now on exhibition al the U. 8. bank. Two propoaitione will b aaked of the coutraolora aud build ers, namely a brick baildmg and alao a frame building The elevattona aa sub mitted ere attractive ooea aud the adoption of either would no doubt le aatiafactory, but if a brick building can be aeenred for ibe amount of tba bond, we believe il would I in the inteteat of reonomy tn do ao. Ibe at) I aelecled bv Ibe board ia modern and wa think will fully met tbe re quirement of the district. lHUy liuard, May a. Si'KAKiNii and IVxit'. The sivnk- ng and picnic at Junction yesterday was largely attended, over likl being present from Eugene alone. The aivakm all did well, but Chas. K. Wilkiusim, iti'm.vratie nomititv for Ihe over JOU iitiniU rs U-ing sold. J. X. Dolph is a candidate for re election to the United btatesBenaK It is needless to aav that Kuoch 1 Coleman in not in favor of his elec tion. The weekly sweeping of Willam etto etreet renders it an exception' ally pleasant thoroughfare. The summer dust will not trouble us as of yore. Federal office holders cannot con trol Lane county elections. It singular that tho jieoplcs party should receive the bitter denuncia tion of the oflice holder. Mr. Coleman has not found necessary to explain his record Ilia vouth and manhood years have been passed in Lane county and no explanations are necessary. Campaign lies now can be looked for, us the time until election ji short. A liar always waits unti the lust weeks to spring injurious retorts concerning Ihh opponents. Juik'o Pines has decided tho rai road tax injunction case in favor of Lane county, thereby saving to tne county the sum ol over rJ,uUU Much honor is due the Judge and Sheriil No and for their action in tliis matter. "Say, Puffer," said Jerry Simp son, "are vou going to the White house reception tonight?" Yes vou?" said tho senator. "Yep But i-ay. Peff, do we wear gloves? "Of course." "What kind wool en or sealskin?" Puck. Reports continue to come in of the Hood all ulong the Mississippi river and its tributaries, telling of enormous damage being done and many lives being lost. A lurther rise is expected, and if it occurs one-half the tale of destruction has not been told. In his speech Saturday Mr, Ton'guo was especially severe on the people s party. Ihe voters of that party should remember the con tern lit expressed against them and cast their votes for the ticket that represents their principles in the main and has a chance of success Judge M. L. Pipes has made record of which any judicial officer might well bo proud. His integri ty and fairness make friends for him of all who apiiear in his court, whether litigants orjurymen. The people have confidence in him as an upright and honorable judge A new lent in miiul reading was recently performed by A. W Scott, of Topkinsville, Ky. He was blind folded and put to work at a compositor s case to set typo winch he uiu with accuracy ana celerity, though utterly ignorant of tho location ol the boxes contain ing the various letters. Tho road from Kugcne to Coburg is one of the principal thorough fares in tho county yet is almost impassable in the winter ami in summer is rough and broken. It eads through one of the richest and most prosperous portions of Lane county. Cannot some good Samar itan of a road supervisor follow the example set bv Geo. Armitago 20 years ago and make a turnpike road through that district. Uoseburg Review: Tho republi can organs of this district are be ginning their contemptible attacks on Judge Pipes now that all fair means to defeat his election have ailed. We have a high personal regard for Col. Fullerton but if his friends wish to provoke a comparison of the relative merits of these two gentlemen for tho position to which they aspire, we shall bo pleased to edify our readers in that way. Sheep raising in northern Iowa is reported to be a decided boom from the fact that tho bounty on wolf scalps has been raised to $5. Wolves are being slaughtered by lunureds and in a short time will be annihilated, farmers whose sheep were killed by the wolves as fast us they could raise them in the ast are buying more sheep and going into sheep raising with in creased confidence. County audi tors are kept busy paying the bountv. Portland Dispatch: The Capital Journal says that it is not very probable unit Governor Pennover will vote for Mr. Yeatch. It is dead bet of ten to one that he will not. The fact is, the governor does not reside in Mr. catch's dis trict, which ought to remove all doubts from the brilliant mind of our friend at Salem on this subiect ... , . . . 4 1 he governor lias got a little mixed up as to his party alhhations, but not as to his residence. America lays claim to several progressive newRtuitwra. xrlmao " , , editors, once or twice each year, is sue their publications on red. white and blue, and green paper; but in addition to having the oldest paper in the world. China trlories in liv ing a daily sheet which is printed on yeuow paper an the year round. It is devoted to commercial news, and has a circulation of about 8000 copies. The mid-day issue con- tuns olhcial documents and eener al news. Tho cvenins edition. printed on red paHr, gives the latest intelligence and extracts from the two previous editions. The pa per is conducted by six literari ap pointed pv me state. Ihe King 'an is the oflicial nf tb empire, and was founded in All. Originally it was printed intermit tently, but m rjui it appeared reg ularly every week. In 1S04 it wAs converted into a daily and now is sues three editions a dav. and sella at about one cent per copy. STARK GRIFjj Sells the Celebrate NON-RUSTING Tij GENERAL DEALERS is HARDWARE, ST(f feliVf ETC EUGENE, 7 A TRY B A Xad 1. ran if El M IZ3 L2S VZuZ'rr fill and get MORE POWE and use LESS WiY tip-f Write for our New Illustrated Cutalosue for uJs ' aaiaw I a a.--, lata -. tpp ) PlinlllP ft ft CDrvvu.n-l.' lilt urrtL ffAitrt fftitu. & tn&inr. w ii-msiTL NEW GOODS, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF BEAUTIFUL DRESS COlS From the Cheapest to thesta prices according to qua A LARGE STOCK OF 9001S mi Wim From the Cheapest to the Best. All ties ca oe sunea euner as to rnce or : Our assortment is Complete, from the loiJ ;e "J the Finest; can suit you if you give f OUR STOCK IS ST Free New and Stylisl Look us over: if we do not save you money, wo will sell to you low. sonic o:e :A FULL LINE OF GROCEfjl'.S Boot & Shoe Store A. HUNT. Prop. Will hereafter keep a complete atock uf Ladies' Misses' and Children's SHOES. BUTTON BOOTS, Slippers, White and Black Sandals FINE KID SHOES, MENS' AND BOYS' BOOTS & SHOES And in fact everytliinir in the Boot and Shoe line, to which I intend to devote my especial attention, -MY GOODS ABE FIRST CLASS.- And puarantel aa repreaentad, and will be aold for the lowest price t)iat pond article can ba afforded. A. HUNT The Last Drop Is good as the first. No drejrs. All pure and whole some. The most popular drink of the day. vs e A perfect thirst quencher. Don't h deceived If a dec It, for the Bake of larger profit, telli yon tuinc other kind Is ' uj pood ' .' faUr, No imiutiua b m ood ri w.c c:.utue liiitu'. Hire All V f. rfajlJ Sportsm is HOF t ?k 1 I Practice (pmitL Ln in Fishing , ., , . find f(-dlfl HOWlllK MKC iff... k.i.i All 14lJa!,8lf, .. , J l atest etjrlf aai war Kepairing donelif Guns Loaned f unition Furrike c. fiiuctte trtft Store M to.F.CBtff. pi 13 tu to.F. CBlff. rOSTOITU'E ICiffar storr, Eiigfne, Oregon. Bill GUN I CfflTlilL UAIKET m FISHER & W ATKINS, jilith Street, r.uB-'--r-liea, OreK-m pa" -'J,: neV "."rl-'ir .USE OF : j :-au-: 1st and camp fvbxitcre- PnorKU. Wilt keep cunaUutl .... 1..1 a LU a i J i-ly ,J 33 3E5 23 3f7, MUTTON, PCRK AND VE ""APHSCCITINE "Z Is Sold c A JAii POSITIVE f. A C'JARANTEE k ' R iruroary forni or any o t"r"v the generative or- cans oi eii"' I. holler ariiu! Oolel:aolaats AFltN .rrt.n: or Oplnin, or tarou '"'"roj Br Wl ich they will tell at Uia l..w tuuVtt prfa'!;oi. XrWtumal '""tffZV TO TIIF KAKMKRS : S ClIaD a-.r MMTt iu k'llVI Vl taValaAal nrr.n, t "5 S.HBO ETJGENE CXTT, ORIGOW ' ,-tira Branch. CO MaaU delirered to any part of the city h ! ,U I.) K. It- UTKii l EiVne. V lira" cnarxe.