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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1891)
1TY AND COUNTY ATURDAT OCTOBEb 21. Wl. Mabel Murmuring. October 20, 1891. I!uu Drury was here UhI Friiluy (rum VI ill tfi -k. Tits McKenzle sawmill bus been movtd ruin tbe McKeozi to Mill creek. Tlit olerk of tlx weather department li n'n luotinfi affairs In a manner which iwiiii tu be satisfactory to all. Tb demand for lumber at th present time is to great that tbe two nulla ti re are ,u,ulr,iuat to lb HU(jly . Work bm been commenced txieudi'ig the v ..mii road (rum the Field mw mill to tbe L.un county liur, dinleoce of three mi lei. To break tba otherwise monotony u( ibe I v-f, Hob Field' team took a spin from t.. saw mill down tha road about a mile, 1 t Saturday, but did do damage. Sunday arbool iu reorganlzjd last 8nu- v wilb tba following officer: Bupt., Mra inter; aoat. anpt , T. M. Biggs; secretary, s. Windom. Ail abonld beounie inter t i .1 in ibia mailer and turn out aud a sue , ful arbool will be tba raault. Tan o v .vk la lb hour of meeting. Ouskbvib Laical. F. A. ltankin bes been appointed ageut of the W. W. Kimball Co. for tba aala of tlii ir justly celebrated pianos and organs Id diia ixtrt ol Orevon. Ha will open np a mu.c rooin adjoining Miss Bankin'a mil lioery itore aa aooo a a Urge conaignment from ihe (aotory reaches bere. 11a will al to kw p in "lock tba famoui llallet k Davis piano, tba Arion and tba Hale, tba beat cheap piano made. Pianoi will be aold on any installments at from libO upward and orp:nii from $00 np. lie will be pleased at nT time to plaoa hi Instrument alongside of any other (or oomparion and let tbe tbe pnblio judge ai to which ii beat. Any one desiring a piano can save f0 to fluO by bc iug Irom bim. Tbe reaaon la you deal 1 1 foot witb tbe faotory and nave no middlemen' profits to pay. THE Ql'EEK OF THE Tt HI'. Stocktoh, Cel., Oot. 20. The celebrated Kunol trotted on tbe Stockton track today smiust time. She went to tbe quarter uole in 3I& seconds, and kept on at ber ,.m1i-rfnl atride to the hall mile nost in 1 .04 flat. Here Tim O'Brien came into tbe race with tbe runner. Tbe mare came around tbe turn faster tban any man on tbe eroundi ever saw a trotter go and reaobed tbe three-quarter nost in la7. it was a ureal race HLiiliMt time as she came down t!ie home stretch to the finish, and the excited timers shouted: "She's got it" "She'll beat it." Buiv ol came home in a magnificent finish Marvin had the race and he encour aged the mare all the while by calling on her. but did not use the whip. Everybody shouted as she went under the wire in z:ui. n was me gamcst, finish ever seen on a racetrack. rtix timers compared their watches and t hev were exactly tne same saint There was no watch on the grounds to dii'Dute the correctness or the rccoru : except to make it faster by a quarter of a second. Tne crowd veiled UKe crazy j men, and cheer after cheer went up for isunoi ana Marvin. A Flariww Escape. La GbasdE, Or.. Oct. 18. The farmbonae Lf Milton Cochran, near Alicel, this county, (was destroyed by fire tbia morning. Loan, R1000: inauranoe. J500. The fire was caused fir tha eioloiion of a lamp, and burned t . . " . w V. l i .: with sucn rapidity tnai air. uoenrao a cme Mien, who bad been sleeping, escaped witb fiflioulty. Damags dull. I PoBTLiND, Oot. 21. Dr. J. R. Bay ley, of .Newport, who baa a suit for a large amount cf damages against the Metropolitan Street Railway Company lor damages ue ciaim io lv received, is in town When asked to- Mav if Le reall inteuded to prosecute tbe base, and i( he bad s good eaase ot aotion, iiasairf: OertainW: I was ruling on a fcar and signalled the conductor to atop tbe tar at Grant street, where I desired lo Ret tiff. He atopped, but not over thirty sec onds, and iuat aa I was steeping off tbe car It started again rapidly and threw me against tha curbstone, which I struck again with my back, and I have been hardly able lo walk eter since. lac Bobbers al Work. Maby villi. Cel.. Oct. 20.-Following the robberv of the Reddiug and Weaver rille stage last night, at about 7 o'clock by I masked man about a mile out of tbia city, tbe Bedding and Alturas stage was atopped knd robbed about twelve miles from town y two masked man. Wells, Fargo k Co.'s tax and tbe mail were taken, and tbe dri Mr was alto made to give np what spare nh ha nossesaed. He had about JoO On lis nnrsnn which ha was taking to mer ihant at ltoond Mountain for change. No due to tha robbers so far. Call s Halt-rTnat tired languid feeling leans that your system is in a state to In- it Hioioiia and Wrisht'a Compound Ex M of Barsaparilla is what you need at Ice to expel impurities of the blood and 5ild you np. Bold dt an aruggisu. Geo. W. Klnsey, Auctloueer. . Kvv.n r.n want Tonr mods, household i knitnra or land sold at auction, call of ' So. W, Kinsey, the pioneer and most suo Burnt anntionar in iane IOodit. no nd to all sales on a reasonable oom .lion. lirevitlca. HoLLOWAr Watthbl rnkn.. Jiwsiav 6svTAcLn Asn Musia Dsy t Henderson. Canvas shots at 0. . K's. Walton k Skipworib, Lawyers. Go to O. E. Krausse for toot wet r. Call on Caswell for sidewalk '.umber. Bubber bottom shoes at O. E. Krautae's. Sheet music at Tatterson k Christian's. 9th St. Mooev to loan on farms. Enoulre of Judm Walton. See the u tyle n( Oik furniture at Day St Henderson's. Hot and cold baths every day in tbe week at Jerry Horn oarber shop. Carpets, carpels, all new styUw for spring trade at Day i Henderaou's. For fine suits made to order and ready made clothing, go lo Ed Hanson. See the new invoice of oak furniture, all new patterns at Day k Henderson's. 21 dollars will buy a solid, antique, oak bed room set at Day k Hen lemon . C. Marx. Barber Shop and Bath Rooms. First door north of Dunn's new block. Blsuk deed, mortgage deeds and chattel mortgagts lor sale at tbe ucabd otnoe. 5,000 worth of ladies' shoes lo be aold at Or below COBt. J. V. llATLOOt. Mr CIm V Craw hss the sole atrencT for all brand of the celebrated Tansil Punch Cigars Remember that Hanson k Son bave tbe best selected stock of clothing in town. Bring vonr old scrap cast iron to tbe Eu- gene Iron Foundry where you can dispose of It. . ' Enoene Flour J 1.35 per sack. Tbe Eu gene Flouring mills make tbe beat quality ol roller mm nour. tf Tim are oettine too old (or tour apcO' tacles, or if they do not exactly suit yon take them to Watts and bave new lenses mien. Rrat line of Dinah snd light weight cloth wraps Irora 10 to 35 dollars south o( Port land, now on exhibition at A. V. l'etera. Dr. O. W. Biddle may be found at bis residence on Olive street, between Fifth and Sixth streets one block west of the Minne sota Hotel. He is prepared to do all dent si work In tbe best manner. Tbe beat family remedy is undoubtedly Plunder's Oregon Blood Turifler. Harm leu it aprnmnlihhea relief where many oth er medicines f nil to do. It may be safely giveu to tbe Infant as well as the adult. Peddlera are like tbe Irishman's flea, aud often irresponsible, no buy an organ of a reputable house, and that will not fall to nieces with the first damp weather. Call and see Holloway's. Henderson, dentist. Oxford ties at 0. E. K's. Fouutain pens at Watts'. Overgaiters at O. E, K's. Job work st the Guasd office. Tenuis goods at 0. E. K's. We lead others follow. O. E. K. Wigwam slippers st 0. E. Krausse's. Rnsset shoes at 0. E. K's. Go to Smith & Hall to sell yonr wool. Go to Goldsmith'! and get prices on bacon and bird. Selette Flush Jackets only 10 dollars at;A. V. Peters.1 Men's pateut leather shoes at O. E Krausse's. Blank deeds and mortgages for sale at the Gcabd office. Goldsmith pays the highest cash price foi country produce. Try some breakfast bacon from boutbern Oregon, A. uoldsmith. Fotest City Dongola shoes only u ou a pair at A. V. Peters.' All kinds of mill saws snd nles lor saie at Richard Mount a saw shop. Remember the $1 50 Dongola shoe, good value for $2, at A. V. reters'. The best assortment of children s shoes will be found st 0. L. Krausse S. When wanting a nice tie or snything in tbe furnishing line go to J. E. Bond. Blank notices tur the location of quarts mines for sals at the Guard office. For all kinds of (arminp implements call on J. M. Hendricks on Mntb btreet. Screen windows and doors, glass, sash snd doors at Bioalow & kibipatbick. xr ontiro stuck 10 tier cent, discount for cash. J.iJ. WATLOCE. Ti vnn want to buv a magnificent organ from $50 to $75 cheaper than peddlers can sell you, go to W. Holloway. W. Holloway has just received s consign mantel new omans. without doubt tne no .t inniul instruments ever brought bere. Call and see ihem. ' A large assortment of wall paper iuBt re ceived at the Eugene Book Store, tail and see it. Bangs'McKeuile Springs Stage Line WEATHER FORECASTS. Explanation of the Flag Signals adopted by the U. 8. Weather liureau. Dally QusM, Oct II. Today for the first time Is dlxiilaved the lings of the U. S. Weather Unreal!, in hugvlic. They will Ih seen on the Hag Hile in front of the City Hull: W'e publish the following; explana tion of the meaning; of the ditlereut disnluys of Hags: xuiniaT i, wane uiigx, six levi wjtiare, indicate clear or fair weather. .Minuter ., nine mi);, six tcei square, indicates rain or allow. Numlier 3, white and blue ting (parallel bars of W lute and blue), six feet square, indi cates that local rains or showers will occur, and that the ruin fall will not be general. Numler4, black triangu lar llag. four feet at the Immc and six feet In length, always refers to tem perature; when placed aliove niinilcra 1,2 or 3, it Indicates warm weather; when placed below iiumU-rs 1, 2 or 3 it Indicates colder weather; when not displayed, the indications are that the weather will remain stationary, or that the change in tcnicrature will not vary more than four degree from the tcniiN'rature of the same hour of the prccccdiiiK day from March to October, inclusive, and not more than six degrees for the remaining months of the year. Number 5, white Hag ix feet square with black square In the center, indicate the approach of a sudden and decided fall iu tcmicmtiitv This signal Is not expected to be di nlnveil ult-SM tlmt the tiittMrutiiiv will fall to forty-two degree, or lower, and l usually ordered at least twenty tour hours in advance or tne cold wave When numlsT 5 is displayed. iiuiuUt 4 isnlwavs omitted. When displayed on poles the signal should lie read downward. IXTKKI'KKTATION OK DISPLAYS, No 1, alone Indicates fair weather. stationary tctniicraturc. .No " alone, indicates rain or snow, stationary teimierature. .no ,i, alone, indicates local rain, stationary tcinia'rature Mi 1, with .no 4 above it, indicates fair weather, wanner. o 1, with No 4 below , It, Indicates fair weather, colder. No 2, with No 4 above It, Indicates wanner weather, rain or snow. No 2, with nutnlier 4 U'low it, Indi cates colder weather, rain or snow- No 3, with No 4 above it. Indicates wanner weather with local rains. No 3, with No 4 below it, indicates colder weather with local rains, No 1, with No 5 above It, indicates fair weather, cold wave. No 2, with No 5 atxive It, indicates wet weather, cold wave. i r.ruuKi . The Siuslaw Fair. ' LoKANK, Oct. llUh. 18!1 Ehitob KroKXK (U'akd: Dear Sir. I am requested for the tienetU of your many readers to announce thai me Siuslaw Agricultural Society held its annual fair on the llrst Friday In October, and was quite a success as far as the display was concerned, although we have had better attendance in former years. I think the display of natures uouniuui gins count imh nv excelled. Much praise is due Will, Huwley for the grand display of pro ducts which he put on exhibition, ulso great credit is due Hrothers Simpson, Landreth and 1. F. Davis for the suc cess of the fair. The agricultural society re-orpinl.ed with K. Doty, president: 1. F. Davis, vice-president. The new organization intend to make the Siuslaw precinct fair second to none, in the future, as a precinct fair, They prnixise to oiler fair premiums for all products and an articles oi iancy- work and all elites nut on exhibition and Mr. Editor, as far as produce is concerned Siuslaw can put on exhibit some line large specimens ol the pro ducts of the soil. I would like to have given your readers an account of our show in classes, but time and space forbids at the present, t J. atkinkox, necrciary, I J. II. Ilaarat k Frauaunrea l.eprr -lie has hern Isolate. Dr. D. A. Paine arrived Tuesday from McKenzie preciuct. about 65 miles east of Euense. where he hid been for the purpose of etamiuing into the condition of oue, 1. 11. Hancock, wuo was charged oy nis nrigu bor witb bting alllicted with the inournble diseane, li'im. He was assisted by Dr. J. H. ltsrr, of the Foley Springs. After a thorough examination, it wm determined beyond doubt that be was alllicted with the disease. The sores have broken out and are uow ruuniug Dr. Puiue made arrangements tor his ompltte isolation, Hubcoi'k sgreung here after to stsy on his pn mist's, permitting no oue to euti-r bis house which i located about one-bslf mile uorlb ot the bridge. Arrnii'm"iits were made wuo a. b. Powers to procure food and leave It st an acivs.ible plsce for the altlicled umu. llslx-ock says that bis lutner ami moiner were both citizens ot the L'uited States, al though he was Ixirn st Honolulu, That bis mother cstue to the Ilsuda when a child wiili l'uited Stales Minister Gregg and family aud wss r.iaed by tbero. His father is a pilot at the barboi of Honolulu. He wild til it th iliseM) made Its appear ance on bim llrst about four years a,(o in Honolulu, aud be wss exsmiueU by the government oonrd ol piivsu-mus wno pro nouueed him a "Hiinpeut,1' He then led Out place and rauie to AtlorU, staying tbero fur a time, aud altirwsrds coming to ihi coun try about to years ago. Uabcock Is 21 yeura old. It will te lucky, lutleed, it some persons in tbat section have not contracted ibe dts- eae, as be has bei n allowid to visit ta pleasure at some of the bounvs there. Tried for Murder. The Coast Mail of October 15 evs! The tril of A. D. Webster for tbe murdtr of Robert Fales occupied two dsys of this week at the circuit court, mute was very little interest in Ibe trial and few people eared enouch about Ibe proceedings to at' tend. The evidence was verv ooutlictiug, and there is uo doubt but what some first- class ueriury wss committed. Tbe esse was L-iven to Ihe nuv luexdsv aiteruouu, snu the jury, afler considering tbe case all night brought iu a verdict at eight o'clock on Wednesday moruiug. lu vennoi was "guilty of manslaughter." It is said on tbe first billot Ibe jury stood lour (or murder iu the first degree; nve tor mansiaugnier and three (or acquittal. Twelve ballots were taken aud tbe jury did not begin to change until Wednesday morning. U is claimed that some Hue work (or tbe prisoner was done in gettiug np the jury, and public entimeut iu vicinity ol tbe place where the crime was commuted inclines to tne opin ion that Ibe killing was a cold-blooded murder. Kew Music Store. N. It. Gnvlnrd formerly of P. II. Kiixton & (Vs. store of Salem, ha owned here with the best lino of pianos and organs ever brought to the c tV. .Mason and Jtaillllll, loiny mm K.iuerson initios, an tne laiesi ti' slgtis. Parties wishing anything will do well by examining; our stock In the new block on Willamette street be tween tith and 7th, No, 4. HIIIVITIIS. rump, pipe aud gas fittings at Miller k Long. D. Liuo k Son, furniture and undertak ing. Cook stoves from f 1.50 to 100 at Miller k Long's, Vth street. Nice assortment of hardware at Miller k Long's. Oats bought and stored by the Eugene Milling Co. Miller A Long is the cheapest plsoe for stoves and liuware. K'ep saying over lo yourself, "I can get hardwuro at Miller k Long's." . Tha best buggy made (or the money, is F. L. Chambers ft'ib pleasure wsgous. Alteution Farmers. Call on Miller k Long (or Stoves, Tiu and Hardware. 40,000 bacs to loan to those who desire to store their wbeut iu the Eugene Mills. Owuers of (arms desirous ol tenants call ou the Eugene Improvement Co., ltegister block. For choice Spencer Butte nursery apple, pear trees, Ac, write to Orville Phelps, Eu geue. Why t ! Sleep on the floor when f'i will buy a double bulstcad st Day & Henderson's. Carpenters and contractors will save mon ey by getting tiuning ajul plumbing from Miller ,t Long. Tinuiug, plumbing aud job work of all kinds done cheap aud on snort notice kt Miller s liong. Miller k Long are sole agents for the cel ebrated Oold Coiu and Gordon Stoves aud Hauges in Kugeue. Remember that the Eugene Milling Co., is buyiug oals, and storing them also. Lib erul prices ottered. staple arti- Estray .Sulo. Taken tin bv the undersigned iu Eu gene, October 14, lStil the following do scrils'd cstmy: 1 roan liorso 8 years old, bald face and three white reel. 1 will sell the almve described estray at tiublie auction at Hangs' stable In Kligene, Niturdiiy, ifcioner at, irwi ui yodOCKp. 111. J. 1. vvriTr.n, .igni wiiicii. Notice to Teachers. The teachers of Lane county are hereby informed tbat arrsngemeiits have tieen made witb the Hon. E. Ii. McElroy, State Superintendent, lo bold onr County Insti tute in conjunction with the District In stitute for the counties of Coos, Cnrry, Douglas, Lane aud Denton, on tbe 28th, 2'Jth, 30th and 31st of December next in Eugene. This courtesy extended to our county, with tbe important opportunities ottered for instruction we hope will be duly suDreciated and embraced, A general attendance of tbe. oonuty will be exuected. A"d us some time will be nec essary for prep.naiion we will request that all wbo desire to take an active part in tbe work of the Institute will report to me at an eurlv dsv witb selection of subjects which they may prefer to preseut. a. w. rAnsnson, uo. en pi Oct. 22, 18U1. Smith Family Concentrating in Fair- mount. Tt. Smith, J. Euimett Smith and Jesse D. Smith hsve each reoenlly bought lots in Fairmouut and intend to build, lbeae all renresent different branches of Ibe Smith family; others ol tne lamuy are soon io toi low. It is expected when they all get lo cated there, the popnlstion of the town w 11 be at least ball a million. A Chance for All. It is human nature at alt times to waut to better your condition. You are always look ing (or a cbauce to get bargains, especially in the line of the necessaries of life, Ed. Bsum, tbe clolbier, is now offering Ihe best lianmlns vr nflered to the tieonle of Lsne county. He is preparing lo deal in another line of goods exclusively, and therefore of fers bis eutire stock Ot OlOlUlUg AT ACTUAL cost. This Is no humbug, but an actual closing out sale. All clotbiug will be sold AT COS I and sll other luruisblug gooas at remarsablv low prices. Do not lose your chance for bargains, but make bay while the sun shines. Such chances do not come often and do not last long, so take sdvautage al once. He has no shelt-woin goods, but hsviug been in the business only two yesrs bss a (resh, clean stock, purchased in the East at low prices for cash. Tbe wise will beed at once. s. t all ( reek Items. ill OH Notice. tytian nllnn amatrV WOrk SO tO E.W aSison A Co., who are prepared to furnish l tin,;, at inwt n rices for first-class work. Ir Portland cement walls (or enclosing fcetery lots are the finest yet put upon k market, snd are (urnished at about ba ( I cost of stone. Call and see our beauti I lu,,.. j, winlt irranites and best marble. Offices at Al- by, Eug-ne snd Koseburg. V.r Rxnsrtfnllv Yours. I E. W. Acarssos k Co. 1 Sheep Inspectors Notice. ill persona lo Lana eounty owning scab sbeep or sheep afflicted with other dis ss, are hereby notified that ssid sheep K be thoroughly dipped, suffloient to kill 1 disease, forthwith. tny person failing to comply with this no I will be liable to bave bis sheep dipped Ihe Inspector at said persona s expense. Is notm and save ooste, tated Jnn. S. 1891. Quo. FlBHCS, Sheep Inspector, Don't Believs It as (r.i.l ii,.t V U. Wilkins. tha dmggiat, fi selling "Wisdom's Bobertine" for the a leiion, the moat elegant snd only really a.w nl iu kind in tne M. and giving a.beanriful picture card I every bottle. ' ,.ri ni.M m lm vour builder Iware, tinware, glas, rope, Snd sll kinda ktcbme oil, e.. ust VinniFia A KSAFV. ! Masonle UuUding. Eli Bangs is now running his stage line nn tha McKenzie river to the Foley and u-ibn-n mrinoa and intermediate points The stage leaves Eugene op Mondays, w.nRvs snd I'rulavs returning a iiernaie a ts tr o wiu be msae in iweive linn.. Viir C1CSHLS BUU lUilUCI . u.v. u...wu, call at the Hoffman House stables on Niuth street. What Is It! tw rnuWes that beautifnllr soft com plexion snd leaves no traces of its spplics . uinrinn. effects? The answer, Wis j1. UnLrtine accomplishes all this, snd is pronounced by ladies of taste and refine " r . j ...... . - , rt i. ment to oe me mosi ub'""i -.... .nAnr.aA Warranted harmless and matchless. F. M. Wilkins, agent, Eugene City. There is no danger of a cold resulting in jjU8llu.u ' ,'K.ur In-ing, Wednesday, when Chamberlains Cough ..,W 91t A. M. lirisfiiw to Misn I. . i a Ai.MifA "Inr a severe .. . . ,. . Kemeay is wu ""Z.I. Wa .t. I uusiineii, oold." it snectuBiiy wuu.-- olllcating. Markied. At the residence of (Jco. liev. O. A. lllair ...'tanp. of a cold to result in pneu- mon U . This (act was lolly proven in thous ands o( c ases during IDe epineniic " inzs last winter. For sale by F. M. Wilkins, Druggist. Waxted.-100.000 lbs. of good Willamette ..IU. woo . b Against Ibe Railroads. Sr-Il ui the (il'Aan. c...u n. . not. 20 Judge Boise todsy j, ..ij ,h. .nnlirstinns of Ibe Sontbem Pa- ciftc, and Union Psciflo railroads (or writs o( teview against the Oregon Kailroad Com mission, and decided insi int biiuuii-. .u. in St rates, and baa properly i JTth. same: that it reduction of freight rates wss made auer propenj u sideiing the value of the roads and cost of .rriMv. The roads are given until Friday to answer wbv the commission i not go into effect. loallof WHa aPlstel. a ui rvn-rov. fr.. Oct. 19. Alex Msson. of Oartield, Wash., en route to visit rclatlvw at Lexington, U-ing COIUW-Ued to lay over nrre fnu..a.,, thought to amuee nunseii uy sargv-e shall with a revolver, and while Fltt. Bje, tvasa K.rnra Go io tba Depot lombeJ or eheao lumber. Andrews will not adenoid. But, Arrnmos. AU kinds of oda at bed mrk prices at f.s.ling with it, thinking of cin, tl Ii.....i-.r. wi-r mmtv. "it went off." The ball, a 3-calibrv, entered between and index fingt-rand Uik an upward curse, lodging between the L......i..f ti. middle and nngflngi r of the V-n band. A doctor located and rh bulb t without gri'at diftl- euity. and Miioved several pKts of the eliatUrvd l-e. The young man will have a rtiff flngvr as a metiR-nto of his firt vbtit to Arungton. Tv.MrBtr work on the Sververod wart bo a is about completed As Impsovcmikt. Tbe raise just north of the Luiversilv on Lleventh street. Is be ing leveled down bv tbe street committee. This is s needed improvement. Dud. At ber residence on High street Eugene, Tuesday morning, October 20, st 2 o'clock, Urs. barsb U. uraclcn, sged tf years. Ueslb resulted irom oomumpiiou. Married. In Lane county, Ore gon, Octolier IS, ltl, by H. V. ItusMcll, M. I).. J. 1.. John llranton and Jane Elliott, all of Lane comity, Oregon, A Fiia Show. A large audience greeted T.ini. Lord Fauntlerov al Uhlnebsrt a the atre Tuesdsy evening. Tbe show wss much above Ibe average aud gtve general satis faction. Attractixo Attextiox. The ecu. tral liMntion of Fairmont sccuis to lie mtnu-ting many homcwekers tj that " - locality. Tax .Notice. Itv order of the City Council the tax "mil will he reopened for the r ei ipt of city taxes until N'ovemls-r 2, lil. I will be at my oflice to receive tlieiiiie from Ho'cbs-k a. m. till 7 o'eloi k n. m. duilv until that date. lh.te.iOet. 3. iirh F. t'BAW, City Treasurer. Attention Stockmen. The Monterey Live Kbsk Asia tion have ai.i.inU-d F. A. lUinkill, their agent and you will do well to con-wit him in relation lo insuring your live stock. Oct. 21, 18!)1 Mrs. Huunicutl is on tbe sick list. Miss Emma Eston from near JaKpcr, vis. ited at S.Drurv's the hitter part of last woek. Wellington Humphrey started work ou L. F. Wheeler's dam. which is being construct ed for the purpose of tunning logs, about eicht miles above this plaoe. ti. JaiUcs spent pail ol issi wees ou ran Sieek visiting. Tbe new school bouse Is a very nest and snacious building, which has long been needed, and is now completed and school commenced Monday, with Miss Dickinson of Eugene as teacher. Real Estate Trausters. kuokxk. J. N. Hunch to Alice A Hunch, lot 6 In block 13, In l'uckard's addition; f 'ulln L Martlii to Johnnthan P F.w lug, lots 2, 8, 4 and 6, block 0, fchii ton's addition: tiOOO. Johnnthan 1' l-.wlng to Juan mi Hond, lot 5, block 0, rihclton's uddl tlon; fi&O. n V Hond to J M Kitchen, lot 3, block 3 and the NJ of lot 4, block FAIRMOt'XT. (ieo M Miller to C H Davis, 80x3i0 fectjim fOlXTHV. A C Ilrown to ('lias (1 Ilendercr, 40 nrr.-u In Tn ill K. K 4 V: KUite of Oregon to I.i.zie M Miller, 411 erea in Tn 17 H. It VI : f sl. Ansel Heiumenway to Duvid Ivy, W aen-aln To IS S. II 6 W: f.'f. 11 F lloud to Allen lfamd, 102 acres In To 17 H. K4 WitS.lUO. 1K1 Muikey to Christian rVhrug, et al. a.17 Here ill Tn 17 H. It S W: I Il.'SSI. J W ltringle to Chns II linker, 40 ai res in Tp 17 H, U 1 V; KO Corson to II L Neff, 40 acres; W75. Jus K N'olaml. Kherlfl, to W T Peet, Km acres in Tp is rt. It 4 W; f li0. Clarence K l'earsall to Calvin Ibsr ers, bind in Tp i rt, It M W, and Tp 1 H, It 1 K; OAC H It to Wm Hamilton, 40 acres in Tp 10 rt, It 7 W; !. A (I Hovey and II C Humphrey to A J Frieze, Hi avres in Tp 17 rt, 115 Wj l'"i. BI'KIX'JKIKI.K. J J Pi fill to K M Anders, W blisk 2i;tlVs. (iLKXAUA. deo II Coulter to F M Wilkins, J W Kays and Jas r Wilkins. lots 2 and 6 in Clock 37, lots 2, 11 and 12, bbs k , lots I. 2, 3, 4 and 5 in bbs k 9, quit claim; Ax Billy the reductions on cles. Green Zumwalt, of Irving, Is Ihe proud fat bet of a bounciug boy. A marriage license was granted to I. L. Armstrong and Susie January. Cheap for rash only, Ax Billy. Ed. Damn, clothier. S. W. Emerson and O. L. Howard are operating s hotel In Springfield. Ax Billy tbe prices on tinware. Notice Dr. J. 8. Walter's card in another column. He doe first-class dental work at moderate pt lees. Don't psks by D. Liuu & Son's furniture store without examining thoir fins new liue of furniture just renivud. Oak bed room jets and all other kinds ol furniture, shades and carpet at Dsy k Uendersous, cbesper than ever. If you waut a suit of olothes or a pair of pantaloon go to Davis, Ihe tailor. He guar antees satisfaction and low prices. Golden Age Disc Harrow with or without seeder, best aud lowest price in tbe market at F. L. Ciiamusbs. Oliver Chilled Plow, also Olivers new steel plow warranted tn scour in any soil. Wnlkmg, Sulky or Osng Plows and auy thing you need to cultivate tbe ground With. t . L, CHAUBCIIS. For watches, clocks, tilverwate and lew. elry go to Holloway's. All new goods aud novelties. W, Holloway's stock Is agalu complete witb the newest novelties of Ibe season. Prices are the lowest. The piling for tho Albany bridge Is completed up to the first pier, nml work will progress on mat as nua as ptswi-blc. There are no flies on Holloway or fly specks on his goods. They are sll brand new and the prices are like the goods. Call auid see his watches, clocks aud silverware. Ktigcno flour nt Henderson's. Allmny Hour at Henderson's. Med lord Hour nt Henderson's. Junction Hour at Henderson's. You pays your money and you takes your choice. . Ax Billy for new bargains. Sugar and flour are down, Ax Billy. Tbe Queen restaurant on Willamette street has quit busiuoss. Tbe sttendunce at th Stale University is increasing every week. We make a specialty of On draughting ol sll kinds. Gray k Brouse. We have received the first issue of the Oswego, Or., Irou Worker. It is a neat paper. F. A. Tozler bought two lots In Fairmouut today and will bulid a dwelling at once. Tho curbing Is being placed along; the west side of the block bctwecu Ninth and Tenth streets. Puyallitp hopgrowers agree that picking all the leaves from tbe vines early next season will go a long way towards starving out Ihe lice. A. N. Oreen, formerly a county commis sioner ot this county, is now keeping a hotel st Hpringfleld, Mo. D. W. Wallis order tbe Guard, sent to him st Palo Alto. Cel. Us is attending Stanford University. Cbaa. Slsdden is now in Chicago as the traveling representative of a large manu facturing firm of Hsu Francisco. Eugen has a good list ol steam whistle Tbe sawmill, cannery, planing machines, Ice factory snd wood sawing machines make things lively snout the noon hour. The Willamette valley is again the coun try of red apples. Tbe pestilent codlin moth destroyed considerable of tbe fruit, yet enough remained to re-mind us ol old-time Oregon apple crop. 8evmnnr W. Condon, prosecuting attor ney of Ibis judicial district and well known in Corvsllis, is quite ill st bis home iu Kit gene. Corvalli Times. This will be news to Mr. Condon as he i in his usual health. Al Auten has resigned disposition In Smith A Hall's Kits-cry store, and In connection wltlta Mr. W'eU-r, has pur chased Mr. Hringle's general inerchiin- disestorentWa terv lleiuid will contin ue the IiuhIiicss. Al is a good salesman and will make a success of the same. Parties wbo wish lo purchase fruit trees from outside nurseries should exercise cau tion. Certain parties have bought nurwry stock from dlflcrenl sections, and their rep resentations are liable to bo fraudulent. Fruit groweta should inspect stock, or be sure ot the nurseryman's reliability, before purchasiug. F. F. Patterson, formerly ol Engeno, is building a fine residence iu Boseburg. Farmers report tbat enough ruin has not (alien yet to allow them la plow, only in late summer (allow or iu bottom laud. Jos. Thelmer makes complaint that one of the boarders at bis resideuce hit biin on the top of his head with a bummer snd thereby his bralu is affected. Sheriff J. E. Nolaud returned from Taco ms by Wednesday's overlanJ traiu. He say Albertson waived examination and was placed utider 120,000 bonds, which, it is ueeelles to say, be did not give. There will be s Sunday School Conven tion held st Springfield on Saturday next, 2 p. ra. and evening. A good programme has been arranged and sll ol every denomi nation ere invited to re present. It la lo be a mass convention. U. A. Dlais, President Couuty Sunday School Work. W. E. Hrown and son Warner will soon start a muslo store Iu Portland, having already rented a building In thatcity for the purpose. Mr. Ilrown's family will not remove to Port hind until spring, however. Eugeno has a gamo market In keen- elty style. Al Jionrs mis Ing with c morning there were salmon, nystcrs, clams, milled grouse improperly called Oregon pheasant, and ji" not to speak of poultry stock. It has been published that M. H. Warner will remove to Portland sm to engage In business. We are reliably Informed that Mr. Warner din's not In tend engaging In business or remov ing; to Portland, but will remain In Eugene. Tbe borax bed near Ellensburg, Wash., la 18 feet deep and 50 per cent. pure. A rail load is needed to develop this material. It is looked upon as a valuablo discovery, but it is off souis distance from tbe railroad lines. Tbe road, however, when built from Port Eaton, will necessarily pass noar the beds. Quit a number of Su aore claims have been taken in thst section, which will prove some day a bouauza to Ibe owners. J. E. P. Withers is expected to arrive from the East today. Dr. B. F. Russell has resigned Ihe office of Justice ol the Peace tor Thurston pre- oiuct. Oregon Fuel lie Troubled. The Oregon Pacifhi oase occupied th whole afternoon at Corvallis Tuesdsy, Oct. 20. Col. Hogg filed his report as receiver, aud admitted that he couldn't pay tbe bauds. A representative ol tbe Blair stock holders announced tbat if the court would remove Col. Hogg as receiver aud appoint a man whom be would name tba men would all be paid at once. After argument tbe case was sdjourued until tbe 2Jrd inst, giv ing the receiver tbe intervening time in which lo make the payment, when the road will be ordered sold iu the regular form to pay the men. Tbe Cotviillis Times, an anti-Hogg paper, gives Ihe following account of the cane I Col. II M wns represented by two able at torneys from New York, and J. K. Weather ford aud Geo. E. Chamberlain looked afler the iutereiits of the nnrsid laborer. The oratory ol tho attorneys occupied the atten tion ol the court all tbe afternoon and by mutual consent further bearing was contin ued until Friday, Oct. 23.1, in order to give the attorneys for the petitioners time and opportunity to examine tbe report ol Ibe re ceiver th'it had juil been filed. Io view of tbe (act thst the laborers are still unpaid. Judge l'ies ordered that the road be ad ver ticil uud sold by the s'neritf as soon as poa sillo, and although the date ha not been 11 nd, it is understood tliAt tbe sole will oo cir within six weeks. Tbe proceed are to be paid into court and tho wages due th employes are to be first considered. A FUKATi 6FSATURE. Discovered 41 miles from Hendricks' ferry on the McKenzIo river, a huge stmnsli weighing 13.') pound and now on exhibition nt the grocery store of (liny Sn, Eugene, Oregon, where you will lliul a list of presents to be given away to the lucky guesscr of the nearest iiiiiiiIht of need that tho squash contains. The present will amount to fl.VOO and will lie awarded to the guessers as follows. The person that guesses the exact number will re celvo free one line tea set, value $7.50; the person guessing the nearest nuin Ikt will receive n largo hand painted umbrella Jar, value f3.r0; the person guessing the next nearest number will receive a pair of clalsirate vases worth fit; the person guesslntr tho nextnenr est number will receive a nice card re eclver worth fl. These presents will ls given away on the first rtaturday lit IXrenilK'r next, ltetiieniber the oner Is only open thirty days. Come in early and make your guess. In ntrmerlam. At a sHelul nicctlnif, Oct. 0. 1801. tho following resolutions were adopted by tho undersigned, committee from rtt. Mary's llulld: Wiikkkah, The All Wiso F'nthcr haa removed from our midst by tho hand of death, our much esteemed treasurer, Clara M. Hhinchiirt, and Whkiikas, It Is but Just that a token of our esteem and rcsist't bo ollered to her memory, ltosolved, That in the death of Clara M. Hhlueheart rtt. Mary's (lulld has lost a faithful and clilclciit otlleer aud nieinlKT, lus-iety an upright and honor orablo citizen, and her family a kind and Indulgent wilo and mother. Itcsolvcd, 'That wo deeply deplore her loss and extend to her bereaved rel atives our heartfelt sympathy iu their sorrow. Itcsolvcd. That a copy of these reso lutions 1st entered iiihui a memorial Judge Scott bus been off on a hunting trip po of the record of rtt. Mary's Uulld, this week to Joe Uuddlostoa's Oshkjsa tnai a copy iki prcsenien to ino u nuiy ranoh, on th Mohawk, i me ueceumii, ami a copy lunusnuu a i... i..i.i in. a.... iv.,mL the city iniiH'r for tmblicutlon. liw viiiiuniiiiiii nuin .i r m" -- i,YIi,ij Kivuiv ft.r. i.,rti,.iul tiinlirht. Hu wi return ?!KS- ,r KMH Sovenlv-flve-poiind codfUh are being caught off Port Angelea, Waih. Cape ocd won't be tn it when the Pacific coast fish eries begin to be developed. Mrs. A. O. Matthews ha leased the Swift residenoe. Mr. Swift's health ha been poor lately and aba will go to Portland to reside with her daughter, Mrs. Fraokie Clark. Tbs huge fly wheel In tbe Portland flouring mills fltw into pieces Betordey af ternoon, wreoking nearly all the machinery iu the mill. It was singular sccideut snd no one can account (or it. Bectnt developments In th McKenzle leprosy case may cause onesainess to ssv. era I parlies. Tbe contagion scoordlsg to good authorities has on wsy by wblcb it most effectually spread. Tbe exempt certificates of the Eugen (ire department are neatly executed. On side bas accurate representation ol the city nail and old university building. Th other side tbe Geary school building snd Vlllard nsll. A subscriber ssk us th origin of the phrsie, "M isn l in it. ii was nrsi used by an editor wbo died and went to heaven and looked around lor tne man wno looa his psper three year and left it in th post office marked "refused." According to the semi-annual summary statement tbe total liabilities of Grant coun ty are (Sl.733.13. lteaources, including delinquent (axe and Harney, Lake and Moirow script, are f :iS.500.63. This leave a net indebtedness of $10,228.90 after these items are admitted as resources. Albiny Democrat: Mr. Jo. Koch, of Eu gnue, is now employed by Davis k Kimsey, in getting np some county plats (or their absiiscl office. Mr. Koch is a fine diaogbts man, bis work (or them being o( a superior order. Young Hunbsnd-'! dinner ready, dear? I'm as hungry as a bear." Young Wife "All ready, love; and what is more,! cooked it all myself." Young Husband -"Now, bow very nnfortunstel It Just eototi lo me that I promised to met a man down town on business just at una Hour. A colony of 1'SMI families will be brought to Oregon In a short time. Eugene should make an effort to locate some of them in this vicinity. Large farms should be divided into small tracts and the productive powar great ly increased. rttilcm Journal: Out on the Fahritus rtmith place can lie seen a siuliar freak of nature a rura avis which Is exciting much interest lust at present. It Is a common wild iihcnaniit that is cutting up thtue i'uliur antics, one of the slye-t and most exclusive birds known to the hunter. Every day aa young Hamlin rtmith Is hauling wood, Oil bird will sit either on his wagon or the wisslpile cooing and playfully follow ing hint alsHil In such a manner as to surprine everybody. home next week. The many friend of Fred Bellman will ba clad lo learn that he is constant ly im- nrovtng after nearly five weeks of typhoid fever. Prol. J. M. Williams has kindly sctod a nurse (or several tights past. The Catholic Cemetery. Editoh Guard. I regret having neglected to Inform you earlier. Last week there died after a short sickness bv inn ur al tvnhold fever, 1 1-year-old, John Mlchalske, the hopeful sou of Mr. rttopheii Mlchalske, who came from Wisconsin to Oregon two years ago and lived In Eugene, on his own property on Ferry rtt. Tho funeral tsik plai from rtt. Mary's Church, on Wlllamete street, to tho Catholic ceme tery, called Mt. Calvary cemetery, situ ated on the county roud In asoutlicrn direction to the Bpencer llutte. uUiut two miles from the center of this city. This grave-yard, 8 acres In slw, 1 a pious donation of Mr. Arthur kostcr- iiiiinn, a runner, living vwo nine irom It. It will Is) fenced soon and laid out In blocks and lots; the latter are in size lllxld feet and cost each f 10. In the middle of tho ground a cross, the consoling sign of our redemption, Is to lie erected, which will look from the hill Into tho beautiful Willamette valley and loudly talk U the human heart, "Memento uiorlo I" Tho funeral ser vices were conducted by Hev. Pastor Heck, who after Mass preached a ser mon and accompanied tho corpse to tho last earthly dwelling. This was the first huilul in the new cemetery, and I am assured the first dying to the eternal parudlse. I remain respectfully, yours CiinvsowroMiB. Eugene, Oct. 21, 1801. Prune Trees for Hale. I bavs for sals 5,000 Italian prune tree four to six feet In height, .at 15 cent per tree. 7,000 tree, three to five feet, at 11 eenti per tree. I will be io town on week. Call on or address, H. 0. Piairsa. Mlt8. 1). E. LoVKKUKIK, Mkh. J. A. Htkaiuiit, Committee. Jus. G. Clark's Concert. Notwithstanding the rain, the Meth odist church was well tilled Wed. night at Mr. James (1. Clark's entertainment of iss'try and song. If any one doubt ed Ills ability to entertain an audience, to I mi a whole concert In himself, tho doubt was disH'lled long before the concert was over. There were seven teen selection, embracing nearly every shade of sentiment, the audience ex pressing their delight by applauding nearly every uiiiiiU-r, and maiilfestlhg regret that the outertuiniiicut closed so rKMltl. Tho entire pcrforiiiiinco wits char acterized by that perfect naturalness and simplicity which only genius dare attempt, every word being distinctly heard, and the thought Is-lng conveyed to the heart by beautiful iiieliHly. 11 is own js s in, "The Mount of the Holy Cress,' anil li'.s sentimental songs were rendered with the power and pathos of a master, while the war like lire, force and spirit of the"Mar scllalse,'' and other war and patriotic selections, trumpet. stirred the blixsi 11 ko Mahkied. The Kalem rttatcrman says: Married In Portland, Oregon, Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 21, 1H01, A. O. Condlt and Lilian Worth. The groom Is the popular Marion county treasurer. He is a graduate of the nor mal department of the rttate Univer sity at Eugene. He was twice elected treasurer of this eounty. A few days go he was admitted to the bar by the Oregon supreme court. Mr. Condlt Is an upright honorable young man, iMtsMesMsT of ability and pluck that . will win him suc cess In his chosen profession His bride is a granddaughter of tbe late Bev. E. B. Geary, ol Eugene. Her lather was tbs late J. 0 Wonb, ol Linn cooniy. He served county Judge of Linn. Miss Worth baa (or two year been principal ol tbe shorthand department ol Holmes busi ness college in Portland, wber her mother resides now. She is su excellent and so- eomplished Udy. Dixo At Pleasant Hill. Oregon, Oct. 19, 1st) I, from tbe effect of scarlet lever, Lura Belle, daughter ol Kobert and Aun Druery, aged 13 months. Ob, who would call onr Laura back From a home ol Heavenly love; . Ood' angels leave us not alone, They woo ns np above. A FairsD. A Dictionary Bargain. We oiler tho following Inducement to subscribers to the Wkkkly Ouakd: For Rio we will furnish the paper to new aubscribera or old ones paying one yeur In advance, with a copy of Welter's unabridged dictionary. The book has l iill pages, is hand somely hound, and Is a bargain alone at that figure. It has an apcndix of KKOuo new words. 15,000 synonyms, pronouncing vocabularies of scripture. classical anu geograpiucai name, ami a dictionary of mercantile and legal terms, also a large number of illustra tions. Call and see for yourselves. Tho Daily Guard for three months, delivered, and the dictionary for $4.75. Every family need an unabridged dictionary, and this Is an excellent opportunity to secure one for a nominal price. Pleasant Hill Items. Oot. 21, 1891. P. N. Shelley is fixing over bis house. D. Berkshire ol Goshen i at work on tha same. Bobert Drury killed another bear la Dr. Sharpie orchard . Sport and Bob are good bear dogs. Harry Shelley visited at bis slater, Mrs. Caroline Branlon's, Sonday. P. Laird and wife and H. G. Mitchell have returned from Kitson Springs. They report pleasant time. Tbey'jjot while there i deer snd 2 bear aud several messes ot fin trout. Good Bib. Wheat Pubchasei. S. H. Friend ly, Monday, puehased of the Meek es tate 7,110 bushel of wheat at 7rf ccnta net r bushel. It was stored at Irving. Mr. Runev perversely did not return to his 1I Keiuio home Tuesday morning, as slated by tbe Dailt GuaiD. We do not wish to be held reepooatble for his failure to return aa announced. Msnaitn. At tbe residence ol George Ruverns, in Eugene, Oregon. October 21, Wl. by Bev. G. A. Blair, 1. L. Armstrong and Susie January, all ol Lane county. Fur accurate surveying ing go to Gray k Biouw, amateurs. aud fine draught They are not TApcjrcao A Ksarr'a.