The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 05, 1891, Image 3

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indication point to a treiiieu
vti of the Portland lndtistr tl
11, which opens tlili year Sep
:7. The uiusie by the great
Band of Mexico! the paint-
i abroad, the living chets tour
, the wonderful electrical die-
. un precede iiUhJ I v larve mini
liiliiti in agriitilture and liorti-
- ia industry and m-ience, slum a
r comiiiK hxpoHition. in attract'
will exceed any ever held up'm
i ;ic coaia.
f liai wen an entire rear run ne
,,f the Kxpoaition, and a lare
r if novelties from every part of
,: :-l liuve own ert'iirttl.
i lilroada have grunted a round-
ah- of one fare and a liflh; half
..u all exIillntH, exivpt fruits and
Vm, which have lt n placed iiion
, lint. Thia cerlilien to the excel-
MHtrenient of the Kxpoxition of
a the BHiue enerirv dixplayeil in
it departineuta Icavei no doiiht
n K'redl HUl't't'SS.
Pretty strong
)ns for ttying Dr. Sage's
:rh Remedy. In the first
j, it cures your catarrh
nutter how bad your case,
cf how long standing. It
:,u't simply palliate it
a. If you believe it, so
t ::.a me ueuer. i nere s
' more to be said.
. j get it for 50 cents, from
! druggists.
Tut perhaps you won't be-
Tl . I t .1
Le it. men meres anotner
kzson lor tryinp- it. snow
;.t you can't be cured, and
get S500. It's a plain
ess offer. The makers
Dr. Sage's Remedy will
j you that amount if they
1't cure you. They know
t they can you think
t they can't. If they're
:ng, you get the cash. If
j're wrong, you're rid of
'inf (ana I11111I in Wlmifkiiftiu'ici'liiiiiiii' fm
iiuiIxt ur other IiiiiiIn in Mtifliiiiutiiii ur ore- 1
n. II. K. Niihi.k, I'liiuiinl lllili!., I'urtliiiKl.
tut III vt'ry Ih'M i;immU tluil yon Limn
Mil urmv, "I cii'li prlivn, rlle n.
r I DOQsnN A son. W.reliouH
f . . . . vw .-, ,7Q
t Portland, Oregon. Front Si.
l-.n!mil. Ori'iinii. A. I'. AniiKlniim, I'rin.
rim h s. : Ol'llAI. He. Ciii.i.hik. Nnlrm. urrnuil.
mih counwt uf ttiul)', nuiii rut. nl liiitiuii,
ISusiness, Short h and,
2 vrH,f, iVmmitMsHifi.anJ tittglish lefartmtnti
i In miMiiin Uiiuiitf limit the ynr. hnitiiift umuii
1r4 at h- Utti. l uiiilitgup mIiiii vltlirr cIhmiI, (trie.
f hv( the rcnl IVylou. new,
llrcct lniirl,
tcii ! r 1 1 1 k -r
pi urlniiiHl eitHctt. 1'roiuniumHl
Miiirrior li miv In mtirkt-t. 1'rlic 11 Vnl
Her Ik. Amv 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 nut over I lt v nnill ik".
11111 Hi f 1 r "1. t iieiiT iiiiiii i iieiii u'ii.
Try il.
410-418 Front Street,
Here is something from Mr. Frank
A. Hale, proprietor of the De Witt
I' use, Lewiston, and the Tontine
: !. Brunswick, Me. Hotel men
i t the world as it comes and goes,
' are not slow in sizing people
1 i things up for what they are
rth. He says that he has lost a
' ' er and several brothers and sis
s from Pulmonary Consumption,
1 1 is himself frequently troubled
with colds, and he
ilareditary often coughs enough
to make him sick at
Consumptionhis stomach. When
ever he has taken a
roU of this kind he uses Boschee's
Oman Syrup, and it cures him
rvuy time. Here is a man who
la as the full danger of lung trou
L'. and would therefore be most
' reticular as to the medicine he used.
What is his opinion ? Listen ! " I
use nothing but Boschee's German
Syrup, and have advised. I presume,
tuore than a hundred different per
sons to take it. They agree with
me that it is the best cough syrup
in the market."
WHnl.mtI.IC A!l HICTAll
PlumbW in EHflnMrt' uplit. Mind
ui Utm Pnp. Iron Pit. Htmt. fif
rAirnM, Lukrtcitori. iWf Holcwt. FiM
r Vtnlllttort. Citlt Refilttrt. tic.
Write for prvr.
mi rmsi it.. romD. o.
r.,irK-tnn on hilii4 ml rwUUllM
bml liiiirft. Kllml- f"
' io!IiijJiiEvocBEiiiLrrTi
If , . tiMiiMIII Oi4rIMM
. rntii. not' turuui..i
l Var WhaU .illdillo. ( Vbr
M7 H Talklug tu Vou A I wful lubll
I Form-Am I'Mimkva t uiulliuul.
Our littUi village bai Un full of ttrmngen
lately, lud a fnmU aiul I iartl olt tlwutner
day toiunJcetruuwl of mur.iluj call. A
our drat itoiiiin pU, a yuuntf, with
I fair nweet fiii'e li-blej by Ui lirlgbut and
bouniwit of blur eynt, u bruu;Utln to
0 I waa deuv-ninl Uen ilw Uuki iMit
war nie, and turmJ witU coimklernlile vigor
toowutUecoiivn-Mtiuu. tike nut my ad
vanom lunguiilly, Imikud down at the em
broidered initial uf her liumlkervuief, or
Muiiiud my otrd caw, or, woi-.i of alUaot-nied
dutractod by tlie groiii at the olbcr vud of
ttw room. My liicll'tiuUou runa tlmdily, aud
M mxd ai iwliU'iioa allomsl, I nude uiy bow
aua una "Uomi morning."
Two or tbree more visiu Lrouclit tu to where there wan another mraue girl
The guent fell tu my nUure aguiu. Drawing
ber cuair toward me itb a friendly little
hiUb, tlie leeujed to forget tbut there a
any one else lu the room, and gava me (not
my clothe) bar undivided attention aa long
we flayed. JC a relivuliiug, aud I eut
oir on my round aaiu iu bigli goud huumr.
blie wat not nearly to pretty atue other
girl, but I uou found that 1 u uot tbeouly
one whose buut klia bud coiupleU-ly cup-
IVrlmiie In writing a cotle of good manner!
tail rule uliould be put first: liive your whole
attoution to w hoever may be talking to you,
1 ouoe beuru a little uhiJJ euy of a fumoui
belle, "Ob, the a awful uieel Mb lovte to
bear aUait my dollies. " Tliera it ia. We
bke the iieuple wbo like u,wbo are inter-
Hted iu our pet project, or, at any rate, will
listen to our rbuptodieii over it really listen.
I do not think a pretense of attention ii
ever ufe. It may be tlie merest ooiumou.
place that ia doled out to you; but tlx your
nuud ou It, aim IhwhIm Having your com.
pauiou tbe chagrin of tlniluig himself un
heeded, you form a inot uwful JIany
persons mist a large iwrt of the aenuoiu and
lecture they attend, simply Iss-uum) they are
uuuwtl to conociit rate their tlnmglita. ben
a laugh runt round the audience at aome sly
hit of tbe tieuker, or a burst of applause
gi-eete his flash of eloiueuoe, theae listlese
frieuda of 011m are ruustil to nudge their
neighbors and whisper, "H lint mm thatT
Then there i scarcely anybody (ia there a
tingle person)) who, in bit best vein, cannot
lay tometbiiig of interest; and there b no
turer way of bringing out his best than by
tbut utigK)keu compliment of boucHt atten
tion. The most of us aie probuhly uot to
overstocked with iuforiuutioii as uot to won
der a little at that assertiou which I'arlyle
uiade after iendiug moiitlisin Loudon: "Do
not And a single creature thai baa communi
cated an idea to me." In lesser mortals we
could easily say w hose fault thutjad been;
but we must not meddle with the judgment!
of tbe great Ur. Carl vie.
I know a young man, ugly, awkward, and
with absolutely none of tbe to called "small
talk. A iiuot unpromising subject for a
ladies' mail, and yet thia it the opinion given
of him by a bcfriiuled, betlouiiced, bright
eyed young miss, w ho hat half the boye of
tbe village running after her:
"Do you know Mr.. Mi-Dean I Isn't ha
lovelyf Tremendously learned, you know,
but uot the least bit 'scary.' Actually lis
tened to every word oor little I suid, and
teemed to exiwct me to talk sense. I felt
dreadfully funny talking about liookt aud
tbut, but it was awfully entertaining. 1 be
gin to think I have one or two ideas, really."
"Sajuin Bui-jum" iu Demorcsi's Monthly.
The Keeper of the Harem.
A conspicuous person about the sultan't
palace is the llairaui Aga, kvier of the
maidens, a jet black Nubian, probably from
the Soudan, lie wears a gorgeous uniform
of scarlet and gold, has the air of authority,
and on bis ample breast displays a dozen im
perial, royal and Christ lau orders of which
be is knight lie ranks with prime minister
and field marshals, disputes precedence with
embassadors, and is courted for his influence.
A genuine African, he loves jewels, and on
the baud graciously exteuded for the kisses
of the fuithful there glitters a ruby second
only to the one for which Kubla Kahu offered
a city, aud was refused. From the savings
of his income the guardian of the lilies has
built a mosque for his lordly sepulcher when
his term of vigilant service is ended.
Tbe true Oriental is unsurpassed in secrecy,
aud there is a fascination iu bis silence which
moves the gossip to Insatiate curiosity. The
foreigner must ttop ut the carved and gilded
portal of tbecoiisecrated place. Even liairom
Aga does not puss it. Embassadors lave
petitioned and princesses sued iu vuin for
entrance into tbe Gate of Felicity. Tbe out
side world bears not the faintest echo of the
strange, adventurous life of womeu whose
loves, bates, spites, intrigues, are pluys
played out with neither audience nor tpecta
tators to reiwi-t, If Bairam Aga knows more
than we do, he makes no sign; be is secret
as the grave.
It is said that harem etiquette wat regu
lated ages ago by laws that change not, and
is observed with rigid exactness and minute
obsorvunce of detail. The mothers of cbU
dreu have aiartuieiits separate, as families
iu flats, and visit with the grave oerenioniuls
by which Orientals salute strangers. What
jealousies may flush iu the luiiguishing dark
eyes whose witchery bus made their fortune,
who kuows may tell Susan E. Wallace ia
New York Sun,
Annonnrrd Ton Karl
Th eretarr of the Lime Kiln Club an
nounced a commuiiiculioii from Terr Haute,
Ind., forwarding a series of resolutions
passed by the a O. Q. club on the death of
Kev. Penstock.
fJ like to ask tbe rba'r 4e seaniu' of
dial" exclaimed Penstock at be sprang to bit Instead of Inditing a sonnet U', his mis
feet, tress' eyebrow, the modern young man
"Why, de report of your death has prob- contributes a paper to a political journal
ably reached Terre Haute," replied tbe pwe which he elucidates the counsels of
ident Europe and gives his views upon them.
"But I ain't dead, sail!" He never descends tothe frivolity of dune-
"Wear1 not to blame fur dat, Brudder rig He marries money, and cares little
Penstock." whether the lady that goes with it be
"But I tell you I aint dead, an' daft a pretty or plain, young or old. He is In
slander on nie I" i sensible to all but the practical issues of
"Ji'o, youdoan' teem to be dead, hut dis life. His heart beats in his brain snd
club can't help what other people resolve. , leaves his bosom cold Can he be railed
We shall return our thankt to de H. O. Q. 1 young? There I nothing of youth about
club an' daft an fur we kin go. riease
tot down Brudder Penstock."
Pti4i-k tat down, ana iue omy war am
could reteveu was lj ttickiu;? a brad ami, !
which he carried in the toe of bit ls.t, into ;
Elder Toofs calf with such effect that the!
Elder awoke and shouted "ijolioer at the,
top of hi voice, and wat fined l,o0 on the
niot-Detroit Fret Pre. !
Kad f ate. Indeed. I
The latest "rictim of tobacco" Is a sad j
Indeed, tie ' Jrars UM i
-mvl foe tiitv years, and last wee
d lM wees am
married a woman four years hu senior.
Tobacco smokinff affis-ted Lis brain.
Norrutown Uerald.
The Wrong- f r.
Old LadT (In Pennsylvania railroad st.
tlon-U this the car fer buamokiu. mia-
UBrakeman So. ma'am; If Ton want to
amoke, take tbe car ahead. Tbe Epoch.
a Rtrw.klrn vouni woman has a beantl-
tlful and most eariona Uble cover la
stripes of wUte and goUlen brown. It la
woven of tbe ebcru hair ut Ut hL j
bard dof , I
Isiur r Hie IHc., l.nrasalersd
Unrlns a Itima uts(.
It may serve as warning to all con
rerned to publish the following extracts
from a reivut private letter, giving an ac
count of the lirst part of a voyage to the
Kivcr Plate uu board one of the finest
i earners afloat, and belonging to one of
the best known companies. The writer is
a young man who ins in face the world
1 1 1 .
as uesi ue may. aim ny ueiViwity look a ,
steerage w sii'ge llc'-uiy. j
"lu the Iwy ol liiscay we have hail very
bad weather high wiud. raiu and heavy 1
teas. l-at night was dreadful. The i
horrors of a steerage passage can only l
realised by experience. The food ia bad '
and is eaten the best way we run manage, j
mere Is uo table. We must eat ittiii)f
ou a wiHsleu bench or standing from
greasy tin plates with greasy tin spoons
aud forks or greasy knives, and we drink
out of greasy titi mugs. At 7 a. ni. we I
have a routioutid which heurs a faint re
semblance to I'lifTce, without milk, and
good bread, which Is the only good thing
we have. There Is also a substance they
term "butter," but the sight and smell o'f
It are enough At 8 a. m we have break
fast, whii h consist of a kind of soupy
atew with 'autoes, and a coticocliou
which has it the least reaetublauce to
tea, being, iu tact, merely dirty water. I
do not drink il. At uoou we have dinner,
which consists of beef rut In slices about
an hu h thick, and which will not yield to
inasticutiou, potatis'sand bread and water.
At 3 p. in. we have more soupy slew and
biscuit, which will vield only to the ham
mer These are all the meals; and the
bill of fare has only varied twice lu four
dart once ou Suudav, when we had suit
fish, which was horrible, aud today, when
we had salt xirk. which was worse.
"The aleepltig arrangements are on a
par with the rest. Our eabiu has twenty
eight berths, which are all full The
hunks are ubout two feet wide, and the
beds are composed of a straw mattress
and pillow, and two blankets The wash
lug arrangements are simple tin basins,
with about two inches of water Hat lis
there are mine. The state of dirt we
shall be lu when we reach Montevideo I
cannot conjecture. At uight we have
only oue light a dingy oil lamp. Hut
the worst Is to come. At Bordeaux, Cor
unna and Virgo, we took ou a cargo of
the wretrhedest ragtag and bobtail of the
French, Spanish and Portuguese nations
men. womeu and children I believe
we now have about eight or nine hundred
of these on board, and there are more to
come at Lisbon, which we should reach
"The scenes that have taken place on
deck aud below since these ptsir wretches
rameou board balllo description Men,
women and children are scattered about,
eating, drinking, chattering, singing and
vomiting. Fortunate It is that our eabiu
U full, so that these tieople are berthed iu
other cabins, but the noise at night and
the stench are horrible Some of thein
are literally lu rags, ninny without shoes
or stockings, but all with one accord are
very dirtv. Moreover, the ship itself is
dirty, 'there seems to be no attempt to
keep It clean The door uf our cabin is
slippery with grease and dirt. We have
tbree unkempt Portuguese steward to
attend on us. They are fairly civil The
only Knglisb steerage passenger are the
twenty eight in our rubln I liev are ull
decent fellows. Some are engine drivers
from the Midland railway, some clerks,
etc Thevshare little luxuries freely with
oue another. As the above mentioned rag
tug aud bobtail are iu the habit of steal
lug out of the cabins, and even ripping
bags open, we huve organi.ed a watch of
half an hour a spell each, so that the
cabin Is never left untenanted all day."
St. James' (iazctte.
Hstlii llelween Men ami Women.
Prof. W. K. Brooks, of Baltimore, has
discovered that a favorable environment
tends to produce uu excess of females
among animals and plants, aud an unfa
voruble environment au excess of mules.
If this be true, a race or siiecies which Is
on the point of extinction should have an
excess of mules.
The population of Australia consist 1 of
a small aud decreasing- number of aborig
ines, aud a prosperous and increasing pop
ulatlon of foreign settlers und their de
scendants, amounting iu ull to nearly
8,000,000 persons. As the native popula
tion Is rapidly disappearing, we should
expect to find the mules more numerous
among them as compared with me to
males than among' the inhabitants of for
eign origin, provided other conditions are
equal, for each 100 feniules t here were. In
Victoriaof native born Australians 1002-10
males, and of foreigners, exclusive of
Chinese, l'Jft 110 mules. The ratio of
males to females in the population of for
eign origin is therefore very much greater
than it Muld be if It deieudisl iihjii the
birth rate alone; and as this modifying in
fluence dtws not alTis-t the aborigines, an
excess of mules aiming them, no greater,
or even a tittle less, than thut found
among the Inhabitants of foreign origin,
would Indicate that the excess or male
births Is much greutor among them than
among the people of foreign origin. Com
putation shows that the excess of males
among the aborigines Is, notwithstanding
these neutralizing Influences, very much
greater thau it Is among the foreign pop
ulation. For all Australia there are l l;l 72 abo
riginal males to each 100 females; there
are only 118.04 males of foreign descent
to each 'lOO females, notwithstanding the
fact that 129 mules settled lu these colo
nies to each 100 females. Science.
No More Young Men.
A dissertation on the French youth of
tha rla annears In a Paris Daoer. aud la In
sreat Dart a renroach. there ure uo more
Vfllin(r mm laments the writer. These
MJ solemn beings who tuke life so
rfously and liud so little joy In their
yp,, cannot be called young men. They
talk of deputations when they should be
thinklni? about balls and nrettr Dartners.
him but the superficial appeirance 01 11.
Another type of tbe (in you to ny
J0,!n? i
tnghsh j
man is ne wno nresses use uji
p-oom. talks stables and radna. P'K"'"
shootiuff. and di-n the repertijry of
the music hall. Bis little soul U-ffins
with his tailor and ends in his cant, lie,
Is a heavy nullity. Impervioni to act Im
pression. ami alm..,t as devoid of bmn j
I as net 01 m an 1 ni. is ine y.mvn
01 , rail r us . 1 t imoiuiMi
Have l"t' ' 1. !' I, nd to match
either I'
-it this Is your 0.: .1 arnwer. Mist
Jrobinson." the joun? i.iju said, with ill
Concealed chagrin, ti L'.- t.iincd up bis
hat and turiii-d to j-u. Ii an do nothing
but submit
Vet, has it ever occurred to '
you that when a lady passe the a'e of ill
she is not likely to find herself as much ,
sought after by desirable young Bicu a ,
abe once was?" j
"It occurred to me with audden arid
painful distiuctnee when you offered
yourself j'it now." abe replied, "(iund
nij'bt. Jlr Peduncle." Chicago Tribune
It Is Its ted that at least 1.000.000 tons
of commercial ferUlUert art now annually
naed la U 1 country
erniors im-mfdies.
'r Cured bj A unlets A CeuipouM
fur Urarnsw loulhachs anil Head
arhe Sure : Krlatsd Thrust Hy
drupln,bU-l.t.,. (r Keryihla(.
In the llrst century of the Christian en
lived iu Koine Cuius Pliuiiit Kectiudus
He was a g'N.d man and true, a scieutisi
to far as lus light went, and with a pro
fcssioual distrust for tlie prescriptions 01
those whom he calls magicians, win
strove to cure by sjiells. amulets au
charms Ami he set himself to make I
Collection of prescript ions for the benefit
of the suffering Coinaus of Ilia day, beint
careful only to insert those which hai!
Isen duly recommended by the faculty
This curious and Interesting book wal
translated Into F.nglish by Dr. I'hileuiot
Holland, three years before the death ol
Elizabeth, at which time there were great
11 uiulers of people who implicitly believed
In tlie remedies there set down. Wi
venture, then, no apology iu offering our
readers a few of Pliny's choicest prescrip
tions, so old that now they are new.
Fever receives tlieatteuiiou it deserves,
being cured most by amulets and remedies
to be worn round the mvk; as, for di
stance, you are to take "the right eieof a
wolfe, salt it. and so tie It about the
uecke, or liitug It fasl to any jmrt of the
Iiersoii " Elephants' blood was invaluable,
nit if the squeamish should turn against
the reined v. a noetic substitute is Pro
vided "a liou's heart steeped In oil of
Deufness was readily curable by a com
pound of "goosegreaso. fresh butter aud
bull s gull. teuiiH-red with invrrh aud rue.
or the fume that a horse dot li froth, mixed
with oil of roses.
A very rational remedy Is recommeuded
for toothache. "If one bile off apiece of
some tree that bath bten blasted with
lightning, provided alwava" and here Is
the rub "that he holds Ids bauds behind
him in so doing, the said pcece of wood
W ill take awav the toothache."
Headache was at once cured hy htvlng
the forehead touched bv "the trunk or
tniilllo of an elcphauiit;" or, "If a man
poure vlnigar uh.ii tbe hooks and hlndges
of doors, and make a liniment with the
durt that romuielh of the rust thereof,
and therewith anoint tlie forehead," hia
lieudache is at once cured.
Sore eves were a Dimple matter, and re
quired only "to anoint them with wolf
grease or swine's marrow;" but actual
blindness required, of course, more elab
orate treatment. "The gravie or dripping
of a hywne's liver, new ly taken out of the
body and rostcd. being lucorioratcd with
clarilied hour Into an unguent, riddeth a
man from blindness " Or If the eves
squinted, "if the eies bo dipped three
times in that water wherein a man or
woman hath washed their feet, they shall
be troubled neither with bleureduease nor
anv other Inlirmily."
1 be remedy Tor "relaxed throat was
simple enough, but the doctor needed to
be of herculean strength. "If the uvula
be fulne, it will be up again if the patient
sutler another to bite the hai re lu tbe
cmwiie of his head, and so to pull him
plumb from the ground."
Should an accident occur In eating,
Pliny is equal to the emergency: "If a
peeve of bread have gone wrong, or lie In
the way rcudin to stop the breth, take the
crunis of the same loafe and put them
Into both the can's, you shall see it shall
aoone be gone, and doe uo further harm."
There are criodicnl epidemics of hydro
phobia, or rather fear of that horrible
malady, and it is as well to know how to
treat the bite of a dog, whether mad or
tune. This Is what Pliny recommends:
"Make a decoction of a badger, a cuckoo
and a swallow, and drink it off." Cramp
was to be cured by "a catuplasme uf a
live wolf, sodden lu olio till the suid oils
be gelied to the height or a consistence of
a cerot." Pliny seems to tuke It for
granted that the "live wolf" would raise
no objections to bo thus utilized. The
nervous aud shy will be filled with cour
age If they "tuke the pith or marrow out
of the hyicne's backbone, along and Incor
porate with oile aud bony; It la passing
good fon .he nerves. "
Does are supposed to die after stinging;
nd Pliny tolls similarly of serpents, that
"serpents can hurt but once, neither kill
they many together, to nay uotlilng how,
when they have stung or bitten a man,
they die for very griefe and sorrow that
they have done such a mischiefa, at If
they hod some prick or remorse of eon
science af towards."
Pliny haa receipts for everybody and
everything; even the ladies are not for
gotten. For the complexion, "The pas
terne bones of a young white bulklii, or
teere, sodden for the space of forty dales
aud nights together, until such time as
they be dissolved Into the liquor; If the
face be wet with a liue llnnen cloth dipped
lu the said decoction, it causeth the skin
to look clean and white, and without any
rivels or wrinkles; but the said Uunlment
must be kept all night to the face in the
Diunncr of a masko." For the hair:
"Ants' eggs stamied and Incorporat with
ties, likewise pounded together, will give
a lovely block colour to the hair of the
elebrows." To curl the huir: "A camel's
tuile dried and reduced Into ashes and In
Corporal with oile dot b curie aud frizzle
the hair of the head."
It seems Incredible to us that remedies
Such as these could gravely he recom
mended and believed iu. and yet such was
the case. It must have required a mar
velous amount of faith to gut some of
these gruesome prescriptions down, aud
faith, as we know, worka wonders In tbe
the healing art. All the Year Round.
KnilUh and American Jonrnalas
Perhaps the most striking contrast be
tween English and American journals Is
In the relative amount of tpace alloted to
verbatim reports of speeches, discourses
and other addresses. Besides ibe room
given to parliamentary proceeding, there
are many columns In each Issue of tbe
average English dully devoted to record
ing the utterances of men, wise or other
wise. The first qualification required of a re
porter In England Is the ability to take
verbatim notes; and. looking over tome
of tbe English papers, an American Is In
clined to think It is the only qualification.
The space given to description In report
of political and other meetings over there
I very smsll. no matter bow many col
umns of wind are nhunoirrsphed. In thll
country we do not care to reproduce all
,he wordg thtt fB, from tl)e of ,
ipwilt,.r on the stump; much lest doea tb
rdpr ncx, oimnU)g rare ihem
, wu mmrvUttt astonished while vlsltinif
Fand iumniPr i observa how
rly -our Ilt.iffpnt Bnton wades
U) 'h J ,hrM r f(J(ir iimn speech
dcIiTered tDe nj,fo before at a political
meetlti(f, letting his bn-akfssl coffee eoi4
mean while. -J. C. MoQutt lu The Writer.
Heverw f'enaltle iu Slam.
In Slam, for stealing or killing an ele
phant, buffalo or bullock, the punishment
is death. Housebreaking ia also pun
lulled with death. A ts-rson detected in
smoking opium is Imp
riMined for tbree
years. The men of the lower orders of
people are slaves and must he enrolled 10
souie master. Chicago Herald,
Irenelad shlM I'anrlemned.
The new metal turret a with which
France hat been experimenting have
proved unable to ttand tbe new projectiles
from modern guns. 1 hit,
1, aay The Ixju- M
:lad ships with- 23
don Times, condemns Ironclad 1
ut giving them a chance of showing ,
what the eottld dfcKew .
Should any one ask your opinion about
the Histogenrtir system of medicine, Just
answer boldly that it it no good. Hhould
he ask you the reason why it Is no good,
loll him - just because. If this ansaer does
not confound him by its profundity and he
still persists, tell him thut It it a new fun
g led idea. This will probably prove effect
ive, aa 11 bankrupted the first iron plow es
tablishment. Should you lull In that, loo,
don't give up, but insist with the powerful
argument (hut your grandmother never
heard oflt; thai you can't see downier
i iirv, arsenic, slrvcliiiine, etc., ran Is' im
proved iiimiii, uud that the old schools of
medicine must necessarily have exhausted
all the slock of wisdom, and thai there can
not possibly lie anything left to learn. And
if ull your powerful arguments have failed
lo convince him id' I be reasonableness of
your Misitinn you huve still one Parthian
snot tell mm that vou are simply usion
islieil ; Ihut you thought him an intelligent
And still there are men - aud women, too
upon whom such argument have no el-
tivt, hut they ure thinking people who are
w .iiiug 10 investigate la-torr lliey lorui an
Piiii'Xix. A. T.. July :, WI.
Ih.J. Kmirnr 7nfun, .sVu(ie, M .- Dava
Sin: lliiviiig used your remedies In my
tiilnilv lor limn, tliim tun veant with won.
derm) success, I feel thut no other remedies
can give satisfaction, and I inclose symp
loins ol' my nephew ' case lor your consul
eration. ' Fmvm ks A. Ct rtis.
Dr. Jordan's olllce is at the residence of
ex-Mayor Yesler, Third and James.
Consultations and presoriplioiisalwoluto
ly (rte.
Send for free book explaining the Histo
genetic system.
tl'Tio. The Hislogenetio Medioinee
are sold in but one agency in each tow n.
I he laliel around the hot tie bears the fol
lowing inscription: "Dr. J. Eugene Jor
dan, llistogeneliu Medicine." Every other
device it a fraud.
It'i a mislike to suppose lbs'- the torlal llou It
the si 1111 ol ts asis. J
Thai dvs.isiu comet from torpid liver
and oostivencss.
That you cannot digest your food well
unless your bowels and liver uot properly.
Thai your bowels require thorough cleans,
ing when they do not do their duty by your
1'liiit your torpid liver needs stimulating
In order that it may art us nature Intended
it should.
That Hkanukkth'h Pills taken in doses
of one or two at night for, say, ten days
will n'giihitctliclHiwcls.stimutalf the liver,
improve (he digestion anil drive away dys
pepsia. That IIhanukktii's Pill ure purely vege
table, absolutely harmless and Hte lo take
ul anv tune.
That they can be obtained in every drug
and medicine store, either plain or sugar
ooatisl. Tbetlrof roiiiletefinlou urrtr yet vauillated
t pisir I -ueuieut house.
A slight cold, if neglected, often atlucks
the lungs. "Awn's Hnnuhial 7'riM-Aiu"
give immediate relief.
It lakes au umiiiiallv aoisl iwlinmer unwailtvt
W positively curs rupture aud all rental duv
wuuout nam or ueteiuiou from dusiui
40 cure, uo nay :
and uo par uutlt cured. All
'rati lur pauiililot Urn. Porterlleld
ot Uteri sos
larket street, sail Kreuottco.
Womeu re not always ileen thinkers, but they
are xenerally cloth. 1 olswrven.
Dr. Wlllltms' Itsllau Pile OlntraeutwtU care
4llnd. HIihsI lug and Itckluf Piles when all other
liitmwiUi hv failed. II absorbs tbe minors,
tllivi the Itehlut at ouce. acta as a voultice.
lire lu.isui relief. Ur Williams' ludlau Pile
Oiutuieiit Is prepared only lor Pile aud lu-hllif
il the private pans, tud uollilnt else. Ivory
mix It warranted. Hold bv drunltla, or tent ay
oall on receipt ol one, we aud 11 per ooa.
Proprietors, Cleveland, 0.
The people who would have dons to and to If
they had been there never set there.
t'elilrsilr loenlcd; Ainerli'Mll A Kiiiyhnmiu plan:
nrsl iiiiss; rciisouniiie rates. 1.. . iuiy, prop.
Mkhi'iivht IIotri., Tlilrtl anil D streets.
I'ortlund. 1 irst-cliiss ucx'OiiiiiiiHlatloiis,
Hates, I loJI.'iUpcrday. Jacob Haas, I'rop.
Die KuameHue Stove PolUhj aodutt: potm.U.
Tav Okrmka for breakfast.
A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.
Superior to every' other known.
Used In Millions of Homes
, 40 Years the Standard.
Delicious Cake and Pastry, Light Flaky
Biscuit, (Jriild le Cakes, Palatable
i and Wholesome.
Ho other baking powder does such work.
r.ickftl in patfiit canvas
mu1i's, which retain the natu
ral moisture of the to!acco and
insures a cml, sweet smoke to
the end. More solid comfort in
one jickae of " Mastiff" than
you can jjet out of a - dozen
I. B. Pe Tohaeen Co , Rlrhmond, Vlrtinla.
TEINWAY, Ctbler Peui PIun
Ma Us, IstT ruao Ma Da. m Ik bnrlfe
eWiiar rla; U tluMol lam w; Haat eae
iutul Im rm 1 mtn ktirraiu aa-t Oa. Usl
Use; mm
5 ALWS takes
Sun or Ohio City or TiiliimJ
l.uCnisiY. 1 '
I'tiM J Chimi make olh lusl h It tht
kvtilor ptnurr ol Ihellruiof K J. t'tirsiy A to .
cioi m Diiuueat iu inerity 01 1 oin,i, cniiniy ani
state lorr.alil, ami thai tain Itrtn will pa Hit
ilia of DNK Hl'MiKkli MlU.AKs for . co and
v, ry ear of I it ksk that cannot or cured by
lot Uac ol II il l.' I'aKSHII I I K.
Sworu 10 before me tint Mtitcrlned lu 41) pret
ern e III it nth ils of lieccnitwr. s4.
L.J A W. i.I.KASii.N,
.Vi,firi I'n'itu:
llall't Ctiarrh l ure Is taken Internal. y. sud
els dlns'tly on Hit bliMsl and murnu surface
uf the sytt jui S4.111I for le-ll i.uiiialt 'ree
K. J. 1 IIKNKV Al'li , Inledo, II.
Sold by IminKliU;
A sismI man or t food wmntu wlllmiil tacl be
ctttnet a terror.
lure cure for bi nd, bleeding an4 Itohlnt
iMlea. Oue but haa curtsl Uie worst ease 04 U111
tear' itauiling. No one need tnlfer ten mill
ute after using Kirk't Uenuan Him Ointment
Il abaurbt tuinura. allay Hie IIuIiiiik. acU a
a poultice, give relief. 111. Kirk's Uermau I'tlr
Uiiitiiiunt Is prepared only for I'Hes and in bins
of the private lutrla, and nothing else. Kvery
but la warranted
Hold by Ortuu-ttlJand tent by mail on recelut
of prion. (I.ia) per 001. J. J. Mack Jt Co..
n noieaais Agent. Mi r rancitou.
A Parisian wit once defined exnerleuce at a
mnili thtl mir tas aiiie isaiieHicil of alter havlut
int oue hair.
Both the niotliotl mil result wfieu
Syrup of is taken; it is plcasuul
and refreshing to tlie tuslo, ami act
;euUy yet pnnnptly on the Kulueya,
iivor ami Bowels, cleanse the ay
tern efi'wtiially, disH'ls colils, head
ohes and fever ami cures haliitti,'
rotistipatiou jH'rniaiiently. Fur salt
iu oOoaml 91 bottles by all druggist
Mwismu. ft. r y tout r.
Of all klnilsand In tut iiianllty- hole
Mir and relM',1 at lied rock prices.
05 Front Street, Portland, Or.
send for catalogue. "),
Portland, Oregon.
A Hosirdliia mnti l-nr Hrhool for filrU:
Ulir Mutrla. I. Krt lor.
Tliorviiich Ihut ntcl ion 1 m In mi ih mniUv
lisMml mriMof Wwltfnt; ilMdeiittt tna(Mirti fur
lHf; kiiiI fltMotiit ImiIIiIIiik hi Hit imiMi turn
uiatndliiK inl rM'-iitirul iwirt ul Hit niy. Kur vmim MltlrtHM U.t M IHMKM KOhNKV.
BKMKrWN IIOTi:i. Huih H4.,tM Moat
fnottwv A HwiMiut. H t ', aunilutyUHl uu boih lh
KuruMU toil AuwriMU pln ThU HuUl It uud;
Um nieUseWttiueut if Ctitrlta MutiUommr. and Ip Um
bM rsuIlf mud HiuliiMt Mm. Hotel lu Had tr
tUoo. Hum nturort4, eulalu uu"iorllU, 0re-Uaw
wrrlM, UtftMM uuura i rrou tinny (niftmuteea
Burd uarmita per itvy, il 1ft tu $2 IW; Uuitiai rooii, M
OMiUki1.0UMr nltfiit. ftm mmA k witl fruoi uh
Have Been Imitated, But Never Excelled They Are Beyond Companion !
We Make
HU per mint
Of the
Wire Mill
Hold in
I ' . r. .I.I.L.I.L.,t.l.J.,L.I.,,.-
I ' f
k 1"H ARTM A
, frH'tit - ''
ttr Hi thut vmir nmt lint liniHt tut alUi-hptl tiniiiiMHi " 1Iatman.'
Wrlif fiir tMir 1ViIiihhiiI KNiklti ml lilintirntiil ( miaiiHiii MhiImI Yrm.
Firearms, Bicycles and Sporting Goods,
1SS Meeiuid Hlreet, Near Mi.rrltnn, I'ortlanil, Or.
Hesl Cough Medicine.
Cures where all else falls.
Children take it without objection, hf druggists.
evddcd o things cle&nedi7
IHs a solid qRe of scouring.soMT
Trvir invournexrnouse-cieajimcj'
Even the little pig In the picture Is a more
agreeable companion than a man with a dirty
collar or a woman who presides oyer a tawdry
'muse. But nobody wants the reputation of being
i jjicr under any circumstances.
Buy Tour Own Goods if four
Chemical Pin KntlnM and Ktlnt ul.her , Flra
Ifu-hliwrv, Fiimu l all kind, Bra. liitt,
B.'lUn( ik1 rliM, n nciua, t,iiunr(llig (111. I I
tint I
of l'n In Contend. ialert , wrlle for price.
DiHiwi i iu itiii iiu rifiin, DijHKm. ml rim.
I T. WRIGHT. Foot of ISsrrisoo Street, PORTIA 03.
Cures Also 1 1
D u r n s ,
Frost -bltos,
All Aches.
Chaa. A. VogelerCo.,
ItalUiuor! Hu.
Seisoa Opens for Trout April 1st
, . o
' 0)
H. T. HUDSON,' '
a rirtl Itreet, Portland, Or.,
Baail lor at uiuttraMa eaiaiooa.
llaudtonii'stWIiis'l In IhenmrVet. strictly lllah
iirade In eterv isirlleiilar. I unliluii I Ires. I sle
aeul spokes. Imiii In t)l I ft. Heml lor I Uns
traps! t tHloKUe,.frrf.
KsrlHc ('nasi Ads., ii Klrt HI., San t'raiicic,t't.
KMrra all nnnstiiral illsehanrsaof men
yAlltipllio lealleriir Imw Inns slamllus. Ire
I MIINI veiiU airleiure, 11 belna an liilerual
I ewiiwip,,,. iunmirhsiivsrytlilii(els
ir til lisftilt. I'rlrr.ltS.WK llrcuUrun
RnrNI Mllc!n. MIUli) PrinnUlliirhl
niLIt i L, r,,. f irM hy The A. Hrhoeu
llii'll Misllelim Co , Mail Jisw, al.
BestinthsWorld'Onr A OP
Get the Genuine! Il It r 11 nr
Near Mn Icni. M" rv mi.l Uikit premium, ultl-ml
Hilt yi-Nr (or exlilhlu of Muck, uKrlciilliiml pnil
licit, frullt, tluwcrt, nilncriilt, iiiii-IihiiIcm, ttork
of rt hiiiI fmirv work. Hiilcmllil mi-Inn each
il)'. The 1'HVtlloii. IIkMmI by elwlrlcliy, will
tw niicii four iilittit hikI a Imiul rimitTt ech
iilltlil. Idiliiccil rnUn nil nil IrHiitiHirtnllnn Hue.
Ha-inl lo J. V. tlltKiitl, Mtwretary, '"Nlnnd, fur a
limiiiiuni lltt,
ilnl rClLII We want the name and a-
dretaol every tutlcrrr in Hi
D ACTUFJK U.S.nd(n.l. AiMrrtt,
S AO I nlllH r.ltnlilt;,IT.
They are
And " Bint."
N rttAlfcJLt'";
- ''T'i'VlTt'' '"'i?- ';'
" . . . . I
Kecommended by fhytinians.
I'leaaant and arreealile to the
" Jr
Dealer Does Hot Carry Them.
Best and Cheapest In ths World.
Carts, $15 Up. Wagons, $50 Up.
Him and Department ftnpptlM, Htc.m La'indri
and Kltlinirt,
rt, itnti-ocl intiiirauin, Mtnne viura
tanri'b, ich.. tml Funs Bel It, Kimlnwunl bullets.
niiiiK mu.i i-, -
Fur funner lulormatluu rail ou or ..Urn.
S, P. N, 0. So. U-S. F. S. C. No. 480