The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 13, 1888, Image 8

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pungent paragraphs.
It's a piy thiit tlio dwlts fnn't b
allowed tho woman'- privilege o
cliiintfiiij? hirt mind. Porhttpsi if he wore
he tnii,"'1' lwaaibly make it swap for one
thut was ocrasionuliy Rood for omt
tiling. Journal of Education.
The reason why so ninny old families
dieo'it tnl)ocnusi'lho younjror ones have
not 1hj wiixo enough tu swarm. They
want to May toother and live on each
other until i!i-y all starve. .V. 0. ISea-
Shu "Ralph, why did yon ttead
me u littlo rod tlajr to-day'." Kulph (a
reji.vted ai.J dejeeted suitor)"! K
you will wet'.r it u.i u nljfii'il of dunj,"c
Von kiio. J would not liko to see the
other fellows siilTer us I do now."
"Voiin? nmn," ho naid. solemnly,
what would you think if I thould put
an enemy into my mouth to steal uway
n-y bmiiiH?" "1 would (hie) think,
sir," hie.)iiiriied tho young man.
t'.iiit yo.t wero grnin to nn uunjce
tary expense." .V. J'. Sun.
Willi fjOI.0'10 reprosontod in a
bin;;!o dotf show thin country ha no
rea-on to be discouraged. Twenty years
from now wo shall be worth many mill,
ions in do.s. though wo may iossib!y
Io-hj u few sheep. Louiscillu Courier
Journal. A'i article is onz tho rounds ol
the papers headed: "How to S?leet u
Wife." Its rules aro very seientilic
mid int'.M't stiny, but when a young man
falls in ioi'o ho doesn't ponder over
rules. Ho just shuts both his eyes tijjht
and crabs fruntionUy in tho dark.
Soiurrrillt: Journal.
Prospective son-in-law "Modorn
ciwtoin justilies mo in asking you how
tnaeii you aro ijoinj; to pi ve your dauh
in e;:su' wo marry?" Prospective
fvJior-in-luw "Yes, and modern cus
tom jusii.'ies iifo in askinj,' you how
iiiiiuy of your debts you expect to pay
with my money." Texas Siflimjs.
Mrs. Chilaley " I seo statistics
thow that forty-flve per cent, of malo
..iiiiin AWiiro uumarried." Mr. Chils
l,.y 'Which shows how many men
prefer the penitentiary to matrimony."
And tho ensuing silenco was so deep
tiici. Mm. Chilsley coutd hear herself
rcMoct. " Pto-k.
Is it becoming tome?" sho asked,
s she ppi-aded in tho eostumo of one
h-.indred year ago before her husband.
"Ves, my de:u" said ho, meekly.
"Don't you wish I could dress in this
fashion always?" "No, my dear; but
1 wish," he uJded musingly, "you had
lived when that was tho stylo."
J.ighlning-rod agent (to boy): "Is
that your father 'lying there in the
shade, sonuy?" Boy "No, sir; pa's
away, an' mo and ma is the only ones
at home; that's a dead book agent.
D'ye want to sell ma any thing?"
"Thunder, no!" said tho lightning-rod
The day will come in this country
when tho man who carries a cane
under his arm and the man who car
li6 a:i umbrella ou his shoulder, will
be taken out and hit with a squash,
and hit hard enough to kill. Then the
woman with tho baby curt wants to
look out. Detroit Free I'm.
Long-haired Stranger. -"My friend,
don't you believe in the grand old
maxim that 'Honesty is the best policy?'
Citizen "Well, I didn't use to, sir;
but now that I have accumulated a
snug fortune and retired from business,
I'm beginning to think there's some
thing i:i it. An honest man, stra.iger,
is a very noble work indeed." Time.
According to the Republican, a
Springfield market man sent an ordor
to a farmer in a neighboring town for
some chickens, but neglected to state
whether the fowls should bo shipped
alive or dressed. Not being "up" on
current literature, he was rather sur
prised to receive a postal tho next day,
on which was written: "Tho quick or
the dead?"
"Why, Pilbeck," said Singleman
toafrion'fl in a restaurant, ' I thought
you went to housekeeping n week ago.
and now I find you here taking your
moiils?" "Ves," said '.'.ilbei k. garnish
ing u fried oyster with ketchup, "two
davs after we commenced housekeep
ing our cook was taken sick, and my
wifehas been filling her place, and you
know she took lessons at a cooking
school. "Drake's Mcjn ::ic.
Toilet Recipes of Anciont Egypt.
Curious hair retypes occur on some
of tlio papyri, some of which are very
absurd. 6no to prevent the hair from
turning gray directs that a salve should
be made from the blood of a black calf
cooked in oil; in another that of u black
bull is preferred for tho same object.
Evidently the color of the animal was
to pass through tho salve into tho hair.
In another place we read V the tooth
of a donkey dipped in honey being
used for really strengthening the hair;
and the ingredients for an ingenious
compound are given for injuring tlio
hair of a rival, and the counter-remedy
to be used by those who think their
hair-oil has been tampered with by a
suspicious friend. Cakes of some com
position w hich absorbed oil wero al
ways placed on tho heads of the guests
at least, and from them the oil grad
ually trickled down through the hair.
A most disagreeable practice this may
seem to us, but to them it appears to
have given great pleasure; and with
the Egyptians as well as with the
Ilebrews, oil was symbolical of Joy and
gladness. Uouge and other coloring
substances were used by women of
Egypt to cn'innee, as they thought,
their beauty; the eyes had often a green
line under thorn; the la.-he aiid eye
brows wore jH'n-iled in bla"k;, as
in modern Eypt. the nails wore always
staineJ r-'d with a preparation from
the heuaa jaat. H'vinaik H'vrlJ.
f.oo Cabins are fnt
Indent of style as faaliam-'
able "esulcnce. Loi L'nliitu
will, however, nlwnyi have'
a place in Auicriinu his-!
tory, u they tvero the must'
prominent feature of 'our
country's early vial lift-, j
The pioneer were utionir, I
r , niKtred, healthy. Warner s
IRt nl)in C.iiti ( nnd l oinuiiiitInn llenieiiy
Ua r. product on of one i f the Id tone
r- otsmiil herlir iiiedic, wh eh kept tlicm .
well. KveryUidy i.r;iic "Tipieiunoe ' as'
A stonmch ionic,
A French eniflio-er ha eonferre.l Unwind w'",r- aaeeriaineil w .ie for anil
on all i-iayera of at-itiKiHl iiuurumvu by In-' I'reventlve of inaUnal difeaea. chrome bull
vciitiuu a iku m hit It will cot tv : Ki'sl'.m. liver imiuiiI.iuiI anil coiuliuatioii.
; ilni k the (fruwOi of rlieumati-m aiel neurnl-
vrktt. ri i . i f n , t. Ki'i. is a peei'h'iw inviir.iiMiil and usefuliliurelio.
.. .... M,r..,i , eiaiii, i.ioii 111 r.nti-.
lantl, Iliaicon of Ciiinu, Cro. rif S iLzer-i
land, Rauner of l'erslll. Crvdorlit of EkVIU.
Double ICan'o of ItiiBMih, SUrof Chili, Ihe !
Circle of Japan. Uirp of Erin.
ToKet thes-e bur a b"X cf tl
the creiiulnn1
UH. U All LA.NKS t. KI.K11HAT D 1.1VKK ;
fiun, price 2 rents, and nmil u this out-1
side wrapper with your address, p'ainly
written, and 4 cenU in stanitw. We will
taen mail ou thd aiiove list with an elf
pant package of oieogrnphlc and chro-'
nialic cnnls. j
Fi.Ei'iNi; riRos., PiTTsnnto, Pa. !
Study jiediKrees and tiewara of bir"' onen. !
Kine-lenthb ol th'- blunder made in brueding
are made by breeding to interior stock.
Don't hawk, and blow, and ajiit, but use Dr. J
Satcc a Catarrh iU'incdy.
Theodore Tilton ia livlnu- la a remote quarter
of I'aruiubyiiouii-AuaaillueutclivuiuMui.cca.
1-i.astkks me is at external remedy nuow n.
A Wonderful Kood and Strdlclne, -
Kni.wn and uneil by ptivxiciane all over the Oivf horses eltun, suli-tuniial fowl. to pre
world. Mrott'M ifiuuiNion not only irlves fnt that you HOilld bo yiUliiig lo Usto it
flesh and sticnxtli by iiiue of its ow.i ntitri-1 jourself.
Iiuus prorer'lec. but creates an appetite furl ...
food that builds tii Iho vaslid body. "Ihave, 1OI .Nb (ilKL H OHI 1-r
been uin Scott's Kmulsion lor aev ml yeur. I at aeclnit her chaitiK of face and foiui ilennrt-
and am nlea-d with I aclion. My naiienia
aay 11 is pieaaaiu anu uaiatauix, aim an xrtnv
e'roiir r and gain rteli from the usu of it, I
use tl in all cast of SVaminx liiaeaaea, and it is
upccially useful for bildren when nutrient
mwlii atioi, u uecibil, u in AlaraMntis." T. V.
I'Ikkck, M.U, Kiiomville. Ala.
The Princess of Vnlea and her daughter
anmutimes sinK to the in mutes of Loudon hos
pitals. ltKTTKIl THAN A HKItO.
"What a coward t'ltit .Major Bmilh In," Sflld
Jones lo Kobin-on, "why. the very sight of
nun powder would make him ill. How did he
ever inanagu 10 lie. tii' kii ulln'c in the aiiiivT'
"Don'l nay anything against Smith," answered
ItobinaoR, "be ouce sinoil my life." "Saved
your life'. Nonsense, imooa-ilile! Whatdoyou
mean'l "I mean that 1 was in the Hist Muges
of conMiniplien; I was lo-lng stienglh uud i
luiiiv iivitv tinv with the ternble ( isi'iise. wlien
Smiih iirtvlaiil me lo tnke Dr. Tierce's (ioldeii 1
Medleal Discovery. 1 jiud tried all kinds of 1
nn iliciin without hik'ccw. and my physicinn
had givi n me no hope: .Net hero lam. as well
as ever a man was. and 1 owe my life U Miniili,
and to the wonderful remedy he recom
mended." Thebnttloof Iluppa Vista was fottghr and
won by General luj lor 011 Wash ngton a birth
day. 1I7. '
Two heads may bo belter than one,
but not in ono family. Button Courier.
Every medal has its reverse, and
svery meddler is sure to meet with ono.
It does not tjiko an imaginary evil
long to become a real oixe.--l'hiladel-
hin Call.
The fortuno-teller is apt to find in
her old tiga some of her palmiest days.
Du'.uth Paraijraphcr.
Men will work harder for a day's
pleasure than they will for a week's
mrr,,.VhiluMi)hia Inquirer.
- Reflect upon your present blessings,
nf w hich every mun has many, not on
vour past misfortunes, of which all men
have some. Dickens.
- Occasion may bo tho bujrlo-oall that
iiinuums an army to buttle, but. the
last of a bugle can never make soldiers
ur win victories. Garfield.
When did a child ever look ugly
i its mother? And larks, doubtless,
;Y.!:k their foatherless, discolored, yellow-mantled
squabs more beautiful than
full-crown humming-birds.
Ono rich man wears poor clothes
because ho is rich and can do anything,
ivhilo a poor man wears fine clothes be
cause he is poor and wants to create
the impression that bo is not.
Let no ono suppose that by acting
a good part through life ho will eseiipe
scandal. There will be those even who
hate him for the very qualities that
ought to procure him esteem.
One of the most unhappy men In the
world is ho who, instead of measuring
his strength against his work, is always
measuring it against tho strength of
other men. Christian Union.
Ho who gives good advico builds
with one hand: he who gives good coun
cil and example, builds with both; but
ho who gives good admonition and bad
example, builds with one bund und
pulls down with tho other. Bacon.
If there is anything that will bring
a young man down with his noso to tho
grindstone of common sense it is w boo
his best girl pinning a fifty-cent bou
quet, which ho had presented her, in tlio j
coat 01 a uuuo nuiniier. i-ummw nu
vanec. Where there are no men, show thy
self a man, runs the old rabbinical say
ing. If it is a vain, babbling crowd
that encircles you, a crowd without
dignity, and grace and culture, and
abiding faith, let them perceive, not
through the conscious exhibition of
irondv Qualities, which would display
your conceit, not your character, but
through1 the unconscious beauty, purity
and simplicity of your life, as effortless
as the shining sun at dawn, that your
nnnle is worthy Cf imitation. JewUh
Which are of retrular or frequent occurrence.
snrl7alwA, ca n,e
nntTf "the ditpirtive orKana. either temporal y
Sr habitual, like constlpaiion. Nothma more
efficacious than
Can be found to reflate this rleranirernef t.
Hatnbunr iirs are preireu In loMte fonm
and are deliKhlful to th- taste, it ii I n.U
therefore, necessary W t-ke nuu-eou. me.''
XiZ wlen you can obtain the compris d
llHOibiirs t lk'. Where one tr i the ur re
""ea uUhold reiuedy. Sold by dramruta
at cents a bov. .
c- .nH nervous di.eaea rene
-I,. Duiuar 1's'l.ife Kaaenreii the I".' remedy. nf mi ot pa'
lv-is liar' b. p
r,! i ov tim.'ly use of thia
A til.JS" leu I OP )n wruca. . ,. -
i. ii,- ....i am siirnn'd at to r - '''
. . . .- -n.l f. ..iMr'II P
ii A I r ui'fii in i-
' . - i in ., n.i.i:a.
rnte. ll-Jv a i
A icxhI draft horse it the ms' valuable of nil'i s. 1, you have such a horse keep liim
ml take career linn.
V It l l KN I C Ki ritVl'KNCKl
tn meaU't.llon. u In auirlit tUv. pru.Vnre !
i h iUUt bo our (fill. it". Yet lh.u:ui:! imI it 10
I ho wind, luerv new noHtruin Hud its pat-!
runs, the lueilic! eiiplri, of eiery lclo '
live th ir kuIK Kvtty elmiiKe in llie eumut
of hunibUK t run neewtiiilly -for a tiino at .
leant iIih i.uiix lH.iiuiurnii.lud by the credit-,
li.u. la hpiy co:iliat lo ll tinny adv. r-1
used Iniposiures nl the day n.nds ti.wteiter'n
Stjiiiiii'h Hitter, now In it liur.l (Pride of
)Huilur;ly, anurureil and nHotniiiendert by
jihynieiatia, tmUirel by the j.r.'ss of many
lamia. noiiL-lii ntiil iiric tl by invalid every
.Nervous oeoiile benent by H. i
bin milt..r nf vm,nv ,.!! aa mrrrv I
to iroerly mate linnwa Ibiil have to work ule '
by tude tliMiuth (lie mMki ol iiura work Qur-
iug the Bprinij and tuiiinier. !
The tMicqnal Hurrvs of Ai.i.iih k's Kok-!
ots 1'l.AsrtKs as tin external remedy has
imulaU'd uuscntp lions purl iis tj pntj
foith 1 11 1 i atiom which they endeavor to'
II on the reputation cf Allcock . It it
an alwmdity to apt ak of theta In the aauie 1
cat. K"rj at the p'liuine and nrikinal pt r-j
oils plaater. llieir pre:eim:olis are uu :
fotindid, ll-.e'r vaunti d merit litmupported
liy liu'ia, their ailijtrd Htipirini iiy In or I
equal tj with Allnx k'a fa ' pnt' iice. !
Tlio ,blri medical piuc iiloneu and
clii'iuUU ulidlltiiUMUKlsnf Kr Ui'fu! pitlenls !
unite in ileiiannn Al.l.coiKS rmtoLS
inn, and 'ur h Kith iniieri;el by lum iioual
irrciruUritieii, at heretltieul ihtiikI of life. n
turned 10 joy and K'uHlude after a brief self,
treatment with Dr. Tierces Favorite l'reacrip
tiun. I', puritli dai'denriclieii her blood, Kivve
a heulthy avlivity lo the kidneyf, tilnina.!',
bowels, and other oivana, and her rrtuni to
nibunt health auetdily followed. It Utheonly
medaine for woiueti. Hold by dniKiflsts, undr 11
iituitirr uuuninl'f from the manuiacturera, thai
11 will (five satisfaction in eiery case, or money
will be refunded. This Kitarantee has be. 11
printed on tic) bottle wrappur, and faithfully
carried out for niuiiy years.
To reprove small faults with undue
vehemence is as absurd as if a man
should take a great hammer because he
saw a fly on a friend's .forehead.
An Article of Tine Merlt.-',bwn'
Hntm-liiut Tnu-lut" an, the most noliulur artlilc
in tbli country or Kuraiie for Throat DiMnutea
ami Coughs, and this popularity la based upon
real menu i omy m uxi.
J. II. riMH. A-Hayer and Analytical
Client iMt. Laboratory. 104 Ursl sU, Portland.
Ur. Anal) sea made of all jubt tanoea.
Tht Gkhmka tor breakfast.
all comparable to the Ccticcha Kkmkdii
In iheir marvellous ptoportieo of c.leaiiainij,
purifying and beautifying (he skin Mid in
curing torturing, disfiguring, itching, sckly and
pimply diseases of thuekiu, scalp and blood,
with lues of hair.
Cutici'Ba, the great Bkin Ccrk, and Cm
cuk.v 'OaI" an oq,tdsite bkin lleautiner, pre
pared from it, externally, and Uuticuha 1(k
milvbnt. the new Wood Puririer, IntermJIy.
cure every form of skin and blood disease, Irom
pimple lo scrofula,
Soldevery where. Trice: CiticVRA. SOc: Hk
aoi.VKNT, H: fciOAf, 5c. Pn:paiiHl by the IW
lk.K DllCU AVI) t'UKMICAt, Co., HllhTON, MS8.
Send 'fir - How in Cure Skin I)UaeA."
t' riini'les, blaekheada, rliapied and oily
r skin pri'vnt"d by'CTtct'iiA HoAl". 'l'. J
null Action, Tnins and Weuknessea in
stiinily relieved by the Lcticcka Anti
kais Tlahtbr, U10 only pain killing fluUv Vr
Hi SPllHEY p
Dr. Spinney 4 Co.pffiSStt
NrnunilS DoDlllty, Loss of Vlpor, Pcmlnal
E.n f WWO Lomm, Wenk Mnni.rT, lieupou
doner, io due tocxoeiseaor abuse, cur.J.
VnilMr1 MCU stilfertntr from the effeets
I l-fotyuic.l.fiitfi.llleiiiii ih.ln-
aretfnn ahonld avail themM'ivoil of our trentlnetit.
A K,mtiveeiireuarHnli'',d In every dine. Hy;ihilln, j
Urlnnrr and Vi'tivreal Diwjv all uuualural dia !
chargiw. promptljr aud lately t urea. 1
mie of Kldnem or Blafliler. Weak Hack, Nervous 1
lh'billiK, Wrivtmg of N'xiiuf blxeugth, etc"cunid 1
and rentored to tiealt hy vigur.
N. ll. Person" unalils tu visit xil may he treated
at their homes, by eorresnonili'nrs. Ali'dlniiirs bin1
jrstruetions sent by niailorexi'ress. ll"UNultutiut
Krue, Bcnd4cenU itis'Qmptfur 'iho Tuiing Mau'i
It 1 loud or l ulilu lo Vi auJoek.
Sold on Trial !
liiTwlmnt nall
nroll ts
nits. Sfini vk: f'.r msliln'
Allh full pirtli:ulan. Jliui-
rje llMmiraicn l sial ifiia
ilai'luri-u by
.i.i .l In tuna iO ears. K1 "l If
by ilitnste. .No wood to split, brrai, iell, ihrink,
crack, 'inv, or wear out ; we ipurantee it Klo
an't RuM-wtiod tacs, S . dnuUe rewiatlriK
a.1ion; ni.rt tvury keys; th Kate ) A.NTHKl.lj.
C.llarvrite tel UaUioirue, tn-c. T. M. AM1SM.I
l lA.VOt.'O., Jliiiutrt!trcrs, li.l i fe'.h ' Uall, Mar
ket and Seviiitn s'rw.'ti, San Kraui i o.
If You Are Sick
With Headache, Neuralgia, Rh' umatlsm lJylep-
.ta, Iiiliousness, Wood Humors, Kidney Warase,
. .1. l-...i Vmm htmI Acnie.
l-OUSUlSUe'lJ, fllUBlu v... --n .
gleepleaaes, l'artiul TaralysK cr Nenruus ITos
tratlon, use Paliie' Ctlery Compound and be
cured, lu each of tbese the cause l in iital or
physical overwork, anxiety, exposure or nialarla,
the effect of which 1 V) a taken the nervous sys
U in, reultln inoue of theso discuM-s.' K'-uioi e
the cai sk Hb tba' (Treat Kerve r.Jlilc, aud the
a&t LI will diMipi:ar.
Pasns's Celsry Csmpound
Jis. I
t ri-
: i.
"lall.e'''! I
-.1.11--t .
;.il ss
i a.y
wnsu'M a vi -
di- it pi-n i.:
.f the t.ena-:..
t it Ol t'i.' 'V
1 t- I r. r i ri ii .
tJ' ry ' -f.-,' 'i
f.i1 r; tru
ly Wti.a. a.'
fcr Ihs A;
. , . . .
I 1.4V
A- 11, 1 J..U
CurO Ycul
' 5 : - 1 '''' : " "
i i u, Juiln:f..j. -
ii, N:rv3us, Debiiit-ial
1 t ri
U 111
mm.m m k k wa-ml r..0UII In UH. I I , 4,' f A ""4 aUaalah VjV-l"7
EjI rt rflS I il" -m vr. KstaUisiied. St I ( 'll 'i .V'. MV . jt. Vl.Wlt'V
ii'ts UWI lltn'.l Hleul TunmS lx-
hi in in. olncr riana, iijnraiii" i
. ..... .H ..ui
III. UU ' WI i
For Stablemen Stockmen,
CnU, Swelling, llrulaea. Spralm, Oalla,
Klralna, LMiui'iieaa, Stlil'uru, I raeknl
lleela, (ieratehei, t'outrarllona, l irth
M'niiiiila, btrlii.-lmlt. Sore Tl1ro.1t,
DUteniper, t'olle, M'hillunr, Toll
fc.,11, KUIula, Tuinora, Splinta, ltln
bnnraanit Hi aTla In In aarly itaiiaa.
Aniily St. Ja, ol.a Oil In ao.rlnra
utilh tba dlrvrtlona with imih bodla.
41 dy Prujvi aal 7Vu.'ri tmyvfun.
Tut riiarlat A. Vogalar Co., Hallo., Mil.
Diamond Vera-Cura
aro all aromcH motnii its Af
tmAlittlB. aoar-awft.'k. l:arlbra, kkmt, QI4
aiau, Oia'tltl9a. rU&Mt ifur huci, tii
lausi la lk Mou u4 aiuimU UiU arut
la. limiuM as4 Low.oi'lriu.
At Vuiwi'Wi nail Vii Wi ur xnl y mail an ra.
(nil iii r.'i. (5 fovea 4l .t in fun4, iKtyU
ami on recfijl i2-vi Sump.
1HE CHARLES A. V03ELER CO.. Mtlmera. Ill
IxliU ofl'otnsM.
ItiriRuiicMTtiM, NrcRALOtA, liuila, PlintJi.
Scrofula, (l-.ui, CX.uili. Tiimon, fc't 111 ruin, 'mil
Merturlal !ua It Tuilfn-n Uic BUkmI, kaMit tlio
Llt. r a d Klilneys t hiallliy awlluu, and uiiurt Uu
Oouipltilon ttrlsin anil Ukai.
J. R. CATCS A CO., Proprietors
417 Xutmome Ht stun t'rnneUro.
Bit n tai jiTf n dntf ar
ul aotlMlacUoa In the
cur ol Gonorrhoea acd
Uleet. I precrlbltaud
feel gate In rvcommenit
luf It to all ufferan.
A.a.ST0M R.
Dtcitur, UU
PRICE. 1 1.00. .
T n7irriiiH Bold ir lrum,iiia -
Cures Cuts Sum-. Salt 1th. tun, Hop,
ritnplet. Felons Skin Disease, and all
ailment f'r which a snlve is suitable. l'Y.r
tiiklng out soivness nnd hcnllug, it acts
like niaglc. W crntsa lx. atji tlruBBi-t.
''laroTwnvv",i,ri7w-w-v '-r
3000 moro Words and nearly 8000 more Illus
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I ., uliKnikj 01 hers faiL A V
U 1 .00,ot I inisviiNor tiv mall. H.111.1I" f U r. r. V
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til IP '"'i Jaro
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I'orlland, Oi'ei(oii.
I lis iinly l'tbate PH'
i.'iKar)' in r rtluu.l or n
lie NnitliMTit I'lft,
sh-Ts psilvnt" ui i'cvnH.
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Ill's, tlllt. 'Ml' AND
T7i7"v yoi'1' or i. Minn
V Jft'iVet .ntt uiairiisi, .uuiim
ej.yrg;" UtHT MAN11O01),
a k r . . . . . 1
vw-jev' UVi r(iuil in-iiuuy, wnnuai
TI"1C. "I'-fSL. Iui. (iillli'S liieinnry,
"T '! 'l.'LK-z'wri sviiliiilllii fiuiiUiii.s. Uteof,
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MsUiler 1 , r
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Issued Maroh and Sept.,
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' million for all who pur.
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necoaaitiei of life. We
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x a caua a stum?
,f,M " 11 I rr
A rim, a b -t a Lw. H mr.lm 11. Nil fe
fersvy rhAin, or rwl, u b.ala
ra. rrop m fc am it. r tw vill r aw its MactiM
II lll ml. Mil yi s e.'l if '"' aa lll.i'.H
rutofi, (1'luf irW, lran swl wtuasmlUfc Aildna. Ua
Muuttarrr., ...
JAItS MILKS A HO, firolca Uro.s, low.
Warrs.nt.-d u .lor moro (rrssl tt an any other
d' "' er i .'i'ie, and tn viva more brilliant and
iu-.i.'e a, tun. Asi to tne IimmiaA, aud lake
1 4 r.-,ep n.,-.,i i for
, , r j
jur.Ticn.s r.encA'CJ ) CENT3.
I A Child can use them!
'! Unq-."J 'or r..l fancy vifi Art Work,
I .............. ..,..., i ...... iMi.
I .viiis
iigtoa, Vt
Cr la I
f I TO t 1AT.J
' i,(lntrulMd XI W i
fl sMMBukiar H
V Clnolnal?
t Am , 5
Ii Trobablf Dr. Iiaac Tkaupton'l U ;
.t U wtir '0 ( ft e.ift-fully prrtmj 0.jr J'a'm pr j
in 'urn, ftiiii r htvn tn ivnnii.l tiM ( .( urn,
" 't'lUTf. : I tiumltloUiHltni uiiny rtii-T tur
tUI.4 Ittft t4't Ufli MtJJl,(Ml UiU) II iilUik , iti
'.( UiU rtMn Ufr n-iuiit!) Ii,' .-rin:i if tl U
K . etir f.,il. wv4 II will iirvi r f..ll Wo j.-fu
U' t Ihiltr thf Mt-ll"0 rf t.iuuiia u- lu lueil
To A a Par. Ramiilet worth Fltl'.F. 11.1t tin l.-r ttiA (rT ' Wi It,, lint w
siLHa SArsrt ltm IIiildkh 1 1. 1I.1 1 r 31 Ii h
V P V. 1J. Vo "!,: W. V V V,. n
mn' -r 11 iLi.r i ti.t w
kw war
Fnrsvra-It Is Impor
tant that th Soda or
Raleratu yon nseshonlA
b Will la and I'm (am
a all similar siilnrtunee
radforfood. Toln.ur
obtaining only tli"Arm
A Hammer" brand Hoila
or Salorat ia, b ay It In
pound or h'f ponnd"
eartooni whli h bearonr
Bams and trail-mark, as
inferior kothIs an tn
miubatllutnt filh
"Arm k liaintnsr'' brsad
vhsn bouiiht In bulk.
Parties u.lng Daklng
Powder thould remnm
bar that It tola rising
property eonstit of bl
earbonat of smla. On
teaspoon ful of th "Arm
H lismmsr" brand of
Soda or Halcrato mlisd
with lonr milk aoual
Packed in Card Board Boxes. Always keeps Soft
L;.s b b a 2
B anr that thtr It pli tura of a on your parkac and Jon will lisv
th bet Soda uu. Tlllt COW DRAKP.
A alnKed cat dreada ttie ftie. I plead Kullty. I am selling it "netv laii!ed" machine
.i'';i'':''i-'--' 1 v. ' . '. -i..i7
I irtiarantee the .w-Firled Advuuee Keparntor to be the heal trtiln auvliiff, fast
eat Tires! Br and most .durable Heparator ever inuile. Hut, remember. It is not an e perl
menlnl machine, as the Old Koay niaelilnes are. You are wi II aware of the time lost Itliat
yii have lo tiay for) in epcrluieiitiiiir with Old Vny niaehlnes. 1 lie New tansjled
Threaber lends) iho v-sy. The ifrowliiiir led klekluK of Mie Old KoRy aceiita is only eiualed
bv the rnoiujt of trrain kicked out In the slrnw by tlio O d t'oity nia. hl.ies. W ctiu-se, if you
With a cheap maehlne. Old Foiflea will supply you at your ovvu priie; but tl.elr maehliie are
dar at any prli. Vou camiol ullord to buy a thresher without aa:niniinf the Alll AMh,
1 10 not be talkeil Into buyinit a machine beiauaell is cheap eud Old a-'ni InI,. Afk the Old
.. .... ....,1. if i,...v will M. I hi h-iIh the new -fanarled nisi blue and In yon e hli li I the
experimental inai'hlna. and aold on its mental. 1 liave never yet hail lo ct.ll on any court to
help decide the merit of tho nt w-Iitiili-d machine, i'lease cxat..ine the court records in ref-en-n-etotheOld
P'OKle'n idan. Nianv yeni hKO a man built a new-fangled maehlne,
called a un' enKine. Old rRlei then, aa row, touil laek and said th.y would rwl the
eouiitr). Oo ion not want to he mined In the snnis wa) I Remember, tbe new
Tangled machine is it all eperlmen(lii. while Old Koaj mtclilne are bein e
penintiited wltb all the time, and at yonr e-ue. Do not fool wilh ineui any lonicur, whiia
r,UrmKr'tl?efnnt - "rlU entirely. Re-
mnrnber, your wholn drpenilenoi. is u)ki your crop prixweds, and If you allow Old logy nia
ehlnes to wante yonr rralo. you arejun that much out of pwkoL To !';,;, tin . sen
that the party that due your threshitiK pnatire a ew-ranIed AO VA K 1 nreaner,
as ihey are eonstruofd s as lo wive your a-ralo, and have a belter rword thin any old-foKf
machine. Write lor fti'ther partleulsrs. I m prepared to prove all my tatenienta-L e.. The
AOVAK4 K tnnrhfne will do more and better work Ihao any other.
I hereby ehnl lnie any old fowy aaent t nnmei A ran where the
AIV AV K niarhlre bnM failed to do sut repreaented alnt e lie latredurtloa
n thla t'oant. tahow np or nhnt uii.
It'iiietnber that old fiary agents saying tlio contrary doe not make It to. It will pay you to
taTa&H te"lf WOODBI ItV I'OHKH, A number of manu-
fanturer make tie m onaroyalty but I do not know of any Imitation", but am lwsys in
clined lo look out for those that talk of imitations. 1 aleo ileal in Laundry nnd Marine)
Machinery, farm. Church and Hchool Hells. Oenerid M hlnery, hUt Oilers, Onne ..My
Valve. Mille Hninpa, Hancock Inspirators, I'ark ft lnkatora. Acme and Aili'stor
Wrenches, lllacksinith IJr.lls. Hell H.aUn Hath Till-, the Wesilntfhouse htuftni. ee the
prices: pilot-seen vh-tls, trt; Traction. llttTi: 14 honas Tract.on 1 . fwis I diMvmnt lor
ca-h. (i. neral Agout for Colburn's ly uum and Iaiutp for illeetrle I.iblutf-4 Its
tO I Ik ht a.
Your vlll'4(eiiint no without tine. You must hae no fur your null. YoucanLOt aiTijd to
be wliiioul a small one in your house. Kur partleuUrs, ad lress
I. T. WRICHT. Foot of Morrison Street. Portland, Oregon.
rS " X , ""w Ifwui the Chmpest
VVV Portluiil, Oreiton.
I' I'll , 1 1 1 : . 1 1 . 1 , In.-, I. ,ll llllll lll tloll, elilll
IKne.l I'-lilit lllnll.i'i.iv. liii: iHiimlurlly. tmlnrss,
1 r.rr(inj, (urns 1 10011111 Ptnm imhlp Ort-i't-,11
nit. riiuilfiux ailuii'leil at any 'line. I hih-li'-j
i S'i'1 t'i 'tiiuMs of miiiii Mishlp ent flee.
J. A. HkSt (,S. '. A. I . AlUMiMKNU.t'rlB.
OILIIltlrt I, jm lf 1,llt,.,r Jtni.u
rUena; rhirtlHtl 'h;tatit. Iiti'l toitruiuiifs Ijksr.
Iivll of Hhwl Miv'o sii.t Kot :AUd, nu-.ruili, '
Kutein Fil.. AiAlTMlAS viHAV '"I, M fo.l
MlnM. baa Vraurlvs
fonrlsMpnonntlaof th
bettbaktuf t'owder.tav
Itm twsnty Mm Its
eott, tsiHide betnf
mui-b healtblrr, becaui
It d j not een lain any
Injurious ubtlanos,
Such s alnm, terraalba
to., of which many Bak
ing l'owdur rw mad.
Dairy mm and Fartnsr
thould nsonlylh"Ana
lUratusr" brand for
cleaning and keeping
Hilk l'an bwt aai
ClAOntia. Bee that
very pound pckt ef
Arm and llammtr
Brand" contain fall
It ounors net, and the
i pound paekafiyWI
15 tttfv-j, est. Hod or
RalerktS Saras aa pe
fitd on well paoksg.