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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1887)
lain1, ."ma. hi Assorted M OF- Groceries, Crockery, Wood and Willow Ware, At prices to suit all AT GOLDSMITH'S tiu: ito ei:. Ilring y'r produce to Ooldainitli's and got money iur it. CRAIN BROS. tfVA DEALERS l UntrlifMim! Jewelry, Musical Instruments, Toys, Notions, etc Storage! Storage I Farmers nro hereby notified that s. n.i itn:i!. ; WAREHOUSE Adjoining t It 0. k C, 11. Depot in now open for tin; Storage, of Ho)s, Oats, Wool & Barley. BJULOirs CURE will immediately relieve ('roup, WhiMilnti Cough ami llronchitis, WANTED. WOOL, HIDES AND JTKS AT GOLDSMITH'S. INSURANCE. WE 1IAVK REF.X APPOINTED agents fur the luaiirance Companies for merly held liy Mr C'Iiim Lauer, mid are pre pared to liiMiii'0 your ZZoqsoi Earn. Wheat. 'Wool. Etc-. Etc. against lnaa ty fire, ntitl can give you choice of nine of tin. Iitsr Com pan I km ontiiih Coast, ready ami willing to pay biases promptly. W ask for the liheml patronage extended to Mr Latter, HkMiIUCKN & E.VKIN. Something New. Mil. OKOHUK WILCOX WITH .1. A. WINTER, will iiuike enlarge ments by the now Permanent Eromido proceaa, finely finished in India Ink anil water 0 olors. J. L. PAGE, DEALER IX- M V V AAV fJ H AVISO A LARGE AND COMPLETE stock of Staple and Fancy ( i roceriea, taught lu the best markets I Can offer the public Mter prices than any other huiiM IN KUOKNI',. Produce of all kinds takeu at market piL. NOTICE FOR IMJr.LlCATlON. Lx Orncc t lUwuicBij, On , I Auk. 10, ls7. f "VTOTICE IS 11KKKHY GIVEN THAT J.1 the billowing named settler haa tiled no tiot of hie intention t make Kuiil proof in sup poit of hia claim, and that aaid proof will I, rfna-W Wfi-ni the Ju,K-e ..r Clerk of the CuuutY Court f l,aiie Co., Dr., at Ku-ne City, Mr" na Tnday. rW ith. IW, U. John Pra ter, llomtral Entry No 41.M, f. the Lta 6, B and tf, S. W. of N. W. and X. K. 1 ( 8. W. J, Sec. 2. Tik ltt S, 11 10 W,t, v.4M. He daiu the following witnesses to prove hie coittiiiuiiue residence upon, an cultivation of, said html, vii: Willard pjltner, iHttid Mora, Sr., A. K. liottolph, of Kloranc. I .one On., Or., A. Ltndra, of SeaU.a, Iad C'a, Or. t'-Jl. W. Johk.htun, IttUter. Dr. Gill's Catarrh Cure. I pero'iiiK d a Ix.x of "(Jili'a ( Vtairh Cum," HiuliiiK my nephew, C. A. McMahon, In need of kiit h ni').li''ine. 1 lt him have tt ehox. lie nw .en la for thrKu mre boxua, aiiylnif it th I eat thing that waaeter trieil by hi in and hUMenda. J. A. Ali.MAHAX. HiriutflivM, Oicuon, Vab. HI, IHM. Can be obt.ilncd at the drn.'i:iU; If nut there of the pro;'ilet.i. J. 1". (ill.LACO. Norici: roii ii'!;f-i(!.TioN. l.AMU OKKK'K AT liimflirini, UlU, t Aim. L'illi, M7. f XTOTK'E IS IIEliKl.y (J IV EX THAT ll the follow iim' iiiiiiu'd H;tt!.r haa tih d no lice of hia inti Ctii'll to iiiii!'tiu!il pr'nif in 1 1 IH.rt ef bin claim Kli.l tli:.t aniil prid will I" mud Im furo tli Jiidu or di ik "f il.e c unty c i.ii tiif Lull" Co., i.)r., ut Kni'M e i it (in (o i. on SaturiliiV, Oiti.lwr Mil. 1M7, viz; lhlllel I' Sheridnu, I liiin' Entry, N i. X4. for the K "f X E t. H W of X E 1. end 8 K 'of X W I Sec ti, Tp 'JC S. i! : We,t, W lie nninea the follwwiii;: it n.- a to prove hia contliiuoiia M-M-m.-u m. .i;. ml mltivation of, aaid land, viz; deliii i nit. ..'ol.ii W. Tor tnr, S. ib .laekaoii, dr., i (Vih1I, Lane (Jo,, Or.,1' d. MulVrMin, n( Eii.eue City, Lane Co., Or. ('has. W. doiiNsniN, lleglater. NOTJCK KOK rUULIOATIO. . LaNIi OrTk':: A1 Eusmu'Iiii, Oil., I A in', l.'i, 1'7. ) TVToTK'Ks m:i;i:i!V hives that Xl the followiiii.' limtd littler hiia tiled no tiwe of Ida intention to mn lie linul iroof in up (K.rt of Ida claim, and tiiat aaid proof will lie made before tint Judge or Clerk of the County Court of Lane Co., Or., at Eugene City, Or., on Saturday, October 1t, W, viz: L. I). Ath etton, JIometead Entry Xo. SH'M for tint N. E. i, Se. 1H, Tp. 17 S Jt. 8 Vt, V. M. lie naiiiua the follou ing witueaaea to prove hia coiitiutioua rcKideiii upin, and cultivation o!, aaiil laiul. vi.: ,ianiea uuiui, r.ugene City, I.anii Co., Or., dimeldi WhiKinan,' John ryle, i iter Hollo, oi Jieuilwoil, l.nne County, Oregon. ClIAH. V. Joil.NKTii.N, Ilegiatrr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lank Okkick at KosKiii'iio, Oh., ) July lid, 1(W7. ) NOTICE IH II K11E1JY CIVEX THAI the following named settler haa filed no tice of hia intention to make tinul proof in biii -port of Ida claim, and that aaid pi oof will be made before the Judge or Cler k of tli county court of Lane county, l)r.. at Eugene ('ity.Or., on 'I'hnraday, September 15, 1KH7, vin: J. L, 'I avh.i, Immeateiul entry No. 4;iai, for the lot 7 md S. E. 14 of S. 11 Sec. 4 and N. W. 14 of X. E. 14, X. E. 1-4 of X. W. 14 and lot H, Sec. 1, Tp. IS, S. li. 11 wcet W. M. lie IMinea the bdlowiug witneaaea to prove hia (.'outiiiiiiiiia residence upon and cultivation f aaid land viz: V. Scott, E. Ibirton, A. Her ring and K. Vuiidcuhurg, all of Elorcuce, Lane county, Oicgoii. i has. w. iIoiinkton, lli'gmter. NOTICE FOR rUDLI.CATJON Lanh Okhck at 11ohi:hi!iki, t in., 1 Am, li, 1H87. 1 MOTICK IS HEllEIiY (ilVEX TIIAT ll the following miiiied tettler haa tiled notice of hia intention to make tinul proof in aupi'int of Ins claim, and that Raid proof will bo made before the Clerk of the County Court of Lane County. Or., nt Eugene City, Or., on Saturday, Sept 1!4, 1KS7, viz: II. iN. Carter, rre eniption Jl. S. ro. bi.O for the S J of X W I X E i of S V , ami Lot 1, Sec. I'O. Tp lit S, K 1 Eaat V. M. llu n linen the followiiiL' witucyaea to Drove hia c nitiliuoiia reaiilenee iiiiou, and cultiva- tiouof aaid land, viz: E 1 Cain, E W Michael, I lilakcly, Al J, Lewis, all of Lowell, Lane Co., Or. Cu ts. W, ioiin'mtun, Jiegiitter, r. r. I'ATrEiiso.v, W. II. PATTKHMIN. . . ll n Ci Contractors, Plastering. Stone and Brick Work. ALSO nUAI.KKS IN - Tacoma and San Juan Lime, American and English Cement, New York p.nd California Plaster, Plstorins Hair, Firj Brick, Lath, Mablo Dust, Etc, Etc. ADDKKSS: F. F Patterson k Co, EUDKXIiClTV, OIlEdOX. SUMIVIONS. In tin. circuit court of the date ol Oregon for the county ol Lane. Alexander Lamb, plaintiff, vs. Lucy It Siilherlin. (leorire Maumu. Thomaa Mauiin, Margaret Matney, Sarah liowen, Nancy Adama, Mary Kiclinrdaon, Miranda Wright, Harriet liicliardann. Clark liiclmrd- aon, Margaret Kay, Mary Hay, Thuraton Kieh- arilaon, I'.eiiiainlii lnehanlii..n. Ilenrv Kulianl- ami, .lease liichardson, Terry Wallace IJich anlaon and (Jeorije Eielmrda n, defeildanta. lo l.ucy II Sutlierhn, t.eure Mauniu. Thom aa Maupin, Margaret Matnev, Sarah I'.owen, iMincy jMliiiiia, iMary liichanlaon, .Mmuiila Wright, Harriet liichanlann, Clurk iiichanl- ami, Marguet Kay, Mary Uay.Thuraton Hich rdaoii, Heiijaiuin iiichaiilaon, Henry Kithard- n, Jeeiii. liii hanli-oii.l'tiry Walliu ilichvnl on and tieore Kichaidson, the above named defendant. In the name of the atata if Oregon. You and each of you are hereby auiiiliinued and reiitiivd to appear in the above named court and miawcr the compUiut of aaid plaiu tiif in the ah entiibd atiit, now on tile in the utl'ut. nf the clerk of aui I court, by the tint day of the lie t renul ir term of aaid court after the publication of tlda aiiinmon for aix weeka to wit; The regular Xotemlwr term of aaid court to be he,'uu end held on the first Mon. dav, the 7th ilav of XoveinlsT, 1SS7, in the court lioun at Ku,-. ne City, Lane pounty, (ir etfon. And you are hereby notified that if you foil to appear and answer aaid cimplaiut an hereiu rripdivd, the plaintitf will apply to the court fT the relief demanded therein to wit: E r a decree wrti:ii.niin and dividing be Urea Ihe laiullll and to defendanta ing to their r;ective intere.ta theiviu the fob l-.wimr deaciilml property to-wit: Claim N.v ft', wn.i pru M Sei-amieand twelve of tnwnhii 17 a-nith of rane (5 west, and deacrib ed a f.dlowa vi: Conimeurimr on the errtin line at a M.iut 7.3.1 ehnini cuth of the aouth wet corner of Sec. li in aaid town-ihip and range.thepce north on aid aection line 7'.l.76 chaina, theiiif Stl. 15 t haiim, thence aouth on i,l towii.hiu line 7;i.tsl chaina, tlonee west SO.:'.", ehsina t the plai-e of beguiling, ronLoiu ing (W.l.W eie, all in l.ane county, Oregon, and for the U and diniorviiiriitn. Thia iiiininonH ia pubb.hed in the Eugene Citv Oi aki bv ot l.r of II m. IL S. Y3M, Ju.lge of Mid orrt, !,i.h nrir aa made at ehamlwra in I'.o .-. na City and bear, date Sep trUihrr ord, hs;, John r.CKNKrr, Attorney f. I'laiotifL 0, Hendkickh, 1'l'lwidellt, S. 13. Eakix, J., Caahier, Of Eugene. raid up Cash Capital $50,000 Eugene City - - Oregon. Sight draft on NKVV YOliK, SAX EI'.AX CISCO and 1'OKTLAXD, OItEC!(JX. All oillrctiona entrusted to ua will receive atviition. Weiurike ihia department a apccialty Ilep.,ita received aiibjeet to check. Loan made oil approved aecunty, and a general hanking MUaIiichh Hone on reuaonulile terina. II. C IflTMi'JIIIEY ( 'atii r. A. C IIuVEY, pr.-kiiliiit. HOV'KY. IIUMriUtKY & CO ElJCrKlVE CITY, OK. (.lien; baiikin.: ;iai,i-;uted. i'.p i'ita recrivi.-ii on current a count "n p".Ml r,;-tlSi'.i'. l'lafl-. ib'.iMii on rcllTLAND, SAX rUAXCISCO AX I) MiW VdltK. I'.i'U of Exchange eold on the Citiea of E. rope. I cans made. nhecHoneouulI acceaaible DoinU anptcialty -t & - 55 J 5 g S a m & Z as? ar 3 is a R -S 13 o 2 o ? a 9? a a 4 B i? Eg t 0m l ' 3 PHYSICIANS, jTIMSTEIia, VOCALISTS, PUULIC llL Spenkera and the I'rofeasions generally recoinmcnd SAXTA AI.IE a the best of all medicines for diseases of the Throat, Cheat anil I .lings. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. See that our trade mark, SAXTA A11IE, ia on every bottle. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Aluke no Mistake. Hv diapelliiii the aviniitoniaao often mistaken for coiiHiunptiou. SANTA AH1E haa brought glailneaa to many a household and by promptly hreakil.ur III) the CiulIi and Cull that t-n often develop into that fatal disease will yet rave iiiousaiKia iroin an untimely grave. 1 on make no mistake by keeping a bcttle of this pleusnut remedy always in the house. 'g&UFORHIA kMaHHn.BBaMaiaia(MaMaaw' rAKAXTKED A l'OSITIVK Cl'KE .1 for Catarrh, Cold in lie Head, Hay Fever, lloao Cold, Catarrhal Oeafnesa ami Sore Eye. 1,'eetorea the sense of taste and smell; removes bad taste and unpleasant breath, ro iiilting fnuu Catarrh. Eay and pleasant to use. Follow direction and a rre ia warranted bv all druggist Send for circular to AlilE TINK ME01C.VL CO., On.ville, Cal. Ask for SANTA AWE AND CAT-K Cl'KE, For sale by all druggists. j I'M no. jcmiio. The original Ahietine (lintnient is only put up in large two ounce tin boxea, and ia an oh aolute cure for old sores, burns, wounds, chap ped hands, ami all skin eruption. Will poid. lively cure all kinds of pile. Ask for the Original A hit-tine Ointment, For aale by all druggists. Snell, HeiUlin A Woodurd, Wholesale Agta, PortUnd, Irt'givon. SURVEYING. IIXES WTA1!L1SHE1 LANDS J measured and divide.!, tiro. lea and drains levelled, Kates reaMnabe. fall at ottie of llilyen and Collier or leave word at McCor- tiiick Collier a iHMvkstore. i lt S ( OM.ll.H. County Survey. Brick! Hriek! Krickl 1 tsr vi. ai.:tv or rttun k' i-r hwami v ox 1 hand. Will ev ! an.v bri. k for U o( firm pro-luee. K'I'i and rvi-!enrt. at al ba lllltte. two naim Wt-t of l-'mhA delivered iminediatelv on re-.ptof or..r. JUS. UKlUfUKII. A. V. Prtem, Aeat, Kxgrne, J. S. IUCKEY, liEAI.ER IV Clocks, Waches, Chains, Jewelry, Ett. Ucpairing 1'romptly Execntel. tar Ml Work Warranted. J. 8. LUCKKY, Klaworth (Va nrick Willamette street. The BCVEBS OUIDK laaaed Sept. and March, i each year. f3l panrea, H 1 tnebea, wltli over '3,000 UluatraUona whola Fletnra Gallery. 1IVKS Wholeaala Prlocaj dtrtet to eontumrrt on all ftooda for personal or family ue. TelUhoWlo order, and gW "t eoat of aTary thlna you nae, eat, drink, wear, or har. fin with! Th.w IMVAJ.UABLB UOOKM rontaln Information gleaned from the market, of the world. We will mall a copy FRKB to aayad dress upon receipt of 10 eta. to defray expense of mailing- Let us bear from yon, Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. gT dc 1120 Wall ash Avenue, Chicago, 111. OVERLAID TO CALIFORNIA VIA Oregon & California K. It. find CoHncclioni. vTHE MT. SHASTA R0UTE.1 Close connection made at Ashland with atageg .. . . i t.i..i. ol tl.e l.alilornia, Oregon aim auuiiu Stage Company. Only 20 Miles of Slnghi?! Time between Eugene and San Francisco, 'Si hours. CALIKOIINIA EXPIlKS.STR.tlN8 DAII.T. South I I North fflO p m I I,eave Portland Arrive 10:40 A u 9:00 P M Leave Eugene Leave I 4:45 A M 8:30 a Mj Arrive Ashland Leave 5:40 p H LOCAL I'AHMENIIKIt TUAI.NH DAILY (KXCEPT SUN- 8.U0 a in Leave Portland 2.40 p ml Arrive Eugene Arrive.3.45 p m Leave 9.00 a in PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Daily belwjen Portland and Ashland. The O It C 11 H Ferry makes connection with all the regular trains on the East Side Division from foot of r fatreet. West Side Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND C0EVALLI8- JIAIL TKAIN I1AILT (EXCEPT SUNDAY.) LEAVE. , ARR1VR. Portland 7:-10am I Corvallis. .12:25 ra Corvalhs liltOp in I Pnrtland.. 0:15 p in KXI'I.KMS TKAK4 DAILY (EXCEPT HUNDAV.) I.EAVK ARRIVE. Portland 4:f0 p m I McM'nville.8:00 p m Me.Minnville...5:45 a in Portland. . ..9KJ0a m At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of Oiegon 1'acitio For full information lcgvding rates, maps, etc., cull on Company's agent. 11 KOEHLEK, E. P ROUEHS, Manager, G. F. and Pass Agt. KOH DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint. you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Sliiloh's Vital izer. It never fails to cure. 0. F. HYD COMBINATION WIRE AHO PICKET fence; Improved Combination. Patented May 22, 1883. No. 277,877. Wire and Picke Farm Pence and MacM e fcr its llaufacture. Tho Cheapest and Most Perfect Fence in Use. Pig Tight, Horse High, Cattle Strong; STEEL fit WOODJINTERWOVEN. We UB8 from six to eight wires interwoven solidly, with from forty to foity tive light wooden slats to the- rod, thus producing a fence that will hold all stock, from the smallest pig to the largest beast. It is the most durable fence mode, as the alaU are in a vertical position, clear of the ground. There are no barbs to cut or maim stock or tear the wool from your sheep. It is as visible to the eye as a board fence and ten timea as stirng. It will stand a aide pressure of from 12,000 to 15,000 pounds. It is woven or manufactured on the posts. One man and a boy can bnild from 40 to 00 rods in a day. Farmers can build their own fence and Use material that would otherwise be lost or used as fuel, and thus save from $100 to P150 per mile. e can refer to thousands of farmers in Kansas, Iowa and Missouri who are uaimr our fence. We feel great pleasure in presenting thia fence to the tanners of Lane County, fill-' ing as it does a want long felt. Iking practi cal farmers we know what we say. T arm anil Precinct 1 ; i w ?4 j(d. Fcr further particular, apply to J. P. SWEET, Eugene City, Oregon. AGENTS: Junction 1). C. Khit. (Sample fence on Exhibition.) Irving A. Bond ft Sox. Farm and Precinct Eights (Iko. M. Miller, hi'oKNK City. 1). U. l.AKIN, (.encral Agent, Eugene. Always Victorious. Every one a duly i not to allow the Jjyer, the stomach and the kidneys, three gieat organs, to become closed ,,r torpid, auil in time exwl all impurities of tho blood. The OiiKuoN lluxiii PmiviKR, a purely vegetable comtsiur.d, is The Itemedy to our all diseases of the kidneys and liver, also those caused by impure blmsl, as Hiliousnesa, Constipation, Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Eruptions of the Skin, Lheiimatisin, etc. Try it and you will find it always victorious in its battle with disease-. Sold everywhere. $1.00 per bottle, ti bottle for f.VOO. 19 33 tf E S Luckey H DEALERS IN. DRUGS, PATENT iEDICi Toilet Articles, Paints, Oil. Brushes, Etc., Etc. ' Prescription Dcartmeiit in Compcten Hands larnessSho? HAVING OPENED A NEW SADDLE AND IIALNI.SS M'()p ft. opposite Star Bakery, I am now prepared to furnish everything in that H LOWEST ZESie Tint Most Competent Workmt Are em ployed, and I will endeavor to give satisfaction to ill uUt. me with a call. 4 A. A. CUHRi F0U1B! FQUHDI! Tiiat tlio CHEAPEST place U l Dw Gonrls ninrhi Boots and shoes, Etc. -IS AT- FRJENDLY'S. P. S. Have also just receii from New York City a large voice of LADIES' CLOAK'S' TY MANS, WRAPS and DEE1 GOODS. F. E. Beach, President. J. K. Eldkukiv, Seo'y. J. McCllAKKS, Vice Pi J. LowKMiEiio, Tnai m Northwestern h d li No, 5 Washinffton Street; Portland; Or. CJ -A. 3? 3: 1" Jb. Xi, $3,000,00 DIRECTORS. J. McCRAKEN. FRANK M. WAREEN, F.K.ARNOLD, C.ttPSt J. K. ELDERKIN, F. E. 1SEACII, F. EtiGERT. REFERENCES FOR EUGENE A. V. rotors, J. F. Robinson, J. H. McCInng, F. 15. Dutn, J. D. Matlock, S.H.F: H. C. Humphrey, Osbnru & Co. STERLING HILL, AKont. lyMouey to Loan on Approved Real Estate Sccurify.J IIEOONIJACIFIC NLY OPULAR VEK ICTURESQUE 1 AILR0AD 0UTE ANCJES 005 MILES SHORTER ! HO HOURS LESS TIME! Accommodations unsurpassed, for comfort and isatety ! f ares and JreiKhts much less than by any other route lietween nil points in Willamette Valley and gun V. atifsnA DAILY PASSEXGEIl TUAIS Exceut Sundays) Lv Yaqulna 7:00 a m, Lv Albany 1 130 p m, Ar Corvallis 10:38 a m, Ar Corvallis 2:02 p ni, Ar Albany 11:10 a m. Ar Vaquina 5:40 p in. O. and C. trnina ennneet afc Alliat.v nnil for. Vatlia. l'Vreit lw.t.WAf.11 ( !nri'nlli'u a.t1 Allin... and San Francisco, Rail and Cabin. $14; Rail and Steerage, S'J.00. C. C. HOOIIE. WM. M. HOAG, Acting G. F. 4 P Agt uenerai Manager. Oregon Development Co. First-class steamship line lietween. YAQUINA AND SAX FRANCISCO. Connecting at Yaquina with the trains of the Oregon 1 acihe Kailroad Company. FROM A! FRANCISCO. Eastern Oregon, Tuesday, August Willamette Valley, Wednesday, Sept. Eastern Oregon, Monday " aoutr.a Citv. I hursilay W'illainette Valley, Monday, Eastern Oreeon, Satunlay, Yaipiipa City. Wedneiwlaj-, 30 7 12 . IS 19 24 28 FROsf VAyl lNi, r.rjtsrn Oregon, Wednesday, Sept. 7 Willamette Valley, Wednesday, Kostero Oregon, Sunday, " 8 Yaiiulna City, Fiiday, ' 23 lllamatta V alley, Tuesday. ar 1 4 FAIR DEALINGJS OUR MOTTO. Everyone aUnding in need of building mate will do well to call and ace our Cobnm jtock of Inmlwr, kept at Midgley Dysinger's ux'tivy. We can pleane all kimla of ciutoiners n quality and quantity. ( Jive us call before I purcliasiiiii eiaeulieie. V. N. MaTHIWS, Agt. Charles Raker being sole proprietor, all ( acctMints doe liaker'a Hotel will b collected I by him, and all claims against aaid institution, will be paid bj Mr. liaker. ! S. SilkHi, j CHaa. Raicb. I NVUlamatU Valley, Tuesday, Eastern Oregon. Saturday, Oct, Yaquina City, Tuesday, Th Company reserves the right to change sailing days. S. L5. TOBY, Gen. F. & P. Agt, 30 Montgomery St., S.F. Money to Loan OX Improved Farming Properly, FOR A MIIBER OF YEARS. B. Goldsmith, IH First Street, rortlaixl, Oregon. 1 $55,555, TO LOAN OS On Improved Farms City Property, Apply to J. W. BRISTf I am r'5 GEO. V..,eiLLS t lCijrar sti EnoeneCity, OSBURN & DRUCCISTS & APCffif "WILLAMETTE SilitM Eugene Cite, dealers in Ditros, CHEMICALS, OILS, GLASS, VARMSHF.N CHUTCHE, Of m ist every kind, etc. brandifi. Wines anu of thr. very best qunlily f. rnieJi'11''- WE ha-. e always kept abrea in our hue, ami without rt, we are Mfe in ,-li.Miiiuir tli;it BEST assortment ofDRl'l " Particular attention is caW PERFl'MERY, TOILET SETS. !V.olpf, For the year 1887, . We shall 1 able to ..ell PAINTS' IUll'SHES, (of which we av -afls stock on hand) I M 1 nan -ny nouse in mis m.;. vir can ri-st assured that anyinint. will l first-class. As we ImT br.aine hs e. we think we art t dersll and furnish a Utter than anvone in our line in I-i .,), We call esi-cial attention V TIOXS. whi. h wiU be earetu"J -hours of the day or nighL