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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1885)
'O-i ')' J I " V-''-' PI IPP Iff (PITY f 1 if r A RO ft -V! ll H ESTABLISHED FOR THE DISSEJlIXTlO!i OF DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES, AND TO EARN M HONEST LIVING BY THE SWEAT OF OCR BROW. VOL. 17. EUGENE CITY, OR, SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1885. . N0.4i: S'k &itxt (City Ginri I. L. CAMP3ELL, PJrtishjr ail Proprietor. Of HO l -') 1 t'i "3 i 1 of Willamette t fltrojt l))t.vjja Siveatb, u:il Eighth Streets. TaiMJOs-jaaipnox. Par Annuu... fix Mmthi.... Thro Miothi. .. 1.25 .. .75 OCa ONLl . It AT Pi 3 OF ADVKKTI3WO. '' Advertisements inserted ho follows : Oik t iu:u-e, 10 liu-M or I, one Insertion 1 3 ; - Mch subtenant inset t. on IU Cash required in dvanca. Tins alvertiser will be charijed at the fol , owiur ratJ: ' Una srpive tliree mouths (0 00 " " six months 8 00 ' " ouiyw 12 00 Transient notices ia local column, 20 cents per llae for each insertion. Advertising billa will be rendered quarterly. All job work must be paid for on pelivekt. SOCIETIES. Ettas lioooa No It, A. F. and A. H. Meet, first and third We loesdays in each month. "i 13 riser a Bum I-oiwii No. 9 I. O. JO. F. Meetsevery Tuesday evening. Wimiwhal ENCAHmnT No. 6 Mta oa the Id and 4th Wednesday, in each month, KooEifie Lome, No. 15, A. O. U. W. Meet it Masonio Hall the second and fourth Fridays ia each month. J. M. Sloan, M. W, Kilpatrick Post, No. 40, O. A. R. Meet t Masonio Hall, the tint and third Fridays of aoh month, By order, Commander. i'frobr op Chosen Friends. Meet the j'st and third Saturday eveninss at Masonic lau. uy order of. J. M. bloan, u u Butte Lodge No. 3G7, I. O. G. T.-Meets Terr Saturday night in Odd Fellows Hall. - E. O. Potter, W. C. T. IjR.vdimh Star Band of Hope Meets at the P. Church every Sunday afternoon at 3:30. .'. Houston. Hii)t. J Miss Bertha Cook, As't Bupt; Unas. Hill, Secy, Alias flattie Mnltli, Chaplain. Visitors mado welcome. L. BILYEC, C M. COLLIER. BILYEU & COLLIER, ttornsys and Counsellors at Law,- EUGENE CITY, OREGO.V. PBACTICB IN ALL THE COURTS OF this State. Will give special attention to collections and probate matters. Office--Over Hcndrick & Eakin's bank. CEO. B. D9RRIS, Attorney and Counsellor ' at-Law, WILL PRACTICE IN THE CDURTS T V of the Second Judicial District and in he Supreme Court of this State. Spejial attention given to collections and matter in urobate Geo. s. Washburne Aftoriicy-at-Lavr, ISUJENE CITY, - - - OREGON Ofllce formerly occupied by Thompson & Bean. iy8m3 CEO. M. MILLER, 'Ittbhifej and Ccunslloat-Law, and Real Estate Agent. EUGENE CITY, - OREGON. OFFICE Two door north of Post Office. J. E. FENTON, AUorney-at-Lsuv. KUGEXE CITY OREGON. Special attention given to Real Estate Trao ioe and Abstract? of Title. Office Over Grange Store. T.W. HARMS, M.D. Physician and Surgeon. office Vilkin's Drug Store. lksidence on Fifth street, where Dr Shelton formerly resided. Dr. Wm Osborne, O.Tics AJjaini.ij St- Charles Hotel, - OB AT THE W DEJKSTOIS OF H1TE3 ard LUCIET. DR. JOSEPH P. GILL, CAN BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or res idence when not professionally engaged. Office at the POST OFFICE DRUG STORE. Residence on Eighth street, opposite Trashy rian Church. WALTQrl & KOFFSIHGER. Atioi iiejs-at-La w. EUQEHE CITY,-OREGON. lira Km n .7 i. , yu r tiT A GENERAL A lar&e assortment of La dies and Childrens Hose at 12 1-2 cts. Good Drnss Goods at 12c Best Corset in town for 50c An immense stock of New and Seasonable Goods. Fine Cashmere in every shade. New and Nobby styles in CLOllIING. Liberal Discount for CASH. New Departure TWO CASH AXI) PATRONIZE THE MEN WHO HELP T SCHOOL liUUciES, whose interests are spend their profits at home. Take notice thut- A. V. Will sell goods for CASH at reatly reduced prices, as low as any other CASH STORE. Bestrrints lb and 18 yards .SI 00 Best Brown and Bbached Muslins, 7, 8, 9, and 10 cts. , Clarks and Brooks spool cotton 75 cts per Do. Plain and Milled Flrnnels, 25,' 35; 45 and GO cts. Water Proo , cents Fine White Shirts, 75 cts and 11. And all Other Coeds Also the Celebrated .WHITE SE rVIlSTG MAOHIaSTE ! V,n Kst.tor for utiwnirth. s!z. noil dtimliilitvl. i" To my obi Uustoniers, wlio have stood ny me so i mg, i win ouiuiiui vi sen on same tarms as herstofore on time, hut if at any time they wish to make CASH purchases, I will give ill sin, as others, the full credit on my reduction A. V. PETERS 1 Goods sold as in Oregon, for Cash Or Credit Highest Price paid for all kinds of Country Produce. Call and See S. M. Friendly. Harness HAYING OPENED A NEW SADDLE AND 'HARNESS SHOP 0. 8th STUB west of Grain Bros'., I am now prepared to furnish everything in that line at the LOWEST Sj.rS'IEZsS. The Most Competent Workmen Are employed, and I' will enJeavor to give satihfaction to all wh j ma favcr ma with a call. A. S. CUHUIK. n W WO At--- B DOT'S Trimming silk and Sat ins in all shades. Moireantiqae Silks Velvets in Colors. Die finest stock of French KID SHOES ever brought to this place. . BOOTS'and SHOES in all gradcs- GROCER1ES of all descriptions. f ! T 32BL33.303CI,3&S BUILD YOUR BRIDGES, ROADS AND your interests t Are ueruiani'iitlt located and , PETERS, Fine Cheviot Shirts. 59, 75 ots and $L New Assortment DroHs Goods (No Trash) 15, IV ana zo cts. Mens' Underweah, Shirts and Drawers, CO ct Mens' Overshirts, 75 cts. and I L Mens Overalls, 50, 65, 75 cts and tl. Embroideries and Edgins at Fabulous Low Prices. at Proportionate Rates. At irreatlv reduced rates. Wi low as any House Shop Dr.A.W.Prather. O TFICE SOUTH SIDE OF NINTH btreet, opioito the Star Bakery. Ck11 promt.tly attended to night or clay. Chfiilc dte&aes a eoialty. W. Y. Hcmlcrson, 33 23 XJ JE 3C 3 T. rr HAS RESUMED PRACTICE frfttj "s" "'c hriclc. tituJ AlT ojiorfttiona will be flnt cIum and charges reasonable. Old patrons as wul as new cm are Invited to call, DR. L.F.JONES, Physician and Surgeon. WILL ATTEND TO PROFESSIONAL calls day or night. OFFICE Up stairs in Hays' brick; or can be found at K H Luckey A Cos drug store. Office hours: 9 to 12 in, 1 to 4 p m, 6 to 8 P m. unl'.'U Dr. J. C. Gray, BEHTIST. FFICE OVER GRANGE STORE. All V work warranted, Laughing gas administered for painless ex traction of teeth. DR. W. C SEHLOREDE T3 NOW PERMANENTLY LOCATED JL in Cottage Grove. He perforins all opera, tions in mechanical and surgical dentistry. All work warranted and satisfaction uuarautecd. Geo . W. Kinsey, : JUSTICE CF THE PEACE. Real estate for sale Town lots and ferma. Collections promptly attended to. - Rehidknce, corner lCleventh and High St., Eugene City, Oregon J. DAVIS, Sail or. A LL KINDS OK WORK DONE IN THE best of style at reasonable rates. Pants from w up. hhop and residence on Olive street between Sixth and Seventh. wwrwrffw, 1 1 1 1 m jt? ViWt 1 ea faj JMUJU ijubU MWUM. Jvayi Cures an'l never illsap volata. The world's great Pais." KeUever for Man and Beast, Cheap, quick and reliable. PITCIIEK'3 CASTORIA ts not Narcotic, Children grow fat upon, Mothers like, and Physicians recommend CASTOUIA. It regulates tho Bowels, cures Vliid Colic, allays FevcrLshncss, and do troys "Worms. WEI DE MEYER'S CA TARRH Cure, a Constitutional Antidote for this terrible m y, hf Auforption. The most Important Iisoovsry since Voe" sination. Other remodle may relieve Catarrh, tlJs enrol at any atige b of ore Consumption eta in. DEALER lit Croceris "J Provisions, Will keep on hand a general assortment Groceries, Provisions, Cured Meats, Tobacco, Cigars, lundics, Candles, Hosi, NotKUf. . limm snd Dried Fruits. Wwxi and Willow Ware, Crockery, Etc. Business will be conducted on a CASH BASIS- Which means that Low Prices are Established Cooili delivered without charge to Bojei ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED Vir whiah we will pay the highest market fH-IC. JAB U 1AUC Bene r a ill . 1 . Jire MemiHut ai('urabit. Plantingof the Pine. : ; A Votm Read Ji'ne 17, 1885; on the Occasion OK THE I'UNTlNu OV A CLASS TREE BT THE (ilUDUATINO CLAHS Ot THE Univerhitt ok Orkuok. . "And bo shall b lika a trr planted by the rlnri Pi water,"-I'liamt. Wave, Hermes, wave thy wreathen waund, And call the exiled gods once more From dreamful lands that lie beyond The wailing Acheronlo shore, The ever young and ever fair, Whose leafy brows and wave swept hair The laureled minstrel, blithe and fond, Sang in sweet numbers o'er and o'er. Satyr and nymph and oread calt, . And all the race of rugged Pn; By streams that weave the madrigal, . Through groves Sabean breezes fan, Lure them, 0 Hermes! with the shell Which breathed of old a magic spell That made the Argus-eyellds fall, ' And loosed the Arglve maiden's ban! So lead thorn hither, let them move Among us on this festal day, Mystic as shadows in a grove Whore tressy gleams of suullght stray, And seen aloue by those who keep Pule watches o're the bards that sleep In the bright garlrnds genius wove When Greece was young and gods held sway. Listen I there Is a stir of leave And rustling as of flowers strewn, And wild wood odors from the sheaves Of bloomy verse tit blent and blown; Naiads and dryads all are herd, And fauns that whisk the furry ear, And many reed led chorus grieves O'er days discrowned and fanes o'erthrown. And now their breezy murmurs hail The planting of the votivi pine, And Terra spreads a damasked veil And Summer spills an opal wihej Since days wore bora and years bean The plus was sacred unto ran, And not a mystic rite shall fall To greet a scion of the Hue, Lo, It is done! the beauteous throng With sylvans whispers slowly parte Sweet as a fading wave of song That lingers in enraptured hearts When night are still and moonlight falls On arches gray and broken walls, And every thought that drift along A tint of waning life imparts. A scent of myrtle, rose and mnrrh And ivied brows and musky hair Floats faintly by, and the swift stir Of fancy shakes the perfumed air, And o'er the blue Helloiiio seas The burning clmidi of myetcrle Sail on and waft the worshipper To shrines that glimmer everywhere! For youth Is all devout and Greek, A dreamer crescent bfnwed and curled, To whom woods, winds and waters speak The language of the poet's world; So, we to classic shade Invoke With speech and song and altar smoke The glory of a race antiipie While yet our waiting sail is furled. . iVround our Uln of dreamland lie Th sweep of lieryl-bosomed seas, Ami flora's gold and purpled skies Stoop over it, the languid breeze Itoiters with laughter's rippling tone And musio fading Into moan, And waves, with sensuous sweet sivhs, The bannered beauty of the trees. To past ami future, lo! w raise A green memorial and a fans Where glowing nymphs and sheeny fays Shall sleep In moonlight's silver rain, , And floating sun and shadow play When we are sailing tar away- Sailing the sapphire straits and bay That sparklo round life' rocking main. No marble monolith Is ours, Nor granite from Hyenlo caves, Ni weary Sphinx whose dark brow lowers Where irrny sands drift in arid waves) But, from its mountain home, the pine, A living monument and shrine That broathet an odor rich a flowe -s When they are laid in wintry grave. All honor to the sylvan race, The beautiful, erect and free! Thoy stood in Eden's glow and grace, And Death and Life were named tree! Their beauty was a sacrament, At once a temple and a tent; The tree was man's hrst dwelling place And sang his parting thernody, They lift tin ir decorated crest In Homer's -ng and Holy Writ, And Prophecy beneath them rests When all th boding star are lit; All down the columned year they stand In robe of splendor and command Ambassadors of high bebesU Whilo rosy summers flame and flit Beneath a date grove's pleasant shade, At Ellin Israel reposed, And under oaks of Mamre laid Th wanderings of Abrara olored; Ami dark Deborah, weird and calm, Near Ramah sat beneath her palm And in prospective thought arrayed The fates by Iirvl s God imposed. The Druid and Dodona oaks, How glosmily their arm extend1 Above th pagan altar-smoke Th priests and priestesae attend! How waves the windy beech that grow Hard by th Scaean gat and throw A plaintive shade, while shout and stroke Storm on till Epio thunders end I Again Olympian gods are met" In robes that swsep and shine like flame, And lo, Athene's olive, set In attic soil, has given a name To Athens; and we tura and lo, ' Where Babylonian waters flow Hushed htrps, on willows hung, are wet With teats sorrow an 1 of shame. Enough! Tlia glory of th tree In every age a fate fulfills And move t oug al th harmonie t Of speech that soars and song that thrills, And round this fair memorial j Tie fit that we these name should call Who give to sun and cloud and breeze A native monarch of our hills. Oh, proudly in th Siskiyou His prinoely tribe arise and reign, And get delight of Summer dew And strength of Winter' toiling strain While bright Madrnnas at their side ' Like courtly princesses abide And tell the scarlet hea Is they use As symbols of a passion slain. All round the varied torest sweeps A cloud of changing lovelines. Where Juns's adorning sunlight sleeps , On gleamy brow and braided treat, And rosebey lights th leay gloom With torches of auroral bloom, Ami the lithe unthtr lurking creep With footsteps soft as a caress. And there, like som barbaric King, . . All mailed in bronze-red dragon scales, The pint-tree towers-glad to fling His royal ensigns to th galea, And, in hit robes of golden green That glisten with a vibrant theen And garnished wiih bright oones that swing' Like jewels over all prevails! Th Gothlo minstrel of th woods, He sings th lightest lullaby, Or, swept by winter' fitful moods, 1 he battle chants, and loud and high Th Pyrrhic numbers rise and rol, To midnight stars, and Earth' great toul Wtilt In th solemn interlude Of death and woe that never die, . The shriek of hln and war of .wave And fury ot th blanching urge, Th desolation of Ion grave And shouts that still th onset urge, The sob of maiden in despair And all sad sounds of earth and air The harp of Thor o'er peaks and cave Blends In the paean and the dirge. So, to thl Academlo hill , i . V bring a scion of the breed, To be, until our fate fulfill, A shrine, a Pharos and a creed, Whose lifting crest tnd wider reach Of branch an.l plume shall ever teach Our lives to rise and broaden still: In wider lov and nobler deed. And a in sun and cloud snd storm Caress of winds and tweet of dew ' II shall arise a klnglier fmin At days drift by and yean renew, Our souls in calm and tempest tried In higher mansions shall reeUl. And winter gale and tephyr warm Shall waft us on, serene and true. Returned from We' Olympic fields, . Here shall our cherished bay be hungj And her shall rest the spear and ahield Which in the battles flnshsd and rung; And here, when Dian fills her cup And alt the panting stars are up, Eros shall wvs the bow he wield . And tender hearts to lov be strung" Adieu, oh prido of mountain lands! Ill long watch of the year I yours, While we with on long vlssp of hand Pus from our Holy Mother's doors; Fair is the wreath that memory brings,' But Hop on hyaciuthine wings,' Will bear us to enchanted strands Where the resounding ocean pours. High on the future' blue facade Superb intaglio we engrave, And dreams in rich mosaic laid Adorn the te.iselatcd pave: Wild is the light that streams upon The lofty pillared propylon And many a myntlo seen portrayed On sculptured frieze and architrave. Oh! life U no Emlynilon 's sleep, Itiwe-roofed In dear Meander' vale. But, clambering from steep to steep, Defiant of the Augurs pale, Like Perseus and Heracles We win the asphodels of ease With labors long and angubih deep And courage never born to fuiL , "The strongest fortross is th mind,'' As wise Antlntlienes has said, And In Its diamond towers we find Repose when youth and friends are fled 111 heart's red passion flower fad And soft eyes lose their misty shade,' But crowns of ainarauthiis twined Are for the world that knows no dead,' The voice thut wsnd'ring lo beard From the Caucasian cliff aud cloud, Still speaks, unuiarred by hope deferred The spTendld Titan call aloiid, Anil, trustful in the coming morn . , , Of right and truth, his laugh of scorn - Rings when th thunder's wrath is stirred And lightnings wreath hi tempest shroud. The banquets of the gods survives, Tho' mixed with marring saioksand flame, And over us the terneit drive . , . With flick'ring fires and cloud of blame ' But, thanks to Promethean deed, Th gates are all ajar that lead To amaranthine hope and live And gorgoous firmaments of fame. lam Z. SimpttHt Syrup of Fige. Nature's own true laxative. Pleasant to th Palt, acceptable to the Stomach, harmles in Its natii'e, palnW In Its vtion. Cure Ha bitual Const Ination, Biliousness, Indigestion and kindred ills. Cleanses the system, purities the biood, regulates the Liver and acts oe the Bowels. Breaks tip Colds, Chills and Fevers, etc. Stren;:hten the organs on which it acts, Better than bitu r, naiisvou Liver nwiicinoe, pills, suits and drugs. Sample bottle- fr, and large ones for sale by V M WDkins, Eugene, W S Lee, Jnnrtl. a. .WkudinoOrijh. We li.v.-o j-i-t received from Chtcuro the finent lot of wedding cards and invitations ever brought to Oregon. Frus for the earn very lilieral. I