The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 18, 1884, Image 3

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ITrwe traveler mot In Brandor Pais,
By the bubbling Blunder Spring;
Kiojr sharod their eake and their venison,
And they talked u( many a thing
Uf boulu, of song, and fonjira huiiU,
trf strange and wandering livtM,
Anil by and by, in tufkir tones,
lliey Bj)ok of their homos and wives,
"I married the IMi o' Logan Brae,"
Sdid one, with a lofty air;
TV-re Una in a' in the North oouiitree
A hoaso wi' a bettor sliare
Of uuld and guar, and hill and lock,
Of housed and farm to rent:
Tin re's numy a man hatenviod mn.
And I'm mair than weal content"
"IV nam of a woman at bright as dav,"
The sooond traveler said;
"Diflam of a form of ix-rfoct grape,
' Of i noble face and bead,
Of eyos that are as blue as Heaven,
if flowing nut-brown huir;
That in my wife, and, though not rich,
Oh, she is wondrous fairl"
The third one said: "I have a win,
She is neither rich nor fair;
SI has not gold, nor gnar, nor land,
Itora wealth of nut-brown hair;
Bit, oh I she loves me I and ber love
lias stood through every bet.
Fonntyand gold are good, but, friends,
We know that love is bo-it."
Tany filled their cups in the wjiriu;; aain,
And they said, right heartily:
Hre's to tbo loving, faithful wife,
Wherever her home may 1!"
And toon they took their different ways,
One thought in each nan's brtvist ;
Boauty is good, and gold is good,
Lit a true love is the UxU"
Anieudlna the Verdict.
Detroit Free Press. 1
The train was lust entering Erin, Twin.,
wlmn wo heard the sharp toot! toot! of tho
whistle, and such passengers as looked
f rom the windows saw an aged African with
a bundle, over bis shoulder straight ahead
0:1 the truck. The whistle was blown and
Die bell rung, but he paid no attention,
sud all of sudden tho cowcatcher picked
1 ira up and tlung him lifty feet to ono
hide. A guns of men brought the body to
the depot, and among tho dozen of us who
i topped of! at the villago a coroner's jury
was selected. It seemed a plain case. The
mau came to his death by being struck by
a locomotive on Uio Louisville, & Nash
ville rood. Such was tho verdict rendered,
but no sooner was it announced thau the
tsonmer observed:
"Gentlemen, return and amend your
verdict You haven't said anything about
Wo returned to the room and amended
by adding that the engineer was blameless
in tho caao, and the coroner received us
"Very rood. Gentlemen, so fur as it
gout, but the man was probably deaf, and
it would bo well to amend tho verdict ac
cordingly. "Wo went back and amended to make
i ho victim as deaf as a hitching-post, but we
wore not through yet
"You haven't got the name of the
t ouuty in your report, and you don't say
whether it was a freight or passenger
train." observed the coroner.
Wc returned to the room for another
r.issle. and were just congratulating our
t lven nn havinir even-thin? shit) sliaDe.
v hen the coroner put his head iuto the
tioor-way and called out:
"Gentlemen, amend your verdic! The
unfounded nigger has eomo to life!"
And wheu we rushed out to tho freight
1 ouse ho was sitting up on end and asking
if anybody bad seen bis bundle.
PlaTlnz Under Difficulties.
Cor. Milwaukee SentineL
At Missoula, Kaiidmann, the tragedian,
with his company, came on tho train. He
is introducing the, legitimate drama in these
western wildernesses, and had presented
Nareissc," "Othello," and "Hamlet" to
t 10 wondering cowboys of the mountains
i:t Missoula. Ho was not quito satisfied
vilh tho Missoulan dramatic editor's arli
1 on "Hamlet, " in which Ophelia was
c haracterized as a serio-comic character,
iind ho gave an amusing account of
the Missoulan "opera house." It has
a stage, but no dressing-rooms, and the
company were obliged to use dressing
rooms across the street in the rear of the
opera house, ami walk through an admir
ing out-of-door crowd in all their theatrical
toggery to reach the stage. The night
lhat "Hamlet" was produced there was a
heavy rain, and "the buried majesty of
Ocmuark," armed in complete steel, or
Ophelia, with "fantastic garlands of crow
flowers, nettles, daisies, and long purples,"
scudding across the street under an um
brella, was a spectacle highly interesting
to tho small boys of Missoula who couldn't
cviso tho funds to get inside the theatre,
and excited their rapturous applause.
Publisher mud Printer of 1780.
London riviety.
Of English newspapers we read. " in the
year 1780, in London, alone, IM.OlH) were
printed every week, " and we are told how
u Woodfall, the printer of The Advertiser,
onco tho famous newspaper in London, "
defeated the attempt made by the govern
ment to discover who "Junius" was. The
captain says: " It is not at all uncommon
to see a printer put in the pillory or
dragged to jail, " and although by naming
tho author they would esciijMi theso indig
nities they never did so without his con
sent. "The I!ev. Mr. llorneTooke, curate
of Brentford, was so generous us to avow
himself on au occasion of this kind in tho
year 1778." Our author once saw a
printer in tho pillory surrounded mid pro
tected by a countless multitude of people,
who cheered him and crowned him with
garlands and flowers, and gave him re
freshment, putting it into his mouth, as
his hands were fastened. Persons f rink
stood by and talked familiarly to bim with
i-beering and encouraging words.
Mr. Labourchere, M. P., In .a let
ter to Mr. Stuart Cumberland, has
the following to say concerning
mind-reading: "Your explanation of
thought-reading so called was very in
tcrcstinir. As 1 had always supposed it to
be, it is the perception of a thought in the
mi'cd of a subject by watching carefully its
. . Xl. 1..- In ..mA,.1 ...
OUeCt UpOUUlS lUUSCies. lu uiuei m nuu-
ceod. it is. of course. ne,"cssury for the op
erator to have trained him:lf to not: these
physical indications. I am f!.id that you
are engnsred in dispelling th ; nonsense
which surrounded the rx.Ttrimciiis, and
that you are provh ? thai you cat r ju il
the mystic powers of the quacks who
hitherto made money out of fooU, while at
the sama iiina vou are able to nve a nat
ural and reasonable explanation of what
you perform.
TIis Drunkenness of Wen!llt.
Piltilurg Chroniclo-Tel fripli.J
A man can be at druns with tuo mts-
lciJia? idta of tho lmmunitit of weslt't
at under the fi'.-ry juico of the grape. lie
can arc Junn himself to thinking that it U
imrossthle thr.t such dch'aite and .recioaa
poro.Uin as himself enn bo rudely h m
illcA He Is bctnivtil bv solM-uiulivccc
into a f col's paradise, and ends by warring
a convict i gvo.
Nalav Damajanlr, the Hindoo, Telle
of Some Wonderful Adventures.
Philadelphia Record.
"This," said Mr. Davis, bringing for
ward a dark-skinned, black-eyed woman
of graceful cairiago end faultless form,
"is Mala Lauianto, the Hindoo snake
charmer, r-he bus had enough of won
derful adventures with her crawling
jets in the last half dozen years to fill
a voluuio," and fifteen minutes conver
sation fully justified the assertion.
Miss l)amajante, although engagod
in the rather unfeiuinine occupation of
handling enormous anaoondas and
twining about hor body the deadly
folds of powerful pythons, is docidedly
interesting in appearance and conversa
tion. W bile a native of llindostan, she
speaks French fluently, lias a smatter
ing of rortugueso, and is bravoly en
gaged in mastering tho intricacies of
English. Slio is of medium height,
delicately built, and shows her eastern
origin in an oval face, exquisitely cut
features, a pair of melting eyes, black
as night, and an abundance of raven
black hair, which, when uneoiitined
falls bolow her waist. Her skin is ol
that peculiarly swarthy hue seen only
among the high caste Hindoos. It is
not dark, like that of the octoroon, nor
coDiier-colored, as in tho ISorth Ameri
can Indian. It is rather a deep, rich
olivo. with tho fuintoat suggestion ol
peach bloom shining through, which
intensities and comes and goes as
speaker becomes animated.
The Buakc-cliarnicr talked modestly,
and with a charming absence of any
"airs" that would lead one to think sho
thought herself in any respect braver
thau ordinary mortals. 1 hardly know
how to begin," said she, in hor protty
broken hugbsh, "bocausv, you see, 1
am more at home with my suakos than
in talking to you gentlemen of the
newspapers. You want to know why
1 fear not the big snakes. 1 will tell
you. It is because I love them and
thoy love me; it is ah! no; mistaken
there they do not always love me
honietimes I shake what yon say in
l'.nglish, you shiver, because the snake
wants to squeeze me too tight. Then
I feel afraid. Suppose you live iu a
powder-mill all your lifetime. You are
not afraid? JSo. Other people are
afraid? Yes. Sumo day tho powder
mill will burst and kill everybody
The people who are afraid are not
killed, because they ure far away; you
are killed because you are not afraid, and
are in tho mill. Ho you understand
As if to illustrate what she had said
Miss Damajante opened a box standing
in the corner of the tent and took from
beneath the folds of a gaudy blanket a
huge python, whose forked tongue was
darting in and out like lightning, and
whose eyes were scintillating like urn
nionds. Without the slightest hesi
tancy she wrapped the euormous reptile
about her neck, and there it writhed
like a living necklace.
"You Bee," she said, as the snake sud
denly attempted to encircle her chest
"this is what 1 have to guard against
at the same time seizing the monster
just back of the head, causing it to hiss
horribly. ' hen 1 was in Madrid my
largest snake, weighing 120 pounds,
nearly choked mo to death: and it took
two stionir men to cot him
loose. 1 lost tho grip on his neck
Another time, in Loudon, the tamo
snake tightened about my chest
powerfully that it made my noso bleed,
iu X hiladelphia lost season a new
snake, that didn't know me, got beyond
my eoutrol, and boforu I could seize his'
neck, hud nearly crushed my arm. I was
so sorry that the newspapers told about
it; I do not want the people to think
that I am afraid. In one of tho western
states I cannot remember tho name
I tried to show how I handled tlir.
snakes at once. '1 ho smallest ono got
away f:om me, and in trying to cat.
him 1 let go of the others. Ihe net
moment thov were both wrani oJ
around my body, und tightening their
fo.ds. 1 was unable to speak and threw
myself on my back to attract attention
Two ol the attendai.ts rushed forward
and rescued me. I find the great
est danger on very arm days. '1 ho
snakes are full of lifo then, and want to
squeeze tight. On cold, damp day
they will hardly move.
Itaite Kail Players Ha r red from In
I'hiladeiphix llwim!.
"Do you know," said an ins
anco agent yesterday, "that a cident
companies will not insure A profess onal
base ball player, although they accej
risks on puwder-makors.' it seems
strange, doosn't it?" he continued, "that
base ball playing should bo considers
more hazardous than making powder
The insurance people, uaweer, reason
this way: While acknowledging the
dangerous employment of men in pow
der factorios, it is presumed that the
men themselves and their employer;
will take every precaution to preven
an accident, and thus bv carefully at
tending to their duties they escape all
injury. It is cot so with the bull
players. No matter what precaution
they take they are always getting their
bauds burst open, fingers broken or
their faces cut open, thereby prevent
iug their playing. If they were insured
in the accident companies they would
be obliged to pay the players a certain
amount of money weekly while on tl,
sic!: list.
"Experience has proved that tl
chaps who eat the.r noonday mals
astride a keg of gunpowder are safer
frcrn ac-iilents than ball-tos ers. The
latter, however, have no trouble hi get
ting their lives insured, as thoir injuries,
while oiten severe, do not generally
end fatallv."
lie Could .yiarrags It.
1 1 ai par's Buar.J
I i't!e Lud lph one day lx-ggo.l au
invitation to dim er at the house f a
1 ttV friend with whom he had been
p'ajric during the uorning. At the
tub. o Lis Lo&tess anxiously inquire 1:
'T.udolpb. can you cut yoarownnieat':"
"Humph!" i-aid Kudolph, who was sow
ing aay, "cn't I? I've cut up a great
deal tougher n eat than this at home."
New York Herald: Conslitat on
tinVers are but littlo boya who jlant
trrw and pull them np over day to
see if tho roots are growing.
rh Month Fast Uccoiulnf Yau.
krrdnm, to Land of Baslnrs.
John Paid in Now Vork Trimm.
And I find the people somewhat for
eign, too. l hoy are lull ol politeness,
but it is rather tho politeness that one
shows to strangers. There is ou all
sides a modified kindly feeling, a dis
position to forgive one for being a Vun
keo, desire to show that this
considered more your misfortune than
your 'fault but, all tho same, ono
feels plainly that there is a dilVureueo
between him who is born here and him
who is only borno with. "Sirs" are show
ered on you till you can't rost. 1 suppose
tho war though nigh a score of years
have elapsed since twos ended is all
too recent, and a mingling of tho uieu
engagod in it too infro.Uout, to permit
the participants as yet to mix in And
exchango conundrums and chat famil
iarly together, ns 1 am told wonieu do
at tcA-partios. I am reminded ol a
story told by Henry James -not the
brilliant novelist, but a wealthy ana
famed woolen manufacturer of ill
inmsburg, Mass., of a heated dispute in
which one man got auother by tho
throat. Thero was a coolness ou
side when next they mot. "Why, have
you not forgiven me?" asked the sur
prised party ol the nrst part. ies,
ve forgiven you, replied the otner,
but you, you pinched my throat!"
The south ts essentially serious.
They do not chatf each other
in conversation so much as do wo
at the north, nor dothey under
stand it in others, hen the mm
meot of a morniusr thev shako
hands fervently and inquire with press-
in'i interest into the details ol eacu
othor's health. The "sir" is seldom
omitted ; it burnishes up and adorns
the most trivial discourse, even among
intimates, like the silver-plated handle
on a door, mere is less jernmess
in tiioir conversation, too, less
of discursivoness. They do not often
interrupt you, nor do they like to be
themselves interrupted. ior uoes
man talking with yon wheel rouud on
his hoel and leave you abruptly; nor,
if one happen to jostle against you in
the street does he scurry off without an
anoloirv. It mav bo that time here
less valuablo than with us, and I will
not sav that more kindliness of feeling
underlies this formality than is to be
found beneath tho brusuuenoss of
northern manners. But there is
colden moan in all things, and litus
villo. Ohio, inieht. borrow a valuablo
hint in tbia respect from Thomas
villo. Qa.
Another thing must be borne in mind,
Life with the Bouth has become a seri
ous business. Generally speaking the
south is poor. Tho war has obliterated
fortunes. Men who uotore gave oroau
to others must now work for their own
You look in vain for the gay, dashing
cavalier of tho oldon time of the oldeu
time tradition at least mounted on a
prancing horse and galloping over tho
country, singing rouuaeiays anu
drinkiiiff mint-iuleps. The shoot-
incr. the tishiUK, the pleasuring,
now is principally done by
northorn visitors. Kesulents have very
other fish to fry. Here is a harnoss
maker, for instance, at the bench, who
hnforn was a brmadior general. 1
cities vou ilnd men who in their time
have borel with different and muc
larcor aucers now behind lounters
attending assiduously to business and
catering for the negro custom, scat
tered the country ovor, muny who once
ran larco plantations are now with
their own hands cultivating small pieces
of ground and endeavoring to suutcu
subsistence from tho sod by growing
cotton at 8$ cents a pound. This is
sorious business. Hut it is in this
buckling-to that the hope, the sal
vatioii. of tho south lies. Talk of Yan
koe thrift, of Yankoe shrewdness! Heat
any ono of tho colonels or ma.ors
at a bai gain if vou cuu ! No sir 1 Ship
your wooden nutiuogs elsewhere, see
some other market for those prune
white-oak hums erst tho glory of C on
necticut; if you would soli a cargo
shoo-peus for oats, merchant of Massa
chusetts, look away from this coast for
a customer. How it n ay onco nav
been I know not, but certainly it is not
now considered unchivalious to bar
gain, unchristian to get tho best of it,
l trade iu ft an
tneket, if need be, but I don't want to
bo much as try to swap mules in lhom
Ucrman llama Trlclilnnn Feel."
New Y'ork Telegram.
A well known importer of foreie
provisions states that there is au annual
importation of about 5,001) Oerrnan
hams in this city. Ihry are
designated as Westphalia and weigh
from fifteen to thirty-live pounds each
and are worth from '1 to To cents
wound. Kach (Jerma:i ham is aceom
uanied with a slip of paper, which is
pated inside the whitewashed bag
which uncloses the ham. Ou it is
printed tho words "Trichiuan frei" (free
of trichina.) The laws oi uermany ro-
aneuting tho inspoction of pork ur
vnrv strict and ore rigidly enforctd
Heavy penalties are impofod for sellin
nork without a certificate of inspection
from the government oilicials appoiutod
for the purpose. Thee inspectors are
found everywhere in tho kingdom, tho
appointment being generally given to
tho tio-tmastcts or some otner iocoi
oflicer ca .ily accessible to tho people.
Her Wedding Cuke.
(.Philadelphia Call. 1
Arabella How kind it was of you to
print such a nice notice of my wedding.
I tol 1 yon, didn't I, that I mads m
wodding cako myself?
Editor Ye ; out it was unnei es ary.
I kuewatoueothat it was male by you:
fair handn.
Arabella -Then the pieco I emit yo i
arrived sa.'ely. ld you tako it Loim
and dream oer it? '
Editor Veil, no. You hie, I ueol
it in tbo ofike.
Arabella -Why. w hat for?
Editor It makts a lo.ely paper
weight. ;
Dishop Cheney : Tho hasty wor 1
may le comrared to a pistol-shot f.raJ
iu the mountains, which r.vf ecl.oirsg
from ruvine to ra7ino. uritd'linjll Ihe
report of the pia'.cl becoc e Lie the
touud of csxuon.
This Is to cf rtif v that I have been trou
bled with Catarrh for several yrnrs, and
have found Dr. Evory's Diamond Catarrh
lemtdu the best medicine I have yet tried.
CAKLOS Will lb.
Manager Pacltlc News PublishliiKCo.,S. F.
x riec vvr uoiiir. fur wwo j i.vups1-!
If en 1. ..1. ,,u
Pavls Co.. C. A. Plummer it Co.. and
Clarke, Woodard & Co., Portland, Orrgon.
No medicine has ever been known so effectual
In the cure of all those diwsws. arlnlng from
i Impure condition of the blood a 81X
LIVElt SYltl'P. the universal rtmedy for the
cure of Scrofula, White Swellings, Uhcuma
Usm, Pimple, Hlotche. Eruptions, Vencrnal
Sores and Diseases, Consumption. Groltre,
Boils. Cancers, and all kindred diseases. There
is no better means of sccurinij a beautiful com
pletion than by using SCOVILL'S 8AHHAPA-
Ulch clonuses the blood and gives permanent
beauty to the skin.
Tim tlpv nf Alirlor has INI children. No
j . .u I
one cau tell wual a uey win onun m.
A spscialty. Send two letter stamps for a
lare treatise uiving self-treatment. Ad
dress World's Dispensary Medical Asso
ciation, Uultalo, ft. .
Electricity In Franklin's time wi
wonder; now we make light of it.
iil? I I
If vou want a gosd smoke, try beal ol
s'orth Carolina," plug cut." I
This medicine, combining Iron with pure
vegetable tonles, quickly and completely
Cures lTpepshi, Indluentliin, Wenkofwat
Impure tllood, iMulariu,l'btlisanM Fevers,
hhJ lain .
It Is an uiiiHllins remedy for Diseases of the
Kidneys and Uver.
It is invalimblo lor Pleses peetdlsr to
M'omen, and all who lead sedentary lives.
. Itdoesnot injure the tecth.CRuse headache.or
produce constipation otif Iron maiieinn flo.
It enrlchu and purines the blood, stimulates
the sppetito, aids the swImHaUon of food, re
lieves Heartburn and Heli-mug, ana iireugm-
... m, ,wl.,a anil nAr'fa
For Internilttent Fevers, Lassitude, lack of
Energy, &o., It nos no equal.
j$f The genuine has sbove trade mark and
crossed red lines ou wrapper. Take no other.
To SMOKERS of Blackwcli's
Genuine Bull Durham
Smoking Tobacco.
This Ppech'l Peprmlt Is to gimrnntce the
payment of U,n 'J5 premliiinn fully dtscllbcd
l.i'.otr liipti. r .,n,ifOirif,IIUilltH.
The pren.. 111.1 w ill be pnld, no matter how
mall tl.c nuiiiticr ol bags returneu may oe.
Oiin BUirhttWl CiirAnm ruNi!- Ca.,
l.,rj, N. C May W, lbM. 1
P. A.mi.CT. E.g
Pkhb Hin:-We liiclnss you 11.M. whiih
Ur our empty lotmoco twim t" returned l e.
liia. ioura truly, J. 8. OAHlt, I'rerkleuL
Offia tif IU Bmk of
Vurhum, A. V., V IU, It. 1
J. 8. CArtn. ESQ.. .
Tm im U, u . I hVA tl Bik IkOwlethrO rfCttiPt lf
ll.nni on from yon, which we have placed ui-ou
Hneciall)ei',lt'rUieol)JcrtyouMiei, ,,
Kcnrgrnnlne without picture of Mt'I.t m t
; ftive our other quuouuoauiejiu.
liiuiw. m
.naiciousfcr- HtmtingusJ
i i.i vi..M tl.enverrliheliKeiteuli'ely
ni-.l and i. prrformluii muny Mtonl.hlng euros. A. a
Arrvlne aiul I onlr it la unuriil. ,f'erT.
and Iron p. w wondorfill power to hillld up brokrll,.totn. u,d rvntttra Tlffor to both mind
I L..1. It I. a kM ItalllMlvlnialaKlt IImu
end llelillltjr, Nerroua Kihaiwllon. Weeplwaneaa, N.u.
ralula, lyi-pHla,lxMaof 1'hy.lcaland M.iitjl Power,
iMu.ry Diiilcultlm, and all INriina.niciila nf
llenllo whiTea joair aii'i urn.
llwisro of luiltaUoii,a a wortliliwi and apunniM aru.
cleisbeUis'iuld, pun.rtliiftol,(Jeli.ry.llfaudUuu.
1 1 1 HILL, tOt at i O ,
KIT lnr Hlreet. . . . . an Iranclsco.
Arswilutiitv mrM In 80 to W
JluniMlO JSlMtio .niii,
trrmiiUil lite onlyKlrloTrufi
nthen. PerfMt EoUiner. tiAti oi
a,.l noiiifurt nivlitaiid d.r. Cui
HnA.Mit llr 1 Hiinml of Kiw Vork.
ndrad. ot Mhan. Nr Illmomlaa Jaua
srS phlfr.e,mol.lnl.irillinr....nB.
Sa. Olflaa
r 1 S'tZ.i.ZZ r.uw.iw foi,..rl..i-tt'
STEIN VV AY "". " ,n' l
i.r,,-wi, band InsU n
imenU Isn SKxa
Uuaui oral BooVs, Bai. l. ami-pile! at Intern jiw-s
U. 0 tAY, OA fuat
Biroei, nw . a..
t9 iia jado eii.i-.'T loe
of W ireiaw."
mrm m
v ri it rui ur"i.Ti ta ti '.s, x-iti'
Zifi txiBACT o r .l
iprRiT ''(I
li !-V In
1 um 4 J :
IT fl,ljr;'M.V a n.ajr.". .
IViVvtll'l I.UJIII pemcau
VJii rO J tiroort IK. (Mita Pi i.l
V V-v.f9fT . I . ii, a tH er.u.ra 1
Absolutely Pure.
Tills nowilor never Ynries, A marvel or r"r"'r'
tieniilh and wlinlesonvui'M. einiioiiunu nuui
iiAn.iu. th. multitude ot luw tent, li..rt. wui.-nt,
m 0r pi.wj.iiat powder bm
Boy At 1Uki I'uot'imCo,. Moulin
street, N. Y.
From 010 rot Bl.
tolMlT ClsyBt.
nrsr Mrkt Stnet
MKira sud Increased
IVirry. with ample
f.cllUlia we will
uirir Hie tnulo
wltli rhh1s st lew.
JkL In any quantity
.....i m... " nrtce to everylxnt
. .t...1.M,Bln,,vliu.
The best Mid fresh-T?Tet gods In '
mark.tU our first JLHAUiougliU Personal
attention to STeryryoraer, However
amalL tnmptnesa Wl In shipping, no
credit, bo lo" for c s a h oay'f to
make bwhI. Buiuess-HivsoinuTO.
Hon guaranteed. Jjig Send for lstost prlos.
list, snd glvs ns trial order., i
Nmllh's CsishtfT-Slors, P.O. Dot
KSU, Haa ' JrVsQsUfurnls.
I II IC tKI.T,llHwlr-.t'lll
Ilo thu wurld lny"Ni'w lui-iruvi-d
IWIt," tuirlnr lu
e Try rumot iti all uttii'ni.
Til. I. Hie ONLY HKl.t
which can l'llAKfil-:r WITH w A 1 Kit and cum
aeiin.taul eiimut of eli-ctr'rilr through th kuiiuui
IhhI, eiirln Ai l. iikah itiuU'T M unci nk and iv
urlns lout nut ihood. Thouondiiof tenllmoiiUta of II.
Tsluavutlle. k'nr main aiidfi'inale. HiiiU' ord
mith. lTipe, eiu. r u nr em-uiu j. ii. n wi
U2 Market lwt. Nun Krouclivi
Calvrrt's Carbolic
VH per liallon.
After dipping the shop, Is
UMiful for presorvlug wot
hiilun, dcatmy lug tho v ine pout
and lor whoat dronalnKS and
illdnfoctluirDuriioso, etu. T.
W. Jai-kaon, H. F., Hole Agout
for 1-aollto Uusst,
KlctrotiMairntlo Uelt
it ih only com p let ltHiyiai
terv in tlia world. Only oni
Kunervting coniinuoiti Ei.iCTKO-nlAO-
in' ( iiuh.nt. without Acids
Cures like magic. For mal.
or female. Hundred, cured I Pamphlet, Sc., tree.
T04 Sucramonlo Street, San Francluo.
$11,857.00 IN REWARDS
Pacific Coast Farm and Fireside Journal,
CLOSING, MARCH 1st, 1885,
or aa soon ss the first series of 23,000 subscriber is filled. Due notice ot which
will be givon in the Vacfie Coait Farm and Firenidt Journal. The proprietor
announce a magnilloont list of rewards for correct answers to the following lUhle
questions. Tho questions are not dilDonlt and within the roaeh of all t
I.-Is IHniiiond referred In la Ihe Mlilcr If so. te Mr. I reference.
.-! Kiiienild mail" rurnllon ot In Ihe lllhlcT it an. suite lira! rrlrreuee.
3.-1. hauphlrs spukeu of In Ibe HllileT If au, .tale Ural reference.
Thess all refer lo preehias .tones.
v a,.vnn havlnir itnowunlm of th. HvrinturiM oiiL'l.t to oo able nronipUr to answer thess
questions with a little .tudy, and so aoours soma ons of thene rewards, lloar In mind snryon eom
iUtlna. Diu.1 Bond One Dollar with their aiuw.r., for whleh ths Jnae(lo Coast Ftrm and A'iw.
lid Journal will be sent sis months to any address. If you aiuwer each of the questions ourrsctljr,
snd jour answers are in time, jrou are sure to secure one of those ooatly rewards. , ,
500 FIRST REWARDS, $3,750.00.
1-Ona Klesanl Rnaownod Tlano
i Oue (lenta' Uohl U unllnf uaae
Watch WOO
t-Ons llamlwima I Vli.r Ontiui . . , 800.110
i-Oue I-aUlwf Ho Uulil lluullug
Caaa Watrh 100.00
A-One Ilandaume l'arlor Hoi-Walnut
rurnltura 1S0.00
I lo 11-FIts Hea.y lllack Hllk I)was
r.tlonu 1M00
II to IT -Fire Cabinet Hewlni Machine. tUI.OO
Uio Jg-Iwenty Holld Cob bllr
Watohea 400 00
The abora ds hnwlrwl reward, will be flren to tha fust Bra hundred p-nnni ho send one dollar foe
tubecrlpUon to the i'uoiui t'uul farm sad i'irutd. Journal, aud oorreot auiwor. to tha Uble iviastlous
llfeoauura, Thn ooms the
500 MIDDLE REVARDS, $4,950.00.
lFlie Ilundrod riollar. Ootd Cola rt) 00
-4)ne Hcaiitlful Itowwood 1'iano.. TW) HO
J liio Klugnnt I Vhlnrt Irian itt0.00
i-Oue (IrliU' Klgln Watoll, Mtnni-
u-ttlna and ntera-wludluf.
(iol.l iiitniinsi;.M..,
l-One lavllra' 1 1 iintiuii t 'ana Watoh,
Htoai-autUus aud tttom-winding-
1 to 10-Vourtn'n lleantlful. Iluarr lllack
100 00
Bilk llraa. fatUtm. 600 00
11 lo 40-Twentr Hlmant Cabinet Sewing
The 1900 00 Oold Ooln will be glr-n to tlia poraon sending tin aiMdl. wrnrt antrrr of the whole eoniprtl
tli.n. front flret to laat. Tha four tiundrxd aod id'ty-nlue coatlr artlclos, bolunlng with Hi. 1'lano, that
follow No. L, of uiom middle Mwaru. win no sm-o w uia ioiu- auiioreo anu oincr-i
the ncit oorrutt an.wors following tha ailddhi or eeuter reward Uial Ukfi the $'M
a.on the lant onus uiajr not fwil that Uu an left
lira a awius ot
-On. ants' Bolld Oold, Rteip.
winding and Btem-eeUuui
100 00
NO 00
t-On. Kino Quadruple rials BUrar
Ta Hui, I'loon.
t-Ou lavtW Hohd Oohl, Btom-
wlndms Klgln WaU-h
Ilo 7- Four Flru uiary lllack Bilk Vim
ItolJ-Twelra Cfuailnipl. Flat, tea
Fltcuera, t'loilr Chaaod....
90 to 31 Twl Uouuln. Coln-allrer
lliintl Cat. Ladl.a'
9 T) 1. 114 of eon. la' Inn rawardi will tvi gttea
. .. , .. .
anBwrra w wie aifjrv qooa.iooa. rnwi .uoaaiu.. iu, .ai w i...
Hut b-r In mind your letter mint bear Ins pm-maiK not later tliau arch l't, lsS (wltli ooa doll
Inalowai for toe pr.twr) tha cl.ln iia- f ir lettan fro-a d iiUnl poUils lo r-aou t"e ottioe of th. I'attHt i Cowl
ram mma Journal, au leuor. are
nletake. If foi
a WiUoo lo tl..
our anaweri
are Mirrert and tluf
th. foliar. II contains .11.1 pag".
Lo tliMe ohm
Di-tuilxr of Uw familf Look
tiv It will no ti t', aiwrt
rewtrd lo abUil' to Ilia J'n;l,
which alono
lo glra tl.rM fal.utla rewarila unleaa we were
haf.ado,rf 1 till. ay ef lriog lUuonunlai) ,n bai-k toour patrons lu rewanl
a.l naali.a a,M..,nlaal.ria Lrt tl,.,rn W. faol aliB'M,. earLalB tiiafe VOU sill boO
I'a -i'v Cnul riraa.1 FirnUU Jovmat it )u
(au tut tha tanner sod Ui. honi. euxia,
!fo Informttlon will b fttan to any ov bryowd what has been a bora luted. B. dont want,
tlm. twaltmr, but Sondli yon oinwers and money new If you happen lo be loo IsUi lor th. Brat,
you may L fortunate to obtain a niiddl. record. Ms illroct rpoiUlattaotwn to ths (ad
tlaU i-Ieiyymcn are not p-innitted to oumi ta. This w tldnk .saediovl fair. lb. field Is MW
opon f a fair a i l a. i -lire rare for I'i.m reward.
Jf-j taoixT will lie Mcolvi-1 by telegranh or in are way bit Uirouith ths rest Offlog er by .gprw".
Oi . doll.r rrrjiMrcd. Vou are sum of (food tsJii. for your mwn-y. Bend postal orders .r postal
rj'.US. If jrvu Mud suvnf s add ux eanu fur Ciaxukt, Audits) all KtOTS ssd orderi la
V. O. r.ox 23G. 1 OU Broadway, OAEI.AND, CAL.
Words of Warning and Comfort.
" If yon are nunVrlng from poor health or
'huiKUlnliing on a bed of bIc knen, tttko cheer
U ou sro simply ailing, or if you fool
' weak snd ilixplrllod,
' witlioutclcarly know
Mnir why. Hop llltUirs
' will surely cure you.
If ynn are a mlnixltr, and have
ovi-rtavd jfourw lf with your pastorul
dutiist, nr a mother, worn out with ears
and work, or a man of bintlnuiui or tabor, weak
ened hy the strain of your everyday duties, ors
mau of h'ltors tolling over your mlilnight wsrk
Hop Hitters will most surely strenguiun you.
If vou are sulTcring, from over-eating
or drinking, any indiscretion or dissipa
tion, or young and growing too fast, as la
often the caso,
" Or If you ara In the workshop, on tho
'farm, at tho desk. anywhere, snd feel
' thut your system needs eleaiming, ton
Mug, or sllniulullng without lnloilcsV
' ing. If you are old,
' blood t til it and Impure. ptdM
' (eelile, nerves iinnteaily, faculties
waning. Hop Hitters is what you need
' to give you new life, health and vigor."
If you are costive, or dyspeptic or suffer
ing from any other ol tho numerous dis
eases of the stomach or bowels, It is your
own fault If you remain ill. If
you are wiuting away with any form
of Kidney disease, stop templing death this
moment, and turn for a-curo to Hop llitlors.
If you arc alck with Hint Urrible sick
aess, NervottHness, you will find a "Halm
In Uilcad" In Hop Hitters.
-If you are a frcouctiter, or a resident, of
-a miamnutle district, barricade your sys-
torn Hgulnst the scourge of all countries
- Malaria, Kpidcuile, illllous and Inter
- niiiU'Ul Kvveru by Uio use of Hop Hitters.
If you have rough, pimply, or sallow skin, bad
hrcHth, Hop Hitters will give you fiiir skin, rich
blood, Die sweetest lirealh and health. .UU will
be paid (ur a case they will not cure or help,
A LaTyVwish.
"Oh, how I do w-IkIi my skin was as clear and
'soft as yours," suld a lady to her friend. "You
'can easily make It so," answered Uio friend.
How I" iimuircd the llrst lady.
" Hy lining Hop Hitlers that makes pure, rich
blood and blooming health, ll did for me as
you observe"
rXon genuine without a bunch of green
Hops on the white label. Shun all Uio Poi
sonous slutf with "Hop" or "Hops" in their
ytonw. A crtaln cure, woi P7""''J '".J
dl' Irentini'iit In one packs. 'H' "
ii...., ii I.... I. a lllrliuM. HllV ieVeff.SUJ. .
myeeiui "1$$
N. 1'. N. II. No. 4I.-M. . N. U. Na lil.
"TTTmi8rTr .Ttf"Voftheenr-
tlve Urea
;i 11111.
ih in
Oia IKlStMTAl Jt 1K FKAM.'JC l'nni rr4um of VHKIK.
Slnipli'rui,.ilasl. mirrr.
as. HnnTjunM.anhitit. i'a-psi.ima.
iUls H-tl.l Aanaer, 100 rultunSt,, Haw York.
The BuYF.iur Guidk is Issued Sept.
and March, each year s 224 riagoa, 8 J x 11
itiehe. with over J.,300 illustration
a whole picture callery. (Jives wholesale)
. i' ... . . n r
prieos aireri 10 coruwincra uu gous tvt
personal or
Tells bow to
laiuily use.
order, and
gives exact
ery thing you
cat, wenr, or
with. Thuso
cost of ev
use, drink,
have fun
leaned from
Ve will mail
books contain Information
the markets of the world.
a cony Froo to any addreea upon receipt
of the postage 8 cent. 1cl us hear
from you. Koupcctfully,
W A M abaak Avaaaik tblav. ill.
39 lo M-TwentT Quadrupl Flat. Ies .
riKner. .
J00. 00
00 to tO-Tweuty ctuadrunla-l'lat. Cos
90 lo 100-Tea Holid Mlra UuaUni Caaa
101 lo 900-Two Hundred Flu Gents' Boarf
I'M.. , , i
901 to 400-Ou. Ilonilred Flu. LedW
BrooohM ..t...,.
Ml to SOO-Ona Iliiuibwl Build BUrsr Table
Bpoous 90O00
II to 100 Hlxtr Fine Watcthnrr Watches. J00.00
101 to auO One lluodrnl lloiua 'i dot)
FHia (1'iiU UucB ilaoo
ii'rchlef. 301 to 300-(ns Hundred Klifunt. Trlekv
iilaUxt lluttt-r Kulres
301 lo 4(0-On. Hundred Bote Trlple-puvUd
ica"loona. ,. ...
till Lo arO-Firt- lUlr.lavrruU Heat Cuba
Huuar from
4SI to 600-Flft J Uoxoa Heat Japan Tea 1W.D0
utidred and nlnr-nhio perMo. who at-nd
Uial Uk'i the 'J gold ooln: then, Uat
out, th. i'auito t'ul liirst sad ttrauid Jonral will
REWARDS, $3,157.00.
SI La EA Nlnataan Ffna Waok Oaahmara
Una. PatUrna 380.00
II lo 09-Kuwteeo Fine Ljuadrapl. BUf ef
plated Cak. UMkeU 328,00
TOIolOO-Thlrtii-oo. Ileautifullr Booaa
Voluniea Hood, roenia...., 93.00
101 lo 187-Flft; M'.n t'ma ootid Uold
llroaohas. 171.U
161 lo 179-Elght Buhmdid IIoom Bewlng
MachiDea., , 130.00
171 to JOS-Tweiilr-f.Kir Beautiol Uaarr
Hl-r Cnuta 3tt) M
900 lo ro-rtj Uauta bcarf Fins U0.09
to the Inai two ban lrwt and flftr pmnos who send eorreot
, n.t I. . ... ...1. tlu.1 ,lalal,a
eajaruLr numuer"u aa wiej arri. u w a. vw
reach there In Mme. jrn i will a irelr gt-t aora. reward la
Ulutratad farijU I.W t ana I ViirmU J -ra il, wn.rb aloja la worth
lit pag-a of loWraitibg matt -r for the and Uio horoaolrela-aoroethlog
nn your Dilda now. ai d - II foa can iumI Uia iiuw
i.-oin uia cpinnuiui rou ear. is oouunuia a Taiuauw
la good talu. for
vTtam of your atrouae In yi-us to ec.ia, aod w
wi. ooiiar. vw cnuv
i not afljrd
,o imwk to our pairons ui nwanv uiHcao u of rui. caovaawia
aln'nt eartaio Uial you will becomo b,'. aubaerflr to tl a
uke It ( it all uwuLUa. It la 0' aim to make it kUlcLi4