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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1881)
s-v l I Li FFTFT "f ARB. y ESTABLISHED FOB THE DISSEMINATION (IF DDKUTiATIC rWCIim AXi) TO EARS AS IIOXEST LI V1XG BY THE SWEAT OF Oil BROW WB WHOLE SO. 711). KUGENE CITY", Oil, SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1881. $2.50 per year IN ADVANCE m (5ugrf City Cuanl.' f. L. CAMPBELL. J. R, tAMPBKI.L CAMPBELL BROS., Publishers and Proprietors. OF FICE-On the East aide of WUUmette Street between Seventh and Eighth Street. OUE ONLT HATES OF ADVXCltTISlNO. Advertisements inserted u follows: On square, 10 linos or lss, one insertion $3; siach ubieiiieiit insertion $1. Cash required in advance. Time advertisers will l clmrej at the fol lowing rates: On squars three months f 0 00 " tlx months. , 8 00 " " nue year 12 00 Transient notices in local column, 20 cents per ine for eaoh insertion. Advertising bills will be rendered quarterly. All ioh work miut he paid por ox nruvr.uv. posTorncE. tatre Hour -Prom 7 s. m. to J p.m. Sundays I. m 1:10 to J: p. m. Mail srrlves from the south snd leaves joins; north 10 a. m. Arrive from the north anil leaves ijoinn frth t 1 11 p. m. For Franklin sail l-sing ,ut, close at 6 A.M. on Weilnwlay. For Craw fonts fills, Camp Creak on 1 Brownsville at I P.M. letters will berwity forilellvery half anbour after t rival of trains. letters should be left at the offlos 01M hour twfor mails depart. A. 8. PATTEIISOS V. M. SOCIETIES. bUtlBf 1AJIFI 1 lis . . av . A. MeeU first nd third Welnealayt Jo each months Hrr.srrn Brrrri T)1mik No. 8 I. O. . P. Meetoererr TuesirHr evening. VvV WlMAWnAH ENCAMFWIST NO. O, Mts oa the id and 4th Wfluewlays In each month. Euumk Loi;, No. 15, A. O. U. W. Meets at Masonic 1111 the second and fourth i",idays in each month. J. M. Sloax, M. W. LU. -- DR. JOHN NICKLIN, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. (Formerly of Yamhill County.) HAS PERMANENT!, Y LOCATED IN Eugene City. Office in Underwood's Brick. 2d floor, over Wells. Fargo ft t'o.'i Ex press e!fije. Reside ruse, two blocks west anil rms north ef I'tibiio School, in tli9 Killings worth property. au'-M-tf A. IF. PATTERSON, PHYSICIAN: AND SURGEON, Tfflee on Ninth Street, opposite the St, Charles Hotel, and at Henlde.iiee, JfiLTareNK CITY OHKOON. DR. JOSEPH P. GILL, C AN 1!E FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or res ideneu when not professionally engaged. l Mice at the POST OFFICE DRUG STOKE. Residence on Eighth street, opposite Presby terian I'burili. JEWELRY ESTxMJLISJIJIENT. J. S. LUCKEY. DEALER 1 It-7 3rS Wocks, Wacties, Chains, Jewelry, Etc. Ilt'iiiiniijj Promptly Executed eiTAIIWork Warranted.- J.S. LIKKKY, Ells-vorth ft'Co.'s bri'jlf Will.miette street. CRAIN BROS. ALE US Watihi's anil . ss&i' Jewel ry, Musical Instruments, Toys, Notions, etc Watches, Clocks, anl Jewelry rennire 1 and warranted. Northwest coru-r of Willamette tod Eighth str-set. NOTICE. Our Deserlptlw Illustrated Prlea tlit, No. to, of Dry Good., etc.. will issued about March 1st. 1881. Trice noted in No. 8 will remain food until that date. Send n your nam early for top, of No. 9. Freo to any address. MONTUOMKBY WAKD CO., SS7a Wabash A vs., Chlcaso. Ill- GOME AHD SEE extdoorto S. II. Friendly, aud fc'vt your IX)OKS, STATION Ell Y AXD GRO CERIES He la always on hand ready and waitintr to acoomniodate his Customers with ALL kinds of food for MLYUJXD BODY. And can furnish a S.MOKE to those desinuca A C033 CICAR, 0(1 TOBACCO To those who use the narcotic plant CHEAP for CASH GdsdeUreredtonT partof the city free ' 4 chars. . KG. CALL! SON. F. M. WILKINS, ttuoeessor to SltKlTO.X i Wll.KIXS. Practical Druggist & Chemist, UNDERWOOD'S IiUILDINU, Next door to the Grange Store, Willamette street, j-.ageue oty Oregon. Have just opened full line of fresh Drugs, Medtclnss & Ciicr.iicais. Also a fine assortment of Fancy and Toilet Articles. ALL KINim OP Mixed l'aints. Lead, Oil, Varnish, Brushes, WINDOW GLASS and PUTT? "Which they will always noil on ivmouuM tlTIMri. Cartful otlcnlion given to riiysician'i fre .rriiHions. B. F. DORRIS, DEALER IN Slovts, Halites. I'u nips, Pipes, Metals, Tinware. AXD House Furnishing Goods Generally Wells Driven Promptly . AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. Eugene Cltv. Oregon. If you wish to Lay your cmU rheaji, you must g to the utoro of LURCH BROS., ao'rvAov: tiitovr:. The keefi one of tlie liii iest stocks of General Merchandise Outside of l'ortlind, and they sell L'oods cliriui er than it can he bought anywhere in the Wil liinictlo vulluy. JOlI UE!VGRtL iril:ilCll ANDISi: CO T. G. HENDRICKQ. -vrKWSTOfK OF HATS Tho lest JlI and lanjest ever broimlit to '.i..vue,nt i'l!lKMlA'S, olway Cnrcj na I ncvr dlsop" points. The u-orla's great Pain Ucliovcr for I la a and Boast. Cheaj, roicli and roliahlo. jTnr:rr.r ?. v. '. i;zrJ riTcmnrs castorlv is not Ii'arcotle. Cliydrcn grow fat upon, Mothers like, nnl PliysScinns rccouimcnd CASTOKIA. It regulates the Dowels, cures "Wind Colic, allays Fc crlshncss, aud de stroys "Worms. WZI DS Iil ITY EE'S CA TARRH Core, a Constitutional Antidote for this terrible mala iy, hy Aosorptlos. The most Important DUcovery since Vac cination. Other remedies may relieve Catarrh, this cures at jny atoe hofore Consumptlou eta In. Bonk and StalionerY StorE. 1OST OFFICE BUILMNO, El'OKNE City. I have on hand and am constantly :. ;.. .11 aanrtment of the Il'-'t Sc1i"1 an Vivlhineo'is lUsiks, St .tii.nfrv. lUnk !"k rortfoli., Car-K oltec c. Uft, i,isiik, i-i'nTiinr A -i. PATlERiON. tr?rr3 t . 1! 8 Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Window And Door Frames For Sale at greatly re duced rates. Hacis, Waogns, Buggies, Buckooard, And Wagon Material, To Close Estate of John Kinsey, deceased. GEO, W. KINSEY, . AGENT. Euiieno City, April 23, 1881. I AND SHOE STORE, A. HUNT, Frajrictor. Sliopon Willamotto Htrcct, 2ri.l .door, north of linnlwaro store, hueiie Lit V, Or. L.ii:v, .msst:' AND CHILDREN'S SILOES niill'W, Cloth ami Kid, l ni I on i;ois, MipiHTS, ulutoand hlavk, -!s, rcuii .'til sint4. AIEN"S cfe BOYS FINE AN.) I1KAVV BOOTS &, SHOES And in fact everything in the LOOT and SHOE line, to which I intend to devote in especial attention. m GOODS 4rero iilannfiic'tiired U ordtr, ARE FIRST GLASS And (,'iianiiitecd ns ri'itrvscntcd, and will ho s ilil for tno lowest prices that a psiil nrliclu ami ho iiljcirdod. i'.,ir27-"Htf A. lll'.Vr. NEW MEAT MARKET On the west side of Willamette Street, between Ki. l.ili mid Ninth. Having just opt tied 11 new and neat Meat Mrket, we are pn patud to furnish ho best Ilcer, V-hI, Mutton, Fork, 'lc.. To our custoincri, at the lowest market rates The custom of the public is respect fully solicited Meats delivered to any part of the i ity free f charge. McCOU.N' ACK & RENSHAW . OFPOSITiOi. IS THE LU?E OF TRADi SLOAII CJ3THERS WILE DO WORK CHEAPER than any other hop in town. HOASE0 fcHUD F0H n '.CASH. With new material, ull lonnd. Kescttiiig old Shoes SI. S?.A1 warranted to give satiafa lion. Lhop on the Corner of 8tb sad Olive Streets. ixjmmxi IXMIISJI.! I HAVE ESTABLISHED A LUMBER YARD On the corner of Eleventh and Willamette jtreets..ind k.i-ps constantly on band lunils r ol all kinds. Seasoned Hisring nd rustic, fenc ing and fence sisti F. B. Dl NN. AN JL'AXLIMHf-.r.a'eby T. il. ilK.NORiLKS. ANSWER THIS QCESTiCX. Why do so many ieople w . e around n, seem to pit b r to sutler and be iui. ra'de by Indigestion, Constipation, liziiis-, U of Aptite, Coining up of the Food, Vel'i.w Skin, when b t 7."i u. , we ill tlirin Shi lull's ViU.'i.r, g iaiauU.:.! to cure them. Sold by Osbiun A Co., I-n;:gist. KirciKNK crrv USINES3 1OIRECT0RY. AT.l'.XANDKl!, J. K. Justice of the Teace ."iith htiviit! I'recinct; olhce at Court llouso. AllK.VMS, W. II. ftl'.KO.-riauinif mill, s.;eh, door, Mind and nionIdin manufactory, Kir-hth stici't, t-nst 'f mill raco. Everj thinir in our lino furnished on short notice and riMninaiiie terms. LOOK STOKE -One door south of the Astor lloine. A full stock of assorted hox papers Minn auti laucy.T CHAIN Li;OS.-rValer In Jewelry, Watch es, Clocks mid Musical Instruments -Vi. lunette street, between Seventh and Eighth. CALI.1SON, K. (S. Dealer in Krocenes, pro visions, country produce, cniinod pssls.lHxiks, ut'oiiiTv, etc., southwest oorner Willamette iind '.Mh t'ts. DOKKIS, (JEO. Ik-Attorney and Connl!or ut Law. u.lico on illauu'tto street. Eu- Belli' v uy. DOKKIS, I!. F.-Dealer in Stoves and Tin wan'-Witliuuette street, between Seventh and Eighth. EI.LSWOUTH & CO.-Drnrcists and dealers in paints, oils, etc. Willainctto street, be tween Eighth aud Ninth. FIMENDLV. S. If. -Dealer in drv poods, clothing niiil Kcnerul niendiainliso-Willain-rttc street, between Eighth aud Ninth. OUAKD OFFICE-Xowspapcr, lswk and job piintinyollice, corner illanictte audSeventh Stl'Ufts. CK.VNCE STOKE -Dealers in pcnernl i'hundi.4! and prisluce, comer Eighth ' and Willamotto streets. (ILL, J. I'. -Physician, Surgeon aud Dnnr (,'ist, Postodhv, W'illaiiietto s rcet, between Si eiith and Eighth. HAYS, KOr.T.-Wines, I.iipiors, and Ci L'ars of the best (iiinlity kept constantly on hand. The best billiard table in town. HENDRICKS, T. (l.-Dealci in irencnil mer chandisenorthwest corner Willamette and Njjith atrects. HoDF.S, C Keeps on hand (inn wines, liq itiirs, ciars and a pool and billiard table: Willamette street, between Eolith and Ninth. 1IOKN, CI IAS. M.-Gunsmith. Kifles and shot -Kims, bri'ech and muzzle losdeiu, for saie. Iti'pairiug-doiie in the iii utest stylo und war runted. Shop mi i'th street. KINSEV,.!. D Sash, blinds and door fac tory, window' anil door frames, mouldings, etc., cui;u'ii(,' and glass cutting dimo to order. LYNCH, A - Groceries, provisions, fruits, veg etables, etc., Willamette street, first door south of l'osloflioe. LVCKEY, ,T. S. Watchmaker and Jeweler; kecpj -. line stork of gmsls in bis line, Willam ette street, in Ellsworth's ilrtm store. McCLAKKN, .TAMES -Choice, wines.lluuors, and ciitars - Willamette street, between Eighth and Ninth. OSI'.l'RX k CO. Dealers in dniirs. medicines.' 4.wr"ii'il:, Ufili l"it. eto. Willamette sU, opposite S. ChnrlfTi : u j. PATTEKjlON. A. S. A 6110 Htockfpiam and fancy vi itiiij cards. l'KESTON, WM.-Dca!erin Pnddlrrv, Har ness, Carrinxo 'J'riiiiuiings, etc. Willamette street, between Seventh and Eighth, TOST OFFICE A new stuck of standard school books just received at the post otlice. REAM, J. 1!. 1'inliTtaker ami buildiivf con tractor, corner Willamette and Seventh streets. l'.O.SIiN.r.LATTS; CO.- Dry (roods, clolhin (,'roi cncs and cyncrnl ni', southwest corner W jllunu-t to mid Eighth street.. ST. CHARLES HOTEL - Charlns I!a ker, I'loprictross. 'l'ho best Hoto in the city. Corner Willamette and Ninth streets SCHOOL SI'ITL1E.S-A large and varied assoitini nt of slates of all sizes, and pmntilii'S 01 .'lutes anil slatii lioiikfl. J liree iloors north of the exjire-is otlice. THOMI'SOX & KEAXAttomrys-at-Lttw-Willaniotte street, between Seventh and Eii'hth ' VAN HO'DTEX, 15. C-Atront for Wells, Farjo A Co's. Express; Iiisuranco cirncted in the most responsiblu companies at satisfac tory rates. WALTON, J. .T. Attorney -at-IBW. Office--Willamette street, between Seventh mid Eighth. ELLSWORTH & CO., D 1 1 U O GIST , "ITflLL CONTINUE THE ECSINESS in T T all its branches ut the old stand, offcrim' increased inducements to customers, old and new. As heretofore, the most Careful attention given to Prescripions. CZLKMTEfl ES f 'klVVe r -1 .1 A ' v.fc 'i 'A.I- STOMACH 0 j E.r FEEBLE AXD SD'KLY I'EKSONS En-over tln ir vitality by pursuing a course of Host, tter's Stomach Ilitters, the nn.t )sip ular iiivigorant and alterative umlicine in use. O.-neral ib-bility, b-ver and sguo, dys ia, cji-tiMition, rheumatism, and othT maladies ar" completi ly removed by it. Ask the who have iis-. it what it has done for tlirm. For sale by all dru:.',i t- and'"iier!IIy. UfEEEST b' Kif;.s EVER EKOl'GHT t itiiis nwkrt, at the lowest rriis" I T. (i. HENDMCK.S ' r 3 STATE K EWH. Cricki'ts nro quito a jwst in some parts of Iiko county. Harvest in in full forcfl in Douglas county, and tho grain yield in good. TI10 Cove chooso factory lias about l.U00 pouiulH of tliat article in the drying room. A hook n. ml ladder company was or ganized in Union on the 5th inst, with a membership of 15. The present liabilities of Clackamas county over available funds, as shown by tho annual exhibit are $1342 07. G. V. Ilouck of Monroe, recently sheared from one of his three-year old merino rams an eleven months fleece that weighed seventeen pounds. Messrs. Wortinnn Si Sons aro closing out their business in Monroe, and hcre after they expect to devote their whole capital and energy to their business in Junction City. Gold has been discovered recently by Andy Wylaud, John Ollicier and others on tlie iwoiuiia. i no supposition is that the bars will be worked during tho coming summer. They are esti mated to pay from four to five dollars per man per day. Pythian hall, soon to bo built at As toria, will bo 08x48 m size, three stor ies high. Tho Hint story will be 16 feet in tho clear; tho second 14 feet; and tho third, 18 feet. The first floor will be for stores, second floor for offi ces, third floor for hall. Rico is declining in prieo in Astoria owing to the large amounts received of late. Within a short time 250,000 mats havo been landed from various ships from Hongkong. Thursday the price dropped live cents per sack, with a prospect of further decline. Mrs. W. 1 1 . Sloper died at her house 111 old xuuepcniieiicn, on Muuraay morning Of ("."oplexy. Tlie death was cmhhm ibn Inrlv f . 1 1 1 ,1 nr ilp'.l.'. - U .',l' iVi.Ii? cleaning tho floor. Khe was buried at tho Monmouth cemetery on Sunday, '.'ho leaves a family of small children and her husband. Iist week, Dclazon Trullinger, Clackamas county, son of G. J. Trullin ger of Union mills, whilo removing picco of bark from close proximity to tho largo circular saw, had his hand jerked against tho teeth, and in twinkling lost tho first joint of the first linoor of his riL'ht hand. Mrs, Magiuder of Jacksonville has just completed a quilt upon which she has been steadily employed for eight months. Tho needle work is done with such precision that Mrs. M. prides her self on the fact that atiioiiL' the tens of thousands stitches in this quilt tliero is not a singlo one misplaced. The lady is 7 1 years of n". Thomas Reeves, of Ahiea Bay, claims that the lower Alsea valley is one of the most fertile sections on tho ,1'acific Coast, and much of tho land is being rapidly brought into cultivation, whilo tho mori broken country back from the bay is covered with inexhaustiblo for ests of the very finest timber. At a special school meeting held re cently at Milton, the taxpayers voted a tax amounting to nearly $1000. Out of this about 315 will be appropriated to cancelling the debt resting on the magnificent school building. The bal ance is to aid in running a nine months school, beginning in September. There were only two dissenting votes. Jacksonville Sentinel: S. Booth brought to our ollice recently three clusters of wheat stalks, each grown up apparently from a single grain. The first cluster contained 52, the second 79, and the third 117 stalks, with each a full developed ear on it Think of it 218 stalks and ears from three grains of wheat We counted the grains in one of the ears and foun 1 C7 full full grains and several shriveled ones. If all the cars averaged as thu one does w e have a grand total of 16, 516 grains as the result of this seasons yield the outcome of thrwe grains. We should never lose sight of the fai t Crinkling, Beecher, Piatt it Co's eccentric ideas to the contrary not with- standii!!? that the LVnublioan nartv is , the all the morality p.Hrty' Badly Crashed. Mr. J. J. Morgan, railroad agent at Ilillsboro, met with on accident at that place on Thursday afternoon, July 14, which it is feared will prove fatal. He was engaged in coupling two cars, load ed with lumlier, which projectedlieyond the ends of tho cars, and not thinking of this, while busy watching tho coup ling link he was caught between the lumber and his head and died so terri bly crushed that it is deemed imposible' fof him to survive. . LATRII. Ve learn from Mr. S. Conser, conductor on tho West Sido train, last night, that J. JMorgan, of Ilillsboro, who was yesterday reported as fatally injured by being crushed between two- cars, was not so badly injured as at first suppose!, and it is now though fc likely he will recover. Standard. .Btglnnlng lo Take. Shape. From the Oregon Colonist we learri that the Oregon Facifib railroad project is beginning to take shape, and that the work of construction will actually com mence on the line between Corvallis and Yaquina Cay; ties have been ad' vertised for and engineers sent out to locate'the lino to be followed immodi-1 ately by graders. This is really good news, and we are glad that the cher' ished hopes of our Benton county friends are likely to bo realized at an early day. SaiU to havr Absconded. It ia as sorted that Carlton Price, of the firm of Price it Brophy, sub contractors un der Thompson, David & Smith, for clearing the O. R. t N. Co's roadway of timber between Portland,, and the Dalles, has abscond od. It is further stated that Price has takon quite a sum of money with him leaving his partner in tho lurch, as well as a large number of men who have been in tho employ h sub "n?ii raptors. Some7' 'r .nf v n . or r men claim to havo been victimized, and are naturally very indignant. Price has disappeared and cannot be found, Ho is thought to havegono to Califor nia. Oregonian. .o Cjiaklky Ross. Christian K. Ross the father of Charley Ross is quoted as saying: "The only tidings I have ever received of Charley b'uico he was stolen was the demand for a ransom of $20,- 000. If I had paid that I would have' had him long lie fore this, As it is I have spent $00, 000, and have not got him. I still have detectives employed and hope in time to find him. I have examtned more than 300 lost children in the search, some of whom had been stolen, but nono of them was Charley.1' i i . . Cheap Travel. The opposition line of steamboats to the Dalles has been lilierally patronized of late and the O. R. it N. Co, have evidently come to the determination to . mako things warm for them, as we 'are informed that a runner for that company last Saturday was ofloring passages to parties in tending to go by the Fleetwood for 50 cents, and that a number were brought down from' the Dalles for the same price. Standard. DnoppED Dead. Christian Erick- son, a fisherman employed by Booth & Co., dropped dead in his boat where he was fishing Thursday evening. He had been out fishing and had made one haul; says the Astorian, and after pull ing the net in sat down, apparently tJ rest, and died He leaves a family at upper tewn. Heart disease is supposed to be cause of his death. Wheat Worm. An insect of some kind has been destroying wheat in Yam ii ill uuunbjr aC m tearful race," catting ' tho stalk off at the surfaces of the ground. Some of the farmers hare lost very Tieavily on account of it Jos. Watt, Esq., of Amity, loses about 200 acres of wheat, and other farmers lose quite largely. When John Adams was a achoof teacher at Worcester he penned these lines: "But I have no books, no time no friends. I must, therefore, be con' tented to live and die an obscure fol low." He was afterward President of the United states. A young man with' "sand'' in him need never lie discour- iH'