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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1898)
CORVALLIS, OREGON. July I, 1S98. SUMMER GOODS Are Strictly in Demand. 'ORGANDY, plain white, 25c to 60c. DIMITY and ORGANDY, figured, 7ic to 25c. DRESS NAINSOOKS, bar, check and open, over fifty patterns, 10c to 50c. SHIRT WAISTS, dimity, percale, prints, 50c uta. SILKS for WAISTS, plain, chun-able, .figured. Fine lines of the last at 85c to $1.00 per yard. SASH RIBBON, popular shades, inoire, taffeta and satin. Plaid neck ribbon. PAR SOLS, white, cream a::d dark shades, $1 .00 up. SUMMER CORSETS. New style short corsets in four hook and five hook. 25c, 50c and $1.00. GLOVES, silk, taffeta and fcid. Cha :mois, white and cream, 75c; colored, $1. S. E. YOUNG & SON, Albany, Oregon. Agents for Buttrick Patterns. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. French candies at Hodes & II ill's. Don't miss the Berkeley Quartette concert, Friday night, July 1st. Hugh Fin!ey lias rented the ("au thorn warehouse and it will operate it during the coming seaso-.. Miss Abby Wright has been fortunate enough to receive a position in the Tort land public sckools. W.S.Gardner, artist, Ni-ith St. near Madison, Corvallis, Oregon. New Plat so Carbon portraits at low prices. Fighting at Santiago Spanish fleet going t the Pkilippines -Watson's going to Spain but Spencer keeps on shaving. Steamer Albany will go down on Sat mrdays and Wednesdays in future, re turning leave Portland Mondays and Thursdays, The subject at the Congregational church next Sunday morning will be "What shall I unto Goci?" In the evening "The nsflncss of rest." Ed. Murphy, a Salem livery stable nan, is in Corvallis. lTe is looking for a location and may establish himself here if a suitable barn can be secured. Owing to low stage of river the O. R. & N. Co.'s steamers will discontinue ser--vicc above Salem. The s earner Ruth will make last trip leaving Corvallis at 6 a. m., Saturday, July 2nd. The school picnic at Alsea tomorrow promises to be a -and affair. Alsea pic nics always are. Prof. J. B. Horner is to laake the principal addiess and Supt. Denmau will make one of his flicitious talks. The little two-year cl.l daughter of Yr. and Mrs. L. W. Oreu died at their home in this city Sunday u:oruiug. The in terment was made in Crystal Lake cenit tery, Rev, Isaac Peart conducting the services. Marvin Woods soon commences his school at Sh-.dd, Linn county. He is principal of the school a:d as he has heretofore prov-oa a successful teacher, he will no doubt give the Sheld school patrons best satisfactien. The Corvallis lodge of Artizans had a high old time last Saturday evening. Several new members were initiated and many from the Wells assembly were present. After the meeting an abund ance of good things to ear was served. Miss Mary Newton, whs has been teaching at Oakdale, Wash., the past year is visiting at heme in this county. Miss Newteu gave such satisfaction that she was re-engaged by the directors and her salary raised from $40 to 50 per montn. Expostmaster Robert Johnson was the first to subscribe at the Ccrvallis postoffiee: for the new government war bonds. He doesn't wish this fact to be made public fer the discovery that he is a bondholder means a blight on his heretofore success ful political career. M. Mat Wilhelm, the well known young merchant of Mcnrce, and Miss Mary C. Coffee, of the same place, were married Wednesday, and took the"r de parture for San Francisco where they will spend several weeks. Many friends congratulate the happy pair. Mr. J. L. Davidson, of Polk county and Miss Martha Wright, of this city, were united in marriage at the home of the bride's meti er, Dr. Thompson per forming the ceremony. Mr. Davic'son is a farmer and with his bride w ill make Polk county their future home. Dr. Bowe-.i Lester has returned from his trip to Denver where be met his f. ther. Dr. Lester did not ksow, v. hen he left, how well he liked. Oregon and had some idea of locating in Colorado if the state suited him, but he returns with the fullest belief in Oregon as the ideal !anl and especially Corvallis as a home and place of business. Company M, of Woodburn, will con tain several Corvall's boys who go to fill up Oregon's quct-3. Among those fr m here who will be ea:nincd at Woodburn tomorrow are Bra-'y Burxett, Roy Avery, Harry Roggers, Eugene Webber rnd Prof. John Edwards. Prof. Edwards re signed his position as instructor in chem istry at the college, 10 enlist as a private. Those who are accepted by the examiner will proceed straightway to San Fran Cisco to await transportation to the Philippines. School closed in districts No. 9S and 10 last Friday with a union school picnic at With a m's school house. The morn ing exercises consisted cf a spelling match between the above districts and resulted in the representatives wf No. 10 winning. In the ciphering contest ber tha King won. The Amrricau flag was raised with appropriate exercises. Supt. Denmau was present and made a few very appropriate remarks. During r.oau hour one of the best dinners ever spread was enjoyed by all present. The ladies of this district bear the reputation of be ing among the best cgoUs of the county and this reputation they well sustained. In the afternoon an excellent literary BUT FEW CHANGES. Board of Regents, O. A. C, Transact Business. Every member of the board of regents of the ngricultural college was present at the animal meeting Wednesday. Go em or Lord, Sec retary of State Kincaid, Supt. of Instruction Irwin, Grange Master Ililleary and appointive regents, Appersou. Yates, Keadj, Killen, Church, Wealherford, Daly. Lake and Pague were here to vote. President Gatch, Dean Berch told and all I h" heads of depart ments but three were re elected. The departments of Horticulture, Prof. Coote, and Botany, Prof. Craig, were consolidated and lie- g.-nt Lake elected to take charge. Pml'. Craig was relieved and luf. Coote is retained in the depart ment at a salary of $900 with house rent.. Prof. Permit's de partment was abolished bur, be mid his work retained in another department. The regents decided 10 (.'st.ib lish a new office, that of vice di rector of the station, with an an nual salary of $2,000. He is.yet to be selected but he will be an eastern man. The salary of As sistant Professor of Mathematics, Chas. Johnson, was increased from $r60 o $700 per year and he was granted permission to go east and study from next February until Sept i- mber. The disputed $5,000 irom the stale has at last reached the board, which gives it nearly $10,000 lor the armory fund. It was de tcrmined to prosecute the work with dispatch. Tha Saiem con tractors, who submitted the lew et bids under the call, will b.j given the contract if they desire to o ahead. If not new bids will be called for. It is expected thai 1 he building will be finished sonu lime in October. Miss Nash was retained at the present salary. Clyde Phillips' salary was increased. Prof. Mar garet Snell was relieved Irom the management of Cau thorn Hall and as she will have to devote more time to teaching, Miss Ly lord was not retained as instruct or. The matter of sewing in structor and successor to Prof. Ed wards and Forman Smith are not yet determined. The other as sislant profes-sors are re elected and many of the minor positions left in the hands of the president. Prof. Crawford was re elected por rhasin,? agent and general cleik. M.-i;iy matters discussed are to be acted upon at a future meeting Fireworks, sports aud music at Cor vallis 0:1 the Fourth. Ail the late popular songs at the Bei ke ley boys' concert, Fiiday, July 1st. Wednesday a marriage license was is sued tojas. R. Ktsner and O'ive Hogan. The man who scattered tacks on the '.icyclc path but no "man" ever does such a thing. Services of unusual i aterest t the Tres byterian church next funday. A wel come to .ill. The material, the stock and the printer for good job printing are at the GAZETTE office. This office does the work. The finest chewing gum is the Sea Sen. H.-.ndsonie prites to purchasers are offered by Hodes & Hall. These prizes are displayed in the show window. Ch ;vv good gum and save your digestive appa ratm. Miss Dorothea N"?.sh and Miss K. Ber tha Ellis, both of the O. A. I', musical department, will spend the summer in Sau Franciscj studying. Miss Nash in addition to her musical studies will take art 'essons. Miss Grace Scott has returned from The Dalles, where she was at the death bed of her aunt, Mrs. Cerena Ferguson, who died on June 23d. Mr. Ferguson has been visiting the family of Mr. John Scott this week. Jos. Emrick's son writes home fro.-.i Portland, where he is being treated by au oculist, that one eye is entirely cured an the other, whose sight it was feared was gone, is nearly well. Miss Leona Smith gave a bicycle party last Friday evening. Thirty young peo ple whee!ed down the path for several miks and on their return feasted on a dainty lunch prepared for them at Mm. John Smith's residence. M iss Hattie Friudlv, of Portland, was the guest of honor at two losial func tions last week. Mrs. J. O. Wilson e:--tertainel Friday night aud Mis.- Leo Louis, at the residence f Mrs Mini. it Lee, Saturday afternwau. I.tiss Friend y returaed home Monday. At the Methodist Episcopal chinch Sunday msrninj; a meeting for new con verts. Love feast followed by sacraui'.-'. .f the Lord's Supper. All converts am probationists please be present. In ill eve.-.iiijj wiii b: a patriotic service wit: a nation d sermon. All citize invited. At the residence of tl.e biide iu the s.. burbs of Corral. is yesterday morniii; , Mr. W. l BelUnip, ? well known M011 roe farmer, and Mrs. Lizzie B knap weie united in m.irriage, Rev. Isaac Pei rt oliT ciating. Although bearing the s.u: e ii.'iue the high contracting parties m.c v:ot re'atcL The Corvallis Mills people believ ii improvement. They are expendin.- sev eral hundred dol'srs in protecting ihi road to Crystal L ike cemetery from 1 1 1 -. ravages of the riv.-r and are raising then immense waichjuse. The county will undaubtellv at lcat partially r:.-eoiu pense them fsr their outlay 011 the road. Last winter fer several days very large iran pipes can e up to t crvallis on the S. P. road and tl en switched over to tht C. & E. a:d taken to Aiban-. Inquiries as to th;ir destination brought 1:0 a:-:s wer at the time. Ic is now learned th . pipes are far a sugar beet factory at Sa linas, Cda., the largest in ti e world. The pig iron fiom Biru.ingham, A'a., was brought to O.swego, Or., and at the smelter there converted iato pipes. By OUR BOYS AT HAWAII. The Volunteer Soldiers Write of Their Handsome Recep tion by Honolulu People. "Letters from the boys!" This joyful acclaim spread through the streets Tues day upon tne arrival of the east side mail. The anxiously awaited messages from our volunteers from home who sail ed to the aid of the gallant Dewey Uad come at last and mothers, fathers, sis ters, brothers and friends read with eager interest every lif e penned on shipboard orin the legislative l allsof the Hawaiian capital. Many items in these letters will be of public interest and permission has been kindlv riven to nnbhrh excerpts from the letters. A letter to tke GAZETTE from George Cronkite, bugler with Co. F-, Oregon Volunteers reads thus: Honolulu, H. I., June 3. 1S9S. Last Wednesday evening our troop's arrived at Honolulu and great was the excitement we created. The people nocked tolhe wharves to see us and all Jay ye-terday we were cheered an 1 petted and treated to good things until at night we Vad filled up all the slack in oar waist-bands occasioned by sea sick ness. But today, June 3d, we are having the time of all times. Honolulu is a very, Tery, pretty place with its luxuriant growth of palm-, bananas ai:d man groves besides all manner of other plants and trees whose names I cansot spell. The climate here is perfection. It is not so warn as we ex; ected to find it, althoush it is warm en nigh and after having been treated to everything we could possibly wish for, ti e boys say that Vonolnlu is decidedly a "hot" town aud they don't "Dewey" thing 1 ut have an old time every night. But I was going to tell you what is happening tday. At 11:30 a. ni. we were marched off the boat: and up to the palace which ns-d to as the residence of Queen "Lil." Here the'es of Honolulu had gathered to-rethr a multi tude of delicacies and substantia s for us to eat. Over twm thousand men sat down to one of the finest dinners you ever saw. I can't begin to describe it, but we had everything we wishe l to eat aud -rink and smoke. One of the fea tures was the coffee, grown on a planta tion iu sight of Honolulu. I have just finished eating and came here to the senate chamber to write. I asi seated i-. the president's chair and just opposite me is a lilc size oil panning of Queen "Lil" and just back of me is a similar portrait of the King who von remember died in '90 or '91 and was brought over to Honolulu by the cruiser Charleston. I hav not explored the palace yet, so I will have to give you an account of that later. By the way my tiinj is up so I must c'.oe. We leave here toraorro v and my next letter will be maile ! from iC Philippines. GE0RG3 H. CROSKIT3. MAX Y WKRE SKASICK. Eiwood Clark writes his mother oc board the Australia before reaching Hon olulu: 'Near'y all of us were seasicl . I va; sick :i day and a half, pretty sick too, but a :i feeling all right new aud am having lots of fan with the sick boys. Ed drier was one of the" sickest lads I ever saw tut is better nsw. One of our boys in blue died oa the Pekin. A sa lute :s fired and the p-or boy lowered into tne great broad ocean." From Honolulu he writes; "We ha.e just finished a big dinner given us by thi poop!.- of Honolulu and it was 'i n mense.' Everything imaginable on the tabic aid everything tree ta us. I am now 011 uie stc.-.mer and have had or ders from Captain Warrick to go down town and get some of the boys who have 'lunched' too freely so will have to close, get some men together and go after them. All we band boys have state rooms, the same as officers, but the pri vates are in the bottom of the vessel." A THOUGHTFUL WOMAX. Flwood Clark's mother feels the deep est gratitude toward a womaHly woman of Honolulu, the wife of the Inspector General of Schools, a stranger who had the grace to write the following letter: Honolulu, June 3, 1898. Mrs. R. N. Clark, Corvallis, Oregon. Dear Mrs. Clark: Today 1 met your boy, Elwood, at the reception given for the "Boys in Blue" and I told him I would write to you. My heart went out to all the dear American boys and es pecially to the mothers who had to let their boys jo. Your boy told me how hard it was was for you to let him go, but be goes with such courage and brav ery that you can Hot help being proud of such a boy. I talked with him avid a friend ot his, Arthur Stimpson, less than half an hour, but the boys were in such gay spirits flavin; had such a hearty luueh tint nothing more in the eating line could te-Jpt them. I wanted to pin a badge an year bo : 's coat,but as all were gone, I to'd him I would enclose ove to you. (A 1 re.ty satin badge with the flags of the I". S. and Hawaii was en closed.) I shall e.nleavor to follow the career of vo ir boy through the war. If he returns to you or if it falls ill with him and you feel you could let me know, I would be indeed glad ta have you write. I am a mother, bat my oldest I boy is only eight and the trial ef sending j him t fight lor his country is not mine yet. I wiili iou eouid haye seen the j boys today. They were having, sack a, erood time so oxl that they will c:me ; back th'u way, we hope. God bless you and return your loved one safely to your arms with heartfelt aloha to you an.-l yours. Cora E. Towicsend. enjoys it. Hermann Breyer, belter ki;wn as Bis mark wrote Carl Hodes that he enjoyed the trip from Sih Francisco to Hawaii and was delighted w ith the grtat recep tion accorded the toys at Honolulu. Hermann, though, has a busy time. He cooks for his cc mpaiiy ai d works from 4 iu the morula unti: 8 at night. Besides the $15.0 he .Lets from Uncle Sam, the rest of lie ros iu his corcptny pay kim 50 cents eacli per month, so he gets $.55.6; t-yety month. Bismark saj-s Hon olulu is a para l:se. SOLDIERS LIFi NOT ALL PLAY. W. ' ; Kennedy informs prcspective volunteers, thr :ugh a letter to his brother Every man going into the army should take as his motto "drill ye terriers, drill. But still Mr. Kennedy was iu high spirits a:jd enjoyed himself. He was not sick a minute on the trip, aor, he savs, was "Bismark." He was rapturous in his praise of Honolulu and says he is going there to live when the war is over. FROM SERGEANT THURSTON. Gyp Thurston wrote to Brady Burnett before his arrival at Honolulu and amo-tg ether things said: 'We have two cases of measles on board, Noel and Delashi-nutt (both O. A. C. boys). We will get to Honolulu to morrow and if we are not allowed to laudldau't kmw what we will do, for most of the boy.-, are more than li "If starved. The weather is getting pretty hot and they have been feeding us on pork and hardtack. It makes the ; bovs crave i'or fruit I tell you. I nave been fareing myself pietty well, thank you. Four of bs bare 'stood in' together and managed to 'steal' enough for a re spectabre fee 1, but we have to star up nearly all night at times to acc unplisli this. I made an extra good raft last night and, I think, obtained enough to List till we get to Honolulu. 1 hnre not been seasick to any niiMitionable extent. Think I would have been had I not been so busy 'rustling grub.' Stiuipso:i and Hanson (O. A. C. boys) were nearly dead for three days The weather has !een good and the sea calm the whole trip and the pirt holes been open near! all the time The doctors have begun vaccinating us. One big btfggar fai -.ted be tore they got to him. I expect ur company will get it today." FOUND WATER IN THE OCEAN. ' Lee Travis, the well known state uni versity boy, writes interestingly to Julian McFadden: "We sailed May 25th an .1 haven't seen any land since. This ocean is a bigger .-.ffair than the geography would lead one to believe. I tell you there is a deuce of a lot of water in it. It seems to be the policy to keep out of the ordinary course of commerce and we see nothing but the Peking, starboard, and the Sydney on the port side. One day we pa-.sed through a shoal of flying fish; one landed on deck and we ex amined him. He :as about a foot leng aud had very large fins. Half of the boys wer-- fearfully sic' and this was a sour smelling ship for several days. I wasn't sick though I sent a meal or two, but I had plenty of lemons and pepsin chewing gum, which are excellent preventives. Our grub is devilish poor bacon, po tatoes, hardtack and straight coffee, and even of that they will not gi-re a man all he wants to eat. But we have a midnight feast now and then, which helps. The f.llows nearly had a meeting, so last night we had some rice. We haven t had a bit of bread for rations -iuce we left Camp McKinley. We wouldn't care if we did not think some was nuking money off of us. Yesterday we. all were commanded, 1st, to ta'.ie r.n oc;a water ba'.h ::: a large canvas tu'. pumped full; 2nd, to !o;'. cv.r dirty un derclothes as some cuss aboard had gray backs, and a.4. to be vaccinate-!, all of ! which vre duly did." Press Notices. Prof. Newton's deliniation of character is masterly. Portland Oregouian. "Brick" Jlorse captured the and en:e with his le mi- solo; his speech capped the cliruix. He owned the town. V.-.t-'ej'S News. Mr. Cypr.i--. BrowBtee Newton, elocu tiouist and corne lian, captured the start. He U a f'enius without a dor."t. He his no superior and few Berkeley Herald. The audience was thoroughly delighted with the singing of the Berkelev Qu.-.rtet. Their song was encored eight times. The quartet has a great fv.tnre before it ill the musical worli. Daily Californian. 'Cyrus B. Newton, the inimitable char acter deliniator, sent the audience wild with hilarity. Should Mr. New ton ever come this way agaiu Livermore will turn out sn masse to hear him.--Livermore Herald. Letter List. Following is the list of letters remaia ing in the Corvallis postoffiee, unclaimed June 25, 1898: William Beggs J. P. Heckert C. S. Morrison Miss May Read Thfs. Sickles, Jack Hall Miss May Misler j Hon. Geo. Noland S. a Rider B. W. Tohxsox, P. M. Bicycle Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the BeKiton Road Club will be held at the county court room Friday, July 1. Im portant business connected with the cele bration of tho Fourth of July will be dis cussed and a rousing meeting is earnestly j requested. IsEAL V. Murray, ; Secretary. ' , Tonight. Tonight. Tonight. At the opera huse tonight. B. Q. The excursion to Newport given by the ladies of the MetVodist church on Wednesday was well attended and was j enjoyed throughout. I The Gazette acknowledges the re ! ceipt of several new subscriptions this week, the subscription list is higEcr now than at any time in the history of the paper. The regu'ar meeting of the Corvallis Sunday school Union wi'i be Sceldat the Congregational Church July Tonic for 1 j discussion: Has the union accomplished anvthinii? If so. what? if not. whv? Paper by Prof. French. Everybody ir- ! vite.4 to come. Mrs. ('has. Pearse, of Sa- Fraacisco, who has been visiting the family of Mrs. John Spangler for the past three weeks, went to Independence yesterday. Upo'-i her return she will accompauy Mr. and Mrs. Spanyler and daughter on their rcg lar summer outing. There is tax on bank checks, tax on newspapers, tax 011 patent medicines, tax on insurance agents, tax on convey ances, tax on Hearly everything these war times and there were even t:cks on check not bearing such stamp and the tke bicycle path fte'tween Albany and j drawer of such chesk or draft is subject Corvallis last Sundaj-. They were sown ! to a fine of 2oo if he fails to stamp it. purposely and punctured many a tire. The stamp must Le cancelled when at The law provides that wheelmen can j tached by writing or stamping the ini punith1 the perpetrator of such tricks ef 1 tia's of the user across the face and the pure malice by rolling him in a barrel ! INTERESTING P, 0. NEWS Money Orders for Cuba and the Philippines New Stamps Private Postal Cards. Do you wi-h to send money to any soldier boy at the Philippines or Cuba? Uncle Sam's postal authorities have provided a way. Branch money order offices h;:ve been established at both places and domestic rates govern. From today an additional two cent Ice will hs charged on all money orders. This is a war measure and patrons of the money order department are expected to betray their patriotism by paying tho additional cost cheerfully. Postmaster Johnson informs the reporter that 100 box renters have failed to call for their 20 cents re butt 1 lie return of the key de podt. This is the last day that snid rebate can be claimed. Ii you have a box at the postoffiee and haven't received your 20 cents, call lod-.y and get it. Another that goes into effect today is one giving private persons 1 lie right In print or have printed llieir own postal cards. A am cent stamp must be affixed to each and there are some regulations as to the quality of paper and size ol can!, and certain word-- must ap pear, but the general design, color, etc., is left to th- individual. Trans Mississippi stamps have been issued and itre now on sale at the" postoffiee. T e ten cent stamp is the highest ol this series kept at the Corvallis postoffire. The one center is dark green and represents Father Marquette in a boat on the upper Mississippi, preaching to the Indians. The two center is carmine, a represen tative ot the bridge over liie Miss issippi at St. Louis. The four cenls are red brown in hue and the engraving pictures Indians hunting buffalo. The dstk blue fivo centers represent Freemont planting the TJ. S. ilag on the highest peak of the Rocky Moun tains. In tho eight cent stamps, dark lilac in color, is given a pic lure of U. S. troops guarding an emigrant train across the prairies. The ten centers are light brown and pictures the hardships of emi "ration. No trans Mississippi pos lal cards r stamped envelopes ! will be issued. Died in Africa. The following notice, published in the Oregon ian ot June 17, has hitherto been overlooked: ERWIN At the New Somerset hospital, Cap-2 Twa, Ssuth Africa, April 25, 1S9S, at 4 p. m., of heart failure, L S. Erwin, aged 32 yenrs, 11 months a'J 26 days. Deceased was formerly a iacttlbsr of the police force, aud also couneclt-.i with the street railway com pany in this city. Corvallis papers please copy. Mr. Krwin was a resiclfftit of' Corvallis several years ago and at one lime was in Ihe employ of Jas. Taylor. It is related of him that he saved the life of Tain! (J.ise's little givi. He was driving cattle through the streets and the child was playing on the railroad 'rack when a wild steer started for j her with lowered head. Erwin j spurred his horse up, raeed in front of the enraued steer and stooping from the saddle grasped Ihe chiiil iust in the nick o' time. Mr. Erwin has many relatives in this count j. Pupil's Examination Notice Iu order to accommodate those pupils of the country schools, who have com pleted the county course of study and are now ready to take the county exam nation for the county graduation diplo ma, the county lias been divided into the following examination districts, Tho dates and places of holding the ex amination are as follows: District No. 1 includes the districts Nos' 45. 93, 10, 13, 16. 20, 49, M '5, 22 17i 59. '7, 97- nace 01 naming cx- animation, Corvallis. in superintendent's office, beginning at 8 o'clock a. m., July 1 it and ta. I . . Examination District No. 3 includes the following districts, (the examination begins at 8 o, clock, July n and 12, at Wren school): Districts Nos. II, 12, 83, 95. 3. 37. 77. 9. 43, 79. 3. 2. s'. 51. 72 Examination District N?. 3 includes districts Nos. 74, 1, 43, 4. The examina tion begin at 8 o'clock July 6 and 7, iu district No. 74. Examination District No. 4 includes district Nos. 21, 24, 27, 5, 25, 94, 96, 26, 23, 65, 62, 50. Examination ta be held iu Alpine icho -1 house, beginning at 8 o'clock, J.ily 18 n.'.d 19. Pupils must furnish all paper, pencils, ink and pens. Very Truly, G. W. Des;man, School Superintendent. Corvallis, Oregon, June 21, 189S. Notice to Key Depositors. Notice is hereby given that collection of deposits for keys to lock boxes at Corvallis postoffiee has been discontinued, and that all keys heretofore issued at at said postoffiee will be redeemed at 20 cents each, if presented for redemption on or before June 30, 1S98. From aud after this date keys will be issued to box renters free of charge. B. W. Johnson, P. M. Corvallis, Or., June 1, 1898. The First National Bank of Corvallis i has notified its customers that the new revenue law goes in loice today ana that all checks drawn on the bank must bear a two cent rcvensie stamp. The bank will furnish stamps to any customer. The bank cannot honor any draft or i date when attached The Royal is the highest gredo baking powder Known. Actcai tests show it goes one third further then any other brand. Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING PCWDCR CO., NEW YORK. The Discovary of the Day. Aug. J. Bogtd, the leading! druggist o Shrevep-rt, La., sa3'. : "Dr. King's Now Diseovcry is the only thing that cures my cough, and it is the be.-t seller I have." J. F. Campbell, merchant of Saf&rd, Arizona, writes: '-Dr. King's New Discovery is all that is claimed for it; it never fails and is a sure cure for consumption, coughs and colds. I cannot say enough far its merits." Dr. Kings New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds is not an experiment. It has hcen tried for a quarter of a century, ai-:d today stands at the head. It never dis appeints. Free trial bottles at Graham & WW1' drug ,-toivs Bucklen's Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts, Brulvg, S.r.-s, Ulsers, Salt Rheum, Fever -Srs, Tetter, Chapped Hand, Chil blains, Coras, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or uo pay required. It i. guaranteed to give pri'.-ct satisfaction T moncT refunded. Price '2ri cants per box. For sale by Graham & Wells, druggists. Stop that cough! Take waraivg. It may lead to Consumption. A 25c. bottle of Shiioh's cure may save your life. Sold by Graham & Wells. Catarrh Cured. A clear head an , sweet breath secure.' with Shiioh's Ca tarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee. Na sal injector free. Sold by Graham & Wells. UP Whether itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted, pimply. or btotefcy, -whether simple, scrofulous, or her sli tosy , from infancy to age, speedily cured by v. aim baths -with Cuticura. Soap, gentle anoint ingi-vritUCuxicuEA (oint ment), the great skin cure, and mild 0dse3 of CcnctrnA. KEsoLvairr, greatest of Mood purifiers and humor cures. Is sold throughout the world. Pgttbr Dbuo ajo; Czzzz. Cobp., Sole Fropfl., Bo-ton. OSr "How to Cure "Every Blood Humor, free. FACE HUMORS Fnllin? Hair and Bcby Bieta iihes cured by Cutico&a Z'jAT, Tour Fc!c?, I Shows the stat ?f yoar feelings and tha ' state of 3-ov.r health as well. Impure j blosd makes itself apparent in a pale and j sallow complexion, Pimples a:-ul skin : eruptions. If yoa are feeling weak a'-u-l t worn out aud da not have a h-althy ap pearance you should try Acker's Biood Elixir. It cures all blood diseases vfliere cheap Sarsaparilla and so called purifiers fail; knowing this we sell every bottle 011 a positive guarantee. Graham S: Wells. What Dr. A. K. Salter Says. Buffalo, N. Y. Gents: From my personal knowledge, gained in observing the effect of yoar Shiioh's Cure in cases ' f advanced consumption, I am prepared to say it is tke most remarkable Remedy that hai ever been brought to my atten tion. It has certainly saved many from Consumption. S- ld by Graham & Wells. lil, L. "i'ocum, Cameron, Pa., says, '.'I was a sufferer for ten year, trying most all kind; of pile remedies, but vitbout success. DeWitt's Witch Hnzel Salve was recora-mei.-ded to K'.e. I usod one box. It has ef fected a pefmane.t cure." As a permanent j cure for piles D -Witt's Witch Hazel Salve has no equal. Graham & Wells. It is a great leap from the old fa?hined doses of blue-mass and nauseous physics to the pleasant little pills knasva as Do Witt' Little Early Kisvrs. They cure constipa- tion, sick headache and billiotiiness. Gra- ; ham & Wtlls. Acker's English Remedy will stop a cough at any time, and will cure the worst cold in twelve hours or money re funded. 25 cb. and 5 cts. Graham & Wells Cure that Cough with Shiioh's Cure. The best Cough Cure. Relieves Croup promptly. One million bottles sold last year. 40 doses for 25 cts. Sold by Gra ham & Wells. A torpid liver robs you of ambition and ruins your health. De Witt's Little Early Ruers eleante the liver, cure constipation and all stomach and liver troubles. Gra ham & Wells. Karl's Cover Root Tea is a pleasant laxative. RefjHiates the bowels, purifies the blood. Clears the complexioa. Kasy to make and pleasant to take. 25 cts. Sold bv Graham : Wells. Jolly college songs and banjo numbers at the Berkely Boys' concert Friday, July 1st. Admission 35 and 25 ec:ts. Seats on sale at Gerhard's. Karl's Clover Root Tea for Constipa tion, its the best, and after using it if yea don't say so return the package and get your money. Sold by Graham & Wells, Hiighest cash price paid for wool at S. L. Kline's. Wool sacks, fleece twine and sheap shears for sale. Notice to Contractors. Sealed uronosals will bo received at t!-.e 1 office ot W. Ji. lates, Uorvallis, Wegon, until 1 o'clock p. m. on tho 15th day ot July, 1898, and opened immediately there after, for all labnr and material required, for the erection and completion of an armory ! and gymnasium building, for the Mate asrn- cultural colli ge ot un-gnu in with th d'-awings and -p. eiflcations, eopioa of which may be had at the snid office of W. E. Yat.-s at Corvallis, Oregon, such pro-po-sls must be ii'ldressed to J. T. Appersor, President of the Board, care of W. K., Crrvallis. Oregon. Aad each bidder must submit with his proposal a certified check in a sum equal to 15 per cent of the amount of his proposal, drawn to the or lor ol W. E. Yates, secretary of the hoard of PQWDiSI THE EAGLE SCREAMS There is a sort of "Hurrah, boys," from the influence of which we cannot escape. The summer is fully on us. Vacations have be gun or are being arranged for. We have a store full of wearable?, appropriate to the season and at RIGHT PRICES. Serge Suits, Crash Suits, Negligee Shirts, And other summer-weight garments and hot weather furnishings. You'll have money left to celebrate if you let us supply you clothes. Patriotic Neckwear and Handkerchiefs just received. BARGAINS IN SHOES Remember, we are closing out our entire stock of Men's and Boys' Fine Shoes at greatly reduced prices, in order to make room for tho celebrated DOUGLAS line to arrive in August. Crockery, Crockery, Crockery. i BIG- STOCK. LO"W PEIOES. : SS aS" jSWjSt: A. W rffc i t Si8 Qp.3(r --J5 Honest Money Money Saved. JTs not alone that whieh you carp, but that which ytm save. Come here today, tomorrow, any dny this week for tli.U matter.; Come when you will and see if I he money we save you is not as honest in your pocket as it would be in the till of those who would charge you more for gjods. -INEW YORK REAL GOOD TEA AND COFFEE. We are particular in selecting otirColTees and teas. Wd keep them fresh and up to the standard ot strength aad quality. If not exactly right any tim?, bring it back, and we will make it right or return your money. We keep everything a grocery store should have. j A. H(MS, Headquarters jj JUST TO KEEP THINGS MOVING During the coming week we will make every effort to catch yi ur trade and have the prices to suit the times. No excuse for you to put off buying, as we have a full slock of FINE FURNITURE to suit all tastes. A short time spent looking over our line will convince yon that we have the goods and sell at prices that catch the orders. FRED G. CLARK. SPRING and LADIES' NOTIONS and newest styles, constantly received. . ot SHOES. THE CASH STORE. Next to the Postoffiee. SPRING TIME! -i-y-vl-TH. mr'i Advertising Seed m the It Flannel Suits, Bicycle and Golf Outfits, fan Shoes, fifeA SVK s'? atik sSrjsS- jfk F gi tpL a M. ZIEROLF. Jht j afic aftgjiiL - iF V V RACKET STORE. SUMMER, FURNISH l. GOODS, in uiti-xcj? iled line Corvallis, Oregon. X V3" 00 This Is The Time M Fer Planting A nr is rri nr ilt will bring a golden harvest. um laea t