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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1898)
GORVALLIF, OREGON. Apr. 15, 1S9S. A few Ladies' I,oi-:g Coats that are being sold at a great reduction. If you want , ft , , ,. .. j be sure and see them. All the capes and jackets in the department sold at a reduc tisn. A goad servicable umbrella for 50 cents; j lots style in the 75-cent grade, and lots of j wear too. If jou want a better one, you will find ' it here at tee good goods. same ratio of low price to views ol one congressman on the presi- j dent's message. This distinguished geu ' tleniau said: "While there seems to be R and G Corsets in styles and shapes that will fit any form. A line of French Corsets, good fitters, made of French cautil, drab and white. All grades to $3.50, tor $i.oo. Have you seen our 50- cent and Ji.oo line? for that price. There are no better S. E. YOUNG & SON, Albany, Oregon. Agents for Buttrick Patterns. LOCAL HAPPEN I NHS Great agitation, war or peace. MUs Einuia Crawford is in Albany ,the suest of Mrs. Pipe. Rev. W. S. Gilbert, of Eugene, ii ii the city visiting friend... Mr.. Frank Pawersox, of Sa'cm, is vis iting her mother, Mrs. Kerr, in this city The Misses Gatch left this week tor a visit with friends in Seattle, their o'd i8me- Miss Amy Plummer is visiting the family f County Clerk Montague in Al bany. Work has begun on the new J.lelho dist church ou the old college property, and the building wi 1 soon be well under way. After a short vhit in Albany, Mrs. Herbert Kittridge and Mrs. W. H. Ma honey, Ittt Monday evening for Sail Francisco. Mr. W. V. Fry has abandoned his in tention of goiug to Alaska. He left Monday fv r Montana, where he will look for a business location. Rev. G. W. Gue, of Portland, will lec ture at the college chapel on Friday evening, April 22, taking lor his subject, "The reminiscences ol the war." Dr. Thompson will preach at Oak Ridge Presbyterian church next Sabbath at 3 p. m. Public reception of new members and baptism at that time. Georges Weber, who is now in the barber bu;iuess in Eugene, joined his wife i i this city Monday, and will visit a short time with relatives aud friends. Mr. L. N. Edwards, who had the mis-1 GAZETTE in offering congratulations, fortune to lose his splendid stallion j Df Thompson returned Thursday af "Cephas," Iks brought a French coach tcrnoon from a meeting of the Willam .stallion into the COU1U3- for the coming j eUe 1,I.esbj-tery( wI)icll as i,e1 on Tues. season. Mrs. T. Samuels and Miss Anna left Thursday for Portland, where they will make their lulure home. They will be greatly mi.-sed by a host of friends in this city. Miss Mabel Johnson left y.sterday for j Albany, where she will take the part of Zerish iu the cantata of "Esther," which is to be presented in that city tOBlght and tomorrow night. Excavating tor the foundation of the new Masonic temple is now iu progress. When completed, this building will be an elega it ai-.d substantial additiau to the appearauce of our city. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Phillips returned Monday fro.n Portland, and are now cos ily se'.iled .11 the James Hayes residence. Mr. Hiyej and family will occupy their residence near Oak Creek. Emil Zeis returned home Monday from 1 San Francisco to take charge of the ice works here during tine summer. He has spent the pasi year iu California, a;:d has seen nearly all of the state. The services at the Presbyterian church next Sabbath will be of much interest. The living s-ubjects of the day will be presented both morning and evening, and a cordiil welcome to all. Mrs. Dr. Altaian, Mrs. J. W. Crawford Mrs. M. ii. Davis attended the ladies' Presbyteria i society, which met in Le banosi on Wednesday. They ri turned OB the boat the same evening. j Mr. A. D. Morrison, formerly clerk in j Graham & Wells' drug store, returned j from F'risco the first of the week, where he ha been studying medicine for the past several months. Hs says all the Corvalli.-. boys are a. -re-4tly doing well there. Treasurer Buchauau has made the final payment cf the laxes due the stale from Benton county. He hss J6,2co on hand and has issutd a call for warrant.--, which will cancel all those up t and including March 23, 195. The amu,it of warrants called iu is 165. A very pleasa.-.t surprise party was ten dered r. F. Sheasgreen at hi.-, home Monday evening, the occasion being his 44th birthday. Dancing, games, social converse and a short musical and literary program served to make the tveniug most enjoyable. At Monroe on Friday evening, April 22, an interesting dobate on the financial question is to be held. The Monroe cor net baud will furuish music asdan ex cellent program has been prepared. Ad mission free. The room to be used will be Wilhelm s hall. A small blaze Mouday evening,' a ripple of excitement, and gave the fire . laddies a little exercise. The flue and roof of a residence in the south part of town were iu flames Mid threateued a j conflagration for a few moments. No : Sirious damage resulted. 1 H. J. W ilkins.aa old time Corvallisite, was a visitor at this office Mouday. Mr. 1 -: 1 1 : 1 , . : . c i t . totel in Rcseburtr for some tune, but dis- I - posed of his interest a few days aa He i arrived iu this city Saturday and will visit with his brother, S. N. Wilkins. j Among the many recent arrivals from the east who have declared their inteu- ' tion of making this vicinity their home, is Mr. Charles McKenny and family, who j arrived from Nebraska Monday. He is now looking about with a view t pur- chasing a suitable piece of real estate. I There will be a dauce given by the j Young America Engine Company at the I firemen's hall tomorrow evening, to j which all firemen are invited. Danciag will begin at 8:30. Good music will te j furnished and tickets will be sold for 25 j cents. The proceeds will be used to pay j indebtedness of the company. It is possible for a man to be weaned j from almost any form of dissipation ex- ..,,..,.; ; , 1 rapt iuil ei euiiing a paper, mat naun, once formed, follows him to the grave and probably some distance into the be- j yond. Robt. Johnson, after an abstiti- ; ance of several years, is wielding the pen in the absence of John Daly. Yesterday's Oregoiiian omitted the ! sou,e diversity ef opinion regarding the "cssage " question, it is not putting it I to trongly to say 'we are a unit as to Spencer's ability as a tonsonal artist' " ' Tangible evidence of the superior arti- j c.c we are to expect frou-: the new cheese i plant at the Agricultural College, was j left at this office this week by Prof. Kent of the dairy department. This specimen of cheese has been sampled by ! the entire force and a few privileged vis itors and pronounced first class in ever 1 particular. Corvallis is to have a camera club. S'ewly but urely, tfce snap-shot fad has ma'e its impression, until new it stands up assuming that a fad can staxd up an J ask s for recognition. A movement is on foot to have all those owning cameras t. meet and form a club for the purpose o! studying photograph v as an art, and for the pastime it affords. 1 Just as the services of the 25th anui-1 versary celebration of tjie Westminister Standards of the Presbyterian church bcga at Lebanon Wednesday evening the cry of fire was heard ami a building near the church was soon wrapped in j flames. Tne excitement and alarm made it necessary 1o suspend the services and postpone them to some future date. At the Methodist Episcopal church Lord's day, morning, the pastor will dis cuss the resurrection of the human body, giving reasons why it must rise and sub stantiatiug the doctrine by facts from na ture, elosing with a description of the risen body. Evening: The first ef three or four sermons 0:1 "The would-be de structive work of the penknife." These discourses hive been received with great favor wherever delivered. Everybody invited. One more of the heroic little baud of bach?lors, who have held out so well against the reDeated assaults of Cnmd. has succumbed to the inevitable and join ed the raiks of the benedicts. Sunday afteraoon at the residence of Mr. Al. Johnson, Mr. B.Paul Schmidt and Miss Lillian M. Pomeroy, daughter of I". M. Pomeroy, were united in marriage, Jus tice t'arlile officiating. The young couple will make their home in this city, where they are well known and high'y respected. A host of friends join the day and Wednesday of this week at Lebanon He reports a large attendance an the Presbyterian church never stronger and moiu pnsi erous iu this sec- tion than now. Large recessions to the membership of the different chnrckes and increased liberality in giving to be nevolent objects, were reported. Rev W. S. Gilbert, of Eugene, was elected delegate to the general assembly and Dr. Thompson, of this city, alternate. The assembly meets it Warsaw, Indiana, in May. Rev. B. J. Kelly, after a pastorate in the United Evangelic.-.l church of this city for three vear, preached his fare- i w?ll sermon last Surf Jay evening. Dur 1 ing his pastorate here Mr. Kelly has suc ceeded in having a handsome church building erected, increased his congrea- tiou from senteen to seventy eight mem bers and organized an active Sunday scheol an average attendance of fifty. He le:t Monday, accompanied by Mrs. Kel y, to attri d the annual confer ence of the church, w! ich was held in Portland yesterday. Should Mr. Kelly be assigned to ai other field Ilia fruils of newspapers throughont to do what he bc his efforts !. ere will kiephim long ia Hevcs they should for hi.-, eouipaii-, bor kind reuiembran :e. . di-rs on the melodramatic. Manager G. The associated press dispatches an- 1 W- Allen appears to be a genial geiitle nouueed sereral week; ago that Alba ! "'an and an exprienccd business maa. Hsywood, the comedian, who j " has appeared iu this city on several oc- j A Little Tilt- casiens, had fought a duel with the man- ager of a Texas open house and that A -.other hitch between the city coua- both men were probably fatally wounded. I Mr p- J- Smiley, of Albany has received I a paper from Mr. Hey wood, which give ; all the particulars, showing that Mr. Heywood was not to blpnie for the trouble, and that both men were alive and will fully recoer. Heywood has four bullets in him and the other man five. AfU-r the shooting Heywood walk ed t his hotel before giving up. He is now nearly recovered, but it will hi sev eral weeks before he can go upon the road again. A Hot Game. j What promises to be an exciting and j well played game of baseball will occur , on the O a. v.. campus next, oaruroay , afternoon, April 16th, at 2 p. m. Mon mouth normal school .-.nd the gricul tural Cj!!ege teams cross bats and the re sult of t'-i Is game will give some indica tion of Ike place our team will hold in the intercollegiate series. A large crowd should assemble to encourage our boys to victory tomorrow afternoon. An admis sion of 25 cents will be c! trged to defray necessary expanses. The Coming Woman Wbl goCi to tl(5 ub whie ller niIsband tends the bahy, a? well the good old-fash ion .d woman who looks after her home, will both at times get rur. down in health. They will be troubled wift lo.-: of nppetiU, sches, sleoplcssnes, fainting or dizzy spoils Iho mo;t wonderful ramedy for these women is electric l-.itt;rs. Thousands of sufferers 7 , , i , -j - . iirom lamaoacK , wait moneys rise up . ., j ; women. xc.'.iaic eoiiiotHiiiLs hum nervous tniUK r oil khhn. mli r.ii,e..,i iw i ose of Electric Djlicate wom-.n should keep this le-nedy on hand to luiild nP tl,e system. Oaly 50c. per bottle. For ,itlc by & Wells. Be not Deceived! A CoueU, Hoarse- nesa or Croup are not to be trifled with, A dore in tirae of Shiloh's Cure will save you much trouble. Sol.4 by Graham & Wells. anl m n n n mui n n n-r .njOJinjlAJlJUTJTJTJXn Jft : . I THE VERY LATEST IS WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT g When It Comes To Dress; IgS g - - ii ? yon. to see our line of Spring Purchases. JS I See Our New Wash Goods ready made suits. homes. ; Ours is the largest and most complete up-to-date house in the city. Shoes and Gent's THE STATE CONVENTION. Simon Delegates Seated. Lin coln County may get Joint Senator. ASTORIA, April de nouncing the hold-up was defeated. T. T. (leer w.-.s nominated for governor by acclamation. F. P. Moofv met no oppo sition lor supreme judge. Dunbar, of Clatsop, receive-' noi:iin.-.tio:. for secreta ry of state, Moore, of Klamath, for state treasurer, and Leeds for printer. A special to the Gazktte from Astoria; ast night conveys the following iiitelli- At the state conveulion today Attorney Woodcock, of Lane county, . received the notaination lor circuit judge, Geo. M. Brown,, of Douglas county, is 1 choice of the convention for district at- torney. After a warm contest the Simon delegates from Multnomah county were seated. Lincoln county is claitniug the joint senator and will probably get it. C.eer will undoubtedly acclamation. be nominated bv Malcolm A. Moody, of the Dalles, was nowinatad by acclamation for represen tative from the second disttict by the re publican congressional convention at Astoria Wednesday evening. The convention met at to a. m., each j faction putting temporary officers on the I platform, and for several hours two re ' publican conventions for the second dis- i tnct were 111 session. The Mitchell tac tion adjourned at 1 a. m. to meet Friday at 10 a. m. The Simonites took a recess, after appointing a committee on credeu- ; traffic iu lUe faU renicrs a light neces tials, until 2 p. ui. -j sary. C. W. Fulton, of Astoria, undertook . j M Cameron aged R. H. Huston hav and successfully carried out a plan to j jng -become ineligible by reason of re haimonize the party in this district. The j movsl from their respective wards, J. H. Mitchell fattioK proposed to allow tne , simpsou and J. H. Harris were elected delegates outside of Multnomah county 1 to fill the vacancies. to cettle the differences by ballot, which plan was adopted and organization ef fected. That Band Concert. The concert given by the Boston La dies' Military Band al the Opera House Tuesday evening scarcely justified the extravagant praise of the hand bills. Classical selections found 110 place 011 the prognr.ii and brilliant solos were con spicuously absent. However, the uum hers played were creditably rendered, tue j on jeffcrsou street from the C. & E- rail performers displaying some idea of ex- 1 roaj trac;- lo the college grounds, pression and a fair knowledge of time j Xlie erdinnnce to atr-:end the bill post and harmony and giving promise of be- j ing ordinance was read twice and went coming, under the able direction of Prof, i over to the next meeting. F.arnesl Fleck, a very elhcient organiza tion. The vocal selos rendered by Miss M.-.y Kennedy wen h-artily enjoyed by her self. The- se'ection, "Peach of Clatsop Beach," it was announced, "was written exclusively by this lady." Miss Bessie Dalesman has ha 1 .only two years expe- rience, but disp'ays exceptional ability ou the cornet. Monsieur Mazart, Ihe advance aent, dees a real tricky trick t.-itfa soiv.c cards and a man, which is quite aaiusiHg. This gentleman i ; !. ih ly enlert vining both on a..d off the stage. I ! is lament at the failure of the various cil and the water comvany occurred last Monday evening, when tke latter refused to comply with the or Jer of the council to place a fire plug near the public school building. Believing that the school house, as well as adjaeent property, is without adequate protection from fire, the school board and fire companies have petitioned the council to have a hydrant placed in that neighborhood. The cou tract between the city and the water company req-.ires the latter lo put in fire !.:d rants at reasonable points within the city, but no penalty is attached if the company faili to comply. The water company has a franchise for fifteen years nnd tirne l1oi. .. uot expire ulItil I900. Jn lu nleantillle tlle school buims is i,. i. ., way of forcing its demands. When tV.e monthly bill of ihe water company was presented it was not allowed on the ground that uaid company was not complying with its contract. What thu Shnki-rs of Mount Lcbunwn know more about than anybody else, U the u-o of herbs and how lo bv healthy. They have studied the power of food. They nearly nil live to n ripe old age. The Shaker Digestive Cardial is prepared by the Shaker frm herbs and plants with j a special tonic power ovur the stomach. It j help the stemcoh its food, and di gOitcd food is the strength .roakur. j Stror.g muscles, strong body, strong brain, j all come from properly digested lood A j sick stomach con be cured ond digestion made easy by Shaker Digestive Cordial. It euros i'au nausea, loss of appetite, pain in the stomaeh, headaeli.', giddiness, weakness flnd ... ..,. svlllntoms ,.,t inH1-0.P,.;nn. eertmnly and permanently. Sold by drug gists Trial bottle 10 cents. County warrants taken at par for mer chandise at Nolan & Callahan's.- French candies at Hodes & Hall's. Dyspepsia Cured. Shiloh's Vitalizer immediately relieves Soar Stomach, Com ing up of Food Distress, and is the great kidney an A liver remedy. Sold by Gra ham & Wells. . . . Comprising all the late novelties. See our ladies See owv Ladies Shirt W aists. See pur draperies for decorating Clothing, Weber Exhonorated. The grand jury finished its labors Thursday Kiorniag and its report. Probably the most interesting case which come before the grand jury this session was the one concerning the sad and deplorable accident 'which resulted in the death ef Win. Kerr a little over a year ago. It was made the subject of much sensational newspaper gossip at the time and many serious charges were made against Geo. Weber, ivbo was Kerr's companion at the time of the lat ter's death. The report completely ex- linnfirnlce Mr- 71ipr ntlfl i5 ns fnllovVS! ..We i,avc mad-? a full, rigid and searchiu" exatniHation into the Matters atlpn,i;n ,1.. .iPn,u r.f the- late Wm. j Kerr f this countv which occcrred on i the j'otl.i fiay Gf April, 1897, and find that the verdict of the coroner's jury thereon I 1, rnrrert " j -ri,e report savs further: "We recom- mevd that the windows of the court housi be examined and where necessary the putty be renewed. We have exam ined the various county offices md rec ords and jail and find the same properly and neatly kept and the jail secure; and we recommend that the jail floor be painted." Council Proceedings. At a regular meeting of the city coun cil Monday evening the following busi ness was transacted' The street committee recommended that the matter of placing a light at the corner ef Adams & First streets be post poned until the resumption of steamer Street committee was authorized to begin the work of grading aid graveling the streets. Resolutions by both fire companies, recommending that bath companies be disbanded aad reorganized as one com pany, were read aud a special committee was appointed to draft resolutions and such ordinances as will carry into effect these recommendations. The police judge and chief of police were instructed to determine property owners proportionate cost of a sidew.-dk Police jxdge was instructed to deter mine the amount of city taxes due from the county. The city is entitled to some interest in the property bid in by the county at sales for delinquent taxes, as taxes were due the city from this proper ty. It is possible that the county owes tke city on other accounts, and the order was given to clear this matter up, if possible. Bills allowed oh general fund, $251; on street fund, $98. Fire aud water committees reported that the water company refused to place a hydrant near the public school building in accordance with a resolution passed by the couucil, and as a consequence the water company's monthly bill was not allowed. Real Estate Transfers. P H Bowman, by admistrator to John A Miller, 50 acres near Al bany $ 1 00 Geo W Quimby to T H Wellsher, 4 lots in Monroe 250 00 T H Wellsher to Kate Starr,4 lots in Monroe 1 00 W J Burns, trustee, to The Bal four Guthrie Co., 640 acres four miles southwest of Philomath-- 1 00 Marion Haydeu aud wife to Jas per Ha3-den, land in Alsea 1 00 Jasper Haydeu aud wife to Mar ion Haydeu, land iu Alsea------- r -oo- A D Skaggs to E L Hubler, 6 lots block 13, Wilkins' add 650 00 M J Connor a:id wife to B Cady, W H Hulse, 202 acres in Kings Valley 1 W J Burns and wife to The Bal four Gulhrie Co., lot 5, block 12, in Corvallis 1 R A Amo'd aud wife to WH Alex ander aud wife, one-third inter est in 540 acres, Kings Valley.. 1 1 E Quivey, by sheriff, to Ed Ben nett, 160 acres 6 miles south of Philomath 20 I F Dickenson, by sheriff, to F S Clark, 160 acres in Kijigs Val ley 24 00 And rest for tired mothers in a warm bath with Gt-Tiefc-RA So AP.amlasingle application ol Cuticdka (oisicieat) , tfee great skin enre. Coticcba KEMnmES afford instant relief, and point to a speedy euro of torturing, difl figuring.humiliating, itching, turning, bleed ing, crsisted, scaly skin and scalp humors, with loss of hair, wlten, all elso fails. SoMVSrmirhonttlw world. roTTKK Drao AUD Cant, C'-.. IMe Frop.. EoJton. M 03- U07 to Cure Stin-Tortured i:abic, TrM. fo?j SKiN-TORTURU SKIM SCALP Kid Fair routined try . . . ; . & Records in Danger. A.I a meeting of owners ;uid those inUtesieil in bicycles held at, ijie euiiit house Wednesday evening, a permanent organiza lion'wos e'uVeted, winch will here after lie known as the Henlon Cuiinlv Road -I iil Its object .4nii aim will be, in cooperation with similar organizations from Albany and elsewhere-, to eons! met and maintain cycle paths on tli county rot-da of Benton county and to promote- and protect the general interests of cyclists. Any one, from the ancient maiden lady with a '93 model to the to-stive small boy of lfi, who boasts ol an up to date bike with accotnmod: -tious for two, is eligible to mem bership.. A lee oi $1 ior senile men and 50 cents for ladies and boys will, be charged, vii.ii month; ly dues placed al 10 cents. Meet ings will be held Ihe 1st. Sat. of each mouth. E. R. Lake was elected president; Prol Kent, vice presi dent, and Neal V. HeMurray, sec retary. A committee 011 colors! was appointed to report at the next regular meeting, which will be held Monday, April IStli. A wise selection was made in the election of Prof. Skeltou, for road master. Work on the path be tween here and Albany will begin shortly and when it is completed all previous records and, incident ally a lew wheels, will probably be smashed. Circuit Court Proceedings. After a three day's session, one ol the elioiiesl for years, the reg ular April term of the Benton county circuit court adjourned yesterday morning. The case of E. M. Horton vs. 0. C. R. R. Co., was the only jury trial. This case occupied most ol the time and attention of the court. Alter being out all night the jury reported that they were un able to agree upon a verdict. Four ol the five criminal cases on the docket, were dismissed by order of the district attorney. The state ol Oregon vs. Lee Wells was continued until the fall term ol court. Five decrees of divorce were granted. M. K. Lewis from his wife, C. P. Lewis, Ida E. Vancleve from B. P. Vancleve, Minnie VVy att from T. W. Wyatt, Josie Seits from M. L. Seits, L. S. Kline from J. L. Kline. CASTORIA Tor Infants and Children. Tie fac-' limits fSgssture Exercises at Philomath. Tke graduating exercises of the Philomath public schools were held Friday afternoon, April 8th, be fore a large and attentive audience. Thoso were the first graduating exeicisos held under the county classification, and the results sp.ak well for the present system. After an excellent literary pro gram, in which the school and graduates took part,Supt, Denmaw presented in. a neat speech the di .plomas to Bessie Meats, Eller Alexander, Florenee Clark, Faith Keezel, Oliver Woods, Nat Dixon and Arthur Boles. Rev. Peart, of Ooivallis, delivered a beautiful and impressive address to the class.1 There was abundant food for the body as well as for the mind. Four long labies were spread with such a feast as has made the ladies of Philomath famous, and it is needlfss lo say that every one gavii evidence ol their appiecia tion in the amount of substantias consumed. Prof. Guthrie and Mrs. Bryan deserve much uraise for the care l ul training I he pupils had evi dently received. Prof. Guthrie is one off the most efficient and pains taking instructors in Benton conn ly antj a; wise choice was made in re electing him as principal for an other term. Miss Lewis will be his assistant. Bucklen's Arnica Salvo. THE BKST SALVE iu the world for Cut, BruUcs, Srcs, Uleers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sor.-s, Tetter, Chajiped Hands, Chil blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and potitively euros Piles, or ko payrequirnd. It is jju.-.nintovd tctspve perfect satisfaction or money refunded?, Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Graham & WolU. druggist. KarJ'S; Cover Root Tea is a pleasant laxative. Reflates the bowels, purifies the blood. Clears the complexion. Easy to make aud pleasant to take. 25 cts. Sold by Graham & Wells. . . - . Call and see. s J. H. HARRIS. The Royal is the highest grade baking powder Known. Actual tests show it goes one third further than any other brand. Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAK'.N- POWDia C3., NEW YORK. School Pic-nic. Arrangements are being per fected by Stipl. D-'uman lor a big school pic-Htc embracing all ilu schools in lilt south end of thy county, to be held on Saturday, May 2Sih. The program will con sist of addresses, literary exercises, ciphering match, ball game, foot races, basket dinner and other ex ercises. Mr. E. A. Cummings is chairman of the program commit tee, which consists of the teachers in charge of the schools in this end ol the county. Each -school will be entitled to one number on the program, the character of which is to be determined by the teacher. In the ciphering match each school will be entitled to two rep resentativos, the said representa tives are not lo be farther than through division in the smaller arithmetic. In the loot races. the contestants must be actual pupils or llie schools and tneir names must be enrolled on the teacher's register. The races will be ar ranged so as to give the smaller pupils equal advantages with the larger ones. The committee of all the teachers is requested to meet Mr. Cummings at Monroe, Saturday, April 23, to complete temporary arrangements. It is desired that every teacher will make it a point to be on hand at 2 p. m. Further particulars will be given later. District S. S. Convention. The convention met in Keezel chapel, Philomath, April 9, at 7:30 p. m., Rev. Jos. Taylor presiding. Devotional services were led by Rev. T. J. Cocking. The evening session consisted of literary and musical exercises, and discussion ol various subjects, led by G. Corby, Miss Lewis, Mrs. Keezel and others. Sunday morning session opened at 9 o'clock with a hall hour's praise meeting led by Rev. Taylor. This subject, "What may we ex pect from this convention?" was discussed bv N. W. Allen and Prof. Miller. An address by Pres. j Davis followed. Recitations and: music helped to make the meeting enjoyable. The convention met in the af ternoon in the brick college, Mrs. Bradford leading the devotional exercises. The various Sunday schools made their reports and stated tjiat unusual interest had been shown in the work. The committee on officers reported the nominees for offices. Rev. Taylor was elected president; G. Corby, vice-president; Orpha Lewis, sec retary; and E. Newton, treasurer. Mr. J. J. Bryan and Rev. Krause were the speakers at this meeting. The evening was devoted to prayer and song service and some excellent recitations. A Call for Warrants. Notice is hereby given that there is money on hand at tlie county treajurer's office to pay all orders endorsed aud marked "Not paid for want of funds" up to and including those of Mar. 20, 1S95. Interest will be stopped on same from this date. Corvallis, Or., April. 13th, 185,8. W. A. cc:-'ANAK, Treasurer Benton County,' Clregou. Free of Charge to Sufferers. Cut this out and tafco it to your druggist and get a sample laottle fre of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. They douot ask you to buy be fore trying. This will how you tho great merits of this truly wonderful remedy, and ; ho w you what can be accomplished by the regular sizo bottle. This is no experiment, and would be disastrous to the proprietors, did they not know that it would in varibly euro. Many of thj be;S physician; are now using it in their practice :ith great results, and are relying on it in most severe cases. It is guaranteed. Trial bottlet free at Gra hara's & Wells' drug storj. Regular size 50 cents and $1.00. Ladies, Take the Best. If you are troubled with constipation, Sallow Skin, and a Tired Feeling, take Karl's Clover Tea, it ts piearant to take. Sold by Gra ham & Wells. 0M lip PQWOEE It's a Pleasure to show the clothes you buy from us to your lady or gentleman friends. They are so stylish, so just-rights The style stays because they're made right, of the right cloths, too. The linings are honest and the prices are fair and fearless. See our windows, step in the store and note our treatment, our methods; you'll not wonder then at our big success. Suits made to order F. L. MILLER. iajjjpi. -vjjfi isySi kpi ijypK. jwyi rt itSti THE ART OF LIVING f i And living well, is JUDICIOUS Where you buy is of as much importance as what you buy and what you pay for it, when it comes to food. You want to know the surroundings of the things you are going to eat. Notice the cleanliness of our store. Everything is fresh and attractive. The prices are always right. f f aAcififct iHSk. a!5bc lifer &r. A -rffSn. rfZx affiir M&r..rx t-aAriflci jfmHlgrt-Sjft. HIP k& gf j-ijjjr 3 tfgf. J The Racket's Up, - " Up-to-date" is the motto of the RACKET STORE. The goods are up Iu Quality. Trade is coming up with a boom. t be lielncd. Purchasing direct sale jobbers profits, aud, of course, customers nittst hare the benefit of this saving. J-NEW YORK Your Small Boy Could do your marketing for you at our store. Let him stop here on his way froxi school and repeat your order. You may be sure it will be fillled promptly and just as right as if you came yourself. L NODES, FURNITURE BARGAINS. Good Quality and Low Prices is Our Motto. A Call will Convince. FRED G. CLARK. ..Ribbons and Laces.. Soloman in all his glory was not bedecked with such delicate and pleasing RIBBONS, LACES, Etc., as represents the Spring purchase of the Cash Store. The newest shades aud tints. THE CASH STORE, Next to the Postoffice. SPRING TIME! Advertising Seed m the W It will bring a golden harvest GAZETTE PUB. CO., CORVALLIS, OR. The make that guarantees you Style, Service, Satisfaction." LAMPS, 0 CROCKERY, 4 r GLASSWARE. ii& - Jfc Ii iifj ift J-r -'SF- W V-VS) without question in MARKETING. P. M. ZIEROLF. c AAj (The goods are up In Style. Prices are not up, but that can't V of manufacturers saves whole- V RACKET STORE. a Headquarters Corvallis, Oreson. X X SiiSj .- t GAZETTE 44 4 4 1