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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1898)
o Issued Every Friday Morning by The Gazette Publishing Co. JORVALLIS, OREGON. Apr. 8, li AFFIRMATION. The Gazette stands fors The protective tariff. " : I I 1 i.iAMJ'irH T r Au u rt ' Retirement of the bond-breed- i inq, credit-threatening demand notes of our government. The payment of the national debt in the best money that wis dom and experience can devise. A factionless. clean, effective republican party. REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVEN TION. A republican convention of Benton county, Oregou, is hereby called to meet at Oorvallis, Oro gon. on Saturday, April ', 1S9S, at 10 o'clock a. in., for the pur pese ot eleciing seven delegates to the republican state convention to be held at Astoria, Thursday, April 14, also seven delegates to the republican district convention for the first congressional district of Oregon, to be held at Eugene, Oregon', Monday. April 11, 1898, and for the purpose of nomina ting candidates lor the various county officers. Tiie convention will consist ol 72 delegates, ap portioned as tollows: Corvallis, precinct Xo. I 7 No. 2 S " No. 3 7 No. 4 6 Blodgctt 2 Wren 2 Soap Creek 2 Willamette -- 4 Monroe 4 Bellfountain 7 Kings Valley 4 Alsea 4 Summit 2 Philomath io Fairmouut 2 Lobster I Total 72 The same being one delegate at large for each precinct and one for each 15 votes, and one for each fraction over one hall, based on the vote for Tongue in 189b The committee recommends that the primaries ba held in the several precincts at 2 o'clock on Saturdav, April 2, 189S All republicans are urged to at tend tho primaries and select good men as delegates to the conven tion. W. S. Tomlinson. J. F. Yates, Secretary. Chairman. THE G&Li) DEMOCRATS. Certain self-promoting republi cans are doing their utmost to make the words "gold demo- crat," a term of reproach. They demand that this man or that man be nominated by the repub - lican party because trie gold dem- ocrat desires it. This is partievi - larly true concerning the legisla- tive ticket. And it is a peculiar condition that the candidates named are particularly objection - able to a large number of repub- licans. It is not presumed that the gold democrats make such a de- mand. They can understand the impropriety of such action. The repubhean partv is not a fusion organization and the republican candidates must, above all else, be satisfactory to republicans. Those former democrats who now affiliate with the republican t 3 , . . party anu participate lU ItS pri- maries, are, in fact, republicans, and have the same and no more rights than an original repubii - can. Those democrats who still are known as gold democrats; who do not associate Uiemselves with the "common herd" of republi- cans: who do not consider them - selves bound by any official act of the party; who will repudiate or endorse the results of the re- publican convention as it suits their tancy; these men certainly do not expect the nartv to act 011 1 L. J any suggestions of theirs. They are independent of the republi can party and the republican party must be independent of them. A nomination for any office by the supposed necessity of ti 1 5, ij j ,, , & &,, . .' win De piacticauy a Hemination by gold democrats and the"party whip" can be used in behalf of such a candidate, upon gold democrats only. This is not said to affront the pjoicl democrats. Thcv are not so easily offended. Independent themselves they can appreciate and sympathise with the disgust that is inspired by the few repub licans who fain would eat the crumbs from the gold democrat's I table. We all wish the gold demo- j cr irs Co support tne repiiDiican ticket. B6r will the party enjoin! populists and silventes lrom vot - . ,- . , llii' 1UI iio UU.I1UIV-J . ill- t.i-i v yj- rat pr of lihfral rennhlicanism are not unmindful ot the fact that! "votes mean victory. There is no reason for pur con veution nominating a ticket ob-j The republicans held their pri jectionable to either the repubii-1 maries here last Saturday and cans or gold democrats. The j elected Tolbert Garter and W. S. gold democrats do not wish to Tomlinson as delegates to the support for the legislature men i county convention. 'who will vote for Mitchell for U. S. senator. Republicans will not quarrel with them over this. Mr. Mitchell has no claim upon the party and the republicans of the county are practically united in insisting that he keep out of the race. No republican is ad vocating the re-election of Mr. Mitchell, and the charge that a force is at work secretly to for ward his interests is a plain lie, manufactured at democratic headquarters and peddled by re- publican stool pigeons of the r . -a- democratic leaders. From the democratic standpoint, anything that creates suspicion in the re publican ranks, is good politics. The republicans have as much interest in the legislative ticket as have the eold democrats, and nominations that can reasonably be distasteful to gold democrats will be as unsatisfactory to re publicans. There are men in Corvallis who will be greatly disappointed if they fail to secure the nomina tion for joint senator. But peo ple in politics must expect to encounter disappointments and the ambition ot the party over shadows the ambition of any man. There is no true republican that does not honor and respect the motives of those who separ ated from the democratic party in 1896. And the men who sev ered their political ties for the sake of a great political party are not making their support of the republican ticket dependent upon the nomination of any one man. HARMONY HOW TO SECURE IT. The success or defeat of the republican party in Benton county is in the hands of the delegates to tomorrow's conven tion. If sober judgment, fair- j ness and unselfishness prevail in the deliberation and control the actions of the convention, vic tory will be ours in June. The interests of politicians may clash, but the majority of republicans are not wrapped up in the ambitions or pecuniary advantages of partizan would-be leaders. W hear much today of "pushes," "pulls," "cliques" and "factions." The popular sentiment is against any such or gamzation. Such combinations may succeed in primaries but cannot stand the test on election day. The fact must not be for gotten that, whether beneficial or not, party obligations rest but lightly upon a controlling num ber of voters. But this is generalizing. Let us get down to particulars. One hears much lately concerning the "Gazette push," the "anti-Ga zette outfit," the "Union clique," j the "Yates-Lord combine," etc. j This paper is conscience-clear on ! this score, but still the charge is j made and it is a condition, not a 1 theory, that confronts the party, The convention should see to it j that all these factions or alleged factions are subdued and their 1 representatives given a rear seat under the gallery. This paper is perfectly willing to become a j martyr for the good of the party, j but it insists on having company, i To be very frank, the Gazette is not making very serious sacri- j nee, Having no candidates to urge. The legislative candidates, viewed from a "harmony" stand-! ' point should come from outside f Corvallis. This is a fair prep- I A 4- 1 . ,1 U31"u -" i-auuuL uc luumiucu: , as being a ' 'job. ' ' The delegates ' to the state convention should be 1 pronounced Geer men, for Gecr is the almost unanimous choice ! of Benton county republicans for tnc gubernatorial nomination. Keep the Lord people at home. If the delegates arc in earnest in 1 tueir talks for peace they will ! not send to the state convention ! a delegation who will nominate j for joint senator the Gazette's candidate, if it has one, nor the 1 union s candidate. This not a demand. It is a substantial suggestion and the clear headed members of tomor row's convention will recognize its justice and its importance. BRIEF EDITORIALS. i . McK.nley is sure he is I right before he eocs ahead. The administration will have no steps to retrace. McKinley remembers that he is the president of the United States before he is the friend of Cuba. rancner lrom near Mary's iT Peak thus sized up the congres- jsional campaign: "Doc Hill's a , fighter, Bob Veatch a bucker and j Tommy Tongue a worker." WEUS ITEMS. Everybody busy seeding. Dolph Horton, of Corvallis, h vlsltmg friends here this week, . ... , Am . . , , M Pro. r . Rn CUIILO JVSL V. .L kit' 111. Vista. M. Geverez has sold his farm to J. W. Molman, ana is going to Colorado. In Explanation. Corvallis, Or., April 7, 1S9S. Ed. Gazette: I ask for sufficient space in the columns of your pa per, to correct certain im pressions exisiting in some parts of our county. There is an opinion in tne minus 01 some uiai tue county superintendent has delega ted to him the right to regulate the lime, salary per day, place and number of teachers' examinations held in the various counties ot our state. I de sire to state that this authority does not rest with the superinten dent, but the same is fixed by law. Section 25 of the school law says, that the superintendent, together with two member of the board of examiners, shall hold quarterly examinations, commencing at 1 p. in. on the second Wednesday of each of the following months, viz: February, May, August and No vember of each year, at such places as may be open to all per sons proposing to teach in the pub lic schools of our county. Every county superintendent in the statu must begin on this day, and the rule has been established by the state superintendent, that all begin with the same subject. The ques tions are all prepared by the state board; lists of them being sent to the superintendents, who shall not open them uutil the day of the examination, and then in the pres ence of all the applicants. It is thus seen that the superintendent has no authority over this matter, but it rests entirely with the law. Hoping that I have fully ex plained this matter, I am, Very truly, G. W. Denman, County School Sup't. Fed, undigested, is poison. is life nnd strength. Millions of us suffer from indigestion, but we often don't know it. We think it is somethiag else. Even doctors often mistake the symptoms. Pale, thin people, who are overworked, who need strength, who seem in want of proper food, should take Shaker Digestive Cordial. It U astonialting what food will do, whon prop erly digested. It will make you strong. revive you, refre:h you. sustain you, make you fat, restore your color, make muscle, brain fibre, courage, endurance, energy; in crease your power to throw off disease and keep you healthy and happy. Indigestion Joes just the oppeiite, but in digestion oan be cured ar.d prevn-ed with Shaker Digestive Cordial. Sold by drug gists. Trial bottle 10 Gents. HSFFMAN ITEMS. Lewis Wentz and J. McCIung were elected delegates at. the re publican primary Saturday. Jack Frost has visited our com muuity ol late and we fear is very injurious to some of the fruit. Miss P. A. Woods, of Corvallis. t.nd Mr. P. A. Johnston made a business trip to Scio last week. Th'r recent fine weather has made our people seem like a lot of bees, in that they have been so busy. Rev. G. A. Manshardt. who is home from Kansas for a few days on business, preached at our school house Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Viola Woods and little daughter Tollie returned to Cor vallis Monday evening, after a few days visit with her family at home. The revival meetings being hdd by Rev. and Mrs. O'Kelly, of Cor vallis, are growing in interest from day to day. Mrs. O'Kelly filled the pulpit Tuesday evening, and with credit to herself and pleasure to her hearers. Among our number of bike riders for the season T. B. Wil liamson and son Clyde are num bered, and though the son is a hotter rider than the father, please noire understand us to say mat ne dosn't do real well tor a beginner. Shilnh's OnnKuirantion Pure where otUers faa. It js the leading Congh j cure, and no home should ie without it. j pleasant to take and goes right to tho J spot. Sold by Graham & Wells. j Thirty-five vears make a e-sneration. That is how long Adolph Fisher, of Zanesville, j O., suffered from piles. He was cured by using three boxej of DeWitt's "Witch Hazel Salvo. Graham & Wells. District Convention. A republican convention for the first consressional district of the state ot Oregon is hereby call ed to meet, in the city of Eugene, on Monday, April 11, at 2:30 p. in., for the purpose of nominating ! tne tllne and Place to near objections to a candidate for congress for the j the-aame. MINNIE E. LEE, first congressional district, and to I Administratrix of the estate of J. B. 11 'it transact such other business as may properly come before said convention. The convention will consist of 145 delegates apportion ed among the several counties of the district as follows: Benton 7 Lincoln 4 Clackamas 15 Coos 7 Curry 3 Tri 1 ct-1 nc T T Lane 12 Linn 12 Marion 20 Polk 8 Tillamook 5 Washington 12 acksou 8 Josephine 5 Klamath ' 3 Yamhill 10 Lake 3 The same being one delegate at large for each county and one del egate for each 200 votes and frac tion thereof ot 50 or over as cast for William McKinley at the pres idential election held in Novem ber, 1896. The committee recommend s that the primaries be held on Saturday, April 2, and the county conven tion Wednesday, April 6, 1898, unless otherwise, ordered by tho several county committees. J. A. Wilson, K. J. Hendricks, Secretary. Chairman. Karl's Clover Root Tea for Constipa- tiOH, its the best, and after using it if yea don't say so return the package and get your money. Sold by Graham & Wells, He Withdraws Mr. J. B. Irvine, whose name has been mentioned in connection with the republican nomination for joint senator, makes the fol lowing statement: "The idea of my being a can didate did not originate with me. I was urged to let my name be used and thinking it not dishonor able to make an honest effort for an honorable office, I consented. Then I heard that there were ob jections. There were charges made that I was tied to this man and that man, charges that are false and made by men who ought to know that they are false. I am not disposed to retire under fire, but holding a I do the be lief that the party is above men, I am willing and ready to obliter ate myself to promote harmony and my friends may understand that I am not a candidate. I wish to emphasize the fact that I am a solid republican wit limit a taint of tree silver or free trade in my make up. I want harmony in and success for the republican party. It is a jjroat leap from tho old faahuned dosus of blwu-iknss nnd nauseous physics to the pleasant little pills knoava as DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Tispy cure constipa tion, sick headache nnd billiuusness. Gra ham & Wells. Laxative Brotou-QnimHe Tablets move the bowels gcRtly, relievos the faverish condition and heatjacl-.e, making it the lest and quiekost remedy for Coughs, Col.-ls anti Lagrippe. Cure,-, in o;ie day. "No eure. no pay." Trice 25 cents. For constipation take Karl's Clover Root Tea, the Great Bload Purifier Cisres Headache, Nervousness, Eruptions on the face, and makes the head clear as a bell. Sold by Graham & Wells. Children like it, it saves their lives. We mean One Minute Cough Cure, the infalli ble remody for coughs, coldi, croup, bron ch'tis, grippe, and all throat and lung troubles. Graham & Wells. M. L. ocum, Cameron, Pa., says, "I was a sufferer for ten years, trying most all kinds of pile remedixs, but without succcis. De-Witt's Witch Hazel Salve was rocoiw meuded to me. I used onu box. It has ef fected a permanent euro." As a permanent cure for piles DuWitt's Witch Hazel Salve has no ;qual. Graham & Wells. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the under signed administrator of the estate ef O. B. Brown, deceased, has filed his final ac count in said estate in the county court of the state of Oregon, for Benton coun ty, and Wednesday, the 4th day of -May, 189S, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, in the county court room in the court house at Corvallip, Oregon, as the time and place fixed for hearing objections, if any, to said final account, and the settlement thereof. Dated this 25th day of March, tSoS. F. M. Johnson'. Administrator. Thousadds ot suHerers from grippe have been restored to health by One Miirite Cough Cure. It quickly cures, coughs, colds, bronehiti.-,, pneumonia, grippe, asth ma, and all throat and lung diseases. Gra ham & Wells. This Is Your Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, a generois sample will be mailed of the most Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely'3 Creara Balm) sufficient to demon strate tho great rxcr-its of i-lio remedy. ELY BIOTHEKS, 56 -Warren St., Ne-j Terk City. Rev. John Pveid, Jr. . of fir-nt Fatts, Moat., recommended Ely's Creaw Kaim to me. I ean emphasise his statement, '"It is a posi tive cure for eatc-.-rh if used ns directed." liev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres. Church, Helena, Moat. Ely's Creara Balm ijs the acknowledged enr-e for catarrh and contains ne mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, 50 cents. Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the co-partnership hitherto existing between W. D. Kay and W. H. Kay, merchants, is this i day dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due the late firm are to be paid j to W. H. Kay, he to assume all liabilities , due by the late firm. W. D. Kay, W. H. Kay. Dusty, Or., Mar. II, 189S. Notice of Final Settlement. In the county court of the state of Or egou for Benton county. In the matter of the estate of J. B. Lee, deceased. ' Notice is hereby given that I have filed my final account as administratrix of : said estate, with the clerk of said court, laud the court has fixed Friday, May 6, 1898, at 10 o'clock, a. m. of said dsy.t the county court room in the court house in Corvallis, Beaton county, Oregou, as : ' , , ., Dated April 6, 1898. Through Tourist Cars to St. .Louis. A tourist sleeping car will leave Port laud every Monday via Mo. Pacific, and every Wednesday via the Burlington route at 8:00 p. ni. via the O. R. & N. 1 through Salt Lake and Denver without change to St. Louis, and uuder the super- vision of experienced conductors. No change of cars to the cities Kansas City : or St. Louis. Keep this service in mind when going east and consult O. R. & N. , agents or address. W. li. HURLBURT, general rasscnger aj;cui, ruiuwiu, ui . LOCAL DISEASE and is the result of colds and sudden climatic changes. It can be cured by a pleasant remedy wich is applied -i-rectly into t.'.e nostrils. I e fagqpic!:ly absorbed it gives relief atcV.ce. Ely's Grsam Balm Is aeknowle3ed to be toe most thorsmgii care for Nasal CatarrH. Cold In Head and Hay Fever of all roionrlioa Tt otiMia nitH rlf'ln SP s the K sa 1 paSSflEes, 1 allays pain and inflammation, heals ithe sores, pro- oftasteaod smell. PHcesocatDmcrsiistsorbyKiail. I Wsa sr. Warre,ffew aork. win All Ready. We are now ready for Spring business with the largest stoeh ever ovened in this section. An immense line of Men's Suits $5.00 to $20.00 An immense line of Yonn? Men's Suits 5.00 to 15.00 An immense line ot Boys' Snits, 9 to 19 years- 3.50 to 10.00 An immense line of Childrens' Suits, 3 to 8 y'rs 1.25 to 6.00 STACKS OF MEN'S BOYS' Shelves and counters Spring overshirts, underwear, hats, caps, shoes, neekwear, hosiery, suspenders, gloves, trunhs, tele scopes, bags, etc, A STRONG LINEas S. BOYS' AND CHILMROS' SWEATERS. S BICYCLE SUITS. PANTS. HOSE, BELTS. HIGH GRADE MERCHANDISE Our tailoring department has bent- replenished with new Spring Suitings. Trowreriiigs, and fine black goods. Dining Parlors SUBSTANTIAL WELL-COOKED MEALS. THE BEST CUP OF COFFEE IN THE COUNTRY. Confectionery. Smoker's Goods. Novelties. AVcgetablePrcparationfor As similating uteFeodandRegula ting ite Stomachs andBowels of Promotes Digcstion,CheeTful ness and Rest.Corrtairts neither OpiumMorptrine nor Mineral. Not Nabcotig. jinise Sc-c d Jippemant -Ji CcibtmatcSoia fiirmSeed -Clm&d Sugar . Mm 'FUmr. Apetfect Remedy for Cons tipa fion, aourStoraach.Piarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature ot NEW YORK. EXACT COPT OF WBAPPEB, State Convention. A republican convention lor the? stale of Oregon is hereby called to meet in the city of Astoria on Thursday, April 14, at 11 a. m., for the purpose of nominating can didates for state and district offi ces, "except congressman," and to transact such other business as may properly eome before said convention. The consist of 285 delegates apportioned among the several counties of (he state as lollows: Baker 6 Benton 7 Clackamas 15 Lincoln 4 Lane 12 Linn 1,2 Malheur 3 Marion 20 Morrow- 4 ! clatsap 10 Columbia 6 Coos 7 Crook 4 Multnomah 60 Cnrry Polk TV..,.,1 ... Sherman 3 Tillamook 5 I Umatilla 11 j Union S Wallowa 3 Wasco 10 Washington 12 Yamhill 1 10 Gilliam 4 Grant 5 Harney 3 Jack.-.on 8 Josephine 5 Klamath 3 Lake 3 The same being one delegate at large for each county and one- del egate lor each 200 votes and frac tion thereof of 50 or over as cast lor William McKinley at the pres idenlial election held in Novcm ber, 1S96. The committee recommends tml fjlc primaries be held Oil Sal , urda V, April 2, and the COuntV AND CHILDREN'S PANTS. bending down with new AT LOW GRADE PRICES. and Bakery. At THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF- IS ON THE WRAPPER 0P EVERY BOTTI E QfW Castoria is vat ap in one-size "settles only. It I Is cct sold ia balk. Boat allow aayeno to sell yoa anything elie on the plea or proaiss that it is just as good" ana will aaswer every pnr- I pose." r Bee tnat yon get u-a-a-1 -u-ii-x-i. TiO lM- - S9 Of - - - - - w - Trapper. conventions Wednesday, April 6, 1898, unless otherwise ordered by the several county committees. O. N. Denny, Sol Hirsch, Secretary. Chairman. Tho farmer, mschanic and ths bicycla rider aro liable to unexpeeted cuts and bruises. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the best thing to keep on hand. It heals quickly, and is a well known cure for piles. Graham & Wells. Catarrh Cured. A clear head and sweet breath secure1, with Shiloh's Ca tarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee. Na sal injector free. Sold by Graham & Wells. Weekly Excursions to the East. A tourist sleeping car will leave Port land every Thursday at 9 p. m. via the O. R. & N. without change to Boston, . and unjer tMe supervision of experienced conductors. No change of cars to Om aha, Chicago. Buffalo or Boston. The ideal trip to the east is now before you. Remember this service when goini; cast and consult. Vr. S. Stonk, Agent O. R. & N. Co., Corvallis, Or. XT. IB- VOG-LE OPTIC! ANgQ Your eves correctly fitted with a pair of SPEX. Hodes & Hairs Ladies Shoes. 1 LADIES who wish to save from one to two dollars on a pair of fine Shoes can do it at . . . . . . KLINE S All lines that will not be renewed for Spring will be sold at the above allowance. All the best makes of goods included in the lot, and must be sold. Onion Laundry 60., POHTLAND, OK.. All white labor work guaranteed. Basket leaves on Tuesdays and arrives Saturdays. T. D. CAMPBEIX, Ageat, Second-Han! S-tare. G. R. FARRA, M.D. Office npstairs over F. L. Miller's store. Residence on Third street in frent of courthouse. Office hffliirs S to 9 a. m., and I to 2 and 7 to 8 p. ni. All calls attended promptly. LOUIS G. ALTMAN, M. D., Homeopathist. Office: Over Allest & Woodward's drugstore. Residence: Corner Third and Harrison Sts. ho- l&Sv: Gorvallis,Or. BOWEN LESTER DENTIST Office upttatn oarer First National Burk. Strictly First-Class Work Guaranteed Corvallis. Oregon 46 THE RESORT" THOS. WHITEHORN, Prop. W. H. McBrayer and Old Crow Whis kys, Fine Wines, Liquors an4 Cigacs. Qregon) hort) Ugj The Safest, Quickest, Cheapest ROUTE FOR ALL POINTS East and Southeast. For full particulars regarding rates, time of trains, etc., call on or address GEO. F. EGLIN, W. E. COWAN, Agt., Corvallis. General Agent, 124 Tkiird St. Porrland, Or E. HOLGATK. M. L. HOLSATK- HOLGATE & SON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW CORVALLIS, OREGON Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby gi-.en that the under signed administratrix of the estate of An drew Purdy, diceased.has filed her final ac count in said estate in tha county court ef the state of Oregon, for Benton eounty, and Tuesday, the 3rd day of May, 1S98, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, in tho county court room in the ciurt house in Corvallis, Ore gon, as the timo and place Exed for hearing objection;, if any, to said nal account and the settlement thereof. Dated this 18th day of March, 1898. FANNIE E. PURDY, Administratrix. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has beeH duly appointed executor of the estate of Samuel Rice deceased, by tha county court of the state of Ore gon for Benton county. All persons hav ing claims against said estate are requir ed to present the same properly verified to me at my residence in Kings Valley, Oregon, or at the law office of E. Hol gate in Corvallis, Oregon, withm six months from the date of this notice. Dated April I, 1898. Charles Edwin Rice. Executor. A little boy askod for a bottle ol' "get up in tho morning as fast as you can." Tho druggist recognized a hosehold aim for 'DeWitt's Little Early Riser," and gave him a bottle of those famus little pills for constipatUn, ick headaehe, liver nnd stom ach troubles. Graham & WclU. S. L. KLINE, The Regulator of Low Prices TO THE. EAST GIVES THE CHOICE OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES mm mm m m VIA VIA mm SAL? LAKE urnmrous mm 11 Ml OMAHA AND AND CHICAGO tMkl CUT OCEAN STEAMERS OREGON, SCO. W. ELDER AND filTY OF TOPEKA Leave Portland every five lays fo: Alaska Points OCEAN STEAMERS ' LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY A DAYS Steamers Monthly from Portland to Yokohorna and Hng Kong in connection with O. R. & . JTttr full inlWrnaation auM on . li. X. agnnt, W. S. stne, Coi vallis. Or., on address: W. H. HURLBURT, GEN 'L PASS PORTLAND, OR DODWELX. CARLILL & CO. GEN. AGENTS SOR. 1AC. S S Co. PORTLAND, OR. EAST and SOUTH VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific ComDanv EXPRESS TRAIKS RUN DAILY. C:9 P. M. I Leivc !: A. M I Laave 7:45 A. M I Arriv Portland Arrire 0:30 A. M. Albany Arrivu ! H:0 A. M. S. Francisco Leave I S:9 P. M Above train stop at all principal station! between Portland and Salum, Turner. Ma rion, Jeffersen. Albany. Tangxnt SUfdd. HaUev, Harribur.;r, Junction City, Bun-ne, Creswell, Cottage Grove, Drains, snd all station from Ksseburgte Ashland, inclusive. Reseburg Mail Daily. S:M A. M. ! Luvc 15:25 P. M. I Lcve 5:5 P. M. I Arrive Portland Albany Roseburff Arrive I 4:30 P. M Arrive )2:5P. M Leave ! T:3 A. M vrc::::u: Divisigs. BETWEEN rOUTLAKD AND C'OKVALLIS Mall Trait. 2:il? E:ept Zvti&j. 7:3 A. U. 12:14 P. M. Leave Arrive Portland Ccrvallia Arrive 6:58 P. M Leave 1 :e P. M ' At Albany and Corvallis connett with trains ef the Orexm 1'acific ltailrwad. Exp rest T:ais. Iiily Ercc;t Szziiy. 4:59 P. M. Lraive Portland Arrive 8:25 A. M. 7:30 P. M. I Arrive McMinnvillc Leave 1 5:6 A. M. S:3 P. M. i Arrive Independence Leave 4.58 A. SI. Direct connection at San Francisco with Occidental and Oriental and Pacific mail steamship lines far JAPAN AND CHINA. Sailing dates an application. Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also JAPAN, CHINA HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA, can be obtained from A. K. MILNER, Ticket Agent. Corvallis. R. KOEHLER, C. H. MARKHAM, Manager. A G F & P. A. Portland, Or. E. R BRYSON, Zierolf Building. Fire Insurance. Collections promptly attended to. F. M. JOHNSON ATTORNEY AT LAW CORVA.LUS, ORBGOK. Does a general practice in all tke courts. Also ages for all the first-class insurance companies .