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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1897)
Issaed Every Friday Morning by Theikzette, Mftisiing 'Oo. I01WALLIS, OREGON. Dec. io, 1897. COLLEGE SPORTS. . The acliifevcme'Ats of the O. A. C football team of 1897 will be long remembered. - An un,- broken line of victories, unmarr ed Toy even aii accusation of foul playing lias been won by the eleven young gentlemen who en listed m the athletic campaign for the honor of their college. The citizens of Corvallis have shown their appreciation of the magnificent work of the boys in contributing verv liberally to ward the team's expenses, and in many other ways the cordial relation existinsr between the town and college has been mani fested. The football season is over, but the field day sports are com iner on and there is a general de sire that the intercollegiate field day events next June be held at ' Corvallis. If suitable grounds can be secured and put in proper conditioB, . it is very probable that the June games will come to Corvallis, this town being by far the best patron - of college sports in the valley. The board of regents have but little . money to use for- athletic T)urtoses. but doubtless would contribute as mwch as the citi zens would raise. The matter will be taken in hand at once by some of the leading business men, and when Corvallis busi ness men make a start they make also a creditable finish. ABOUT BOLTING. Dusty, Or-, dec. 5, 1897, To the Editor: I observe that you say, LOra is seeking a re nomination. ' ' I notice also your editorial statements that he is un- fit for the position. Further, the GiETTE is a republican paper . f . . 7 - - 1 " a bolter. , tT secures the rendmltratfon next June, will the Gazette support an unfit man or will it bolt? . iogic is logic. ' Republican TheGAZETTE will not "bolt." LOgic is logic but all argument is not logic. We- support political principles' through political par ties and proper discipline is as necessary in political as in other organizations. Newspapers and public men jwho ' believe in par ties and associate- - themselves with a party, volunteering advice and expecting, if their advice is followed, support of their fellow partisans who have advised other wise, have no right to ''bolt" a party nomination because the nominee does not suit them. Such action is an exhibition of weakness, of lack of self-control, ' Iturtbermore presumes a super- iority of judgement ;and honesty SVl-t - - T- It . I T-- 7 7 V7U uai ir vrx luc uuiiua. Public journals and public men , cannot pmperly--a,hfree dom of political action that is the Ixrd-is nominated by a republi can convention, this paper wil not tight him. His nomination would be unrighteous and unwise, lor he is unfit and unpopular but the Gazette feels itself un equal to the task of.-forming new party, and being thoroughly satisfied with republican doctrines , will not offend good taste and good sense by fighting Lord, if the republican party nominates hun Our frank enquirer is frankly answered, ) Let us refuse to take the Ore- "gbniah; seriously.. It cries, "cal amity! calamity ! Portland is a -. den of thieves and all its' wavs are ways of iniquity. " Let "not this deter people from Oregon towns and the country from vis iting the state's metropolis, Portland is no wickeder than us ual in fact the control of the f criminal element is more niani fest now than it was under the Simon regime. Pennoyer is crank and a demagogue, but he deserves fair treatment and it is scarcely creditable in a big news- : paper to slander its town for the " sake of local politics. The common council sits as a jury next Friday evening to de terinine the truth and importance of charges preferred against the chief of police- ' As far as the council men themselves are con cerned, this trial is to a great ex- .tent a mere matter of form. Tli en- know the facts and know e.,:.etiy what the evidence will !.. rlt is no imputation upon t -r fairness to say that doubt '.'. every member knows now ic. -v he will vote. --. 'if mem her this is winter. TIs(5c rain storms are not alto gether pleasant, but they are vastly superior to some winter weather. .. . . - - Ci i.;, ' i ' - Ladies, Take the Best, ' ' If . you are troubled' with constipation, Sallow Skin, and a Tired Feeling', take Karl's Clover" Ta, it ts pleaiant t take. Sold by Gra l-aiM & Wells. The Eegisier- extends c-'-'gratu- ations to the Oivgon Agricultural Collego football Unm and the Col lege it represents, for thu splendid victory which won tpr Oregon tne northwest championship. .- . As much. as we should like to sea the U. of O. have the honor, we aro oral to our slafo and all of its in stitutions and are correspondingly Droud of the O A. C. Jiugene Register. Pure, genuine sport has a fas cination for all men with healthy minds. It' is; a --recreation and tonic for the'- intellect.- True college sport' such as the foot ball game played at corvallis Saturday, where the contestants are actuated byr college, toyalty and the genuine athletic spirit. lifts - the mind - from1- sordid thoughts and gives -. the .blood healthy activity,. , ' Pres. McKinley, in . his' mes sage, is plain and practical. ; He deals with the uuoau question in a manner satisfactory -to the sober sentiment, of ' the nation. The financial qustions are given most most prominence: The message will be n viewed at length next week. The estimate of Whitman's services that appears in another column is. that of a pioneer fa miliar withV- Oregon history, and a mau of excellent .judgment. Judge Burnett's article is a valu- able contribution to the Whit man literature. . . - PHILOMATH NB"VT3 UTTBB. Dora Boles returned from Port land Thursday. Samuel McLain went to 4 Chit' wood Monday Prof. Emerick Is attending pro traded meeting, at Irving. Ed Bryan was at Monroe sev eral days last week attending to legal business. - itev. J. lv JrarKer ana wile are in Yamhill county looking after church and college matters, There was a full vote polled at the city election .Monday, with the following result: Mayor. tu. Dixon; recorder, J. W.Spaulding: treasurer. (Jharles Davis; couneil raen,. vy a y oiiy, juswortn ustu ers, Dr. Loggan, JN. W. Allen Thos. Cooper and W. T. Bryan. COLLEGE .OF.. PJIlLOJIATil. Prof Davis -: visited Corvallis Monday. Miss Huggins has taken rooms with Tena Hull. Mr. N. E. Watkins is suffering from a severe cold and sore throat. jxev. uocKing preached a spe cial temperance sermon Sunday J at 3 p. m. - - . ; . - H. C. and W. T, Wy aft have gone to Marioii-to'look alter busi ness interests.- ' . . Mrs. Hull and daughter Minnie, were the guests of Miss Tena Hull Saturday and-Sunday. Prof. Davis, gave an interesting talk at chapel Tuesday morning on the , greater, .attention of pro tiounciation. ;. .-. ... - -r PHILOMATH COLLEGE. ; The two literary societies are' to work together. ,in. getting -up tjie new hall. ' ,' Mr.' Kobert Grabtree and Mr. Norton entered school since out latest report. '. We have been so buried in-work that we have been utterly unable to itemize for a couple -of weeks. The fall term is nearing its close ana students are once more re minded of the flight "of 'time. However, i is - only justice to teachers and students to say that a good term's work. has been done, The regular public rhetorical will be giverj Tuesday evening, December 14th. An enjoyable time is expected, and lofty ideas will be liberally dispeaced. Mr. Tk TIT "I . uon wooawara, our instructor in guitar music, will be present and furnish one, of the most delightful teatures ol the occasion. -- " DPSIY. The dance at . Staatruf 's last week in some respeets was a sue cess. . Chas. Gregg-has moved his fam ily to Robert Kyle's place near the ehapel. Robert Mires and Wade Ma lone came out from Alsea last there will be a Christmas tree at Simpson's chapel on Christmas day at It o'clock. J. B. Goodman has been con hued to his room the last few days with rheumatism. Bunker Hill nd Green. Ridge schools will give a combined en tertainment in the near future. Mr. Pickens and family- were guests of Geo. Householder and Vick Buckingham this week. They hail from Eugene. John and Stephen Howell, of Portland, are in this vicinity on business. They are also visiting their brother, Milton. Wm. Steele and family, of Su- ver,were visiting with Mrs.Steele's brother and sister, Al Tharo and Mrs. A. P. Starr, of this place. " . Samantha? Be not Deceived! A Cougk, Hearse, ness or Croup are not to be trifled with. A dose in time of Shiloh's Cnre will save yon muck trouble. ' Sold . by' Graham. & WHs. - . ' ' " ' 1 WBIrXS ITEMS. T. L". Tomlinson and wife spent Sunday with friends here. James Johnson,- of Hoffman, . .. i .. j 1 1 i,: was visiting menus tier iai week..; - Quite a number from here at tended the football game at Cor vallis last Saturday. Henrv Cauthorn has returned from his mountain ranch. Ha re ports'the grass growing nicely and stock doing well. Miss Cora Goff, who has been stavuiff with Mrs. lomlinson ior tke last three months, returnea home this week. There is to be a sociable at the North Palstiue Baptist church on Saturday evening, December 11 Everybody invited. The A grade froni- the public sehoel suiDiised Prof. Holman on the evening of the 3rd, it being his- birthday. They all repor having a nice time. H9FFK1X ITBMS. 11. J. Moore spent Sunday with his family. Some much needed work was done on our roads a few days ago, Sunday school was well attend ed Sunday and muoh interest man fested. Mr. T. B. WiUiamspn has made a great change in his appearance by shaving oft his oeara. The Klondike store and postof fice have .changed hands, being now in Mr. Coffee's charge. Elmer Williamson, who has been suffering for -some time with tvplioid fever, is some better; G. V. Goff is very busy in his Cooper sliop t his winter, and claims to find ready sale for all the bar rels he can make. Henry Prettvman was suddenly taken very dangerously ill last Wednosday evening and Thursday he became unconscious. ...In our community is located one of Satan's best traps, against which .we would earnestly warn our young men and boys. Mr. Emmett Williamson has planted his engine in the mud on the hillside within a few hundred yards of home. Though it is near home, -he fears it will stay there for some time. -. FAIRMOTJNT NEWS. The football fever struck down here and carried some ot our friends to Corvallis Saturday to help yell. I wish some one would send you some items lrom our $lace, aud as no one has I will send you two or three. . - - -, l'Mrs. Rautnahn, of Toledo, who taught school here a few years ago when shewas Miss Gregsonp making a-'brief visit in the neigh borhood. ; ' ' ' The 'gardeners are making things shipshape for the winter, and perehance the high water as well.. Mr. Kelly has his beets dug: and holed up. School is out for the time being and I do not think either teacher or scholars are sorry, considering the weather. As I saw Miss Flock and her flock but Jittle, I can tell but little about her school, but think it a fairly successful one. The marriage of Mr. H. J. Reece and Mrs. Lizzie Walton was celebrated Thanksgiving evening. The boys gave them a serenading that kept them awake till the wee small hours, and the scamps were called into the house and filled with pie and cake. When will v"nr boys and men be educated to th- point of not making, them selves odious in other words of hiinding their own business. Alma, OAK GEOVJJ KOTBS. Miss Anna Karstens returned home Sunday after several weeks sojourn in Linn county. Many of our people.even the elder ly ones, have the Klondike fsver, and no doubt a company will be organized to start for there in the spring. ,' . J. N. Hoffman has .moved his entire stock of stationery and other goods to Albany. He has rented a part of C. E. Brownell's store building near the, postoffice, hvhich he intends 'to occupy, this winter. , There is to be speaking at school this Friday afternoon, and a pleasant and enjoyable time is expected for any who may attend these exercises. Scx'DD. BIrOSGSTT KIW& . There was good attendance at bunday school Sunday. .; W. A. Gellatly went to Albany one day last week. Mr. Schultz, of Albany, drove spine beef cattle out of thi valley on Sunday and Monday. Rena Norton and Vina Pitman, Bert James and B. W. Tayler were among the number who went to see the football game. , .. News Boy. : Mrs. M. B. Ford. BuddeH', 111., suffered for eight yaars from dyspepsia and chronic conitination and was finally cured bv using lie Witt's Liittle Jbarly Kiscrs, the fameug little pills for all stomach and liver troubles. Alton & Woodward. J. A. Perkins, of Antiquity, O., was for thirty years needlessly tortured by physi cians far tho cure of eczema. He was quick ly cured by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Skive, the famous healing salve for piles end skin disease. Allen & Woodward. ' v Whitman and Other Pioneeik- The gathering at Walla Walla on the 29th iust. in commemork tion of the life and services cf Marcus Whitman having attract ed much attention, we publish an extract from the occasional ad-' dress delivered by Judge Burnett, of this city, before th pioneer Ss- sociation of Oregon last June, bearing on the question .of Whit man's services, as well as that of other pioneers: : Passing from this esiily histori cal sketch and the scenes therein depicted, to tiose tranipiring at a ater dale 111 Oregon, we hnd the v . -r pioneer missionaries, jasou iee, Daniel Lee, P. L. Edwards, Cyrus Shepard, Mr. - Spaulding and. Dr. Whitman, aud tlieir wives, labor ing in the intereats of their. coun try, and obeying the divine com mand of their "Divine! Master to spread the knowledge" of the go pel among the heathen, lhpy yer- the men who could each fruthlully say to polished oriitoriTaiid learn ed" statesmen, as C:istus Marius said to the Ilenian .sens.t,orsi.,'I come not to you with eloqiumt words; you speak well of gns'ai actions, but I have done the deeds which so oxalt the Roman . 11 anurK. Dr. Whitman was an extraordi nary man, and whether we belie the claim just or not that htw- been asserted for himr . to wit: That he saved Oregon to the Uni ted States, we cannot but admire his bravery and indomitable ; pcr- severence and "place uis name high upon the rolls of honored pioneers, for his - brave .winter lournev m as -wen as otner noble deeds. The iact that the Ashburtou treaty was signed in 1842 does not pro e that Dr. Whitman, was not honestly of the opinion iH QctOber of that year that he 'might be of great benefit in securing :Uregou to America, for the only news rhe could then gel was 'brought by the emigration of 1842, which, lie re ceived in Septemberjpf that yeaY and that was to the effect that Lord Ashburton had Gome I Ho Washington to, negotiate a treaty He could not have known inthore days that the treaty was made Be fore he left Oregon, and nothing but a high resolve and strong eoii viclion, such as come only to ma ter minds, of the necessity of such a trip, could have induced him to undertake such a'Hercir lean task. x-Thu whiter ride across the American continent has beeum classic, and is worthy to be sung by an epic poet. 1 he masculine and heouc trails of Whitman's char acter came grandly out i the story of his grifli death struggles with the forces of nature. Again and again he was worsted in the encounter, but never debated. Each - accumulation of difficuli ig late his courage. Aiid'odetermma lion, until one might almost say' lhat the: snows; melted befsre the (ire of his purpose, and the passes ol the mountains opened at the s-iunintins of his undaunted will: - lion. El wood Evans, in his aid dress to the Oregon pioneer asso: ciation in 1877, said of him;" an Oregon audience no assur ance that Dr. . Whitman aiid his devoted companion ..were among tho very best of their race; that their hospitality ad kindnes have been of the utmost service to the weary emigrant en routs to the Willamette. Pages could bf devoted to the praise -ol -Jheir many good works. They were philanthropists, practical devoted christians, who literally- obeyed the divine injunction, "Go ye' into all th world andpr.ciafch' the' gos- ( pel to every creature."' 'All -wear ing the image of their Maker shared--their -, sympathy. , Thy labored with a devotion unceasing and a zeal most disinterested to christianize the Indian, le confer upon him the habits of civilizl tion. The Indian never had a more sincere and earnest friend, yet. the ungrateful wretches, for whos benefit Dr. Whitman spent: long years of arduous toil and suf fered ; great privations, rewarded him with cold blooded murder and mutilation. He fell in- the very: act of bestowing mercrf nl "charity to his iiesailants. One Indian was in front of him attracting his at tention by rsceiving medicine for his sick children, while a confed erate' 'stealthily approaching him from the rear,-sent a tomahawk crashing through his brain.'- The great emigration to Oregon be tween the years 1840 and. 1846 by their numbers and character final ly determined the question ofoc: cupancy, and brought into Oregon some of the brightest and strong est names that adorn pioneer his tory. The formation of the pro visional government shows that, our pioneers were not only home builder.", but that they were, gov ernment builders and bunded bet ter than they knew.' I think ife may be coneeded that the. proris ional government of Oregon was the crowning, glory of the Oregon pioneers. In the ranks of the pio neers were to be found men who were specimens of the .best .pro ductions .of American ; manhood. and among the names ..which adorn the pages of the pioneer history ot Oregon, can be found. those who were the equals of the immortal hand who sent forth to the world the declaration - that governments are instituted among men tor the benefit of the govern- edjthat just powers of government are derived from the consent- of the governed:'that all men are created equal;-; that they are en: do wed by their creator with cer tain inalienable rights and among Groceries ' For the. Christmas Season, Fresh, Excellent Quality, ; Splendid. Assortment, ' -Prices Reasonable. xxxx A. HODES, Keadquarters Elegaiit Cliristmas; . 3 No veitiesx--Bs , tI - . ... Articles Combining the Toy Bazar A little money - THE CASH STORE ft AVege tablePreparatienfor As glHiflating iteroodandReiila tixig the Stomachs andDoweis of i8IVlW3.Sl-!Ka,.lliM''Jt--B PtofflotesTHgesUpn,Cheerful ness andrtest-Coatains neither Opnun.Moiphine nor Mineral. Not Nab j otic. JnmiStat f fam Seed - Aoerfect Remedy for Cons tina- Hon, Sour-Stomach.Diarrhoca, Worms Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. - TacSiniile Signature of , "NEW "YOHK: EXACT COPT OF WRAWEB. I. these are life, lib'-rly and (he pur suit, of happiness. - And the names of Jefferon, Adams, Han cock and Lee find their counter parts in those of Applegate, Nesmith, Dady and Williams. Brown Rot. . Says tie Oregon Agriculturist: "We have received from W. L Beal, Ph. D., professor of botany in the Michigan agricultural col lege," the" following note, written LNov. 13, 1897: : "To the Editor: A copy of ypiir paper has recently been sent me, containing .an account of the brown rot by Professor Cord ley. who is an enthusiast upon ihi ami kindred subjects. Sonic ii::ie hi while working at this .:llf;e on brown rot, he found by his experi ments that (he spores grew so rap idly that they got the start of hitn during the intervening hours of the night. Not to be outdone he fixed np a new lot of spores for germination in prune juice, and .brought in some blankets to the laboratory, where he stayed two Bights - that he might examine these spores every -two or three hours. 1 And here he performed some experiments, funding (hat these spores would grow well on strawberries, raspberrie, black berries, rose hips, green hazel nuts, and some other thiugs. . W. J. Beal" CATARRLm LOCAL DISEASE aal is the result ef esMt ana sua den elimatio ehaagaa. It oaa be eared by a pleasant remedy which is ana-lied eu- saeUy into the nostrils. Se- ineaaCckiy absorbed it gires relief atexce. Ely's Gream Balm is aekaawleeVed to be the most thorough ears for Kasal Catarrh, Cold ia Head and Hay fever of ail maediaa. it aacas aad cleanses tha nasal itassages, allays pain and inSamnaation, heals the sores, pro tests the membrane from colds, restores the senses eftaste and smell. Price 0c. at Dreitj,i(a or by mail. SsVT SitOtHEKS- M VrnieuBboeuKen Xbtk. For Sale. One hundred asres nearly level land tn.m. which most of the timber has been removed . Good pasture and fruit land. Would mnkc a fine home for some person of small mean?-. Situated about one mile east of Summit station on O. C. & E. R. R, Also ' luU 4. 5 aDd 6 in block 1, Summitville, on O. C. & E. R.R., 22 miles west of Corvallis. A good storo buildiDft with living roo:ns over head on these lots. Good place for a g.M- eral merchandise store. If yu mtn l.n i ness and want something that can bo ia' cheat, write or eall on - . F. M. JOHNSON, v i. . Corvallis, Orog 11 Jiea TTv(ii1iioa anA Raftf.v. Will Please You will buy much, at THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE of . IS OIT THE WRAPPE 0? EYESY ' I Oatori 1 pnt pltt-ilt lottlsa irnJ,ir u tot tilt la Dulb iMat allow snyow 10 seu 70s anytUng elia x the plaa or proauie tlut it is M jnst as good" and "win ioto ctbt pnl. pose." irSee tbat yoo set C-A-3-T-0-X-I-. Administrator's Notice ot Sola. . Hotice i h'ffthy jrivsn that hy Tjrtuo of a liccnte aad order .' l.r duly lf ued out of county court for Uiitii county, Or.n, on the 7th day of Dnci.il7rr..l8n7, in the mat ter of lheatntuof W. II. H. Ric,dec.-as.dt the iinderii);nnd ezeutr of nid astat. -wilt on Saturday, the 8th da; ef January, IA9S, at the hour of 1 o'clock,")), ni. of (aid day, at tha front door ef the court houte, in the city of Corvallif, Benton county, Oregon, sell at public auction to tho highest bidder tha real property belonging to jaid aitate, dovcribad as -follows: . Lot l and -3 of half block 26 in the County addition to Corvallis, Oregen. Also lots 1, 2, 3. 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 in Nicholas' 1st addition to Corrallis, Oregon, all in Benton county.Or egoa. Terms of Sale cash in hand. .' ' Corvallis, Oregon, December 8, 1897. H. C.S UTE, Executor. . ; P. O. Address, Medford, Oregon. It is easy to catch a cold and just as easy ti get rid . of it if you eommeace early to u:e One Minute Cough Cure It cures cough, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia and all throat and lung troubles. It is pleasant to take, safe to use and surt to cure. Mien & Woodward. Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrisbnrg, Pa., says: "My child is worth millions to me; yet I would have lost her by croup had I not in vested twenty-five cent ia a bottle of One Minute Cough . pure." It cures coughs, colds andj.ll throat and lung troubles. Al len fe Wood -yard,. F. M. JOHNSON ATTORNEY AT LAW COKVA1XIS," GREGOV JJo-.s a general practice in all the courts. " Also xgent I r nil Uttt first-clajs insurance :aaijB A. P. T. L. The American Protective Tariff League is a national organization advocating . "Protection to American Labor and. Industry " as explained by its constitu tion, as follows : "The object of thia League shall be te preteet American labor by a tariff on imparte, which ahaU adequately cure Amtrican induetrial preduet againet the competition of foreign labor. . There are no personal or private profits in connection with the organiza tion and it is sustained by memberships, contributions and the distribution of its publications. Fl RST : Correspondence is solicited regarding " Membership." and " Official Correspondents. 8EC0ND: We need and welcome contributions, whether small or large, to our cause. . THIRjJ: We publish a large Nne of document eorering all phases of the Tariff question, Ceap plate set will be mailed toany addreeefor SO cents. reURTH: Send postal card request for free, ample copy of -the "American -Economies." Address Wilbur F. Wakeman. niimel flail SSaajj Wee 23d Stvaa. New Yarts - , T Christmas Christmas J.897. The most Elegant Line of Christmas Goods ever displayed Consisting of- Dolls 5c, ioc, 25c, 50c, 75c, 1.00 and up to $5.00. Manicure Sets, Work Boxes, Toilet Cases from 1.00 to $10.00. - Mirrors, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Glove and Handkerchief Bdxes in Celluloid and Silk. . Silk Umbrellas, Silk Handkerchiefs, Mufflers. . Dress Goods and Fine Clothing, also, an Elegant Line of Indies', Misses' and Gent's Fine Shoes All suitable .for Holiday presents, at . -- KLINE' S, Tke a TO THE EAST GIVES THE CHOICE OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROXJTKS mmu RAILWAY. shout mi VI SALT LASE MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL an a . . mm , EAH.AS CITY LOW RATES IN ALL EASTERN CITIES. OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS Staamars Monthly freua Portland to Yokohama and Hang KongjTia, The Mortharn Pacific Steamship Ce. in nneetion with O. R. & X. 'Tar rnll InfxmatiftH rail on O. K. Tf. agastt Oaa. Jtglia, Cairallia, Or., W. H..HURLBURT, I -aft-l. P Acrrr, . BTLAND, Oil - -. .- r t"''. DR. L. Q. ALT MAN aijjff1 "m saasaal aw Aao fc Waadwardfs t atan. ( rajaa Homm S ta X Mi M., aa4 S WrS mm T ta( . At tmimvet art aasl Karrtaaa mhr : sai' on ainaajn. BOWEN LESTER DENTIST ee faiaSTs aaret Tint National Basat. SlrltMr nrt-4Kas Work Ctaranteeel G. R. FARRA M.D. Office upstairs over T. L. Miller's storey Residence on Third street in frent ef courtkoasc. Office hears S to 9 a. m., and 1 ta a and 7 to S p. m. All calls attended promptly. W. S. YATJtS, J. ritgDjTATW. YATES YATES & CORVALUS, ORKGOW K. HOLOATK. H. U HOLGATK. HOLGATE & SON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW COltTAiLIS, REOGN He Cure No Pay. That is the way all GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TON--IC for Malaria, Chills and Fever. It ?i sipiply iron and . quinine in a tasteless form. Children love it Adults prefer it to bitter, nauseating Toaies. ; Christmas -rw-n . BX JiJLlIlC Sn Regnlator of Low Prices. . - y ' GO EAST : VIA v America' s Scenic - Line ixreat Meals in I Dining I Car a la ' Northern Rock Ballast He DusC Carte." H-A.2tSr-CIt 3S.OTTT.EJ - TWK AI.I.-RAII. ROVTlt ; TO KOOTliXAI MINIXC DISTRICT VIA. SKATl'I.K AND sroKANK ' Shortest and Quickest 'T Ants' to j St. Paul, Minneapolis J Duliuh, Cliicago j AND ALL POINTS EAST. I T.e Limited leaves rrt!aud, daily, 1-4; T. M. 1 The Liixite, arriTes Portland, daily, 11:59 A. iXHUGUfiH PALACE dTOURIST SLEEPERS; DININC and LIBRARY OJ.SERVATION CAliS. -Daily Trails rr Fast Time I stRvicr. and acKKMRYt'KiiSiXun. .' For tickets aud fall information call an or address, - j R. C. Sthvkns. A. B. C. Dksmistok, U. W. f. A., Seattle. C r. ft T. A., j rortUad. Or". & EASTEEIT B. R. CO. Yaquina By Route Oaarctint at YAQt'INA AT wi'h the . . - - W Sao Francisco & Yaquina Bay ji..,,?ST.A.MSHIP COMPANY. STEAMSHIP "PRESIDENT." Sails from Yaquina avar? 8 days far Saa Francic, Coos Kay, and ilumbeldt Kay. Fttnenrtr AMaainodaUoiii Varaaaad ShorUst routs Vttwtaa tke 'VfillasaatU Valley and California. Fare fraa Alay aad. Points. Week t 9a Franeism: (TT.Lin ' a AA Steerage " M Round trip good for 80 days, $17.M. To Coos Bag: Cabin SS M To Humboldt Bay aad Pert Orferd: Cabin .... ..v. fid M Stetrage ......... ......... M EIVER DIVISION. steamer "ALBANY" betweta Portlaad and Corvatlis, through without lav-over. Leaving Corvallis 6:39 a. in. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays: leaves Portland, Yamhill St. Dock, 0:00 a. m., Monday, Wednesdays and Friday:. EDWIN STONE, Manager, v J. C. MAYO, Supt Biver Div., H. H. CXONISE, A-nt, Corvallis, Or EAST and SOUTH VIA . THE SHASTA ROUTE Southern Pacifia OomDfnj EXHISS VRAIK8 aOK DAILT. :0e P. M. I Leare :S A. M. I Un 7: A. M. j ArriTe Portland Arrire I S:SS A. If . A Ifcany Arrire S:ee A. If. S. Fmneiiee Leare I t:M t. If . Above trains stop at all principal, stations between Portland and Salem, Turner, Ma rion, Joffersen. Albany. Tangent, Saeddt, Halsey, Harrisbur, Junction City, JLureae, Creswell, Cottage Grovt, Traias, and all stations from Koieburg to Ashland, mclanve. ReseUurj Mail Daily. -.. t:S A. M. I Leare U4 P. U. I Leave S:M P. hi. I Arrire Portland Albany Boiefeurjr Arrive Arrire Leave 4 Sr. hf l!:UP. U T: A. M- Ttstiiis Bliidn. BETWEEK POKTLAMD AXD VOKVALLIS. KtUTrslx. lJlylserit tuaj. 7: A. M. I Leave Portland Arrive S:M P. ht. 12:14 P. iL I Arrive Cervallii Leave l.-M P. M. At Albany aad Corvallis connect with trains ef the rejton Pacifle KaHread. BxprsstSiauv. IiCj Sxuet Sular. 4M P. M. 7M P. it. I:3S P. M. Leave PorUaad Arrive I S:W A. ht . Arrive IfcMianville Leave (:MA. li. Arrive Indepeadence Leare 4.SS A. If. Direct connection at Saa Francisco with Occidental and Oriental and Pacific mail steamship lines for JAPAN AMD CHINA. Sailine dates en application. dni-OTir..isirr,'Kte9'0'i'!ticwt4 Eastern peinta uruggusis 'ecu 1 , w n .iiviu ruTvi HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA, can be obtained from A. JC. MILKER. Ticket 'Ajfeht, Corvallis. Manager. A.G. F.P. A. frf;