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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1897)
Issued Ercry Friday Morning by fhe Gazette Publishing Go. EORVALLIS, OREGON, July 9, 1897. FUSION FOR SPOILS. The action of the populists in declaring against fusion, is encour aging to patriotic citizens. The so called union party organized at Albany recently, is but an at temptby old party politicians, to secure offices ior themselves and ther friends. It is an effort to en list voters of conflicting beliefs under one banner to engage in a piratical political enterprise. This involves the sacrifice of principle, and the populists honor themselves in breaking lose from the combin tion. But this alliance is no more dishonorable than the one that feimon ana his minions are urging. The proposition that the republicans and national demo crats combine to secure con trol of Hie state offices, insults both patties. The conditions that obliterated party lines and issues last fall, no longer exist. There is no reason lor such a union, no pur pose in it, except the desire for .spoils. No self respecting repub lican or democrat will sanction the movement. The men who are ever ready to -sacrifice or trim their principles, are not safe counselors. The country is suffering from too much politics of the practical variety, and it is not the part of patriot ism to further the cause of these fusionist 3 for spoils. Simon's object in agitating a fusion with Cleveland democrats is apparent. The men who at present control the national demo cratic organization in Oregon, are Simon democrats. O. E. S. Woods is Corbett's lawyer. Zera Snow is a partner of Wallace McCamant. Simon's only hope of securing con trol of the republican party is through the strength these men can lend him in a iusion deal. Through Bourne, Far From Simple Simon has effectively managed the populists, but the old line democrats are made of startler stuff. It is the glamor that distance gives that has led so many Ore gonians to other lands in search of mining employment. The mining edition of the Morning Oregonian, a complete and interestingly writ ten description of the industry in its several branches is this state, establishes the claim that Oregon mines are as numerous and im portant as those of any other sec tion. The edition is a valuable compendium for those interested in any way in the business of mining. w 'V . The county -court has; given the people of Benton cod nty a Fourth of July present in the hews,'if the handsome reduction S)tMhe county debt. The showing made during the last fiscal year is 1111 expectedly good and there . ha.s been no diminution of efficient ser vice in any department. The members of the court are to be congratulated. The silver cause is dead. With men like Debs, Coxey and Watson condemning it as a delusion, and men as DeBoies and Bailey admit ting its failure as a political issue, it has lost the strength that made it dangerous. The political battles of the future will fought on other grounds. Bicycles Again. July 4, 1S97. Ed. Gazette: I see that some have misunderstood my meaning in reference to enforcing the bi cycle ordinances of this city.. They seem to think because I liae call ed their - attention to these laws, that I have a special spite at bi cyle riding, but such is not the case. What has been said and done has been for the very best in terest of both wheelmen and pe destrians, and right here I wish to drop a word to those who do not ride a wheel. You must remem Dea mat wneeimeu nave rights as well as yourself, and that they shall be protected in their rights as well as those who go .011 foot, ride in vehicles or ride on horse back. We should remember t hat there is plenty of room for us all, if we will only act the lady jaiul gentleman, and learn to respect others rights, as we wish others to respect ours. I hope this brief explanation will be . sufficient, and that all will move along harmon iously together. ' . C. B. Wells. When your inower, binder, thresher, engine or other farm machinery breaks or gets out of order, take it to the Frank lin Machine Company. Dou't nauseate your stomach with teas and bitter herbs, but regulate yoar liver and sick headache by using those fa mous little pills known as De Witt's Lit tle Early Risers. Allen & Woodward.' Agricultural implements repaired at the iraukhn Machine shops. "1 crave but One Minute," said the speaker in a husky voice; and then a he took a dose of One Minute Cough Cure, and proceeded with his oratory. One Minute Cough Cure is unequaled for throat and lung .troubles. Allen & Woodward. " FOR SALE. Ranch 180 acres with good improvements, for .sale on time; payment taken in grain. ' ' . E. Maude, Monroe, Or. THE FARMEBS PLEASED The Election of President Gatch Gives Great Satisfaction in the County Other News. HONROB ITEMS. Contractor Peterson of Beaver Creek will build the cattle bridge on the new' road north of town. Blaekberry pickers are now having a royal harvest. One woman and her daughter recently picked ten gallons in one half-day outing, iear Lancaster. Several Corvallis people attend ed the dance at Monroe Friday night. Among them were Ned Smith, Edgar Smith, Ed and Lee Wells, and others too numerous to mention. The celebration ball at Monroe was a well attended affair, and a merry crowd of dancers kept things lively until dawn. Mrs. Looney served the " supper, to which about 100 couple did ample jusliee. A basket social and school con cert was held Thursday evening by the district school recently taught by Miss Brownlee. Quite an interesting programme was' rendered, white the 'basket" part was most admirably performed. On June 30th at the camp ground east of Monroe, Elder Skaggs of the Christian Church performed a marriage ceremony, in which Mr. Elsie Banton and Miss Winnie Hogue were united in the bonds of matrimony. The young people will reside at Dusty. Two extremes were presented at Simpson's Chapel Thursday evening. Pres. W. C. Hawley of the Willamette University lectured on Cuba and "warmed up" his audience on the question, but the ladies foresaw the emergency, and had prepared quantites of ice cream to induce the people to return to their usual tranquility. Oregon is trying to outdo her self this year in entertaining her citizens .and visitors. Her very latest is to reverse the seasons, giving us Winter, then Summer, again changing to Spring, and, we presume, when she thinks we have had all the Spring we need, she will give us a Fall. (This is not intended as a Spring joke.) M. M. Waltz had the misfortune to get his ankle crushed last week. He was going to get a load of lumber in the mountains, started across a bridge near the William Reese place, and when about half way across the structure gave way, precipitating horses and driver in a confused mass about ten feet below. The timbers of the bridge had to be cut away before Mr. Waltz could be removed, when it was found that he had sustained a broken and badly bruised ankle. We are- glad to -notice that Covalfis schools are" niore fortu ii ate than are thosof Eugene, in- ! securing the services yox efficient and popular instructors to superin tend and eontrol "therii. Politics should not be a factor in the selection of a college or university president, and the action taken ky the O, A.C board of ; regents at its recent, annual sitting, will commend itself to the' public in general. The people in this vicin ity are glad to know that the odium has been removed, and ex pect to see this institution of learning now take its place among the leading schools of the west. In its selection of Mr. Gatch, the board has shown a proper appre ciation of sterling worth and good character, as opposed to aspira tions to a political job. Mr. Gatch has surely, in his presidency of the Willamette university, normal school of Washington, Blue moun tain accdamy and state university of Washington, shown his ability as an educator, and in time to come, the wisdom of the choice of tip's teacher and leader, will be clearly seen. X. Y. Z. ALSEA. Alsea expects big crops and good prices, and we have learned to save our money when we get it. Your correspondent. started to gather a few personal items, and found so many that he concluded not to send any this time. Many eompliments have been heard concerning Superintendent Dsiiman's management of our -public schools. -- We -all knew something was- needed badly, and he has lound "just what that was organization and classification. Samples of a new paper have been received here. We carefully read Jefferson's address. It was very good indeed, and great enter prise has been displayed in secur ing its publication this eat ly. We Alseaites were delighted to learn who wrote the republican plat form. The people here are tremend ously glad that the regents have kicked politics out of the O. A. C. We older ones remember what the Willamette university was under President Gatch, and confidently expect the Agricultural College to thrive wondrousiy under the management of that big, broad minded educator and royal gentle man. - t For Sal. The well known Schmeer stable in Al bany is offered for sale with horses, har ness and carriages, and cabs, and svery- thing that belongs to a first-class stable. Any one wishing to purchase, inquire at the stable. JOHN SCHMEER. SV8KGKB8H. Mr. Horsfall is improving his place by putting up new fences. . A goodly number of our people celebrated at Albany and report a good time. Ed Sharp has removed to the Horsfall plaee, which he has rent ed foe the coming year. Mr, Seemit has been laid up sev eral weeks with a very bad felon, but it is much better now; Miss Ivy Garrett is-visiting with her mother, Mrs. Bust, and will re turn to Eugene in a few days. Blackberries are very plentiful, and busy housewives are kept still busier gathering this delicious fruit. v Mr. Joseph Taylor, 'our me chanic, is at Pleasant Valley, beautifying the residence of An drew Gellatly, by repainting it. There was a barn raising at Jack Erw'n's last Tuesday and on Friday the. neighbors put up the the frame of a house for his mother, Mrs. Mary Erwin. r . Prohably a few items from this neighborhood would not come amiss now and then, and if these escape the dreaded waste basket, your many readers, will hear from us occasionhlly, A certain liveryman fronr CorsTof piling up against the vallis was in this neighborhood the other morning looking up a certain young man, who seeming ly had forgotten the rights of the owner, by getting a team and bug gy on Friday morning for the day, and not returning same up to Sat urday morning. Whether he found his man or not weliave been un able to learn. O ir school closed last Thursday, and 1 lie' teacher, Mr. E. - Parker, made it a very pleasant day for both pupil and patrons. The forenoon was spent - in decorating the school house and hearing the usual recitations, then all partook of a bountiful dinner- The after noon was spent in listening to a very good' progranTme; consisting of recitations and select reading, after which Mr. Parker presented the diplomas $0 the two graduates, MissRena Garret and Miss Flor ence Connor. This was Mr. Park er's third term in our.Jislrict, and as he gives entire satisfaction it will, no doubt, not be his last one "Ever Green." FEUOMATH NBWS LETTER. Miss Dora Boles is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Bessie Underbill, at Summit. . Rev. P. V. White lias eone to San Francisco as a delegate from Philomath Christian Endeavor. The Philomath baseball club were defeated at Albany last Sat urday,; Tally,Scio 8, Philomath 4. Last Sunday evening at Keezel hchapel soon alter ine people naa 1 eCt : - the build i ng tire cfiali&el fer holdings and four large lamps fell" to-the floor, the oil igniting. The flames were extinguished by those present. The floor and some chairs were badly scorched. ' The people of this cily and community are highly pleased with the action of . t'ue board of regents in electing LProf. Thos. M. Gatch, one of the foremosst and best known educa tors on the Pacific coast, president of the Agricultural College, and director of the experiment station. All hail the dawn of a brighter day for the O. A. C. OAK GROVE NOTES. Farmers are patiently waiting suitable hay weather. - H. J. Moore made a peddling trip td: Corvallis Wednesday. J. H. Sohnston, of Salem, has been visiting here the past" few days. Miss Pearl Woods, of Harris burg, spent Saturday and Sunday at home. . Many of our people expect to attend tli' W. J. Bryan speaking at Lebanon on the 12th. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Hoffman an ticipate a pleasure trip to Soda ville next Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reed are in Kings Valley at present, visiting their daughter, Mrs. Baundy. Mr. and Mrs. Wentz spent the fore part of the week with their daughter, Mrs. Coffee, near Turner.' Mr. and Mrs: Albert Still macher, of Albany, visited (with her .par ents and Mr. and' Mrs.. Karstens, Sunday afternoon. .- '. . - J. N. Hoffman is working on his store building this week. He ex pects to have his stock of goods in it by the 25th inst. The Fair mount lake bridge is completed except the filling in of rock at the ends, which will take a considerable time and hard work. AH wood haulers are ex pected to lend a helping hand. Jamison Jones. To The Public". We, the barbers of Corvallis, must live the same as everybody else, and now we have formed a nnion of our wn and af ter the nth of this' month the barber shops will be closed on. Sunday. -mV'C'" Bowers,'-; 7 .' ."-t" -. : JsSse Spencer, " IT . "' . R. L. TAVtORi: For hop bailers go. the Franklin chine Company. Ma Burning, itching skin diseases instant ly relieyed' by De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, unequalled for cuts, braises, burns. It heals without leaving a scar. Allen ft Woodward. rimwovKT HBWS. We are about to loose our neigh - bor, Pres. Walton, as he is soon to leave for other parts. Goodbye, Pres., we will miss you when you are gone. v Mr. Kelly has the nicest patch of corn I have seen; the same can be said of his tomatoes; corn is in the tassel. The killing of weeds is the order of the day all along the line. .' ' ; ,-.'. The Fourth has come ancT gone and as far as I have heard, no one is the worse' fot it I fear our young folks are loosing sight of the patriotic idea and think only of the fun we have. ," ; The rains have done an immense amount of good, also a good deal of damage. For one thing, the last part of the cherry crop was ruined by rotting some of them and splitting others. Some of , the cabbage is getting loo big aiurfis bursting. This part of Benton County Will soon have a new bridge arifc- Thornton Lake, and we do not pe it before we need it. It looks-jio me to be a good staunch structure one that the taxpayer 'tfeed riot grumble about paying , lor. lt, several feet --higher; I hah "the cjM one, with a.spaii "wfde.eyougliTor the debris to pass IhroUgsMtetdad ridge.: as was the case with the old one. If the denizens of. some :ofcthe wide prairies could have the good wood now burning up there, Jthey would sing the praises of Oregon both loud and long. : Alma. PHEASANT TUMT. Miss Ivy Griffith has gone to Elk City. . Miss Gertie Frink has returned home after a week's visit' with her sister, Mrs. Mattie Worthington. Zelia and Floy Henkle,of Port land, are in the valley, the guests of grandpa and uncle Late Henkle. '"The weather continues showery to the detriment of hay liarv.est, though favorable lor grain and gardens. ,...';. . "5 Wild blackberries are well high gone near the WillametW, '-while in localities -further west theyjjare beginning to ripen. - - - Miss Lettie Gray has gone to Portland to meet her mother, who is expected from Spokane, and to gethor they will take a trip to San Francisco. The Sunday scliool convention July 4, passed off pleasautly. The address by Bishop N. Castle was the feat use of the exercises. He is an eloqaent speaker, and his many old time friends were pleas-' ed to again hear him. y TEU3 ITEMS. r Haying is progressing ntcely. .5 " iMot of the" populists fcom. lere are going to, Lebanon the 12th to hear Bryan speak.- . iv Fall wheat, is ripening; rapidly and - some farmers have "already began cutting their crops.- ; I Charley and - Nellie Holmanj: of Monmouth, spent Sunday -Vjwtn their parents, Air. and filrs. LV :R. Hodges. . , . ' --v - - ; Quite a number of Wells peo ple spent Sunday at ' Sulpher Springs, which is becoming a very popular resort. ; Miss Clara Surflihg, of Albany, is visiting this week at the resi dence of V. A. Carten I wonder if Fred will stay there also. .f Everyone here seems to be well pleased with the election of Prof. T. M. Gafch as president of "the O, A; C. : All think' he is well "quali fied for the place ' and believe he a great help to the school. Jake Hecker and his new wife are expected home this week, and from the way the boys are gather ing up cans and cleaning shot guns, they will have a very lively reception. , , V Unclaimed County Warrants. NAME DATE ISSUED .- , . AMOUNT. Booue A. ..June 7, 1888 ,.$1.50 Baxter F. S...Dec. 5, 1889 Dissowy Dr. F. A. April 6, 1888. Ennis C.-'--Jnue 7, 1888-ij-- Fannel Katie Aug. 8, 18891 Hanson John Jan. 10, i8892a Harding Wm..-Mov. 9, 1887---. HaasouJ. W Mar. 8, 1890 2.00 --3-o -J5o --Cli.50 i---4,4o --..r.50 -1.80 Johnson Martin --Mar. j; 1889-. Lenoro Jack Oct. 4, J8881 s--ii--Tf,j50 iIxkic ueo... reo. 9,-isi5-. - 1.50 McKenzie H-June 7,-1888 I-iioo Miles C. E., Sept 5, iSfy..-..fro Murrey H. D.--Jap. 11, 190 rioo McDonald Clark ,-AqriI 4, 1889, -U50 Martin G. H.--June 7, 1888--Nettleson GCO.--N0T.3, 1889.. -hoo Ray Geo. ..Oct 5, 1888.-.- ..l-iijo Sears Arthur Oct 5, 1888 1.50 Saggs E. D. Mar. 7, 1889 Short Geo.--June 7; 1889 1.30 .,iSO 4.40 t5o :i,50 Smith C S Seps. 5, 1889.; Smith I. I,. May 11,1888 Snell A.. -Aug. 8. 1889 Vanholm Peter Dec. 7, "1887- Wright J. W May 9, 1890- Weiser C. L Dec. 7, 1887 Warner Geo. P. Aug 8, .1889 -Warren James June 7, 1889 .2.30 ..--2.00 -1 -SO -.i,oo 1. 00 ... : V "N'V; ' ' "' '" 56,6 Notice is hereby given that the abdve named County Orders have remained ia the hands of the Clerk of Benton County Oregon,- more than 7 years prior -j to July 1st, 1897, uncalled for. That if said Warrants are not called for and presented for payment within Sixty days from said First day of Julyj 1897 they will be canceled, and payment thereof will be refused. By order of the County Court of Benton County, Oregon. v - Virgil E. Watters, Clerk. "A little more than a year ago, my hair began turning gray, and falling out, and although I tried ever ao many things to prevent a continuance of these conditions, I obtained no satisfaction until I tried Ayefs Hair Vigor. After using one bottle, my hair was restored to ft) looks.' beauty Nothing sets the seaj of age upon a woman's so deeply, as gray hair. The hair loses its color generally from lack the hair, the original color way that the normal color er's Hair Vigor. This testimonial will be found hundred others. Free. Address J. C. OROCfcklES :5S 1 CALIFORNIA VEGETABLES. , TEAS, COFFEES and SPICES. GROCERIES GUARANTEED. MY August Hodes, Corvallis, S atk AAA JV A rffc rfw it A Place to Eat. Palatable Lunelle, Delicior.s Coffee and Excellent Meals served at all hours hf HODES Fresh Bread, Candies and Nuts, lit! dvnirumruxruvinnxvvww.V'.'v Vge table Preparation for As similating iheroodandRegula tiig the Stomachs andBawels of ProinolesT)iesUoTY,CheeTfuI ness and Kest.Cootai ns neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. NotNaucqtic. HbmSttd- A perfect Remedy for Cons tipa-r rion. Sour-Stomach.Diarrhoea, WortP4 tConvukk)BS.Feverishr oess and Loss of Sieep. Tac Simile Signature of NEW "YORK. HW1P EXACT COPT Or WRAPPE8. iaa LOCAL DISEASE an4 H Hie reaelt of cold and auddan climatic chances. It can be eared by a pleasant remedy which ! applied dl- ecuy tmo me noetrus. Be ing opCekly abeocoed it gives reuelatnce. Ely's Cream Balm is axdcnowledsed to be the nteet thoroaeh care for Nasal Catarrh. Cold in Head and Hay Fen eaiarrh. Cold in Head and Hay Ferer of all remedies. It opens and cleanses the nasal passages. allaTS nain and inflammation, heals the seres, pro- testa the membrane from colds, rsstores the senses ef taste and BOT&rasO. M Wasrem cXieeU Mew York. tl amell. race fine, aiurneeisca or oyx races It hsals everything except a broken heart, may be said of De Witt's Witch Hazel-Salve. Piles and rectal diseases, cuts, burns, braises,, tetter, eczema and all skin troubles may be cured by it quickly and permanently." "Allen ' & Woodward.. Save Tour Grain. Few realize that each squirrel destroys $1.50 worth of grain annually. - Wake lee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterminator is the most effective and economical poi son known. Price reduced to 30 cents. For sale by Graham & Wells, agents. air mm How Old are You? It makes no difference whether you answer or not. It is always true that " a woman is & old as she of nutrition. If you nourish will, come back. That isjthe of the hair is restored by in full in Ayer's "Curebook" Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. with a OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL M03srM.OTjo?ia:, OHEGON. A Training School For Teachers. Regular Noimal Course of three years; senior year wholly professional. Training department oi nine ffrades, with 2ol- children. Instruction aud traininsrin fiymnastical (Swedish system), aud vocal music for pub ic schools. The Normal diploma is recognized by law 1 as a mate jue wCTtincaie 10 icacn. i,igni expenses, iui ; tion, books, board and lodging (approximately) $ 135.00 I per year; students boarding' themselves, 1 110.00 per year. Academic grade accepted, from High Schools. Cata oguesheerfuHy scjiI on hpplicatioiu. Address. or W- A. WANK. President. t ic ulty . .. ... - v - . LMNCH Q00DS; Headquarters. Orcgoa. A A A AAAAAAAAj&A) ci HALL f? Pies' and Cakes, Tobacco and Clsars. THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE ' -OF IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVEBY BOTTTiT. OB nil Oastorla is ya up la snaths seHlts ealy. . It Is not sold ia balk. Dost altar sbjcm to sail yon anytkttig abd on th plea r ynoiat that It Is "jnrt aa good" and "trill answer every pro pose. " t9- See that 70a get 0-A-8-T-O-B-LA. dmOe Sjjf yy " ti Hw Model. Sbort Beat Ma terials. Peat her bone Corset C Bole atenqfantarersv BALAMAZOO, MICntOAN; , fcmvauav . S. L KLIN E, OORVALLIS, OREGOfl. I SEE 94 Styles, j f saomw LMttlM. . T K . erwif ttt S "N.. 5ttlMS' New This Week... I will endeavor to give my customers something new in this column every ' ' ; week. Prices quoted will not hold good for more than one week, and customers are advised to take advantage of the bargains. , HERE ARE A COUPLE OF BARGAINS: . MORNING GLORY, Choice Laundry Soap, : Eight Bars for 28 cents SPRING CLOTHES WRINGERS . . . . $1.50 each ' s. l. kline's, The White House. . . . . Corvallis, Or. Onion Laundry 60., gQBTLAND, OR. All white labor work guaranteed. ' Basket leaves on Tuesdays and arrives Saturdays. T. D. CamnTeu., Agent, SecoRtUHavd Sure. W. E. YATS, J. FRED YATKS. YATES YATES & CORVALLIS, . OREGON F. M. JOHNSON ATTORNEY AT LAW CORVALLIS, ORKCOST. ; Does a general practice in ail the "ccurts. Also acent (or all the first-class insurance companies S. HOLOATK. If. I HOl.GATK. HOLGATE & SON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW ; CORVALLIS, " OHKCON JOSEPH H. WILSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Officb .vei First Kational Bank, CoavAi.Lt.i6, Orison. Will practie in all the state and federal courts Abstraitias;, collections Xotary public. Con -Ttyaaciag-. 0. il. & k TO THE EAST GIVES THE CHOICE OF TWO TRANSCONTI N ENTAL ROUTES mi mm mwsi mm sbo&t iike SPOKANE -ano " CB2U.0 SALT USE MX (ITT LOW RATES IN ALL EASTERN CITIES. OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS SAN FRANCISCO r full infnnnatloM eall on O. It. X. agent. C01 vallis, aaDoacae: W.H. HURLBUAT, , c. mcneill, ntPuiHn Watecar a MAMaaoi. : PORTLAND, OR. DR. L. G. ALTMAN , j HOMOEDPATHIST TYtsf mmm mi a-nrnnn and ekndraB mrnA aMaarml nietfoe. . -" OSIee orer Allen Weoawsrd's drag store. DSles koare-a to U A: X& and 1 r sad T to S r.M. At 1 ssMsnee. eeraer of Brd sad Karrisea alter aoars'aad ea iaadara. G.R.FARRAJ.D. ! FaUTt. AllM! MclL. ea th eocnu JmIKsms eTkir4 street la (rent ef esjtrl -,m& I. to 1 aad T to . s AH eaUa atteadeVi seoatatly. DO WEN LESTER DENTIST OatematatrsenrMationBsak. - tHaitr Fint-Ciua Work Qustrnl) OoB)GBD & B.6XEBH B. 2. CO. Yaquina Bay Route Connecting at YAQUINA BAY wih the San Trapcisco & Yaquioa Bay STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Steamship Faralfon. - SaiU from Yaauina rr tdivi tar HatS Francisco. Cnj Kay, Port Orford, Trinidad and Humboldt Bv. i. Iawaenrr Araommmlitti'tniB' Fweeirpuaeeel '. ShorU-st route Wwpn Ihn ' Willamette ValUy and Catifornia- rr frum AlbHiiy sral r.lnfi V'.it ta i Frlnrlttni ' CaLift........,..--...........!! 00 Steerge:....r.i. .. 9 Off " Round trip goad for ) day. J7.00. Ti CKr Bay: Cabin 8 99 Steertte.,..,...;. $ 00 lo UutHbuIdt Ifay atirt lrt rfrd: Cabin tt;ras... r ...... TO 7 00 Steamer "Albany" Intwom Purtlacdand Corvalli, through without lay-n-r. Layes Curvalli 7:00 a. ro. TWdiiy, Thursdays nnd Saturdays; lravi-s Pirrtliind. Yamhill St. hck, 6:00 a. m. Sundays Wt-dniwdays aa Edwik Stokk, . Manacer. J. C.Mato, Sunt. River Div. GO EAST AmerictVs, Scenic line Great Meals in ' Dining Car a la Northern Rock Ballast, No . Dust. Railway! LIBRAET-CAR EOT7TB THE ALL-KAII. ROUT -TO KOOTENAI MINING DISTRICT VIA SEATTI.K AND SPOKAKE Shortest and Quickest Line to St. Paul, M iDiieapolis Dulmli, Chicago AND ALL POINTS EAST. The Limited Icbtcs Portland, daily, J--43 P. M. The Limited arrives Portland, daily, 11:59 A. THROUGH PALACE and TOURIST SLEEPERS. DINING and LIBRARY .,, OBSERVATION CARS. Daily Trains : Fast Time SERVICE AND SCENERY I'NEQCALED. For tickets and full information call on or address, - R. C Stevens, A. B. C. Dennistow, G. W. P. A., Seattle. C P. & T. A., Portland, Oregon. BENTON COUNTY Abstract Company Complete Set of Abstracts of Beaten Coaatr. Conveyancing and Perfecting .Titles a Specialty. fetter to sVeaa oa. ImproTed City aad ' Coaatry Property. ' ' V. E. WATTEB& Prop. Office at Courtkonso. Corvallis, Or. 1UL MM,kJVJM THOS. WHITEHORN, Prop. W. H. McBrayer and Old Crow Whis- kys, Fine Wines, Liquors an 4 Cigars. RILEY BROS., House oaintinsr and oaoer hmrinri w . 1, 9 specialty. Residence near bawaiui. "They don't make much fuss about it" We are speaking of De Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for constipation, billieusness, and 'all stom ach and liver troubles. They never gripe. Allen & Woodward, There is a time for everything; and the time to attend to a cold is when it starts. Don't wait Gil yon have consumption, but prevent, it by using One Minute Cough Cure.the great remedy for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and all throat aad lung troubles. Alleu & Woodward,