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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1896)
CORVALLIS, OREGON, Dec 11,1896. Good Dress Goods Are a necessity and a luxury; a splen did combination for a Christmas present A Good Variety of holiday handker -chiefs at prices that will sell them. DAINTY CUPS AND SAUCERS. "The Glove Department is well stocked with hook and button gloves, all late styles. A special lot for holiday sale. Five hook, Foster patent, embroid ered backs at .75 cents per pair. The Shoe Department is as complete -as though we carried nothing but .shoes. r. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Rev. II. J. Zercher will conduct Christmas services at 1 lie (Jongre gational church .next Sunday There will be preaching at col lege chapel Sunday morning at 11 and in the evening at 7:30. The Sons of Veterans meet to night tor election 01 omcers and inspection. A full attendance is desired. . A surprise party gathered at Hev. II. J. Zercher's residence last Saturday evening and brought many aluable gifts with them. . Eugene Simpson, of the Com misiou store, is in Brownsville this, week, on - business for the firm, j : ' f It is said that D. P. Thoinp son, not Hearst, will back . the new rortlanu daily tnat rumor insists will shortly appear. The "evening with Burns' Monday night will 'be an intel lectual treat. It is for the ben efit of the Baptist church Mrs. Geo. ; Stevens, of Boston, sister-in-law of Mr. D. C. Rose, is visiting in Corvalhs and ex pects to remain until spring. BishoD S. Cranston will oreach in the Methodist church Sunday evening. at 7:30 o'clock. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend. The ladies of the Methodist church hereby -extend their heartv thanks to all who assist ed in making the "Fair of the Nations" such a great success. " ' Ladies, its about time you were looking for Christmas gifts for your husbands, sons, brothers, and loyed iinRS. nuv iiul uiuu 111 anu iuuk over Nolan fc Callahan's elegant display of holiday novelties. Steve Sampson left Corvallis Tuesday for. Pauline, Kansas, where he will hereafter reside. Mr. Sampson has gained many friends during his residence in Benton county and he will be missed. rrot. uenman announces tnat the first final examination for the .graduating diplomas for the public schools of Benton County will be postponed until the end cf the spring term of school, in order .to igive applicants longer time for pre paration. E. Rr Lake is attending the Good Road convention at Port land. Mr. Lake has been very -active in this movement and the result of such intelligent efforts is sure to be beneficial . to the people of the state. The Spencerian system of writ ing is growing unfashionable. The Spencerian system of shaving, however, maintains its popularity in Corvalhs, and Jesse Spencer's hop is the rendezvous for citi zens .who appreciate skill and taste in a barber. Those who have enjoyed the .hospitality of the Ladies' Coffee Club, are looking forward to a pleasant evening next Wednes day, when the Club gives a social at .Firemen's hall. . The program includes both cards and dancing. All are cordially invited. Tick ets. 25 cents. - 5 7 ' The H & L. band boys are progressing finely in their practice of music for the Christmas night ball. The concert and ball, from present indications, will attract a "crush," and the band boys are determined to score a genuine success In their rendition of dance music. The. football came between a team of Juniors and Seniors and an eleven picked from the Soph omore and Freshmen classes of the O. A. C, last Saturday, result- aA in a tnnthrimvii nnifW.A. Tllfi former kicked goal and the latter missed. It was a hardly-contest ed, close and interesting game. The regular annual Christmas exercises of the Sunday school of the Presbyterian church will occur on Christinas Eve in the church. Trees, decorations, rec itations, music, etc. Anyone wishine- to nut presents on the trees should have them at the church by 2 p. m. Thursday. The Cash Store is next to the postoffice; so don't forget the place -when loolfing for Xmas goods and bargains. , 13 DOLLARS FOR SUITS TO OROBH AT OEOILl THE TAILOR'S. Mr M. H.. fcriebef is tanning and mounting" ' two handsome Polled Angus hides and a cougar pelt The first are for Jas. Tay lor and will be made into buggy robes. - Beauties they are, too. The cougar pelt is from the ani mal killed near town by John Wells. Sometime in the spring. Supt. Denman intends holding an old fashioned spelling bee. Every public school in the county will be entitled to enter one partici pant, and a handsome prize will be given the winning school. . The school will hold the prize one year and pass it to the winner of the next contest. . - 1 r Stewart Moore, "Young Sid." was 111 town for a few davs with chum of like character, but neith er are here now. Tuesday night Ulhcer blunt on invited them to .seek more congenial climes Wednesday morning they started Moore is a port of wandering Jew" and is ordered awav from very t'.vn he visits. . Brady Burnett is expected home luesday from .Portland, lie will leave early in January for Stun lord University, where he expects iO take a complete course in law, Joe Smith will probably accom pan? Brady, and drink in" solid learning at Palo Aito. The Al hany Democrat congratulates Stan ford's Athletic Association in the acquisition of Brady Burnett. The Oregon legislature meets in January. Important "matters, in eluding the election of a senator to succeed John H. Mitchell will come before it and news from the capitol during a legislative session is always interesting. The' Ga zkttk win nave a special corre spondent in Salem who will keep he readers posted on the hap Iening3 of our law-makers. Hie following' is in brief the program or the U. & L. Uhnsf - mas night entertainmant: From 8 till 9 p. mj, concert of band and vocal music: from 9 till 10 p. 111 fiance ot markers; alter lu, gen eral dancing. Admission prices are: Mafcers. $1.00; lady mask ers, tree; general admission, 50c; gentlemen spectator, dancing af ter the unmasking. 41."".:"..' Next Sabbath will be Christ mas Sabbath at the Presbyterian cnurcn. services in the morn ing at 11 o'clock, preaching by the pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Christmas lesson, lunior C- E. rt 4 p. 111. The youn people will have charge ; of the evening servicisat j-.xo. Music, recitations and exercises oT& very interesting character. A cordial welcome to all all. ' Next Monday evening there will be an interesting Burns intertaiu, ment- at- the . Baptist church. Among other features will be a lectasftfuin Mlwf. ife bf -Born bf Prof. J. B. Horner, splendidly il lustrated. "Prof. Horner can be counted upon to present "Bobbie's" eareer in an entertaining manner. Another number of special inter est will be the recitation of "Tarn O'Shanter," byf. Judge Burnett. Admission 10 cents. ' It is marvelous how. cheaply books are now' printed. Christ mas shoppers are especially pleased, for it will solve many a difficulty - between .purse and heart. Books make the best of presents and at the low prices prevailing are within reach of ev erybody. For from 25 cents to 50 cents, can be had all the stan dard works, as for instance, Gul- iver's Travels, Robinson Crusoe, Grimm's Fairy Tales, Don Qui xote, East Lynn, Felix Holt, Han dy Andy, Scarlet Letter and Vicar of Wakefield. Con Gerhard has a arge list. School Matters. Prof. Geo. Denman is . systema tizing the work ot the Benton county public schools. - He has prepared a classification of the course of study and will soon is sue an important pamphlet to the teachers of the county, explain ing the "plan. In. the introduction, the super- ntendent says: "The need of a' county course of study er a classification of the work of the schools of our county has been obvious of late years. The demand on the part of Ben ton's teachers and patrons for a more systematic arrangement of the work of our common schools has been increasing, as the cum bersomeness of our present sys tem has become apparent. The work of prior years has been, in many ol our schools, unsatisfac tory and often discouraging to tesicher, patron and pupil alike. In many of our schools, we find the work in some branches being neglected, simply because of too many recitations and study peri ods of insufficient length. In or der to obviate this difficulty, the number of recitations must be re duced to the minimum and the study periods and recitation peri ods should be extended. Far more can be accomplished in thir ty minutes every other day than in 15 minutes per day." Prot. Denman has not attempt ed a complete graduation of the schools under his charge, as that would be impossible under the present conditions, but his plans are practical and will be of great utility. Buckingham's Dye for tho "Whiskers does its work thoroughly, coloring a uniform brown . or black, which, when dry, will neither rub wash off, nor soil linen. AN UNMANLY ACT. Public dent Insult Offered to Presi- Miller by Unknown Parties. .Monday morning a figure representing a man's body was discovered suspended from the flag staff of the Oregon Agri cultural College, and in the place of the weather signals floated a flag bearing, in large letters the words "H. B. Miller may know how to run a saw mill, but he cannot run a college." The effigy and flag were quickly torn down, but the news soon spread and all Corvallis engag ed in a discussion of the affair. ' Tlie coarse and unmanly insult to President Miller was doubtless the work of young students, for the older men at tending- the college are above such cow ardly practice. Recent events show that when they feel they have cause for com piauu, uiey are neituer oacKwam nor underhanded in complaining. As the authors of the inexcusable in sult have not been apprehended, their motive is not known. Inquiry has, how ever, discovered the fact tliat their has been considerable friction between stu dents and the ' head of the institution, and that although' there has not been any open , rupture, affairs at the college have been rather unsettled. ; Citizens of Corvallis, generally, con- Idema the affair as Mil outrage, and fear that ontside people- .woulitjnagiiify . Ihe incident, and . look upon the students as a band of rioters. The students held a mass meeting Tuesday moruing and passed resolutions denouncing the insult and disavowing responsibility. ... . v IMPROVEMENT. S. N. Wilkins of he Corvallis Furni ture Company, is making some decided and improvements in his establishment. He is fitting up 'handsome and commo dious nndertakintr parlors: something Corvallis has heretofore sadly lacked. ' The room in the rear of the furniture apartment has been enlarged and decora ted. On the sides are cabinets, which by a simple but ingenious arrangement, can easily display the handsome stock of cas kets. But there is no suggestion of !nn dertaking goods in sight. The parlor will be carpeted- and fur nished, and will be a 'suitable place for services. Mr. Wilkin will have his embalming office iu the bnilding he uses as a morgue. The improvements are a credit to his en- lerprize and to the city. AT THE PAIR. 'Fair of Nations," given at the The Opera House Tuesday night by the Meth odist church people, was-a success artis tically and financially. The Opera House was thronged. The solos of Miss Aiderson were ex quisitely rendered. The mandolin solo by Miss . Gertrude Cauthorn was. very pleasing. Don Woodward's guitar solo was fair, but scarcely audible. The min strel songs, sung in plantation costume, captured the audience, The tableaux "Columbia," "Spanish Scenes." "Liber ty," and "Japan Tea" were all good, while the concluding tableau, "Presenta tion at the Court of Queen of Victoria," in wincii .Miss ueriruae vaugnn was Queea.. Victoria and Miw MyrU Lewis and Miss Lora" Alexander acted , as court maids, was one of the prettiest things of the kind ever given here. What the Shakers of Mount Lebanon know more about than anybody else, is the use of herbs and to be healthy. They have studied tho power of food. They nearly all live to a ripe old ace. The Shaker Digestive Cordial U prepared by the Shakers from herbs and plants with a special tonic ttower over the sthmach. It helps the stomach digest its food, and digested food is the strength maker. Strong muscles, strong body, strong brain, all come from properly digested food. A sick stomach can be cured and digestion made caiy by Shaker Digestive Cordial. It cures tho nausea, loss of appe tite, pain in the stomach, headache, giddiness, weakness and all the other symptoms of in digestion, certainly and permanently. Sold by druggists. Trial bottle 10 cents. Albums and glove cases for almos nothing at The Cash Store. Examine our line of dolls. The Cash Store. Why suffer with Cough, Colds and La' Grippe when Laxative liromo Quinine will cure you in one day. Does not produce the ringing in the head like Sulphateof Quinine, Put up in tablets convenient for taking guar anteed to cure, or money refunded. Price Z5 cents. . : - The best bargains in town for dolls and Christmas goods. The Cash Store. AN IMPRBSSIOH. Benton ceunty's school superintendent, Prof. Geo. Denman, owns a horse. The horse is alive and has four legs. This brief statement includes nearly all its good points. He calls his horse "Time" when lie teeis in an ironical numor, ana "Justice" when be is practical minded. - Tne protessor nas oeen visiung me county schools for the past six -weeks, his horse furnishing the principal .'mode of conveyance thereto. The roads were in a baa condition, Dut that maqe no ait--ference to the horse. It didn't hurry over them one bit taster, tne protessor tried a switch as an incentive to speedier loco motion, but the animal glanced back with a pleased expression that exasperated, and kept its old time gait. One afternoon tne protessor grew des perate. He was about to pass the house where resides a tair ana cnarming aam- sel, and as the professor is a single man he certainly has a right to desire making a good impression. Riding along in a pokey walk, was not romantic. ie must get that horse at least into a jog trot. He experimented. He borrowed a rail from the.lane fence and as he passed the house, he belabored his horse vigorously. The pretty girl stood in the front door. The horse felt the thrilling call to action. It started. It moved, it keeiea over, ana tne pro fessor followed suit The horse, weary from its magnificent effort, lay still and "George soon extricated himself. A silvery laugh floated out trom tne nouse ana tne professor concluded not to stop. FOR SALE. f A horse; safe for use of ladies. . Guar anteed not to run away. Apply to4 School Superintendent G. W. Denman. Received this week by express from New York, some fine black dress overcoats, at Nolan & Calla han's. . Tissue paper is now very fash ionable for decorative purposes, Prettv novelties for holiday presents can be . readily made from the lovely papers prepared for the purpose and for sale by Con Gerhard. Merchant are (Uvea authorized Short Lengths. trial If not Best Ma Satlsfac- terials Featherbone Corset Co. Sola Manufacturers, - KALAMAZOO, -MICHIGAN ro salc ar x S. L KLINE, CORVALLIS, OREGON. -.. Alsea Jottings-- . ? William Howell came, Itome Tuesday on business and to see old friends. Josse Kos., of Lobster, passel through the valley on his way Corvallis one dav last week. to We have most too much mud to lave anv news, anu even it we do anything new, it gets muddy before we can write it. i The mountain road is again im passible for wagons. It seems that we are compelled to stay at hosie the rest of the winter. We do not ike it. . - Biunie Spencer, of Upper Alsea, made a trip to Corvallis, partly n business and to visit his sister Miss Josie Spencer, and mostly to see 11s ever green Iva. Miss Agnes Clecker and her brother, Albert, made a tnp to Corvallis, Albert returned Sunday, but Miss Agues remained visiting with Mrs. Win Howell. Johnnie, dear, don't do danger ous disputing. We stand corrected if we have falsely accused; but the report came to our ears from wo very reliable persons, besides some very highly flavored remarks ot your own caused us, and others, to believe you to be the accusing witness against Frank Cliilds. ; If we. are wrong, we beg your par don, but we are inclined to think that you have more muscle titan brains, or you would not come but so natty and call -us such a black liar as you did. It we had pur posely wronged you, then f would have been your time..;. As it is, we consider the source from whence 11 came, aim give 11 me euiue cun- sideratioh that the man did when he was kicked by the donkey. ' ' - - Old Innocence. William Henry Ott, alias "Mustang Bill," says tnat he used Avers Hair Vigor for nearly five years, and owes to it his splendid bair.of which he is justly proud. Mr, Ott has ridden the plains for twenty-five years, and is well known in Wyoming and the Northwest. " .. Ten cases men's and boy's- boots just received at Nolan & Callahan's. One of the finest Christmas presents that can be Is a pair of those fink shoes to be had ONtv at The Cash Store. Laxated Bromo Quinine Tablets do not affect the head or produce nervousness like, the Sulphate of Quinine. Meesrs. Graham & Wortham are authorized to refund tho' money in every case where' it fails to. cure Coughs, Colds or La Grippe, Price 25 cents. DURING THE HOLIDAYS. WE WILL OffFEB A TTD No Better Gifts for Boys. flOLAH dALLAHAH ; Corvallis, Oregon. ; ."' CASTORIA For Infants amiCfcildxea. , fl flat art New Model. f Mr J 94 Styles. ) money 1! GENTS Who Inspect My Line of J 1 Si 41 41 41 SAY THE This Time Sure. 41 41 41 41 41 41 CALCAND SEE t4l The Season of Gifts Is ApP10!1!. SENSIBLE PEOPLE BUY SENSIBLE PRESENTS. What would better please the man er boy, or be of more . real Utility than a Present like one of these: A Set of Handkerchiefs, A Tasty Muffler, Comfortable Slippers, A Stylish" Overcoat, An Outfit of Collars, Handsome Cravats, Serviceable Umbrellas. 4 . & Or countless other sensible Iyow Prices, that are found L. WELKBR & CO. A. ROCKER OR A. Would, make an appropriate Christmas present, either would be use ful., We have a large stock. Call. - 1896. Books - Our Book Department offers . the ; greatest of opportunities for purchas-. ing the works Famous Authors at of the lowest prices ever heard of. Hundreds of the volumes, beautifully bound in cloth, are rapidly going at only 35 ' cents. " They are worth a dollar. We have other books more expensively bound for 50 cents, and others still, for $1.00 and f 1.25.' The latter make the best of presents. Do You Read? Periodicals are now the rage in the feadinir world. The following is a ' partial list of those kept on hand, or for which we take subscriptions at pub lishers prices: McClures's, Century, ' Scribner's, Lippincott's, Arena, Metro politan, Munsey's, Frank Leslie's, Argosy, Outing, Ladies' Home Journal, Godey's, Review of Reviews, Cosmo politan, Black Cat, Penny Magazine, ' Young Ladies' Journal and all of the Leading Fashion Magazines. EARLY DON'T WAIT TOO LONG. F. M. JOHNSON ATTORNEY AT LAW v CQRVAJXIS. OREGON.4 Does a general practice is all the courts. Also agent for all t&e first-class insurance companies GMristHias AND BOYS clothing and : : : furnishing goods BOTTOM HAS DROPPED OUT OF OUR 3. m HARRIS things. Good Goods at at the Leading Clothier. NICE RUG HOLIDAY OFFERINGS We surpass all previous offerings of desirable articles for holiday presents. All the available space of our store is crowd ed with loads of "Just What is Wanted" for Everybody, and you have no idea how moderate the prices are. Stationer We offer what is generally admitted to be the most complete line of Sta tionery ever brought to Corvallis. It embraces choice lines of Papeteries in Cream, White and all the Fashionable Delicate Tints, in all the Correct sizes and shapes from 10 cents up to $1.00 a box. Our correspondence Tablets are the talk of the town. From 5 cents up. Great values in Pencil Tablet and Composition Books for school children. BUYING IS C. A. W. R YATBS, J. FRED YATS. YATES & YATES COKVAltTS, OREGON. 2V. 8s J 1 PRICES )c EAST and SOUTH VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Oomcany EXPRESS TUAINS RUS DAILY. IMP. ILestrs. 12:10 A. M. I Leave 11:15 A. M. I Arrive Portland Arrive i S:IQ a. 51. Albany Arrive 4:45 A. M. S. Francisco Leave I 7:)0 I'. M Above trains stop at East Poi-Hand. Oro gpn City, "Woodburn, Salnm. Tumor. M non, Jefferson. Albany. TanpMit, Sludd?. Halsey, HarrUburg, Junction City, Eiiifuui'. Creswell, Cottage Grove, Timing, and II stations from Roseburjr to Ashland, incjuslv. Rosebnrg Mail Daily. A. M. Leave 11:25 P. M. I Leave :20P. M. Arrive Portland Albany Roieburir Arrive I Arrive Leave j 4:40 P. r 12:55 P. II 8:l0 A. IT Pullman Buffet Sleepers: AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CAUS," Attached to all through trains. Salem Passenger DVily. 4:00 P. M. Leave Portland ArriveYlJhlS A. M. B:lft P. M. Arrive . Salem Leave 1 S500 X. M. ''Witt aid SlrliiM. PORTLAND AND BETWEEN CORVALLIS. aiUylzespt Sutsr. T:e A. M. 12:15 P. M. Leave Arrive Portland Corvallis Arrive Leave ! 6S0 P. M. L 1:35 P. M. At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of the Oregon Pacific Railroad. IxpreisTnla. DaUy IxeeptSulay. P. V. I Leave Portland An-tra I S- a. V. THROUGH TICKETS To all points in the Eastern States, Canada anil Europe can be obtained at lowest rates from A. K. Milner, agent, Corvallis. E. P ROGERS, Asst. O. K. J: P. Agent R KOEULER Uanarer. Portland, Oregon. "THE RESORT" THOS. WHITEHORN, Prop. W. H. McBrayer and Old Crow Whis- kys, Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. I is Coming. Christmas Cards A happy hit is the portrayal ot Ore gon Scenery which makes an especially appropiate gift to distant friends, We have an extensive assortment of them, mnd prices range from 5 cents to 75 cents, intf stock in v-aucuuars, mwi let and Cards, has been especially select ed to meet the wants of School Teach ers and Sunday School Teachers, both both in price and design. . SHREWD BUYING, GERHARD, Stationer and Newsdealer. JOSEPH H. WILSON ATTORNEY AT LAW " Oi?Fica ovek Fiust Kahonai. Bank, ' coavauus, oaadoN. Will practit hi all the state and federal coarts aVbstractiac, cbnectiahs .Notary public. Cn- I TO THE IE A S TP ' urn ths choice or TiVQ TRANSCaNfiNENTAL BOT7TB S VIA , GREAT NORTHERN RY. SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS AKO ST. PAUL tiNiOH PACIFIC RY, DENVER 0HAHA AND r .. KANSAS CITT JOVT RATB8 TO ALL SASTERX CITIES OCEAN STEAMERS JAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS FOB SAN FRANCISCO For fall detail, fall on or addresi W. H. HURLBURT. Ben'l Pass. Agent, Portland, Orvfon. OREGON CENTRAL AND EASTERN R.R. CO. Yaquina Bay Route CennecMng at Taqatna Bar with the San Francisco & Yaquina Bay STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Steamship "Farallon " r'Jblla from Tantlltia eTtrrv- B Ava for Kan Vra&.' eiaco, C-os Kay, Port OrNirrt, TrtnidaA aa4 HumboMI uai. raaeenver cv minodattos ansurnasiea. Hborteet route betiveea tbo Wlk biBiatl Taller and ( al Horn la. Vm r flea Albanr or PelMta Wst to Man rriMKMai'-i (MB..... ft iteirr Sonnd IrlD. cod fwM ila i. SIS.. To Coos Bay ar.l port Oi.f:d-r.Wn. Ta atusabeldt Bay- ...... i:ivei: divihox. SUimfr "Albanv" htvfn Portland and Co)Tllis, thrimgh without lay-over. Leares Corvallis 6:00 a. m. Tih-.-Imv. Ttiursdavs and Sundays; lnve Portlnnd. Yarchill St. clock, 6:00 a. m. Monday. Wrritireday and Fridavs. Edwix Btokk, J. C.Mayo, , Manager. r Sirp. Rivet IMv. -1 BENTON COUNTY Abstract x dompany Complete Set of Abstracts of Benton Connty. Conveyancing and Perfecting Titles a Specialty. Money to Ioan on Improved City and Country Property. V. E. WATTERSj Prop. Office at Courtkeuse, Corvallis, Or. 1897. For the Children We have several hundred highly colored Books especially gotten up for the little ones that are selling rapidly. The low prices we ask for them is what makes them go. We also have a sup ply of Games. Some of them are new and unique and are sure to become popular with the .boys and girls. Yon will not hesitate to buy on account of prices. The goods never before sold so cheaply in Corvallis. Celluloid Goods ... m - Jewelry Cases, Handkerchief Cases, Tie Cases, Glove Cases, made of Cel luloid and hand painted make tasty present aud we have a good assortment to select from. Piircpa An immense stock of Purses, Pocket Books and Diaries for 1897, have been received and are soiling at price that are sure to suit. Occidental Building. K. HOLOATE. H. I. HOI.GATE. HOLGATE & SON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW C3RVAI.LIS. oreook; J?- JL