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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1895)
Highest of all in Leavening ABSOLUTELY PURE A REMARKABLE CASE. A Bullet Passed Through a St. Lonls Man's Brain, and Tet He Recovered. Emil Witzky, after occupying a cot at the City hospital for over two months with a ballet in his brain, is now walk ing about nearly as well as any one and will be discharged a cured man in the course of a few days. Witzky "s case is one of the most re markable that ever came under the no tice of St. Louis surgeons. It is much stranger than that of the man Tesson, who attempted to commit enicide in Forest park a year ago. Tesson lingered between life and death about a month, but finally died from the effects of the bullet, which lodged in the center of bis head. Tesson never got up from bis bed after sending the leaden pellet into bis brain, and for that matter was nn counscious nearly all the time. Witzky is as rational as any man walking the streets. He shot himself over the left eye after having trouble with his wife and mother-in-law. From the paralysis it caused in his right leg Dr. Marks decided that the ball lodged in the back of his bead on the left side. The jagged bole in the forehead finally healed over, and after remaining in a balf dead state for near ly a week Witzky came to. He was not able to move for folly a month on ac count of the paralysis. No sensation was in the right leg whatever. Needles could be thrust into it, or it could be pinched or burned without his feeling the pain. Three or four weeks ago the paralysis began to disappear. It was thought strange indeed by Dr. Marks and the other physicians, for the bullet bad not been removed, and no reason was apparent for the"deadness" to dis appear. Yet go away it did, and since that time bis recovery has been steady as clockwork. How that 38 caliber bul let plunged through six cr eight inches of bis brain and remained resting among the tissues without causing instant death or perpetual idiocy passes the compre hension of every scientific man who bas beard of bis case. St. Louis Globe Democrat. WON AND LOST MILLIONS. Death la California of a Han Who Was Once a "Hich Boiler" In Europe. I. S. Scenti, who bad made and lost millions almost in a day, was found dead in bis cabin on Alamitos beach, California, a few days ago. He bad died from pneumonia. Scenti had a checkered career. Seven or eight years ago Paris was the scene of a great gambling craze, which was of short duration. Scenti, who was a native of Spain and a man CO years of age, created more excitement in gam bling circles at the time than did Billy Hurt. During his short stay in Paris he managed to make several millions of dollars through cards and other gam bling devices known only in Paris and Monte Carlo. He lost bis gainings as easily as be won them. Becoming disgusted with the life, be sailed for New York with quite a snug sum. Several years passed over bis head, and he was without anything save the ' valuable jewels and trinkets which be always carried with him. Misfortune having overtaken him, as it eventually does every man of his kind, Scenti came to California. . When he settled in the little cabin by the sea, he decided to live and die in obscurity. His life as a hermit did not last long. Scenti avoided meeting people when ever possible. . He lived from the Bale of bis trinkets and eold them at a great redaction. San Francisco Examiner. A ROYAL TRAIN. The Sort of Cars Which Are to Be Provided For the Czar's Convenience. A new imperial train for the czar of Russia is at present being built at the Alexandrowski wagon manufactory at St. Petersburg. It consists of 11 car riages, of which one is reserved for the railway officials, a kitchen carriage and two luggage vans. With the exception of wheels and the axles, which have been supplied by Krupp, at Essen, the whole of the material is of Russian or igin and manufacture. By means of a very powerful automatic brake the train can be brought to a standstill in a minimum of time from every one of the carriages. The interior of the carriages is appointed with much taste. The win dows are different on both sides. The side with the corridor has windows of a uniform size, while the windows on the other side are made in accordance with the requirements of the various com partments. The passages between the various cars are vestibuled. The carriage of the czar and czarina is connected directly with the dining room ; then come the large saloon car. the carriages of the grand dukes, etc. The carriages will be sent on a trial trip to Copenhagen. Some of them have already been sent to Vienna and back. Railway Review. The Ohio Trade and Labor assembly, in annual session in Columbus, recently resolved in favor of woman suffrage. OTHERS A A recovering from tne illness at tending child - birth, or who suf- ffer from the ef- i f ects of disorders, derangements and displace ments of the wo manly organs, will find relief and a permanent cure in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Taken during pregnancy, the "Prescription" HAKES CHILDBIRTH EASY by preparing the system for parturition, thus assisting Nature and shortening" "labor." . The painful ordeal of child birth is robbed of its terrors, and the dangers thereof greatly both mother and child. The period of con finement is also greatly shortened, the mother strengthened and built up, and an abundant secretion of nourishment for the child promoted. i raw Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report A WAR ECHO. EVERY HONORABLE VETERAN DESERVES HIS PENSION. And the Lone Limb Is Not the Only Beason for Receiving a Govern ment Reward Either. From Journal, Lewiston, Me. Samuel R. Jordan has just given the Journal an account of his life, which, in view of his extremely hard lot for the past few years will be read with interest. "I am 48 years old and have always lived in New Portland. I enlisted in the army in 1862 as a private in Com pany A, 28th. Maine Volunteers. My army experience injurod my health to some extent, although I worked at blacksmithing some part of the time, when suddenly, several years ago, I was prostrated with what able physi cians pronounced Locomotor Ataxia. At first I could get around somewhat yet the disease progressed quite rapidly until I had hardly any feeling in my legs and feet, they' felt like sticks of wood and I grew so much worse that I could not move for three years without help, as my neighbors and friends could testify. I employed several phy sicians in my vicinity, and elsewhere, and they all told me that medicines would not help me, that they could do nothing to effect a cure and ' that in time I should become entirely helpless. I became discouraged. I was a great care to my wife and friends. Shortly a ter I met an old army comrade, Mr. AIL Parlin, a resident of Madison, Me. , and he incidently mentioned how he had tried Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for a severe case of rheumatism and a spinal and malarial trouble, that he had suffered in consequence of his army life, and had been greatly benefited by their use. By his earnest recommenda tion I was induced to try the pills. After taking them for a time I began to feel prickly sensations in my legs and a return of strength so I oould move them a little. After a few weeks L began to feel a marked improvement in my condition. I soon was enabled to walk around a little with the help ot crutches. After taking for some time I can now walk without crutches, my general health is much improved and I have regained my old-time vigor. I can walk about and enjoy life once more, for which I feel very thankful, and this happy result is due to the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are not a patent medicine in the sense that name implies. They were first compounded as a prescription and used as such in general practice by an eminent physician. So great was their efficacy that it was deemed wise to place them within the reach of alL They are now manufactured by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Sche nectady, N. Y. , and are sold in boxes (never in loose form by the dozen or hundred, and the publio are cautioned against numerous imitations sold in this shape) at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2. 50, and may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company. THE JAGERSFONTEIN DIAMOND. Emperor WCI'.tain Wilotu t&a 88,000,000 Sparkler For His New Crown. , " I learn from London that the emperor of Germany is eager to purchase the big diamond found at the Jagersfontein mine in July last. This monster gem turns the scales at 071 carats, and there seems good reason for believing that it is the very biggest in the world. It bas been christened the Jagersfontein "Ex celsior." The Jagersfontein mine, which issit- tated about 50 miles from Kimberley and within the territory of the Orange Free State republic, is owned by a com pany, many of the shareholders of which reside in England and few of them on the spot. For some time they have sold the yield of diamonds by publio tender in advance. The contractors for the purchase of the diamonds in July were Messrs. Wernheim & Beit, and their contract expired on the very day this famous stone was found. Had it been banded to the manager only a few honrs later it would have fallen into other bands. The "Excelsior" was found by a na tive Basuto laborer named Jonas, and be could easily have secreted it, as has been done in thousands of cases, no doubt, because it happened that be was working at the time at a place where no diamonds were expected to be found. However, be promptly placed it in the hands of the manager, who did not for a considerable time realize its enormous value. The natives at the mine, as an encouragement to zeal and honesty, are allowed a small commission upon the diamonds they find, and Jonas' share was about 80. This sum to an African native is quite a small fortune, and as the bonus was supplemented by the gift of a horse, saddle and bridle the Basuto left for his home a very proud man. On the spot the diamond was valued by the official government inspector at 35,000, but when it reached Kimber ley a bid of 350,000 was made for it The offer was declined, and the "Ex celsior" was shipped to Europe. It was a curions sight to see the parcel guard ed to the Cape Town docks by a squad of cavalry and a detachment of police. It reached England safely, and imme diately the value went up, until now the owners decline to part with it for less than 1,000,000. It has been lodged in the Bank of England for' security, and at the present time negotiations are pro ceeding for its purchase on behalf of the German emperor, who is having a new crown constructed and has an idea ap parently that this particular gem will add luster to the diadem. He is not, however, the only bidder in the market, and it is quite uncertain what will be the gem's ultimate destination. Jew elers' Circular, HINTS ON , cheerfulness; That. Are Plenty of Opportunities to Make Others Bappy. "Cheer" and "Comfort" There are always chances in life to ' do both, for turn where you will, there are those who are in need of help. Often those who have every earthly thing they need shelter, money, food, clothing, books, all sorts of opportunities are in want of the heavenly things which "cheer" and "comfort" mean. They are depressed, low in their spirits, sad and troubled. They are even cross and disagreeable because they are unhappy. To such persons young people with bright faces and light hearts, can bring both the cheer that gives courage and the comfort that takes away pain. You haven't to do anything in a grand and heroio manner either. Simply be yourselves, and let the gladness that is in you bubble up and overflow, and you will make tired people happier. Two school girls sat behind me in a car the other day, chatting together in low voices, and laughing immoderately every few minutes at the happenings of their day. Bless them, the sweet, gay, merry-hearted creatures 1 The car seemed lonesome after they reached their station, and went tripping along the road up the long hill to their home out of sight from my point of view. Just be yourselves, dears, and you will make older people happier. I sent a loving word of thanks after my school girls, for they had been a help to me. One afternoon passing a church on a city street, I read this announcement on a bulletin board at the door, "The f leasant words .society will meet at 4 o'clock." Wasn't that fine? The "Pleasant Words" Society 1 Whatever we think of, however we feel, wo may speak pleasantly, our words and our tones being in our own controL The effort to speak pleasantly will usually cause us to feel pleasant, and it is pleasant people people who please who get together and form societies and clubs. Who ever heard of a fault finders society or cross-words society? Fretful fault-finders have to set in corners alone. Harper's Round Table. THE PUZZLE OF PUZZLES. A New and Ingenious Toy Which Is Now Bamboozling; Bverybody.- A new and remarkably interesting adaptation of the famous fifteen puz zle" has been put upon the market to entertain the thousands who like to bother their brains in bringing almost impossible combinations out of chaos. Ihe new puzzle, which, from its form' and the intricity of its make is vastly superior to the old style and is destined to be even more popular, consists ol five square wooden blocks, fitted into a neat and attractive' tin box, large enough to permit the turning over ol one of the blocks, and thus permitting of a change by turning one at a time of the position and faces of all oi them. . The blocks have sunken disks on each of their six sides, one of which is colored green, one yellow, one black, one blue and one white. The problem is to so arrange the blocks, by turning one at a time in the single open space, as to have all of them show one coloi uppermost at the same time. . The blocks are also lettered on one side, A, B, C, D and E. The blocks are first placed in the box with the letters up and running in alphabetical order. After they are in this order they are to be moved by turning from one space to another until five blacks are turned up, then five greens, five reds, five bines and five yellows. All of the colors having been turned up, one is then to turn the blocks back, so as to leave them the way they were before they were turned into alphabet! cal order. The variations of the blocks and their position are interesting and complicated, and as one sees that the problem is capable of being worked out, although extremely puzzling, the interest grows the longer the problem baffles one. The whole arrangement is put up in an especially attractive form- It has already had a large sale, and its popularity bids fair to increase as it becomes more widely known. Busi ness men find it a restful and interest ing occupation to relieve their minds from the routine of work, without great mental strain, and everyone thinks it is so easy that they all at once start to. work it out The minutes grow into hours, while the worker gets so tanta lizingly close to the solution in every move that he almost knows the next one will surely bring it out Bnt the endeavor to change one block disar ranges the sequence of every one, and then one has to begin all over again. The manufacturing company have very aptly named their ingenious, toy the "Puzzle of Puzzles." Breezy Bits. He Well, what do you think of the ocean? She It is not nearly as large as I thought it would be. Why, it merely extends to the horizon. Truth. We wish we could feel as contented as a girl in a shirt waist looks. At chison Globe. , When some people go to church they always think the preacher is shooting straight at the people in the next pew. Ram's Horn. He You are very exclusive, Miss Prinkley, are you not? She Yes I en joy good society, you know. It is my sole enjoyment Good-bye. Mrs. One How is your husband to day, Mrs. Tother? Mrs. Tother Bet ter, thank you. He is always better when he is sick than at any other time. Detroit Free Press. Not Selfish Why do you and Bobby quarrel so much? I hope my Willie is not a selfish little boy. "No, mamma, I'm not selfish, bnt Bobby is. He al ways wants to play the games I don't want to" Harper's Bazaar. A Prayer With a Codicil Little Jack prays every night for all the diff erent - members of his ' family. His father had been away at one time for a short journey, and that night Jack was praying'for him as visual. "Bless papa and take care of him," he was begin ning, as usual, when suddenly he rais ed his head and listened. "Never mind about it now Lord," ended the little fellow, "I hear him down in the hall." Current Literature.' PERSONS OF NOTE. Items of Interest From Different Parts of the World. , President Faure's father is an uphol sterer. The dignified Charles Francis Adams bowling along on a bicycle is one of the sights of Boston. A recent suit in New York discloses that the late Henry S. Ives, Napoleon of finance, left $4,590. George du Maurier is at work on an other book, said to be a love story. The first chapter is completed. The bicycle of the khedive of Egypt is a gorgeous machine, almost entirely covered with silver plating. The Rev. Allen Thompson, of Bor- dentown, N. J.f now 99 years of age, is the oldest active preacher in the state, if not in the country. Bishop Potter, who loves to ride horsebaok, is out almost daily in New York, and takes rides against time, though he is seldomin the saddle more than an nour. Houng Dong Sik, just arrived in Washington, is the first of the young Coreans sent by their government to be educated in this country. He will re main ten years. Miss Mary Cary Thomas has been nominated for one of the alumni trus tees of Cornell university. She is the first woman to be so honored in any of the great universities. Senator Hoar has had this sign placed on his grounds at Asnebumskit, Mass. : "Notice Yon are all welcome. Build No Fires. Bring No Guns, and Pull Up no Flowers by the Roots." Anthony Higgins, of Delaware, is suggested by Editor Dana as an avail able candiate for vice-president on the Republican national ticket. He is called a Southern Republican. Mrs. L. W. Stokes, the artist of the Peary North Greenland expedition, who returend to civilization last year, has been elected an honorary member of the Hogarth Club, London. Mrs. Harlan is said to be almost as large physically as her husband, the supreme court justice, who is six feet two inches tall, and when together in publio they naturally attract a good deal of attention. Lord Rosslyn will shortly make his debut as a professional actor, having been engaged at a large salary by Mr. Charles Wyndham. Lord Rosslyn has long been regarded as one of the best amateur actors in England. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dudley War ner have been the guests of Professor Willard Fiske at his beautiful home near Florence. This house, once the home of Walter Savage Landor, is one of the most beautiful villas in Italy. Old Jules Simon is quoted as saying that the young German emperor speaks French like a Parisian, whereas the first Napoleon spoke it all his days with an Italian accent, and the third Napoleon with a strong German accent Miss Agnes PMahoney, of Haw throne, N. J., who carried off the first prize in materia medica of the New York college of pharmacy, is the first woman whose name has been inscribed on the roll of honor in that institution. The Samoan natives showed their de votion to Robert Louis Stevenson by cutting steps in the rocky mountain up to his grave, so that his widow could reach the almost inaccessible spot The work was accomplished with in finite pains. The Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir presumptive to the Austrian throne, who recently returned from a trip around the world, has given his diary to the public at the request of many of his subjects. The first volume ap peared a few days ago. The great dinner which the emperor of Germany is to give in Holtenan for the guests in the opening of the ship canal is to cost $35,000. The contract has been taken by a Berlin caterer to feed 1,000 persons. There are to be fotry-two cooks and two chefs. Rufus Scott was the first man in Kalamazoo, Mich., to take the Chicago Daily Times. That was forty years ago last September, when it cost $13 a year and 2 cents a day postage. He was also the first man to take the new Democratic daily, the Chronicle. Gustav Frey tag, the famous German author, who died a few weeks ago, left a fortune estimated at 1,000,000 marks, about $350,000, in addition to his real estate in Weisbaden and Gotha. He wrote his will himself. His library contains many rare books and manu scripts. Of the thirty-two secretaries of state who have held office since the organi zation of the government, four have died while in office, Hugh S. Legere, of South Carolina; Abel P. Upshur, of West Virginia; Daniel Webster, of Massachusetts, and Walter Q. Gresh- am, of Indiana. Philadelphia have been able for a few days to take the measure of Gen eral H. Kyd Douglass, who was re ported some time ago to be engaged to Nellie Grant Sartoris. The general's military bearing and trim figure at tracted marked attention from Chesnut street pedestrians. Great regret is felt in Rome at the death of a German Baron Huffner, who has done more for the city in re cent years than almost any native. He was formerly Russian consul in Paris, and a errand seieneur in the true sense of the word. He presented the square in Piazze Cairoli to the city, and gave much of his wealtn to. Beau tify Rome. Ivan Maclarcn recently made his de but in London at a dinner party given him in honor of his successful book at taining its fortieth thousand. His after-dinner speech was so good as to surprise everybody present. Mr. Watson is described as a tall, nana- some, dark man, with a clean shaven face, and the appearance rather of a lawyer than of a divine. After some war records recently pub lished is the dispatch containing one of General Grant's most noted expres sions. It is dated May 11, 1864, and addressed to Secretary Stanton, read ing as follows: "We have now ended the sixth day of very heavy ngnting. The result," to this time is very much in our favor. Our losses have been heavy, as well as those of the enemy. I propose to fight it out on this line if it takes all summer.!' HOITT'S SCHOOL l"OB BOYS. Ira O. Holtt. Ph. Master at Burlln game, San Mateo county, Cal., is one of me oest acnooia ior ooys on tne racinc uoast.. ' Are von a ball crank. Miss B ekinstretef" "I Whs afflicted with a mild attack of spbero manla lust summer." answered the Boston maiden, "but tnis ;ear I have takeu but Utile interest. LIKE A SIEVE. The cbief function of the kidneys is to &ep araie from ibe blood, in its passage throHgh them, of certain Impurities ana watery particles wblcn make tbelr final nit tbroucrh the blad der. The re ten i Ion of these, iu consequence of Inactivity of the kidneys, is productive of Bright'n disease, dropsy, diabetes, albuminuria ami otner muiauiee wun a larai tenaeucy. noi tetter's Stomaca Bit era, a highly sanctioned diuretic and blood deDurent. imuels the kid neys when inactive to . enew their sifting funu- viou, ana strain rrom me vital current ltnpuri te which infest it and threaten tbeir own ex istrnoe as organs of the body. Ca arrh of the bladder, gravel and retention of ihe urine are aio maladies ar res tea or averted by this beniau promoter and restorative of organic action. Ma liria. rheumatism, ennstipat on, biliousness an. I dyspepsia also yield to the Bitters, which is aiso speedily Denenciat to the weak aud ner vous. Dr. Pulser The action of winking is not without lis use; people wink to keen he eye ball moist, t-oja water clerk Not much they Ion' 1 1 The people who come iu here wink-vto Keep weir tnroats moist. HOW'S THIS 7 We offer On? Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured ty Hairs uatarrn (jure I P. J. CHENEY & CO., Props.. Toledo, Ohio. We. the undersigned, have known F. J Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe mm perfectly nonoranie in all business transactions and financially able to carry uub aujr ULUigabiuiiB luaue uy lueir linn . WasT & Tbuax, Wholesale Drnggists, Toledo, O. Waldino. Kinnah fc Marvin, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Core is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bot tle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials iree. NEW WAT EAST NO DUST. Go East from Portland, Pendleton, Walla Walla via O. E. & N. to Spokane and Great nortnern Kan way to Montana, uakotas. st. Paul. Minneapolis. Chicago. Omaha. St. Louis, East and South. Bock-ballast track; one scenery ; new equipment ureal in orth ern Palace Sleepers and Diners: Family Tourist Cars; Buflet-Library Cars. Write u. tj. uoiiovan, uenerai Agent, rortiana, Oregon, or F. I. Whitney, G. P. k T. A., St. raul, Minn., lor printed matter ana in formation rates, routes, etc. I cannot speak too highly of Piso's Care for Consumption. Mr. Frank Mobbs,215 W . Ifija St., . 1 ., Oct. MCSIC 8TOHE Wilev B. Allen Co., the oldest, the largest, ill First St., Portland. C nickering, Hardmau, Fischer Pianos, Estey O'gans Cow prlees, easy ter oas. lO-tKNT MUsICi Send for catalogues. Tut Gismba for breakfast- How is Your Blood? If it is poor and thin and lacking in the nuuiDer ana quality ot tuose reu corpus cles, vou are in danger of sickness from disease germs and the enervating effect, of warm weatner. fumy your ciooa witn Hood's The great blood purifier which his proved its merit ty a recora ot cures unequauea in medical historv. With Pure, rich blood you will be well and strong. Do not neglect this important matter but lane xiuuu a oarsapariua sow, 11 I D:il are tasteless, mild.effec I IUUU o V Illative. All drumrists. 23c. I used Ely1 1 Cream Taln for catarrh and have - eeived great benefit. I be-, lieve it a safe and ee taih cure. Very pleasant LnnrtLVtR take. Wm. Frazer, Roch ester, N.T. CATARRH M.Y'3 CREAM BALM Opens and cleanses the IShshI raftsage. Allays fain and inflamma tion, Heals the Sores, Protects the Membrane from rol is. Restores the Senses of Taste and Snu 11. The Balm In quickly absorbed and gives rent i at once. A pai ticle is applied into each nostril, and is greeaoie. trice, ou cents at vruggiits- or Dy mail. Hi Li i sBiunsKs, M Warren Street. New York. DR. LIEBIG & CO., Special Doctors for Chronic, Priiate and Wasting Diseases. Or. Lileble's Invlsorator the oeatest remedy for Seminal Weakness, Los of Manl ood and Private Diseases. Overcomes Prematureness and prepares all ror marriage jne'S amies, pleasures ana respon- oioiuties; si trial Dottle g'ven or sent tree w any me describing symptoms: call or address 400 Geary -i , private entrant win Mason (-fc.. rsnn r ranciauo ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR THE BEST FOOO Nursing Mothers,Infants CHILDREN JOHN CARLB & SONS, New York. FRAZER AXLE CREASE BEST IN THE WORLD. Ttnwearine Qualities are nnsnrnassed. actually outlasting two boxes of any other brand. Fret from Animal Oils. OKT THE OKMCIMK. FOB SAJSB BX OKKUUN AND WASHINGTON MERCHANTS' and Dealers generally. YOUNG YOU CAN HAKE MONEY B A L ing hay with a good Hay Press. Write us for in ormation. BICYCLES-W sell all the best first class Bicycles. Write for Catalogue. woMMi I. J. TRUMAN & CO., 236 Bush Street, San Francisco, Cal. Please mention this Paper wheu writing. A SURE CURE FOR PILES Irohinir Piled known bv maiatniji itm umniirttinn. hiimi Intense itching when warm. Tuis form andeBimdBleed ins or Protruding Pilea yield at once to DR. BO-SAN-KO'S PILE REMEDY, whloh 4cts directly on D&rts affected. Mbmorbm tnmoriL ! lays itching, effecting a permanent onn. Pnc 60a. Pruggisu or xntuL Jjr BoMtakvy ?hUad Vm N. P. N. TJ. No. 602 S. F. N. TJ. No. 679 MEN :MRS. WINSLOW'S sos0ytrhu'png; FOR CHILDREN TEETHING -1 1 For- sale brail BnnUU. aa Conta s holtle. "lii " cURfciTWntnt All ELSE FAILS. E3 . IU Best Congh Syrnp. Tastes Good- Use I1 I H In time. Bold by drngylBts, ' fl " KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who lire bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with 'ess expenditure, by more promptly adapting the weld's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy. Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is doe to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if ottered. HEALS RUNNING SORES CURES THE SERPENT!S STING CONTAGIOUS In, a11, it3 8t,agea vwuimiiwww comrjletelv erad cat- BLOOD poS0Medbys s s- 0bsti; natc sore and ulcers yield to its healing powers. It re moves the poison and builds up the system Valuable treatise on the disease and Its treatment mailea free. G. W. STAYER X CO. ff0 STAYER & WALKER PORTLAND, OREGON General Agents for ArjrMAN & Tatloe Threshers, Traction Engines and Dinger Woodbury Poweb. Have for sale HAND-CASE SEPARATORS AND ENGINES And other Machinery of Staver dc Walker Stock to elose out cheap. Write for Catalogue and Prices. Room 560 Worcester Block, Portland, Or. WALTER BAKER & GO. The Largest MianlWrtnma of PURE, HICH CRADE Cocoas and Chocolates Ob this Continent, hare recelred HIGHEST AWARDS from the gnat Industrial and Food EXPOSITIONS IN EUROPE AND AMERICA. Caution '"1w "r f HUM. of the labels end wrappers on our I prods, consumers should make sure last our plsce of maanfactare, 'namely. Dorchester, Has, SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE. WALTER BAKER k CO., DORCHESTER, MASS. (sTtlaTl m ma 1 II OF ILL-THE REX" 5-CENTCIGIR Fulll Cabal ler os size. S3S per tbonsand; 8 per cent cash discount. All first-el dealers should keep them. SIC SICHEL ft CO., PORTLAND. ORECON, SOLE ACENTS corresponaence solicited, samples WEINHARD'S Antifermentine Preserves all kinds of Fruit without cooking, and retains their natural HE THAT WORKS EASILY. WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH APOL Insist on v in packages Costs no more than inferior package soda never spoils the flour, keeps soft, and is uni versally acknowledged purest in the world. nade only liy CHURCH Ik CO., Hew York, staid &T crocus uj w lisn. Tsr-j.-a . an rrrrs" nf Tilnstils lliiihiss mnl 3-GALA-DAY8-3 July 3, 4, 5, '95 -m- Portland, Oregon Parade Starts 10:30 A. M.of the Fourth Gorgeous Pyrotechnic Display -AT NIGHT- Speed Association Races In tne Afternoon for Purses Aggregating $29,000. Races From Jane 20 to July 6. REDUCED RATES ON ALL THE LINES See small bills for Programme. AMERICAN Palmer & Rey Branch Electrotypers Stereotypers. Merchants in Gordon and Peerless Presses, Cylinder Presses, Paper Cutters, Motors of all kinds, Folders, Printing Material. Patentees of Self-Spacing Type. Sole Makers of Copper-Alloy Type. DR. GUNN'S IMPROVED UVER PILLS A MILD PHYSIC. ONSPIIL FOR A DOSE. nmti of thA sMfarnla Mesh d&T is nMHtnir fnm A beeHh, make it Tbeas pills Boppljr what the system lacks to PMralax. Ther onra Hfladaush. hrio-htan thit &2 I clear the Complexion better than cosmetioa :her gripe nor sicken. To eoQTince yon, we wui ree, or a fall box lor 26o. bold era KO JSfiD, GO rhilac.ft1j.hia.Ptw CIIICKEN raising PAIS If you use the Pttalam" lacabaters e Breeders. Make money while others are wasting time bv old processes. Catalog tel is all about it, and describes every article neeaea ior w poultry business. The "ERIE" mechanically the best wncci. srreiueexmouci. we are Pacific Coast A eents. Bicvcle cata- logue.mailed free, gives full description, prices, etc., agents -wanted. PETALUMA nrcUBATOR C0.,Petalnma,Cal. BttAMcH Hqusb, s3i S Main St, Los Angeles. sent od a plication. 11 FOB I Bit 4TPBe 1 I SB Illustrated I 1 saaaa u ji rsusiE. LITTLE'S POWDER DIP THE BEST MADE I Mixes with eold water. Reliable and safe. IMS U10UI.& C0 Portland, Or. ffitfi' Moni' WELL-KNOWN BEER (IN KEGS OR BOTTLES) Second to none " TRY IT... No maiter where from. PORTLAND, OB. flavor. BEWARE of Imitation trade marks and labels. Jt O