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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1893)
LADIES We are going to close out our Ladies' and Children's 6hoes at STRICTLY Wholesale prices in the next ten days. Now is the time to get a fine French Kid shoe for little money. Come early before the sizes are BROKEN Everything goes, and will go fast, for we are going to quit the BUSINESS. We Have t r H E F N E S T I Suits Overcoats ! Hats ! Underwear! Ties! Gents' Boots! Gents' Shoes! Of Every thing! Made by the finest White Work men in the latest styles at the Lowest Prices that were ever shown to the trade in thi3 city. In other words, '-we are strictly in the swim" with the best of them. Call and get prices and you are sure to buy. CLOTHING STORE , CORVALLIS, OREGON. Notice to Farmers. All kinds of Produce will be taken at HOTEL CORVALLIS in exchange for Meals and Lodging. Fraternal Directory. BARNU.M LODGE, No. 7, I. O. O. F., meets every Tuesday evening. Fisher's block. S. N. Wilkixs, Sec. M. Craig, N. G. QUI VIVE ENCAMPMENT, No. 26, meets jfirst and third Fridays of each month, Fisher'siblock. W. H. Curkin, Scribe. J. L. Underwood, C, P. ALPHA KEBLKAH LODGE, No. 34, meets on the second Friday of each month, Fisher's block. Airs. T. Samuels, Sec. Mrs. J. M. Applowite; N. G. YALLEY LODGE, No. 11, K'. of P., meets every V Monday evening, F'arra & Allen's block. J. M. Portkr, K. of R. & S. Kowen Lester, O. C. . 'h R1ENDSHIP LODGE, No. 14, A. O. U. W.. meets " first and third Thursdays of eaeh month. National Bank block. W. Yates, Al. W. E. Holgate, Recorder. MARY'S PEEK CAMP, No 12C, Woodmen of the World, meets second and fourth Thursdays of each month. Bowks Lester, Con, Com. Hiram Gould, Sec. CORVALLIS GRANG!:, No. 242, P. of II., meets last Saturday of each n onth, First. National Bank block. John D. Letcher, W. M. J. D. Johnson, Sec. 10RVALL1S LODGE, No. 14, A. F. & A. M. , meets on the first Wednesday of each month, Fisher's block. J. D. Johnson, W. M. O. G. Hopkins, Sec. L'ERGUTON CHAPTER, No. 5, R. A. M., meets the " second Wednesday of each month.lFisher's block. O. G. Hopkins, Sec. J." A. Gibherd, H. P. ST. MARY'S CHAPTER, O. E. S., meets on Friday proceedingJfull moon of each month, Fisher's block. Mrs. F. A, Helm, Sec. Mrs. B. W. Wilson, W. M. OREGON COUNCIL, No. . 2, meets the fourth Wed nesday of each month, Fisher's block. J. B. Horner, Recorder. Z. Job, Th. Hi. Master. ILLS WORTH POST, No. 19, G. A. R , meets the J first and third Fridays of each month, Farra & Allen's block. W. E. Paul, P. C. F. M. Johnson, Adj. ELLSWORTH W. R. C, No. 7, meets every first and third Fridays, P. M., Fsrra& Allen's block. Mrs. F. M. Johnson, Sec. Mrs. B. W. Wilson, Pres ClORVALLIS LODGE, No. 388, I. O. G. T., meets ' Saturday evenings, Farra it Allen's block. Clara Fisher, Sec. A. M. Herbert, C, T CORVALLIS TENT, No. 10, K ). T. M., meets every Wednesday evening, National Bankblock E. C. Wells, K. of R. C. W. Holes, Com. WANTED. To borrow ?400 or 50O. Will (five Ifilt-ede security. Enquire of 32 Hartlehs & Davihson. TO LOAN, a few thousand dollars at 8 on im proved farms in Benton county. J. R Markley. Wantkd At West End meat market. Job's addition, fat cattle, hogs and sheep, also -poultry. A. & A. L. Hathaway. FOR SALE. A complete assortment of pencils, pens, inks, tablets, box papers, legal, writing and typa-writer papers at The Gazette stationeiy store, by Conovek Sl Kitson. If You have made up your mind t buy Hood's Sarsaparillii, do tint be persuaded to take any other. Be sure to get Hood's fearu.ip uilla, which posesses peculiar cura tive power. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for Moderate Fees. Our Office is Opposite U. S. Patent Office, and we can secure patent in less time than those remote from Washington. Send model, draw ing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Onr fee not due till patent is secured. A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," with names of actual clients in your State, county, or town, sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opposite Pat snt Offic. Washington, D. & COLLEGE. NOTES. The monthly examinations closed Wednes day. Uncle Sam has just sent a new set of sig nal flags to the college. Miss Addie Davenport is visiting friend at CorvallU where she will remain a few days. Mr. W. H. Buoy, a former sl udent of the 0. A. C. has just finished a successful term of teaching at the Wren school. On next Monday the literary societies meet to elect contestants far the contest to be held here in the near future. President Eloss and a number of the faculty went to Oakland, Oregon, yesterday where they will attend the farmer's nisti tij te. The foot-ball game with Monmouth which was to have been played here yester day had to be postponed ou account of bad weather. Mr. J. D. Pike, of Moro, was taken sick with pneumonia last week and has gone home. We hope that his recovery will be soon and that he will return to the O. A. C The last issue of the Times stated that a magic lantern exhibition would be given at the college on the 29th. This is a mis take for it is not intended to take place un til the Monmouth boys come up to play foot-ball. PHILOMATH PASTIMES. Mr. Spaulding, the village smith, has pro cured the assistance of Peter Hunter to meet the demands of his prosperous trade. The W. C. T. U. hold an entertainment at Philomath College Thursday evening. A good program is prepared. Thanksgiving services at the M. E. church at 11 a. m. and offerings received for the Portland hospital . Rev. H. L. Barkley preiched at Simpson chapel Sunday at 11 a. m. and at Oak Ridge at 3:30 p. m. Mr. Levi "Watkins accom panied him on the trip. Rev, J. R. Parker, of the U. B. church (Liberal) conducted the funeral services of Mrs. Herron at the M. E. church Monday at 11 a. m. The house was well filled with friends of the deceased. P. B. Williams, pastor of the U. B. church (Radical,) has just returned from a lecture tour through eastern "Washington and Idaho. He reports heavy losses of crops there, and much threshing yet to be done. Quarterly meeting of the U. B. church (Radicnl) will be held at Plainview, Linn county, Saturday and Sundav, conducted by H. L. Barkley: P. E. "Y." HERE TO STAY. I am here tif stay and always ready to do all kiuds nf tine wood-work, furniture re pining, cabinet tnakinjj, etc., to order. Aluo store fixtures of the latest approved pat terns, new buildings and repairing, wood turning and trimming in the 'lest possible manner. Prices the lowest.. If joii have not got the big dollar to pay, I will trade my work for anything useful. Estimates, plans and specifications on short notice. No chi-rije for plans if job is let to me. 0. E. Ekickso.v. FOR KENT. 320 acre farm; 170 acres in cultivation, balance enclosed pasture; good baildins, orchard, etc. M. S. Woodcock.